DV EL 79t. CRtKEBR .piltaay. I -mace.oF4&ouLý.eI à* tWeeom l mla the. celummu]Dg lu camp dong ntiag." Ua ib .tou ttue ria t.d 1Dam ~W»*Zèralgiement vwu attacied. "Aflotiir of laur raider" cotemptun- wvii mate o ut ampi.uinda cfthe eo0pUt ncampcd ona tdu-ia-l. *Yom lite a ev iiundred leurs to@d cn M fa MILA avllrtilite. Yeu'd have basa là jour egla l XduJmhtelademasalit' we oe prein.as tig the -huneaid bonder fînes, lifting leur onjti- "Umg saIttmtit" téc lex. a t tirsa luge luagns, luea boracaie and Iarrlut tih- f0 it- t4e band,.armdi *à.& IMiW4. m ver.Plcti.ted tiecacvairi barbet, yeraA ersen dluxraietirons ~'a Torm wu mai tu»oe i;caige ere tiie "Oiittiarry tii...bouea enongtetCMilet tferI t bat* chap th sllai . gutsm4i ar troupe, native pleas met Corne ato.na oeeaàCsaiit4i'at fM Unhu~fl ami coakmire.11- Captaini ta a"seaune tour" mvole wneiiitne*le n agitd G.but ipd tliitlittie "Fun! ml gueat Tadyl Ilf Gara veutthi e maok* the -Ar "4 lb "«90; mkdas inai aide by aide; amy fan J'd go Bita a ao; but bàuànns hi mâd but h»= *À t lo a t u ant Au hua ai the. a ev llttiiikraals docentetitt-lt me a gâ ied'OWitod mw'oag ' â mmt. ittng pu iDi bei rndm- avery humarons employlment. Rovever, grausuami- rata;tueur,4felei itmlbr a ut h th litgt e9 a Invitiruaet- I 1cast raise ui oer Joai1i"19%a &y M . e egIl. nona, a »« e. ulitsc Wo ia thi e oeabute bis beat. lRe mt ta plese YOI." fatce. os4a'tt« a.ein aut umil Ell *pes u eueope itih hati, 'Tat' rlgit, md t dae ptesme. ett bO % "ta e n six! mo rdeit campltli Tiere yul b. hat a troop ai oua unemd "Jlms o. ~I" bu s sued. mwi*n Ilea114 àtic bepes et0f iseiisg a »mai.rrgnir brse., and Whoie me v.* W.ssurved "u bE tat paur tai- 1-MMMai; but n, tien. wuasM- vhat mal happen bli eg aci e edm. Aq tehlmsp oer;. #i wI& & ahtirp spaus, a1 mEl.gvlg Who knevs lneed. TeddytLittle de cm't de b4p A" pti, m"A tiare linme lbmb e n the eplatie An bis hau. linImagine as leu rumaut leur brout uneu Anlatowla."e ommg. ho pt mr Pur Cataîn Bbamanlt ha lrger liaI î-mrrov leur saddl* vWi tu bils-borne aM' auepsi aller-tci je Jutet bu as t art-ied, iti aflitbueupti. Tiat to-morrowmm d for-- r mm i ie velu ge»V eod&vrte oser' et «paumuhmnapp mulutake and to-mrrevi tic anima»novmotlu e«.Wta"thae perte. 1'laybaitmeV: Iptptatlea. I am troll andd un- Ibaoyantty mader rueviiWin v&Wtii m 9cd abat. a qçnarter ota ut ile. vwbMt4stn am" smfor leu. I theti.-motu-nd m ivbnny sbrilty, and atelnaet ber to teddZ temati. e c»Me Marti. h. Wu ithbu i bave etet heiurt AnlupkLet papea h vailn,"for the. teuci e à ta k, au ea Athé. depemlngtftit Wmerema.Bmes tisobdience vanhied band. md 1h. amui 01a Ictarabi-tii. drav uda aanai expressioan e __ rsi ettepe ue,, anthat ta SUIVI." fce hoêt.tueetrebm e.1 cous.And liai thy es tallrth,a pOdlî tittIS Wlat la t?" iii .scteo, réallng w aur mttlat me. fourso e bu.nearii Mytîsubers. bon-t,-arnw- Ana ar.. a.1emer; but uiefortau vf -» ig dguresud destructionlate a iîto " -JseiWtori it.e u- bmnb v »w l 4e-Ias bee sé quet Rai tui Ilpi*CtiOble part 0et Illecountry, beandi.i a ii i.suts,«M am mtasqf9O'mud jmM lte a aetertraspred h.more-rumeditant bAlla. AmgtheZ hi@.a lieue'mtck. "iXcmt 0.mi ~~i ; and peple ima1jqvtractforimites, anes lie battue plain, t ye ogMM iepye ne b".. e«K Cam Wb* cvas atma» by hué s an manèele Mi sumd Mil-a"ma tt u tàiMi àina. ie to aoa 907 a At m*det ti. uCw tiilit. vii i ostuilg mi.léater et a mi 1hamldse 1.ta*, egla te tell yoc tuhy teuni amlabarof O et d k'af- êvsYR Ém u t. tléau 1"ti, -loe te.lidetneo- A te-v guami -ta *M md iAvote &"Tan go o, mies,"ver.titi Ot vordes .i qatiir its, and i cannaI lie anti spos tiat tait lmt lr iabnds. b.ltlter i. '?mriabit iharo,"paletlte e. thn te <ýiL i-aTe pWace vas tiooeegiui metbei for bisebe ' .and leu aaove, iii m Une m ,,,& «eftdci a -ari batidgrain. msudtisafreeon'ai % ods em. er mmi ma-s<. I t.- whcare, vanthe marrag a tlita lAe etbina mmai.teasusmen rdaneplot. enM." a lagaa eAnery vsj'. transparent aglmt tu ttibatk- TieiIrgutarnre, ait but tvo e, l ..,.boteleto eo-.t gruannd iMbis fret amm.udwli, the Par- edi vmmi.bii. ialaaidaoinp t it ATU ~ geg ~ mtie hor e aRoadtoi md tte«nSi uhomme es 10"buattitirmi gltantiot dyelMt imlmn u ulvteueate £ rise, mt liltatitMiMequabas anent mnaaturny tio~a iaevn W i1 ImeilesTou-prtue domiy tulp-rtoutbdtsome brei and *evt-ibovidé«er rock teurbtascore et 4eequ~*madees1 n Oesd Oiemetiemnives mma" ter a sbort tst, natives mandttu tvve stWh MMromga" ont Ie1àbuafllema et 5t ut ntmivmrd. Miles mid: ar &i laaoosâtnim T.dii, caieatmd olhardy. brousht *"Gwwip lute cammp, ut an yegeoaa V« b m»oo toadla.ticMene e w t b. eai. vltu bscouin, aitmone dis- lutM#@Cot tigpeuviand Ment eut s $«su.or 1 de«Ur Ma.' tu" laithe. W4o le 0 i elersiu. thie ambalmce ed a doctor. (Wltiat-.s'.m pou lancersftMyq» --a ticir cptin belug percepli- atia<atoalset Pigjbr tbe mttur.Ig1iMan la a i i m"i, ne,"ntewmptd maanin,- tieeblii tu o,, g te "I tIl e ten d aibtter be hu iAg 040" Yau sWimat oit Te venbulema-lft( bu ar aa aiirvm iremad lunes.' otielag the ciimsus- 'meams detI-" 1 *9« t aqac set, vili vas nov batulmg tue'veldt in " , edy"rmnedils,mi > 11 amRames., a" - ie thf nlutli; -for iaI de Iam ta»olc ea itasla sc aamiîl> igaieva cf tue bwidsn mt il Quamt tlkl btiseljmeim h but It let*mdGarockne no fait; v.aslait be u 511rit," qunn maiua arAui.i ppial to "Qib, nneau S a ilt ight. mmcs nsemsly Tsiiyin& la.Te t»vj te cc la,.teMiest h*"~"rX1rneàTgdY.Pbedl- rlroopett ssed& eman bliilm& butC ba l uamov avery "mofi et uEgammO vei, maunt e ncmai sgtletsae IyT..We'rm cati bot ésovei sa Imoma camp. tM»rh..'vr mgctcagtB r UN" mi1aura-Thebornses baetn bar hanig'a varti.a. tue Nunispe. Mlla, batas. w ii. n <laue Wiea"mi bpeislea Wstabele . 1 nover havea av a i ibo4 M ols..' ateaitiem il 1 am Mgrue WU uresieun.' MIee Di liii stneamreins a de iild mmsoe teyitla an veuveglL md Ue bavfodi *mitaGiuudus lbudnaflmet y,. mttai inal lmn'ldl. m Tiy o.leS aise.'mAi< ey letw. cam t ludmtisn TiiUne er rimrai Mit *lu, leur idrÂt* ~ i sind eset 'mai pla4 ie t a plMr owkStJa iasnaptong a er bupag gim als j «i« , s g I ant mdeaoulg pisi"*»» swas n!. cMent ami. bTh*e i Amemily. ju- fer mmi fou-rn.it t wea. 1 rTieralan rva yuoel T b eullauS.il - - #i,.us.ssI..w.. us n a~nonm bcimtomd.,cmoolt mt miD bua vxeyf-t sa telape 018 tm. ghtat berlua m.du ebai. Tatlaur.ttms.H u on ta utAas h mman.-utendmeaç, w - FI « c ant ciyUIvat*W a. vas em-t a bon. t t'stI ra o»--a chauu~~ i~- tIt~pty"4lu batcunl it bI astb N".bts8, XeAangatM apae " 0u 'a the MWi am EOAnat5 t iii. T» iisil< R lc iile i11-"Ni, dn.t etiala oI kmt ovt mciiAeluuen l qelin ms om o ,Wtotoulu taîfe if. in- 1miitA su lei.Witvmdyne ia e ae.a~pogabow 0Wit a ~m~S yn I"Oh.d bu a Ts, irl peIat. eild lu ratt. bla , vti a impeem, I4ýrp" tann lcew nd. c "enbu amy I dd ns e ae t ble7. D.nelG. iat £ iso Tt mVi e né ut le t es-tuk a tpnvu eu ' e < adjmr eado'e- critgii. pbas lu ma' velitom, h. a'melp.stypawalu -a-onsth brt. 1 ie nu Ion i tlkraiantem abtn l logt u pcca tbtersgm n n v" i eatiiier 3 rciuthe Tgeli v e in ancuent numm h mmuibalMta ma *l as iltif.lI m"ok o crassreatl as I eaindilseapu lt mel ta tivuuttstl ,est sa m ONà f ie ai tTue «as wlp Imm bu r t k itu ,aed)e.r u tnultb-uderb mp, t rul. tl. b Iethautetms.ie thuteefialm. 'i va milsgOfala, b «Msaat iiiAvinlapi i. =I ntentInmvmeatto~a«.me ret a imtua Ana t ae@à& . W"e>tit, ii l m e 1 ai l AgirA -Omitai tram Ybunrmeks 1 viienu m opatuTc bcMlu glaes eaiSleysiM0110004 but wrsld ns 0*.lTimbre -y«-1p lioilmuidscMeamAm;. Li tauend l 1k.tiMeSt TPIOGWUa d«"W ii.bum pmcot A' t lu, ni bflea lie,, nov amrammbgltiêvavs i e ou en. bllia thea vOfa- busailmnt gae. aIlira Brab I- baîtittAn;ay'fax- terri eer.ot4via .t r tm4mbld' Ilcl me ifaa Ala *bok d efusn, .epthbieunsfur- vtas il ly beunir n. tfcFu cime& ret-lc ytmn. idaptu db §1111et md sovy tak sdreat e, lirngmbracula.M e, cuti. I boMe u te flf et1ingt Item, anei mie eell<a uàtmd no bitasever bre.cliterr cier, o are demot.pasau in lint&ilurelmuhut et een Ofli vimt.Ri mm vs llo v alie I btieoum vand i a.telam ruetntt be'madefte iImt, s lm 1blu9% belde. buigbtei bope. sudbmnd.byetmm oalate.. mm laccàrne n V o ewiea eitr. Bérintosas tue 0% îespalr&$ pVormpartI l quitce Antimi "te nt.lie aitepp. mdu"myretwe." » -l th I Mr fetsge. ratio hs1tc. cuton I«t4eigdely nar.' dhowi boubehnd uet r&em .brit v»W aeisIflt e a ai « ligle . adtepps. md tvayri learesai e wtLt Uit tutre baW wbaWirotldbe"Asateaisntie m ma«meed a aoeri at-e e coa- been kvas , tuiafl < 49M 0 enls. a. a om i». nadot o ils eut fn voiefur an ndlnag&haut teumalma ton AileDeveasla. fomt be s lite beu, 0i a mel.ncbaluner , arliafer y e lu auntry as&mdl " c d"e q'V <i o ut a basg a vlltnti rave aI dmib« asiebardn nda;obnt, as I la eare a Mp0M" f t lttima,-I.. aAauI ~ Da. am vees vet hi muta" gentie sud ff. -en m lianka1eua' the keti l, t94101%lie ¶halppIii1* w bàng.meicung. mésting ai feclgIme met a d hem- rt h oe om <-DeOs bu emdY Crni pug lu elea. mm lan engt .Babaliait.e- ons aif-e.ieu. andy a esgwean , týie ~-, wu ud la iwmartalefui o ep-tahWa adevaulimm mall adi>e plvarchewttylSb halsM "emu Sr e s udpeieilie grati:b eancluson vidume la . i von otv a ed. 1t ont 8" tamiOsM-o tou-T ti LhIie Mies, i onu e pmam.iof vlt i mieofIand offn lr iaOt o pina s; t7mtI.18.PRi e~iA Jeupeila. md iehi n aome verybut0 coue toe tnerer vretntha " wue ~let mtg e Andsig Maeber cpAe d "arovan" emalcll. A-i roand1 bcmet l«b» bDr ieR letlii . oves Forgeentharties.gl fu1, el q"eyerntpmait e tevprfot . andu- pg r ~.baêiii1 4 il mti4 tra d " ast elyir ties ler. bot I a mâleoia cirnu- teuc 4s. àeMd iel Mmte del lieslvb i<.nove.mpt etely s &ances.lviatopaa rnd s ot r e duc. aisete u u e Site bu ip bu qoer ,"l mIa aies re "iarenidicad "I me icium ee." - cu bajvebt M faM-t4 ji am an's extemdli e iao fndd ofmu ai-l; foe r angu age?" e. éung, mit, ou LU e-- - E WtI15 tause tia wetieyun habewun "o t uit. BiAt frathema milta.e h i:"Yniuei'-s d.t »»ffl aestace. rie; er dathsfon *If ot cmmpm ont an im -e ,l u ieg<0it1bl uteUmibo isA Uf mirinà. a an holutmubect, a Guldom Imia mys-an iM Or. t e e"Wesà* posint M - lt.mm me n TeImpa e gavof tamud sou dl iii ls pt asa uie rmi." a top" e htiMAsle B&K-Go *%utrat b o$e was tha bet ad bai aret" la a tm t &M* ocdemais- Wht esti - a.pyo guu o epidties ninu-taknd hin t gare. m, ale àlay oi't rmake e l*pip c e miW sand Cr Cla ts. mtdli teniinimefta 'tvstt s ehr ~ qi<erad imo biAo4br ePM taui a 2-mgb idetu - of Ilw tambore. 1 ti#gouia-r'ient as "I mit Apeba4ogy" lt > ýv.omldthe reat a .n ruent avy, sjone.1wtwo es e ntt ous- :aid.»d Pm a(g tie-op--" iwma vdistakt"Ion mdhat lad e lay . <,frthe pr a saett" r = bbvei bi es, a occs ioa n- t. Ami, prmy. viat . male le bQe aJIit liES OS. S. lis "t I. eubair itaetet tues.More ttunu i apsteint ag imd le obd*t 0<im WMCWdY V-S0 % waa ian at b%,et oome vry "Ob usies la ssii.' iaife ta-viibec u i U."oi moawil. at.SbutI *Mrvsteri h arcihea. le'"N s ea.-mgda slly., aetl s, Mit*io- of15Ui * mu- M sa M élo-d Y the-day l$e aevt- it. loc%.elle, a tep1 uf uwalt - adi * b@.V 'uà9 e. n - MIW»GeeWho ad nw amas Ibal stac. amiIt wrsisas $ et i? b. dont1< tkc .cb.al iabebMovte Decatpt, Tliat vould maïtie s ndav.. ment; *"00 te begiu viti. la ssa u iA.e ýpnebbiltke onalt a-muera' maot aban thUe in f tendsunion. la be oale lutu~ paahy as eceonty luýMoIgatad lu 5siry0flste, to ia koevu l»ite "3is"Economte lumian.', lhé -11ri ar lbfmItëi unon va. tormnai up Biniâ rea%. Beside. Bue mal Am adÏ1meatim iptter.Ment et ils mcalubere ressmen. tirU iillbuve for it. turtie, abj.ele -,edbnlmg of auilonp aesde hi th* tature liroagb avents vhe vin Ioen" allr ein Intercsaal» aiete »et-r leiaialaI favorable ta the. farier. and te inetum tpVIadutivemreaofIthe son. I1 'io argatlA u iii bupusiai mAth vio 1 ali tue townships mmd couatie. ofteLt.The follovlng are thaeral baoi andgtuu: AL J. Cro@@eK . B Huimer. lapar' tln»on. L. & .Betedon, Jasspb EliMëi aend C. W. PAper, al O te fte ta Conscidat. K Nevwsundlcate, of vhlcli C. W. Mers.proidonl ot thie AmerIan Ace Coufsm lai F. Carroll, Wbo rcprt- seusathe Creker intmresa, mnd hMayor Van Wy-k ace herincipal boldsere stock. bas mecured contrat af ticegs pimats at Galeainra, JuAnt-y, Decalmi, Claampaiguami Urbîna. Feuaindla eau,Kevomue aud the Pienia Gmsgbot and "o' '(>mpany. Thteebas bhem ne ommoncldtbuau yet, but tue Ose fiumm- dat o"n"ete ovni. eacb. and It i. tue exoatiopetWliaI luil h. incorporât- ad udot que nanti. witli s large capital Illài4 goufahera ta Opreai* Tii. mev affiofaitiie Illinoiall euti- atm Ullcami- fenmerly lie Central, md- Ciiesteg.vilci vas sali at public auctieni May 28.;bat asuuned charge. The ppt- delaonaes of lie campemi vilI bu lu Obligap. qTue o0eecetamar: Presidemt O. H. oavetu tice-presidut J,[I. W afs t ere"r. C. F. Weldnimn; truis merc, J. W. Walsh. IAtli. nid tiat tue L een vuh anla nt-oeter a ;ibegl Amudittely licex.z tensioe WW ua sd iramnslosa eTerre Hante. lue, via Imylor Spainga. Tate <. flB.Oae Tb . talluci of lie T. B. Latel e- parlpmal 10r' ,t Vingimia i.anmee biz tAtouçbeice.Mff gtue esrly'mmd veid-inevn muerimsit dota mabsAt 4»bm eti revb e.ic iitiy cla osot. ap.Aalie ieparttuei- stm arAnVirgimI -tire. owatbà mga Tue fall ut. ies b.tveim $8.000ndmimd$1.00. The. pria- elai ereitora a» persrumoa& ltMin- ml, et Of. Lente. lUtel-Wedelou of Chi- Migl% Irin & Pipb. etofKeekuk. lava,- am Haven$ & <laide, et lamimuapelis. Tva Gicla Ptvisiila lira 'Time nesdeuee amd mloqp af John WiA- hama, at Dewey Station, vms bornai ani Williarm tva dîngitera. îged 5 anud (6 yemns, respeetIvelî. vire suffecatai. Tueir bodies vere remeud bulte the §&k rama ecbed them. Tii lat an vuucb the building slood mom No. 13, a"mitbAIn aaven iears Ove buildings bave hbesi bmi open 1h. mite. Tue loma an mlii- Aa mmdtarultuto i. $9.000, partlY lu- MinCis Cas.adbi Polittes. Tva iemtim by aboating are the resaIt er th. bitter contraltuat hbu lien maged la lie Twinty-aecdd congressonal is- ti-fe to heliii camioual inatton. At Anna' HyaiaiRoent. man, mas klled iii tlobîumo. a %imanmm. Grand Tover bida futaI ahoiraîu, aima lie ne- suit et politica> escteum*nt. Veaud Usai on heo Hîimmi. John B. ilutchinsan. a. wealtiiy citizen « f iteieltlam-itwu% vos mnd demi hi tie ronaide iii limnert i w, veno rlatinlu iome. At irsI foui play won asuspectai, but upoa examnnatlan u.o mark*moa, vio- lèet-e e.foam, and bi* mauey uni vsi- ables vere umîeaciied. îLe waa 160 year* et age, and'prominenit Aunlolitli. l-ai a@te fhappemmugm, A fine vm-cof, <con],infreetram rat-k, ialo or anîphur, lis% boom arurit an tii. Bîliua estattet Cliapin. - At Moant Stlerlinh tire. prisoners, kuovu as Dule. liloan sd WillAo Hyto, hioke jait. Hjrle la a weit-kaovn racé ,-,Ii>ueengAnes. vere be-Adsrndagedini bes-Omd colAisieo n Patak* an tthî1- dais Ceptrai Raltreai. No an, vas lu- ho Kane Counnty .g*andnri nditeri setra tock demiers vho reaisted iat.-, Je. lmported rallieput -tiroughiltue-tub- *Ttmamv a* selpcted as lhe imoît place £or holding tic amntuai convention et lbe Lebamon Dhstrket et the Gernam 1>"sA CbViimnte la1m ima Whoenliffted lus th Feety-tftk ngentat aiChmmpal<u la ampposed la have lileufpturcd mmd ktl- Fred WetsepâeLI, a svith"ain n li. Cicagu mtf i dliBtnod mminJurei *bMIi kng eRý atrai at flti-finsaddii Wright itreefs, Cuiet-mo. Hne ici tme hutnslater. Tvbê iateLauýiiihhofc.ta! lie prtmg- 1 '"d patina bolet*brit veut ont fie- r Mu th<pee Lmtaisretugite grant .veekiy pmr. ;ic ppVoaad introduction ai certanmiimeA ma7preoW$a- liah striki. - j -.. 1.ý1 'The joi of aammeuicemcut vool at Au- anttma CaI1gn pi lîe,, vau -iMatty heie4 yb the âétt W w"ntepm ,elmte Plaa. IvM- L se O*1tIa*w WW -Vi NIO-Al I»e mai[ ml e1 the ilweltct4 plant siAathi le a eperabou a gAIn in aimonitia HUIt MrLettet < a Quinci, '#t mini duqt e lutwuwÇmpany e -Cwrage, wvbii I taote h fe giotater bains et thee omety', bu au- tieraidtue am ffmeucmet mtibu «rgnisaitbi. j* t eator Ceupmnr. Wma cpial f$100M0 W, thlii.oum, Isittre la quiney et ae»Wmev eater toc Mag Invention.mi i tiihestocit le hali yhi bcago capitalisAs. M., Ig vas eannactod. vii tith la cmmpany aI Chilcago outil a ushort Aos, me. A large ecovi at Glenvoaci vtumuid, tic didcationormef liWm.vmateai train' Ing acihool buildin, mrllmg tue thir- ieeti mnnumlets 1 thle toudina ortlb. Mios ManumlTal 1blnas 8haal. Tb*. building a"m mi Bitres, ndeim éan.1w trié. liagt-ami a teting pAit, ft M8- M0&VAmmd te ii.Ot a Chicago damer vieflmmmithe tmtaf relaie te di- tinge- The de",cmioa adeir as gitaa by' yr. FW. üOnasit-a.Tb* Bit. AltnrTouimg peai le emrelu le it ïymscl ami iese t ule aObq James lietgeari, àa oua im«atm deût, amae thal un lance., lis Oi. Blmned leu anmd married bar. Umia Cmfdthe. mothiir the mawly ved- ded bid&. If4idatdy bedtii.hbbmd *rtied fer perlai, oatag that ber daqoten viabut 1i îars aid mud tinut-- mtgt aetii roama» t et aA pemtmnlar. ttpremme as broagiit te bear un Mm raCrmvford t. ltiidiv ber ait an md aie mlly uomsentéd wtii mets reluctance. bLt. Montgomey vas weeed The. Uited Statesm Departinent eofhA- ricultur. climsat. mnd crop buliétin af the weatiier bureau ter thIioisai. mmcd. my aia nSene"thti. cnditI or 0f coin l good. Itheii nortleru district tiie pros- peet for. vbeat contlupes Sand. Tb*. rai- mgeo Ibe t d oa..OF baveonatinuod An tii. Aemimal *" poserndisricts, Mmd tiie eoeda audeterlorsted. M"c wliaat bu hen ieda the. ceti an meotiierdistricts. Comn la mklP4 good fglrwtb. but tut.e la mw onempialnt or ffutvoram Frotts aIe jàmopng b.d. iy la ma,«os. The. cerner itou. et thi ev il"oi Volles. et Piiotoeapbî vms laid et Um- Iqimo. miedr tii. mpl et, athe. Ma. saul m oralty -&Bd le thé. presmmet~ &M g çeog. m tPubilé. basimmes ïvi mmp.md.LWilam B. wught.euiated mu armad aster an d e 8. a. U bt of Conttalia delivered tii. ortlom VWe itlWNg lmona met.prement frocs ail sur- taundtng towna. Tho. UUineiColleuet Pboteorapby wva. ffl i n M04 liy L g.Bismeli and l heii nstinttution er th ii. niAn tii. vorid. Tii. present build- ings *bd groonds rqprespt mn oetlmi et JudeAmns et tii. Clintan Cooaty CWr Mut Court et Carlyle rmeud a dectem îiiavins edaimsmemountlng te 817jdGJ againathe. sttat ftheilib&ett@ Tras- am IL N. Ramna.Anla ta irthé.&tet ot scil, Thiue Aaà .même of the md- ýministraùlo1.net tl* Jammes D. Baker As vardm at lie penltentlry at Chas tir, alu tremrer or the boSpitai far criminel Insane. Ail et the. fondseAmnitr- md ta Is ecale epliced latii. tank et fleuySetter An Lebamob. &ad vlbea it-elaesd Baker vud a beavy laver, taus- log a siiortai. a in . lunlaSetWiy ca bor. Tii. vardcn bouM net ilâidate. tiieretore lie remlgned. B Ri suetIcaer. Iiambay and Sette.. Meniiil day ezercises lun 'tan vire, marred IvI>a b4MY oeseiat<.na epiode, ,wiira-.uited Anthe, vreching by light- sAng of tue beautitul and costly maidieri monument. the fit-st on erectoi n lii- mnois miter the. clame of the. clvii va.A vlilnt eiactriiràt"iin follavlng ai st' tri morning, accoftpdnled by- a torrent oain a. orced the.pariciepants burriedly ta repair ta Uil'm hall ta conctudetii. cereonloa. 4t 1:30 in tjie. aftemnou. "vIii. the speaker et the day 'Wag caillu the rail of tiie deîd, tii. ieavema ver. rentby an avtul crash. ieocipauW iby a vlvid dliet O1ai, uaatetgrouait l1ke aÎ 'emrtiqnhke. Wh.n tb. storl smlâkWit vas tg .und 1th1At tic Mmu- ment ar vilte marnIe. etand Ipn thé business ceuter aetaliwn. 'bad aesAbsat- t.red by the. boit. -A pce, ofti %hart poet, cslled ti lt nkenry five- fre long amd elgitien luche. tick. vWs àroead ltta mgteàtA aud iutr"d maay iode le!ry ireAo.'imlava P«4- tieor4te"am, cgi atoL tw fait htell 4e tithenu tien itoum, vIle e I hîy.eôuospit stene linded lu a doaord teî rada mA . surutdmtiotidm, mouailtiw an 4niercap age amen, i afl e pralOftam. Tii. -Vend aid bird- laudel liat a 4lati d avr A ide 11P ~on lsPodlesat i t - t aaeki. Siiobo i"r vaa vbte&>y a cIodbirt Orer 100 t 0fthe ullad' tractWoni ama ad tiie Conpettla. Ciph. uM~er presoat et ceutudie Wbmithe paeki-t eteamcr, P kEier oer afbeoati a lot of erap uhlo>toc quaerew owê aipe me. Lee WItlma eët, ninC4tiy, Te».. a protemalaigi hier, aiio4 1'= ;IImt -ain eit PÂupm ,trOUgIithe b1han5d Miled'".Ie tis e te toeimalr, ietlng àatfa. votmnd #Iw»laile etmodyl. 1- lding e inomtneeaietthb.e- vieraeÈu auitu Proibition convention % -Pt4ltiO N . Ham o0 yke. 8tati&tta i *a >v- 0 ~ . . .lcon- m - sm o MountVeËn. ob *m yeee U.s .. Th a.lp Dm ofahn «», atW iate tota Tue qpwlhulca et elet tiainain vas de litbala th tid m ot NIlSmbiwime a f.0à«4.' ' post etor peopli adinet aomi>aulumi à"etaity mssA0. t Ris-w tes. a4 sildnlt.. ivroalmru to e bu t-teinos conefulpa de fand iceras et tih. ot-ait 8.&miiaue; ie.. «bouta, Apparitions. Mftoerwqoe rele, t.rsfy tiiiu dey sud anue. -Xub«â- 14 the puct tmW*i»c izmple ililtuttur., "Hrmxdl, bMa brPilà vfe wum oseet thee, UA .4.= rns*uet the min v Iftis, 1Tbe-Iiaiaitma HeemkiptIia*ut et B«rai <'l t &i ami -et liRandA8*e.'biMa tulir: a& bl«. vif.et Berm4 Wilti hasis-et Of Rend Agrippa 1.*AWi ivs avaue eabut bH eredijusa"md Benic ic theyot Ire""dasvas a gamddasgi- ta, e<r. . he (ir 6ait, a eInter oet Henni Agip a a autalet Agippe IL mm Bruce Hec r & iinelanivas Rirai pblll4 "ée vasa balf-naceh@S bai hi ma àmugliler, aioe. e, hola ib. girl Red an tie lustassennt o ewwch' m ds.lemvlug Hleni rIlp ii mit- tit bis itothrBe RoaiAnips, lai dauo etruieret aut leva, Jevinie onBaea. The luteemirrlag et tb. lieroilm failiare exeedni Aui- cale. Hetoimevas jet" ute data; a Jeuéel mwmi tntue vmortset mik- ed"ess liaIbai boum invettaid Isr . coterei Lan MO0 iars. Herai me'asnfer mimulsJaba deati i. ciMenDt: net nwrely ber, hatrei fer blm., but ber er lest tue piephet rsigut bhibIe eevemg denunclatien, et tic Marriage perSuade lier hushami ta diso»lveIt. Antipea vasqulte iguei te iiercbi s mite mison i. tAred net bar en th. oet-us. liaI Mae coumeuene roquirs IL. Ne' monder reli beliglit Atu. esearite cet Jodit qeletsd fté oed- Tisi htldaî fiat vas et oem-s.a sueuret et eua" mi élssetes, 14Wi fmuIm ameflt of Ne " qui V~ tg lunet averdl'amu. but tati., en- ,ieistatei. as desinali emtse Mailu avare. -~s .ptlm ea w l#cae-bel ut-beha prtr ta dance fo Bh- alem vu Moa p i-ciasmbail s ber matiie t iegb lais xpelence la prmmlain hi. sapdangiiter atytulma tmit dIimesaus& «te- ti.haitonet bMa kimgiom." lhe tipay metb mioved bhem l1111. ba mas Att lobe àa aoeJIcb.el tue apoctade oaingiaofettu ta hanter bie ktngdam f-r a patinagpVisae». ae ord unid5uacltng m l- Ai, Duybu vit- muai ave dei in hem imodem vori. Tue Wlu£ le. the flan, vii e Akinadei ot noble pavrer.ami brIllaent appottuni- die. vhucb b ura, If h. viii, ruiet- ceo"tUhy; sud at h a tbtovn avay for line ,lu tbe tbtoat ami builin lite irmîn. Wbeu a m»m gtu te tiat peint h. Iri quit remdy te mercier propiiets il bd eau gelt ici of iccuslmg caudebeeAaneA aue otuer vay. . Rowveai epravthe badaugitar, the %menva«senpi4 efor uoe« et her depraity, lmierlted mmd sequirei; sdila Wiia lamedo Ibis fimaliniqatas. 1 pt Rlerdias laid an brot oua ai a, eut.. tiat saline Immun conili via A volimmo fllod mti bmtred, JeIbu*y a"d melflsh.ainbhtion-ecodhia taelii poeta-As the. cnielestet aIhammm bunga. Tiiere lt e mmaithl utiectet fa voman liat la pecnhlmrîy abiionneut This demnamd tan Johnm's ea bodsw1povt nal ber c-el bul ber Jack ofau t1h.elimer at-alto vomnan. The aid.makanu ot ie-ý end" vauli prohably haviemmsamla si ad sali berself'ta mihe deffll: ami tbey vouli Bat hmave beem fur vnang. Tuera As. or seenis ta bu. a cuttumg mor- t-minAuthe.tene, "Tel obis hua h' sake"-tilnk otfach a wretch as lie be. l g-oserupideua coucnjiluma a taoEls oatitle hai prababti broeon prmis«e a tuoaamth ie«.bat now. mti diahé Idiotie. lncooaistent uaiinteiere the dnutkind i. stOPe gamidsuaId d-- clt-li ona ais sacrai brmer uas mgem- tiema-lénia etd Ai-mord. Tuatla the tant-i vIlcit t. ce dramigttelat no daimatlst couli baie IAete l t; the 1ruabina. ounom »ui tire of hMuam mui briýnxs fis gh-tir ooth b eletis piplilmai yhile tcl bueniit prat-- ticn r cerWtal-at lie femat tock pimo. An theit eae vilb viswconnectai vAli lime prison-at michaerus., Thé tmeh., turiy lis t Aueanilua an 1its là".; tlliumlt'v' alis' a lie Ai-] cenit'a <comm. 1i, flattera natoi' el vt ay et b h-i4 md £ a 060mmm dise, nw lit a m in luthe patlt o! dity. QuOe Pat.] eriot disuAn batile. amotier la tihe bospîtat, ! notmer pernsieqnuinrabli hi mime a A- ýMd aitn th iraiî»,athe .<tnt 7nere la me dW«" lu In tal, removu, t hbt hei l aiiev publit*eeathe âne k «maI lie te tte nvaj'puttdes Baf , 'Irtavoluuiteers tv-o iyears ago;, tht-te monu amid Maili. 1bu qýmbana .ni tue-saune rail ai baimor thate' ra tue Fnomem of tlice ho teli tSan juan. *Thoneur A lb.ihe.16,mot imli te ietb. . îimeumîy's glo iml Iîleievitnaig maotin bis de4ti agonie. 1 Neit Lusses e-"Te Feedlms efthle pute Tbootmsd"--Jàbni à- -14. JI , I Vo ilate aste a qpA~a bas ilut Milt-uIneMtuaiist et-b vti liPI aisers, Oie bas lu durcIe. vntti 100M, I -1 Bt ellt.Cahoito <i ev ml>eam minsnaai moaê aipecalmg a Mr ethar set-t lanOiiASo.uýbtt t< vy le partir "ceateli fr l iù,Mer au. inuad >etcoummir atienneecMent birs of tim e'burt-i vie are ictuatia. flaSId AtIti tea OM'g ohlltua hic.«d amiClllto te em "mca .rasutar abarets ai t e ii enr ot *TMr Jevliébair, aiollI iu ilI 1. -etlalâ.for llaapthat th*" are Itvie.iM20.080 Mdi DM0tvlab t*MnWID nCIlege.ladlna blti lb. libena mi lé b. ehdax Jec.- it Io "mtmAIit- lie avoqguc fmoyIluI t-ompaieiorI &eipensen. Thiscomp.- latIon places tle nuiner ef Java -l Ciagoatbetmu.n 10000 M uPOW la thia manner the ttali nmberabir' et the Catioechurt-hi. aIsereacliei. ia reeutir publlabui tatWdtls eaiý pli bu Rat. J. C. AçmtrwuBaet" mec. gitan lui relatitlo athea nutasar of orthodox Protestant ciumrbes ami the citrs papalatlon. il vas cleadis ubawn tlai la evai decadc Émce181 tic OpBpnlt«Of thlie li luâcreffsi tester la proporthonthan did tli Mmm- ber eftthome Protofatant ciont-bu. Iti. figues .g<Atn ap ho data arc as tollow.: Cimnebes te Tean. 'Papalotbm .chant-heu. Poplation. 154. .. 4,479 4 1 ta 1.119 180. -20.9W8 19 1iteto î lm:0...100,2Ù6 0 1toi.820 18"0.. 806.905 125 i taÂeS 188... 401.519J tlt i 1tea=fj lm ... .20600 au 848 te 34, 1.. . ,litAl.IISS 00<1 i tae5&M Thmi table asiiv a Matant damse in thé. numfber et eburuma. per eaplt& nta thte pesnt dSicad ¶blcb abovu a aitat lmrnpn met Tic lait fgure.it viii b.ese& le basai -on M00 bUania and a popuilation of l'Sam W luuui chureilea do,-Mt lut-Inde Catblblno- brev. tInari, tlaueu Owm,. gl- vahionArums', Vohmutftmt <Amerses an lic iherail cuuitobea, ueyuaiaa Md tt 1wtt - Tb* of t tà m.e mhrsblp te lu-indtihe nubw et chumcb ugub aeto le î,ima, Aeaut- maiciOmt lier. are mw er ;gvotaoo luibablItA t Inbc*l aki nm i.wav- etage et- one cl1ur'l for eviep 11" ecinef ta thc ppltin Or lm Ob- unes et 1100-lie relative nksn> i>ens ahnmet ma <t asit ne ily It us mu ickuiavldged tact that womi-- eut arr umtlyin te ut.maott&t4e hbtthtIitiilei. -ane woa - ptmtO tc terdmtac a o n k - and I i i narbe dlisputai lias -#w astimatêet Mlisat appt-a ", *ler the riitfigurethen a ratier'Ïa poétian ef thi male poulaton Q1w I- h ieivrag chorl th* mmcin vein sa1p and Ifon. mii tat.ethe txneuUp o ie'vIl Ii <t] thé trouai oaaiueriu Voyle ta an lîr met?" *atda, :f tii.; tourieit APIOP Fr1AiL keaba. Delt aa soli, wt LaieSi For g far lm0 1otha est tici cents I eaped a oi, và met pany tA eiuldrss rmaz aydit. 0 bavé il YDlin 18ilas tdear giraSm If ,0j -ut lic git 5cm ail,.. torg(» seîool, The. aver, WM yZ -1 IA