DAPENDBNT KEEI> PEAE 00@91ATl SSUDOE SHOWS WIS- , DOM 0F SOLOMON. W& aWwh Discriat èot uvley v4IWithou anfo-iicflE §ato or lutht-Pmreta Wmch toatlon of Their Peur Chldrta. tige Piegsr a: Cincinnati bas solved kmott>, prablex of Jot Hotnscheme>i- tht Court atreet graet-r, anuitMary, .wlfe-'vbo- ef t.- -&nei4eutt ti k tisti chihire.A.stht vite ad ter paitlvel>, refunedt talice vida htbeand a he mut support the lit- do am sat bc deprivet] ai thei ity, tise1curt ggeset]:"Let lira. O»etemeyer take ber huebeni tot Wi rida berad charge hlenaough uap tht immily." Tht propotsition te mpth dtstatue oi bushadtotathat ai ai! boarder" vms takeana der conai- lis by Hoesehtm!yer. Tht fther dZr~ht ta cmiliou hie eidrea at ro- abli imes. Bth temtiet] thetIt "taled fram Ovet-e t w-e-e lmes ctet-y atmq Leave TIrn u laniame and 1Attend CliedsServices. W hanse ai Tbamî.eBrt]>,, tea miles L Sabvilit, Tenu., vas cosumd b>, a" tour of bis childo-en perîthet] la les. Brpt]y vas a tenant fut-met tivi la a samasit rame bouse. Ie@, i t tt]tv gro*ti daughtets Went =cblt.dht evealat. They ltt tht atmattt ciilren aSeetp. eturnins cesreli t 10 o'cloek tht homse vas dInl a blas. Tht entraneras oh- 9*s Iy, lames, but the chldren couht mm >btlIJamIen la tht -roo. Tht 'arf biraet t desth. Troofaititeiti ioJsad tva vers girls, ondt Ibir '-à rtm58ta13 year. Conteste an tle. Olmunit, tt tndng of tht cubs la the Na- LI LAeaa s te tllava: W. L. W. U. 4.-pit 17 7 Pittoburg ... 14 13 kbt...le 9 Cncluttati -..11l1U eum..14 Il Newrk-.t. --7. 17 15e .18 2Btlotn - 517 thse Amerhcas League the t andsing W. b.W. L. 1aoi 17 7 Minneapois. 13 16 8ie .10l 9 Kanas ity -ly12 16 o....15 12 Buffalo-..10 14 1ai ..12 12 erit-.... 817 en a, uWarship. IqCer ar the Texasa mutiniet] on tht * sa rulse, rhich Preeaatly cadet] m jaRy avy yard. Tht coto- puS fficer ram Inuoited, tht offi9'â menegdint th mutlnetry. vers aflsute miont petI>, ffil as.la- I talali.. Odrnjpl tht court- IS! et ta a et tfl men abave bea F atal Accident. t ML à. Doala et the f tielon ai the Great Northeta biliaAsikm la an unusual mm-,- ga, a; bs a>, ta jabatea' ou alioéemîtor, wvhca a mii la- irunt af tht machint, sot]and te car tramt tht trmck. = etoceurre ntd a raut$ftW h itat McCutns. N. D. - LyuubizS lu Colorado. lva Ximblerm. a anegro muriterer, k 7»wbsi liia mob ai 15W0 citistas b ta* hlm tan a tran la tht ont- 9qo Puebla, Cote. Tht sheif a su-tlb ttikatliorities vert Omm junblern Rtb* ihetwttlde iM t lb. est 'tOrphana'" home in k il>, la an atraciotta masser. sean Lilluoblaat bai been auffetig tbfflîem otmcancer ai tht uec. a.boped tht ott. muid dimAte ai Hoa- s nUll tifect & cure, but the qttetas jute #oIent]s..ty tht le going home to * lsueu Oi hoeTeBrato nat. Ise aIt] Buciatgham Thoater, N. 220- P.Greta treeL". bulvile, son accu- aiby tht Aila urnltureComalny, s. aimotitotll>, iealroyct] hilire. Tht M* la estimaleit ai 830,000ta stock est] 1&0» ou buildinag. limbiodst Bisisops Art Choes. ,AVter valisa tor a rcek ta breïk a "Slok the Mcibot]lt gemetal conter- s la Chicago titetet] as ishopa Dr. Wvid H. More ad Dr. J. W. Hamil- pu. This vas acccmpliied ounte gev- etfenth ballot Priset*toi atuients Brava. Olrbtphr Colîpu Augur, 1)(2, of Ev- sste. ii, mt]biscus dut]clanumate. iiliip.~~ ofglaiHiu Nuthey, N. J., rate rarne] la h huliag rapide af Wlateue rive,, three miues froua the uni- aiy I ncelOu, . J INe DIamnoni 94rebr, ovam by tht ~ ud aiWilkesbarre CcatI CatAPan> t WllkeubarPt., vas destti b>, Sa. TlIo" laiaabout 000.I la mçpessi IRe Ire va &Meiat17startet] g'-teta.a -7pWUlbnty, »rtieste SIRie. eemamete lite Uat on lier liant] ts svýeq abefere Lt retedtitht bae aithse hIa* mi tht iresdinsg af lbecaria fose- aUsviulet iet, Mis.Jeuit Pitri- imia tommitti suicide at ber berne la Fbeuse. M.s_ liai Camur Oe ti. Mlio*aL ateesiihi plier are vae touai blnite ~iia of aiVau Baron. Mo. aud la- =ggilesbavreeaotue td bei shaoe *M tis are etilts la Immest quwati- po.ts e au te arival ththmtgest cepper usas la tht rt-d.A compainis h-, jý oegate oo-k the mines. 'Deatisluat" LuRlu 510. lImes tioing'lia pevaildint]laSt. Ioaw Oue unt otwas shohdei la hlm o*te"wby a bulle! Iret] b>,a nitoruman » w tt Isîdnia] lacesbetneen x15ev 1'Ieter for Bt.'bouts. ,4 er t4ettereniagn uci eiait>, for, OW ssIle squarc opera compai la Pro- "oerI Loa ni- cen ln liet t] J té isert- M». &**Ok Owm aT7r m-tW "User »076 te Cak. Whs' keta% li., yenl et oII, tb 60t UaittiStatas army and tsi4il riti tht battalon ofAmFifth iattriet t Weyl teSnaMle, lorder to ho with tht soiittaWho had won théir hearta wblle tht htaflon rat tationed et Fort Sher- ianeIw, o of the yong omen vert dl, ..att betore the train renched Hast- mon&, ad. Jesl Sherwood. .ged 11. wa. diacvered by on.e the oleers Just before the train rescbsd the Indigna lis.. 8h. b.d et off her hair and donned the mform la order to, go te Cuba with ber uweetheari Sergt. Michael Laugmeyer of Coapany K. The trainras topped ho- ftare the Une waz reaehei. and wtbout gttinth llvemttiin to $ay gaodby the *"tru removed jewse ft the trainando tjraed ber ôver to th. police at 'Grand VtOaaIat. EmeWloai, la yeata or Jcopaew ese, do that ln Cube a l n., Srgeat of Company- L, bt vms diacveret] ciauchint u.d. the st occopi b>, ber loyer JumI a. the train reachei Hammoni, lad. She ras tisctsti tramth train, white th.ésoMIe" grtti«tetelrasbaorme awmi osier ar- test., TRI ttu aer girs rba stiutihti ta th sart speeches ai tht bais of th Vit'il re t adiscoveret], but il lnati- peedtti tt>, iii ho detainet]. in New »USIN]ESS lB DEAD IN i IAWSON. Ora Part-t aithe Population Preparte ta Go te Noue, prlvta mtvlcem iram Dawsaon Cit rf- port .a gataick et businessa activtY. Tht Sanda>, clasiug c, together with ua- favorable veather, bave atarl i>,kUet] hua- ltue«. Tht temperaue vas thea <0de- greenabaove seroanmaith ntstier bai! bees atarI>, as rarm far tbree rteks, making IL sext ta imposible taouse taie ta temines. A hemvy tain it tht coua- try hareof ai aneu]in cossequuot sy- stytinasar limas o bauhet] ou ragans, wieli at iev la aumber. Ose sli fat 01,000, but the ruina prieIfl- 80.With- in Ion vctbe 500 harnetsremcebti Darws, il dcawiag heailî loadet] altighs ai et- etythlng. Imaginable. Temma tRal sli tor $800a short white hock ceam nov he ptucbae thete clitape thanL in the SIta. brettJilaumnabundace aifIe la- bor Il awsavon -s, tht mea have.just alappei diggit anmat]bave uat begna ta ali,,,.. Tra-thiria ai tht populatiosn wl probaithi go dora the river ta Nome as sono as nàvigmtion opens. Steamet-s vtth a capacity di 2000 pasengers are titd up thece ait thetrtiusprîntion a aredî sait] ou. Thte lemn-otp In Dawson rîi ho large Iis year. È10 PAPES PLANT SURNP. Expiosion af a Ctm Enaise Cmt, eiia Lamocf 0100,000. /' The bigttanhoard and] Bdper box board iaetory ai the t lill'perCom- pany et Hartfodaity 11,.. Ir..coveri ive acaofvanad1a, naq 41mos destrayet] hy are. At 7 o'ekib lainthe eveaisg tht 150-batte poer gaz englue tiplodet ast] the tiameton spreemit tilugli the peut. ThetetPI.-ta ai the 4oeai ire departmest ta MiatItht cames rere futile an te- ,fiuat i tht p eal ing hcatet] oulaie tt ecrporcle limiteanast a great distance frao tht ire hîdrauta. Thtehas aitht compsny la eattmmtet] ta o e$1100.000 Os tht builditngas ad contesta. Oae ai tht large machines ahotne cet 83,00. Tht hst la hllevedt 10 hofulI>, caveret b>, In- tarae, Tht capschîy oi tht cascrs tiat but rocenly been doublet] ant] thilt ie 'the second]big Ore vîthis six mntR. jeweler aitor ia lbi.' As tht recuit oran ahi grut]ge, E. S. Devait], a Guthret, Ky..,entier.aid J. ,Fo-aub Hulehinson, edilar ot the Guthtle Graphie, bat] a abootiug tifra>,, durisa vhich Devait] shot Hutchinan triai thiaugit tht longsandst]oue lntht at-m. Vîrgil Marshall. a vîtes to tht igt, ras accit]tutally abolt aid atally ronid- et. Gîvos Up saC&afeilerate Flair. Thetlia ai tht ThirtietitLoutelana Coniedeeste regimetet. capluret] hofota, Atlanta s nJul>. ý. ltii,%by tht Forty- slrtb Ohio, ras surteuittredt] tatht sut- vivats af tht Ihîter negimeal b>, lb. Gavernar at Calumbos, Ohio. Tht liait nill ho returnet] ta lte suevlvoes. afthe Sonîbers regimetet t a Coafeiterale ce- unian ln Lonisville Juse 1. noys lua F atal abueDuel Geo. Garber ausi test Burgh, tacli aged 17, fohi aàsbust duel at Braxil. lsd.. vhich nIll relait fatal>, ta Burgh. Whe oeil basting the boys loadedt] btir uns wthlbsupposeit blasb carteitata. taok titeir positions sat] simnltmneously iret] aI emch other. Gsrber'a gua contalsed t geaulue cartidge tsi the builet ettret] Burgh's stoach. Vie ovBihopa Eleîti Thte ,Arîcas Metheidial Epiecopal Chancit cou fereace ai Columbus, Ohio, clecteit lice acv hiahlopi. The>, att: b. .3. Coppea. hiladelphia; M. M. More, Washington. D. C.; C. T. Shaffet., Phil- aittîphia: D. S. Smith, Nasbvilit. Tenu.; Evas Tyret. Nabvilit. Tenu, Mutrt]crere Sentençti ta DetI. John Moaey tait Frank Jritty, tht latter a idesperadoa. Ibonght la be anlet lu Chicago, wtt-rt he formerly lit-et],ver. staîtteet] at Whetiag. W. V'a., ta ho hangti Juiy 13 for alevingt billet] James lervey. ^ Nebrasa mRanchuma ia. Alois Stant]tmycr, e tascliman, ras murdered asut]bis bad t]> ringluon th* pisim e e miles tram Harrison, Ntb. -li rai mu cxtensivlvt1leman aidhait eon aut 10 lobk atter hie stock. Therit u eler ta hia thayeta. anidente Tiras tht Police. Tva huadret] University ai .,'Çeraskg stuitats reat on a rampaat the ather nlghltet Lincoln,aid la scollisaion nitl lthe policeassaultet] Obief Hoasat] and infcer Har-, bestia tht imtter and brembint bis hea. BrtihTabe Botha.laIm Htfa euala ma1,tlaeinr onsu priaiaid capturti Comnimt Betha asi tretîy-thrés alliera thlrty mlles tarllieet ai Kraanalai. Ktild by Wood Alcohal. Three mcanstanc no,1,uwIlnare t]tai ai Sentît Park, strà, ha W.~ , a a rasai et drlb>ng rosi aisohlol. ba rentée BujIlsPeter Brascis, Ju.Pales. sisabi tii tht lattie>mother are demi. At Ft-tsbiart. Ky.. Privais T#fflia Kage ofaibgb~Itta vassbat ai nstant. hi bilsel b1 Privais James Roberttson tht buffet pammiia Ibraugli a piles rail h fore - sîibiqg lu nr. - Itartlnumke SsabtaMexico. AItlte dlty ut Mexicoauaneartbquabî bat] three iitinet abubesai tarir,. treul, 'ait filtetnsacoudae ach, No serllui damirge vas itosee xoept enedti aIls. mtah*pg »mrei@leiede British troop e t.nauliced -labat amnved et Miafebing eut] conipelittith. BoM ts tareit tht sicat. Leniq la vilt vîth e. - - - Le yO tg er id U el ï Fc . z:teaWtIt1.1. , ".. - iali e e mut*v ai lb. AttefasUiÏ051 ciii ta thee pstiepet thetaînard tom. =aî This la ellect uphoidt Re coeti. -tlatIontuioaithe.Nebraska asti-trait BUSINv.E s SOWS DEKCLINE. Traie Nué WIst t lima* a remo- Aga- .Oplinio ns ltistheCause, R. G. Don & Co.'* reebklyrevier ai traite maya: "Business lauant t Il tas t rr smlo, but mes do sot ugret la -de- lina gtht dîfferenai. Tht rorbina farce, then Iaeiensintat.ila noW itecreaint. Worbs care stappisa la, relier. exessive Outputin luManufactures of pepen, collas. vol, It-atter ant] tome fermeaio seel, vbIle piersaire sutelenly redoceit for lte eaime puipame lu tend, vIre eut] neils. Wbat germa ta some niertiy sprisg tul- tics&,' others îtinb tlhe beginuint Oftne- actiont, Tht remeit>,for ose tiffirnîl>, dors net itIlthe otheî, ant] tti-rt Us mort neethXiuttlto loetttietoe-tbe meatilat of ceels. I lace aitht viii apecolation la setuelties viticit avelici ex- changes a yeer mgd Ibere bas cames sucb liquidation ltaItrtent>, pieftrrei iuduts, trial stocka bave aold Ihi eeerbt prilai averaging $83,14 sahlire. Ibotîghtuhe sanie stacks soIt la Apnil lest year for $99.08 eabare, ant Ieal>,commua have sali ibis veeb fatr8$".40 -phiceh luitan year at $76.99, double tht prie. Tht tut]ustriala Rhmve reatti tht lowetav- erage tht>, bave ever buovu. Failtiies fac tli e ebk have bees 117 lu lte Unit- edI States, aglalitt 147 tst yeaî, eud 30 la Canada, agiantasl17 lit eyar." 1tosband Bbois ea at a1 nt] the Fait Cbeurge Htlt ler. Ex-Itepreeeative Simou W. Cramet at] bis vufe, ai Pauliia, Ohio, wer-e t- temptiagto la ilatge e rat imaso a pile of débris, Mis. Craer beint os tht appo- site aide- fai a aatshtt] r;oniMr. Cramer, vba beid a loadeit siguîn lu hiebant]. Ut. Cramer. thinkiat i-he aitseentshie rt, lt-et], tht charge shcikint- Mie. Crt- metaitulu tht ftte.]eth ne-utint nshart- 1, aitterwrant. Tht coionert erit as Ihal demthrotuhîtram trelacitentai shoot- Ina. Mes. Cramer %as 60 yeore oit]. Mavne ta Ouat Clark, Gat. R. B. Smlfth of Montaa, Who bai l sretfuet froua Coliiormîle, tan- sotnais Ibat liteblt]ditecidedt] 1 inreigant Lient. Goy. Spiaga' appoinIment ai Sen- atur Clark ta tht vacascy createt] by ltaI gentlieman's cesignation. tud. litIbc bas bitostît sppointcti Maj. Marhin Mati-la naso etHeena 15 the vaancy. Mai. Ma- ginniseirevêtitsieacetplce. Indien shcot. Tva Womtn. A yaung Iniaa, Tue>, ebot est] killeit bis gîadtmother ndt]fatal vausteit bit ritre eatolle, N. D. Thteuturitere escapedt] lanisstoba. Ht le oui,10 yttrs oaitas] as nicîriti cecenthy agaloat tht vithes of bit graudmother. Ail tht pariesatre fuIl-bloodeit Initianu as thetrTle Moatais reser-ration. Arreut. Stade la IHavant. At Havaenaarrante vert Iestiet]for tht at-test ai B. P. Thompeon. tht- Ha- rasat posîtcten; W. H. ltettes, t]epnlY autai of lte iIandt. ast] Bitart] Moye ast] Jatte Mascara, Cohen clerita In tht 1stamp depatiment, amdait] lert lotît-ct tla the vivat, tht Tombeaorfiaae. Postal inspectais cauarseibcat-ceaI. Toua vanelatDiampucams Samuel Wyatt, a Young Enghicit eva- geimI of gond] aily. vbala missisg Ila Chieaao, iemvea quter lettera Inintisg that hie bas eommihtet] suicide uni mab- Ina viii ellurgea aglunsî proainenî mea la Dagiant]. ____ SBlooisisd t Indtian Dem At an Initias dance beld et Shawnee, O. T., ithe Indiansaan hitei elcîabtid «and tva romea rere serioqsir if sat tatally inJurot]. Tht Isians vert aii irak aid abJeeti ta hevina tht vhitca at-ant Inlatheir vay. Legai l .acht Beat.en tea Dtth. Prof. Ray Wilson White, an, instructue o a inutht Univerity>ofaiPeusylventa, vas beales ta itebth easthe alte-tlu aWest Phiiadelhiu. Thiet anepectet] ne- tgrats mre saier errent. e 1Tv. Killed aid Butin linot. Tra mtes vere billet] tnt]seven littc- rit, Lbre atalty, b>,thte explosion ar tht bolier of tht locomotive- ettachet lusotl- hount. passeager ltin No. 21 un lte Ilii- noie Centaltitlîron ah Duibois, 11). Crah on Pennsylvaie Rond. A Irais on the Penssylcaaonad ran k aInt, severau gravel cars on a bridge seau ýttht station et Mount itolly, N. J., owing a detective bribes. A nuaher of pas- ilsengers rectivet]inijuies. Monmet.aI Vtrrmignt'a BioIhpace. Ad wt e Dry unvel!et] tht mai-hi, ktsheit ereetedt] t mark lte birtitpiare or 1,Admirai Farragut et baw's Ferry.,netr Kioxville,- Tenu. Ohie bs.BDiset Att ai 102. William Plchoan, îget] 109. yeern titi. et Finihay, 'Ohio. Ht prabab>, vas lb, olitest man in naitbrtstetu Ohia,aid lait tommer choppet]Wood] for neeka. six Persans Axe Kitîté. Tht bolier of a'tocpedto boat txploied ti SI. Petersburg, biihing, six persans. MAtKELT QuIiATILOZS. Cicago-Catlei. . commuan ta prime, $8.00 tae$11,0; bats, sipping, grades. $3.00 la $5.50; sheep, fair tp- eholce, !P.00 la $5.75; vheut. No. 2 rot]. 65e te 07c; tain, No. 2, 37c Id 38e; ants, Na. 2,,22e la 2&c; ryt, Na. 2, 54c e l e; butter, cholice iamtcy, 1lite ta20c;e ts, frecl. 10ete 12lc; oen poltats, Bermuda, $7.25 ta $775 per barrel. Llmiaaailis-Cethe, ihipplsg, 83.00 la $5.7à; boge, choice ligit. 3.00 la 815.ffit shetp, commun ta prime, $3.00 ta $5.00; nbe-tt, N. 2, 70e ho 72c; cors, No. 2 white, 39e ta 41c; omt, No. 2 white, 26e ta 28c. St. LOUlS-Cattie, 83=5 ta $5.75; bots, $3.00 la $5.50; shetp, $3.00 ta $3,80; nheal, No. 2,. 71c-ta 72e; 'corn, No. 2 yebor, STe ta 89e; cals, No. 2, 23e ta 25e; rie. Ne. 2.55e te 57c. Oiclmiia-Cattle, 82.5D0te $5.75; bogs, $3.00 ta $350; abrtp. $2.50 la $4,78; - vhcm, No. 2, 72c te 74e- tacs, No. 2 muxet]. 41la 42c; aats, N. 2 mxet], 25e la 27e; ryt, Na. 2, 60e ta 62c. Dtrat-Cattle, $2.50 ta 85.75; huas, $3.00 ta $8.75; shecp, 83.00 te 85.00; wheat, Na. 2.,72e ta 74c; coin, No. 2 yelor, 839e ta 41c; esa.t No. 2 witte, 27e la 29c; ryt, 00e te 62e. Toitito-Wh<elt, No. 2 miacit., 75etel 70e,; cors. No. 2 mxet]. 40e tu 41c; aas, Np. 2 mixet], 23e ta 25c; cyt, No. 2, Me ho 58c;e laver set], uer. $4.95ha$te 6 tilwaikee-Whtml.Nu. 2 nurt-ters, 11<e lu (17: coi-, No. 3. 39e ta 41c; uats, Na. 2 white, 25e ta 27e; rît, No. 2, 50e ta 58c; balty, No. 2 4le te 43c; pot-b. mess.11.75 ta $12.25. Buffalo-Catt, chaloetahtpplig tela. $3.00 te 86.00; bote, fair ta primne, 8.00 ta $5.75; seep, fair la choice. 83.00 ta $m5.5'0; ambe, commua ta extra. $4.540 to $0.75. iNew Yr-Cettie, $3.25 ta 8000; koga, te8,0.l 8.00; sleep. 8,3.00 la 40.75. OTAlIUMiN Wt4O MIE DIOOIPLIU OF lzAA% WALTON. Fry%, Davis Gsag- »d OurA".Never ne Bappv»'"%« Tbur Drop Tbalr Dimalli "am irme te aise eo. Nuo.epttvoWhe 11m. * gangs tek within a feu, hou"s' ride of W~ashligton, probe- * by. than any ather at. Two bouse' rua lu a parler car - brings one to the *hume of the vicous, icaursgsoua. smai-, 'v*lmout back base of the Sheanaab sud tbe Petomae. Whcre thebit waters et the immoug vIrgiaa stream tort. their ray aeauad tbe mot- taian% bas. sud volaille with tbe Patomar la the beuinuios octwtice a huadred mile. et noble tiabas. There arc deep pools and ahallows; smilug tretcea of stili rater and tumbling acrs or eddy and wrhiripooi. beset rîtil bonidera and ail tttmlag ritb baia. The.bass ofthe Po- tommacad the Bheaandoah ire as crattY, as ively sud as gamey liaih as a man eouid wisli ta toy rith. A pauad-and-a- bait basa la tiscat waters at the end af 100 yards.o a i .khUe on a iaa pIt bamboo rod wil make yau think you are aghting a wldcat. Tht "Big Pour" amoag congreesional fishermen are Senator Frye of Mainte, the prealdent pro tempore af the Senate; $es- a1tor Davis ai Minesta, Senator <aar afi Iowa aid mater Quai ai Pensylvanie.1 What tht>, iot knuv &boult ighlug IR me orth îlesralag, at] nbat they bave mat tahd &bout iablig ag m ot nort hbeer- Ing. 0f course, each ont thiake hie par-1 ticulut- bint' oa is flala lejuperiai lu atli alhers, and hla yal ta bie uative treauls. but aUt wnU go fer aield] lu. seat-cIi af sport.i Sesator FryetgIsptobebly tht moutj consatent sportsman ot tht quarlet. Ht tae tte ata mp la tbt Maise -ods everyt sommer, vears a fiaunel airt, cals bacon anit le glati ta ett It, tut] lives tht lite ai a roodama. 0f course, be coine huck te Waehingtona&Ilitht bettet for IL. Ht cas centa a fi>,th tht best ai them. A Skillfui Flaberman. Semator Caabmas K. Dat-la of Minne- sota la an mrdent augier. Ltayhoity auggetla isblat trppsait be viii drap bis cartu as a achoal boy draps bit books te go a-svimmlng. Treties ant] coavea- Itiesare fargartîcaby t eliait ai tht commituet onu treiga relations, for the gimue, at] he ila1mt'impatiesce te yet a Unse. grerotDeyis-la as akihful as be la carmait, when fishlug. He has bat] gratLexperieate la the latte ai Minse- sota, nhicfr-aboads In gagne tlsh. Witetb- ce t ie 1stht agile Iront rhich rteea ta a fly, or tht big plcberel that takîe a bail ou a troll, l11le ait one e lahlm.sud everi iammus liating vter la bis Statc abouaitti with legeuis ts !bis ablhl. Ht la sot ta- pecisl>, approacliabie In hiesffcieaicet- padl>y,,but he leanmather- heint- lu camp an thteait] boultta addrese hlm ritb Impuniti as "Cus." A Manas fosicol rita vears a robe oa ig iti bes be gies fishisa. Ht nil trip np Is il sure. lenatar Quay ai Pennesylvanie la md- iettlu ideep nes flablu-. Tht babil ai anglint. contractecinlatht tront treames ai Pensylvonue, boa trown upan his ta sncb an etent ltat ortiuary sport dotes nulsatieti t>sbis cfiat uny langer. Ht needa muet teavel ahi tht nuy la Fiaenut]speut] iaysaeekiath Ie tierce tarpon. lHe bas a charmint 11111e but- ing latte on tht Placide rouet, est] rhcn- ever hRt ilds tht caret af statesmannhIP or pohilles oppretalua hlm be tastrala and lea anty for m rrcb or tva ai sport. Senator Gaar'a bock. gênti eur ut lan Ioa in ksavs ta et- tri guide tait boatInan ai the opper L'o- hamac, le a ict, Itece inose fanions spot la the rivet callet] Gtaa s le, ci- ter tht loren. tIo l uteaaeclusivo enida ana unclub rhlch tht Senatr visita. Ont Iay lie ras Jttlng ranciop tht river tsidliai trie : *Il the tialiag hales nith Intiffertn± sUceffs. fie di- rectet] tht guide tla ron bim tha acertain place-vhteb he spi, tait atter sannu the raler, obattvlag thteha>, ai th- land, lte character ofthlie ballt mat] tht drit ai tht torrent, said there vas tout] Bah- Ina tbere. Tht aid guide poob-pohed the lita. No one bat] tvee bongit af IShuma there. But lhe Senetor intiatet] on rIriSandsi ithi anas ouc or tva bat] cauetht thirti maguictt bats. lia ttylcalled tG l5eae noHae, ast] Iltentithet] tfrc>,day ili te easaon wvhem iere are gSelis at51the cub ione. Tbtre promises tô Jie as expansion of thp senatoril118b, Four"i" lul a -ig ItIe." Sentor oîFraber ai OhMIfiranech- li;a ot &fiec snne ai tbe pqçatorial begI fer a11, *ib awr a aidc yet bt ppisd, alLer RIl,tht le dia supreme tes t a the lahermen. H Etat- role as Iset f r er blit or gast mB ltat swrm méà sea e or river, and If as>, ane aliuli sacaet a ittaveetnbth- ont a basae et.., il eoid] ho ne pan-- dis, for hlm. Bepremeatve Bebrcik ai WItOD9,u chairnian ai the Rtpubliieaa eagrtsbala campaiga committte. viil e tua busi tiehing for votes Ibis summer tut] tail to make hie usual toutr ai the Wisconsin, lies. Tht records 0f hie ctces are scattre] thraugh every notahle club botik lu Wisconsin. liontIse Spemker Angles. Speaker Heuittreon at tht Boute ai Iteprceuetatives in a liabtman-atter a fashian. Tht spirit ln w illiat, but tht Blegi in veak. He bas the Instinct, but bis roudea leg interferet, go he aita ou tht veranitt ai tht clttb bouse &Il day, radinggantd nuokinanet]takiat lu the Clorions ozone of tht monlalus. chtttisg with thteaIt] guides ani boutmes, ustil "tht boya," ss hé ccatis tht others at lb. party, route back ln the t cenlag ith their strings,.aeutt-he ia s tamuch interestet] a,, ny ose. "Uneit-Jot" ('aunas. tht chairsoan ai tht Haute canimittee on apprapiltiaus, le aaother "tala bar'T" tiehermen.as lb. gutescati the stîtaese ho stick ta tht club bouse vertadas an bot t]ssand let altera butter ls tht sus. laring the viiy bn.lie las yfond ut a limbiat excursion., Riad trt off ts-th gFeatt- thîîsiasm, 'but thteai-at moulasn. rbeu tht boat parties st-e matd- îp, viii tait Cuncit Joe' making for a htntsocet tht brcey tait ai tht verauda nitb a*- handin pf citais tut] a book. 0f course, tht king tieberman stuote etalcsen olailtter ycars vas IGraver Clevcend. When be ras lu tht White Hotne he vent trequenlly ta netarbY ulsh- iag grounds atIer smiaii-moîuth black baba. Nir. Cievclauits favorite bail vue t frit. "*That feilow." sers Oit] Utau Ptctr Jobs, nop 51 Edwarta'. Ferry, "couit] set un a rock ad emet a trot furt]'cr'n ay man1 ever sets." Ht tells tht sioiy an tht former Presîdeal that ose day tht>, 'ýA RAtS DAR'L VISBHRcA.' vert ihiat la roeky wrater, mut], 501 get- tint a etribe for e loug lime, tht l'reli- ietetl&bout ta Invettigale. vitea be touait thal hie trot hbdeitcltLIMIclinihei on a rock mut] va asunaiug himseif se- rcueiy. hoak lu montb. Tht Presiitet'a remaîke upos Ibat occasian vert omttei.' TH-E STARVItIG HINDOOS. Scurclîn-of ai ter t. No- Addedte t L.ck o ai Fo. patnt luinlit,îontinuoens ittytetat- tnt woik andtilient tutu- notei.J(0i0 peoplie 0ait îeiy dî-pcndutt utton Gat-rs- ment re-il icrs i.t. iinetrty foui limes ,lite nuittî o.nte ttgitf starvatian, eud ii-ani 3,ttttolitvigu instl- ci-ttt foot]. The-iltatut ratei tot excessivet tt inarge oraetut u ttfer for Jack ai population for yeacs. A tetter traint'Cal- c? t a g i n -i- n a s h o r t î l u - a c to u l t f t h t c o u - diluauofthlie ptopit- ofti- femiae-trirkcaL district% ant] a dismn ut oauk for the fu- lu hiptitiena te vittaerse uv-ore gina on tht relef w.oz-ii, i tii-tiin r-t]uitoi t ettu;thl i rt e eCt itii îîîîi ire,- eud i cakt uc-diuarity feil luii-tte. Trhis diet su injutres their digestive octan, thet w-len tht-y corene auhc relief-t rk4 te retors tu commun fout] disagreée r iîh thitîOanud]thee, dit by* itudreila. Front taIratinetint] traonutti-r txhitîstiofl 1dethu tire 90 nuteorit s nt- relief w-atk-t thet lires' are lu-pt hurîinz uitht and] day withaut iaterttisnion, Ilabhta the bailes of tht victime, lu itajîutana, ae Ia te Bombai preidtnry eut] Baroda, the seariti ai rater it aditedtu the Iaek af foot], lu ortiîa-y tilut-t te rainiali ie ualla toogtdliiit ht-se'higit latîcibut note te counatry ib ppcoaehing te as- pect o! s deserl. Tht tattit are tisg oaf likeftilts, eut] cannot lut sol tit onewttrape nov ne campant] w-ittht o-dinary prce ai 50 or -45 upees. N usbere of peaple dit an their vey to tht relief vorbe. mut] chiluren are eonstatly heint- picketit p by te aides of their deuil] motter,,. With lte tetîciti ai foot] lrices have tises; 1 anti whece la oriinac i ltoe lite couit] be sunlaluet] an threet rupete or 961 cets a month. it nov requires freim anc ta Ina itîpeet more.- Tht renouri-en et tht dis- posai tht Indian Goyeitott are total- ]y, nacie-iuae ta meel te -inceesng W-es ot tht popultion. andth ie cuatribu- tionsateamg privat eueces at-t ta latisiles- 1ma i te campait-tdviit iteé stade. Ihal unsesn te BriishParliement lakti tome action a etimplele coliapsefth ie effort& ta stemlte rav-agee ut te famine le tbr-tutene. Wittt stema remarktabie Ia thteuiduil aI tht uJnery ai tht peoiptee Iliat eo fer or teé vetlthy Indiaus seeem lu bct]olng ste>- tijîta ortit spaking ai lu aiî tteir poaret-teiiow-coiitrymea. Thtrt are na- tire nobles eut] priticepasse-neti r reai reaitit.stome et-en aifeuuo-snti jortunes. ýyttitheuer of nu tret uit-nizet] moyt- nient oait teit Part ta ris', 10 tht level ai lte occasion. Ttc>, eccîn ta bc content ta, lt-aveecryîbiag ta oinia-ntiniitie atidtfficiai coîtrot. tehith it l lays slaw unit ridant tytniiathietie, write. unforlu- iitttir relief tante administeret] hy relit. latin bodies are ton fretîuentiy iuedfoir nctrclerilud.,etnd o titer te peoplue wt-ht liirstIrant- race tut] capit- îtcciu- dicta rtram acaiug Itioseurc aiolte t-en. troua intentions ut tht dtoie. A ' ugta leen munitht ConnecticutI Zinc'Companyv'u prapeit> At Jopila, lMo. a tqy arora mgo, w. hleh tankds a. onte 01 fin. utat ne-teriasha t'tttslbm I Wb" B» lima e--eudm les Ise aubeé tisa Opauting or the Wr. Allons, rescbed Sydney, N. a. W.,p Friay anaouscint the relief of Mate- kig. The cne"Wz ram recied vida la- Itamialte demonstrations sumadlth e - emaent procialeaed à holiday. A spéciala dsatch ftram LorenoMarques2&74 thée lamé §00 rmaintes whea ariltdthere am5te that Mafekiag bts.beta releved. The hitry ef the siege ot Maekiag datastCrame Oet. 12. the dey a1 the ba- ginains or the rer. Tht arued force at Enitons rîthia the clty a: that fimitdi mat excfd 700. Wbat lt auu*ers aaW Si prely a motter af conJecture. la coi- parbses Landau fears Ir ila àmare handial mai the reporta of thé vlaus 1111bafttitt Mad akirmih«Sieive colon ta this appt.. bfflion. Bulletins of Britith victoria, bave always beau accampaaltd rith Ilista( of cauahtîtmore or l»s.tarte. - -i A *ample of the British sorties wvu the me on the day emft Christusa. Uiert the leadership af Captais Vernan the sol-a dier.toght their rmy up ta the entrantet- ta the. Boer traches. Truc, they wr t repulati sad their losa ras dimstrouglyt betyy te a garrisan ta *mli, but the1 courage displaycd ln tht darlin chargeL waa ike mn Inspratian taelte defondera& et the clty and au abject. esson ta tht btmlegers.1 Âttacke ln force. prier ta the faina n- availlng attempt May 12, wer mde by tht Botts on Oct. 31i, Feb. 17 mnd Mercht 80. The iretnune ras ot oaly one dey& duration, but the other Ira earh coutLI- eil for twa das. The mot di.metroua mse for the garrimon ras the battit- lu the doslng days of March, vhca, according teadmvice f rom DBritish sources, ucurti evcry alDeer linte citi ra» rouided., The defeasecofaifeing by therieçl Britigh garrimon unoder Col. Baden-PowellI WH, lire l.a blery. Indviduel volar ras aveu more markedîr dslahed thon col- lective bravtry. Courage ln batit raa coupled wltb endurance uder privation. whicb, il bas becs said. basaua a patalle lai thte Aaie ai thetBitîish nrmy only tht ladomîlabie resiatance et the alege ot Lucknow. Fever and fainut ere tue. evea more pe-ietent thon rere tht Afrikanders. Under aaimoat contiins bambaîdment sud frequeatty caiiedl upan ta repel et- Itcksilafarce. the1,garrison 'nau never surprîscit. The soldyleresiept bcaide their armeandt in thisescse tht expression le lttermliy correct. Night alarme wece ire- qocatad the respanne vrai; as prompt as if the men hail already bette itueitup la expecteion ut battit. Strenghenintg ot courage won the ouly sequti ta trait- uel wcakealng of aumbera i rom the ire of thteaemy withoat or tht ravages oi disease rîthis. BOOMING THE WEST. flmliromds Experetta Baillé2M0 New Townna lnthe L'Ota..Future. Rmilroads cealering la Chicago are booming tht territory hetween Lake Michiga ad the itacky Mouatains,ad Il in expecteit that 200,O100 nU be aditei ta the population ta the oeil eîghteen monitha. pamphlet.§ ttitng pitli the renources ad dvenages ai the West art bring dttributeil thruughout Europe, as wetllas ia aur nava Ntw Enghand adAt- lantic coat States, et the exptilit et tht taspartation ec4mpaaies. New tonne are heing staket] ast along tht fiaes of al the aitoej cxtensions.- Tht numbor at new tueras that *111 alptear ou thtemp ot tht West within the neat jear ar ttaeteta hicb trôam 6W0ta 600 new papa- latioa la ta he ndded alceady sumber 173. Before 1112 It la helievet] this number wiUl exeeed 200. Areas ueglerted la the ponat, whiIe trusk lises vrere building, arc receieing tht closent attention freim rail- ronaInud cumatienianereasd tralhlcmon- agers. Tht railraada kaow thet nith sew set- tlemetsathere viilhe increaneit trelght businresad thte arrylag ut pasacagers betveca local lots wnu aditimmensciy ta their revenue. Where tht compasîca own tht land un nhich they locate a tara tht'y are givilng away fret ai charge a site for a public school tnud nuother for a eharch. The Northwestera ruait bas >40.000 tere or uasold land lu South Dat- kuta and 7t0,0teare ian.southwestern MIuettat. Thie ranges la value f rom $4 ta $15 per acre. Ia Wisconsin sud Ulch- iga, the Chicago, Milwaukee and] St, Paul roud bha betw e-a 000,000aud 700,- 000 acestiof wvit a aaonce cisititit as r orthiton tend, which il daimis nov la e- )cerldingly îrh ami] wetl suiteit for tlmothy behy, c elery ant] eheep reieisg. The lad t elle for about $7.50 anserre. Tht Sata tFe ta boomiag thte outhweat and tht opening up ot uew' Une but elreat]y re- a ulted ln tht location or devcloptotat of ieghty uer town, repreeutiag an iu- icreese la population uf fuihy 2g,000. Tht CNorthwealeru Pacifie lent]oitlg similar twork ln tht fer northwest. IL bas opeacit enP tvcaty uer tuvas, wlth a population aexceeding 10»00. Thte(ireat Narthern is',deveiopiug tht uneettled portions ai aortheru Dakota eat] le about ta open fittetu uer taras. vlth a population of t8,000. Butinent part ai Heitaville, Tenu., burant]. boas $100000. - Norlon'e ititilialat- plant, Washington, ras daînstet]1$R0,000 b>, lire. A Chicugo Company viii boy 300 sere ai timber lnlesthIe Philippines. 74111e Rock, Arb., Traction Company lias beta placet la thte bade ut t re- ceicci.- Chicago police te obkina for thé aud tbraver, writ irons tht liqoi on rom- eult dresses as tht>, pant tiong tht stceetSi. Tht viltaior Mr. and] Mc,. W. S. Wells ai New York, la Newport, vras destroyet] b>, fie. Tht lote viii reach 820,000. lut. Pottir Palmer will enlerlaîn idor- log tht Perisetxpoeitiou n li tebhanseaf tht Mat-nuit te Montgomeriy, seat-tht Trocadetro, pausa for il $4.000 a moath restai. Oea. Frencht ln kuors us "Buicnt Frencht." Tht nor femans cavait-y lead- er earlet] bis caret-r on tht decb o! a ma-af-wai. saadoued t] ltoritte mia- try, andtona eaving Ibis eterti tlb. civ- plry ht-sncb aifte service. 'L'he Treaeuucy Deperîmeat basoeeic a »lpeicl t-ent ta ttcPacifie Coasitaeln- veatigaite tht arge Indlxus;ofJapenes Coolies ho titis couuutiy rithia tht letst e'. moulb>. Tht ranmanteof Enacb Arta lequt# patlnlathe ahade hy tht tiecover>, of tht vhtroabouaor a man rha vas thogbî deai aixteexl itars aego. Ris rite liai eolieclet bis Issurance ant] lai remar- Niens tro am as a sthat Antrican flaent. le a pili ilreadt]inatl re n jeV) Àtkl th r-L ý-L i4ý fi a h p t t Thebseisate eos Tbamdageonidurei tise castoffca appropriation :1i1. Tht cominut- Un amenanttfor tht exteniconiet ts nilesita tube service create tonne do- bîte and ras unier t]lseuaseoa btn ths malsure ra lait] amide for tht day. Mr. Woleott, chialliuan or thetLonuitteetian cttales t]Bdpost raids, vlgnrutly t- sei tht coilttt'it proposition te ap- prapriate $780.000 for paeutiatlc tube crylce. t]eriaring the exteneton af the servies ram uanemtéry eut]tht appro- priation a, watsof public utwue. Ut. baaon quit. as viarotttiy-auiplorttd tht propotition. Au ameadotea t orMr. But- ler ta teduce hy 10 per- Lent tlle amnouat ta le paît] tht rsiroads for tihe transpor- tation ai mal ras rejectet]. 11 ta 41. AÀ- biII was peaaed grantint a ptenalon te Oen. htabettG. Dyîenterth utf8î» a month. Mr. .Jones offercit and hait adopt- ed s resolutiou calloug open.the Secte- tary of War ta iaiurm the $vnat eur eany Fllpînas hare bren kllit-t]onti wouadci aince the beguianuz o toilli- les, and alto hon many hart hbeemcap- terril tsd are non la aur poâ:àin.,ou, The Rbuse patte] a xeeal river a4t tro bill carrying $400.000 for xsttFvpy% sud emergesry rork. and detoteth b e mual- der af tht day ta the Atenkan îrodeltîl. Foaur pages ot the 1117 tiagen ot tht bill rere diepostit ai before ndjourumnt. lu the Senitîtan leriday ic clv ythe en- ire d4v rat dévuted teto he- î,turntir ube sysleni cccvi,,- luthte îîîtieap- propriation bilt. rTht de-at- ai timot %#as sharp attil timuet Ilernoiiel 'lThe ap- lb proprietion wvi e dfeuted b> itu-atara Chandler, Mabeim, t'arter tand Welliugton anl apposedi ly 14.îîat(,rg AlIi'.i, l Uie. L'iimsei, ,,e uit oui. Senatar. Moargan lptrielureia reu)iîtuii tu laves- figiale the Paniama Canal £bd,,în. a na a gpeeheereiy crlîiciW 'idt tt"~- îesy. tSentier bl-Cmbe mde a epecol l a ivur of tht reteallon ut the Pbtlip. piné Iîtandx. dtilua hich Scetor TIU- mu toka i.n- ueith bhnm or an aesett. laun that the oftleutthe Soîîth wet glati thte -altniAuaxa.r-seti Talte ný lid-evdted th ie îlty t' titi- i-sit]- etion otf hi tareporte] b> tht- ommit:- ée un vr ai amwsudaitlun onnulttee af flic wbole ifair alîntedit tutua bill ta tîtrropriatt $200.000 tu pe. ex-Casie]- cyce soldicre for botre?;tand other prop- erty takea tramttbcm lu violation of th. ternieaifIe'surreoder ta tGrant St Appamattoi- Aiter a epiritéi debate. by the déeilve rate ai t0 ta Iii. tht tinate ou Smturiay laid on thetatle thteritale proposition relatingtetatht traanxportatiau of meil by tht- priu.taetube cymtent. Att effort s t o n d te ta a t -t re th t e d p tio n f u n amendi-eut tii epprapritte $2251,000 ta carry ont exietitit -oîtractr. for thtest- tii-e utNiew Y.rk, l3r(okl>n. Ifîtto aid Phlalhieht. bul no acrtionn vt taben open il. pva;a-tori.c'is mperwtiirgtht appropîritinbi,111'Tht cii.ittg boucs af ýtht gesion s-trt ori-opitîlnlaeî-ptit tramt tht inlte oa issonuri &tetlles of Beuton and IBlair. loated il,.- Stuary Hall ofi thtetiuitot. atditrtr l le Grand] Army ot tht, lte;îubiic thtestatue oft(;ta. tlysseas8. (;raît. locattdin latht capital rotonde. Tht llo,îtc d,-,oi,-.the dey te unvetiing ut tht Grandi Army statue ot tics. Lt4moesS. (;tant. A pyrotec.hnie iieuelon of the statu ot the Bnci rnnmieeiinarâ noir lu Wash- ington rat precipi.te-d ia the-t.i.ete on Moualai by s retolution offei ly Mr. Allen (Pop.. Neb.) extendiar tý, the com- mietiosere tht eri of s tthe flurora tht Staatc ituring their wojoitnin l the national capittl. Tht resolutiît. va,, de- frate] by a vote ut 361 ta 21, buîtt a us- tii etter a sharp i-autroveisy hltIves Ita tutha at] Mr. iDevis. etteirînîltif the comnàttlee atnfori-ign relation-T. lh- pamé- offlce eppruliriatioa bill rat pauncl, the amcttdtntttii carry nlexittritît tan- tract, t(ir the- îInr-uatic tube -ccvieie,.o lttg aet-ct-iit. An effort vw" umode hy Mr. Morg-ait i t t dispiaro the- Spoon-. cir Philippîine tîtîl with tht.Nli-axrsgua canal hltat tt-tllennht-d htt.îine-. but it folled bly a vtéeoai21ti . A bill t, i-ci-att thei- iothera dliitioof thse nitituem ra it tet lire tfor jitiiriat pnci,.. -- t w, pii.w. lutht h- two r latînirtent labî,r metinîtice ieru' pied under Fo,.x-ttliîîti ftht ritti.. oic tiiex. ten- the lit, xlt -bouc 1ev lu atiltitiniers cnder contracit on liavernnt-t w ark. tht athier teo iit Tito;-rstti-trotili- lu pria- au-inait gittiîn ly hlii it-tîe t it, dr lte jîtrisicititims ftheI 1ut)itî-'-,grn ut t1t0 "ote Mr. la't3ni, haut i-tilr af tht iîitocity. l acri i iol îîtrt-,itîios for a sine- dite djauiterîîitof f%îngrena on Joui- G.i. t w raietferreil thelîw-aysa Onît rti-uîîny Ile t tptt i. tMr. Spittai-i ii n îipot o iiiIt,,ri-ma'ittji,ti giv- lu- the t'reýin-tfitl i ittýr i-)vr tht rliii,uii-itýutl the-attt or-ut'n itht rebetiioti. htetivedIllehic-t-i. ltijiie ai Se-itor (,'itrk o tif~loiaî,tuî.,,iilt- aop. iinînttOftLientt -Ovta. Se eng. d aI- bru-il themte tttoiorariiy !oiliei.mii lte ta- bbe. Adotîteul t, ieotttitinl'y c.Ale aeking lthe Picuidettta snit1, lte Se,,- att tranlationts ut the - titiiîtjitt air tht Southt Afriru teuîuliictuailoi te or- ange Fret t4taté: nieane byrMc.jases -of Aikannansîlirr"ttg lthe Suei-tîiy af War thiiuiîghly tolnetigale- iti- îopera- tias otthe North Amccric,îîTr'sttînt Cm- peur ta Ilavane: Oie onte hy MiAlen calling ttmttt ithe ecrt.tar.y tfi Wtîi for Informationu regart]iîg condîliotin latht Philippines. TheH aunse det-ol-lte tae- tire day te lthe Altietîttivil gît-cjrament bill. An amendaint tu rc.edutheii tîm- lre tf at]ges n luastuka trame tutti- t0twa vas tteit. The conferpe retport on tht srm'y aPîîroPriattioitIbillIVaN-t..dptti. the Senate ameatlmeîtt fer tht hibrary at >ianla haviug bes striekeit out. OdsandmaiE. Gel]. $ils$M. lBailey, 64- o i r-tht 80W ai tht famaex"Oit] Guàrd," nhlcb »lioai by Gea. Grntinatht cunivenîjla ai of1880. diet] et Unlantowu. Pt. Naines of Benjamin Hirlon, (]rayer Clevelandt]an ichar it]Oney have been sagete]an inembera of the permaseut hotuaiofarhitratisa. mea Provideit for by, :Tht Hangue trecties. tiecretmry Hey ut] Loait Pancetfote b ave sigucit a trtaty exteut]ing forrtoven .moathe. train Attg. 7)next, tht eai aioo dîimeltiowe] for exchauge ut the Huy., Peuncefale etnîîl trcaty. Four i »ncher Ji "di tht n vted be $bet etc Ai bis a « ee 1 Uli p rit Obatmse Amp 'te bay, .wiit ç>y erth poae t "A Ange fer the 4 nwbat 1 1 poil, as shorts, c leur maxl ras a 1 distiagul the ipais lire ta k * Next i 4" toa. liom, à mai. eut Colonal Place golsah, ner. au Igb. a .08the t ueb.tg u ch du 1,- dey. T hon te tour an te ont-at pause te des Md Teiiy 1 paig;' 1,1gb gr vexed il end the] Ooke. thetbger vedt a- et athet1 ont or t the tes grmes. la do ad ru ta niavi Who, tu eaet There * mendia, Kaffli luxury basas tente t moceh t. The i beavi, accoter piebeta Brabaz van go wbitt i "I bu ont gut boots, ci asu relledt ".$ta, tht cou Ant] tht mi fog su lancer pi Ted gtories î,eutb tram tâche i 5ltrch ns Rit coustr Who n htsrd ho oan blowla Braba. vlithha * rot. âtartee cecoge tirolial warli tGent for ya V liai dors lent t-t bord], "Coi lue-t' h: Wt h. aend te lie ne