CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jun 1900, p. 5

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Thte Crescent Bi1cycle la the béat p5 bicycle on the Market for the money, both ln looks and durablllty. "The Wheel. That Stands Up." REMEMBER--AIi wheels 'bold byme are warranted. 1 arn representing' the. Shoninger and Shaeffer Pianos. Corne in and see them. Estabilshed 1870. Endorsed by leading musicians'such as: Campanini Liszt Rubenstein Wagner Ida Klein S. B. Mills Ernma Thurâby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszlo and many others. * C. R.,.SIiERMAN, JEWIEILBR ANDO OPICIAYE Libertyville Illinois. K We have a large and assorted lune f.frorn which to select at from 4 cents to 20 cents per roll. See our samples of fine ingrains. We can seli you anything you want in the way .of carpets. $2,00 WooI Trousers $2.oo Look like mnade-to-order goods. They are the best arti*iIe ever offered for the money. in Libertyville. F. C. SMITH4&SON Butler Bidg. Libertyville, Illinois. Ice Creamn You can always get It at Lovei's. POPULAR PLAVORS. Pure. Delisclous, Cold lcS o Gruac to be bad at *Dy *051 F. -B. LOVELLIIlnos Libertyvllle JLocal li w!1<HD UP HRMlEAND u j mi of inter*st to LUberty' ab i44G 44 4 e Read::j No £"ta i1iià Nev alors. nov astock et btrdv'ar suf! Ont ani nov prisa ai0. IL (nuAiwoCe.5tf Z. . .wss . M .v~ and IMrs.Tb..Alleu, ofChicago, 1 ub A. . sfamlly Sanday. < < Mouday Roy. Dix attended lb. ILs. wPÀUaV mutnuaibasket pienle of thoe emlalnes -à Camap Meeting Assoiaon. i" Wrighit & Bon e»u o i onsarbe W. C. caper. Bee the= $Mo particulara. 11907mS- cou OF Wok ommenOeittsaturday on the oKimlML*T bul vas toppai Màonday Lecan. of a , . outroveray am 10 quaiity of cemoul te rT«»"Pt O ci ng nsed, belvesu 1kw bridge con-. escb misi ~E.sfi7 m er mille. snd coniee. ouni- 1700 Car 1oa"i01 grnvel have 4ws M raa ~sJi.~ . u 5 .appeared ln the ini 10boue o lbh Wbeeter tari n sd'at111the St. Pmni day511*55 S AueiM>i rw"ov'OiîsCompauy bave iod lot a solid road opedoe ader muli bed. A gradui dopresMcou ireqnently pnooodnaduSmy. cocur at aio acisd of tlb. "bol." IL e»M la 5ton allbough la thé Middle the defeet s.. 0be"ssromedléd. Wh.n you bave il -You don't *&nt. it. When ton don't bave it yoii want it. Tbio, may.,sem lik. a paradoi, but, neveribelens, it'. true. Our choie. fresh goods firt mrate the b'unmyfoeelng and then siatisfy it. ,Besides thia w. eau demonstrate that the more MOU67 you Kpend with us the more ton save. Trlggs &Taylor, Lîbertyville - IlInoLs. --j SAt 5hl. ra.ia. meetin uIiesdaV Ol11i < tugbstheb local camp of Nystic Worikema e adiued their one baudrsdtb mem, lfuo ber, ail of vhom are la good sauding. A god growlb for à 1040 bt a. 11111e Idui,.c ovor tva yenrs aid. "OS &ace-cfa'nyMI f .d deecrlpliou bus beu poid t as msuhr UL-iM of our local camp, vbici Indicatesa'iuo, isilir communir. Ibe if Cblldren'a Day exrcises ero hld Tesilu sunday lu tho Moîhodiat churchlialu = the aomiing sud in the moringe iwtililu Preabyteriasu nuday achoal bel axer- expIri cia.s. ln, the Unlob chnrch. At Malb i.i chauds lbthe rvicu e v vry laleres- ai. log, ahovig liai much ulinebai 'beeu thécici sgpoa lu, preparshlon for lhe day taxor vhieb 1% tSb hppimat la the ChUrch e P.rI elqndor foi liseDIII. fol*$. Tho Mmiuî siiedane Mtbotb servie.vas large vil sud lb.he, somalions onen .cllpaed "'nI tth of former y7aà. cu0 e Pouflu fes Heak»lis ucce8dod i l, l hoinlg 4h.morng mai arriveo on optxlh lb. 531 train tra'm Oblégo.'fW r nov has iroe s ils dally fro. tlb.' oiy, tlO> liii vis, 519àl -31 an sd .6M,5. ThisZ is tl amelslest service andi but one c"ange or admeoxeanld W aw $ or sud ZL IbMA lit I mlïfor be se train te elmnt Sc0"tom aI, Mr. Loy Thayer, of New Berlin, N. Y., te bore on bisamical vil$ sud -"ânh." He and Ur. B. Keliy brougbl homesa fiue striuai 01picierel tabou from Thurd Laka eone day lutI va.i sud rememboeaitbpir frieuds, ye edilor amoug the number. viti, ieveral lime spécimen. Wbeu Thayer aud Kelsey csu't catch Bah otilera ceeda't lry.. C. M. & et..P. vlINS 1*1. lu oaA r Au au PVFle P Ioli U î: 1A1:853 pbotrvll..., 7 : Ae 1:51 8O4 :06 Mondoat. -8:1 :10 9le :10 Ar ;hi ào.9.ia*: d'O 12346 910 10 B A B aI Ciléago . lm m r.10 i et, a"luSI A5INWMA5Ii LsvinecLu Durer. lisEtr". "Mo Au .1.11 Thbrvinslé.... à4ta dati. Il Is exu Banr. 9Buuao... io-8gY 5: Ohîcam. ixind 6:40 ae501 at l the nov parsonage. is. Cors Yeoman, of Danville, 111.1, la the guest 0of Mb. lnch Valle. Note 1h'nov lime card. ix trains eci vay daily Mud tire.on Buuday. BuperisorMin«iettendeed lie Jane me.uion of th board of Bupervisors as Waifl at Isesi. WMu.Warron hovia vlhbis famlly1 Win retonu 1Libertyvlll.franl Piano, I., bas ronlod a portion of the Practor houas on MilvanieAve. A nov six ft ldovali vas ardered laid ai the lest village boasrd meetingr, aloug Milv&ni.. Ave. commeneini as nost Itlinoof Labo artrl ortb t'O nortili lInsof Bt.Paul rwgbl-bf-vay. The bond boys a.reuaded LYne Clby sud bride Balurday niglil. Mm. sud Mre. Colby have furuib" their home, on Lakeo urelasd are nOv ocoapytnaMos. Bondmiasér Bunké of tlb. SP aul railra m a renled of C. F. Wrigbt bis house on <rbrd treol inovu en the Rigby hou". and viii maile Liberty- villa bis home for sovoral asontîbaai leasl. Mr. Edwin ltid50ore aud famlly, o!* Chicago, vere guela of Daul Le Suuday. _Misa Li"a Lee ccoiupauled i. sud JMrs. Silduore t10 Fax Lake vber. tbey are eajoyng a fev vooka outimi. E. 'L. Dlloasvus relleved a fev daya Ibis veei by Lee Fiin, 09 PoresI(lieou. i. Duiloisadditions! dufles Imposai Rince lb. opening of tbm.nov deoa provi 100tac nh for bis slreisglb sud ha vas oompelled ho slie a short rel. Two nov. trains vero' added ta the Liberlyvilie service Blunday, Onse of ,vbilà -"laya aver' bore. Thia mns thé ronâcvai lo Our vinlage of a nov stain. crev vilh Iboir familles. <Cou- dunolor aegor tla ucharge of the nov local &Mai. Thé fi. Paul company viii beautlfy tbir deota grolxndeon Milwaukee Ave. by layli*out fioyer beda, etc. Tihe alte whére stand lbe OAlovay rosi- dence ilatualbe boveiod o a, sud lowors plauled theroon. A laudacape garde=a or alroady bau the cotract for Ibmvok. ilccrc ici 1 E Mrv4ý oved by Procor »sud bhsrmsu t ho daîr ordinaucoNa. 121 as uaib. pasad. fIeor the Carrlod, ail valuaq sys. ,j y Sreet commiètsa ,suhsalhted ibe ,thoreca follaving report: "Poct et We yonroînmlltee ou simula report tet1 tIsai the ition f th. ChileagoVom ast 'Id & Genos Zaiso lectinl ailay COom- eh j pauy siiug tb. ria gIV aytracia tg Wit, tIh.opeéraI. il alay m Iortain treols 1ýur- mereuamed reorat lixI nid peti0 erk kur, u axedlit the gonusine lgmalare ore-of lb. peraocta aviug thé inajorlly , hsbthe foot fromtagmou the nd tret o8l fméntiouod lunaaid pétition for every de tt ie. sud fraction tbqrecf. cf nd E. 4. Duiî, la tbisa. il. ËPsoci4 sût «Yr Novai hi Corloli sud Shoruan iai comlitteo areport h b abt carried. Novd hy JiMt sd Bbqw a I% danghlerat Wasbiuglcn, D. . Dr. Uallowéay bua Dov EeflneY rubber tirait buggy pulcbaaed f romn Wrght a aBo. 1Iltea abeauty. - . Mina Louis. Caler grsdualed from lb. Evanston 13gb Bchoo Thnraday alabl. 4 number fr0.' UAbortyviloe van promce th elb ecie,. Mir.aMd Mr@. John atraion, Who bave boom vidillug W. B. Davis anld iamily lhe put, Ivo veeka, lait Thurs- day fortâteit borne lualnn«apolil4. Chas. Bailhhmbasroud Y. Protiue's hoque on Orobard sèreet nov occupled by Prof. BatleitsMd viii ooecipyfil upon Prof. BoUsE removal about July lot. 3Mr. Bmithbbas bis fntuxet siered, sud, vil bie s iily rosides vllb bis father for th. prenant. Resolutlono of Respect. The folloviug renooiNon vers adopied by Exeeleig ou am.387 E. N. A., #4 a meeting hald ljuAr , 1900 W»UsEs ,It bath pleassài AiSbghy 0" terasreeirons aioug .useour beoved N.Îgbbor snd fllov varier lAtis Builh, sud ,WKEEEAI Ilai butl mat tbat a tribatlieober m.mory b. made, thone- fore bo i ReseisedThst ln tbe death of nl Bra5iiih thé It. N. A. lues a Imesaber and bar family a loved vifs Md ehier snd the cou- ninnity a ~ u egbor. Re@isols4 That ElB. N. A. entend te0th. fâaiy c09 hbo BSmith Ibeïr syuiiltlyi ithlb bour 0f saUioloa epid comineaithesa for.- consolation té me. F~te above vbo doetb alilIbluga veol.Be It further R.aolsd, Thas the Charter b. draped lu mouming atouar place of Meeting. Rosood, That a eopy 0f thoe deesasel: slso that tbey homb-DU Ufs our record@acsd publisbà tu lbe IND)upENDi. doEIT5 COIJNCIL PROCEEDINGS.- Lmsasnvix..uJuin , lem0 Board met in adjoured sension. Pll bonrd 1I, se.t «septfluBais Minutasof Uneoie Juno dli rend sMd ou wm o f cileiud"Shermma viro apjuoved. A pétiton aigned by the ludges sud eobus of IaI village loollon, va. pr«esslean liraW: To tho44slo and boandof àmobm-. 0 meomdjudges, sd eoris 0f eocioc eire 1incmun aea- lion ta 1he tant Ihal thé lav allova lbros dollars par day ice their srvice. 5 W. L. At~Ig. J. G. 10 s E3. D. Enberd Mtoved by sberma u rotria the»d leebsoae &ove su entra dolla. Aym e%nt Pronier md Sherman. Nays-Ooltt sud Haaby. Carried. Noved by Shr Msd ?rOIt h" ripgoptition furor ssclele t frncie oaien from fie Msu upot Oamrid. Miàï&by Bheran&d HUmby tha petlion-seoruai toue"ht omitts for inceats acton. Tb*o omite reortsd an fo$ov YorIl scoumlteo reporéstsh"a the Peou aab ne bmpreaideut sud bord ettrUMsleu0 gpsute MMaisW. BnUBlrfold, bihie àra. oess.or issigu tb. rigbi tolay lu tho grouid or string n~oe u ies on, ove, eo by tofitc electricity for lilgpue ln 10 ha ased, coveyodordiIstbul lu cetain idreole or pubic grende thereluast forth, ha. aUed 1Ioil ga. true iguatureaof lb. pacpéoovra ovinga malority 0f the f0ot frobue for each mile or fraction thesof0f tb. streeta or public grounds naaied lu said paulion. Moved by Corlett sud Hauby Qta report of llgbt cpmmlltee be accepted. carrled. E. L. DeBoia camse lu sud lao hi. seat. Novai by Just sud Bhorman that ordinance No. 117 b ou"se. Ail votait mye. Moyed by Hauby mel Shermna that ardinance No. lit ho paased. Ammended by mast sud Oodett thal o-alipolea ha pinted." AU volai smye. ou argins motiOnKUilvotai aè». Movai by DuiPpi sud J mgt bat or- dinuje No. 119 ho pamaed.Ail Votai sye oxospi Corleti, Who *01.4 un. Novai by Corett sud Shiortsn Ibal bond of E. W. Butbtelkt h. pproved sud placed ou file. arriod, Upolk roque"l . N. D*raud con- aented that the followincg lause luoorporatscd lu bond yoevided for ln eleclrlc rond ordima: The Bond »f 1SM00biob «onue Nô. 11' providea form bt0" oulais & provision that uie.thoerlght 0f1va" for aaid rostnd m106 uiffnt10 4U tyvufle shah hapurebsodor com - nation prooadng u ilultued thètefor vithîn 5111y doa. fru e of puang of néid ordinahue th" énid coinpany @hall Ile a urIttenforfaiture of ail rigbte undor nid ordinuce. Novai by DaBots and Obh.msu éibat electrio road ordinance jusé rend ho numbeodlOaud hapasd. arried. Ameuded by lieaby sud Oolott Ib "Muilrauiee Ave, ho strieben ont of description lu franchisa." *Ye- corlett sud Hanby. aos-Dulois, inat, Proco sud aibeSan. 1,05. Original motlion lauct uli y follov- lngf vole: Ayea-DuBmos. tPrflclor aud Bherman. Nija-.Coletaud Hsuby. The folloiug billa vueresd sud sefore ura 1inance oomiutee. vblcb îreportai favorably and recommendod their paymenl.. Noved by Hauby sud Prootor 1h51 bisa eallowed. Carried. M.D. Colby & Oo...........S848 0. Hl. Sbcie, nser pipe... 3 56 Novai by Jual sMd Bbermau that al3&teffum lu ladiscb lu trouS 0f FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS.. JIHT now we are -on especially in the mi of Summner Clothing beci we have just recelved a.) and. varied. assortmeni Summner Suits in al the I and ncbbleststyles. -We have suits- that fit men of ail sizes and, that WiIl fit boysof aili The prcies, however, wil onlysmail bocks. slzed M.- B. GOLBY& Lbertyville, Wn. Warreu, of Piliîo, Ill., éxpecta ta ratura la lhbertyvilié vltb is lula partuorablp it mGeorge Trigge lu thé motaf' tbuainos. Mr. Warren bas' bailconsld«erl experiénce lu Ibis lice and vo Piedici lIe gentlem en vitt bc !avored vitb a good patronage. Mr. Trlgga la nOv conductiag lhe umrio, whlcb ho .Opened tant weeoi lu bis fabera bildling sootb Liberlyville ilotel. . James Fnuy ud vite', of Chicago, sud Mr. and Mra. NSeridan, of the mme clty, vere lLbertyville Sunday lu quest of siabie rocuîleuces for lie sommer. Mr. fnuuy vho formerly reuldod bore, l itou uisne hoaud a uumher cf hie Chicago acquaitamne dextre ho mais Libertyvillo Ibeir home ai léutaI duicg tbe enammer meonthe sud peuip. peitmannly, noibetal mprovdtrain service la lu vogue. Tus ile bot the beginuiug, sud nov %bat gond train service la lu affect Libertyvflis will become a popalar reideneo lo . Thé groaloa dlfficulty la tâbai; »,desirable vacnant bouses are la b. b.d. Ordînance No. 121. 'leilaue Il by tiibmpr.-idccc snd Board mi. 1 Thutats idewal ô fifet . ne m luch.e vIcié. cunstruOtocl cf,t tod tomber. vltb 3atringre osc' b itchc y 4stace-% the boards theocte 41c ot logs tIbsu4 luehe. liaorscoehn 1-i luches vide, sud te c roi cheisi <le. board tehlaie d riffwissn-on .1.1cm trl'9gér ansd fasteued theret» tr a»«logistracu live a-euf, viré nis o ta lulaid ahitz the s. oet iide of M lwauee Avnu.-h, 1th,-Villaettc f Lberty- LaiAerarent pruoil -stiansd oxtoudlm¶ northerlytromtica c cD.o m t e t 1fine Mlosuimo Aveulie toctic.,north fUée of thé J. X. & j.1P. R8> (-'c riiht-ot-w&L. The whcieoftboéoet cf .111 iodali s aitlihe pald h rspé of,!the lota oriiaiole walka. as lu Iis ordînauce prcvided. Flattaof nid lots or ii ocf landi 1 ho icecialir taxëd lu prc îrilca ln e ls frontaggo upca aab sdoeat. uiiw. 2. Nold occ' chall lie couelrn:tcd n, cirlaith--l r#th cciyled iic-ir thb. csi,'rvlslcu enci siilcîc' tIt he iiapuir.val ci il.c $1rt Cure.ccio!fsisi Village. . ma, .'. tAil cceýî f loto or pari-cie 1 land tollcclît-h 1.fin-. 'f Rnid sidewalk sdie t ,ct lt a Iart fc--1ii sdicwsikinlefnrui awcc with hcsscl'cd'sc bisordicecia wthlc ihirtu da cur its publiccatioîn. and Ill d.fawlt thcccf itl.' cc:srefmautah'il shah hé furciccbe i wlsnob set.cwaik cou- strcuc.-ldb.'th Ic- is -c'"f Uhéftrviilk. &long th.- front of sncb iiit or lote., ". or Mmc,t heowover or -, ieors of w Mot shahi 1 tc fisrulcsncbmci' 'riais éud construct enclh i dýwaiior iceri Iboreof. re.. quircd. wltithh tbc ini.and lne cesannier cioll.etdfnom thcý -p uiclv.' cwuerocf sald Icts cîor .'els ocf hicndI cseprovidecel iu IbIs or.liicc. HE£C 41lu code oflb' id, Esult rilicref any lot owner nt oowcrv. iucoîsruac sno id- suit kalonis oal,l île'ic i Iont Qf bis or their lot or lotsj &"Acl c r icoamîs, as rovied lhc' Vil. o f Uic.rt Rii.aio t'he ecost of aci .hcl how enotrnciod bict ac Vlllegcc. omî',cO une rate Items andi A VI QIoc osl 1 h lildlu the ci"l0 t.Vl Cc.kc'rtil'c ythehrlbedo f luIt 0ilee.tchis'r cdb alI lhie orc sati, il.wcl tholbcc ,. lieof lIce osoors tlcr'ofasud hlo froî,îccc' ccniid aolwalk of ccsclc lot or' isonicl.,1 NEC. il. UVilih.)iliic of thé bill cf snob llctcc f lots or îcsr-c'~l l te ofice of tbe Vila. i ckrk,.s d.5.1 ci-tricl iet once îrcciced 1cr îrepcsncca5 Os.c:aIl ts tI Bgeliiol suiirots ani Pantis,îs.nd itic,' wlers thc'rc'of. il kuste muc,ertalncotif complon tcc he scuccucit of oroleeallut .s cli e hérs itgicat ,cs.ctfsaie] lots cr anlcîSsd h1 w nwc's tccofAmucccnt cf thic"-cnstrutiont o! nid tiecw'L". acc..crliltccîticcrate lxosi for the c'cfsnc.'hsteecicltiN by its ordluacccé teîclsccsa as lt cth lec les u rus iuperaausss hua> tUAS ~.iEP FASU Socsui~ LU - Mi$Ses Oxfords, liait Priée. coin toomo m. boeffSOzds koew wcms le bouim tiicethe P" cwe air. WC kI ybIgow*f» g them aàour im bo~bWt WC ae m«W ub uomore AW4 date «"c MREOD ERAUMNO OY FIURDS CblldreaullacWItOxford., ises 5ê 1Iiieim olwrth $1.00,a . tme Oxfords,ise.1il$lo2, Worth 11.25, AL ..................... Boys Oxford», bhavy exteumion soles, viiiwon ms. yom a a1.50 aboi, a& ObUàre~us Tan Oxfords, baud turued, 81.25quality, at .............. Mis"e Tan Oxford&, vide la.., aigus 13109 .............. .......... Dables 2strap Bandais. band lurned, wortb 11.00, aise.36 15,Ma.... Cbildrena OrforUa.WhI9e dUck uppers aises0 80 74, at ........... isse i.atrap Bandais ............ . .......... The.Pair Libertyville - - - n, The Lake County Telephone Company .... CONNECTO W17H.... The ChIcgo Telephone Compwj Have you a "Phone in. your re idenct place of business? If you want to be up wlth. the times yo S'hc have.- The expense . l nominal, only a few cents. a day. Fer I.forualle. rdtes, tc., r CONTRACT ýDEPARTUlgiT, Lake County Telephon* b*tpany. Libertyville, lIlluoWa Great Britain ls on top in. the Poer- 1ý Englt8w Struggle. ' you wilI fIniV that we are on top In, flic matter of

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