of her yama tstagbc. u hor- flfI~f fi> g ouginudettadlg et ber marktbhta ra bIt!I IJ' I valt-a cramel, Usies viit tg Brigh. JsFb.IAI5 ~ 5 " 'ton. ber appearance aetal&U fth inter - - ~ ntryballe. badlgiven _ber qltea srap- anusd à certain Young honorabte, th aidait coua of Lard Mabsei-Wuuals, B3Y BL 7MI, C qOK B tasu$couitantIl fiudiag is wsy over te _______________ rousford. He twu raceived by gueule viii ope ara. by' Bau. tu Inth tlea. for * b. tsd b an u.et wvbt mm ra abasoae Rona2c ro. ooLU .ý re vou.Id bave eshlel Tod4s I -ohon" cou- Paniaus. Be waa a'pleasai, ruddy tsrpd _e Young gauttaman, wtb a -chear>' volée, trank, unalfected manage, aind was rosi- Il very muchf asuored of tha beautitul Misa Brabason. 0f course bebeard that ac allbeau Rsa te ber coumin, but CRAPTBE XV.--<Continued.) ance 0f a sumewbat transparent famil> ilt wanilbroicu oit menthei igo. boul "the m'poa, wers in ton great a hurry. old secret, waa a msddeniug refleotlan. Ils dear girl lad neyer reatly caret about - ý a l md Teddy, repro'rlngty. "Wtiy hated ta ho atooo. bo batcd te spaclate #hlm; if wvna a flhi buatuai, su noMma à ji et labo lour time'I you ahould on "what migb ae.bea." Ha truie Brbaou baul wblaperad confidèthlly te bitdoeaye-n leap. Wby did you noî te Emme, of course, and aise a tMmcs Lady Maalel-Wturale, and ahe lookted for- ma , Brabazon. aud ho counted the necj dajo yard t lu s edigbao nn o Wlm va luér t îkl Hnad i net tuutil the înswers Inoulu coame. ne Gueule hall scoajuteu bar long-suffariug MM lier i An llnà scins li-tbou t sain king heart 0f the meag- roddy. viio usd couie lu for another nw? i naver droaunod that sbo hall 1or balanice al hie hanker'î. Two ban. fOrtaufesud ,atreadY, ai ifc remnarkeul *btb brother; nover. ln auj casaejlei. droul and ifttj pande a jear, hoiides bis coupticautlj, "tha prenauts hall beau botb nWp lelow. wuuld have doue juat the PN.Y. won the very mont bh oculdsecrape noumerons sud costij." Novwbee as toetîer. Ample bthorto for limsait and tisialldions., tiresome Mlles lirabason WVm ovtully sorry,'" said Teddy. Blow- i modest wants, but for Emme ht woutd coMIngtu the surface again, aud wviking Mnakisug vîfu bis ee medilatinuýly ho haggary. And nov bie mnd somatimes Mms Brabikson a long lttai trou sous» ~Iff in te gcound; "Barry for the unoley. dweit for a very long time witb the muai outiandisb camp lu Bondi Afrîca. What UNà ed business about that!" pignant, bitter regret. on the let forty valtobhodoua vlth bluaWbat aworrj ý M Itl'a mot the munoy l'un ihink- tboui5iid pounds. adtafi ionWhtha cll baugfront Oha te OUne r eturued Miles, buakily.tet*WaagodhisI olbcf -06 ye are thinkiog of Esue, shell CHAPTER XVt. the Boers tara te kilt hm." diought hiii 1»«@*d1b" rejoined ber brother. ebeer- "Wbat ba bappened nov? viiene thia amiable lady. Bhuuld site anoer bis- IiW "<Inca the ulîleko la kuowo. and tucsming face and iluese serîphic amie't" latter, or rot? Attar sous. vrj grava »mànka the amende honorable, you need 'i quired Gnsniç, raising ber clésîazîîy reflaction a decldadtlItaica wouid ce- bu u a bit uuoaaj &Sont ber; it wiiiho'!?,ambeor book. aa ber silter eoterad the Pli, sud bjlihe mnt alt, lu a frlaudtj 43 m;" vhich vaa Teddy's unual wîy recu. spiri, gviug hlm largelj of ber forgive- IR lingop mont questions. "Unve just bad a leter trouMies" ce- nes ansd' iyuipalhi; but appealing te bhlm. 4 s glihl How nerjIlikely!"' relurned plied Emme, tustily Mescigwih, a t oroilii.to rleaie fEanc trout ber pras- »q»im gacaticll. "bcwill nover air of ahfle adv; auclog mitnbJau- nt rdicutous engagement. The eplatie o* Is ne &gain as long as mble linos, lrtn tomei!"a u oeheada !Do jeu not undertand thit 50 "Oh, la thatitF' reJoînculMissaliraha- elhawovailtling bting lia end et ber peu vom lla u ne day sud a a i t !héasug oà n lavery vintry toue of noice. "And lu dia ibroas of composition, haine came ,thie guete ere idden, the praj that han he got lu mal for himeaIf'?" lto the ruen tuf tber fat ou, aud îaid sudenverjthiug lu the baluse, ail --oh, ef course ho la lu a dresdulultaleievsgogtohe itge iidi "~but the brldegi-oom? 1 vas, as t of mnd. 1 hlieve Ii i raal torse for poil*hag. elafl m hen lVin in a rage,mai. 1 hlm nov than ilaveu' vas foe. e"Ian- M"I 'amnenulqulta raady let; buti llta1 as«itagpai to hresfho, mucb lois lu ieuiîj. mnotea' lime I shah bave finleheul. 1 an or think; ait 1 vanted te do woa 'I shonld hope a," viti s little,,anM, yen,,tug ard Em, cuilttr 10 Mland. luglIc sasabheieen n." salir. "t sbould bumhij trust that, hao Ya"rlrelBanclrna hUpcinlai auj lttera1' Y nvasnpretty diorongbly ashanmeul uthlm- »cking et ber Intcrregstilly. 'liaiesâminamince t cama ot. selfsaitnd bis insane sud bidte babarlor. "0f course I foiehier reaty; but, thes go lou &t vho bas opeued My etes Yen geonut rthe business better b ,engageMent inuit smet he talkaulf ur ui SMe 43118 mnishtie have maie." Y couli have beaaxatathmahkat Ma aIopre*uî; as inittera are il voutul h atoc "WSgaMlls, sai Tty, buuhly, B.'a Preaaice i& nînul judtalent for lu: Imprudent.TonYencm, ml lier,,althougli '%M etu va't haie the verj alglt of vention; assnrlng ener7one liaIat the bf a h ery in. bluseif, ha bas mottang »Ili Mru1marri onenov.", ~ altecanaa-'unmocntlj veri'lait minute Mita. bai beau compai-t"But7wvaeau tait, Mis. Brabsion." aoO4but sai Utho case-of the vbole ai lugo ounfreige service!" -iAh jcsyen -are nuitventy; joui **èý a.. Why abotuld ? t'wotneat Eme, shakiug ber beai; -Of .co urs "Yea," hoding up a flattar. MaI, ltam àsnu one'* faq)t, il vas dia servants sud lis fitiageri and the *prbdIc.Wbtat prt~ pv u i ay~l st~, "Oh, deat me! yen migit have Inctoseul E e*aiuucte go te Portmout' that stop on theroad aud lobk stia, me, or 'mine sud iv e ie ance; il lanmet ~~sil staupoul, though.i sa.. ote thers?" ha demaudet pas- vhlspar togedier andl pint, vasatoc, taoc Nryt ' algi odapm îý h , attbchance,' returned Tedij. *"Do "The littla tnIp yen ob vitth Aunu hon jgpeuirs rlunIom nu gylnve;e "M Zvlit once jon vere aciuallj Jane asmootheul ovar nattera; liaI suddirlaputo!oclum enlo, of a i ldiug ih out?! Ilail Mrs. B.'@ couragceua tsbrications; go sud I haveasa " sortonsucb à lttie tding as die dout bhaunratefuL" t anc.Baeudbtave idi a btave reut- s 4b itàmatch! lt did Indeed. 1 "Yes." dublouatj; '-lu a kind of a' ac.Sevot aelk4 cbv at 4«N àivwif jon rounhor ber ti t btcI ta atauyn în'ed ail heracif t but mse1 ullot ne rusmoent 78 are t Baronaford tu Auguat. pit are' &tartng at me aud lalklng aboutdub.erseniaahoajcfp- thrto rowliuig about n. poseansd wo firustj connlnced, tan tDin- sis tisong meniues tater, ai uhe vaîkei dovu tatei ow on chance ufRtosEm.Nonsense, ml dcc,. Tour affair ta vlliage ifcsisalte apringiug stepi, that -0 iportnceas ynImagine; h won anti Ils long, long journaî, and thatlalutire 11 » Wmnur It perfectij," inter-,mpraine y'wne. ek fwudb nMls oie 0WMlsa.bastil>. "X supose everj -Yemin1djioe yere ace i vntu h bMils'ovubad uI e fe*tymles ut Barouifori d aeayyu r iiGal;Deluded joung dansai! The lttant sell ~IB, veu>'peupla bane had bhaîpa ut ther thinga te haul leftthdi roman Mr*. Brabazon bai tha Mont lulabed sud complote think about. Ah!" nov iraving a long takan op ber aplatie, had turned Il unar and. goedmusikuows, t1 iiniot.1igi of relief, "o course h dues mot imat- medtativety, and sai ta hersait; "l'i&a Ihei. Appeartuice ara frightful- jtc si' i ii. billet doux Win encourage hlm. and ibat me. thik li hai ihu 0 "What on earth do Yon Mean' "de- voulît hjatan aitor huiles; prehahly fime, Tedi j," vitI a grlamile, anuet Auguste, uarptj, foraing hit sac ehatlleags lmbienai il wiifor fin »o*MIraina oui qulte accient- round In ber chair, sud urvejins ber mio- for jean.rs; mlhng contemnuuai. ",NO,1 é,ýtearcrittcathj. n. va cammet have alujtof at kind ofut % «and nonsense! Ltfl i lancmmeyen 111men hat the wmitgdue1m, tackai nonsense;" se ibis rigbt-mindei, honorable1 Voul atad ut, 1 ras tell yen diii avay upetaîra, vii hator ietr &tt, lady daibarateiy vaîket over tluhedis re, c #ý'qW mot c Mnuela; &ho viii marrie h e coulai houme," sid Ae is bylj. peked an opsU place sugenia.in-la -"~~~ewoli-vloi au ureTe dhii.remark thora voe no asiesifor' te e-hiei abecareftilydroppaidi the - ~~I'tbovcold mri- v t aliaut a minute, sud tien Guusîaii aine; for asecnd Il tej, seeuingij star-t 41 j tlisg hasids u ry i?" tr dddlailj;ai ntbar Ice tome living thlng, wtb1 g'ytli aidesty ans-r' "sE mme~au, yen ueOt hamai; jye-o Id its lear adirehe controutling ber Idus: à Sbeau bronght up 1teuuis. la as t tare in capitlai ettara. . '1dCapta raan,oaMrce, t sebea grand pouar man's e-tt. "Andi pray, wby mot?" regardiug bar "2d BathallRylMrher, t fWsidto taro mi ies sud Patch ister vidi îngry bluahes. ""Soisam uhAi." 9% g m wilfo be t doÉbse "Ha diumotnul aanthlug about i lîî îu "eam adlie biscAftcale" ver' eai fo hc r du(tofi Ibis letter, dii ho?" apprbheuilvelj. Tenhbcm adelteicutol, -er brother, but Un différent. "There was no occasion: vo are aa than h ourleet tai d uges sud iudauly1 =I id Ibring hec to povet? What nuh engagai asa afure; ihéealtanoueot upiluna bright imaeancd lu anodiar9 JRÊve 1 to ail bar te shars my pli' chae. moment a fat black fragments, iauily MI.Brabason e-ounover lialen eS _ change: Oh, dear, uo->certaintj salling up thc chinuay, tara ailt dat ne- not. hou mis"eacsilj W auinai o! litas Bine Brabsaun'a foraigu E.ha botherai!" Iuntolatei ae, j o gang ln o opon, jon gocsa lattr psdly;"eliacers or ier" Tour tunel in baing turuai lut bri'Icks h1ohe oontnued.) n b ii, înys e lh a nad mortar et the othen aidle o!f agobe, s girl 1k ber, a face like bersasd billes la a gente? ai pepr, Ïho Wîi SCOOPED EVERY PAPER. Minas u o tlleul, o 1lidquite eugh lu do ta baep hlunsaif, lIevii uary ne t temani Manch lens yuu. and yenr excellant appe- lReporterleS BIsense Exises-lauce at the '-' iM' sha " rtnetTddsoîj ite. e-th bonelj candoar. Tint Gasreld W'villeht. h1 a lbl jeu tha reason, outlv." But"-haiittinglj-"but, Gueule, 1I "Afler a a natusabeen Ilu dii. busi- «pWY tel e te raisnlly by l uoo h ave mseamouia." neas for a certailimlsgth etftino," MWl = 1d"i..rusin trn y h aln "Nt a penny unuies@ yen urry tu au l reporterai'aler mark vas over ~ s<~arg rat."Be eout lchpleasa Mrs. B., and the haies Mles like the atier ulght lu th Ney Orleansa os a &b». If ebe's dia girl i labo ber te poison."_ ba OM1, nttâlua houe-be! prou>' vei, "I inh o r eyuhn u~ Timesi-Demociat office, '"haeundoubisi- ~V'emlinganu pasiu fo a 1o- illtese honi ibings," raturneul Emme eetlOpée& aOret Inint rt tsiocca- ,' fs, -ilhtevria anrrnos. ndgnsnlly sud vitt a auspcon ut teurs .tonay enables hlla efind.i noe titis- nsessc ia lvieageonà.' a in uber volce. "Thi anot tlsç vaj1 toile eut haIng allite 0 ain taitor vJay. abc l j e.. C jo enlur gond iee-s. webauejonhanc soj; Ho bl a feeling' that a etOry ut su- poq*,tutr' an~~~~sd yon ate-aja prtnie a Uke ile rminrstlk bIhndoecla ý k uaotteouty pleasant tact that go muc." eMl.p-ea-ueel u 1oltisn on hotes lce eore bhlm Ibis mernlng. mouptace avent ortIsai sauethis Of 1c sisadh e-th îidir. Ai hodii 01tdo, nu>'sweet, siiij aiter. ni a extrordinuY 'Importance la coiuiecemt ins e ud ist caviiy. Adheddcousin, bot'not as c bu'tle-in-tiv. Just 048:eursa. hIbeocf the money hl~aBit dovu bre." giving a chair a lutile sviii ibI ha'tia cisaig xencered Bs. aiTeiy; "bunit 1tbink jeu and pusA, "and lisien. for a fev ululute6 teu at ort I lad anta seuh eprter.e svouud commun seule. When Milles vaso!n a otto vi u eot I~lisibee parane yancieuldunet oor,, g" vithoul thîl. Old George ttrah- ab4gbaat.jne-u e aiyHvvr I'ii11 e b a t vm ias rautaintj teuchedinlutheop'hins; jour aneping bila ailsît vasain- *"Wisýen Presiden ul Galed vas Ê9s aime. be-ringt tse revorsion aste<- six, 'iy hoccuse .yeun sil, hlm do n plnchy 1 w4 aworlslng en a'papai' in Leadvuie, %qele te tim pertocîîy onneeessars us-tbing ai Saodborough, sud, oariied off co.. which W"s tisa n uIts heyday t is asBeng, iu Calcutta,. i tbill vo al jour foot b7 tbe emotion of the moment, uni the bigu ittnug .canton In the i ititie quee-Unele Ssuiij. Unele yjno sii 701 sanithen the wadilpg Wonvuri. W. receinsi tbe nets Oethle Illmmie AitJane. mjsel-anî youe-wi buruiei oui.and the drosses i4Mllprésents rgd bytlfp aaouDOE 1 lm ruuing ont bore at tbree days' mo- wero mach delicloun novelties jyeu bai net itgi > esiabc bu o lohaea erîsiuly quilified for being the heurito go back! But ton vere nev- and al once belletInod Itlu o rotofethlie4 a~ crc5ntric.' Huile! therea îthe eo ne bit lu -ove yul hlm; jon voulul office. As 1 remaniser the na 1gs l bnmlst bugle, soi 1 must ha off. Cher cuber have Tedj's little lunger tissu rau: 'Preelduit Garfield bas bu t e ~ s mn!itvil h ii irb. out itty Mieses.Y bj unknovn nman givnug n i t obRUmn!ilwllbeat igt yu'l "Yon are erang, qulte vroog;avyChreGlia' .141ataBrahazon. sir*"sai a rieb 'e-d en jubave sai bas been s-rong," "lu the ieauq cei'ovint IMneilae' »Ohi» accent. brahleslv;M. 'Icriai Emme, vith hiating oheeba; "hae- 1019àdseromplimuenuts, and wuuid y lcaiuse %Miles anm1 i dmnt makle an hum- tj cotiectad abouit theso hard I happan- iéOW hlma -itdthe lini ut a tin utrbi ng exhibition o! ourselves andoit bandlai 10 notice a 11111e pale,. 'ashai-fft-i ssr ,colnin!"lubaud sud arn luarmilihe ther peo- lcoking 'vounai, -ehc 'WonsMaringsatthe noie, jas, c any"impaîienlly; -gopie." eîpu'esivelj, "yen Imagine that vo canouucement 'vîit al11ber oe., aud le Wita." -'-that l--doLI't cure fer hlm. i de-nerj lthe vili thought flaubsti through -m ter iloiusîtele moing.utoteur no.ueuh." that ae.couli tiret sonse titon tie -fieum sa tlere's net muchlu sel "FidIe-de-ice. fidie-de-dee. I vas nutciele l h aeOfiaOhn bmà 'yen. Tî'ddy, but cou 51tev soi îalbing a! love, Ie-as lalhiusg of aene- crime. ov, us da tacs t . auug bb c offet, oui rations being o! the n'yîuj sîngougpint, Yeune-ilplensa ta re-euti bavaeSnne.P'10trU &mm lemariouus idescription." menuhar! This timn eil ear, mj honuti- The ien vas absolulel Wttheut su> "rum'net pariclar about quatiljai gtui, ipulsive ister, I sallithave yon up foundatien lta rea»Ieor coamuff an@e, * 5 oi 1lave quiiuuty, en 1fauey eu1 le Lundon, sud marj eto ouloe ver>' but that White., itrslOd face Isoutaid moi« holler off for grîî ui ue ai',- ! aire, ricI and, If yeu are very gondi. titiet une go peraiaçtli liaI Jabs u In t - esesure yen dousi bait, tt. nîght 0 uuug mo! Thinb ut tdat!" tal-ocu, vbsn 1 obanceulte Ouee the -imam ies?" ho.de A.1-1 .a hy M~' uee o iajurat yvun gl i UsI vl5 Sts aat Jt resolution r PofU* Jugaof thie goeMastlmbijet the Bts.' lut for *. iection of a suftabot ha.5u ya 0" Inol t. l'Ouusat waek. 07cr ithemt5ve of John Tyte, la 1Hohlý- ore" e,Ui in va st uneipectaht wood ceui4tea ar lcbuoud. Va, Whieb, troagbt toewed ueedAy aiteroon, sud ince the lutqqnant iu 1862, bas beauxnu the discussion waleb followed vas ot a Àinarked bhi etoneorOu'crois. It iSaSi deceldodly heated character. situations hardlyedl&table that dia grava eftbU t l t imes a lîttie short et dratutc cama, Illustilons citiscu shonld have btaîo la te, fontsud, althongb speaker# for lentnégléte, an ýp"jv etlo ib ud dagainst ravision oeeuplouldishe uo be takeo s Ia Llio'a W#etkl, to boner andl made apseebea diat laid bars tbelr the mnsu's frntrmearly mantdIood t-c- tbougbta. upon thoold4 confessin.no se- troue oid as». dirouugli a long sud eveWt- tien vas taken et that lessln Conalul. ful career, sepeul lita coitrY IWtb ,ý>fr*attou ot the suhject vw» pestpoued un- tii Weneaadiy, vban It vau placedlu dia biandue of a CcuMltteof llfteeu. vith <ls ip tderaiter added as ebairmn, .tu ra- potihat açIlia, If auj. shouid ho taken Ci the cburb. Thts comttee vli oNn- E ' Pare. analyse and aunuarie suggesttous bramntbe proshyteries, whleh are lnvitad totake action ou "the ishote maltai ot atateoueftt the doctrines muet auraty spicuuîîs abilit>', fidellîj uni seul as a meuler, of the Couerat Amsembly, as Govannor of the rotmsneolts,s aa membai ot tdia ite conentiuons otflilSu aoi 18611, as a meuuîhrof ut he hanse ut iteproientatines, as 'Senalor troun Vin- ginla, ai prasident et the pence conter- once aI Washington, as nueuheof thed Pruvitional Congres. of' the Contairet Btatça, as chaneelIer o! Wlliamuuand Mary ColJoe. seatVlce-i'nosident et die United States, andis vibief magialmata ut the rapubîlo. - Thia tr'ibute te ber iistingsuishai faithar viii aid,'tuo e, ore brighi cbupior tu dia blstorj oftis igbter. lira. Souple, for a e-hile, durlng heu' !thar's Incum- hoe>'Y, the chitlaine o! tisa axeentive, umansion oui for mut jyeara an luase et tisa LouieRouie,' su sylun for gatte- e-0men prOnisi Ibhroogis tha geoeroslty of the lmb. W. W. Concornuone ut the capitat's nuteulphitsntbropins. ' lira.Souple e-s niarrlid lu ber ajnly girîhoci coi vas acareely meore Ihan a bride we-hn br artîer culerai tise White Bouse ln 1841. The dealh et ber mottiar sudth diestc uesponsibilltien of bae' rlion aliler nids lira. Souple nintualjy ithe lady ofuthebWhite Hanse trout 1842 tu 1844. Bar bushani bai enîered the United Sltstes nanj ani bis deslb, tu- qethar it -Id ancisî revensaes,mnie It saece,,irj for lira. Souple tuarn ber living. Ibe e-ms for soute jeara Pninci: pal ot a voung taies' sciool ln Balti- mare. but fajhlng sigt l oupellai bar te nolluqulis lIai occuasion. Ibe la nov, ns sisae. spenio the alutueso o! bar roars ln the Louisa Huma ln Washington. BATTLE IN CHICAGO. Squaltter@ ou LaisePs-ent Tract Os-est Bolice vils ahliota Capt. George W. Streeter. tisa "squat- ter e-ho claie» a consiierabla tract ut land on the laks tront in Chicago, nai- ai the dîsputeti tuorj viîb aruati men Satnriej. .The meu cariai Springfield rilies, and i vlib Ixciayonata Ibe>' be' gan patroling the boundurles ufthie tract. Thoy baite-bis than a Gutiusg gun suddeiclai the police. A claslha- teeutha innajtars sud tdoponce acour- rai carl>'inutde day. antisials vwerafIrai an btiet aides. The police retirai sud tIen anaers vero lainaihy ChIa! ut P. lice Kipteî for 5W00meo vus a Gallins gun te go tu lise district. Shoriff lige'- staif vitb 100 depqties aiels brnidto the sceno. Tise Stite ultia wai-asaul ta tunriub mon te mailtde Gating gala. Siîty rilles anud sitytiround@aofutme- nition vore sont tuatde East Chicago police sation. Late lu uhe autrnoocuàalire boat. vits a Gaîhing zun abeard, vas ihpatchei up Lake Michigan to mahe o deonatralion trou tblsuie, ante to uloff the escape ut Straeter'a 1men by monsosfut elr yacht. Tise orsu>'of policeuen uni tba hupronisot varshlp deaconici ou Capi. Bireoter's tolloee ansd o portion of tisee aurreoderedtoluthe park police.,e-hile the rouainder maie their escape. Capt. Strecter dotlas 10te-n theo landt whics, ere liseitle ciear, e-unit ho e-ert behaieen tbirij sot fiftymilliona of dollars. 'lu 1885 Capi. Streeber ani bi& e-ifo ucre atrîndeiounasuile sanibar n tee- taris troudhe aharntaItisefout a! 8uparior itreet. The spot vas ot dovu au tbe mapsauni the iougbly narl- gator laid dlaim tu dhe landt unid dclaeot i@ rîgii, beingliase-bhote pbpulatlon, lu elect hiusoltlu au the offices. e-iicb, in training o constitutiosn, ho deeme tise tarritery ho neet of. Ai the jeans piase- ai by the dumping oet so srts et refuse sud aarth vasboi uap h tise lako formai s largo tract. snd Cîpt. Streeter hocsime a' msan ut inipunrtance, With ielîimpor- tunce sui tlpie icreaaei valut fthlie landsiaei-trouubles begn. The tract We cime cotuneclt e- idtiste shoure, ano o'o ara o! utjoioiug prupertyresented t he preaeoforCatit.Streeter soi tise na- lainera ho aid gatieret naboutlbhlm. Tbej cari-li tiseenînier htt court. Thse Bu- prene Court ouf the, Uoited States te- chtiatisitise land vas e-iim tise lurta- diction efthlie itate ut Ilinois. Streeter, Ihereupon. ufferai the districel thie 'ai- eai Goveroment,. A jear aura ho argun- lied, unier tise lime "District o! liehl- gon,*' a territorilt gaerusuent. and clect- ai binsaîf chiot jualice and te oIson of. bane of Impartance. Tic police, howeves', isecenici on hbsn sud bis army et fift uen, lui sinco iban up t atualons'hli captain isud liradinlu noliser part Q A nuaeuu of an ui ercbneologj e-ti ,is eitablisbed at fthUniversitj et Cail- tforuha Oult jean. lThe IlinoisStata Universitljeistehave a deartuent ýf louKeholi science. Mies t'sabat Bgnier boas bon caiied trou tLmbe Brie Coilege ut Painesvihle, Ohio, tu au ifs chair. 1Tisa hon. W. G. Arc-hon, business mon- axer ut Liucuio University.teIlathe alun>' et an old ladyjlu Tisornion Houce-whoý bai but $100) ho the oani. the incoma tram ie-iila $0. Ont of this inconu- as glivra $1, n joar te tise eniovuosît ut Lincoln University'. lira. Chaules Evlug Green bas estal- litai d nsnîcove in the Chiancelier Grueen Lilrîry. lin Princeton, N. J.,,te tise sen- of o!ber hîushanuilit e-linconstat ut books on generah/ saclent uni clupuicul phiiologj. lnciuuIlng sué e-orb e aitde Taubonr tstsand île "Patrolaglue" og Mugnle. Thisa iOver e-it holp te earv cul tha iate Mmr '. viaf et Utho thia lbrary; -thé hast 30,000 velu=for a niversity rettee ibraryinla thl "itauitàfillî ouodiai luounr confteadou et 'tli"Ans our's Intense ant aetlias. 'amit aerluoutiouus discussion preesiai ,the adoption ut Ibis report. ' -The seutlementi ut tise rpeit question, ase fers this asouhît la conernaut e-si nuit ah>ýompIuIshed vltbouut 'ontinents bie- Ilg made Qui the aubject fronm e veu'j sade of opinion reireweniod lile uhurcb. The tenders aloiue diut Oi sletule mati, but aidersa ndîîlluutors nev tu the asemu- bly nolu'ed thiaI'opinions lu nu o nertilui toue. Thse ieî-isiunu lenui the question te tbe prupuiseitu-unuitbefor isîvntlga- lion vas litthébeunidîutuited bj a major- tty whieàciî fuuueteij us'eu'aiduuvaitise tee- notes catIlaugliusut the reosrt. This viii beavée q~ suetionuilmpus fur the lpres- fytories iituisuusuis ilu orr>foresit eirai. Thoir recomuuendoii nllutillas but shape the' re'puort fith' counuittrea wbîch, li lurn iro.o sinke rî'cuiueuda- thons t heo l,'ssembu ii d1 î'r. AMUSEMENT SAN REMAINS. Thse Methudhis lefusie te Change tisa fh'urab'i Altitude, The ?loiist gi-uerai coferenca la Chicaro. lift1er lvii dupe <utturuaii. uedg- ci the amusement ' et ionuu. On10 a tur- day the siinîutr rport of tise commit- tee, favurng no change lu the disciplina sa 10 dajncinlg. lheitor goiug, etc.. e-as .adopici hiy a vote orutet290: Wbeis the vote e-irou oueeu lu Ihe conferouce Moniaj a umotionî vss-nie.io thit the s'a- part hoIeslai oi it(lubie11,. Thisatta agneei 1telut a veit' ut 2 j4 11 iii, sud the prosidiug biahuu1u uied tisaI the nieller e-as no longer heouro the' bouse. Prarb- eally ttbe question stands as i tsod eha the rouforeuice nî,'; tocbnic'llj the con- feraîsco bas noleul ugalucu a report te letre the disc'iplne urihnged. l'bi sactioln e's the cousîruvosi- open sud vas rouu'iei in opposition to Ibm adiîeoutheliseuujorlty utfeàcmmuitee guidai isj ex-Gou, .Paujuson uit Pesinsyl- voulu,. and if tu'n a t,,rnu,- elnta. The Ua jorlty uf the î'ounuiules'.hêiad by ex- on. i'atîimon. îir.'enled a repornito itribe frum lbh- triaul u-.ul Mentioun Ot ipacific Amuusemntsuu.andl te îîd l-the chapier utf'Speiul Advi-tes' anuaffront- tion ortduheu-u-be's hisînni,' attituodete- vend vorlit.,divensuiuua. The' mlsorty rcceommendei that no action 1lkalin. Havng transie ued ail tiseibusiness that bail acu'umutated. tbo coîîference Tupedajr r ijuurnA.d. Rore tise 750 miniîtora andi ijuen iu stienduiecas 4elegsîes (-ooai tha session and diî'tllfor lueur homes lu evrj part rthoelUited ilat" a nd su foralgu cauntrues of overy contuinen"t, ieuy tushedt trouogh a iiuhen cOrsuslor mat- tara of businesa léo fontrhe 1- ariier dais cf tie session. Bt in uusîj sesoirs eftihe conférnce bal gone as-aj sud tbe gailariesweena amotit *'upaj, u40that ha- bemeinluthe s#abjects volai on we-ai at 00 TO PRISON FORt LIFFL Welland Canal Dynamitera Ussuisuasd ta tise Pealtentlary. At Weland, Ont.. the -cijuanitens, Dulînian. Nolin and Washî, vere fanai gulit>' lu short urlur sud Chance'llor Bôyi .senuceit thees 10lire imprisonuiouî lu Kingstoin paulutetinr.T'he publie amIi e-as thos'oghly sroui,-d, sud ieal ther verdict tdieu tbt hehwa-nsgn oeuli have heen vuil u'ee-iveul by the public lu Canada. The crime fou vhih thî'j more conict- att e-ais unalluupt le re,-k tueb 24 et the Wiieltandeui nît ill dynamite. Walsh and Nolionu her sdacive parutlicipauts lus th- crelu,, baving Iosm-onod te-O ha- lise's tIlisils dynansilo uni vils fuse. attacheit aiu<uge h ie lui-b. but u-ing te n mistahin e lu ellluuhtig thue ditanue ta tise ei-or cge the force et tise ex- plosion wns 'iusiisiiusîzei andlise damsuage vms triling. Dîrtu a assunptuusieilise mou te Niagara Falls ausul ire-loyi upr- ceetioga f roni tiere. The thieee ciogisi almosi ret-bandai. The jury e-sa 012iY Iresminutes arrlning aitlise gniht o! the iccumai. Noitiser maie auj remsrb on recoeing sentenice. ode uulEne Another floui nt Austin, Texns.- Ne- var*iip IKentuckj ban gene luto commuission. Fine men drovoo ithdoe-atersabcout New York la oue duy raceuili-. Thomas Murray, Joplîn, Mo.. triedto1 eacape trou offlcars aoi vas ftaîlj shol. lu a iuuol over a woman atEBeebville, iexas, C. A. Baiten billet lialcun Jo- uas'. Big sinc combine bas eprî formai lu iavelop litiouislterrllorj. ('apitll$10,- Columbua, Ohio, repart gajs that Han- us vili ha tle unatiunal Republiean clair man agail. .- Praient McKinley viii go to Chutait, Ohio, itie lutter part o! of ue la ru'ain tbreae weeks. TIc Gerninnia yard.,51aiBerlitn, bas ho- San tu malhe turtuodoos for ebb npe- riority la claimeo. Ted Brochuno. colorai. Fo>rt Worth, Taxas, hilleit Ils vite ils a halte, thon alasispi bis ovo Ibrual. Britishi Coîubi;capktaliis us-ilî tunel Citioot Pasmoutundmi huilt a nuit- rod frum Dyeus 10 Labo Boun-il. Itubhar'ies anihoud-ups are gn nîumeceus lunt$en Francisco that a spacial squai of 25 armai men ius irjini ta capture the thug«. James Carrier, dhe Philadelpiisboy chirgeti vidicauslug lte death of Chrhs- topier Donîtan 1>' lolating hie bady, e-sa ralsaseu. liasea D. <Jullef et Nov York. e-ho e-uaforerly a baniuiAser inuthlB.us- maab sîuàv. Proposeas-l s'aIme a, raginmmt lote' Ils mélal oQuai-fi ls Itite, ouai asiatr i t 1shu.e New, to*-Tudln trousthtei.tone et téada uptfielait veek buai vtaeeed a fair de ' éet luprovemeut. Tbe@ibo ondl et-Ielbusinessse ta .i 1sonewbat an- settied, ea nulluodier lines.Compîarative dulinesi prevaits te tir sa w business se coneerueul, but lun the opinion e!tdois ohoarver the signa *il point te Improv- log %etimnta. The sosie oemasoucd s feuwes 'elague hi the sensuttional dulsl- opunests iu the steel trade ,ha" uied out, end thora la epfe umore s disposition mia- itiSted la ucommlercial circise te uake prepAratloni for extensive fait builsua Iu spite o! the get-bactu la gaveai ltraie,, tue ,ni'iuhuna Jos4ani. sansLO countriau a viiole. hiattilarge. BIc- parte cotinueîauun onenorinons &cale. Tb@ crop etook i uai. Trading lu eteeka bas batn quist, but lquiation aertais'te bave ishun tiniliscourse, and vbtle lie domssad ton stocks la tight. thece la nuoli- parlant Pressure fs-omuirnyquartar. Moiueirutes.hans rouaidon about tde lavai cf lentweeuh. Chlcago-peculative grain markets wers narons and Irrglar over s nar- rue- range ut pricesi sud erschelj lnutedi by theahsbttiug epinions te- gardiug dia Prospect for th henat cvop. Dry vestisar ln the Norlhe-sttfracten- et s carumnclof tIc spring weast yilid jni HaResilia files und auready spol- ad it iffi agilcent prospect for a grat crop mIit e-ble inter e-hést bagsa lie grovîniscanon. The crope cf Euroe were iu tbe same unaertaln condition as those cf dis country, usucb smaga h.- laig suoouncedinlu everailuportant le' calities. Despîteallait Iand, Inluaddi- tion, iapit>' dinluhishhng stocks o! the preelous crup. spacuuation lu théât haï, beau depressi te sué ancmitent, trou oe causa or souillearitua adeoine ln price vatIth i0 ltsyavoi. Cern atocke are ample Wo preneutraquira- meule5 &Bd no tar tf. seauonu hisîbes un thae-hbqle propitiousi for thm naît euap. Tise suppi>' t oisovasnequit, large enouglu 10 snpply Opaemit-d al ituer vantai. 10 Meut lthe damnaifer their prudueti t prevalillng prea; oasi hogs isecouno asarcer or tbe consomption e! lard andu oseataimproves a futhai ai- -vonl in bprovision pricas sesta smorne- e-but Improbaoble. A DANGEROIJB DRINK. Philtippiuese ssyssae tcha hPÎayiug Haver e-th Oaur loldiers. "Beno" i lia staff diat la knoklng the America iolera oun theb.Pblilp- î,ines i sGeorgea Hoiart, a reguea, e-ho issnsrelurne lu bis homnsla Clu- cisnati. it lh not beattist la driving tison craz>'. ,Ir la Just aimpi>' "biel" Ir lokilise vatar and tante@ Hirelie'- rire, h oa, sud Il takes a pint ct Ir to uake e dinking man irucb. The Ibini ar fourth conse&stive drunk makas a ibcoomiog idiot ont et the victirn. 'lhe sol- diars crave I alaer ther hava onetant- ei Ir. Hiobart reporta tuer lu the souther'u lses ut the Philippine graup "heno" la hnoen cm '*Ttba." sud it in maie eut ut coeognut point sep. The enouants lice ta leppati oea, tise top soi tise sutives put au ampt coconun tioîlnor tde bole to catch ihe irippingi. The natives drink il oly lu moderatten, sud Ua iate jet Ir gane. Ha asie sarethat we hanle Goy- ...n.ntiicovared lhe nataurorthlie drink Ita sale vase proibitai. sud tisra atter the olera vers coupelie iuba Ir sOcreti>', ns it vas suhjmct toe ondica- tion. lu the souidoru hianuda e-bers dhede- mini lIsonuoagrest, the natives oeil Ir for 3 cents a u-ateenful, but *roundiUn- alla [he doua ut la sa grest tlite prica bas bera raisai ta 50 cents.. Atter a mn drinhs about a plut outhec tuf hboulais lu ici %illiy, but ha racovrs elu à dal' cr te-o. Than Ihoevilii e-nt momotl.nd If bocrn't cet il he viii go rmai. Than [ha olticer»avue to shackle hlm. sud bhaIs salut ta thebe ucpial for the insanueai Washington. -ppp-..p.pInterviews. Rea, Admirai Abmod Pasha et Turkey sald of Routea: -Letme taitljoen. If Rue- gia suffere<l o»ne grat, ovatrvbt-iming bat- tie sie wroid go ta ples.M beeguse of ber Owou dcrntralilzig foece-force, wbicb are la-pt witbltu bondoni ny by fear ead the, dread ot psuoisbmentmand efile." 11ev. Dir. Hilia-The State wili go ta the devil very »eau if meu <'stinue to postpone marraigo ýuntil tbey are 40 and tvtmen ouiy uearry wben tbey find boa- bande able ta buy them ive doukey-loade of dresoes. Young mon.,ouarry the girl of your choice. oren if joon uy bave one routa to uve' lui. The State williha rich- er for if If you do.e Dr. Oscar Chrisman. professor in the Koass State Normal lichool, hald to the Ntional Cdngrcss of Mothera ant Di Moines: 'Everytbhg we do for our gil la ta make them mierriageablesund thon we put them on tbe market. lVhy neot eduente thein for marriage? Let It ho undrstood tlint a girl wili study for four 3-pars for no oiber purpouua thon wltehood and motherhood. WVlns andt mothers wp ,-woîîtd have. Mano nover lovez; lhe ouly ressnion." Prof. Nelson of tia Agricunturai De- partinoot a>'a the borselesage la fnot beejet. iIurther: "tt le likt tbat there will ha a continued demaud for tha rilbt kind ut borsa,. A grant des] bas beez written about tbe probable diaplaca- mont of the borse by the automobilo, but It bardîr mêeem probable that it will pro- duce any morete ronaffect than have the electric street cars end hlcjclaa. Eacb bas Its apiiere of usefulnes. ,und each wllt continue to bave."c Col: John 1. Mam-du, mrgeanit-at'arma of thé Deunoeratie nation,#l convention, satd:. I"There wiii ha troin îlzty ta one bundrad docikeapers, sud 1t shai maite it my business taoaseo tbey are ail men wbo coimmet ha llcked, lntlmldated, bull- dozed or brlhod. We bope tu avoid nome of the uistakos of tbe peut. The names of these 'appointees wiit flot be knowu outil the conention opens, for raeone ,nhicb wil readily suggaat tbemsolves. No one neod be apprebeusiive about tbe césVventip>n ballot belng lu roadîneas. The work is at leaut leu dîasahcad of tino Dow." &Semrtary Wilsgon, apeaklng et uew problemns lu tropical agriculture, ln etin. nection wlth "our Island posessiaons," sai.d: "Curetai Iinqulrj wlll hae made loto, profitable agriculture In thons Islands, no that tbe people mai, N inotruciad re- gardlog the cultivatton of tbe mioat profit- able eropu. sncb as vanillaeouffe, aodla rubber,.-etc., sud, sa tbat the people of thoe Islande uay, a tiiigbt tbhescienct that Meata ta the pr'oducitons muert prof- itable to thain.and t'di UulÉtata« imeyr ncaefront ibese peateai ofe wal trepipal pvoduçtsenui NARROWING o owN ILM4 Roberth Oeeduliî drowdinqg ths »»» ,lute l%'l.eW in»tob'-ammg- te heb. »stb. Taie.reliai of Mafeking, eff6cWsibr the Baritiam, a it.enammt mportant featun eto the bath Afrieu wai Bluce,' thc staue t Ladremldi tvas ralemi. The relef ut ths tewu narreva dov the fieldetof pes&- lies. te a grant Ctant. Tb@ Brttal f roci en aidasarm nOvclosiug la ou dis Boers, 3ehsiiaeburg sud PBreterla belag the oh- lied,. pointa. Oau. Reberte là uoving smirtineKmoensadt la praetcaty cov-- #ring a front ot forty miles. Incliadins tha couma of Methuen on bis lttand Il A Enilapiper, caltai dis New Coaio tri, bas bhau.founisi ho Ch ina. . Tf. aunusi Inoreane lu dis population ut Londog nov anounts a l 70,h.0 Iu Bulani sud Waleà sslait ar $30,- 000,000 vas spant tor tueraiesxpese@a. A nummu>'discoverai te-o yeara ago la Egjpl las ue-wbeau detimdin uFrancs as Ibat o! dia Phanaoh et the Rxoutns. Oxford Univeraity. bas pubbiseti su Incomplets 1.1 shovlng 287 ut its men ai lie front luin oti A-trios. IPour o! dieu banc beon bilsi.* . Te carni;tu ofa et u-German lme ha- tvsen Haiuiorg and New York lun h11 sîcacici ltaeesrnlfigs of do previcus jas' by 4b00,OiMmarks. Thres Brausisaarn>' officera uads a trip trou Berte tugue lundive iscurs iluà a sm htLThe astest express train takepsee»"uteors te cunci fthils- Tise bouality et the Germia Prim$. le Gesat »rIi çmotnsaest arong.p rkeul fln et là*, lmet ad sinoinlàaO ýr ýêd u. and whivh ... -67 m tha ý-- hý_jj_ É_kl.. tiel th,* OC lKradh-d -Il Rundl, - hijL- -L rist, bo la coves-lng a fron1 ut mure than a hundrasl miles.bMethuen li proe.a bij advanoing trou Hoepitai antheib Vaal a@0a, te ks.p lut lunch eiThrench ou tha Rianosfter river,. end a ai me timadhraton Klaibadurp. Ocçupîlng dhisIiong front, Roberts ha noving lu- tard diroecrouaslof thdiaVaal river, bis conter narchins alorg the nalruai tee-set the crossiuîg et Vereniging ou lis direct rqai ta ohaunnuesburg, bis rlght lue-set Vhlilasirp, andt bis loftitee-met Beltzburg. WihIbis formidable fonce lu frot evertapplog iheir ffinhi sud pressing tiens rolCotlassl>'bach. thaenailBoer ainsi la diraîtenedi h.eovteent trou uPPer Natal asue-eu seub>' fshetsov- meut trou bieteblug ou the e-at. Uniar snob conitions the onir cours tattopen te lia rcpubieao aru>' ha au orieri>' te. tire a apoint ut concentration Uha Jo- isauuciurg or Pretarîl. tFront a elrlctlj mltary acsdpaint s bate tisit ater placW laltu lis natureocf Ia umîeus mr-j lice. Auj othai nation, aven tliough, Si bai ibheitreugth etf(leruan>' s rcane,' vounli mettepence aI the trontler. But the Boes are net-ilbe uj otha unation. Th" >'ara flgbtlug for Iboir institutions an ti îrcountry,. and tâtar areonet cou- trelteul by tbe.ve-a tisai obtain among amtari mm o u tesmeu ut Europe. Tls.sconditions ut bitta ou lis Tu-lus vitroei hiunit ha nemanuerai. ae notllk lom. thasdt hava pravalîiedlu auj otiar gPont e-ar. Wbee rn îie sa et about the slea trengdaendi ee tha fili ofo peaeonsinslarge, an eneuy Mai ha attachai end defeatadinlaidetail. Thare ha litle chance for this lu tise or- ange Fras lisate. Thera viii ho iess lu the Transvaal. Tisa clrcumalancss. dhe .isrree-lig filiet ctivity, he diavreat slrenath and mobilit>' of tisa Brliis aany coupaitisaeBoom lu a atricly idefensins caupalu. They osousot detaci com- manda,, sascosud e geuerailsnlu ur civil e-an. t10 mrri an pea-y on the lait or te crusth an lautate iiionic. Practicalhi-, thare are nuo "tedsidivis- i la ibm British army. <Ian. Roberts la morios bis iavenal armn> corps ounccos- ver-glas lînes onpoltioni ot vital Im- Portance te tisa Booms. The latter pea- Dot exhauslthemiseives lu fultesi en- daenvra te starlise narch; ihe> contt pcvmjj' damielvea inobcNiverted biy a diu-alaning muomoaut in oua quarter e-tle tbmfr linrs are brohen lua nutier. Unier th ic lcumstaucau. îbaj ara follov- lut nlitary pracedentuni actiung on op- provet prinelpias of strntegj lu raiiring tu a Poiionua ebrslugise hat. vwili ho ta, &Avance dieir Own causeansd not t. eeken It. l la 001 huovu webesthe Boers e-wi' nais. Ifeir stand ageinît Lord Roeatus Dur bot strennotul> dey viii defeni Pr-j torts. Tiislr leaders eiy diat e-heu Pre- toriats allethe Boers e-tiiretreul te the mounais an d contiune te ibi eita lits ets.Tie Boan envoyi- luilaceun- Ir>' bsvlngt ali la ntis'mission ta lu- duc, tise United listes ta intervene la hbatf e icrepubuige. lbe Boars bava Dnoirtyte-o alternatives, dt t rur- roender or et Bigbtlug te dia tant ditois. Ac- eording te tha envoys the ater e-hi ha lisir les". The envoieae-are bold b>' Becretar>'ofet lite Raj tsaI tibis Goi- oruntent conMte nt Itenvene lubast et the. rsptblie. CUBAN CUSTOMS NEXT. ServIc e X aisI e Es Houercembeu vils Fs-sud. A aealtrou Washington @&y%'a ta au explosion lu the Cuban custons se-r. vice le lireateooie-h wlchpromisee rat' elatieus as scandallous as the iaclosures ho conectioneid dise Postai service. An oMiIai o et baCashainsservice,.e-hobasa Jnst raturnai to Nov York trou Burvai, brintsinformnation dîat tise cuitomssmsr- vice tsars hanisone>couhed viltmreansd corruption, e-sud the emploi-s. interetei ,inqul'rambliug lutear utInvestigation. It ha daciaresi Ibat investigation iUI hov lIai dirongb laz buaineas esethois muid Incoupatent moi uuserupulin's auplo> os. licussuis of dollars have beesi iivert;.l tron tagitimate chennela luto tise pockete ut dishbeset Officiai., undt thv-o- acciues puices. DishunsamentA f ut nmerangiuug trout $100 b $10.000 bave Iioon maie tu persona e-ho have 001 perfurueu soi seurvice e-hatenor, il hé sai. ânuinl ma Instance, vithout lie tormlity utpr- - santiuî nouehons. Tisa Assisanet Seci-eiary utfIVar exai- ncies Ibat Ih e-lttuaeabout n monîl ta complete Ibm investigation smîtrtoit1lu Cuba. The tact thît the ensteus service ta te ha inctuici Iu the luquiryj il inl- crasse ttIeiansd teaiglien tde time. Tic officiai anuncenont tiat ibis ,do- parlueul le us npicion confirms the Mmcm e-bch hans been entrent lu Washington t6r cama ntn. ,jý *i a r. e tu i ol th race 1u9 -t hat 'bl sot at 'Al dia 1 ..I p csI e IBu