CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Jun 1900, p. 7

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t f rate ho cb- kovIng y cor- . ~hi,~ mots wroba- 'g lie "ime nt tu- river, liroiti 19 ou, "uent movs- Elitter open Il te- m. Je- lictly eItuer sacit- *tee, But alleon. stlen, t con- mont e. à, ire id ln % RA- vicre It-tail. Or- armi cou- divis- abeMt icon- Ilui- iy a iseter itber. ullev- rn ep- iing Ii ho et le v1IOle me la have sur- il ho GAr- eliaif abat t er-. rer. rAu rani, ;sur- anti tited 1. la aihow ertfti -lctu [le t, nan, eati- lb te Il ln- Uiue. , ait- a tit- lnu athon $30. - ues. t u meu i r cf hos- j~.Ô L VL AT PUE WI». CUBAN MOfAL OFFLtRS. uaP"e * 1«0m là" 1.4k. k g m US.inth. _______ i, olelthe. judgaeoro! Ldon, ru- Pm* son emewyI. ladakin~g il It weoee Dot tixue tiat, The vetesht t b wa W OUed i FOUftTUM TOBNAOOE8S WUXP bh' way 0o! purtleltcapital punlali . on bwa OtuE7 le »W la pormmOVIER KANSAS. ment aiIOuld le suipended. He reMeveil C ape Nome lauithedesatilaUof he1nniy one answer. wltih hwu$ 0 intist: 4LowdTii. 'nbto 6. Klondike vau 7 i.laruae a " * old -'nia coutry Nany Prairie Coalition Are vw.tai- effect: "Dear WIr-I conalder il prie: t aince. the eECIteUUUt la- CillhSiii* but Bre.klaa Vp et Huruican., Conter able that the. murderer obouidlie asi- iftadam lre tbaLt gaver tbaa 211,« 000 ev t h ff-n peflded." lTe vegetaulan replied: "MIa.y - vraIe hel10 &e ndth ltin ir 1your lordahip neer kflDw lit an air- Sicoti Mârng1 an014di.S t~.Lt ..l. uit tag suspense ln!"-Ban Fraucîsco MO0 more :~1»0. Tt la ettel tisat I Nave. $turt fur Cape Nom. tornadces in one day. This beats ail rec- 1/Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O.' ~ éf She Tii. mason of naviuation la thse Arc- odid e i.tornado lile, even in Kansas. As ljour Grocer ioda, l i oa tic bu s Lgst aper4ed.and already 5,100 Accordng ta weatiier torpeasterâ, liov- &Clisseof GltÂDN-O. the uew food m en usud výaome. bave afllet ram Seattle, ever, tetionaluuauni ber of themke sogl riuk tiit takeâ te place t of te.. The. ~I U Vancouver aud Baua Francisco for Cape in precîsely the. thlsig Oit preveuteub children ny drink Il witliont mi, ri ?o asaetu Cape Nome lias.lieen most w1koiesase destruction of lite aud weli 5aslte adult. Ail wlio try Il lue Il. qu I__ provided fo about 11,000 more vbo vil property tiiot ever vinited tie 'State MochÂîorJlias btl 5 icime 1 roya oan saiIi otIs Capt. H.uLeiett, Who Oriilally iltin believed titat on,git grais u le otdlctesoal . b" - --g-àbus long bienu iu the.Alsak a t.smiiip toinado wes ,tormed and that aimnct atiV ees irwitliout distreme. %4theprice.of bw7_qw m umines&, thaal. that imuot 0000 meu once It eplit up lto subdivisions. This cffee. 15e sud 25e per package. Salla MM Wh aud woateuvwM bave.goae te thse Alaskaa segregation reucede fii orce of the, liJail grocers. *minjf i eldsv*heu lt.heasmon avngs- wind, ce int oly two peuple ver, kili.d Te»ld Od loia tien laies nit Octobe.,liy the attorant and twenty liured. A u.uonaAToIlioNr.P04TMASTER TROMPSON, The. rush te Cape Nom. luvolves the crat deal cf damage vas doue tu crops nîrselseoftIl'.. .. 0 aaai.. Wlelmteaeit-<ntltyo W "eloraiao!soursu untt ubaveall n ortsvr. iid.ii.beeii seen frequentlng a downtown 01111W WM b et Minima macin«ri. poétable houssaOver the -viole Soutlaiestas fur au S 1-OPS ARE CHOSEN -------saoon f l t. lo tiiereay truit lu Thedebla t tt4beata o! brdeai atocks Of mer- Texanstihe sto;m vuve opread, ani . lte report? diciagea tct whu cantesud articleseor bousarbold umn. fer as liuman prescience could discotver MethMLlsate BluetDavid H.CTSoreOandHnsbud-Why-er, cranyotm ayoeâr OD. steamer atartedaisaoBaa traulacoconditionsLuliathutsecttin of tie cunr J . a il on . ud FAC S A O T exIhs mtescondtalnly to. ny mnvoear Umu lai. It vweek for Cape Noue vlth brdraualle ver. never no favorable for greattlous Of, Dr. David H. Mloore of~ Citicinnatl, cdl'trhoftedeUAyiI * 000,sud atotitr stemer umulauy lada teson tle stoai wiîe wîdneTHEud tI. nndtietlot Joi, W.tentitoo, imo .bI dem. TIts le oerseond.tTehtoday tcrit ! da iaOes macUinery *board te tihe value ci $310.- lire sud property. For medîne mysierious tor of lthe Weftern Clriýtttn Advocate, TtheE-CNSUS. <bt lookstenon l Ias e ele to e bror uble Ti. ancimi yik 111111____*_My______________ Weaknesaor Feelsle .aia aufI lf eateto deys later. For mouhba tre-igth wss ,reduced bh i 50pet cent or Cincnati, eorreeponding o'cretsry o ê****ê.* ê** w oter.&orneotiier name, but *6.-s tbe Iton fouiders a ad minalg machlaety more. the Freedunen'sAiàd and Soihern Educa- baRdera of the Padiiecadeit batae baunat Thin ietertrrl rma itl ite neiglibor- tion Society, vere cbnoati hisbope o! the. Wben the. yonug man vitli the. vuuing Pv-m liomuîteads in*e.uaràCanada trouble la catarnit cf tdm-feu voris on mev devicea te Mort baud of 88. Peter and I'ais burcb. ive NMettodist Episcopiel Cl-trch on the- mcv- snmle rings tihe door bell and announces Wtlte for copy af Western Canada and organsnd uotbing atm , miew. ID imandie! ofld mlnng ou tise sady @eu miles north of Eiiinwood. Kan.. at 5 euteetli ballotat thie cent-ral coulereuceltat bis se acriossenuieratar, if youBritsh Coumbia paruipleta, vhieb cou- Pe-ru-namdcaiiyandpam ~-é h Iaa besch sud smong ths grave[blesof the Oýcoek Sunulay afternoon, destroying one lut Chicago Teddy. The balloting vas: bave tie ligitest taim useful and accurat. information ter nentiy cures t1its snd &IL. cf wawm *qm f cuel a ofCape Nome, for, ilunmre re- boumeecouplett-ly and damsutlug acterai Total number of votes. 4A; neecsssry to It.altancy Ila ceept- & thoée e eeing uev bornes. forinsoiCatarrh. Itlapobit Id Mà* 10& O Psetise suintagconditions lu tue e uvOtbei terni bouses and outhuildlugs. AI- cnoire, 444; D. H. Muooreý, 3J. W. lag bis word for For pamphlets aud tnrtber information apecifie for feulais <rou 49" h5. Alasksa»field baie revolutonlzed placer mt atsimutaiieou4ly anotier torndo Hamiliton, 510; J. B. Da, 144;m H. Speil- thsat act, just ais ddresa J. Fri-sds e, Cleneral Agent, eaused eaatarhotthoenski ". a lasugmetiioda. A racs la nov on formeid about lourir ilest-attof Gre-at hlm lto houalaPas.Dept.. Clin. Pur. Ity.. Z18 S. Clatisk iUiug oftue organe.peculili soé l . ~ aÀd aumoug severmlfrelgit steamers ta liee Pend antd. mnr in lta uorthensterly di- hie badge. If lit-isin tet. Chicago. vomcqn. Ttslvayaceolftz ~f Y y u w ft vlhiii et iCape Nome moenent and rectbon, demittishel lentws aud berns anud resily CUcle $am'@ Camugef liiTtla.MinId Sthereby mais. tie profit lier. twiibe l iilled çonsidt-ral)telite stock. Ht-rt- a agent lhe vilI un-uag$ i i *! tswl Iu.tied frit ituiie nu ltiiliii vet- dmohsh-6~ U buttn lta eaIsudBrown-1 eau- jolion tie itreet w1th disposie n ew bete macblnery fm*osean[uidngwefdeo!R- alod i@play at andverSmith t tua-rornlng. 1 tlioughl lie va.s for vaasilagtise golden apeka troumnula i.ed but ti. fnnily .-ea-ped. A nother dsly aale sud grarel. . averai Mainle companlieastcorai ast about the mainle ime struck riur badge juat like Oint ais olI enemy o! yours. NAD FUN WITH- CONDRESSMEN. bave eaci put tern af <bauanda of dol- Pawuee ILock, tîirtre-u miles soutienit s- m i n oaur.illus- Green-SBo he van, but 1 dlcovered _____leaein gold rockers manduammotbites o f s tGreat Bttit, anul wreked everni trarion. This.cou- CNSiSaBADGE. <bat I bati mijudged hlm. pemnim or a Vewulq u lt hasfor tie Cape iNome placers. A buildings anîd delatrtyed crops. Consid- lt-rn upon faim aIl the- paver. cf antoffier Brown-In vint val? *" Vauumete veuis agoe, laden vltli reposted ai dnuar Cadut. ln tue norti- : suci hie la eutitie to it Ildue respect__________ veutilioquist Who W" tu ta <beakmoue, ooBd lumber tert use le tue uev min- est part ut Barou County, sud et Fred . Wlen bils labors are over IUnele Sam asorDei orAenbt- s, the elbet day I.d lob ts folk, WIilislie m e l, vieretisere bas tirent averyme.- @ric. n hu tiýwenterti part of Ille Couzoîy. Dt liitX t--~geutrously la sois teallow hlm tauiseep Apowdge la a tatojour alacom. lit rest % etaye& ld, U, vta te rkasbe, lierioas fladfamille nil vinter. A compouy Main andbtituul ollowing the- itortu did m4jye-r. 71; T. B. Neelit. 41; J. F. Berry. tic emiiem of bis authorlty as a motive. tieftet. conu. aillons. gwolia, dors. kucvamoug tu, tp beoM lieot bm- o! Denver sud El Paso capîtalista bave pt-st diainalt tu ci-opa lu some localitis. :e2; C. J. lÀttle, 18; 23trit. a ir. Mt. L'alloua, Acting. ewemiug tet a" tà- ne naarul.H vuw w«eluvetd ÇM.00O lu barges as temsm Türnatlot-s, <ut îlot ttf gret-oen-e, fiTh t-n vho vert- 1.-n tht- bigletgawg an.Alm YotN mai sel!lut.&oube. H vansOi.bam ev ortilguit mbuse easy. Moud tbr il d=rgito an the galler>' and tsat la althat a-ny- tugs for esrrylugt relgit trotute eacesu occutrotl in iarts of Nebrauska iur 'ai- honar ini the glftt t3Of to, in beiug 'Tht directr cf ti, et-naus vili make Btas-au hOem&Ls. 2,,. Mnipuniuud it». eue s é b e aentail udot. teamerstute sland aet e t-.Mura ilFyttt. rrtnn, neenell tcelet t-nccs-tOefottrotaneat etr roiom r-r dreaAle .UlaetL oi .U Rit-b 1li, NIo. A terrifie wlndslorm tu thte platfortn sud pe.. -itît-d by ilialiop gin andi preslu the- South of lb, numier tIen. Qicenenor gel up tule afw WARFAAE ON CONSUMPTION. struck IMan Antanio,'ITea st 4 oclock Warren arn d tumultute ,aplamuse. ofhliets of cotto t rity mutile durlng the, 01 Polly in Coaaltuueii. reaurks. viien apparently Speakeri Mon la mot-ninuI onggi-tstdematee By anu evelniaui ot lte gent-raIlresent seaston. No gin ula osiil or iu- Connecticut daIms a parrot U8 yc.r lendermiru tlrew ouit hlm observation A Vigosm Crude Sated Aaisait Thc Kansa.s att ris Ihave set the- eatIt- cnueren.eou Wedn s t-Iay -cidexttu- c sgnîllenur ta bie verîoiset, sud the lu- old. Tt li as ben for 100 jeano eueo lu bis drection: Hrn Ier la uBoèta. ci folreastere tg) etiietiona ton aioliusi the- pastoral ti u mt, by vhicli formtatiou sougtitnlmumcImportanit ta tue fzly atn eone rt ai -Thie gendenusittrua0hi0 oin Sm u.oHtrst every physiciasu lnBoston the-. vi 1, 'a s ( avrabie for titis n maliter bas blsnbes l t-brt-main n utoneSouilerupeople tltat tue enumeratotsansd f ly avInrogli toe flor te er- off the «rth.11 ~trecorst e isei cm fe 0 u oati o! jenUie ulswaertureau ex- charge net lu a n e scesiespeclal agents autîcipate thuir beiptuleu osntrghw rthesria Ilv. <ieBemoem auesu 5 thalulin es bivoice uyo tieBrdseof Pertea ut course, refuse tu abaluslu the ears.'rhum nue o! t undauntal operation. Th e t vîwlî boiîeiiounlthe lons. Tet wthe o akc~et oIce an duiuisa- cat a l ienwurase. A t r Ctase of o hINee t 10, say and t la about the aoly tue on tâta diiesse ereatter tue premnisersvili Whst goud liaitlaurnifljEma70 eCrtcm recolrd. Hesgaupetian mu id <1evey- lb. enterai allozby tie Boardl o! H.altli il Cosa D O more ths-mpoluSLUL Aliaei- aj oe ellIe,, for Hendem te DMnatlise omicerlianad diiuetion performetid .' and_____ Thomas B. »M« <, vi, Ia., 10be otiser menait vill ieblaitonu b guarul' ;,Nobel. M m oe atablât tue epreâd o! th Bai,A UIeIteelaaaptivh ia;lige; l àb. sidratean kdmm uew rulea have uaI been hsnued la entirely supportei b> tise male et 014 DuM'peaa Plua Ex~ itu e iliSiliA" d Wou01ld flev«nittussOfby tic Boston Board of Hesti, sud thse -eteel peus sud Bal.sccllected froS ail * a-h is belnglttty at tue «enuse o! the. pîla dte enter a viseons csmpnigu parts o! Germniny. They ae mae P t dM -vbite-bearded OlSilat. At the <Une tue&sgaluât lubeculooiisandi ilaup I aut if lu10 vaicli iprings, kulvea and reurs. amllaa woks ic*ab ..out*l. noire.-vasprojoctedtbte mridlai lb. mach a tuiug la possile. Dr. Durgin or ie..Ailoett.. l; c Pm a. -vaspeacefuy llevénnrang vihtu Oe tiie Bard ecf eis alt ys: ,.Dropow treatemitrouiebyDr. 5, 5. IsimMM or aîîï S crb and dfl a en huer thdi. aar% "Bouton lae o he ti ont places on , )CNe'. Sonu efAtlanta. Gé. TM Sput- eI $ierte ut aseo a<ubboe«rtis forcounumption. Tht- Board o!fb Iu~et dropsymlseclhslmlsinthe eli3« Hemti las decided <bt ererypreesu- tisei ad. lauIS Bi amobe elguoft W"« <bsW errew PD au 58b sud Gros'- honue ina e takeut aguinat lilsspread. t.VW- cl! up !a."-ssobyhS venusaid lacint-jol. Ti«e 9peuiakoeCoumomptionoueil talie ainaîderetiu o"a vc aillas. la tie young- ' »~b 111110 a*-mo i dstuai scuetuliedb. ereditéryr disese. Medical science, baoe- t o oeisiP. ot rcn.F»â ~,ppud~rapd lt iegaa midýve, hll proved <at it in purely a con- Mestbrgm lisai thte. Mela 80 jsr O* Wa 6-avibisont:d a tdlouon&disette. manc e0f tie voett SA, ,,,t meami>1du -TIi. Hoimve Mllu o4àe. tiere le. We are gains teu tu tise paP laur frcesup o l n Th snenec!s ffierlgIsMý ortons dsIanfection sud coutrol." Pi&$-i.,Xfo. ..,i W n à Ti sneneva ePaod 00ilt' Destbs lu Bouton front cotueumpîhon f 5lble medidue for couil n dbo si eO. -ly by sa Uho. &W tt<b Ilt-w- th v eimulto ,49l sV- a'. . W. SanineL, (OaGrae. SK ., ais. apesker'a ttlilto 0juIIp. neslooked au bave181000 sudtae1,4in bo ff ' -7, 900 mYstIfied maa i -ad& tonelt eqally ftis e . l . taravagea. ~tt1' rntasuo as lb.e eteoapisuutwneàdtt. lochai ah -ietomatîGa n tbs o fim repeeebfnlly. ,Tien the. ve" ia NEW YOi< FAIi.URL leA 1aede= I4.000o Mrinm.d. came o« at e!acboe. agala. tId-I- or more tuais 4.000 Mboxe. "Pobe, icuuui" doua SeseaieaCM Chantage. t The tt-aUaPê 111I1111011ed -b-Ml babillir taetect à crner lu Cotton i 11111m__ aU5 le Ca cla eldel. .Th.e 36M res tvh I 1gtb- irought tue New Yark is n ofa!Price,, o~ vi--- - -ter sad voode" reu biai vouldbippen MeCormicis & Ca. ta tie grouind wutli lia- POIUTEEN TORNADOLS I N KASAS8IN ON"E DAY Bilbpvir.u, r o loe ~Et. Wbat isa<îç azimasau- blities of 813,000.000. The reports o! 3Mpwboes r ota&e i*brreu, vlhiteb a.meul toe sous!gcticroise un lte Seutisvere tca mtiong. future bevonti fort-eiglit boums. Auj imys a! Oie dentainhatiou sud ont- o! the lut of lune, sud leurenmtul itleexpert, tO .9COPt the VlctOM'a crffes me a pledg. :ro. a au ris of<t.eboM us Sco: Announceluent o! the COMPany'm ansPen- distant glimpae cf lieCuins veather principal tentures aI the- ltiueraut min- edt Oit s simuiat notton Certissmaylie unlder unr crcumtaac.s. - "Codigboy slite .vwe s ien monasaii l trmnihiam tir thi-otigl- are rgarded by tht-nus as etîtit-ut-aI- itry la laid semie, iro prenchers uoay te- tnken't-rsy yenr.Tlit- prite of Cottonl Tues h4er. r Bibai. di.< >00out Wall ati-eetand turewev .Cotton ex- chieuy ofthOe raukest sort, main in places anu au the hioliops ap- alwsys bsset upon the voume oflthe:pr chang mb nspasmo! cuttiesut. '-ad-pont tliem. criO, anti fi-rin t-e eglnniug afthe. plant- I -s 'eould Lcet amd <b.doouteeP>oe hfl erm In tii. plt vent vild awbile CttonS VibIT 1THE PRESIDENT. Antvn !getrltra u ai-lgutitt-itbi apese hn o tebut orti. er bout bo . smimpeti 78 pointu au May. 46 points oas s-curing imuportait- vas tie action of sands of people urougliot thlie South are If! you cout a bundred visa angry It ar f bai>' COUM d eat hm andDId ioiulg Jus., 47 points on Juiy and 15 points on Ilasr Pe«on Envors At. Rocelveti aetie couference lit ctaniug lthe nords studyiug thc aubjent vlihanxloua care umyeaeyuaint lieilg more -vrshsard. H. vqs wvi l sAugnt Not cuntenit vith lit-se thîngg tic White lHeuse. "lay man" ta inembes-" vitrt-ver Ortier to determine vietier to atiltele ________jlia___________ng generation. Wall atet fuitht-rexciti itât-l hy gin- Messrs. Fischier, Westalsansd Wlua- t-ey oceur iu tha- 'rganle liv of tiec nsop it ht- rulilg prices or walt 1cr art tsbaaccutd 1 lag credience.te uglmy -tntss oucetning tans, tOite Oe.Boer envoya, via are cburch. Thiaadomt. rouuen tu the- non- stivanne. lie Agricutrîai Deparîmeut aslei liathe l.e Countr-y the-financial ,oundnesof allies-broker- nov lu Ohis country, iaitedtheticWhite ference ant iesa r- ir Methodisin bt-gins hie a thorougi ayatem tltat le gent-ral7 a!i1 oasis -moui ~ ,<~Jn, of Notiiera Illinois. Wlmecadai n es>.age ionises, ail o! viich vere put furti Bouse lue4day mornhug,st-nos-ding to Oie ut-v eentury nit a- iiberam s platlortu reliaime. Sert-rai prlvate sgenle,newm-, f 19e. atNeaIprcasonill sot* aundi Mchlgan.thtr. amebundretis ami lhe strengi o!flieefindure. pi-t-noue am-nàgemeut. te puy hheir se- conoerning lvonier ut. the latter cuan ast.. Puiersa. ti-suspOrtation rumptanies anti ur ig fdeatu lm VaiNShmmes Ss,~ cf lit moat harutu nu t sT h le fis-m. rounpost-d a! W. G. 31<-Cor- pects to Oie Presldent. No Officiai mtut- Tva M'usureseuh autmhOe itdmision, Commerciaellorganinatons have uîadestak- mr ig !5 *avatmng tue arriva! o! tucusands o!ftuhis o! Cbicago, lt-aodore Prit-t-of Nuew ns waa glren Oie rlaltors,andtt-ey pre- tirait. of lte Inity t -mualrigitt.andttpriv- t-n te.anie vos-k, litttheir cstimntes touriste fron thOe Soutu sud East. York. R. M. Stuarl-Wortley oh Engiauti. setnIainuretieutiais. ileée l inte quittri- riai conherclice. and. are sîn-t" bIundeeds 0f ltousuinti ef Amoug the Daot onser-by place am a son-lu-Inw ntf Rear AdmiraI Schley, sud The envoya ver, et-tact in tic bune second, the admi-.-: 'r Of vomPLn, arcesuh- haties apai-t. VPhiei--lm oniy ont-eens hy ~ - Fox Lakse, Delavan. Laudertiale, Waul- George Crot-ket o! Calilos-niti, huit t-t dparior, n ne tachasngpreeeot hut tbti- iScient otflt-emmot-I t- u ank tht- prst-st vlich theexcxrt smnWt of tht- ci-p rau kentaa, Ocbmovuuu. Palmnyre. The for mrntntlto corner notromi. Prontinu-ut selves. tmhe Presitent anti Set-rsy Ctr- conference as uami(îoh-making oert ahe, lua- tltaiiaet, andt ttaîefi-omtlite giuning ilest KlhbouMaElitart Msd Midai-a n o teioldent antI mot st antial telyo. At tiret tue conversation lunih- iistory of tht- il,îIt-list Churcli. establishments.. Every haie han te e gin- son. vIlle a Mllte tus-Oies- ut are MIa- ps-ate-vire ilsmsin tie nounry, il Sean etilupon n vaut-t>' of aubjettaé. lie Bot-is li-d, vItei-lblm cstsurietl ount thepants- ocque, Star Lake. Fronfenac, White repreaetutaion tht- New Yorsk notto ri- taiketiabout Wasington;t talt boyt-ey MUTINY ON THE TEXAS. lion or st-nIt tErotpet. andthie d4rt-crtr o!f Bt-ar, blinnetonka and Marquette ou. changea,.t-e produne excliunge andthei admirai Oihe cty andthOe Presîdent e- tht- cenous proposes ibiso year te eouant lAke Superr. -Chicago Rosit of Tradte. corti-l e tu otOe poreli ai the rear o! TesaMen Are Couit-Mrtiatsd uît t-s eery hale tint guet, throigh tht- ginneries -For pamphlet oetinmuler Houes»- tii.executive manslon. viere a aplenditi Eand o oh n tug -cru["e. atfthe- couintry. for luTM.aor or opsommer bk. entta .-.0.'-WS vit-v is obtahuable o! lie Washington lie crev o! the-va arshlp lexn-. uti- lyll»rtdsiue ok niidmonument andl tue Potomnac river. Parent- niai ou Oie suipljt la-t valage. wiiei Itas Mm~ "In tlia Lake Coun<ry," appl>' ta near- ... dent Krsiger'm name flnally vis mention. luat' coucludeti an ite Brookyntlanvy -r. sWu, te ('îot-eminister aI Waais oIh .'svuan InvofIi est ticket agent or-attires. vlth foutr eiandthOe visitons tucu tatet tht-ht pur- yard. The eomntîattirng offies- vasi- lu- ilront, bats isseea nprtocamation la ith. anmd vgi vin 3« un î centu lu postage, G0..IL, Healford. pose lu comlng 1t tis cuintry. They sulted, tue affiner,, anadmen guarding te t-Cminîmnglite itu r te nt-sensuisanti4 Cesserai Passkenger Agent, 018 Colouiy D m-r'5 aldt <ey uisdermlood t< at ntSecretary mutineer. vert- rtta>kti au nt-neetts etîntttirag tht-m 1 o h enu n * efgi m f Building, Chicago. tii.j, 3(j Ri;Al~~ ay hatilaid tien vasfSuai anti that Oie officer tvou injured al hîlly. Os-ut-ss for r tiestnit-si toi- t a e iitOe Inlaria-- - ¶ mi. ,,oici -se amI pition o! tue tUnitedi States vall <bal the cotirt-martim al tel-o t ao! tic mcmi baîforIty the- enuntes-tors vith- - ', APeuyajvaila lim.ker tollétu 900 titis country eould nt intertere l inte lieu e sue. Ont IteRitation. Tlnyens-sago the ennui.brm- m t t.srarrs roundi Irl iffieui ta oblain infor- 8-cent pem m eIstr~ . . . . .. premtent mbnggliS loutu Africa. 'rie l'ila1thOe muerstirtling case of mu-. alos f-ntmie Iinse ih salere ___________________-- aPresideut confirmes! Ibis etew, Be saidtintiu <at han rta place On Itoarda a info h hnme vossaee etrti-5 tuat the action lie to0k mule tue ao lUnitedi States vsou-r iii yenrs. TheT-exî u t sttb- ueiauautIeni ________________________________________________Direcbar Mes--intîs. anicipnting similar -. - difinculOtue hs ycat, retmesteti Mr. Wu rromLos agels toChicgo.ta allay Oie suspicion of bus fellov coin- brou Lo Anelesta hicgo.trymen. NO NEý'SU M ' £vertige »pend per houe .....19.0 miles Méd bytheAtelIsn. opea ad SnieFeFor the first tinrit lu lte hlstory of tue NstIa S.iletbmuciciselitrancarrylog C. P. lusnack ta nationali euu tht-r.silu lie an enunteus. ~t,,b.,râ l. tueteattend s cteelhng of liont'tbis Year af animale entîtoed lu - Cimeie . rctea. cIes andti tstns. Beretolore tht- lise sruCicago te Omaha. M.9. stock ceustîs hns iten cunfineti exclusive- - SOREN15SS à uetll1 .l...................100000iît a l an inaias, horst-, çeva, êa £versg" ped per hait-.... m#»-- Mud Matie iî the C.. S. &Q atmail lut-mn etc., brit Director Merrismu liaài)r

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