CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jun 1900, p. 2

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IL iu<r. ESte. 6.LE. ti.i.INOIS. ,,;Vtx&s ,iUo 1AIAs OUT WrI-. OBlAT VIOLENCE «11sçrIff end Tpe BrotisesBSisetnBaud > nt axS e uatne,Tsa, .ph la" Drwedsi uthe Miaslasppt D- ~$sty Ater Beion Baptiaci. Phonif Noel Roberts was fatalY vounded and bis brothers Feuix and 51<- Mueare abot deai in Uic court rooni et Ban Augustine, Texas. Tho shotiug was doue hl the friendnandoi -lativo,0f King Bordes, pho kibîrd Shrif f Ni Wall a few wecca &go, and a-ho pas 10 have su examiuing trial, Noei Roberts. as aSp. pelulci abusif aflor Wall,@ doali, and the. Bondons, aidod by the. Brocirs, Uic latter sepklug revonge for tie aurder of ose or their kmuamen hy Bugone Wall,J meaistUicnea aborif the receiven for Uic Wall ed of Uic fend. Thc cntrsuce ef th. Roberts brothers tt court wsu the sial ti or a volley from twcnty of Uic I Bori-Brocka faction, aitb lbe reniait au etated. The Wall mon fired a feu, abois, but di no baron. Application wa a aI éocemade 10 Uic Coi-rnor for troupe. sud tie Stono Fort Riflea acre oriered 6MouNacogiochos. MEAJ'<BWOBm FOR 1,000 MiEN. Iolen' Mins Ovners Agrai te Deane et Ualted Mine Vrenher Beren of the mine owners belonging o10 wbat la inoan in Uic West as the "Big FeurW have agneci1 ticth terme of the ?1i.lfrd lne Workers of Ao4ian, und as -a tenacquence about >tbousand union1 mms ai»reaume o arir ithin Uic ncxt 1ev dey. Tht. mei d these mines weni est an a 4trike for bigher wsgen Mqrcb suMad have hein ot ice tual tt vetory for thceuiieu tla a or nulesUM to 0the oS- teor «are tboss bloaëg in ethe o .O i a i ng Company and stm iecatei ratron los hree minutes *fter reiviug tesaemeut of is paston James Phil- Ot« peetators. Atter the final benedie- ubd oaosigtppe4 abourd Uic steamer tim e ibdbachawW oven thesie of! sudoat an a wuawept dopa hy Uic reuecruent. Caleste ou thse Daucn sh ftding of tUic dube lu tht. Na- ..20 liBoaton . 8 ý1 .21 19 New York ..13 21 Oûc ... 1 18ICncinuati ...13 22 'a9 i*lif te tsadlng lu Uic Amer- W L.W.L "* ab25 aMineaplis. e 20 obl 21 17 nIsa ilyiO 21 .20 ITBufflo ...12 24 (Xsl ...20 -%»Detroit ý..12 24 141e u lp i Bufdit. Io"Mma*i Ki&" eiw-Agl.laandeirei wa * mteqgWiUc, ibid ciluni aobei atteu tle Ivewaglons sud Ibree t. ohle Youmob teStage sud Trupiki Ooapaaraa carryý m ing taeuty-aeven men and fe oeat 0mub Quicb, Cal. Thau, whbôt fiing aba hestood off a equa ofUnitd Sonerecueiarcav"b i À shekin traedy occurnei at a boarinh«» a Wnnipg, ac. Mlamn- êtaKer, bo ep th huse abheen quarelng itf bi wie fr acouple cf weeks.He wa whip ibethir litlUe girl Hl ieitre ,whereuipon ,Ker dre a evoler edabot his alfoe ?thgbrains. BigMilé sutDowa. Nearly3.500 usy wa e rnera, a nian-1 ber eprsecing he re a-wiuons of a cityof lmos 20000population, tecre day.t te Fderl SeelCompany la -Souh Cieag mile. he iseare a proprtyof he rus whelýcoutrolti the market or its arus.t ýMount Holiy In a bwlld lwich as. rapiity spproacbing completlon ai Waibrouk, & auhunli of Baltinmore, aas dcatroyed by fr, balga s of $W,- Barglar Shooe s .Fatiser. Smuel R. Shupe, agod 70, nesrly bast bis life eathle bands uf is sou, Rdaan, wiom lie bai urprnaci a-ile tht. latter was. robblng the bouse et Evansbung, Ps. * Sdr ,b eritepson . Chares . Nalty 21ycarndor0 Newacr. N. J., muriored ieits mfother, Mary Nuti h c e ft hei horne. ___ atm t Tuli, China, killng isîren sud pounditamsny. >'that the Britishý bave octupii Pretoria. A cablegnaja bas liecu neosived fraou "Mforte et the' mouti o! lhe Pel-go giita. stating that fighting bas commenc- -. and bni h as lanid a force of ifty sou- sorn, D in lialas. DaalRamonai. A. atroaag rnmor Provils tht Stickney han orggnized a reiine of the Groat N Wm. e i Baltimore- aud Ohmù, tho , lqmut Xorthern and liii Pitbucg and !Kte operalo Uiem au n neystemù, imem mie ttia fIwo-M nSi sel*h mmidrisbae Toa*. 1est la eourge 0f a deacou and theiale' wife. aud pere &mous thi nieptla MEft oould prodnce-cheekoandaieais h- tokealug bthe elthy tars Ilete b.uac- ity' have been leadIng. Borne were 18 and clbers 22 geara of âge, but tbure w»u moue older thon Ihat. They came dhom issuouri, opa, Illinoisandi other vaeï States. A»l cxpedt toeUirry rilh Mur- molm ,Miss Jeunie Hoige, a poÔri beauty, speaking for lthe other lWty bÏ'des-elect, sai: '*f fIfini ngounir ta suit me 1 wont gel Zarried. Young men ame bemiornt Mormons and geins ta Utah traiontua State ail the lime. There are nt onough lilgible men for ait the girls ln the East. rt's awfui 10 ba au old mai." DZSCOVERS A DZEN cORPSEB. PinesBodies eofllesperadeq. Mui * byr PoigaeciProvisi. eu. William idileeton, a moutals uietr, found *welve corpses ona Paint creek, W. Va. Pour of thern acre iylug on the ground and the other eigbt acre iD a amaticave that bidbeaun dttcd rIh a freplace and a, few convenieucea of home. The deaà were ail related to0 cd ehher. bcbng brothers ani cousins. men of bai repute, kuo*n su thièesansd eut- throata. Investigation ohowed thalthbey bai corne to tiair dcstb through poisoned meat and foeur whlch a negro cook coi- ploy at prepare food for a party of 150i Italiens aoping on the new Paet Creek "Iiroad bati fixcdinl the. hope of catch- lug tic peuple who bai been rofbing the etorehouse. The cook had set hls Uap aithout the irnoatie0f the foromuinh charge, and Il had worired more succea- fully than even the cok had boped for. DYNAMITE KILLR SIX Explosion in a W71âconaliu Town Vives .1Out an Entire Penaly. Six persons acre kIlied by su explosion of dynamite ln the home of William fleohr at Porest unctIon, WI& TU~ desd an: William BroeiaZ. Mm. WIIUuae Ucebas, thes oblid»etMr. pMe. BSroch=, geranglng troau 2,Obleas; 19. Btse £broter or Mrs.Broebaw The caue eft theexplosion le netlimolfu. The supposition fis tut about twelve pounda oft te deadiy explosive pas too lisenthe stove snd became ovcbqtated and exýploci. No oe paà Ieft tu tel how the accident occunncd, as cvery oc- oupant of the bouse waa hlled. The ro- mains of the. unfortunate victime werc ileraiiy blibna 0pieustansd heyond al emblance of' recognition. Broebm was. a peU driller and pas poli-to-do. TORTUEEB T OBE Agad 0hio Recluse Palally Beatea und Burne&i Jarnte Finnepan, a recluse livin~g in the northen» part of Perry County, Obio, waax fataliy tortunci by masirci rolibera on a reest lgbl. Thc old man coulidt lie made te tell abero bis monoy Pas bidon, sind the robliera ' beat and burned hlm witb a rede-bot abovel until b. was auncon- scioux. Tbey tbon gaggei bim, coverci hlm wliah a featber bcd and ieft hlm te dis. He waa fbund by neighbors and1 canantIrecoven. WITH A CAPITAL 07 uuo,ooo,ooo Magn ZIcCompmay Permien te Borain». Niseiut'-gausaa Minas. Ti le et tuc elntofnd opnyTlu purpose la te acqiire at... operate sine mining properliea. The. capital ahi be 8J0000000 and tic boad ofice la Chi- cago. N«13, Plant l a isai. The Ncely Printing Comnpany et Mun- ie, Imd., abich waa establisbed by Cban. W. Neciy of the Culian postal service, now under diargea of extensive embemle- muent ln Ibat department. bas beau closod by Uinlitdlates Marshal 2'oley of In- dianapolis, acting on a warrant X~ attach- ment isned on tbe petition ofIffic Gov- erniont. Poest lPires Ber,, Ksur Loas. The govorument at Rat Portale ro. porte that forcertOres are reagnln the Ralny River districts of Ontario sud ai- reAdy millions of dollars' porth 0f timber has heen deatroyul. Ebfrts tWro maie te prevont the flanies from mraching the districts lu alb cut loge Pore stored, but were unauccossfui. 1War Tas onu»«0 le Upheid. Assistant .Attorney (louerai Bord et Wasbington bas rendered an opinion to tic effectthlaItih additional war tus cft $1 a barrel lovled by the Goveramont on' beor ilu aehousoentthle lime the nct was passed sbouti stand. Tht. irowers protestci eginsl thiiadditiunai las. On.e Iiouaand Mea Left Idie. Tbrec of teUicsiiCleveland mille of the Aniorican Steld n ire (Company aoro &but down without any warning bticth 1,000 men tiroan DOut of ompioyment. It la nt irnown hnw long they pUtllic 0tto Matîbeas la Captured., 0Ottoblatheww wasaarrested at Webb City, Mo., charged witb tbe murder ~ Plat. Penàtor Wall near Stauxton. i1Ir in IM& àAreaard of 82,000 troi k for Uic errent aud conviction etf Wi murderen. 1 xliroai RCageianda. A syndiat. of bankers, beaded by Ver- mille & Co. bas prscticsity compltei arrangements for acqulriug cotrol ef the Toledo, St. Louis sud Kansas City ital- roai, populaly kuown as "Tht Claver WarmantOt fr T1l A 'hcewrrant bas been tanai for the. arrest or W. 8. Taylor, tate clalmaut te ha (Joveenor ef Kentucky, fouaied uponsu Indiletmoal ual lic as, an a*- ceseory hefre Uic fact t& Ibe mua-den or Goy. William Gochot. Bad vire lu Blrmnlughs,,AI*. Tiec ivc-etory building occupici by Na- bers, Mortes, & Sinqigle. aholesaleaa*, relait iruggiata, on 201h street, Birift- bain, AI&,. au destroyed by igS. L $80000. Prtim Qaotimeua Singv Rnom~tet Meut thangai Atpffl et foris, Bnsdttrerts e ; o»"hleadltmmut' c iteu quolatiosste w-tw l chageue.-j dîtions of supplg -qui demsani are .1111 tha. ieading ftuMÉa uttheguenenatraie, lu volume Uihuilteas ila it a fa h- tacen-seasons chiai-cter, Improyeusent le Aoune anesbeing eounrebalance by la- creasci dullusas la othea-iranebes. Tuat Uihecto conadItions oetlb. traie areilu the main ot a favorable nature. however, is provoi by Uic contInoci gooi ruilnoad onring returna ahicb corne tu band. Ment prîces are lowerou.Uic Peck, abeat noting a fructiotiai drop, despite un! avor- able French cnop advies., ubenos a enormous reduction lu yleld la predicci, sud also ratier bloc reports fi'om the Nortbaoal oarly, lu the acek ir.mnéi lu orne respecte by eUic rina menionci. WMeat, lacuiiug iojaar. eipuienta for Uic week agmngate 4=58140 bumbeis, ugaiast à8,ÉO bushelo laentpeoir. Cor» exporta for the ael aggregatc ,M.2204 hushela, agaleal 4,U14,145 bushels tazt JAPA ESE COWB ti HUNDEEDS. Immauiant Iaector et Tacomia Tes- titse o, Tir Dsirabllity. Robert Watchorn, supervising spéciai immilgrant lnsilecbor ut Tacoma, Wash., lu a tlegftmn 10 Comiasonor Général Powdezly et Washington, muates tuaItacw steamers have arrived et Victoria, B. 0., with 900 Japanese Immigrants, destiued for the United States, presumably tu avoi possible deportation. The Inspec- tion of tie arrivais by tic atcamahip Glenogie,-laaibeen comilet&waUi tic i-t suit tbat ffty Jùpabese ImaigraflîsPere orierci deportci. "The eleanlineas of thé average Japanose immigrent," says tue inspeclor, "ýtht. abondance anod londi- tien of peanug epparel, lie amoust of cash he posacasos, thé diversifici indus- tries these men present. thein nurneroos and wtdeiy aeparatcd destinations. lbeir bealth sud youlifutness, al ,tend, luarny opinion,* 10 deprive Uic so-called Influx of mueh that la considerci daugerous 10 Uie peace aud poifare ef aolty.' 1eit'i'lLVBeS LosT 'NWRIÇCK. Faal Accidiaut te Fraigat Train bnera ifmleOhio. pirve ii4es acre put ont lu the halnhiing ot an cye ln aun nueusi accident on 11e Cincinnati, Hamilton undIinianapolis tall-o*ut lbMc.aglte's stationt, nigit miles pesi o!fIHamilton, Ohio. The trsin contaluci taenty-eight boaviîy louici cars and aa boaling along ut ta-entP- five mîtes an hour, wben pithout an lu- stant'a paruins bbe englnt.le! I tic truck et lie junetion o! a swlteh, and. piuuglng uheni tac or thtf noie. turnuciovcr. The momentoa of the traina puae cieerai cure past the engine uni pileci hem uP lu chai». Elevt.n cars porc ierailed, face of abicb containe4 cublle and bope. Scores o! Uic animais aereilitei uni many oUi- ,es a-.orcpouiciuani rau ubout, bellow- lai alti agony. Sao ob@nitdotib> Pestait Ondin. Unica- the crier o! tbe Uuiled.Suies Court lie plant of the Herring-Haii-Mar- vie sale aonra at Hilto», Ohio, per sod te Walten F. Drummeui cf New York, repreeendIngthe reorganiutlca commuttee. The plant sali for the nom' tuai umoual of $10000 ca14,altugi il la wartb aven s millon, sud Il gpua te thé od opuers. Delta Fox.thebe tress, amcommittci lig justice McAdam lu tie New Yark Pupreme Court te the sanitaam ut a Wuve Cnest j r.. en the p9tldoof er broîber, WUiim H. Fox, uni ou lie evidence of tva physîcians wbich shoaci abe, a abortug undiar dicioni cauued b>- lie excesive use af stimulante. IL H. HL Clark Ps%" uAas,. P. H. H. Clark, a ducoofo!the Mis- souri Pacifie Iluliroi Company-, its for- mer vc-president and sent.rai manager, fiet vice-preiîdent o! the Texas sud Pa- elfie and tic Internationalasd Great Nortier» uni formcriy goneral manuger, of the Union Pacifie, ici aI Aahevil, N. C. ___ Riveanka Takes Ti nI>-Lires. A portion a! tht.ernicitimentoth e Sabcrmuttee River, on ahicli Abrneda- liai, Judis, in aituatci, carci Inlalwhle man>- mon. women sud childrn weare asabung clotlinlua thIe river. .Thint>- lires acre toit. Black Cancan Raih Epdeule. An epidemic o! hiqei.r ;cancer rsh, pro- vosut51West Dcclii, Vt. Tu-oc deatha occurreti pithin ea-wech undinlu ctinlu stance Uice-victim bai bei. Di but ta. daya wben ftalsymptoma appearid. i>uhelo Wh*at Crop Earci, Tlmely raina have enici lie drougit and potthUic a:aalt rop o!fliaDahabsu lunfane condition. Chicago-Caule, comauo to prime. $3.00 la $5l.75; boas, sitippinq grades, $3.00 te $5,25;-sheep. fair ta choie, 1300 te $5.75; absalNo. 2 ced, OU e 1067e. cern No. 2, 37e te3%4:auto, No. 2, 2011 te 23c-, reNo. 2. Oe e*Oc;butter, 'Ibo "eaffelnee., Ille 10 20e: iggs. tu-euh lic za12c; new poltoa. $2-78 le 88-75 per bMrel, Tlsafllb--Ottle.aipt, 80e 85.75; bolls, eh"olcoihglt .00 te .f sbep~numaihoprieli.MW.00tp 00 viseal, Ne. z, 11e ta 78le; conL., No. ahîits, 38e 1a 40e; calai No. 2 aillA, lit .mLcsl'-Cttie. $8.25 te $5,75; hoeau, q»tae»$820: 'se,80 tai 8"2I weut No. 2, 10e te Pie4; corn, No. -4 relle 10 8 ficte caleas. No. :. SIce t eg4at, Ne. 2. Mecte Elle. Olunmad-Oattle. Pm 0te $5.75. boss, 'uS - te 8h*»; eiseup, 0.-M - to 84M3 visai. No. 2,"71e ho 78e;. oeMra. . Mixai, âge te 41c; nula, No. 2 alxii, 2Me te 25c; ege, 'No. 2.0OU.te Mc. Detruil-Calti,8. . = a$,M; boas, 800Dhoa8.0; ehep, 48.00 -te $4051 picat Né. 2,.25e te 14e; cora, Né. 2 yglep MOcte 40c;,oata. No. 2 waite. 27e te 29c; rys. (lc0e 0fiS... Toledo.-Wbesl, No. 2 mixai, 74e te Mie; corn, No. 2 salaud, 880 te 4Ne; cas,- No. 2 mixait, 28e te 24c; rye, Ne. 2, 57o ta 50éc; cicvr e sci.nea. 84.0510t10,06. Miltankee-Wbet No. 2 nonlbcnn, 3e teo67c;ea-a, Na. f3, 87e tif8c; cals, Ne. 2 aile; 24e te 20c; rye, -No. 1. 5& te 5-6c-,harleg, Ne, 2, 42e 10 44c; penn. mess. 811.00 t10 11.0 Buffalo-CGahle.eboiee shippins sferu. $8.00 te lb,76: begs, tair ta prime. .18.00 ho 83.50. sbeep, talr te cholce, $8.00 tO $5.25; iambé. commou te xtrs, $4,50 te Newr y .Cpttie, 48.25te1 5- bleh'ps $S0 te e e,,e 1> te2 IOsMM uwalsnu e o gm .th, 0 î oais. lth*powcrà a lu oe lu 014e mes bce ha o e -ntgbt, mndàtiead ma- ines tree Ocob u - - - 1chipa at TaXu,,wtMe «. e, t Tien.TsIaThursi attennoon, ta ente. lie Cty. Tbe"Bxea aresee tcheuopa soand etia forces III in1 Pekin Seei-caP.", jil I-asd, te situation te mor u iet. Thetun à> au 3u4"as. rottîlit. an keepina unier lover. WuTia ag the Chineae ntluister et Ws.blqgtou, phon asirc about the dit- paléee teu China, In regard te lhe up- nIing of lie 'ýBoxers," snid; "That "ob serini, Tiiese *Boxera' have anisen ain 1 let C"in. *Taku, the Portnt uiet Tien-Tilu fit for deep-drsft vassae. bus lico u ue4 cto by forelgu men-ot-panr In lime of troahio. l in easy tram thal point te ilapsîci marnfes te Tieni-Un, siouli« they b. nefeicifor Uie protection et aur toreiuncrg." Amerlosu and other forolgu guards, anuerteg M4, arrivecIin the muet oft th. Dranapnfestival. The streota pore uaus»Uy e- rowici. and, thougi tic peo- pie gag really iutt.ra-ted lu lie anusmal spectacle, ne- manifetation of iostity as. made' Tic preaecre of the. guards bas alraady mai a Marirci affect upen- the beanlng ot the Chinese towari for- dignera. Tih. excita-meut bIit.eadjacent Country -hot been mauch allayed, but many Chitieu retogeea are sit fiociîni l Pekin. T'he "Boxera" are evldentiy mor- ing atie l ttortunatoiy no leaders of the "Boxers" have hoon arrested, liough tuer Capture pouli have hein é"8g. Al thc Govevument bas donc ba ben te occnpybbc scenea of tue distunbmnes. sud an' reai repressivo mensures have been takren. At Pao Teng Fu Tionaiay thlrtg forelguers, incipding six ladies and ont. chili, a-bo pore escaplng In boats ta Tien-Tinu,acre attscero by a force o! 700 Boxers, aitu ridles andi silars. Tht. fonigners difindeti themives, but hnd tiltie amrnition. Four a! the Runopiana P,&.T.SoÂTION A~ Paunt. a-ena killeti. Ta- fate o! the otuere in Dol irnovu. Tic Emptes Daager bas orienci lie Govennor etOPliaite10arresb Lin,te Ciiniai mouer gr-pftlb.Pehia syndicale; Kîs. cee!orthe10 »unSin Commorcial bureau, sud. Fqu, a leaiing bauher. on Bhe grouniaI iet 0"aredamgeroua char- actera, but In rfuiltY beesua. tbcy are eoncoeuci it4 Britlih aterpa-ises. cil ZENs PUT ON GUARD6 bereralconpaits, 0f9S.L Louis Sien''«»s ~ain ut. ,!ne St. Louis ecilunmemtbers of lic pesa. cemitatue bad tli.r irat expt.vuence wi1h active service Moniay. trian sev- ceai companles verp as.igned fer guand Sf>- at lie power bouses of bbe Transit eawpaauy. Ar-ms acre given out la ubout 900 of tie depullenS unin>- ani the day vs. épent iriliug thern. Ass mosul the eleptbiespreseui a milhtary. appa- suce as lie>- marcici away t10 hem te.- qsecte pos t i anent a rigit aboni- der. WhUo oun guard dut>- tie menihevu o! lie sheriff'a posse a-Utl e enîject le strict miitar>-disecipline. Tho" et otuO guani ai h. eu lu rasa-neeat lia-difft.r- et police sations. Chistine Thiernt, 18 yeura nid, usnd.>- a-as *et open b>- a crowd of about 2000 men aimpi>- because a iedaiddtien on i car o! bhe St. Louis Trnsnit Company. 13bc was sîruci b>-the fiats of min ana litDuà ebout lia- face sud body. Thu goung Pomnu begged plteonîby fo erety ami a bic fier st-ruc-khar lulbe menti. Ph. pleaie t lut sice ais a wonking girl. but Ibis hai ne cfa-ct 1teaMent lthe tiotra Aucleincueicofo!tlesanme lini or- eutroi. ilia Broicriel, gel off a cari- onlt> 1 ho seailed sud hoototi b>-a mol.I1 ie rgu doiv en aile>-aud linthefAobhme' 0f bg*. Flie, sudithe- mob urouici the hoas and bèguthrowlng clones tliroogtl' lie iindowm. Mu-s. Fpilce got a big revoieendg openei f ce on the moli froinheu- front -pind0wansd thc mou seat- tertce ___________ ALL FOR NAUGNY. Scientiste' Ouerratic>ns.oflise Sun,@ geipoa. allut-e Observatious of t»çae'.acipse, ablch Per. tAken afler cuci elaborute prepara- lions b>- leadlngascientiste af Ipo Conti- nmete are proucawed s failure b>- Prof. Cra o! tiche ntiawesienUnlvrritj'. M-. mye tic lautrtpcnîe s u paeetue, povertut . Tful4a. ntead of givlng valu- abie data, luneUt cases i.ft bsoutéliy Ufflk phologapiic ncoris. Iu lie sec- inde intu0"a theb lb mnias. t"ti> edlipseci Ure wvs. oo previouu te trust ta the human cge and aU ,observatlen ver.pbotogrupba ' Tbe eelopanent of the, plot.gruphlc piatas, smye Prof. (»ota, bus been one aerls t iecfdisappolulments, aud th. aork ets a ni menthe of Preparatio e .pmnscty vpasted. Prof. Crecansd Dr. 1Wul ol f XFenhhpast.rn prets mera»ne et lhe Part>- of scientiste Su. charge otbe Goerameu t atonai Oniflin, Ga. KAibAli' O HFO EIR< Veste 20,0S0-Batw es ete laraut Ber GeSat *Iasat cop. Kansas .wanle p».M tmen 10 bcip gv bon éconmoua phet cr09.- Plate =ai Inspector bleKeuxe, baving nturuci te rôpeka fa-oni theKansa aet bct,gasys Uic Btte wlli bazvest 83,000,000 bohisa *ui that hresting la libont 1e begin.. T otbing es oceur nov ta Injure the enop ,Oxecpt destructive sierras. as tiec arth bus icen rogulani>- sonirod alth timel>- rains. Inspectortl er4"Kcnai digrain meti suY lie greatel daaiW threaterid la lu the dearth etf bding 'men 10harvrest tic greai c-P. fPumner,ïoung. phlch sMome bu an acrcage et 230», -aili have 10t condition exiox lpa irty mconnues. YJestBe 2(Gqe* e "0 IMM xs êU oq feM lbe.u m d . uS .ute- , t lu r7 i 1 'w- - SAY AGUINALDO la S$MOT. FilîpînooLeader Bulbes KUiWI orue i 17 Venaisina hub. &dvices froun Vigan, Lunos, via 1la-. nulsay thal Msj. lIarda, pli hie de- tacimoul o!f tic Thlrty-tifrd reglmeul, ovrntook %abat la helierci ta have basa Agunldo's party about 100 mailes umorlh- etst o! Vigs,.Tie Americns hlllei or a-ounied an oficor. cuppuaci 10 bu Agni- naido. abos odoy a-as remorci bh i foiboacra, Aguinaldo bai 100 men, Maj.l. Mec 125. The Americau commuander *truckr Agulnaido's ootposa about a mili oetai of La Ual, khling four FlUinoe sud cap- turing la-o. prom the latter 1 earaad liaI Aguinaldo bai carnped tisese for lié muiht. *,thbongi exhausici sud hit' atarvel. Mai. Mari-b'. me. entened la Gat ou bbc non. Tlicg saw tue Insurgeais ecalicning lulo tue bushas or cvrs li Dlatean. A thensani yard* beyesad lie toan, on tic mounituin sid, tBe figse 'of taeuty-ivi F »lns, irsesseinu aaise aiti ticir leader on a gruy borse, ver. xilisouetlsi sgainst th0e meet TIM Amerleans fired a rolteg ad MvBte te- cen drap trou bis borée. HI$ fonpvvèas Si, .currglug the body. l'h. Amnerimr^e on rtachlng tme spot caugil the.hbmme, phici ws Oeihy sadid. Blond fa-cm s baily Pouici man vas ou tie au"ua snd on Uie grouni. The caddie buga c.l lainci Agulaaldo'sdiar sud cme pri- rate papacu. neludini peutlamatiese. Mai. March, bcileving that lie F111- pinos bai lake» lu s river plabia la a lrlbutary to the Chico. folloaei It for twe inys, re0hlug Tiso, aber. hb lar- ed that a pasty etf itipinos bai isaceni- cd tho river ou a tf t vîti the bodg o!, a irai or Potiiidei man opon a tiller osv- erei aiti palm leavea. Ticre tic cota- muni ient Ithe sunroanning country fta as inys longer, but pîthout faéding ang trace o! the. insungents. Net tarulugaf e! i lcoanCentrai fet- Aprna'ee-c$187003. It is anti liaItithLakre RHior sud Miutulgau Soulbonn rosd i altseun ta-don 1,5w0 nov,-cua. C. P. ltiuntîulon, proposes te lulid, lu connkecîlon alithEssIeu-n adi Loudon panIfies, - roadhctwen Uat Lake ani The Laciawanna sud Nicktel Platesai put on a na-w service beteenu Chiegao uni Noe Yorkh. Tume for Uiecttip Io be t tnly.cight hourm.11 ThClcago. Burlingtonuani Quite>- talilnoui bacs apair o! big ta-lu englue. 1501 uni 1151)2. 'Ilaay asgi 127 lMmu eacb. and sre tise bigec pausenger Sa' gines ever but. Comupreciair i.laihin# uoacisuce. fulty b>- tic New York Central rod lu lie aperatien of h saitelues sud s9iges lu Ibo yards o! lh. Grand Cent-ai station la INopYork City-. Ticelilinols BoutimemaBU ruload Ceom- pany- bas heau ineorepmea-alitailis *p- lai stock ut $1,000,l10.Ti* pua-vOf. Bhe organisation lu te Laiee rnMndiOp- crametBe oli Cenua" auni Cieer osi. Seernl of the îoe* ilani'. nw on en ,lec locomotives bave baeuput luto mer-] vice The engleus» te ic-tnier.gc baving six drilrtg aeils and fmnt nebiels uni"e, iePOOL. Io langUi O'V"@* aU tlasiSAy-four te*t and lhc uvorage 179,9W0 poundu. An Inlteceuatn tct la conecban aliah tbc nea overani rain of the Buclilpen betacen 81. Lo uissd PueM BOIuýd by wa-of Billingo, Mont., lantfor ucanig Uh ité r- distantec.. o2.SmMiles t -ilt nian tbrougb eOuuta-> euniff reti b h tUitedStalesntuthle lime of lie Louis- tans porciase In 180. Traile officiaisof Western ronde us-c lr>lng ta brins &bout s4 refora n th e pt-asent cysteut of linoug b buting a! graIn.Undér préenct conditions grain me>- 10 heu anautudelulte leugll of lime at peintseno route to the point o! fluai detination, liuenshlluq bandions ta smore tic producrl usll tie fnron lie tape aie attractive entuogis le warrant their lettng ga cf IL.AUile iiglie ts tic, graila ,stone4 or«,etd ew route tic initialcarrier la oWgsd te pull ftor ts charme. s a Seal ha Be -9ibene Nia-Tor-The movemea t endtraup-i 90sfmatinu 10bc lu the nlgbt direction, aliongi te pace la a IriSie miaa. 'fiaes bas bieu a ceacîdirabue nation Ilu on sud 51.el. pool. Cottou a"i ethen cern- moites, but lisaochion hua heein l thc nature a! a riuutnt of primas to Conitious. The clesnlng honne reporte 419 mot ladicatosuny Important failIug on luthBe volume e! linulueatsany peint. BSeeo!f1thebarge etIllesthicesuntry bave latily sa-n deonamein lthileu-- ltt s. compara i athI st jgeer, but tBe kmeas bave Ilfufiamcsbecu et ay samiqaset.. Tic lendccy lautBestock suaa- al his asbecu ewand improe- ment, sud the Claie of tBe a-euhmia Prlis *for ment o! Bhe biIngrade accor- tias en a mrncnUi ighb.nlevai as cea- pen"d alitiste preecedilg wass is oey eualnI essudtBe ataecl ceM te 10bc »mwet tek m uitailu Ias vis, altthoogbhBe avraege brader la iut.y to be gavernuci ia coueliieabie exteut hg a poni> ey oousv*ttm utIM the polditi outiook becoua a lttlc moi" cierlg deinsi. Chlesgo-Hoa itile aperulative Inter- et la ing taen lli ph»eut ma- et in weii ttnltei db>- Paturdsg's doslng prie e!flisi ccuudfty fer Zsiydcllv- erg, whlahb vas aiin 1% cent à buahel of île value et the endieo!tBe prvioma vosk.1 l'h. comparatielmmoraialiy o! le ptrea-coulmot be nom eawertby acre It Z»ai for lia preaainsoe iclusthe aer af ecu.uietles at fgriaMry veuli have ehec u cfident ta cause violent &ad excii luctuatius. Ailiot< hcorn bau en commnsiluitrelattvil>- lnucb maore sttention than pical. an alut s imiear ceamatIattenici iuls cteeutuatIons, the Jnly pnlt.ç BturMy afteriom beug oui>- %c bicher lisu It a-u nt tBe end of Bhe privions wcek. There hua hen s geai sbipping dpann fer Cern, and no acantlr Of t.ea-iereallbai 10 astwis tI, a-ibh a pnoulng ouleok for nest crop es. fan as Il bas gopt.. The in cso 11111e huown positiei>-about .the surplus a! previons tcopIlufarinera' bauds tisat sieeuiatve sentimÏent iinsrgetggort-ed iy bhc recoigle trou day 10 day. TRADE ORUSADE 1tu PRITAI44. Gorennunclte oAaeOl *gent e cel- tut TInormation Ahruus. T'he British Gorernmesat la ahoot 10 launci a comprebegavsl'ragacuof bu- qulry halo Uie béat mcans et iewalooang lie coannry's fortitin traie. Tise luquir>- ahi bc maie osier lic direction or tue Board of flae. Itle la snci 1 have ber tna *a amisasders. miaternsd Cotnsul*f unis Bhe mencisuta sud masu- ftmpm eir t beme Information ableb Britlish aiscu ea e u tu 1 Iooa nt. Reionds ahi h. kep maet moly of muarkei guetuutWensd condtimonstcipp oi n desuani, but s"saof deafl atitats ea-s the tu tarIff& Peiglilu A"dmessnos raas ofet chauge, Iternat, tneilgileund Insurneuc, creetil87«b=na sud Prise lias etfa et, gcealbe ou l«uedin u plic Bnidcomp« ias albesceUsti lit te ble plaunci Weehllah lun Loudonà great upusnnaof communiai esail t.rISal parlaofet lie od, stquilar tutise institut" nexistihag lu PhI&dé1pibaý MOMEFMUUOSGMAR - Newset x manIote, Jfoin AudOmson. Ilie Pbilaieiçhilaper, te desi. lieds eftih lakes. lu Aluska are sali tebc et goMu. r- Nt'a rouTacoma 10 Cei-Noms bai bien 14mae-e i$M8. Kopruer & Rates.'liogrpucas, Bue tale. N YXare boukrupt1. Tu~~~~~ ~~~ p80te aa20 aes uA lua ialm te . xîse îw, W evder lbast lthe 190 paipum ie-Sb bulu pu"ee n ad *fier tliai8bo m ..d&assiff et, s. a Ster 51k et respw the Houas cjeuvnsd ne. chinase -& *ion bible. abici wa. nir .euh$15a$l sevreral pachamego, bu fine bat liet Be taendar, lb. motion, tu abrite 0ont te enaeting clause aahaoies bhes deftai.a Ou Tbureisg lu th* IBinats lashe udwy dvi bili vas pasci srglganaed icoent apprepnbuties *,0,0000tfer thse LoubuanaporciaseexposIidoun- t Kt Lsouis ln 1900. Un. Gallinogen o>Be au avarant fer liae appolutinsat ot a comailsan cfet ie mon 1 te ey trsaie, coditions lulasheOrient 5.rp copposi- lion &deilopi M. I'ctigrev maie a point et onier agalmit Il lia I Ilwas.DnW legisattin. Ur. Steparts ameniment apprcpniantiug 400.000tehosettie the civil war claasetNof 4,,s.adolili. JMna. Daniers ameedmeet pnerbding $200000 te begin venr on bhc memerial ba-l4g*e t Anîlagton vs. aiopted. By a voe.oc 141 ta 118 the Bouse adoptai au sonder deavqtint the day abdieveniatg tue ousud- eration of tie ilepublican anti-trust con-. gatlîhicuaameniment snd provldtag for a vole on the a-asolution an TouedLay at 5- V,.tah. Tishe aisie evotes"SateiUy ta lhbll smendbns the iberman anti-1 trust law. There- aus a sharp debate cn the adoption o! the orior. Ticerninority aumenimenta Port. declanci0ont o! ondin. Ani the formelsi lcussior 91tue resa- lieu svs. bega. T'h.Piale on Fnldag sent boek te coaercuos tht. naval appropriation hill, Italatgupon the Scun' a rrmur plete amindmoeta. This aas donc as atr an effective speech hy ic. uHantu agitant tbe proposition ta Purchase noeUma- Mar #late outil a (lonerumont faclory axeavrtesi. Psased thec mutilsry *ad.i omy sppropriatioo 1bill. wbtu ameni- mouta giving t'en. Miles the assoit o lieutenant gauorsl ani Aij. Cen. Cor- bie -the rauk of major grueral. Agaaes to ailthb.committes amenients ce lb. urgent iienty bill. Tise Hlonte b a vote o! 154 yens ta 131 gass allai Kb puas iete joint résotution piroposiez a es@- etibational ami'cimot e oerins Ca*- grass te regnîste trusts. A ta-o-thinde vote was ne-ici.end the voteastarse ticalty stont party linos. At the ualgit soension thetblis t0 ratfy tlbe-tristesa made liy the Dia-es commission vith tie Cherokcea ni Crack Iniens vere Tht. Sonate on ftatnrdsy pusre-iin i proriiink for the extraition o! peu-sas a-b ave committés-i crimes lu Cabasftu the Uho tuIl i ttatoste l san. the.cricm- latai ta 10 puansit.iunie th laxes et Cube sea dinistenerd by Cuhan courts Paacod tht'lent of tht. appropriation bllte --the genersli dfcien-y--îsaise Bee emergenucyriverr endibarbon bill prenid- iag for nomemoua#sraysend fer. marela othen arpublie a-rch. Ur. 04apund Stewiart adaire-ed the Hene a e loti-I du lb. questtions invoinet In lie go*aea- muent of nec insular poseesionu. The ge- sion a-asconcluff ic a-lUi ugiestou Be late ibcîîresesatie Greenu of!,Çebras*a. T0he in» ap psacthbl amendiez tBe Sheruman anti-trust isa- iy a vote et 273 ta 1. Ur. Mann (111.1 voting againte it. lnuicheentie on Monis>- an elteaded speech on the. Philippine nquestion as matte l'y Mr. Ta-lier. 1liee<,utli,ndectir- [nt CIaYtoit-tinier îresaty abu-ogal- Pd rep4,nuel bY Mri. NMîrgon. AI nignt sessoloîti Ipr-tch u lhlippluen qué-stion niaile hy,lic. Jeqfigr"w. Fuanber tilii.An th; -' at.euir paeiiad. nattesOsntuaniof e--rai Ittest. Tichî,enre .Itl e-nae-am.-ndiuea t' otinr- civil lbit llîropniâaaig n. 000 .8fur Ht. Louis expoîiion. Ais. att-effll a xent,-tem foi-impl-;yemeut o! 'litsaiiipi river,e--tiiuaîmenilmons reliilng tih&- naitsant te) $2,2!iO,0l). BIR as-ut samanta i, r-a,-.Actice" ucon- fi-rena- u-eeuirt ot, iiatn t (Combia bill. C>iîgrr-.-w--an-'uslis-on',n l'l.q,> ali- Ing i ta&,te eiiiitu.,ftiith -. ouîThe oui-bunied-iles' flîuas.i1- trnitib hitl bai imntei. ii- pýa,ititments so! EIa-eti >K.t Iti 4tea,--bisajor ge-il'rai et reg-icî,oe anti of .u.-eî,î W,4.ter tu bha t brig~adier go'î<,rai t if ru-giiet, uî ro- je.-c.tse 4a lb,- veitî- i. uîrnintion or W. D>. Bityinte, lie iptrai,,-r ca-ocrai at Ne-w Yerk. 'fIe nmaîtiionî tif John Rl. lazetoi i eUnit,-i Se<-dietriet judge f9.a the went.'ru ibtriî-t of Nw Ytork ldofetail IPou-to lI#Ànau ppolint- ma-isasosnt lIn o iula.ay e-a-ne c-enfla-ut ei. Tic soud ic--bvit Ibills the- riverndm biarbeor btusi, ititaing ti( hi->b, n e S vo>-. and lthe extraitioun b.ill <a-hte-M, bîill w a-ci'oîlulte-lani o arete.- Pi--ident for signatlure, The extradition bilt as. iamendta ePu-ollete Maj. (;en. Mllts and .Adit. (a-n. Coriait, tole lieuaite.nant Sen- o ral snd major gelîctai riisp".tiveiy, a. paisc-,hy buthtao ni nd ocse hei Presîdent. Tbi. eud TI. Canaaaroposed ta rcduce nea-apee postage b>- hoit. The totlrtt4.lplaof the PorteaBluea treamaîn>-for Mblehacwre lf,. t In a fine ut New Vorklir, a. us e tMehene oui baie acre aoffncatod. lWtihalsde.rmneantst heir &sa"n 1ncneue-d fass-t$1.500 ta$300S alests. tirnt lkbllt.d bionl Uniater truits tuat vonhi havé bhen Worth $100.000 l. ,tlr. Dean CatsilU.N. Y. A girl ai Marion, Kmn,,dieu fromoa s 1O"on ise band maie by a huraion th. be of a, stfsh. SAil Be ctes t etb.Unite.d lates and tOsaia aih. askei le contrîbute to Bhe Indacfamine relief fond. eéseza iaa;uuon Man a-us employ ai 500 mp o f o the Hamilton pri acrrs struck ut LoacillMa. 'Tht. Bible Pas t110blit sealing ook the peut l'car.- ,lTh. AmrnicuBille MeW cîetY Put out 1,406,801 copies. The Tunitial Covernimegit hbacjuai ai Irait., proihbting, the ImpocrtatWun et II appanatua counet-tei a-th l-t ieilty. ,Loch L.on Ha-igkta, a itUe mujni"l foie-nlu bMaryland. basnblida bacon o Bhe evuils of fiolitieul initifference. Ouig - fittoone-dvca Poercpoila-ietetht oat 'electiota. a.e'utl>-, sud a-heu the-'-",are ceentei It Vai'sfaone! tba-y liai eiectea etecrtion,It i apa-m, I te gle o o., Au Englui achoot hasard bas preparci a eircialar on ttece-ls ut cigiareteklat lue. ihich la ta ho dlbtetaed amonslii i shows j au of *I et uA" ilh 1b eige tb Napolet word, lui, bu gode 61 prectob unre# I tiavu vho te cese tai Ber bai te o.'," màethe se le eane s-. ta. ehiquhi ", aiI « e v1 the tue dis The ment et ris Whos i heis in eue fiw le cou tla c ae unirt aine foii thl 1 and acaffi sudi flut1 fes seu e tnga oa Bie cm hala l

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