CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jun 1900, p. 7

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vAole to hbé,t40W. "u vblcb thaeue "yee, MWIdthe. examiner. vwon "-?ead, "sü uld Fou baug a bonne ýye, air., "Ind«d And vbaLt klud of a bon- net?" *,An lmagiuauy boguet, air.» Tii. vlstdr asked n more question$ *bai day. la the, Lke comtry ret Nortlial'l]Illiois WisconsnlU.inus- notna5a" lchiga, there ara linudreds et lb. mont chaminsugstimmler resiorts wItlag ii.arrivai ot tiioundi. nf torasIo'the.Southi And. East. Aons the i 11.1near-by plaices are r o Lake, Delavan. Landerdale, Watt- kentia, Oconmovoc, Palinyva The Dels aet -'Kllbou, Elkbarl and Madi- soli.,whte a lttie frth.. ot auelita- cqua, Star L[ake, Frontenac, White Ileer. bilanetonka and Marquette onu Lake Buperlor. For pamphlet orf "Summer Rouoss for 190," o« fer cnpy ou ar me- 17 llustrated llim. bck ai0 e -1u th.iLai onury,>l apt>te uar- est ticeit agent or addresa vlth tour cents in psae, eo. H.:H.aNord, Gmens tsn rAgent, OldCoigenyr Builldlu Chbcago. lu. Wlliata eshow o'B. Au honet Young man. Who bailse- eaped a Vreat perti by au set of lhar- laummva. lunch cnmpllmentad for bit bravu'. 'One laéy sald: 1"1 wl.ii 1cenld bave sam yo~rfut" Wbaeepon b. bluabed andI tamnier- et AM. f.inalr poltlug lu lise Podai e trà,L*a, laId. l'Wall, liera tbay bu. mum' ________ mentir fer the.ouait. "Thé, mam vin marries my danglter," mid tii. oldIgentlemant,--unet demn- @%M*beinge h. retelves ni, consent tbae se E MMhis ovu living." "49 ritglt," the. boy repled. "Jouât Iuat. %moivice prealdent nf your con'- pany for a Utile witle sudPlI show *o.-llaoTlmes-lerald. " pou.. rna. to-dar to show roc a Metteurs-or the.mev fod ria lat taies.the place nifeg..e. The. ebUlr sc ay driakI i thbot lnjurys weill e.theduit. AU Wviyi.t il lii.IL GRAIN-O las tust dcli 1braira ef nta or Java, but I la made fromn'pr gols, s4 Clbsmort deliceuxi tomacli re- asivre. it vtboot distrast %tii prie, if efmo le cand 2Me per package.& i by ai grocerri. Mmm, hewroks-l tiiouglt ynn sld i il liat sucb a gonod addvess. miss Gergana-41o lie bas. mlmma, deer. limaNe-wrok-Tlien lie coulda't bave, wrot. th addrensaou that ltter yon luit got trom i h. 1 coldnt liard- ly red t.-.Ohieago TImes-HferaltI. Nai.. twlinaetLoy Picc. il y..usiat aa al lIsWe tort«. sa eia, asiter sisal, sai. 5 orMas- ouaeMt Iis ati.. ent andmi tte Unr. a Bom V. lUis. rTut.. Dilat- i, as ealiltmudas mail os a cest Ir a. tiSse »M» V Ede. sr aopam to pesty uhe iuMpis ilt. o at Sca leva. Pie th"s bu Gais lit. 81liaS aunder-Josh Mlarkby la ou. ny tlon' fellers vins aivays Iiylu'ter git omethin' fer nothia'. Enlie ltalmay-How tInes lie make eut? Blias sauadr&-Oli! R. ns'lly gita iothîn' fer son'tblu'l-Puck. X orouw Vait Ad m. OI Dr? e&eioayur abois Allaas Foot- à qe aPvde for the. lent Et mn'ast tiglt or eu shnes fiieas.Cunies Corni a ntios, i ohD., Rotsudmaiwet- -lu At au druggtstu sud mine stor#s. 25r- Sampie set 1PREL Ad- dreus Ales 8. Olmted, Leftoy, Di. Y. A Gond MbIhe.. Willie-.lnny Smtihbmother 1lmaw- toi good to hlm. ,lnumy-What dld ste do? "iAt hlm have the meales the dny ictool opened." Born lilnd. The number of persoas hot bllnd gverats slzty-five lu every 1,00,000. 0 and m. Ia !LEADS8 mes8ADMY entaO«Rue- tirs OAPITAUm Uiwtiel paer.mth Tova la triump- Landaooo '*Iu ih joF O0e. Whet la Comstd.v.i dia"Rai i the uta.. l'h. sunancemet made the. otiir day lu regard to the ocupatin Of th Trans- vaal capItal by te rticb t fres as a preut.tnre, but Il vii b* u n the. aP- parent decliog or the. BOM ta-ensreder It vitiiont a traggle. Pjubapa Lord Roberta lad s sectetunderilubdlug vlth the. Ber comnder. bot It bas been certain or sonieays tbat ne furtier restange vould hi off-ed bY tiie Pet!- mri forcesTucadêr the ooUlsu ad deSi- ntf ncvs Of tiie-entrance et Lord Rot- erb ud a portion ni ls ia r yInltiih capital va. reelved. A correspondent iaqcrt that tii... cen be no donbt s. lu the. algniîllenet nis practItlau rnreuOfrpni Fe"&n. Il vas dpemed i Ipregnahle by thi ers, mand OA&PrI't, on AAtDui5, pts.5A. sU forelgu oberversa pake ot It s. sti-ougly fortified andI able te vitualant! a long siege. l. gallant aud brave BoMr have choten t@. open it ta the Brit- ish, due oly ta the desîre ta avold ose- lais acrifice of fle sud paopertj'. liey ,mlghl bave delayed the' inevitable endl sousvhat, sud mgt bave InglictetI beavy' iouse ou tht. enery. But %oe .tue capital an t Iir country tbey couli nIt, aad hey conludet! to boy ta fate. The Booth Afrcan w.. la ave. Frace la nov sL quetion -of a feti veeka. if uot of dars. The gSouti Africau reulntlieare extinet, sud GrelmI Brîlsin Inn-von broogl-)vIer- vielntlnx smmprlorty ai noniters. At 2 oîlovk Tueaday afternuo, sîmnal eigt monthsalteîur the d"t-aration of va., Lord IRoberts uruereti Pretoria. Whlle tii commauder-ln-cbief or, the. gretest srn'y Great Britalu ever pt ln lb. field vas falfiling the promaise b. madie ta the geards ah Bloemfntein la leadtb lem imb the. capital of tht. Trauaald, Eugland- vas celetratiug tht. event with wld en- thuisan. Tbrouuut the lt.usti and breadtb af the- ctutry Ithe neya apread lie vildfire. Bssed au tht. recollectiam, ot recet Enropean vira. viien t.e accu- patio.nifthe eu.-my'm capital ignilledth te end ai boit iltips. Lord Roaberts' turie telegraut vas takien uuiveroully ta mesu tb. priticai finish ofthle war wlih bati tried Gre'at lritain'a iniliIiry resourcea «s they vert. neyer trieui lafore. lu London lb. mansioan bouse sud the. vu. oNce aln'ot iusîautaneouuly became the entr, for jubilant tbrongs. FInes appearet! s. If by magie, sud trafflc had te b. dlverted thiougi other treets. Hat- lman d coaîleas men andI boys rau througi the rily aleys la sec for tien'- eelves tht. bulletin@ sunounclug Ithe news, aid tu loin la lie tonuder of cheers or "di tuer volces to the.loyifl Ibrouga. siugtar "lied Bave the Queesu. Judgins frontLord Baberla' phraieoln- sy. the occupation of Pretoria va. ual sorompi$Whd hy au louois of le. One ut *0 OMs tfl de Lord Roberts IKElOUR 5 ltôtt, tNPIETORIA. FPre'ncbta r-lit-ve the British ' lîisoners coufined t a ters'al. Tht. press dispatcea sf raniPretoria quote tien. Btothuai saying: 'go long as vt. eau salbI ount on our thouxanda ai villing mes we mainIflot dreùmmoutre' tret or throwing awny ur indetpen- tIenn-e." ti.PuBotha, l is added. sntîll- etI the rogîlmtionsa nplxint'wg a speciul cotumittee ta preserve rder, uubtituting n'litary conrI fortliIt fthe commit- tee,.tien. Lut-as %Meyer, addres»mng te burgier% au the churht separe, urgoti tuiem, sîl 10 stand fat. Tbodgi their efforts were pitifully fu- tile, itlila-érident that taithtul Boer gen- mas onkeul despernlely ta eist lhe overwsheluiag force et Lord Roberta' army. Tii. British ndvanute ta Pretoria vas bttt.rly apponeti, anudwheu the. Boers ronnd tuat tht.y vere iu danger or beiug envelepet! by the cotreuraîing cohi"uu tiey sucneetledinlugtttlug avay ilu anety. Georgla andi Alabama have fint. vheat . ince 1801 Colerado has produed aver $15.00.000 lu glt. Tie.Chilcago city arbilteet huîm mde pluas for a manalun for atray doge. grambopperi are piaylug bsav itu the. cotton crop lu thea Missssippi delta. Tic May tinta at Milan lu 1M1) have cot tii. Itailan Gavemument $1,00)0,000' se far. Secretary Root bas authonliedth te erce- dion othte Fith Anmy Carpe monument ,at Prederlcksburg, Va, Tveuty-five dollars andthItbrty cents I =eans allowanoe of 7051 pensioners e u S tat iSouth Carolinu. Florlda, Georgia, South Carolina antI Virginia bave maide Jefferson Davis' hrthday, Juue 8, a legul holiday. The bakers. strike lias revealet! the fact fiat London'a baking la nearly ail doue by Germns or otiier foreigueri. Gen. Croule bus heen see-by seyenal newiapaper mlen at Mt. Helna, but refuses tu b.lttrvieved for pubication. There' la again under connidenation a plan for etablitiug a telegraptie circuit or ticert by îîntlug Alaska witt Si- benin acres. lte Betnlng Straît. James M. Contable.. who flîrd receut- 17 lu New Tank. lef t a tao-tunie estimoteti t from $14.0lJ),000 ho $20(M,.000. He remained utively engaget! lu buiness up to lie tIme utfibla tiati, athoaglihe wa 88 yea.. aId. M. Leuret, the. Pmeuhman vbo la rmsu- nfaenrlug srtlfcfal pearis nutlorfaSii scae., propoezes lucorneover te tha Unit- edi Bltaisud eroat vokm lere asupoo" in hé hears of -il oalsi t <b le riait '&Iofs' etles cen's 5l ý8equ,- KRUGER BEGAN TSI WAR. saa aisi ijust Aftt. las Ultima- tum Wu* cabs"i Atr a littIe longer thon six montians 0 bard dgithaving 240,000 n'mnla the. feId-tb larget arnuy Englitnd ever rate- ed-OGret Brltain han conquert'd the. two Boer repnblies or South A.Érlca, wicl bereatter will be a part of thie empire. Fresidents Stiyn and Kruger are tuel- tiras, and viien captured doubtiesa Witt -b. a letoDjota the lutrepid Croule on -the rock ofet UtHelena. Thte war lbas mat lBgaad f nlly £2W.JO.000 lu money; the livas et fulir 10,000 n'en ver.sacrlceai s. mous, nmen are yet lu hoipital sunferlng trous- ounds or dluse, and 5,000Prison- enar ni vuare waltlng at Pretovka tu b. lhberated by Lord Roberts' victorie&col- amas. In Turat-ru for bier expenditures of blond and ney England gets nndlspute poe- menaton oet tia lsond fields of the.Or- ange Free State and the gold ficidé nf the. Trausysal-tii. lutter the main source of the empire'@ gold oupply-and lie- alter those vii. nnthe. property ad pay thie taxe. in these twn contres wll bave representatlon lu tbeir governlng inde., As for the Boers, vliqs brave and de-'ined figlit agaluat nvervliaiming odds commauded the admiration nf the. nrld, tliey ldentlty w" tS gver lienelted tiien to a;g particular estent and au Independence wblce exted nnly la namne. Prosident Krngersa govern- ment vas la realty an nllgrcliy; ,ls chier' ezeutive vas more of a despot than nsia'. Cosr; the. burgiier was nt a treeman lu the. Ameris sens.»; lie M jo,.d te, educational tacilties; bis tiilg va doue for him and b.e st his bafltau directed.'The Southi AMr- eau rfpublie va tii only nation ealllg isuelf civilise! that enconrageil slavary; vomen oeeupàed an istferlor position; re- liglons lberty lu the. repnblic vas un- kuowu; oIl tins. lu power could hop@ ta secars a competence, the. main body 0f the people bolus pua., vlth no opportu- Midisfor hetteang lb.!conditin. It vras the. nit of Oct. 10, 1M9, fiat PresWIdet Kruger cabled lis ultimtum te Lord Salliny, vhicuora, lu effect, tbat wsr vas nbeten the. ivreconu- CHRJSTIAN ENOBAVORERS. rTmir vortws Coaeiien Promsit. B. a Great Ostherln. Tie trot vord'a convention ni lia Young People's Socieeto Christian En- deavor vili b. heldtI Lndmon, heganulnt July 10. This convention promises ta b. the. grestet on record; 10,000 Americacs., lhe largait delegatins lIat ever croneai thé. sea lu a body.,mere xtected ta b. present, andI vitu the Endearore In the United i Knglout snd thns. froin the con- tinent antI otiiCr foriiigi tries, lthe te- tal nmber vil pre~by it.lLh 0,0, represanting 4.00%M000 emberil. Tii convention il alub. heM la the. Alexandra Palace., sanimmense sùqcturt. luit ont et London rper. The. lsnk oi carlug fer snch- a gredt crovd la onue ftnmess proportions sud n'any dlffieultlienliae arisen lu tii. pati of thiee vin bave lu charge the. arrange- ment nf lb. detaili fer the. reception ni the. visite=u. The principal oeeof thesa la to fiud boardlng placa for the dele- gsles. Every lied lu tue liotels. boardlng ions., snd privatah of he i.Endear- orers b em engagsi for the. eveulful veek and stiI 5,000«ifthe.expactui guetta vouid have ne place to lay their licai, t a ma notblug et.llllng tlir stan'- scha. This dlNeuity eau b. sverted. howver, .lu lie nùlud et the. managers It io planuad ta loige these 5.000 lon's- leus ones lu fie leM&da Palace. The structure ha« a gat banquetins hall sud this large r om vI ib. divided off into dormtoudis, tsuego f theni ta hld 1200 lmu ouasesM. iitm les,., 8,800 yun' m e ub. cai for sud for tIbs un! tieýmnaare lannedt 10erect a mngltmtyecmpmenkt under cauvas, 1k sur otiier army woull bave. Onethion- sîrd teauta are needàd. but tht. Job of cet- tint tii ai a herewlsn onue. Ail tha tetuakarâ ab an! eqnenre lu Eng- landI sre engage Inlutqrning eut tenta for the graat arn'?of Ueltieh oldiers vbo are at var la Souti Africa. Tii. manag- e" r otheaconvention uere thieref ors ohlged lu place thil.orders i vth u tentmakera vin are aime ruabed vith vnrk and no tiiey hardly kubv viere lb. teutsa r cousins froni. but theay do knov that noue of the gets wHl b. left ont lu the. col. Asetier sethuci for lb. dele- THE GREAT ALEXANlDIIA PALACE. - trie. tram thlat date unues t tae rltiah gatea latue fart that the ocean rates ar Goverumeat recededtfrails. cotention lilgih1" yar, due ta the tact that Eug-t thatfIl vas entitiet! tue xerclse tthe igtlan1ud lias many of tht. passmenger aips iu ni sut.rsinty aver' tue affaIra of the j er transport serice antI alto 10 tht. South Afnicn rt.public. Witblu & fv Parla exposition. lionrs tb. Bugliali premier apletiTie Endeavorera viii get a royal wet.- througb tht.offie. of the secretary of comae lu tue £ngllah metropols. Tht. ate for tie colonies tuat the. Question lord mayor liumieli viii give a raception vas ton grave a onetu10b. anavered wîtu- 1ta th American contingent sud lb. blsii- ot rerSetionu andtheii next day tuhe lu- OP d ofn»domu yl pnobably make an adI- vasion of Natal by tue Boers hegan, tiret. etIrhelb day btort. the. coavantIna commua pournniu lumn bith e eStals LgnuuDt touet tutI the Ti-nasi. go tamas c ee- Lfâan isbo*et timated, about 440000 Boers veept n- LigltnIng trck tue soldlers' menu- ta tht.fileldI, sndasa every man vas s Sune ment at Byron, 11i, partiy iestroylng Il. Sglsan itîuig behlutI defenses prae- Il visth li mIt tobc ereced tai fr the, miayiapn, e h brhr da-cvil var. A terrifie eldetrcal &tortu vantege. onu hem aide tuaI uiynumeri- foreedt.e rovds te -etîre ilu Gi buhll cd superiority, patience sud lime couldtI lu onelnde tue memenial certitudas, and overeon'.. Tiorafore, the. Boers mored vile tb. speaker of tht. day vas caillu mauy aueaiue. tue Bridis suderlng a"- ~the roll of tue de ti ent. came a terrie eral disstrous defeats hefore they learu- crash., aCcompanied by a ou t lfame. 'edthe tii et 0f ar as practiced b: thh-wlly sliakiug liegtrund like au eartiiquake, mn .untglueera. aud lb.emoumaunt vas ruined. No figures regardiug Bor Iaise. ba"e SlNeye rn gPse fv.r ben glveu ont, t blagitue practie. Uniltd Statua arahai Poley e« Indian. si tue buruhers ho bury thair dead atsono011 polia vent te Mancie and vth a vrlt of as posaible antI maL'. un report ou tit.m altacirnent eedtheii plant et fie Neel: viistever. . * P.intsa OMp pnodIng àili.arlng lu Bloemfontein, ft.e capital o tue Orange th. Unted ltate. Cort befote judgi l'tes StaIs, vua entered by tie Brtish Baker . aluhol.Tii.actionu1. th. lfarcii 12, tual re@utiug lu breaklug th renit of slaget! dincovrle. that the. baekbéue of the Pre Stater' realalance. p<>pectt7 a@et e thae ilitiMes ni Prealdent Stein led ho Wlnurg and t. s-Clarlai P. W. Noeîy, charged vitu b.lng ta#lsisd bils capital tuent, but vas lIse a defaualter lu thé noum of more than $40,- eomspeledi lu aliantdu the. plae. ýand tiec000. Orange repubie beni delared ont ni ex- itence, hundreda of Inn-gheu-s gave 290t«s et Carrent Eveti their rifle. antI nturuet! to their fat Six of fie -4'Boxer" leaders lu Clilua l'rom tat date tue advauce of the luvatI- are under arreat. log forces vas not cheeket!; tuesilege of Tuhe plagne situation in India vas re- W.pener va. raised aller several aharp portet! Improved. engagements had been mfugit, tue border lim& Bernhardt wil malt, a six Oi tue Orange Fret. Biate vas cynusai mon4ba Amarican tour next seaonu. ad t.e territory ni tue South A frican 'Jack' Mason and KatharIne Grey, republeenitàird for ttire int tdmuealns formerlr RIchard Mansfield'$ leadtIll the. openlng of boetiiea; 4&Maekng vas.lady.. ara marrieti. reieed aftt..a siege of 214 dais, ad ateheh ele.Nv oslse match upes Yohaaaeeburg,thie Mot» Bula teraidn i s. Ne York, leedoa It vas houAi lIn.. vould b.eoou docte. sud lad Il stock on.' r«Wslaseo ai le 0014 Bief Oity,,bt i "j'yuni SonIan. are ndter arreet %bbm zdo'd Roeua' arn'! aps*e et ai grade for allegeti imp#Mctibuig %We '14 sdeufldeiIl UAs futil tue * DpiW a t#Wo"te Kng Aitheaie. ?"M =tâ* orite ek. me ,a» %ea" i ettmat nee e Pdd't «Oo 9ýcom t e* W -Ma. Sir. Globitrett1 *lu ndilatd tue mniutspaper lu quletende for' simet ie von back. 0f course jonireeber me? minutes. Preseutly b.e looked up tai Retmuul trilveler (wreutllg vithbie witfe vîlliunu agonlued expression or, memor)-Of course, of course. De- fear sud dread. If gos lîgited. to se you loklug no veIll And '*Wliat's the motter wltb the babyl" made tn how ara the. dear cliden? lie crled. heuree. MIsa Antlqoo-Chldremi? MrY. Benedlet jumped op liii. 9 buck t1hat dri Ratrue trvalr-!ment u ak b mue."Good gracions; nothlug, 1re nien's mw la jour famlIy-meaunniofcourse. l .pe-, of isg jour busband. *'There mont be. i feel Inwardly tint at oucesà Miss Àntque-Huband? I neyer liad there la sometling grievoualy vrolig your bloc a inaband, gir l Wtbthe pet." Retumneultraveler-Er--of course not "Wby, Benny--oh. why?'" Hoog luit a&lie plsantry of Mine, yon "ie lent hloig!"--Ally uloper. know; 1Ifuettofncourse, jour brother. , 5A whoni yon lov, as mucli as anyone Libby. UMeNetili & Lbby. conld love àabbn- Rouekeeperusfrequntly fiel the ueed MlaaAltit»lfl- neyer niad a brother. etf bnciheon meate idch are elitbey r.ady Iteturned tra.eler-Um---er, of courie te serve or can be prepared for tte table not utjokugyomkuo. fow , at a moment's notice. Such a need la' not;JustJokIg. yu knw. Hw ,a bumdantly auplolîed ]Inithe. superior imes your-your--er- DItI 700 ove. bave put i,7 'the aid retiable lîu.k&. ofLibby, a motiiert-PltBits. MeNejîl & Libbhy, 3hieage. one. of vins. apeialties in adrertied iunaitotiier col- Bemeseeker&9 lExenretosVia Chicie un ni this paper. and their hooklet, and Baters ZIllnois ViptreauL "low teMakre Gond Things ta Eat," i Ou the rt sud th"rdTneidays of offeved free on application. Joue, July andI Augua thetienhge aud lialsterlu Ilinois Rlroad will place on About the s"eof Tt. i unile Homeekers' Excusiona tickets lu Father-Where la your mother, Anth. varions plesalu Alabama, Ariasms, nl and n'orla.Veorgia, Indian Terrtoepeuias tmkelanad.mlssllupn,l.< nossonr. ZOiny--e's ont in thc t.- k yard Suc Ne'tbaffllaa, étb Caro lua. eue-Wblttunhg. mn sd Texas. Father-Are yoo sure ste la wilt- LIE Onefari (Plus $200) frithe. round t tel Wg? Ildo ail ae ltmited on Solng trip aIf tenu dImm n'date of nain, iti sop- Joiinny-Yes. ir; she'a trylug to At ovr TUavlar lu Homeekere' Terri- abarpen a lest! pencl.--Ctbcago New». tory. nuu. tickets are lmitetI twenty,-onedaym fron' date nf ats. Laun's FaalgMedione t ltemiember tbt ve coin have lu service Moveà the. bowels oacI dey. lu orte. a mur vlde-v.sihled train betvsen Chii- te b.e bealtliy tus lan nteesary. Acts f4. cagee a"i Sa. and Fort Worth. Texas, gutiy onu lia liver and kîducys. Cures Tuse lealug cag dalr~t 150.n'~slck heaulicie. Prim. 25 aud 50e. use, reclluug chir cas,"goo furtier prtie-n Soterfaadlnz. n Stona, G. hlcago.1Idon't sec bow esle dit! I." "I do. Ste got rîcl ilie ber board- 05'idUoua. aagaI poor.",-Plîlludelphin Bulletin. *The. yeliov correspondent et tefront e regarded th ir Eau runuer uarrovily, Pso% étre lis the hest niedicine ve andI vodersd If habe ve trustvortby. e,.r nsed for al affections ufthtiihlroat "Wltat vouid YOD do vltii jen. dis and Iuug.-Wni. a. Endsîey. Vaburen. patcbe. If yen wtere abou ttelub. cap- md.. Feb. 10, 1900. turdrlie asitet. "Would yOen sllOv Tii, King of Spain bas dliarded bis theul" poul, Puce, for a fine chetnunore, 'Te"replieul th*. Kaffr. "We Lite a nov that tie bas eflteod bIs thirteeutii crodule»m ple, ir." - . yeur. _______ Here tii. correspondent started vin- 1.btly, sud dlmmissed is thaagtts- HlsCtihCe Detroit Journal. Raanniletou. lam ' «Olil New ami As." "10W HAPPY 1 AUL lu b. aile te Great Britain la firet lu merchandIse, say that 1 am tires trou.paina tr #v Germany, beiug second, the Unîite yermomessfes Un mble% seur aa, Statue thîrd and France fnurtii. Fa avenue, es zpari. se -r i*un.1 thasiful te i. ahi. te 5MI tbat jour . .?E amatisla urens la thebhait media. I1 ave. get l in a,;msiamu« *mm*iSab l sera;à nle. Wmes I reoelveid litfremut yeno last November, 1medson et lrlht Tiiebeat diplomat là toonsiarp tet.lie - sway Th fta deil eidme. Il la cutoue S tros sulegelaIn haegut 50 us Imossibe u expa1s hosglno »eI5M get verse a"st at death venU &"M, coine. I wV«7 very ve nsd I irdly~ thouglit I could live to mne mylihaten C à S T'- cone baekftmbis "DRalllie'. N1 4ev lo",am ciuwm MI eau asJ that I an' trie trou pain, HY cheeksamarered, n'y*appelite Ia gond andN Y mm A r ele elail aIS n lt. lian7 Oet triends ara aurp n dand s. uap iI sentI for some 5Dr.11' linbot- p3mars thei. , lq. bottles, ontaialag 300 dises, 0.0F information vrlte Ovaso EitmaIF ~U Bo ut abeuli. -What lathe effect of mereury tuka luto telhum'ansysteul?"asakeul Ten-r1, spot. *'bi.rcury la quicktailver, 1 It?" asked Friable. F M «'Theu I ahonld thluk lb. effeet voffld b. lu maire the patient more active lu >î hie movemeuts," utimasDe the .dilues lDrink? Dolt sive tbem tsa or coés.. Have 700 triedthi ev ewfoo ra a GRtAIN-O? iIsladelicloa id nuelh fag. andI tailes the place et0f ol.. more Grain-Q yen give th. clilldren theasM more h.altli ,on dîstrbute tirougb their hv mystenis. Grain-O sa mado of pure grains. fte ,b and viii. properly prepared tantes e M1k. the. choie, grades nf calse, but coues"V A *bout 4as mmacli, Ail greoes nllIl i. 150 pmi ue esi tuamv-auti.taa~~ andTo wmOIhMRSOF DAUGilTuMe iOl aptla* ipiu Csreal Max. effectue ly nue. Lauor-h... Gruege% =Z688sad Pai"PA? "Tbey as, that Mr. Smckers la a pro- ladiesa.luitsaios nI1adeiaasda.n feasional humoriat, but 1 have never las ber troublas o othm Itmpemsu alu Iay o tear hlmmakea joo luconvrsa- Wbarevar ynu. v. t1teau refer yen tu vol-kunua ladies liead hm mke ýJk u cnvesa- and il gadîy roll sny smateur tii.. iis fHoma Treatmeut r tlon," saald lra. MeBride. aur delut, f.mai. orzuinlttioroushly strengtas fik»s . It's agalpat bis Mdens of proprlety dipwsament, sud must eesawoa. Writo-day; sa mi. ta nl aop~ eplet M. eBid IIRS. r1. .SUIV ERS, BOX 62, Noti 1dé.'t foui velI te-dawyftesI tes better- ymIW W00> soi'. sareapra lulatueOm »0 maer. Tht h mv hàëer Md feeling, pimples, marié, a* ergftia sud catsrsO. O a betdw rail medîclua aid brguetablu le and mnmv owqulcflh*Wblie »d omp te the. God Hie*M, go"m us uts Fond ummai 5fl afirsuif Se kW w4 wIras Piews, Cimbil, Q ins n. mass stases lume BBY'S VEAL' 18 the Oreg ie.ttaet.sdsVe RIHBUTw 1YFight of' v1 hhd"Mee dm yUr lveir la drylng up Ldandbwu w' helhcmelngaiyou rw'almIdu yo ln your tmad rush to getod. NoaS' whtyou'd rwliat a o," watch a Natues vat- Ihe'a» y eldmdxb bthe.bê*cd the. head'tba andbadf.slbingeag that ila good l fa% IDWnt cars ht>w xIch or poS oe am are = bc wd 9lufcahve bowdelf Itu akop guara> teed tuamb.tfOuend h STHE IDEAL L AXATIVE _ ~Y C. 1 Oc. - 25c. 50c. wiau4

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