CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Jun 1900, p. 3

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1h . , ,g t e Ch cub bu Island' augit hou n civil gS, mIsut oi. petrizs aceh. l'lie dt permiî, eMste tan-i rime noo, elsiisg ition cotioue4'i i'al ques.> but 11e Mêlse s !hs gb ran a let O Ai, vhicà r be la P devet 1h. Aise. ac rae %I lnias tveably ;la in tiha Outi. th. cil, elm. ithb. anto1 hea.- mlas mil a hie ns-hi- P-v. vsoi le Hlums. bill. tir. Commit- 5 as-or- r cti-ni poats in ' adopeit on I-mm ýc-ret*r>' reue ut slopteil. idng nf yilliwas ilon l Chr"e Our hall amed. sent bil r>'a cma sution ry Coi- UN t Iis dhconri-e Dr. Talmatge showrs luaanunutuelvay the-antagonismes that Chit ovresme ald faîla a hai' amra foc ail vouadet iheurs; texI. John xvii., 4,"«I bavea finised th ie sur i tmi Ilîou gayeet nme te do." Titan la a prutounit atistactitun la the romapletlon ot uytiug vi- hart- unden' takiu. Wu lftth 1e capsîhime mii exuli talion, ybiie, on 11e other lbond,. Ihi- la nolbng maoe ditaaupultlng timi irer .avlaag toiladInl a certain direction te findthât oir mmm tun ws asteil andl uumnlu- reigent profIls-se. Christ taise ttrow u[i a bigbaray on vbieh thIe ubols- vomit rnib If il chose, mourir Jobs-csnen lie ddl it. The foui mouthel crs-v mis sîlsaspheilte trnat ounlm cuuld hDot ex- tiagaîlsb the sublime satîitactlun sehîci 1e expcasit v hs-o 1e sait, "I havi lulsheild hevork ubici t Iou gars-t mi tu do." Alexander 1the Grs-at vas trund-i. and the, toctuirs could nt mdicate bus vouIs, aitd1e seemei tehob dying, and la bisdrainait 1the mk mano sai s' Plant vidi a pecullar fliben. and be itreamed that tliaIPlant vas pit upon bis vouim s"ud limlmiits- w as careit. And SAlgazdorn, vaking troua bis dream, tolu tWte lb. physicio. aidth11e physicien vaniteroit out outil 11e roundiJoual lhe kipit of peut .wbieh h1e icin mas oua itemcibeit, bnongbt il 'te hl, mliditlb vouaitvas balet. Weil,. the human rare iha rt b brt vitb .11e lgastlistof ail vouiiiitbat of sMa. Il vu the husi ases et Chris thobrlug asimiait foc tIbm vouait-lb. b"la 4tt 4issss-rastoratiox la carv>'ig tiesisnessa 1 5a ccesj fu o nc lthadiatiles vers stopenitous. li, mas>' et ont plpss -s have , fiaaitu tebelp us; soue tmsv wa %ketch et lb. plan, othens l te hlp us lanteéle- s-giss. Bol Christ tonght cvrinuh of bis va>'agansalbitter iotilits adamid 'eirm.staes ail calclated luadepresâ a", drat. Ilia fraI place, is voridly oeccolîl ilies sagalual him. i finI 1hs1 he eanel bis livelibood 115 técarîus-ti'r's trado-an occupation sIs>4. 0ta bugiti cflegad i ait respeced. HBut Yeuu no' s veli as 1 do 11htin uder Io suemed la ena p.,.mas-anoasm I gve lis en, tie tlimeitte It, ail 1 bai- o eltare tdi tha fatiguesof earpeîtnj s-e euntavori. ie tuthee lmzctaion of a mission whirb required it almental ad phli atat ties. Tbcongh blgb, baril, dry, husky. in -senit lulalama lubey a vs>'urton us ait gloiious dispenatalln vas a abopet dg«u oaeftakiug Ihal wu* enonati te de tad aiu liasrsncentatseilceri ets of christ.'.Wa havesagiet man>' iorn tic toneim b6jntt uhaamea vitb pri toi] ae accomplsellun inteleculsde pairmia.batt rai nnuw alusstîeri mu a& b9ean Ioiiae Il ail ls>vth adj ait »wansd har, .Planeait az r shgga anu ha auinduol 0ns-st. Avs-aXi i ~ la au nfavocable adjumacb t0 a lail a . Te*Vo, vhmete sla puai-si>'mn ai u l If y e n w &c a l e d 1t e h uo e1 a lhagitue. or the procL a ice of a 5evcoite utfamorale, or11e $sosu ing eOfa&ievoludioa wich oh-uI uplun au mnations, coutligel soeda hfs th, lncohorueme of Christ@ occupation vi'l bbheaveal>' mission. Th. spiritual Utbuihinua. la bis 'fathe'»hsop no murs- ie s-ouie vas@ncesear>' tisan noniinaril -« mr nes inlaargabning vitb me-ntlb bave vork te do; Yel Crist,withbobnd bard froma ose outoluls ut traits-. as csi q4 forà,to besome s public speaker, t preacb 'la tb. face of mobs. wileoi- vepI svait ome sbnin sr tiesaua, soneagasabe aupon hlm vitb thein tes- ansaiturai antad ithm ont outhle.Wvs Te a4tcess ou-erait apctuu a-m bissas la nul no easy as il may seema. hu kl eqaies more enres sud ms-ms-fure aitdalors coni-ctrallon bu aitdress su ce 4fperaleil mob. The vllgers tif Nanans- beari thIe poujdngof i hannier. bu sli'tie vidermaches out esrniti ers e hee dstanoins ot bis spiriuls uile go ase bis habita of trois sud ul. vers agninst hlm. The mighîr mai-a Christ', ime dnul appear la apport vitaut rinketsand ladmarneup. Non of lhe Csesars vould have sppeared1 illasuaappai-el. Tel hie n'»a si bueswusa aprofrssel king, irbu sues noce 11e saimaicou. Indes-i, it wvsi fromt sbabby, for tter 1e huit voeuil long vbile the gainhiera tliiugbtitilsoit rmig *bout,liaIt til il n'as tamt ri beidg an imperial robe. Il ira s 'm thal au>' ordiary mian iil tbave us- on &anoriinary occasion. Nether vas there any lîeeasion ibuhi de. No caîîbosrs-r itit golden citai irouglialhuma vine te drink. Ou thbc ai shore 11o ste fah, ist baving broiloul himassf. Nu- une tetcheal hlm wtr i drink; bat, beuding oétirh1e vs-lin S macl, be begged saurink. lie oatu u one banquet sud Ibat nul ait ail msiti ons, fr 10 releve 1the sîvintarlucs lths bout ons-'of the guesha bal 10arei vin. tor the compai. Otiman ingari-l ilua chariot; le val s-i. Other kunga as thes adrance'h.i beails aitdandl spplauîing subis- hba; Christ',rstiuue vas mads- np suanimued ffabermen. 0111cm iingsala( unitar embriolemedit anps Iis oas- on sblterlesa bil, Rlding but unce, as f as I nov rememaber, 0on a cot-abil Il borwed. Ris poverI>' vas aganuatfhlm. lr ioirejaamuas>' te but greal entemprise leautfmensare sfraid ut a ps-uuile prjMr, lest a joean bs- emanded. requifres muas>' tô priaI books, t0 bti Instttutions, tu par Instructoma. No vo der bbc vise ms-n ot Cbi's ime long s-I at thia penulesa Christ. "WbY," Il siI, "vbo la te puy for thip ras-v rel ion? Who i tb charter te aipa 1tes r>'thdi ilsionamlec? MWbo le a lu pul salaries outhlie leschers? 51s11 vs-aiith eslablishs-ireligion b. diaconmfseit b; peanilensaChrist?' The tonsoaluene-w ltaI mont utdi thPeopltihlt Ifoutuw Christ bail aoting lu lses. AffientJ ss-pb ot Anîmathea ban-aiChit.but nains-ilno social position ilu bing ti il la alva>'a s«M telu brsabsaI nu Zaccbous isSel auovs-atb or social1 slillon la follovlng Christ, bu o oin s sion lua atros lu loo oin lttas hi-pi ai. Nicoils-m, veaitits Nicoalem Jtbklabd noîing of social position lun loiag Chrit, for be akaîkeil br nlab l- iai-hm adin la acompleut giplL Vicie'>'Ovs' Nature, see hlm viclorlotus over the forces utof nature. The ceas la s crystal sepulcbs-r. It swalloweil the, Central Amirien. 1th poidtub liaen. Bot bere vas a man wbo Prealdout adthle Spiisb armada agi bidgraitasteil at nu college, hai t 1'D eusuly as an>' i>lytait ever floil don l. CI y ac'aetmy by ordiliury ms-ns learned The lainait lakes are fltY aateirlin la the alphabet of 1the language 1e sPoiré, heir vrahh. Sorne ot un vho have sali- û aud yet be proposed to talk, to imti-ot ed on it kaiow that Lmâ ulails-e, vhs-n la aubiacta wblch bi contommde th11e aroase in a s torE, la evîrwheluîiug. mlgb:lsst Intellects. John gays: "The anid yet that ses croucbed la bis lrccuis- Jew# marvels-i, ssylag, IIow bath Ibis sud likeil bis téet. le knew ail the mispiters. havlng never lsansdf" V, vaves anid thew iîd. Witsn e bfckoui-ii, CI lit (,nr day, have fontidit 11thnta iiiii teyisîoc. Wa.viie 1e ruos-il, hey lied.lii wiîhoît a dîploma msy kuoW as mach 'taiTh heel ut bis fot made ao indenttionuîet a lutin wth onie sud Ibat a colis-eemi- on thie solidilteit valer. Medical sceiclint] lut trasform s aliggard lto a Philoso- lise 'rougt gralt changes la rlîcumitie fili piter or a thelogîcal setaloary leacb a limba ait diseaseil blouil, but whv hs- 1e se fool tu preacia. An empli headi fc eremslsaentlywhrenobunli fi lyingon f boditor te pembypr i ower cao retore iai, sund vhen a th a mpty atillL Bat il aboekeit ail exlstiimg liile once il daitiil deuil. But bers lx îrciudice.alu thuoe ils-a imen for aminitii a aparal>tle-hia baud lîtsles. Christ ni, ivtb no achlatie lreleaions andl no asys ta hlm, *Streteh fortb h1y hand,, n agraduatilon from a Icaruid InstiItuintui amdlie stretches It fortl. I s et bîmacît op tor s trlielber. Il 'vas lun1the ee I irmarY boy many dia--sei agalasî hlm cales ort litIdelleste organ havelicou Of gou'alsu lthe litsvit>' ot bis lite a cure]? But Jeas s a" t u oue blind;, h agsant hlm. He bail net cornu 10 wlint..rie open!", ani th11e ight utfbsaven N vs rail adilife. But very tew mca do ruabhes tbrougbt gates thal haye us-ver he-'la eaayth'nag lafore 33 jears ut age. and vst tire ciiueet h rs ra i r hat vas li e point The frontCoriau'exlit teâ ras t-lhe itntwihCuatstie1ny kili a Ires, bt Jesua @mites 0one w la temnreyiTh firet 15 Flors ou a lie deusil wilh a word. Cherisîry may do tL~ * Innureryandsebool. Then Il will take noywnefltigbtwa hm * ou six sean tu gel mboor occupation lot în>ilvoudderfol te iv avehsout « O profssilon. That vilii btg 5Fou 1021 oulu change a Poil f ut aer lato a rcaiehfi yeara. Tben it viii toile Fou ti ypara nt orwiue't bat human voléescould tom-. Sleas 10 gel estabilshe in luFour lie uri, mnautia chool oft liai? Tel bere is a l correctlng thé mstelkes Fou l'ave made. voire that marisals the seultrbe until lh IIrayman at 33 jears ot age cgi'ufus s-aplc hrete adltd ntee Il exablisheil in bis lite vork 1e lan11e et. net and puledi lbup vltb 1nofiBahla It l >e me.tion. Tel thatlàlathe Pinlt t iwbicb 11cr ltIl downaanansd thc disciplesel Christ'% lite terminaîcit. lay bold suit hegan 10 polli. whby 'res- Menon lumlltry lite bave dnc their sion urthlie multitude of fisb is h net 'a ainf wonderfnl dls-cis befors- 33 yiarx of liroke. Nature la lus servant. The flowu- age. There mas lbe exceptions 10 i. but crs-e Iviatthesm Imb is sermons;w the mont voudertal exploits lin iltar7 the wlide--lbey vers lus lullsliY wheu p prowessbave occurrel 1f ors- 33 yisrs of b11epin-jtha 1e huaI; the ramn-lt bung g age. Bul en A legllator-no mAn becfomes gitteringly, on the thlmk touage 0uthe11e crallnft ns s leglaltor outil lie basnbild parables; the star or Bsthlebsr-it sanug along years of experleume. Andl yet 1the a Chrietinas carol over bis - birtl,,- -the ' s- gray' hearieil scibes verse xPocteil t0 rou"h-4sy beat a durge t bis deatb.w À boy dowu lu slilcu<e lisforêlebis 50011eBsbolbis victory uver the grave! Thy me lesitor vitu arraigmîcal saniedins an>d inges of 11e tamlly vault bscorne very Lnaccusesi geverumealil. Aristotie vas nild. rasîy lis-cause te are noyer upeneai ex- LXyurgns vas nid, Scueca vas oIl. Thé ce-pttt akennoîber ln., There la a knob great isgnataors ofth11e muderna vldon uthc oulside ofth11e door ofth11e sepai-' haie bhi-ol.uE- Christ iras Young. Aitlier,-c.but none ountheblotide. fiers cornes et tis vas agaisbiL m.If achilil 12 r70815thebe oqasror t dealh. Y* enteae hast o aghouid gel up an ur presence to reMan sas', Daneter ot Jaimus. ait, diseuse giet questions Of metaphYics Or upr jan llse ails op. To Lazerne, "CorneC or etis or polities or greriment. 700 fortb!" end lie came'fomtb. To dia vit' a v oulit ie asanontemtumous as thes" grany ova abMn1e sait. et Up from that -- bearildsitscibeszlan1the lresence out Iis ier!" ad 11egoca borne witb bis rnolh' -ycuug Christ. Pr. Then Jesns suatelfeil up dis liers ot id -EBead A"te cPooi." bath sud bang 111cm ta bis girdle andil sa lopular opinion delaredin la Ios ey criéeil unlil ail11e grareysrits of ths- earth f "Blesseilla 1the merchant wirb as a ra-b-s1 hl. 0 ae 1D eath tIvii 1etlb>' a- île dovu on 1the boks otLake Tiherias Il SO OGav.I ii c t>edara. ne This 701155 man sai. "Bis-assi arc the lion!., h praua au ý'« por." Popilar opinion saldit l uneo nTeiuamafrl ane l7 ilys. "Blesseai are those Wbo lire amuI No man coulit go tbroimgb ail dis oh-v ýw alatuar>' ad toostains andilgardensansd stacles i have desd-mhed. 7011 557,vilh- t ed eongrstulations andil su UnIs of fes-ail- ouI t hvlng a nature zuperoatursi. la L 'n- il>." This young zonsu respoadeit. "Bicss,- ta arm. amit its muscles aud nerves it ed are die>' thât inour." Publie opinionan sdbhoues, vers intertwisted thePcher- a- la those laya salît. *"Blpesela the ln' gies o omnipotence. lan1the sYllabAso 'h man eagie. the lisp utfuiose wing star- thal voire Ibere was 1the ernphasis oJ 111e il tics nations andith1e plonge of irbose eternal Cod. That fout tbat vaikei th1e a'- Iron lisaitinflicîs cmalty upon itsselas-' IpseS uft he sblp lu Genuesaret saoi iw mes." This youug man respondeil. slarp kingluma of darkneusslutu demoli' a- 'esait sa-e 11e eritul." l'uîlular lion.Tlis 1overty truck Chri-lt ovuat e- opinion sai. "Anucrs- for an ey. s toutim Aiilastus, ow.eai 1he saiibedriu, owaed an for a tootIL" ru other vords. if a monTIberas. osylicilaIitie atics on its a- kuocha sour eye out hautin bis out. If s bepactiaud ail the skies that looke dova ai ma casyn utabekbs etort im iUn vals-r. uwaed ail 11e sartb ait e-for retorlsfrtasrn tom «aracm, irouy ail the bs-avens. To irn ut the plain coalt a feror iomy. persecution for persecolion, belongei thdi robes of relestial royalty'. tA oonit for vounil. Christ sait. "PrayCh-as pslz . te, fer tlxrn 11sf ts-espilefali>' ose yo." They hitas'ptier ,r> lookei t a bis eye. Il vas lune ans otuer My subjet also reaconres us ufthdia l- mna'as ye, except perbapa more speck- fuel t lu inail n t sImles vs have àa x- iag. The>' tel bis band. mails of bons syrnpsthizer. You cannt tel Christ nit-1 - ait muscle andt as-s-es andf@uh, juit ding aew about haritship. 1 do nul Iink l- lune a»y' cîer baud. lel vhal boll that vide agea of eterity vîi laire dis 't-tretacotet ubeet. haîaupmaîiîaîstars fmom bis pauctureit aide ait bis 'r demanda, vhah sîrange doctrine! Tbey iseersîit templbe aitbisrs lbnda. le totellis oli earth under 111cm, an y tgoonvi ce aes ursnwlhn lbh Chrisla sait. "I bear up thia liers ut tille su aso pounds as thast bordes Christ voci." They loins-aiea the- moult. He carrild up the bioodill111. You wW l v, I ii tara il mb hlI)ood.' Th-y aes-r bave uny suffring vomw itia b sakde b e. i ,- lbah nitored, vhs-n vlîh tongue boltait bosI5 Ié e. s aît cviibs rackeut and luflamedan sdaollen 1e iltI" Tbey ins-fet thests~. He sailt. meaasai"thtiimt." -Touvilii uever 11e lut ..I ill shahotheiliown hileuntthal fg." Dit cvr-re ou ou ingsay tiinga vhich ue arat hrst', fe jh, fuam- &ii sebold'? Il vas ail againal hlm. me reviîing. lîuil vhi ragfe«, huiliii ki gAferithe ibaflte of Antielarn, vhe. n indota bis prayers, sud hag upowlie tgeneral rode aloiig tbm linoes, aitbougbdw i raegan infigu h luteotleawr ligdw xamd inmIliof blood. O se faint bearteit, O je lb îbs-y rose wita gréitat ihsiasrn suai bai' truliîblcut. O e persecuti-itone, bere la a ýt assi. As Napolcon rcrurnei f rom is ie he l dtat eau sympathie- idi Fou! 'y. csplivlry is iraI s-p oun1the 'harf Airain. aitlastly. learu trom al hast ým' siouin ail the kinKdgioila. ait '_1U000 ms-n lias bleua saidtotuday that Christ vas av- ihi fioucêa h0ie tisindarîl. 'Il touin3.00 uflî la sarasst. If itlibal nul bsen s mu' Lmoeptoasatmh is eils-.Su0tsera nctoas mission 1e voulit bave turneil el'bav ben mn o woderui agnti ackfrom Il ditgusts-ilasuddiscoumageil. 4hof person. Buth brutrtue hils-1 tel î eîîso sasiyou la îl aptivity from vithich its ut ot a pour youuginian uh o rnme up fmom wns resolveitol extriets 701, thougia il t0 Nie-relt ho prudure a tbrill i'hicmb las muet; hlim ailtatreal, ah, tsars, ail blod. as- nvsr itocia xcited b>' auj other. Hie came s giet vay lu sure Fuu. He cmre f mvrnBeuhieheui lise, tarougb 1the lit T haQuetIon ot Lin-age, jplace out»alis, Ibroigh 11e charnel of 1ItIsagine.Christ uns- day standing la honas-. tbrougb banitlinient. Thers- vas rei te tri-ti of Jsriiaaem. A min de' noui amnnail tite tanks of relsstiasaune )ne aceuilcaif rom 1b i lupsage in standing n'ho noulitduoanemuPit tom you. r lu L-leienlm ait baya:. "MY faibler vaslay is crushi-ilhi-rat tyour tiet to'4ay. nu. a merchaut prince. lHe bil a asîtle on Let il not be told inl liars-li tut yua le- ftyà tise lwaest aIGailce. Whou nas Yous- lieratcly put yuur fot on IL. Oh, that 'um fatb-r' "Christ sn'wes"e'Joseph, theîthlie u.giviag pua-sr out hie Son ut Guil a cga'eter." A muai front Atitsus is nilghî Iart yuur deual sont ito su etemnal tit standig theme uil'olliîig lus parcîmi-ut lire. begînuine titis day! "Awake. thon oui of graduatin nul syii toChrist, "Whi-me thât sîcepest. uit ise trom the deui, suit unt diI oun go tu s-o:i'Christ anacwra, Christ thall give liase lite!" Lies nov! ru *1 ni-ver graduaIs-."Abua, titi' idea of And ilus- tosr! sumh an unheralled younug mtan attempt- is iug 10 cunimnand the attention ut te r-u'o"o ce ionl! As weil aoîî 11e li'fshitig village- t: SH-ORT SERMONS. ,e- ou Leug flnl shre atpiupI housriga t 1it Ni-v Yor.: Yt 1no sonner dotsieu- st ~ b is fot lun1the townnaor cities ut Juilsea Self- ileallzatiin -Tite -pals Chriml Ra- titan cvsrthiug la lu comnmotion. The polnted otît. te hoavenward asceut ils iteofle go out on a pieule, tasinnl uy ti- foo emougit tutrîa luis. el are goau i- i trougi th1e suui. isadis- open bot st ut mainIs-Iitis Christ that nt the- riik ut 'Iefome us 1tte lîghest Flelf-rs-sizatlou. are slarviîig tbey fîîlusv hlm out im 11e Nc- maonmaesaul util but sonrs-if, for lu taiidemis-a. A nobleuan tlailf la I l do hnta ai lias- ricit past ces-uts-s, ailtae in- bsfore bilmaundanisa.-,My dcught-r is spirituial potcatiiîitles ofthdi race te' ire deil.' A hoggar tris t rui th1e dtm- sloe.-Ilsv. Morgan Millar, T.nlbarian,- mIs@ uesfrun ieits oesasud asys, -Lord, titat $an Francisco, Cah. ) f mas s-es msy las openei.' A Iloar. sick, tep pating vomma presses tbroîîgh cru fss.Mni enadn it ilt an ciowit ait saya, "I ritt tomttite ILî thst an Indiates nature lias Ieqtethed fer of i garims-t." Childrcu viî laiets- Ito RU al aIe-ts- rightI 10live barmoni- lt mother bs-Ils-mthonan sy oneus- s-itrugghse ousi>, bapllîs sud prosperousls. Wltit- to gel inb bis armeansuta1 ki«s ls o!ut oppression. Thue mai Jeaus vas of re' cheek,ad bu o u tîeir ingera tbrongh sueilslalloentencies. fila service wms nis. is hair, anulfor al l iais- puttiag Ji'aus t0 man. Ire ivas nul a reigloniat, for s-as se bu lors- viti t he ite 1esula tItheme Il la hardIs a nursery la Clristteuluni fruna 1e fulml1nalcît against te national re- uitviscb 1e ucsnollaie ue, ayig: -îlîion of te Jeii--Rsv. F. il. Masota, DCURRENCES OURING THE PAST WEEK. utholie Home. Bar" te 5e1',rInu"CoU551 fweetbonrt Worth Mur- than 0*»,- 00 Suiîcide Ns-ar Ceat*rviiile-Liet of State Tass-A liardiy>Mue. Tlîe hluuuic oftheit- Cool li.'îýiicm, a atni.' lnail îîou fi-r theu'Mnît'uitde- î.ioIi.ýiand. nu t'ny iard etiuli ,i, iiuatel tustviw-"teiih liis of i't'i,iwttax ui, trOyt.-l liy ahi oîri ycs-eir,'. The aisersa iinlîsîse of 1the lmitîtiiun n'rî slat-uji ili t'iýounnnIt , S,uie if the iiiiihea. nto nubabs-r sgiîyvere ini te yaîrl. tv hils iudaei-s vomi'iii ihiffment .,tift uttti- buildîing. S8uidyiu the11 etcut îu târtIed b>' cri-, frtîmithe 'tir uft i liusec'iod fluor -if th, min amli nd. uuîî' nilligup, fltii t ,' igewuan Z(nuluins.u o lut auat-. 'I.,'rescei of h li eiiei ias seaihi'.iuuvitoln aicînet. tiiiî.ugiî thons vii-r, -nu.tti a- ro esvapes frotm aafocatiui. TheiI-bSN in$4.00 inulranre $12,49)i. Titibret l aminyai'ri.,ui'ione. A vî-ik "-tirethems- wi a'a fi- umn tle same flor. - irrmiig lu te saine îuî"iular maous-m. Clive Up a Bequmal lto W'ra. C,îîtae JuIrnta. 20 yemA iuol.ti.hîping. fld, lias disiuuîoritcd bînicu-It lu' uiarr- utg Be-rth btirmabis sc.'.icrlsu-t cearl. Ymiiing Jurns hait lii'girilscunn ngageit more tin a y0cr uic.,leftre lie dluath tAlts- boy'@ îliunsud the dem Jornm vigomoasi>' OPPa,-ial ii' maitch. It usassujptîseu i etiani, tlîu'1111 lt h î'h ci-tellieanu-e ufth11e Youtb "tfte liii but irben hie lied à feu iintii' ago il sam foutuil liat lîahie ii ir h Igîi l uns-vent thits ariagS SI 11' l le, fI gara thee linotf oa' >2ihOJesîste in 1te Young [inu li.on uiiltiiu ltI le ucier miirry Misa Gar,,>. A few ci-tin go sotne JurnandulM;- uGammas meut tii Erauamilld ,.. ýIail oui îîW lia inorrnatiuu la gi-ca oui 1t u t "in l lut ity 'h3't is)hal ba'eanii laarite fBoitaof Oa Chicag-o M Thh->Iiily of a maAi i- fourni 'leur s-iiti-mvýille sîciion bhi tbr-t' Iniurs n'iîo more fsimulg for froge iilin tiff Laine. lii-ni% istIle dubt diatit istîhe body if Fraîîk Ilagnaof 8M11 Isa tih ircst, Chicago'Ths- Youg mai Insu mv(liitlj cominittel suicide. A nsii,isi'r v'îas heId n lts- ighit 'baudd ait5 uil l inl the right side of111e bs-ad itîlrkIt -ilbete hiatt mistav îce tolentt nu"' une ccin ie'-IH. W. lik.-mkiiliu or s'ie.pcsd jit fotre. In lb, pocketI vsrct--tnilla ui nis'anti Prof, E. B. (Greene of thueCUivrsil>'S ber of iall aricrlees, eln t g silvr ofutIllinuma, scta-try. vs-e ieeut. Ad- ar a e i-i..on te' bacS utitibimit n'as dresses Is-hilus--of s-amis lsys luntIllnois ,mgarî-th ie tords *Frstik litnii.t A sare mate b>' ex'Senaîur Johnmî M. Palm- t umitrtrinm ritlSS ii ai veneile erofut 1ringlicid cnt Cen. J. Ni. Buggieséci witt lots-, rosit: "Whnmýii iiiy hoeuy laoetfIHaveaia. J. Nicin Ps-in ut Belevillest round notify te Chicago'in..-Fi-an tulutfnacent vallaabio dlliiverinii- futpa-' isitu.'t _____tra ant iBelleille elstilus- o the samI>'an Cienifymualueentiii, sil. Fminch sa-llmeul ofIlîlinois. Il vas de-et Rey. Oscar Ket4e, ho bu tr tii-r-e yeas cils-oi i lmuporate te _seielY nit l balle licouân omi- thIbe hnul Germain Sprnigfield as beaiquartitrs. fi ainislerti ut Nasille, n'a. Orm-atre ' 'eDr-wein lamainîs-a flofothims-I 'ently sud ols-s-inlutieti- uiuiny juil 0ou h>' bis 1resideitial apirations,' dît-bared i a titans-eof lai-ci-ny. Mr. Et-at- uhuias bool a nîseu ugeihe Fredenimin mt Ciampaiga, v illîns tite puipit tempora il> ulie it, Gem'tvheretipetitJohln lisr-y mortalîystalaba i mans EvungehimilChurc i t bhieluli-hiomi, bhne. Freihsrii'in as 70 years olI, s m- a sud a fs-v treka as-o vas nlat ietts- dent of St. Jussephand uns-ofuthe11e sai- uOtigntioiiofut seral of tt'i,.ithlits- is-t 1hndmuast1romileut former» ut cougres-stion suit amrahgrii - 'îîrî' a jus' cenal Illinois. Per>' la a Kentuckyn ti lice un a charge ut bavitig e-ntî'îuî,r l-ai' ohinîineer sud a ftalaiana inlaFred' noblte prpîetyfrocs the 'n Thci.'11e uriek's emalîlu. Penny in s bail noming e- miuistei'n'asfounul 1101 uil1y adten-' nan, boltufurtiunal-lu inte pomacaion ieased, but htî-r vela atte on ts- of fa ban temper. fis la a s-nsat admirer sanme change and brougbî ittoce auuth-r outh11e victtur ut Manils. sud ivien tii justice. tho touait bima guiltîs, aud in lu-. employer apoki- lîittiigi urthlis-admiralf ttailt ut bond,1e vas plae- in lujai. ut the nar>- I's-ry thippasaiout1aslong- itindei inits-ans-n tabbs-i1the oit mnn Nour WaeTamactou. of Lite. hurcela the beast lu tas- vicluhty of 1theU J. A. Gnaybesl ou t lli-aond tovnshiplca hesmIearimis-bis vimlhnlyig lua poou ,telle an intersaias 'g og sry. Soleiul- elghtI ut bloul. l'en-y haîst lutltse bouse, se- mollethsaugo a tyù,mii'ic iicurredîltiiibis urs-ai iis reolvuber auldisaîps-aréd. Sale-l terni. wvh, smoîg "lter tdamagedhonic, fs-v bouma ats-r 1e wsa -turs-al ithoutt bis-v over aan-tav inu t.and e1tti saut re' e and tainsn tu al lime tIvuÉtuge myat,-i.itly tisappearsai. rsmîaota fie searceidlaluvaln fur bis pumîr ansd ('ountry ms-mhitns trou-humt Illinis flualr coacindea tuaIts-eturions vinlsanadlIova arc bins- nolboi hy un omsan' biail tamrIs- illteniul s .A t N.en'tasie-aigang ut allin 15er-s, compomeit ut s-o le vas moviaf tii.sIstra8tirh. amundlus-iald toms-n. Titusanits ut dollars't ho bis astouiclîin-mnt f 'iiuîn udsm'uîoth il isurtit ut buccin' slinbus bseu shipped t10l isî tel mimsiunie'. il elsiveasid1the Chicago dat-ms- lie Iut year said succesa- I other deal. Tue ut - hobus- i ai so u lutlly diaitoseil ut. Thoiumas Reamout, I have beca lii c frigilit uil condition wtreu saidi lu b. hlekaubes-ofuth11e s-sus-.ast rels-asai from ita eit monîba' impiimia arroals-i in Ottan'a. Effort tu securs-a s oumn-oittî naît lita tu nluibi n d iloie i'nf"esimtifroin11e rsener tailed, but m tutus -els-l. i i, w li e teruent ut Retatoni thIalledr Itie helicuici>' utthes-gang. Tise licet Taxes fou - YenCunpiheit. llieve litaItti'- umun vole1the cotantry Thte talc uîîiluu-nrtpublie ami'itsl merchanta tuîriîug te loy 'hiic Ibeir ne- bas completcdliîe. lin illitioui ot ail icompiilicesailîîuler nt îis-1. C. a. Tom taxes chars-i- as-ai'-:Ins- atssasmueul f if îùu, .malagîr or the Chutas-o Dry 189WJlibmtheStai' of Illinuos. Tilti- ttanî lutel, id Reporer. sauill thaItcouaitrnier' amoîml la $49.289137.1s. Iliiii-tlii'foilc-îuîsail let'erIlilinoilssud Iouwa ble' e oira: Stls-tt.$t.uuti111.. iuiti>' irtîl 11e lbi t-us u t k u. Five tex. $6.4t1436746 'u lu>tle. $!i.hit'2. eîuulaagi, tIethiavîs bogan lu rob te 520.90; achuol tat. S1X2138i.43tisu'tl mdryginsstahri-s lie ilt-ieuburba ut Chi- Iiineouu.$8.24415t-O. an sd hrut' nigo ofuit itsilin. Noir thes have msacb' $3,U38.0Ii.4.tiis:.'utbonds,. 1. i> ci l teuen'îît ry'saluns. A boulit hblckn li(h.2. 'ilin la ieiunt iiuiil a milule arile.'Te Bu-us-c Sîse liappegu . hu'v'sui- a'uuriîniauîuaiiîy ut boita c1al~r lt furt gui feli fr-ilein l hile theulle tii Chu igo in lrutins. train nt Maurioiinîuilli .kils-I. "îuunaSiiuiiirs ofut liîiuug arlcun At Cii mInui le i-ii a 'n:"unr ioitp 'o utc nst olut and mkutiil hi> Sikc I(iggs. 'Tn'o test cl iiig tle, ii. .itiiof 1Mra. Mat>y ricag, n iiie-uîuî'voln. eaile ui'nieit Gerber and l itru'i u'f iiltiai. «ran i i a ' su teile tutie 17 amuiir-olI At SBeîle elir.:l.t roy'edl tut'( ;aile- 'Inih'utel Inogu.lniaililii-'rîf tIliu ries gancrailis'.ieu, r'estha'antn niiil lit îtîi""tri or i r acl unît s. untîl t%, iu tîîlliilulieg,'- i oas $10.taJO. Suuiuiu'sr'ut'tuiiii ii îot ae pnîî.îid SI-mu Ptiluen. luliebi-d4Ioi, -h. i>',uni'grl.. mur dluI thni'flin î,r ut îthe girl at-bh fislier andi 'u -8u . Coîtdit balleIcai,îru ie oflruar s hn'î"nî,,it a. Sloiiff Man-uî ors-nnizet %urehant' SuzieBauîk afit'Ct- jolii illil iiu'iig inrititd uit lis rvilti wih 5000 -itl,. ... iulu't'i hie urru-at o uitnhuiini't'. Whueu Tlt- cais cuda isiex . 'elof tIi', 'iuiijt i tutu n tînn t hlîf' ir huvo data. os suis (ol in o iuk' uu'îe're d"iit'Siiiinumr'. snu nl ic iiinol uuhucheiliigirl, 1' utniquen. Tlheiia'uuî 0lntlidrc'iIai., nuit l o nutulu'uîîî uîîîîSpiriiig ('.amrtiln titcy xpoel lii di,'-fift>' 5mYeat's,' tarrnder andlul hrluta' ii'iurtiunn'e.Ou aied rend iuuiniuary 1u t t irateronit irioin the d s lu iteiiw ait ]ele gî-îing 10 oinessof tieir iîiîil n. .lo ts,, the jiiie,r.:i'ceiiiaiiie'dI hu is The Sîcrotar i-> iiSuente nmt Springhjl hrot t:tttttlnrtîlacetiiiî îîîb i l dretîuru' Sas fihod lpaliers fui ic vincorporationi aitcd ieu ltu. wsal -tu Iti a s iii saitiuig. tue Illinois Siuitlni: Kui luva>'Comupany'. l.iuoti îîî,'r nirrival ti Ib ti îsgeo petel theî intiarportit t us tain c.A. 1F. flîîa'hu. ~tiretiî'îhn nu ictlvtruiiiuh shout Siiiui nl C. Ilitahi--. .le. Ii iiu.A. F. lliîîîîotu.î lhîeîhd. tuiiiuti fiil luitouit i lt'ri9, sud Y.IW. EKnaft l'f i 'iiegu. lT' cuiuîand then ltiggii trirmlltunonire sho(i lo it ItaI stock sl 2,OlJut.u liiiand ît Ibe 'iliiiiii uiu leu'bi t alumurI ruort[-lae. killiug lbienutaI' proupoasz t o1ui ul ;uilins- tritîgi tht lul 101mInti iii>'. llgga slimîîier asresî. CotînttieS ut Miii-Oluo iittît.Beîrryali ,iSînniers ,'as aboinut :t2 aersoi, tnI wsshiustu. lvarma a tt'i fi'antt s omr tIbm-c u'idih . Lsilia-sud Anna il Yol-uot IRed Rit(h, Burgs-tsr- tole $250,00.0 o rurh out sîuc sist-rs, asel 21 monl i s %cars repctive'-lte cri is'tiiî-ut thé'-Clru the,[ 1. aud IWilliam anlui lh-nmy Bruntins- ut Company in C('ivu'nthtut. hltaiitg te Kt. lodis, broblacra. 29 ;eid 27,yeam'a old lallte'ar-rgaiiatiliu.Tuil acaioli cea- nepetively, inn-iii:rui cuntly. . ieras1the sîuuicu ittein vortlti. Wa"lter Dockeer, nia.icioil boy fmiui W'. A. Sillont. S. P. Itithgi'îa>ndaIflou- Biruinehaliu. Aii.. nilltiluýidIug hiiatiCli- y O. 'Mutle>' u ýtl.ufi'i taiwre tain- cas-o anuat ern 11lit tuis box car utuar 10e,'tpringillmtm hi n1'liilnh tii mIls I i'tY Bilsmai-c, ine n'a at 'tu i" s Rtr:îrciiug NîMatilsa IXi i umit IiPoweul. 'liii tre compauiui. nhuu 9"r inmockinug hbin ciargu itli lnl l sui i llittýIil the t- iiuîum- ilownadaîtru îiîh le ..'ýitintg uein, itutind litsnlat ' ul 1Y tiigtuh'- A liii outhelUt'ied hi* legss asi înd u> Iýi nl ti-en' tex hlm Stalten '.u t r-lrnuiî i niumusoaluî ontIouth111en t'a r l 1 il,-uinîr seauuîd tliei- îîitîfnut iintu f' tcithlit,' tienti nonu irbeeti, but lis iilin sI i mi-aultitusfrontuu tlit taon i lt-' Ile Foier tici', ercby tas- tail maui>' om' 1:0i:u1u.ilitililuhutiuie ihi'i Ttms-s-pensonsan'i.juil lit Miunt Sie. en- 'lilini uotlie' Glil'tuî-1 t'uivniî.g iUns. The>- vi're 1 bal,,. MiCandîî lWillis itrutinCompuganly, lis'hicii'iE. P. liIlle>', fille. Thes îlîriff i' o Idsputes anrtîdl sant mFt-nu tu licllit, tlt lhihef iuv-cattr, bnpu itîrti. iîn uîsl>' histîmyia iib>'lire. Tltu- ire Joutat ltaiuaimen. higluus s cmnîisiu.nuc. tII ImIliîula-,mrviisi andtiu sîrt-ii lu attu-uptud suicide lit ii i home, ruorthi.n't lin,' u%,'Iiiuutry utuiliug. ili--ioying Iîîuh. et Jersacyrille, lîîriuîe a iIIu ait - jl, is is .ll5i. ds-ti cannîuîhee usI.uu.u Lovel uiî. Tl,' ift chu n u1et.ruar>uof lias-foutu' Xp theis austiue of the cari>' iut'iisu ornu t he îu 1>1,1illiuvss lusige in w'iua J, Z- .Cannont, a ii. Irtsu# tlu îmîsbii ur. > l'il iole.vnuiuî'îirutc'l tdre. Grand Wbo sri-s ieMatiluattuiu i -l.uîd. Ne-wXui Stî t .1. IL. Mita-r oui Sprngfi'ld,. 84 bis miliretil, i'iu' ltIn-l hut't a.i'"ui "u ~or~u.uitosdab> t' araiFus-si,-k l;ul Olbcum ii, Iii'ntelt frot te OUil Fi-ists'osphauis' elasmile audtit IiVlitî 'ly liCla utLinciibs,- ixi', pres»ent. T. 'W,. ~~~~~~~e usS(aiu uibsa I in l 'Knliitick ut Winchesteinlatac ual> enuiembruesitend trlit o f ath11e na ri uit i nuliving tbaI bas btisn a 'ncal- n«r GaniteÇltyber.of lb. lods-c iTce Ilsorg-aisation. îhî'îmî, licsuise titcy faimiteil aud sacre s- scattîceit alrosdlis sh"sp baviug mîo ibi'pherd." Jetî la aglirnmas ltu 1the leamt s- if th1e Master: a ray ut iight peus-traling - lie, Initier myctümieasuted revealiis-tlite 'uîaisuuîins- anîhiliou ut Jîstîs-to car- tor 1 the itelpiess antInu-gleetel. Thers us solueucîins-ar ey tônitisand uiunettmactire about a tuckofut hia-hiethlias vants-rel sn'sy frouir thes- scîherl and itebagel îctiutes- a long titi- uasilsand lu the fildsil-, uuaias- simIocs ho meail fr0, fol- lownîg sus chanme hi-cIcr, shuwiug so little ai-use and st-s-jins- 10 1e of se 11111e vaille. Nul eeryhihiy etes- ethe Ps- thcie sileorut i. Noutmoce cn.111saven- as-s mail siec the Paliu thomo the uaship- hetriletlmulitude., Tu maus or us Iahy conattuith1the masses inu ties prouflOl IY Iritatiomn, iigu-it. a spirit of compusint as-ainsIttbe sociilmontiutionsa ltaIîtend 10 produire smuîch ealîul, su utireasonllsnsamas-t us-mimaI lite people thîs-masives for tiasîr absihowueis. vulgunits. latinofuthdisfias-n feelings. The exi-ephionai disciple ut Jesuas secs bonealt htesurtfate tbe bs-arts. lthe souis, ofth11e muîlitudes, th1eumeus- ans-ilcaîatarîsfor gondi, and i mstesil ut heins- repeile it latctrattel. Not antil vs- gel liai-miasionary ouhloun, 1the com- paionu fiethe111e sahtisI amultitudes, cao w'î îmîîîi-mtasth11e nom of Jeassounbs- glun tu dlu lte nom vuiicla(bhas aliot- hi-il ho os. "Tus- iarreat lnîîly ia pli-utuums.butI th1e labocers are teir." lu ltaI lime thons tre'nul euîugh disciples vîblus- or caie lu do thes- om ihat vas as-edeil. Prob- lhly mîtlmhily otîmsiuie t11 e lie sre thoîrotîgbly qualihiel lto pcescb lts- gospel. 'rThelaboirrn'î-re feue stinipîs bomause lthe beieveta neme fev. lan1the apphica- tlinoftifeo îîorî-rtult'-d1a aditteremit nec- sottluniait bo guru'u. Titece are pls-îîY ef mnîsîldcul inen rcîîly lii give themalVes te) tlt- trurk ot spmcadiug the goaselaI ii>. borne sud tomoigu iaissinu, but tbe i'iiiîtsehî -ablslbut fe oîr of Ieîîî liep. torinilt- lalior lu vahlihtey are -ahhed. uiil'iui ltîiiiîîîîle- ofsupte, Ibot lahl Ito ,olvi-il. 'lh rei- l' îunîlrcis outel- uh now liemu ur 1uriifei',aiimul ael,;a mnd h't'i'ttly gradhtalt, o ho have nUIdthe '.1tdèi promrulîî ts' 11uuise'. sud aie lii>t-ai l . I Ii' -inter hi>'Iuisly fur ltua tu 'uni> liie.. Lordi if tt it 'ttint i ]eu- uvli sai' tîhturtn. th ,i'cfugilkhtut bislinar' m i-l iti'- tIare i-iljit. V huit v i' lii l ftîs- t îu iiiiii' midl-','îî ihii-n S"tuti nilli t ii. ua' tnii. Jui pre-itilii thîui hm l tiuiinuiii et . li't'ii initten ali tais glu cu iiit titi. T'nu %ve'tii u ituit -l « iunii eli-leuit î'î' wis lii ii-liai î.iuIlui>m 1u-ql. i tîîi c in tend ure dis- 'I'bir t naii iii i s tInul- twua. trivl ii ui- ils-il.'fuir t lii- inii.ii t l i t %ais 10 iîîî'ueIt', i-ttirIlîh:îî. 'uberei' litn, hîlt lucre idenit .hu-.iolu i lot nt tlîiilimte lie' lit uia[lis liltu hi. iiiiit-mit. "FIy > , lu u ii tîi.fruti>' givc." rnaitdbas lufitil,'. uuieur simitihai auilus tif .l'si'. tluthunC , ste live titan lu rie' J'.hîlite ut Jits nas 1the et fsl ailli taI liheliai b, t uuîIglît nit>' out ri're. The muat ut ienit tihiali hie gavîe I iai'lt ent-m bis cuI- tiilutiti. il o. s iIlti-ilfrus îu rn-hou nup suoietini ,ini uur ummilicfect 'a>, souine- lhiltg otfurlat Our nuitlin cuit hien, but il la wil a oi lutri'iiuba-r hal thie %va.- lu, re-'iniiigioun lus palrt. fie btte- hulcldluiîismlt anul hieine otxIoientuto ilmuîlb. ivu'ui th- dcith;ut tise cross. nitit- oe1ite Ihiotglit ut regret or grulgins- cal- ct'niihiui.t-sina iras isi)s-nt tisaI hi- ns- om pitii'l hintief. Whithic ail li lis iitlilihei. -The ftitrs aveurs-ies anualthes linrs outh11e air havme netta.lît tue sîln ortInui aIthmlen t eri- ho las hIc eu1. une saili Il îlot tu enîll atalii u u is îu'l - lînial. but lu gularîl lusfolIotera îîgaimîal1 raih ant ilhîuuatfliî prnihs. 1 iitt ulu n ettiihaum -lsth t .,vo tri-nt fîîrth. tvc-iliiy svlhIl elove. lîîsîuîre'u anupî liit.l'hy ltee f 'i>iit Iltle lou>t utislti ct'î-r îuîtuiiltidtuai mm- lu %rallie kiîuîîîuii Il,- î',uîug -if alvatîun lto e'' illturs fronti dat'-kilk-on Intel liglit. tut hlll'hm-e-- ,ýy luthe lSa- î'lurt ut Ile uril. Atnd > l tiiuitî lia- tum lir-.t,1n1 nis Ilîuit. vint ml sa>sel>~t aiii si igty froinll U-fiitiportun.s. Thte ivortihi dim111t rîatuor them ail. (Oie tv,îih'rn nis'.11 utni Itinimilotu lîîîîg k,,lis luitjulriuiy. huit tira 'iîtly lie pri-atis- cd. linu ititii nutr',ieiinuit. Ev'vry titiluI uui b Il rl tIhimougli theî lirtýttit, gittu t t i li- hn't'tti-us atütivi lie ai. "i0:49t-42. Ti.ti'> îînsvmuch uigit iii uliknti tre'tuthe.ii-tour, vlîit' ut-as qumiti' unilt,rut lit Iiliai in issioan n'omi ter the ulisie.ufar the asîvuioàn. NoîXt Leonîi-limulth ufJohn 111e Bit> 1sas&povt pbria meort two #mainirT E SI D T S H O «Mseort malipoz theus H s lo l At bMsecoutah 0*10 Sehnubert. aged M.________ secideulally ehot himalt. Rural fre-e delivery ivas inauguraited SERIOUS SUB3JEOTS CAREFULI-Y nt Mout Vernon 10 various pltifthe CONSIDEREO. colinty. At Cairlundale rural f rets nail deilver3 hall iurcased piotol3ce reveniue receipti A Scholarly Ex parturtionof the Lescimion 25 pier ent. -Thoaghts Worthy of Caiers elee- F. L. Murray sold a a ll!Itintercait ln the tdînaHait an Hourter Stud, et the Mrrisson and Saratoga liotels ini Chicago aU e i spai. for $110,000. fort clii aniiacrmary oftIie irgaîliation 'f cli, if'. i, .It iitaiken front oft Ilîir suciety. 'ýi,, !c:;r11) . SA fier 11k" day of pal" At Alto pass, a Suilsy clogiig liw ît", ' tti1, î,hîî.which we Inîi'c wcfll it oti)fect fanit n i p:îî ris' anlie 'lot'o', .. .îa roAs(caflelii .c.rriéti away trousiplace of purchacte n ' '*' c1,"Ii l,-ilcet whiis arN., Suifflay. "i :' i,,- î,,'r: î 8: 23-27, NMark The Elwehaiir letvator at flimmivl il. ii. S 25.Ou the casteril ws ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~- letr'cllvlr.Telîllucn-ot ti"' lic, litalcîl li(- Gadarene tiviil Sdtiryr, b i55 îac. foThe builing cou- %iî'i .Mirk iîî' .tîke îplac'e bore taited 8,4>>0 o ouil ad avera fli' iliiute'î'of Jairus. tlîîiî..und luahlsof corn. 1 lcnO, :t fi un t-ek,;îagini-ian JIohn Jamnes, fuo-tune tteller, .siot nuitl .Aî'r '",: .\t," ii, is'.lîcîld ?*»ri,tiîly injuiril JolhnîKirkpatrick 'lat , ,w a nid ui ,ia c(Ni att. 1'liz;eict,vil. Tlwny ijiarveled over 11e i î iI,. t îc t t. u ittnnrc h nand îl!îiîg ot Kirlîîarickis fortune. 1cili i icni: i". n:itîCl oitîîa i sec- Alitie lahnrcr'i î'ui1lîîyed in the bud'-* 'ii, . îii î*'î"l 1, i, fr-i,w town- ing o th11e Carl1Preinilg Ccmcnt Corn- îîin . pînr i'i,'lîillg 1tit in tillile pîsîî's sailli a La Salle striwk for au ad- iait. h lî rt:1.0 ' il,,- n idcvîîrî'al visice lin wlgîsndniîilahrter hours. îcl-l itI l ed t., i,', 'nd,îiig nut ot ie John ikînkil în î,f Chicago swallowi-d Ii"l T'Fn ir, ieic l ij'flitionîî aii mînrlslik' îî'll in the lraaeOf the fata- wiilr uofiflic sei',netil l'ai'A. 1). 28 ami ily oif his lrotlîer-iiî'lav and, resisting 29. ail offers out edital aid, died inl horribleI mlnî,y agolu3. Thîis touîr îî n îliî' i lîî'd in (ralilie. That iisymarke c llioilulnt. the memnorial reigoîln iî'îsili,- liancitof jceu,, a thriv' erected ln honirof th11e police who vers iC. po'lisslinsi dlstî'î't, louilt'i liavilng killeil and wouîîlddlunthe llaymaarket ascosuft liWus nuit vnlagi'inwhl'h have mssracre lu Chicago,.ila lu be remuved to î'um1îl-te l isaaîpeîîred. iii the lite of Union Park. .ti, lîîictre cre îlaly lplaces whit Tien p assengers on a Nortlihlald îgîi'-ýiîlilutie %vaIr agniusnt the Rihîala, Kreel car lu Chicago tuught a duel 011 111l'ii"utofiieh now relillua. Our revolvers, six iiots heing ircd. No one ( u ;all.rý. vifit ouly ciglît or test wais hurt, aud the police arrived c0laulite t cii , nnînîd are sulleadîng tii tiis ex- tu effct arrstit.-nt. Il w"'ilIre thickly cstîleiltihait lu effeol ai-resta. .hid' TIi-ai-touîrs ot Jessmust have After promlasing CourtlansilCooper tilat hu-il i-lî'ullîlcî t'y a large rialiuent of mse wvuîlilmari-y bim. mad cvsltig ountil téiIiiîigni d oifu iirnmac ut nflwiieh v 1e itted pa sbomne, Jucha Oshoru ular' mt,i,, orc,'ird. It la îiverwheltnîiîasorme- vieil John S. Wright aI Springfield. tillauisiliîofut hc Ircacore taIt woul.. Couper hait been engagei telu er two lie',utrs if- auv uîaîe'nb part Of theî iveeks. iv,i'.ls of t Jsiis liait lucîî rec-'irtleil Thei C. P. Pliemmer of Blgaville won1the ' ntire Iiody ofuit d tcaclig ivieu lu 1he .eighîh anrust lterrscholaislle oratorts ical ls-.-l-, riunling out iarîlil laccoutait», coalesct aI Champalgu. Second place tutu1 la seiioketcullu a î-ery fs-v hîirs; Tri-u t 1 George . each of Pontiac. whllc lie sanglat alnosî consantly, every Tvslve sçbooli of the Staîs' vere repre- day feîr Iîrce yeaî'a. With gondt resol tienteil ln the content. Prerident A. B., dutlir e fourth cranrgeliit iWrite: -Ther' Draper prectouteil a ilver cup to-t1e lain- aire nirosu mai1 other thingsc whicb Jeslu 1 ler. diiite vhicit if they schosuld lie writteîi eu'ery oun-, r sîîîîîîose that s-yen the world L A largs-ly aîîi-îiîed Meeting of 1the lii- ilîselît w-uhd lut cotain th1ebhouka Ihai [îlos itate Ililaluriical Society vas bs-Id i n h-îitiliîlibe vritlcîîi" t r Il K- il 7e e- Id le le le ry lu Te pn Id lit The Unliteal Christianu laty. whiu'1ms-t at RtockIn ssl.-fl.. teteimîly. titiiinâti'd caiîndiates tom Pnî-iéiît nti Vi'c"I'ns-si- &nrî tfte Unitedîl Sts,. TDr. Sil;%sC. 14 ultiiv. nionîliii tý1fui r l'ni'at-mht. ila a :~i,'hntîlat litint nd tf Harris- lîîrg. l'a.. ntlît t1 w Pln-Irohibition 11ouii Se fuir Govîîu'r or lu t iliiiyimaaa la I 'fl'. luiii J.A 'uiC. iii-p. mimaial efr liui'1'ca e'ît fi t 11ui le P lurk, Chf- tago. IlIt- îuIli klîuuutk.i.4niatsuammîor, iditî)r anId ut u.The- iiluite plst- eton oe. nimente get vorble mow r-ea e t CJ.î atwn-e xtcgua Du tt* %tudnt *UMae . li. ýb-n..!ý c ftt è3L+ ftfftie!dý judie i urtuik di,'îiîru-ifuîoiri-mOtuDi-lltiîonrsbip ef loilu' iiîihtie. Elemîtiof l'resttsa iiid ieei-"Ir-'idieht alla 1nit-ilStatsî 'iutahv direct vote ofthi 1e peuýple. The u'totuitr as trîilMremea eseera- 'unru t héoSahtalth. aulhinize- îngerip- ira1 tirmitge suild îivruce. anl cacoar- lgi- the naît- tf lliiuor' as a bs-vs-rge, 1:-11î:l rigits fotr men aitnduoco. Ar- itrIliioti jusligauîmat iar. 'lue SoiuthiAfricîîin'ar rus muinel lias 'putaiuîilouta lot ut British offleera iii lifld uetin hihiitaaller nuibhernet ot obymnmity tlunmcm- ineame vh-ms-tirI cumtrymn e an jîmaîl>'admire dieux. on1e ofr1the latter la Col. Dalget>',thc dots-adi-r ut Wep- us-m. The colonel.'> 'tits s torse 1M0 cxceeding 1500, hait' COL. OALGiT?. Geml . Brabunts comandt t ao '. nîqi the lova. The place vssoom In-' 'caiti-il 17 aigi-cut>' sperion terce eof, tos- ndot lttiough seveliipriled at- atins n'srs- mails-t1heegarria nrepuailei itenu ait, inflichiug b-ar>' lois upos the "itur.Col. DI)shgty rose fi-sntlths losmued hiesoldierng Se"Bol Arrini a smember otflthe Cawe Memt- 'il ltll-, aud bis tamillarIl'ty il oW nicîboils ut vsfare, couahined i h tr i-et 'ourage- sud milita-y sii. enableit blul ts îld lts- place outil reliefrmi-rireil. Attonîhincto1 the reports ofthé1eU.tWi S-tales Commissions-r ut Peasiluna, HkB*m tnk utfDDuan Brook. Oncida Cî%xVW N. T.,i.e1the un>- sur- drçing pensins-mufth11e tr ut 1812. On dia liaI ilay uf Aprhl b11e ec- bratcI bis 10Ohh bint, day. Mnr. Crosin volun- tieite for servies aguast > Eus-mol betore bc vas 14 jeans oit, andi nov dmairs a pension otf$8a aiasth for tbat s e@c. Hi- sI bis liraI vole foc Audreir Jackson, and ban volet for even>' predea- MHIR 0àUWý liaI candidate of lias-DemocralsPrtst~ aince, Ihat lime. 'uiîh h11e execpistet a Bryan. For thé1enst elgat>' >'crs le hma cheveil tohrceo. 0f bis live brethega4a4 aliera ahilbut une lveilta te.a ve, Sl 111e exception dylse ai 751. Mn. C= la %1:11In lataIrlygond heaidi sait aboutl the boulas- u'ithout asaistunqg M. Alfredi Picard, 111ence gens-rai ufthlie-Paris expoetlç, la elly vs-Il Informel in malIers, hiblllens. ll îra a pronilesait88*0 ihae sbig *Xpeil- luanutflUS, mA" 111e sacs-ses e thst sifair wv a ln, simahinsauré due ta bis gemîtu&s. H. hals psraeuluy scm- sldersil ail the mmvel sud istlrg fou.a- lunes outhei.preenat i-hovr, lahedia ecîi AI.VItED cic4aso. lion of vbieb iho' lui- exerciseil a munI dlscnimlaatlng lui,-1 ais-ut. M. ]Picard ist l, lark-beisit gentleman uf 'i2. As a vonker ha laàlin- ulifalugable. He ha saidta10 penditwavl" bumsesmit lay in ivuminoutthe ms-et en. ingetie inmî. I,4ênt. Col. RkmsselI B. Harr-ison, sus et s-x-P'mu-ids-nt Harrisoun, receoîh>' spolal'- d huspeetor getîsmal uft hea DeptcIment- ut Iorta icot, vas coîloînel--n thei. taff ut (lua. Miluuit ut Iindiahna n'li th11e c'am\ Nith Spilon hrtiki.,onI. Situe thîtl he bas licou 1iriivosth arsial ot thi' Sert-uts Any ut Oeî. il. Vtgb lic. ati rmeteIc th1e sîttrendor of i.a tuSaN Sîîantnitfonts ul ia ivana. raisins- 1he tfrat Aiuericsit Éfag taai-edintaHavanà 0,cr Fort Atars-s. W'iile titi CGen. Wouoda nlshitgetipmat lie' baila seere case of ycl ow iver alulni-nan> lsb-his lite. Pouline- Fitzge'ra. tIlie lI'Yearolil girl ut Ns-v Huas-o, Ciiuti, ho bas becs in a tîacue futrîîu'urly loîeu s-ins, la sIhU lu a eolaleittie stalle. ts-lapains-ble te k saile uarshum anditnlualis-blIr lov- purotaa. -8sie Io ttili nits- dis lb.. as- làlaiulable e- cave fer hessl. Sluî- as expert- of litr sls-op n'th cvrylting 550155 1ta, ineii sciences for titi treiLtaist of catit.": Is-pas. The dlutera ium dat dis- tram. nul i iar saSn as grziduehIy as it "ai uîtie 1r. l.ady' Nurnainn 'the it- ife otftien, llilt't. nîsll' IBritish lasu jic bic bs-mt u o it i-s îmîihsr bt>i«t rs-c lias OraingeoPr.. 'tlen ît'i. Ou iehi.i-' tttc On' hi.e ptartr ftiîEtuzh J mladIorliui-1t1t0 Lat tbr la 11e itaehel e CapI. mpors-vs- 4 1 r th dt fu b( et et fc H hi ni et à fii ni ai il] ce ti U, il le 81 t b ti 1

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