CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Jun 1900, p. 2

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unttNOWit Al ffiUs ATTEMI, WHOLEBALE MURI>ER. Wsseý, aie WIle &adTwe.liensabci *à,, tting ramda Table tu th INWIul-fow S9uk inlu ke Mjc) »an by a Ferry Bout. htier nigit as William Wise, faruser tan milel Porth ot Anoka. Min- was ettlugtat table piyiug card wth b wfe mand tour childi-en, somuton fred througblite wimdow wth a sitotgi and a Winchestr rite. William Wis Jr, 7 $ers ld, fell deati, a bullie t s1 lus hlm sla thc bach *ad emerging troe bis disait, James Wise, Il yeare oci W"s @hot thirough the igit lumg andIolu two figeri cf is rlgbt baud. Williia J Wise, 88 yeas aobi, was abot in the righ chbsifder trous- beiint, ten buekahot en teetmg bis body. Ree hi paraly»seixa w wll di.Mm.Wlsw wo aatlInthetac ltea bllet cmerging tram ber abdoen Siewama"obitila both arma, and wi: dia. Elima sud Martita. tht dugtrs escaptd-by Jumping mb oa loset. t f mot yet kuewn wbo did the ahooting, bal thcesuspicion cf tht authorities taillaon twc persena. lu il ten or tieven shoU wert fired. Tht Wise tamlly hati recent lày movtd there troin Wisconsle, where lbey sm snid ta have been involved ilu feu& Thcy aise had had.somelitigation aimce.goingteaMinnesot. RUN DOWN IN< T85 LAMEr. ilo.w la Wrecketi by a Ferry-Oist Mm ,. le lrewned. The sc.owBliver Lake was eut down air the car ferry Fera Marquette itteen mile. orfManitowoe. Sleury Eaatmax, steward, was dreu-oei. The captain and air 'ibat ittore the ilvel, Lake want d owa, mmdow.e trescueti hi the Utre Mar- quotte. Tieltlest vemetiwss bouud up etaels Michigan with a cargo cr wood Mid ram luto a enese fo bit an hour bctorc tht colision orenireti. Tht Pee Marquett îtruck-amiidships, cutting t tSow Iutwo. It jesubi tlat the steamn « waa rumimgai uary fell spetd. lThe 104t bout wum owned hy Sels Johnson of Raclas and vas vorth *1,50. STBNUKILLED AT PICEIC. arma* Vimbera Ctiapo%. Cesuhius An a amul et a teuibie scoldemt at Malud w PalII. 1.1Wesley "tit, 18 YOM s oitsam of former Cougresama 11-C mt;Misn leude Sautogs, agol i$.dauttet- of G. IL Bksggg. are dtdm »émm MmssMahal Clauserl, inseverciy lu- JUOaI. Th"y vert meuhers et the Fakin 100 Oehoc l iteh had ts lanmnual picie et tic talla, sud about 4 o'leck ln the ettamaonwlktd asenthe long trestie *ho» Mmistappsd ou a pile of bridge tim- batiklhe 'Pile colispect and tey vere le4sé lu the d<Mi-l. Smith,@ bock vas 4!9*6% aà Ul Mma Bka li erai. Misa cIéue xtgîiatbd herseif and gave tih. Th* audinsOftseclubs ile Na M 41pi,191 tit.ouis ... a D-OblYu. -.18 13CIRimat ...12 16 chiewm o.... 11 14?ttw Taek..40 l mIkisun -la »Bouton..8 là 1ER ti. AMUIMele-a leege cstandng W.IL -W.L.. r LeIampofI18 BK&"»msCty.15 17 Mltwakme-AS U iMluePai. 15 18 r. <ecairo....17 id Buffaio.U. l17 Ubeiff Taylor et Grad CouutyUte 1 ma"mt-Jhulkla depty and à et o' wler, wvues#h«tand kilip by outlaws onMin crasht, mabout fityt u"ie rth of t I IUMWutpo' Spe-luga, literbet D4, au- ;'-otit- dtipty, wbo v kwith lieu, gays thet tre. men uepettdily eaMe upon tise camp et the outlaws. Sbeili Taylor l. sud $am Jenkine tilamounteti and accent- cd tittu, As they turnedta t go le their borim thel, wttr *bot lu the back. Tht i XmeCiyTi TeKansasaCity Tinmes la ne. issucq luder ew mamagemeul, Tht palier vas rectty purehasetitroin Bamber wley Il. Coi by :ecretary et tate A. A._ Leiutur, County Jutige J. Le.e Chris- * man -and J. 8. Sullivan, tht mllîlonaire owntlr orthlie big mude-tret works at *ti Missouri ptnîtentiary. Jefferson City. Aller a serionts disagre1ement ever lic poler ot tht paper ILBeur nrsd Chris. mapurchabeti 811 Of Sullvan's stock. acermomi lt;LinluColrado. In a caravan includlng 170 wagons andt large bertis ot cattie the iratMormon cclony trou Utah bas arriveti at ils des- tination Le the Big Hem vaiàley ot Coe. rade. Tempormry homes ara rapdtfy- lut up on lie laud hought hy the colon- lWts loug the nort isbathorthe Stluklng Wastcrer ______ * - Loua Higbwsyuan Airain. Tht passeugers ou thec iteping car ef train No. 1 ef Uie Miseouri Pacifie verte beli up andi robhtti bttweun Kanas Cilt- and Stall by à loetblsbwayutan. Thtrt werc mt many passeUger$ lu tht sietier an i ud it mt gt much. Will" ILS.Taylor-iu Business. WiliUam 6. Taylor, onaltti from the Kmtuudi goveruorahlp, bas engaged lu bualDMe lu Indianapolis. This i. vitakt bain out ef polities. * ira CaunePdrl ea Y ire eh tht bureau of eugravlng antd printlng lu Washingtonuamefa alues or 41J»0. Tht damage dons wus mesna, te obthuUlilgaant i viicause ne interter- cmS viUth tewerk et Uit bureau, wbich Pelgt«o iving lmliee Ig Olu , Nebo.,e bydt riueicf reprte ru N. gmnd"tiysttimed Young vomdan *Wwasimg l alimlia lutht vootia. ]Bey# ilr*lug trow lag expeditioma bave smadete h«. andtoeeor 1.0 bousevivee lbe Iset- PT mouy liat the bas hben, eit liywoëlie for s drink et vater. A youmg iini aud bcr encart rtirnlng from tue-c tlirengh anied tlat Snnay tell eofsee4t« soia ire burnimg lu a copple.,asd of bdr- th lng a beautitui femmle vale çautiugsa hymdn. Once ahe vas icen sithiaou ti- lie brlnk of a cttek nudr Halilte ae liiIdabbliuz ber hart test ila lite *ster.1 A squirrel bhunter sanya ha ea. >a ioong a Vioman, haudsomtly dressed. i.sttiugon.às Jet lag l uc nly vocti. tosqlmg..gaithi Oslu ber bauds etehilidreu pay &-f Jack-1 ne ots. 4n lie sauti ou thebbasothtic muriver are dainty bcat prints, andtedde rggeod hewiders or a morulugare Spuitti ik tht suoldcriug embers eof fir O DM tit th trange vilti creatle3"d I, 8e, an Ot it ho dee dt Wis lm Immediatc mnie relatives oet'the alsanlmi tr vemanpatreletltht outakirt otf Iee--r tence lu a frulties quest. kn -- n. Wtutlthy Boten Womau, 73 Tedr Older fil Mrrlss Men et 28Itsars. u, UmssLoulsa Pierre, Uic aged andti a wealthy aplumtr. vb ownus propotyInlu ut the hesart cf the aristocratiee suburb ot ru Newton, Mass., aut Dr. W. H.,Baee, i. ber 28-year-aid lover, have at isat oouc- t- ceedet in getting marrieti. Tic oere- e uony n-spertormuded b>- 1ev. A. IK. a Fuler o eNwhut-gh, N. Y., aItlite home . In et Dr. Bernmes' parents lu that city. Dr. 1 BeLrnes3' f atiter anti motter vere oft- j nettes anti matierme objection teltaemur- e nadge, In a uatement Dr. F<ulltr si T that he notictel lie dspsrlty lu the ages j of thlie coople, nadi, questicuet Uthe& cara-h tully. Both anawered bis.questions frauk- e]y anti opehly anti gave no Indication f tr In trYlng taecofcesau ythlng. Misa Pierce 1,gave ber agt mu 73 do uddnid te ba neyer Id héeumire-led. Tht docter gave lis ago leh lâs2L MiasPieuta t rientis are ftatiy N t siffei orer tht finalresuit, us ti*.)ba itoPedt i e abe te preveut tht vetitins. ip 3, GIEVS BDDT 80K ]EN CREEK. 'e Evmmvllle, d.,Police Cofrounti by t . a Myteriete Morder. e 1- At Evunaile, lut., tht police ara cm- u e gsti iIn attcîmptlng te soivt a murderfi mf yitery. Tvo men lu gins over a "aii bridge nemi- the Oak HIli ceutter>- aav0 two amati fret prtrutiug troutUiten-at- ci. Tbcy telephonedtheUic oromcr, vito foundth le hody cf a voman, wiUi a rock p tJe ti e lber ntck. Tiec allbod heen M eruadhoetilu tfrout anti behInti anti htr ahoes anti steekngs a hai eu remedveti. i Promu lie condition et tic body Il badTg *pparantiy becu lin the vater several b, iday.. A telephone message .from Ehter--Ch fiedt aii that Dors Eleter. a lpritt M, Young girl, tisappearetfroua, ber home ni r thiorde two veeka go anti veuttho Evamas. cviletwitt a usm.Thtemmnretourne& .but motblg bas dace heen sten ofthlie girl. - an *OLIVET POSOVPIlCB » ILOOE». ro * au MX« viti a aruebei aArr«e Tsc aton-bh ai bborbwew a, Mil. ' n» e racksuen robbithe lic ae luthe pout- ro oE1ce aetQ0»et, Meb. stola, two Icamis a"d eaeti te Charlotte, It wai betievet. ID fatéh s train «art. ShitffiEhepard metideputiesfémuntheUictenus.anti atter an a rumina ecehmngn-etfabotscempturetI titrsec 0e1,wbo. basidies revolvers, bat P dyamite, tusse. pcider. knlvtm anti s Uap et Miehigan. viti sae-eearomuti g Ouîvet. Tic pe-idsoers bat ozi1y 20 centa. anti Il la blieve theUicmonn-ihthe plan-1 de i eti antiedr way. Tic' prisoscrsreg.-ca 151cm-det attht Jail as Edwarti G. <Gi- vo Man. macintisl. IlU»Wa, MIit.L; jameds ta Giutuore, ralroat mmn,.Albany, N. Y., pIi anti Frank Crainraliroati man. But- pie Mday B ]ie, ur s Br isMomcy. 1 limon Wlei, à faruci-wbo ltti tour je milles frosi Bismarck, N. D., hum beu îIn martie-ed anti robhtt. Him desti boty cf bas beau fout!in uWfatamhoute wlitha buet baie Uirugb tht ei.He wumIli sbet vili bis dÔvn revolver, wbleb vasu tison placéti unier ispillew..He vas ileeeiiandi bad oseverai buntred dtolas about the place, wblcb n-me stolen. Ba Bi an Ôerwbimlug vote tht general vi eunttrenra cf thc Metholiat Episcopai Cburch In Chicago tiecidedt te boliah tht, pastoral tlime huit, bY wnhieb a minister bas been able te rtmain lu eue charge ci net longer than ive successive Yeard. n sey Sutiie of 'Terrapin loin." O Thomas J. Mil-eyknowu titrngitout thcelUnited States dat *Terrapin Tom," conimitteti auicide lu New York by alteot. IBr lng himodtit. Murrcy *asaager et tht bil Hontesetci eprestntatlves restaurant ina Wnitbngto rntu 19 util J1897. t T. T.-S, Ti sapen la Cremtet. Thoms T. S. Tinipson. genterail East- *r ern panenger agent ot tht Lake Short deu Bellidui et b Iurn"receiveti ar But-, lud talle. ThtelOre waa caunatt by tht expie- don cf was trou'a tieftive rublier tube le Tubes t esa tab e ù.tbfulaî. Louima Qhambtrtalu, a wcralthy Bouton $. wemdaar. hthoo u ueni-nret aut <4- ta vorce tihitetinte., reccntiy hataken cr a toot bubanti, tespite beor 78 ygard. te lit la WillmdrlH. Huttbluson, an.mtte, Ch .4 yen" aid. n ]ratal Bailvaoy Accietr. pe Tht englue attmehe te the veit-boant I taut mitrain ou tht aU Short roadt$5-1 voeut jutoe UtahlitaIWetfitld, N. y., he andi Eagimeer Easgem anti bis fiemausu.w: William LeIglbody, n.eeskuItII. vi - 26ë Tvo Ki.tu i-ain Wsack.a A local louaetruPacifie train W»a88j wreked lu Osaan. Cm. Frank lShav,. enineer, mmd Hmrry Wetml, fadremsan, 10 vere kiliet ami sevcrai pumicgers wea'e InJureti. ; r liste.Cilven a lIM e ctsuec. $B Il ers titmm ttecu iSaltam.C anadiean w? nes lu li aret Looy ' em Wehl4, bahl o da Tht Immiral7 perct Lyeu tagosvt oratavca mno i Pla lplilsbsser cid e ute libeu prnete dmn te- mtymienutenn4 thé qgtfcur o ployeri belli trequent onuférentea I manufacturaspout eut tlilery i Paaitg atprameal hlgber raes et vaî thou are pistilunNtw To-b, Carile Blectnmbcrg andtI llcills for lie mai Une et n-cek, ant Uiy an oblige ta len petes iht tie)paceu. Under auci e diticus liey couiti net pay téativaul The eiploye-s. bowverr.recognlseti I tiiet Uicthemien ta tq-m auliona. la cc sequceeforthase tonfereulte 00: mille, ep' crseenting lie emploies sdvi agislnst presinlit ie tiemmuti, and tii report vas tavoe-ahly recclue&i TIEBEXM«NKILLE> AT AKRO AsolOtut te Wu.k Train ou fuburte Biselsit Ligue, Tire. men vert billet anti a rumb et cters ircuaiy Injureau a Ireliut an accident ta a wmrk train on the Abri muid Ocysaga Failluitapiti Tramsit (elt trie) auhurbau Une. nemi- Akron, Oh] Tht braies on tva cars.loatet i vi gi-avel anti carrylng ihout a temenver men hemu disahlilet utthe top of sleep grade. Tht carise-cahot donn l Incinme etat terrifie aptcll. Niueetofhi vworimen jumpeti trou tecars ai Uic sete sang anti vcra sericuiiy Injure Thee-men stuck ta thtecars outiil it JumpcdthUictruceah le hottemi eftIl bill anti vert kilied in tht wreck. TI .;.catire mtJmk clao Michael Pei canmd K. Welker. BEL> FIl ACBILD'S BORDER.ý Saurm aleuat Aursatai atut n0 , 4O EUiel Lon»g, 18-yeae--od, daugter etepittu Long, via, live on a terni ast Austin. O Ci, n-aifouu t a aspring mez ber houle vitli ier'thi-at cult rou tas ctai suad itte-beat limalihtt. A nega suspect vrais are-estet aet Austin amd Del air Sihériff Deve-le feunt bleoautalus o the man's elothes. Au stlcmplcd lynci usaivasupreveuatcd by Coummislouce-Job Ott ai Frankfart. Mhootr Bilu e um Tias-acée Au accidental mootU& iag vieh aie Pei-sens vert hurt painutUll andclsevera more Wojred ilgbtir. tack placelieur lt -loe et a performamnce givra by ths Buekakin Bill Wiid West compauy lh Tivre liante. Tc acident vas cause y lie occliental tiacharge ef a Win cbester aboIe-un nichebanda ot Elme Mituteuhaileuenetoflie pertormeru. whi ras cugmget lu faner abootins. Rassaidte Deatis lu wrack. ,u ateisht, wreck ounlteCitailestez and Western Cnreiina coud ucor Lau res, . C.. William Me]Kine-, englue-r mud9 Charies Harnes. brakcman, ver urled i vllentiy againat tlienglue tur ae anti ceveret ith coula. Thor verg amatedtae eati. 7 00~ lLes. or Lite. Twetl-tvc -uinetus-teuwite me: Md twelve negraci-loat their lire. il nu explosion 5ntlthe Cuamock cai]mine North Corollna. The explosion la sup esd et bave beu au etdhy a brilkie muns lu a omtety limp. GermnsaMuetsaBillPoess, The Germuen reïebstue-, volimg by i-cl ciit adoptethe mont Nbihh163 te 121 voes. The messure proibitslte Impor- tatiou of ceoe or sausase menat anti Paceu dise restrictions ou Americmd paiters. VrelucitPouce Aseurat. Flesce fori- ance turing Uie exposition L nov ascred. The vote ot confidence ln the ntllitmi-y pasmed hy tht chaintez il deputie. lie other day i-entiers tit trtalu. AUl lie papers imî empitasla 1cm-son.. 1Cincinnati Waehsousa flumi. Vire tietroyet the contente eit John muver & Co.'», ciear leaf tehacco n-are- ause lu Cindamesîb Thse bulingîSaas s oue--tory brick, ant i t n-us veil tcket v11h stock. Tht lois wn-Il? ha*00,00. »lis Vire ait Oailon, Oiuo. At Galion, Ohio, tire dextroyedth ie -atlng tiepue-Iment of the Central Ohio Eue-y Couupany, the Capital Hetel amd -vrulal tammad resideuces. Losa *100, )0, lusurane 870,.0. .D3te-g isan a sCrash. Frire, MeCormlek & Co., brekers, 30) irnd utret, Nen- York, faflt, n-ith lie- flities ot.*1f,000,000 anti tnkuewns-. Peremptori Nolter Ture-b. Unitet States sient a peremptory mole 41i-kmon ail ultimatum leta tie ultan -maniue a prompt seutlemtnt etrlita ademmlty cdaims. Chîcago-Caîtie, coutuon te pile, :.00 la *$.00; bogs, sbippmg grades, ý.0010ta8.50; aiteu, fair te chalce. $8.0D a $5.0;veat, No. 2 e, SMc te0Ce. .e, No. 2. aie te nei; ests, No. 2. 21c 0 M; i-ye, No. 2.SMe te 07e 'butter, boice creamtiery, 1letae20c; eggis, tre.b la ta lue; mevpotatoe $2.5Q0tho *s25u -r bori-el. Ipdilapolls--C4tic, ipplug. *3.00 te 8.1t; hogs, choietll*ht, *8410te *5.80; ceep, coumion te prime. *3,00 ta f5.00; vbeat No. 2, Tic lea7Me;,oi.No.2 itie, M8e tic.le;util. n. vblfte, 66 to 27* , st Loeds-Cattio $a.m5te 85-75; bogis, .00, te *5X)0; sbeep, -*3.00 te *5211* wheat, Ne. 2, 70e ta 7Zcr coru.Ne. ï ho., Sfi te au;e;, asté, Ne. 2. 23e ta 5c;.e-yc, Nu.o. Z5me ta57c. Oblelmml-Catde, 02.50 la *5.76; bos, B54* *8 "i obeep, 82.110 teu*475; biset Ne. Z 'lie te 78ie; cura.No. Ï iae. île te 42v;as, No. 2 mixai. 24e a Me. rys, No. Z O11e te 0Me. DehrlI,-mt e *.50ui *7M si low eý' ibe ln.ttW0b0 e isible te fmar My viles 5be la et the NuelbASpes. u 4 Afriman emtufftt, beitel- sa country lu paeitea.f et Uc Lo»ulilana. AMIabsus.Geat'gls V rot Se iv Aolua am i Vlulua, 4 dýuratien vms Ove bhouriea t ne minutes; lie totalty beffl f rifle occan, 1,000miles m.adyil bg CheCity ofM.usce,ad en& ka south of Cale-o. Baipti- upe- e lI Ba e, a"nt tispesi i m'O shedo. pmsilg frai v est4 *s 2,500 miles ai heur. Tht il i. was ohsce-veo~er&amoyvlng I Ive miles br e-atu adlmgt fril Il tum te Nortclk. Va, &ud he- Il itie. et Na.w0eleans. Mobile eg m 1 th wOrulflt tf u*t Amoricar erd ,ti n 0a day viilb. egpeut* di las lis comniente briig tu-euU8*18 $W0 a dey. liait«eseoalstug0or perler, bede-e. and bath, vii cul tht . 0.te $75 luey, aeertotalucalle, at cpa> tho hôtels an aîroa t9i, si-te-yr,*teo belns booked ami these botlt.are sua lut applua te lbIglnan sd a&Whus hous, cbsralns lie retouar butâ m-atel Ileports $rem Ksang" City ninvlr à untormallun tat iItié hlyJeriuay lb.el ioctei titre dmrim i taé pmoattee*oz 'cution. Tic botl ateomomattouar Dt et lie bostamndunqmioablî suM ft lis boelss v it s neumal1 Pelis extoeemnt.mat. Rusa at thcbei mtil due-lu e- iconvention, luateel 0 oue parioneemuylug i mom i nman: potranta mli bhamasnot tactivoeu a eau hie acom ited. This ml b b.u'e £eM or à". . Th. allegralon Uiat liera le te te j fur-de> u Minium lu hôtel rates for lit oulvmtiom-thst eue mue aI er tote COI& 8,. - »ýwi Jum .v iba. Pew §M AT THE MAXIMUM DEEZ OP OitfCUSATIOi< tu AMEicC cnr MIontsnm, ilth anti Nrfoli, lte dey's. wbether ho tu Ibere that long or net patb of darkmessinciuded Uirty. otbu ,-bas oxlz the sbadow of iouudstionu tourne wbich are large enough te bave Most et tic delégationo wblcb bave ros thoir aum.. on the muap. -Irmetet for ros et the big bul"i bave Il dIB mt bectoutil 19«$ that the people contracteti pn Jidy 2.8. 4 and 5. Theu of the United -States have the opportil- will pay for four dey%, mo matter ift te nlty et observing another total eclipfe. convention Bnut up the. frit dey. IHum. It bas beem eleven years ince a similar dreda ef homes l aasasCity witi open avent Wl. wltuiessed. but the adrance- thpir &marste convention vIsitors. meut of astronoinicai science andthei ___________ marvelles Iin vemieuts lit telemeopes, pbotograph eletricul appliances in- barré more complets observations titan ever bette-e known. Tbe Unitedt States Goveremeut mmd ail gvent edueatieumi- Institutions moade elaborate amd ce.ty preparations te Set the best possible observations and miii- ions et dollars were expended inI.tiis Ten years agoib e St. Louis dlrectory wBI.àatroconjcal parties were etah- contalmeti 155,4»9 mmmc.. Tiis yeerthe lish et Pîmeburat, N. C.. Bratsille. mumiber la 209.205-sa n Ieremofme etumy Gia., ad Tipoli, Northt Afica. lu adidi. W0lper cent. tiou te tUse the Wer mnd Novy Dcpan- ,maintsseut out parties, whillclte leadimg Statistimo f Uic criminel population of anivwdtbg pand tinUmted &@ate show tuat noi 6pet lied tsro*nomsou tic ground. The Mcent S tttaainumbe, 0fof mninas are Keîlcam sovemumentibati observations vouzen. mmdailet tht National tUniversity lu Uic City of Mexico. Suropeau astronomera There werc 91M=8200poumb mofaise. chose the Sibcrien peulusula and -,Uthemargarine modie lu titi.aomtry ilu Uic metb.rmmoct Scor f Africa m« the past twclve meuthe. Placéesfor taklugth tireit observatons. The Brltimh Goyernmcut expeditiom., un. The Argeutime Goverumeut bas et detr tht direction of Sir Normn Lockyer Otfty Young -fon tmhéi differel proe- of the Royal Ohservatcry, was.etationed lmce, te be tducatcd lu the agricuitural et Aliecne: tht Dublin University party, sciote ocf the United 19tatés. wbich nuenhereti some at the torcînost Britisht mruouiaqr, viewtd the telipi. The seventftn-ytsr locusasare about front a pont riur the Spaniit pont et dut. Myrimdm/of thcma may h. expectati ]Plasemia; tht Portaguese Goverumeut tavly ucît month. They wolU ktcp thc pramtcd mpecial facilittes te oirclgn as. air olive with théir singlng. tromomera desirlug. te vieste pcalipat troul pointa In that country, il the re- t will cent t Gorerint u eriy sourcea of the Royal Observatory nt là@- 015,000 te purchase the papor with uhicit bon bclug iplacet! ut their dispoai. te manufmcture Uic txtra Iucucy prouitict Inteent lastud ofCapne. for by tUicocrrecey ]lW., ln tewiy of Wine rcat. lu tedy mtae- e th addldeual national bmuk circulation. eclise ltef, the object uf tht astren- OmaliPOX wae Practiuelli stampeti eut omers coInposng theto*eclipue expcdi- lu titis couintry, betore te Spanimit war. t""ss~ front ail parts ot thtecuutry wam Nw titerc itmvebecn 7267 cass, witbh net alono tu-observe the pasaing of tb 402 deatha frram the dispose, lu the Unit- moon bt-ture the su, but tht study ofe d States durllgtheUicpet iree menthe tht ccroua. This particular brmnch et sud a lkait. tht niany plienouttua geueraily attcuding .an eccipae, bas attways been anu nsolvia- Everybody lu lois, Kan.. lu spcaklng hie preblein. rtla tht beliet of mseyas-of tht manmotIt ne. cceet worké, Pro. trmumeri Ibat litheOe pIsa 4àpi-duet ot the sun amd bsuenting ha do li ti te eeti or momu e 17te mrl-saee, Tro tea o oratha ecftii parmmul teature uft lie eelipse gtak agaftmue outthe lautmaut mba' gut, oshiattvh à*lieaaumeen, kgow-1, ug.vsdireettithlihope 0f reacii- Wug .a souien oft-hi. 'pbioe ýlW steus," ginirah>- qekig. Tb* phata. vatieus lmken bhi lic Aitoaeer8 vers ceufue tolethese ePaalte lie. et vent -fieoh metio tat f chepieoe m litas, iewcing of lte eclipft vili 'lie Uafl'ut tu- ndt lic otogi-aphiag of te lhmen.a cf the telipue. The eciipsc tiarnUiMb a beantitul sigbt, ati ail the eheervies imite lit pe-amue- uus thec condtionseperfect. Prof. ,Bai- cari, et yerkes ubiee-vtfy atetithat lie lotality pexrlati sshtly %berger tâst a eulateti, wbieitprove thUicmicen tables to e hotty incorrect. AUl the principal n-cek ,*WU piotege-aphetiAnd ft 5ragrau &Dxn4>lelici-ed eut. Mami photograpi. ert t"baiti ai di parties a tercaa atiepeclslioftthe ceoua. Teltesepé lee uafi u rylng Pa discever nffmpolllle eetuthe ecu aid ltathe'miýxeoY. be. Oveeiblek g te t4t.*qe' M - non"« lie nani ee-mtmt But stem- )-iolng la ite tictiomary the loca papér pute thc ueo-gars on lte olli t telle. hy eho*li utlimaI Ui bt prooamIn I la *"" vîtihbc* e3s aict -à" afmeent on lie 8e-tsltablo. Mah offet tormurly came front Ara- bis, batt le le-se uedsinuyd hy s piagmt andti ltI etntrin- * rslsa mcam-a ely n or in Iaon-n. ceunumplk Whal je linon-n s merlein lutic msrke( of Uihe-Ird -le qe-ovulua(litrai anti Sonli Amerlea, n-le itewln-ilnlroducid b7 ltse Jeott aliars trom Arails. W^ continue@1 rtel-aIV a ceeld*makle ampeunt cfce.,m tu Jlm-add ,502,luMO, Thte cSet oet rin e lc 2Ineh aus etr tie ouest deteuses. vw"liare tic mne mon- lu noe, Wusppe-xiaately*0.A charg euandio f *beut M00Pem*iset pan-ii-,vineti aI800. eud about 3Mo or 9W0 poMuti0ut»W et anauaverag5ees cf 80 cents a peàud. Tbc*aearUýqeet- tachefte 8rieu lhc 12 amnd 4~ ut 0u bond à tSsBt-w*e- fi a lBt asetIsmn u x= cuta la prsafliy SSlas a ft eu o-t' lles. *am ld et te lot Bumn e Malenda su ki en h * nitk ho la coi-gi-u-a tosa t e ,n WYs ahuntdu t e n, M1timSéàla th il yo » wtgk ttvuis ri aoustiV» Ys" ou citiBRiceter riveti am âa*f ts %- fil retm xwéekmwlc. Oopyla C. fieSos rng et, Reoieeto e la ia4tt re n-sm-i ff ie-m ttussngi thfe Vaââ ie-l. be is cea ms lgshoosthIiealhoi nten-ari liacrossing if Voeeulglng i e imt di-ettt dte Joitausbu-, lbis mle-I 01 toward i WrSalN i.andi biclofttoleai Wft tWloI sformidable tuscinu S»m e vethppng tbéir fanhoa" rci a UUhrle tr5iétsshi li te sui-B Sfroauuppe Nata a .Il *by the M, arment jIrqc Mafeking on th. e *eetUu"e -o te tpulilcan army la su aciel>- m- béaItec à point et concentration lii. JO baunsibore- ee-Pretoria. proe a stieti f>ilmy tanpoint a alié aiii &ae. Amy cher matou. eventoug i bat lie uteenglt of Germent or ranc vowit mib' pmse est th eomti. Bul tic-See-sare lhot Il»ii. stier caties Tbuy ýare. fghlg for t i ie-stltutiosi natitbier eunir>-, shltti iau »Mmmoeu. baulId b hé iewans at "ebtamue miitam" mem or stttemcmf le urpe.. The ecuiitions o uttis,11on is lialma * usa te-entier, Il muetI b e mmeubic. a mot llke lioe that bave prevalled là &my alter great var.- Wbée-amemiesare ofe about Uice mme strenstt. anti whon the OtIt of operahiens la large,Bman emi mai bu attaeeanmutdeftatet Ila delsi Thora 151e l ch eance for fila la tbc Ou- -auge Pm-s Bate. TherenWM bu lemein It Uic Trunevai. The drenumaestii naren-ime fel.d of efivly, te Vsn ste-tuaItantimoblliyf tt eBnltiibmm-uî e coupethé Boers te a trictdctd Ove i -apalan. Thty c«nn« taci coin os gMit le icerala luope- Cvil - vr, te surprise au entuîy on is fiani Ior te egsiau isoatet divisai. Pe-atically, tbereare no Inhlaid ii- Slautle Bti"a ai-uoi. iabecrts La mo-tmg biieci-te-ml amy cam-pson ou- verlasIloes on positions of vital Im- portance te te Bote-a. Tbe latter eau- nel euhaufal thcusehveu lu treiduse cu- deivora te utay lt. match. Uiey eauol Permit ticusclve. te ba divertcti hi s Uroutelng mivenent in àasqurte vhllctbieMmblues rabrokec la muther. vUnicr the cle-umantausteyam-eton--. D tua motUlham-ye- e nautlcllm on ap- Vprovui peielpes 0f teaegyta erstl tu a Position vbere tte ye ),attlevO h. te advamc lieImevu amemm"et ta r- n-case Ic hoéteàlmwl 1miao â1b tansd atasa S RoRberts ma on- stremmooeiy U0"y n-t«»iPr&P. tee-la.Ther léadlers s.Mrfthevise Pm- tom-la folle t» Boa, .W atel tote ueumtamli amticontinune leadotn-bile lite Mmss.Tht ecue- amffla tlii. cu- t-y Mbei-t mIl llste misson ta Wu t ues t» 'United talt o Iâaevene la bibshfet es rffpib ls Boomerhave novcab en-ealteratis*farIur n- rentier 0o îrillta foislmit tll. 'Au- eoedbn to fie enverys tiatWattoe n-I bu their ceb.. Tbcesvoys veuétoilti hi B.crets-y of lMst* eyaitialtii. 0ev. enu eclti mot lalseueélu bataiti of tiie e-ublu OSNOUSTOU& NEXT. Sev e fl t e ne Bemtyeobei - vil Fs-sud. A speciltro- Wshington car@eliat an cîplon lunlte Cuban cumlem»a mr vice le threateocti, vbieh promism esri elatieni aosscsndalou4aes lte tilclasue-es la connection vithiUic Postaliserie. Au officII af tii enclîsme service, vitubas just returned, te New- York trou liavi-ana briinforutamation liaI Uic cuitomm ser- vie ther. i. oneicomheti mdli frmp anti cerruPtIcu, wnat he employe intarsteti are teembling lu tear of investigation. -it la tiscaedti latIinvestigation viii show liat liroqgi lI«buiess methots andi lueOmpett.t andi umeetuuous employ-ez. thonsauis of tolléts bave hecu tii-cited tromu legitimatt citannela Imb lite peekets et dàaitntst officiais anti their amceu pliee.. DIsboriemients of mmm. rouglig trout $100 te *10,000-have iemmatieqe persons wbo bave mot perforucti amy ami-vien-hutever, It isn«Id. and Ilu mony instane. viitout tic formuallcy'et pi-e- senting vauchera. Thte Assistant plceretary of Wmr tati- m-e-tli ill Itaire shoot a moali te coplet. the Invaestigation itartcd in Cuba. -Tic tact that is eugsuis servIce la te bu iceludeti ln lie luqui-y vinl- erm se i ask a" d ht te tlime. Tic O£eWia ane.ncenct list hiede- part-ent la underapi pon confie-us the rum»ors n-hie. bave beau curent lu. A Radampipr, ilit be New COUD- Tic &teummalueu l ic 0papulation et LeadiS ne. oute . lI0.M Iu nglinti a"i W la ha ury$%-*0 A mstmytisuevemed tvae tro mlu Eoet bs u oirbom seostfelulaFrane as tiat of tic Piti-ah cf the Rzotus. Ou nati Uahlv.esbtacipubliaitétian ImumbleaMmul heevng 287 0% Iîlenc et te ,front laout Atrmi.pour et t" enhave bes hulai Vuc i «àlus e me tma Une be. in-oseHamueurg a&0Naw Yack lu 181x) ezeeaff. thce mlmriaof;tic pe-evions yeer bu 4,000,W) mak,&- mm.*e prutua ipa7euramatie a trip trip m ila Is -la tire- bcewlàha s Rm. ex press train- tomes acénheuri teu Se-,ic dis- lia homme of ut Gh.i,.aa,é - t.. M, *0tam pht on o Otae slte Qbinas 9>- te-suds, i hMoeus.. plagit à# -&Peeice- d, at se qe si"brs.s ' y-, 00eu0e penaud mresolclle fr slm il* i lot oM-uMmt JuaeO; is ewtqgu"lu~to -Ir lngemniîllceuoulata "à Smrt ai d uing re-tis0 . emm"p tteai e hM r.tdtlng ai- taîee;.aiéu *c «Utlrditlow ubl. be Tii. temate deVotti Tbudgy te d Cà bat* on tht malien', dnoyton-aAU-lanu m laent Poissdoga, Meuse-s ieer "On 00elsu - aslsdlng ta e*uso u- sent letliceomwtqflatos 06 aeu or. poesesMe-.' Bameas,& g~'drc Bd tih etmiti» e nrelalip U scubae enlae aIvseintm ttu te c lnti lit finanes. Tic Honste cotet eilit houn rd tg cousideration cf the Aliska civl guOr * t-eut bill. Thi-t amentimetu cf iu utSW a wleIu e ve tatopteti. Cie suthon-iz à# tic Re-ry-of y w -0 W»suepermut. t, or e*tlavote or dreege tee- geit belon- low t vater mme-k on Cap. iNom. bfeh. Tt Ssoeretary aha i-leotere issued perui5 ,-but lte bill a. il t ased thteSerai.teaut eae cecithem. Another lit-Cide. fr "a an-, 0. iflorlul delega i. th o uma-as. Tht h . AISOsc ,huek eut the citaptr rel.n-l [y arreat anti bail vhueb permititez îr- erlu certain civil Actions. The confèem . report cm thetIniensuappr-oprititon l vt as adopteti. 94i the Oc-iîmte on Fnuîlsy diaculan o at the Sîtoonfr lPhilippine bill vas cuntiue., a. by Mr-. Morgami. Ounlte sgemraI ques- te tien cf fthe iantis b>- th, oulVatet Blutes he vas lu Aceor-d -ieéý a Scustots SO)îOOur ad Lotiee, balteré-. O*i-iletthe limoner bill ai enviée.8su Sdangeroos iegal>atlî int eiuatletfthe gi-cal Spae t îplac-et!in lteh. ands orfthis a Prstnt- Me-. Allacu Uthon culled P. licitthe i11r>- clvii appropriation bill. whicW ,ecaries *415.112,l)fl0or oreer 84.000,00 more titan lhe bill As It Pouedth U oe, Ohity-1le etOflie 157 pages et the büih p. lae ipometi ot. The «flusevcIe *în-e houri tu eonsidei-ation, etthe Aime- * at Civil goverumeml bill vituaut e tpileting *ut. Tht ession fi-cm comI y adonrument %n Astitrotet Inluprivant as diom bils. Mn. taibtut (S. C.> e tma hlbi obsrnctrýe tacitIc. Aller 100bui d bad heurt favcrabiy acted ue-on luin U IL m itte the h oit h loc"e a h I paoage lm the Houa. vili Uit poit l -O me Oac-u. Amnong lte bil*soiaby a tet epUn - v ert entusîtmite-, 1. te pensio the videof Car ptai. 'iii - ey. vWh ournauied lte Olympia im Uic h attetrMaulla, et 8.50 A aoth, lite vite. Of CommodoreIR. W. 3MeuteSt t 40 a mentit anti the vldovet ("ta. Il. P. l-Forc-cct"fOhio et *5w a uonîb. rTlht Icunte on l<turduy mai-ed te lie rreolullou for au InvestIgatonhy 'lte emtmitîeon Cohen affaire or tieC«OSis poUs adtiotber Irrnlaritice, autiorIa lac th@ comnîltee ta vieil Cuba If acces- e tor-y t urimmetht iaqulry. Boucm s b vas given 10 the auntiry edm-h appnp,~ tien bill vithout codungil. su d Uie latter depolt ncmtemial iupeoveucta Washington for Uic Baltimoeandtieo use aut Bailtere mnd Ohio rauiroiiu , anti for lb. remoualoret lhis i î be-I . he," l gebwày trontte N Orite u tac Southi turing tht e r of Uiei-i-is.î Il-o. Pammec th# billgi-sntimgs asa 0f 8w0 a month te Mr.. Mai-r- L. Itelm- beM w ida. ot tht lai. Caotl. tht wu$ klled la Uihe Philipîpin"e. The iomm Pracllcmîl oumPlcteti the couslderatl cf th it laka civil grrmm Ceote <Wa., charinam et tht commit. tee ou3 Inslai- affaire, preseuta-l Atar ahle report ou th. liai retolullca fallietr upcU tic Postutuater (hunerai fr ritais Information reaaidinglte reporte of Ir. 0. t.thbne dreetOr Of lie poits a Cuba, Anti the rea<lutlee n-as atopteti vithotdivision. Anether i-eoiutiÀa trou Ilie saute cuitc lntrodureti i.>- Iii. Jenes (Va.). colline uponthie sOerelary of War te report lu detail tht paymts matie andt t nhotu tram tUicrevenue or Cuba sud Porto RtC-O. , asaiso adopte-t. rn tbe p.-nsîe on Mtin>- yreatima nt tht mîutdy ir>- liapproprui-ionlubiln-As ertaplett, butn.tolail of thte enlmitpee suteutiment'ilaipasMeorc. A lîrltiellh-ait -us î'reJpitated orithe' I)ropoitiomu l4 ctinue.telite ofthd nustrial copu utîssi on itti 0,-.31, 19101. .Cltî-e, vert matie ltaI the <ognulniaajcu.asb'- 11g9nacti us n Re-,ulcam esiapalce na chine and that itm'oýrtamuîtatumomi bail been mupprcn4.seTh" cO<nmîttet auend- ment, èon-ctei-, n-m ei-ed te. lu lt@ lieuse the Al*san civiiloverament hidi vus% PasetAndantsoute odtis mut ends ot leglaltion lvere cieaneti up. Mi-. L)iI gars notie that the aatti-rt rasouticu ant il urepei.ted hb>-the Juiciae->-cou- mittet vouit b.conmalteret Waoed.y 'llui-sy anti. lritaî under a sVpie crier. stleau capital Note., Thii.yeai-'s a Pme5exporte .Wi1ttiacet $100,000,9100. Tihe ver. n) fatallîle. rt cho tever lu Apnlli lavama. Oupi-cu Coai-t viii beur arguenton Cbleago tii-lpagOe analuInOcteher. More engimeei-offeers are neee for thé Amnerican dltut Amistie itationi The bil prevemtimg juterétate Commerce la cauvlet-made eScota passelthleoue - h.iuses extencie tIhe tlubl.ecue-bill té alillahoei-m ployed lu Goveriumct vork. -There la ont mocb cehance et gettng1 the Olemarga-imu li.w Uieough eg-a titis session. Vaudlver la trylug tb gel B& favoabl reprt ou bis bill tubridge. the MlIS'- aippî t ain se ieardettu. fe--s ?. Blcgel e01 sou~ apPolumled A vIreman lu the hum-asut euge-melug and prlnhlng.* lec-etlsrY Long bus ortieti thekà- astablIhbinoth ie Eueoptan Station. The Ubèny viii go at once. Champ Clark le seblg tu set Ca gresho mte a national Park cfrVWB. aon' Ci-tek, lu southeusalMîssonri. The Senatç- conmmîtee ou lnteucemie caais lu ltreport upon th,« Nilear*gma. nopal bill comes eut sîrong agninuthet Paama route. The majori>- report et th. iesH gm milIe ou Judiletary onUiheLIttlaettibil> 'ta regulate ttewuv@speeseted hi>- ep- resentativ4i Overitreut Laek aipaer te demi vitti the suilieefet$ip lasg-1. ¶Nt sanutoi Titr tation, Is noUil avine- *in tIha Ur. à hi nue-bt, le iti atteupi Ï. tin-uil be cap helitet *to do." Aicîs the i w vth a sud ,thi Ibste kimiti o descrihi Wou"d luicar Ction. bis va anti de rgard tire i, lte ft hie te requinI st i amati #f hm- part-' and a Iug of hau la courut - eeffl *bave' bardij e tfoi pi-esel wept nomc andtt Te ad biasi4 mkt rn beard ing. se vers Chrs wlio oftbtt rîiti bere frou lougi1 i-afflua beldg that t Nel sori humai drink maria eus, the b et. heral hebin untici ahéiti asI quiri - leu pi-cii ion? i-lIt saler- Penn chrir iake L Zac gitiet tat - olo, fihs 'T , 1

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