L AKE. COIUNTY IDEPENDENT. - - - Libertyville. iII.1 WAUKEGAN. D~ et as h.c.mty Se" et luterusi laeMr éées Extlensive prepiritiansAare belug mod for te big Zie excurn ul Jnly. Te ieauitul prove aut1h. Temple sile, vitera Zien wvlI assemble la ton-nes, la realivlng aàtorongit ceing np A pakela standla 10 be ereeled wviicivli accommOdai. ail et Zions Wlilerobed Choir, saw te Overseeru, Eider, Evangelita s d eltet olices of te cisrcit. John P. Qairte and tirgarat 0'Naillvota marial *boult teen yeara ago. lia&tLdal morulug. mulerthlie mmm m anster gatla 100k tem at. rimouliaoes. l vmstet pecuf- lar'eeremoul wviietJustice Jautes Ilurrie-perforined &bouSt10O oclocit. Hushand and vile vere joluel Se- g"geli er tmra sepiralian of over fil- tean yoitrs, dnriug vitiit thmy bad coinplolely Sont tract of eieh alter sud lia1 beem u tledi etfuiles aparl. Te vorI <su tbe repaire lu the eiuuly jail whitih Vas beglnu itres veekA go), vas compleleti Fiday nilisai ud atîaray,,bie publicbulild- ing CeaumItme, meusr. iover, Smp. son sud Anderson made au eîamnm.- lieu and forrnally acooptet te job. Nov gntlng bas beau placol ait aboub te oeIL4 (on bot fluors. Tite bars are li luches aud are live ply steel. At lte entrnce gotetecorridor ou eaid fleur hans been placeti on eiîier aide a dour, viticit vAl hooqkel aIthtie tims and lu mant tb prevoul vsioi t roin resuslng about te corridors. Alter te nany limasn 1ev. Johnu Aloi. Dovie and biu follovers have isen toasteti on te legal gridiron il voul bc suppose taI te leral liglte-of c~oo ouuby vonl give up te job cf dbing te Roverenti John ad hlmpeeple 1Wa jruýahope.- leus tenir. Titi, rver, lu net te caa, as theoNova cf 1ment8':iday lubi- msateinstaI Atrney Barues lorth11e oiate board eofiteait vwI ibring ac. tiin lua nosew»-titoaione mii. lie Lugan vite, Il in aleged, ater ho. lug erderoeulte oKautaitea asytinu by J sdge Joues,,as tanto Davio'a Zioa for a trial of!the10 ecay o prayor snd laylug on cf banda for the resteralico! it er menaloquillhrlum. tienît Witit Short Order. Aller a daliteratîle 12 minutes a Canautla jury rolurued a verdiel ef gnilly against Nol»., Walsht, sud Deilmojn, WvIton vachargod receatly tlmmplad le blov np te Welland cnal wiit dynamite. VTe defendaû-ls vera osait imtencel ite peiten. tiary for Ilile. Libertyvîfle. Lakce County, Illinois. F riday, June 1. 1900. Refrigerator Is large enough, for email familles, a nd the ice bill for sud'i a one je nominal., The prices on our Summer Clothing are also nominal anîd you will fInd themn just the thing for bot weather, Serges and Outing Flan- nels will be very popular and we are showing a large lune of them at moderate prices. I Kaiser Block.- îd 119l, r eipr Pair of 2 base iteatea-,' 3 bed. eh, ernis Ir tonis, 3eo ail e ue 741 lion oit cIllber o n . * à (Jure W. i5 digest Luiba7-, Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovi lsDrug Store Boum r» O a cANfl0O ciP. Lbertyville. lllinolp3 Dr. J. L. TAY LOR. office over Triage & Taylor's. Laidieneeo ju1roadvy opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. r ,,, Op05W5a Ea Sugonau. n,.-------------llinois. D r. E. H. Smith, offiçe over Lak couflty Bank o1 2 Mltti. ad 1t', &p. am. UAILY * Libertyville,[IlI. lw^ LMÎÎac 0UFF IN, M~u~sd (,o"um llaIa. -1.##Ille, Illinois. BElNJAMIN HM. MILLERt * i%'TooANtY AT LAWI. ,.,IBEITYVILE - ILLINOIS. KilSSLCE usmaesla TeAG W. ]B Schuiffers rery LonaG rove. ILake Co-. lai. Fruit and -Shade Irreès., ' GrapevineS and Smnell Fruits. MAX LE BEAU& Tobacces and Smoker' MOterlai. Cigars Wholeaale and Retail. LIU(TY~JL,~f - ILLNOIS; WftiGNT, IDYM0ND & CO., LibertyvillOe, Illinois. Issues Interen et ing Certifi- estes Payasble on Demand. Tilmothy, Clover, Millet, Hunal'an.Red Top, Bitte Grass, AND Aitit91NOS 0F PURE Field & Lawn Grass Seeds secd Çgro & rodder Corn ftsueielkpriieby -CHARLIES STEMPLI3I LongIrpve., IlritlI8. EANCES 9Prk. Haif Day, Ilinois, Everýi Saturday Night. Smth'& ChlcageOcla.tri Fumalshealte Muelo. Everybody lnvlted. ,WC Maanla n b. Demi of Over our Oatiaetlu0.» are ole. 'Great Day For Siience. Te ailpse ef the inn Monday vial. hie trcugiton Nort Aut'rIea, Europe gpd AtIXei, but ow oly lu soute, Iiirte et <ouiâiana, Alabama4, Georgie, Motit Caroline, Soult CarlUa, sud Virgina, lunlt.e United lSaltes, vai su av"&l01t iriS Importance, ual anly le astronoru, but lte vend at large. livas nureced nela.lu mrea oue rés;z 1 it a eit aci toittly, insteal of eîlending titrougit serily set ltd tegions etr rnnnlng oear scaul .ipanea et vas",er roasel.sixi sta%« in a popuiou portian 0f te countr y, &il eftIha ragln anhin& ealy accessible by rail a u d vatdr. Il fiaibeeu il yosrs aince. aasiuar oven va vituesed, but ta atanmmu ef astronoutîca "iteIanî te ut arroi OA imprevemeule ln laleacpes, phtotographeu, sud eleotrîcal applianue insured more complota observations tsan vr beore tuovu.1 The Unted Blasi'govermeus and &il gral educatouailinaliluliolli mae oaboai ansd oaly pteparatious 10 gel te beal Pesihie aobservations sud millions ai dollars vere expendoti lu tht. var. Wbailogrestl bterait attacito ate ectipie It0eit, lte ebjeactte aitrou- ometa eomposas te '-oIipmeexpeli- tions" trou ilUpglà of tae country v40 Onatalomo le Obseerva thte Paulsl of te inon b.eor. th, sun, but lita atudyetflita coron&. Titis parti niar branct cf1te iany pitenomeua generall: mtedug su ellpse bua lvaya besu u uu.bolvod preblom. A Good Court Medicine. Il epesi yltfor Chtamberlainm Cousit kemedy viten druggists use I tu Iheir ovu familles lu proterenoe tu anyoaliter. *-I tare sol Chtambrlain's Cougit Ilmedy for te pao re yqat. villi compteesatisfaction #0utyseIt sud euaSeuer," rmya Drugglal J. 0011- amitit, Van Etteu, N. . -.1 have alvsyi useditla l ny ovu faully both for ordimsry cougits sud acide sud fer lte calagia lovlug la grippe, sud Sund t very efecioun." For mseb F1. .. Lqvm.r.,- Liberlyrille, J, E. Baoumun, Gutue, UtÂTULr . Fut- N610, . L. 'Wanmu lgA, toaeeeler, jeu nMtEia, Ivacfibe. Destit or Kittie E. Benitis. Aalliai edelà vlalted a Libety- Miel itme sud rodely saveead tramn #bte learasI 5018.bart a lcving sud devotel -daqgiter and wvit. Vth. a auddenuesa lta"s"oaiteeblov mon> aotee nubestaie are lise griot a stioken fautly aud relatives teqnired te ho«a sbatdau of krrw v ieteveu vîit prazerfal axpooialion, vouaI lied no~da, May 28, lm0 f ieart guitare. ler Inant cild'aaving lied Priday, May Ilti. Itiwe E. Fatnitam, te adoptaitdangitet of lMr. sud ira. -v-P. Parnat, vuibora Mey 1, *$71, ivlng tîvedlaluLiberlyrlle continu- onsly, sud heinge ducatel in tihe public scitoolsa ofLlbertyvUe, luaviticit sit à"alcharge of te primarydep*rtment for four yeas. Loving and lovaI ity ail, re.lg u ltpoition site was anattiel go Dr. E. H. onsutiiOcleiter si, 184. ete leavemurvlviug fier a motter à" bibland heaides numborls friande, iter taltot itavlng pssed belote flot saveral yoats.' Titougit cf quiet sud torlng ipcel- tiom bers viu s aliva, energotie Ille, btar every lteungit bong ioto 0aid MdI sasia otitera amd aapeelaly thoes lear to ber lualte homa. To isorîince for otiters seemed a pienue. lier loving Ievcl.d attention maai £ tt, acuplal vitit a -bra omnmplion c! elutoUDIailyMsd ocmntou effort lte liveup tile khastandard ven for bu h e lè s ad respect oetiloae vlvitau a t.e came»uinot". Te peseiug of mot iasite laevaà aveld litI atlteau 1111. , Kers wuiàaP' ire liteugitlnl douteior au mil occsions, rare ai beauîlful. Ne vords etce eonid poealbly effect your esîltale et fier. Yen have tuownuitr trougitout ltoevithole o etbr ushort lits. viicihad no uait cf Christ spiri lualte ieart vhItell1e vas guIdel by lite folloving shtort mornlug proje t iof vas cou- sPiasueeslyposetu b er badraom. "I vit] try titI. day golive aa "ple, aiu- cete,ureteiarep.itng avery Ilacugit et dlsomteul, mseleeting s»zily, cuitng magualidty,,Bsef ouitrol sud ltbhabil cf silence, praolilg a00110011, cbeofulnm Sud biopfunns. And aie 1 cancS in ut, ovu iteugtb de "hi, or aeviwit a hope cf aiccea teMt pt il), 1loMto Vtbe. Ob Lord, my Iather lu Jeans Citt la ut, avior nul aitfor lty tugfth ettRoll- spirit." T* tunersez-ivice. ivers el1 lits Unionu e" Wedaaday ifleroon anti vere laly teuded. Mev. J. il. acûun, vite parforrned lte i-i4t0age remoay but liva short Years Pefore, spot. fellgly of hit eoul ovaleigaet01te pure, trla lee rJuil ended. Tite flower ladeon cast viit iau Ibal vas mottaI et a lbring daughter, devoteti vite anti tind aud tougitful neititor vas tendorly 0berne 10 lise Lateslde emmetery, i 1ularment lating plage .uld Impres- -Stive cnourmn. To lte iottoingi )ýiimiiyla extended te iucere amy. -paty cfacowmuuity vitose logs, by b- er leslin laeviden cml by tlind sud ilevlug xpresai i cfcommendallens l or ltaI te osuddenly ended. $1.50 a'Year in Advance.. VTe Fox Lake Laue. Pisegeru area givon patIot car accocmmodations. Traficae bidu lir 10 bc very large. I" l Snday utarked lte formai Introduction o e itSt. Paul roadipaseenger train serice belveen Foi Lakte sud Chicago. Telire$ train an vitic oket@ ta and Itoult.e summ«eef er arb eoitural deparel tromtlita Union italien maI1:30 p. m. Saturday. At'prest it me, axetour trains laily belvoes teetiy aud lte pleasura plame. Te Foi Lakte beuud trains wvlUloir.eCiicago ai 8:30 a. ut. 1:30, 3:10 sud 5:20 p. m. n. uSundays ma iditional train vili b. mun 1cm Fox Laite ta Chicago leaving lh. recort as 8:30 p. mn. thbe train& teuvlng Chicago At :20 .P. m. sud frout Foi Laite aI 7:15 a. m.' viliio08cr perler car accommodations. Te seffleda runang limne at itae iteining baliveauntlit Ioplaeeýwll b. one bout sd Iveulmiaules. Te distance in exaot lffty miles. AH trains stop nt the nav deoaIet Liberty- ville. Iave Lbertyll Arrive Chicsgo 1:45 arn.ie a. m. 1:34lLp. i.I:4p. m. 8:06 P.lM. q!% P..n Leave Chiamgo Arire Lîbertyrlhe 6:30a. m. *sai.m. 1:30 p. M.1ris0p. 3:1&p. ut. 4M3 p. m. &10p. M. *21 p. M. la , adition ta lte aboyea atrai:oý leaives lite aid deoaieaS6:25 a.ut. and arrives nt 7:655p. ut. vicotgivani azoofest rilroed accommuodaions. VTe tietelr train vili oomaesoan. Il; lareporgt ttlere vill b. a nov lIme table go tino effeol June Sd, viti tVlo additlonsl *trané ai Mat- m Libertyvlle. Te promunt Uma cf arrivae of tramitabugraaty inlerel vilt Out mail syatem, vitiotve trust viiib. impritved by the nov table or relurnad 10 the. algaieun. 1 POLMTCAL CMOKEDNEZS. Hittglend ParkU leeomtinlt Like i Kenatueky. Coi. l>avidica ma.de bY citY connaît by a vote o!ftonrto1r sud four agaia, lte Mayer deoieldulthe lie. New eleetton called for lite 16th 1 fJUDO. Col. Davidson sud Er. iloherta seala go be lt, cancddate. Te foillVing acontl iroin lte Nowa Lp er. Col. Dàvfdo vas onisted fron the. city couneil on lte oslonsIbte gronnd ltaIlte place viere 1the miection viabetl wu net accordlug le lav, as alated lnt setion 30I of te general eetclonu ev. vicit mye, among otbmr tiimp,--ln no case shall au eleclion b.uted i n y room uaed or occnpied an a naloon, drain @hop, billiard bail, bowling alley or a a place af reacet. for IdIers and dlareputable p4raaons, or ln any room connerled ltereviith by open docre or ballwayn." Our lgecliy etleetlion wss hmld ln Mr. Hartroni t'. qigaranti nevupapar ilote, viicit pantut thbmiîltli rocinin lthe remr, vitim hconoctod viitlte frontul dM sto by tva doors; lthe "norIaons for lte pnblie 10 enter te blilla rrout, tether, lte -"aonlb' <tact bohind lte coualers, 80 Mv. Rartr>îit eau stop foun bis ceuner or"desk m lte h billiard raout,but, As nevet nsed b, lte public. 0anede C. cqmminge,4 one of lte eleotios officars, aud otiters, teatlied " I Ute "1t9gSi" or public door vas Pysetia]tY cl7msed by au election boolth beed n p te lt, and lh it 111e "o privite door1 wua open 1tel lottetitent corne ln frem tbe stove laUlie billiard rouat Inc tuie front rons, or eigar store,1 vbere lte elatorn va"x iug ited,1 a lte day wvia veryciillY, but vas uésd aa day by lite public. Bail Pnrdy leaifled 1855 a band one or tvo oliser yoifug electlon afflceti wenS lul tote and ptayed for han *-bmetwen l1mei&" Snob vera te es-9 senlial lacés bro"glt ont .5 lite triai or invesigatioi. Nov as to lte lave. 1sectien 30. cite& alsove, le in lte general eleclien 1ev as atl igroed, and Attorney7 Sioot hoad ltaittis late ipples 1tultee ateellon ofo ony, state and naticupt ofbile, but Uni r tte election cf etM aldermen, sud ', itsd lte MapeIsi ovlsioai of tha atuet* se le 0#11 asiectlci, ai ol Mlovie- udtsr Article IV.; Bectiet 86, of te ilatnlo ralating te "Citimn. 6Villages and Towns," go-vil. Vthe aCity ceunel Biait le Ignate lte place Ior plames lu viticithlie etection sitail )be "ed, »d appoint lte îndgeisuad tcents ltero," etc. Titis speclt 9lawelu for tbe ledlton of City alder- Élmen, and Ibm city offttela. Couinty Uniont 0.1 .Convention. 1 Te Connty Cliritiait Endoavor gConvention ai lite lre4bytarlan cburcb, 1.Wankegan, vasaagraîidoineei. Over Y to tudred suditlîty detogages ver. lu &teandance, fully one batndred and s n17 fromutatide of Waukegan. Tite local soctetîmi iprved lunchitolte out oft ovu delegates at tiheclose of Ibm moruing sesiou. 'I ta pprarendmrod worm vmry Inatructive smal iularesting and tbm convention wilt renaîtln mucit good. itpecil exorcise» by lbe Juniors, o! Libertyville, Orajilaite, Rtockefller, .Hightland Para -and Ibm aeveral cbnrcises of Wankegan. Thse mvaning session watt au lnleresting one. Te main leate beiug an addreai by 11ev. CKiai.Cisyton -Morrison, of Cý1cago, on lte Twmutielth Century citurcit. l'bo nev efficers alectod for lhe couly asiecialion were ai fllova: MisAlice E. SuAlth, Waukmgan, President. Mir.. B. B. Miller, North Citicago, Vice Preaident. Mits Dora Diver, Secretary. f Ur. George Dodge, Mtllbnrn, Trous. Ums race Taylor, Sups. Juniors. $395,000 For Waakeffen Harbor At a itmarlng beittre lte RIvera and Barbota Comniîlme today Repreamnta- Ilve Peu au de au argument lu tavor 0f an appropriation 01et$395,000 for Wautegan itaritor, wtvS ia1ev 10o b taiuing a Chsannel 3100 1ma vide and 20 (oltdeep. Tocs er ebCannel of ltese dimen. as i yul ncemate ue bmoouaruellon ef te noernortb pier para*tue te presmeue, li4the extension of be sentit p1er and lte consitruction etf a break- valet. Tee sslaated coat, inctu4fing dredg- Slus and rmpairs 1tisahepramIl Piero, la Boid 1Robbery ai Miliburit. Thte realdeuta of Milîburu vers, greally excoltmd Snnday ntotiig by te announcemenl of a bell bnrglary. Urs. Pitoobe Ltawttttn'aresidmiace vu mntered Satnrday nigbt, lse ltiaf forcing étntrance tiarongit 6 vlndov. m'roceedlng upmtairm, te robber bas rgenesb lte iedro-la of Herbert vai largaly attondaI. At Irmioe. 2ev. Stromaler adîrezsel a&tait algol audience. At Lîbertyvilla lite tllovlng vtaus graves vere lecorateti: B. B. Ellat C. C . Bond, (1. . rigg, Edvard Crane', Davidi James, Willia Crans, ~L. OmIvell, J. 0erard, T. Davi,D.. Gibson, Jetn Crosby, Willim Wilson, Thon. L. James, WUhla;t Prie, o. Yager, L. Wlson, Dsuj. Bevie., Ueo. Evans, Daniel ilenson, Fred Miller, J. D. Maole, NatitanHalait, o. Hoffam, J. Fýemuan sd Ftankt Ediel. J. ML Dady Net anu Alderman. Mir. Dady vas elealad su aldermaný tor lte seaond yard t lte lesI City election, Ap tl4ti.190., Ast t tima lit. Dady vae a utamber octh11e Board ci Edmoaiion and vas teretate holdilng itie office unler tli tatutsnl vten fie wuselecteld. Uner lte o lu terce Jnty le$, 1872. et Cilles and Villages, Statutea of tae stale *cf peranonaili ho eligible ttetaoffice of alderman unleos a"Italho a qualifiaI elflor, sor &hall aititmaculer af ithe City couscil ai the sou me 0Atiflday officedrtko tfi.Cify goveemsas; Titis aIt la mandmlory fonce lir, Dady olusd ua% bo ivorasin ai an ai - dorart beole h bd teelgiselbiseof- nseaunte choal hboard, banco tie ai- tempS 40 qnallty vas unies. sud vold, Like Couuty Mapldly Growllg. T e holai a prelilary ceumu et laie counny aàtt9 by a esaidon' vitese figures muts ctceely approxl. I mate te o0fiîSIrelurni, vitei vI ite announced as t e esbhence. Te population Ot Laite COunly 1loi9 vb as$I,26, and Iteentimated populaticu[ 1for 1900 la 32,7i7, belng 35 par cent . lcresso. 0 Wankegan's populataon ls rarlouuly festima"tegabelveen 5,000 aud 6,501), lthe letter igure belug probably neare lte correct one. Te couy showts au- tincresie ta ailtet18,482. A Mouster Devil Fiab V Deotroytug lia vilut. la a tYPe 0f . onuatlon. ite pover't a lemi- ad"y in toit ont orgaus, narraI, musllais aud brain. Bat-Dr. inig'a . MMt aPlilue are. a e Mad o aena mtei' Beom l, u te verli te* abtimat3b F ieasayilgl anwe are beoomaing ramons ai MUno a .Our etcls are taking rank 1001117 viit lt aSOhep a IW. bring go mluery selling lte liberallytai pev. lite of the slore-and lthat means-Uilghtclime oelfé ai t e Loi est pruces. FOR ONE WEEK W. U. Jeus- Pesos tRW SAILOUS. F45 .4 £06ut doeuî.buai1tight aMd MW nats The $1.00) "Mtrfor.... 7SC The 75c.Baller for ..... Th mie 5. 8111cr for .. 45c The Ido. allot for.,.... il CHILI>REN'S MATS-We are unnsally vel preared To grive OnturltIle fMendea atreat- * And lheae Soc aUregniar &1 s s o e *Dry gouda prices, mach................ a U~F~PU WOMEN'S HATS%-We are sadng nov linga every veek 9si oi *Fine display-tbose -deàlriug elegant Nilinery at a 1ev Pîgure-vili do veli l to pasur Dapt. W. aloo dimlaa riamed aaeas low a (meuh> $.... HouaIEtACULISMED NOV. *15. 10"3 ýWAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. a. MI COiMPA R1 ..u.... These- priceà with Departrm Store Prices. 24lcWfre Cloth. 9 rmd :........$ 26 m- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Il 28 0a u ........................ 14 30 " " .. .......................15s 32 -n ..........................l16 34 fdthikS0itOO...................... 7. 8.gl " Il" Cana..........................275 Rihi Cltvaor, 1....~...................... .$ 2M Tville aippyiof 00lme GIbmo Sheu rne goode e U soU l im u M te MM g Theme prices are for cash.. Ai gobde book.d'Iý be 5 per cent. more. LIBERTYVILE, ILL. HÂVE ýONHAWi4jD N The largest stock' ofSir HaresesEver Shown Genui.ne. Rubber Trimmed, Bý Trimmed, Nickle and Davis Rut Trimmed 18.06Ô TQ 25.00 19,00 TO 20.00 S,7.00 TO 12.00R 8e.00 TO'14.0 ALL GRADES OF' HARNESSES AT ALL PRICES. A FULL LINE 0F SUMMER LPRBS LIBERTYVILLE, - - - LJ4 and QUARA ProPQ. SANBORN & Coi,ý Tallors and ilaberdashers. SELECTA HprtpI'çs Ied ti.- of 2:14. rVictor, sad 2:1a8. f %atud Do% smud b 2:.45 -806 ot Vin. f4o. 34, Row Over Anaasament Dan. By à n*ri*ov majctity cf tibA vot lte meticdiat.geuerl ocutrence bhm deoreed lthslte hban ou muene b. preeervel luthelb.oauroi disoipline for lte alot four yaat . BeyDlegate Frank Arer,«Cleveland, 0., a vallty masfuactnrer aromsed lte Indignation cf lb. radical eaemeut by oftqrlng a sarosalloamaudmeat alung e te liaI of forbidaieb pleasures -"erap shooting, prise figitte, dcg llgiti base hall, oo a&% et Io ceat . sineyo, prism o oa blind, mansit ,raMfttg, eolug.rblm and casting loti for igseltu nthe geaame" frne nromli.he eted and acrismuos dotlan d lte vire pulting il seeme ltaI litera la more pollUas tita religion In lte coufereume cf 1900. In Mensory cf ttce Dead. Mamorlal Day exercisvoe b eld eI narly ail cemneteriai ltrougitoul lita connty Wodmssdy. At Diarnondl ao lte ozeroies ver. eîcepblonatly gooti. Ré7. -At. M. Dix delivrel lte addromm. Libertyvîlle oornel baud via lu attenanue. Il ýji 1- n It d éciNt un.