CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 May 1900, p. 1

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'e- 4i "NT Lîbertyville. Lake County, IIIinols.tFr-y a 5 90 15 eri dac Vol.'VIII.-No. 33. bn fitting. you out in a Stylish Suit or Overcoat?,- Va mcv how te o it and do if wel- -AMd the prjet, toc, ila obe aconaidarel, Tht Moaey you sava in buying your Spring Suit cf us- -a WM as gocd to you as ay othar money REMEMBER--A Made-to-Order Suit fits you--and holds ls 9hape until ail worn out. Is much more styliih, tool WE TRY TrO MAKE OUR SERVICES .......SATISFACTORY ....... SANBORN & coýl Tailors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block, Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovel'sorug Store mou" Faon " 81&0 N TO OP. M. Llber>YVIIle. -Illinois Dr. J.,. AYLOR. Office over Triggs & T-aylor's. 7 f0 10 & M. 2 tto 4 &Di0.tas8 P*. gosîdenos on Broadway oppoIte Park Libertyville, Illinois. Cir. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physictan and Surgeon. r l5g< ICOPPOSiTLEUNAN MOTEL ULD. ----- Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over L.ake County Bank o is: to12 a m. and1 t, 8 p.. M. DAI LY Libertyvîlle, . PAÙL MacGUFFIM, Attorney and Counsellor et Law. NOTARY PUBLI.C Oprics Wrrx LàusCoilIÇTY BAMK, Libertyville, Illinois. *BENJAMIN H. MILLER, 1ATTOINIEY AT LAW, - IDERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. K*t05? BLOCK. WittL ATTCNO TO W. B. -Schaeffers Norsery Long firove, Lofe Co.. 111. Fruit and Shade Trees. Grapevîines and Smail Fruits. Evergreeca nd Plowerlng Shruhs. MAX LE BEAU, ...Fine Cigars . . Tobacos sud Smokers' MateriaIs. Cigar Wholesale and Retai, LIBERTYVILI.E - ILLI1411S Lake County Bank, WRIGHT, DYMONO & CO.,' Lîbertyville, Illinois. Issues Interest Bearing Certifi- cales Payable. un Demand. Tlmothy, Clover, Millet, Hunigatlan, Red Top, 1Blue Grass, AND AILL INDU 0F PURE Field & Lawn Grass Seeds Seed Corn& Fodder Corn P., 3wue i 1% Reaaiasbls es. cubj CHIARLES STEMPLE, Long'Orovo Iloils.î Libertyvîlie. 111.1 Mion Lace Induatriel, Chicago; cap- iW stock, l, 1 Sl;maiufacfurlng lace aud Itrien, aptnunng ention, ev.- 1lng v(Ml, @e., luorporatora, John Ai- exsuder Doive, H. Worfiingtou Judd, Hamuel W. Packard. Thle above publinsilu thfe Ilii af in- Corporations for vicilcharters vere granteil yerterday ai Byrintiold th ie Secretary off$slte la o!iseuci logeront ta Wgunkegan, as. le roaily fihe tirst moue 'fovar.!a ticearryibg ouf o!fie uanufactnrlng end of Doies City 0f Moan lu boton. Wti a Capital stock ofia million dollars, if @semna liat tle magnitude aifilhe couceru ils. iardiy before been coluproliendeit. Tilat if gnomon business la quite probable vien t tu. taken Juin Conslfleration fiai f0 gel s charger for a cnncern viti sncb a Capital tock conta fie iuc'îrpnrstors $1041 itlgtri, An flic lace iuîlîisry te b. estaiuiil- e.! i)Y liosie vilibc tic iro4tan.! only InstituCtin of if.. uni th C outry, andi anfile govermeut has expresse.! a favorable attitude loward if, fie business viii vifbouft oubt prove a succeas, sud vilii ho sgooiitdraving nord for oîfler Institutions of varleit natures. Witiln tires monthe, tho promoters ..ay, gronun. iliie moknen for fieecrcctiop 0f factoris. The site la lu fie ceonter o!filhe bg tract vlicih Dr. Dowie lias purclisseci la Bouton. Samunel Stevenson, s Prosieuet - ice manufacturer of Loulon, Eng., sudaa .ievoteil folloser of Dowie, yull bave charge of file enferprise. About 3(f10 PeopI illviibc emliuyed lu fie lace vanks. Henry Dardes, file Racine nman ar- restcd on file chlarge of rnbbing Chlarles Poisn store la tilaCity onufile u igili 0 A prîl 30f il as bid ftafils Grand .lnry*Jat week lu bogkde of $1000. Thle evidence on wiloi Dardes was bild vau etilreiyi. circumtantil, lit vas considerefi of ennug i eght f0 over- balance file tehflmny of tireo vît- ufisses for file detense, for had fieir evideuce béen credlf-ed, Justice V'an. Deusan conld neyer bave ibid file man inthfil acenft i. Dardes tanktfie stand and lnassed that on file nigili o! file 30th he vas In hils boarding houge in Racine. Re had neyer limon in Wau- Jkegfn betore nov. fils landlady, Uri. L.. C. Woo~d, festifinîl that on fila aigus of fthe 30th Durules vas lu file bouse ail f1>.- .veing, lniisting fiat aile knew fie. bail not gone £vay. Johi chianf, anii.fhc hourder. tentfiied filaihe knew Dards vau In file bonse ail file nlgilt le question, vhile Carl Larsen, anofilor boarder, said fio knew Dardes vas lu the bouse f111 8 o'ciock. Thie mate ln- siifed ft as filte boarding bouse la ea? fthe depof, Darles bil ample finie to catch file train and get bore uf 8:29. Mamy e [un At Low Rate of ...Interest. C. m. GORIAM, OFFICE AT PEOPLECS BANK. --IoeW tt's Liétlo Rarly Biera Ara 1hé fineat pubie ver une.'l,"J). Ji. Mpre ARUMIJENSFOR ?NEW TRIAL. Partlcuiar ftreau Upon States Attorney'a Allusion@.. Argumenta ver. hard before Jndge Donally B*furday for a refilai of Goorge Krusger eonvicted of murder and aeisseuced 1te1litelieprunmeut lut ieacit. Thlrty-sevun axeeptions vere lakton, lbe one ruceling par-j ficniar empliais belng itoS Afttorney lleydobkers aluaion to Krnieger's silence..1 ln bis pies_liefore the jury lMr, Heydecker Raid: -"Prom fie ho (Krueger> aald to Lalranîz, 'Bertha alot me' bis lîpe have romainod aoaled." Whiney for file defense bore nbjecfed, sudileydoker qnaltied his statement by adding, -" ho bua rlghfta!' Ti jndgo tien Infurposed and caufloued Mfr. Heydocker fiat bis. remaria vere improper. and Hey- docker furt ber addod, «-l «y ho bas a rlght 1.- Under file atinto a defendant bas fho rigilt ta remain sulent. Any allu. Mion &te eact that a dalundant does no&Étfiy lu bis avu boiafla it sl. propor, and MIr. Whituey luabils argument citâtd soverkl cases vibre now trials ilad been granteil becauso art he proscufion directing -juys atfegglon ta thi lacst tiat tile defen- danf'liedid Dot taie >tbe'stand. He citait Bupreme Cout decisiona f0 suiefanflafu bis argumentl., MIr. Witney coutinned: - "If may lie argned t fai trialt arqe xpensive,i but 1 blleve as muni as i heloeve lu My existence filat If taien ta file Itupremo Court a new trial wonlit ho granfud George Kruoger. Nov I defendanthils len depniveit 0fi rigifuder tfil ie o souidt Iflb put f0 file expense 01 goiug f0 fil Bupreme Courtandthfie cousequen delay. 1 belleus lAiere la se mucbil tianous point lia&$file defendant f ont Iit e na nov trial on fiai alan. Wihie file Court teid M li.leydtekn etthtilie fiat ho hait no rlgili i. mie@ancil a stafement, and instructec file jury mot f0 cenalder Il, yet vi eau knov file Impression il lhait on tilt jury", The ofiler pointa chtdvers ai1 9feecinature, th. mont Impoean niofshîcil are given belov. 2 lu hlm reply te tMr. Whitney tMr fHeYdecker ciled aufioriffea andt couri 1docisions la besisal! of hlm arunent Dlie coutended liaI sereev e trials rihdllboem grauteit a direct all usion hle been made ville bis vordW cnuld ltg conafrueit only as au Indirect allusion, ilft An &allusIon af ail. He declared fiaugth fislence of a tefeàdaufInlay Lix commented IMPOnI hfiu i@lstellure tW fako telie ianit May notslie. tr. Heydeoker sa voll supplie.! vifi authorhfiea nufile nusure of declslana silovlng fiat vibre motions for nes trials were in contfention On fie par- ficular point ràasd lu tilla case, il vuabic.! ua f0 liesufilcient casme for a nev triai. Mir. Ucydecker ansvered aers 0frfile àtiér pointe blons bly snd is argument vas a leugtily one. The ofilor pointa niait. ly counisefor deftense vore: Thattfier toof exeeptions ta the î'îdge*s Interprefation f0 jurors;a01the cxircciou. "aullty licyond areason abie daulif.' That file couneil telieves file court crr., ln nef discilarglug fie doen uurors aid ilpauellnu au enfircIYnew one affer tii. , o! Q. H.lSt afford. TisâtIimproper sud lussnterial euideuce pae adu.lffed lneluding sLtfecalregarding blackberrles nefteblug ripe. by ichard Omiti.: Charles Neyer-', exominstion or a pilotograpu.; hahuman'j ste.eeli aut conversation ihe Lad siC illira. Kru.u#lr; Pauîuîas' ns allue satoifentfns.o wlîopc revolver vos usc in uelb. iooting; Elissortu, Wlexo sfmimouy rcgordiug efat"meuf ile muade tf0 coroiier.. jury.' Thioffliccouri arr>.!lu sllowing Coroner Kniglif fatelif y s fabis opliinOf fi.. recufits eflire. Itrueffers arcssud uSa regardlu fie vounda lu ber ila. That fth.> ourt erred lis oilowing Dr. Noell tt entIf y oa ias s uicides ibid reviiivers ond scanner un shiolt suicides shoot flicin oeives. Tliatl ulorcrcrosÀ exanslnotion vos masde of He-nry Krueger. That La FranC z was ontf permiftid testlfy fliat Eriieger.had tbld, ils it silot hlm; liat L&Frantz wax 'iras examned lImprogicrir. Tilt file coroner's jury's verdict on fli. Inqueit affilhe fvo victime vag.ont adniitfcd lnto evld.,nce. Tilat Geiger Should nef bave liOu Per- mlfted Ca test ify sas f0ofiler sliotiug onu fie igb of Jury; Chat LaFrantz*g evidcnceoC flich i,î'îueist siloul.! bave been admlffed lfo evidonoe, Tilt file George Kruegaer revolc-r and file. une found lu lIrs ruegers %bond soaulîlni; bave beau aliawed f0 5gofa file jury vil ut retired. Tiat file eaurf erred lu refusu numern Instr-uctions Ctthe jury a4ied hy Ch. en. Tlaf file verdict vasé coufrary f0 file lsw lan.! evidence l le cheel f liof file verdict ia ona ostie.! lis flicevldenee: filat;file evidenoe dees nefsiloswfils prisioner gulity bayoud a reasumal doulif. Tillt certain memnbira o!filhe jury baill expresse.!opinions affile defondant'w gulît or Innocence pluin f liing callel as juriaras. Tiat un clônlug. file efaes attoreys made Imsproper e earks, sncb as cuomcrifing 0ou fils foilure of file defeudant f0te tofif s and afttng tilaf Krneger's son Eddie ils. ben Offered **lu filadesoerafion O!filhe difence.! During argumenta of attorney» Judge Donnelly nofed t aifiorties elted aud aflfiloir concinalon look file natiteIr under adviésement. He vili refuru te Wauiegan June Bd al shIch time is doelonvwili bc given. Krueffl wmlauois t uringthe utrgema .ls. i.eik@sou, vasau1y haven sd bisamuquh.niceiy ourlait HO $Ô1* tha-*OU t abeli y hlm ai durlug hbs fimons lhitue for "liun Eew *'bd iffv M as mçiseo 60eda «e& Wh" I. UàWA _ k PmunmziiîsCONVENE 4I>elegeatea IceDuuo W o naaa'* 8Suffraig. rLake Couinty Proll.itionîlts t ai Unrunee 1mI 0afuday. If vws the annual conven$ion ,o!fithe coid vateg people te seleçi delogafe te thoir $ste convention, àd Ia ilargely Atleded. The Probilotioi tudifted lna« toast pro pured ly tbe laies sud thon If vas reaolveo aseetdeloate ao filhe agate tConventSion Whn vii vote lem an AuMinout eaumfor presideuf. Tho tollovlug Vere ciloas: M. B. Wells. W. I. Knlox, G. W. Selanber. l'. L. l"-rXOns. V. y. Darnes, lt-. .2. Dix, Alfred 81-allard. , v D. C. Duions, 11'. A. Roabinson.. It. B. Dizon, Pl. H. Strigw, L. B. Morge, 00o. Wilbur. 1B. J. cloes, B. Dal.leon. 11.ý- J. F. Hunier, T. flocon. L. 1'. Janone- Ev-enîl arsil. N. il. Cannon. Edwari Yeoman. H 8. Geil. 11ev. J. F. Hunger, (;fituseil, vas elected ciairman o!file contny com-. miftee. L. F. Jeanniene vas con. tlnued as Murteyad Everettliarsh treasuirer. Judgee v. V. Barnes, of Lake Bluff, vas named for vice-chair. man. 'There vere feu. ieugfly resoluflous adopteit and asong file maet Im-7 Portant vere fthe foiiowing.,« leflOoLVEu.-Tilat v" ini neifier la Icritrîtenor lu the code Of enligiltenied atat-amanoiliîî. aSvWarant f the fil iensînit o! cvii and desrele le moral and volificai condition o! any coOlenify tlil, d.tcid lo thie miismpt fo aupDiorg the eoPv"unfent oifilbe peoplefrein fhe miro- ceedià0f snyfhlug se dearructive o0f Morale ond! virtue asnfile saloon or tiie liquor framS. lissoLvav-Tilaf vIaBew.-deiaeOur layait y tfatfli verunsent And!ta file IPresi. d'ut of flic United Sftages. lu thle administre. Lion s e! l las,.Oatour colry. ve do Dot aePloa!filhe PasIfIJOantkeîîby the. boa. ol aur army snd Davy 0o1 tii,au iect offilhe uanteen and are oppose!ta te t aifl in Intoxicants vitil the brave di.fenders oSfithe CulOnsO, yeuse services gallanty and devOOfL on cenmnd ou, admiration. 1&28oLVBu-Tla ville W",fovor Wonsan toffrage. voare oppose.!Of il-ibecaMing a tlia fîmesa questien laNaItifonal convention IL bing ratier a 5msfte question titan DatIonal; Tilereipre vi fovor relgafins nilaf sudiee.-cth ie respect 1iy. States. liEsnLva>-Tbaf vO are opposed ttel langerous tendneui41 SOur courts f0 rule 35 liîoifion lu masseussavire file ilberties of aur PeOPlW cion Id bc Iuarded by jury triai.i MssOLvwu-Tilay vV foavt'siwb changes iu file lavaa sail iiod....- fte ecorrection of thc cxisttng aiws Mlu tihe chihes of United! States nfr. Addreaaere aode by Hon. Hale Johnson, 0f Heston, asud State Sceore- r WIMIson,0f Chicago. tilr. Johnson, sb file prohibition naMluiee for vice- proienf of fila feitof t Bates four ycars aio. lie lma aw chairian of file ftate central oommitfee and la promu- nentlY meutionIed fo.rfile presldeniial Dominationi. Aifrcd ilpalforîl, of Mulihuru, f ur- MhIe ilC te musit'for file meeting. Mra. Anna, o1 Rosocrans, A Flug Ransinjg. Our gaulai friand. H. W liallory. pro- Prlef0rth fe XMoiury Hou»a afDruce Lake proposes f0 celelirato fhe open- log 01fis resorf ltuo unique manuer thi e sson. lMc bas remodole.! aud impraveit bis place andt as 'a grand tliale vimi bave a".log raiang"s unday, àmay 279li on whel> nOccsselon Judgo JUON, o1 Waukegau viii deliver a shorf aditres.. Mr. lisllory Write.: ,-l ai b.hoplease.! f0 iave ail My aid friends preut on filaiday sud f0 meotuas m unounes as possible. if sIf le ey 62d birtilday aund 1 siali 0oai lu sMy paver f0 maie ltpleasanf fur You aIl',sudnwu kse mo i i May lir, ldiallor.y ecoa!mauy more anuuiaiceassions o!filhe nature mon- fioneci.lHe ha an flcol landiord sud Stoie lMornanditBuggy- Chas. Lavejoy who Iives peur Grange liai tu Wrren fhonka aur Couniy seat langofting metropolitan lu more' voya fsu one. Mir. Louejoy venttofaWavkegan Bat urday evlîalng reaefingt&boe about 9l 0'clock. He fiedbils iborne 8f tho nortia of Neiteuzies tmrg store. lHe vent avay aad returnedin l about lltteen minutes f0 tfile rig goue. A&firat thomgilf, if vas helieved thfe animal lied mnuavay, lutthie haiter remaineit on fie pont and hait beau Umbuceiedetfromic anmai, ne n, pravhng if bat becia faken avey. The police vere noitited and vuiri vws Bout ouf fa neigllorfug fowssbut vifil uo resnif. Mir. Lovejoy lu. employaid by Lyun Woollcy metlient tif f.*înee. Ifiaides tic murs.> und buggy,ftue laf- ter belug simunat 10w, a nes, robe Iay ,nu the meutsud Roule mailt aIse. ay lu lie bottoni of the buggy. If la iloped fie latter May tictflie mouns o! troc- Ing file tilievos. At file finie ftle borse vea.aken file vclity sas tilrouged vif i pedeafriaa tho Iriglaieon. Til.borswasa asorr. w itie face About l1-banda ligil. * Wa u é g a u , p o l i e 0 0 . 0 ~ e e la 1ett hsg or1.hMeM MFER tAKE COIJNTY CATIL LBttç Srd of Heaitil to luvade 1 Waukegsa ?ext Week The 81at@ Board of Rost i la rported Niiln fo b. resuming liesactlvitues alongth liii. 0f1Iamining caMOleforti tber- Sculott e lte vlciaity of Chiaso. b The dairy fams lafthe violulty cf Euasison voe. ivaded lit vek, and F libre la anyhiing lunlMme, vo are becorilng famoug an Bellveol Wukegn aa veinly vlI Our crotfions are fakiug rank focéally Wtb file beet Chic t Deé wek ankeau Bd ieinty ill W. bring to liulinery selling file liberallfy thaf preradd i h villfd. o!fihe store-and fiat ineaus-Higbent clans of effect at Tihe cattie viii h. pams efupn se- est prlces. eedins tefile symptina tey devlp under the Inherculin btentu. Tb#q viii b eonucted by siate veteanarîagaFOR ON E WEE K, m»d eoodsmued cat4is vils eW. ser ef Priessea.SIAW SAILOesl. go ea telanad laugitfled as etsUgo a sdlsoeaei b.-igcand oMW Mais The mancer oft fasung thte catile for l'h. $1.00 Ballot for.... 7c The 75c. Ballot. for.... syptms0 cnsmtin asimple. The Mec. Balleor..,.Th48 ie 50c, Belot. for .. Tuberculin la hypoderilcallylJecfed ÇKCILDRBI'fS IATS--We are unnsuaiîy vell prepared jute au %sisaul and Iflifs teluporat are * To glus ou lîtéle frienda a treat- riseu 10 àegres abov#-th ie normal If la .,Ana th.. ioo atregular C condamunaditAi epeaue aui Dry gooda prices, ach............., F mterlally ehaugea il la prannnced sound' WOMEN'S iIATS-Wo are addlng flew fhings every va For the caIle.siangbtoed fthe 51.1. *Flue d1lspiay-lhosedeairing olegant lt lnr ta mv vîll have In psy front25 $0 50 Per Coul gn. l7r-vifl do veili f0sou our Dopi. of file vaine appratu.d by tilo 9ver. We alsa dispiay tninmed Bata as low as ý(escil) ..... TAie rat usaof mile StasUe PRy 1hlà ul____ vaine viii prbably be prote&lo agau ih ie ovuens, auw afglmej» busabeau mde'<Baaât -hil plans ni tile commlmonrs eou1eai pléate areduction 01t he saiisupply thst iii sad ina 9u oas a thelb.- Samun Joues' Latent. *,Whou Qed giveza ammau&avifseanMd six ehldren, Aie ilu doue a grst demi for tilat Mma. But sien ils givea hlm a vite sud a poodle dcg, ils bas throsn off ou use. Tbomsasclety somun look upon cildren as a nuis- ance. I have ilad semaeofthfie.oIt 801SocuY voMM an hako huait ulme, sud 1venM lust " bon@hako a dead fiha ais teli. -Vonos lgive one of your soU-dare voMM sfor ail fhe socleîy voesu la the oouutry. lie- veon th. cnîting off bthe p frfila itremesfortheh allramansd the battose ter 5h. bicycle Ibmseclefy vomen VIII s@MD have uo elothes loft. Berne People oMY Feu, abouii ktW Ibis vMY befo,. mlxed andienm Ton old laises veer iigil clost salins ouait yont neeks. Tsaisre dem.Iyja ausely, but 4.11v, me fr080. seolep vomnnWho vsi'i*tââ colins auithab- Wala. Ton preachera donI telk fiat vay, de yau? YOU talk about fie Svset bye andt hys. Yon ougIIlt te speiabout filenaaty nos an 80v!. Au Open Letter te W. C. T. U. Guranufticonvention viic e bd lu file Guruso chnci,, Tiursday June. lîfi eommeucing ai l9.&m. sharp. -A report la itesreit front mach of aur thiren unionsse" Imn eauhConrnty Superluteuteut and the , (ouaty tiecrefsry. Treasurur and Organier. Conufy Buperilteuiteulsaandt oMeiers viii b. electeit fort.he coseng jyer. Thosa entifiot ta vote: i. Presideufa of local puions andit fleo itelegiafe troun union (vilici ve hope yaî viii dniy eleef sud seuit vitil uviffon croduntias.> 2. Caunfy muperinten- dents sud oflcers. Buf overy vwhite riliben voman yul bu olcome Exteni thInvitation te jour fiaonda ual memlera, seansd vomen alike. Bring luncil sud grain for fosses.Tea aut collée merveil. Comeesund maire Ibis su lnterssttng sud heiplul pro- gram. LOUSiA SHUPARD, Co. Pres. Aak for Charter. Lut wsouk Tiumuiy application vas made ta fethe Betaryof State for in- corporat ion papers for fie Fox Lake Electric ralreaith ie entierprisu leiug iromotat bv iB. D. Wyun, of Waukegau. Tile reqita io10inearporate viti $100,OOO capital. Tiare sil] bc flua lu. norporaf ara, tout. 0f1vilaniorfwatt. logan are as follova: 8. D. Taicot, Davait T. Webb, NioadClI.D As anon asufile charter la secnred. a franchise wil b. asked for lau&Q SELECT DANCES tlertel's Park, Haif Day. Illinois, Every Saturday Night. Smtha ChIlego Orchestre Fornishos the Music. Everybody lnvited. Wa Maintain the BBst of Order. Our (iatberings 5am Choice. 9. HERTEL. Mares,.. 155 IXtUbMiIIAND INTR3U OeUOM IUAS ~ se mI tl 55 Iu Sva" 1nu Am 86. r ra51 U$9TMULIUED NOV. a5ýU43 WAUKEGAN..ILLINOIS ou thie ras $l 0 0%q fiNe H GOMPA RE ..... These prices with Departrr Store Prices. 24 inch Vft a eth4per yar...................S$ 12 26 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 28 » .... ... ......... 14 30 ".. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 32 " .......... ..........- -16 34 5 *h 55 . . . . . .. .. . . . . 36 *» * s - - - - - - - - --....... 1 l li inch Tblck Seres Door------------------....75, 8g4Miima u------...... Elg Cultvatoea S1600 te..- ...... Tht beutdlp*ay of 011 Md GaaoUua Stoves evar aboyn a' ?~Lii Va vlet fPd= leuItostianthet$mre gdA"ar ueiod for in Chicago. These prices are for cash. Alil gooda bookedi be 5 per- cent. more., LIBERTYVOLE. ILL. IThe Iargest stock of Sin~ Harnesses Ever Shown CONS[STINO F.. Gonuine Rubber Trimmred,- Bra Trimmed, Nickle and Davis Rubb Trimnmed 18.00 TO 2500D S19.00 TO 20.00 7. 00 TO 1200 8.00 TO 1i4.00 ALL ÔRADES OF HARNESSs AT ALL PRICES. A FULL LINE OF S MORSE LKETS. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTrYVILLE. - - - ILLIK< hi.-Quao RECOMMENDÉD and. UÀIRANTi 1- e& »/À' qMI ,lý 40NE mi H-AVE, 0* N HAND

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