1Lpî0ý>ý1-~~o 1 - Il * .-ý,l 1' ý1 eýliway fo ... ý ot-. e*0, but committees always =pn th1 - 1L - 1 1 ýý .ý set of the - that othersmuc= May;nns sand1 ortmetiscudreds of thmoulds, on, a and for reaso theealon g tg|DUCT OFr ONE la A Boa lnahi d1heetion. KR UGER'S FORCES ARE NOT YET SEnlOUS SUBJtOTSCAREFUt.V. ', . 1 . ý ý ý . procession eteahn down sol the time PROPOSI«oP 1 Most commttees boy Campatign songs CONQUERED. CONSIDEEIFeI 4 Ile, lnto the valley of shadowse. This tlgro, freely, snd it in agreed on &l1 N-4#ssers 1l- the curarent of Our evil habit, we am to tion fromt timec loto eternity is no sant an de= that a takting composition st to . Il 1 1 S~~et atoug quit*e stoothly, but If after enterprioe that. trteam o nerstand it Toneuansr ef 'Warkes Are Kept on attrrdig music lsa àmigty good Invest- South African stroule Has Entered A suholcarly Expositioncg the lnMese . i 1ts - awhile we, trm Marn and hedteoh Bvery hourr wu hear the clang of te the Jamne for Menoaths land un Organ-, ment whether the poetrr la very goond or Uonatae hchPrexshe -ogte otyofcasen- er wytwrChitadproan senerlgt.Teodmsbeb, not The poetry sent to the commaIttee- lh1ý eavena, Ob, then how we have to hie to ken.' The gartond must be plowed for .nto E.brt n Cmlctsand it arrivent ethbeadquarters In whoale- British-itoberts Attacke Botha, but tin.l nRnnsenre h 1 ý ý . e ý,the onrt You wiU have your tempta- resurrection harvrest. Eternity must be 14 ReOquired. "a quantities dally-1e generally ln the Faits to Whip Ulm. Scripter d-1 WOU1 SPM$kt 1 - ý - 1 tion. You have one kinda you another, peophaed. The dost muet press pur eye- formu of songa. It need hardly be stated!ý là -ý ,you ennother, not oue persan escaing. lido. "It ls aponted nto al1 men once Washigto correspondence: that mont of it la written by persona who Interest in the Transvaal war has been 1. April 1. The Beatitudes. Matt. 4: ý .~ It hs aln tolly for you to say to some to die." This emigration fromt time lunto EMY 80oon a vaut have never learned to scan theoir lianes and greatly increased byi the surprising turn 25--5: 12. - ý 1 ~one, "I could n'ot be temptedl au You eternity keeps tharef-otarths of the teami. 1 enr, one which will have little Ide& of rhymie. events have taken saine Lord Roberts 2. April 8. Preceptsr and Promises - 1 q ý ~are." The lion thinks It la au stranige thaet lies of the earth ln deoisltion. The air la -finterest thec whole Leaving out the chairmnan and possibly entered Pretoria, rematrks the Chicago Mlatt. 7: 1-14. 1heý the fash shoutid be caughat with a book· rent with retrant, and the black tan- contlry for a period the. treasurer, the funactionary ln charge .News in reviewing the South Africain »It- 3. April 15. The Daughter or Jaerna l ljt ý ilon asould be caught with &s trap. You every street. The body of the child that les n hich will probably than any thler committee offl- was generally acceptedt in Europe and in 4. April 22. The Centurions a erv*ant ý . du . ý - se1some a man with a cold, phlegmatio was foldedaiso closely lm the mather's keep thousands Of cial, and his departmnent in one of the Ameriea as heralding the close of the Healed. Luke 7: 1-10. . ets 90 temperarment, and you bay, *1rauppose heart is put away la the cold arnd the wrkers On a hutte* heavier committee expenses. There are struggle, Lord Roberts' line of commni- 5. April 29. Jesus and John the Bap 1 *11 o6pydtb Louto Klopseh, 19 shed that Man bas not any temptation.," yen, darkness. The labghter freeses to the, froman *tart to finish, always.hundreds of reai and alleged ora- <:to1a n tRoea n teml-ts.Lk :1-8 0s à, TAMAE woaasMuch as you hrave. in hie phlegmatic girl's lip, and the rose icatters. The boy be h begun bye the torn in toucha with the commaittee. The tia'battalion of the Derbyshire regiment 6. May 6. JeSus Warning [and Inikl su in. hiW tour ln England ad Sct be nature hie has a temptation te Indolence ina the harrent field of Sohanem tas: y geia committees _ guarding the railway was comrpelled after ing. .4att. 11: 20-30.1 1 4. 0 where thousands thronged tacr and conselousènesis and .overeating and head! ny hoed -Autd they carry bila thd e great political hev lost urne.Ti iigot 7 a 3 eu tte PhariS , =tu - ý fhim wharereusever hie preached, la nowa on drinking, a temptation to !gOre the gareat home to die on -the lap, of his mother. e.It will be of hav battain arnder This thatn Lord Ho. Luk1. equ : t6-50. bis waY to Norway a4d Robsia, tu w igh- work of life, a temptation to tay down Widowhooad stand@ withll tragedlies of VIS 9Conduct. of prai Methue n angd ihene ler Ligdting 8. May e 20. Paabef5he0.e *1_4Mdcountrie he in already well knowni an obstacle in the way of an gaod enter-* o tukit h plo ftecek dential campaignrs nea .H;.-9eilbon at onega ve an nirew aspct Mat. 13:y 208 a b 18-23.owei thog tepbieto f r n prises. The temperant deCides the Orphanage caries ln vain for father and &Od the same is an ...to the war. It was perceived tate the 9. 'May 27. Parables or the Kingdom. of hi toFcusermnc b s. Int forpubicing tlso epain u agieo mother. Oh, the grave la cruel. Wit a4aa prpsiin . laaking of Blýemnfontein and Johannes- Matt. 13: 24-33. le hecouse whchhe assen fr pblcatoglymphatle, you Win hait temptation. Sa- tetCfsoei lutchles for Wu prey, Ita involvesa the ere- ' . -:bur and I'retoria were lncdetnt 1.Je3.TeTev ntorh un lall-. this week, he gives a prescription for ai .tan has a grappHing book just fitted for Between the clingi gates of ihe sepuleý ý ý aion of an executivecrs tthmbieocsofheorMa.9:3;1:8 kf ethe aniety and worriment and illustrâte the 'your $OUI. A muì oeveir lives beyonld thes cher our heart» are mangledl and crushbed. erganisati -on quite as, elaborate and com-' andes taei turn thbiey worerfte appeyin 11. June5 10: . Det ofJh.h a diin smp Th or t a lwh mat reac goffept atin Y0or, u ay when ha .eteeayerhyslcNn.W liae sta eurd ocryo h Lord Roberts' tactics to himself. Whether tiat. Miark 6: 14.29.1. kin ofti ttuge h et dtl a es ob 0oS er faeh ome to the obsequies, we lait with the most extensive of moeir enterparises, the tireraacansevering of the line 12. June 17. The Feeding of Flie ý pZxi. 2, "And his disciple went and oa is gare fromt $latanie ssnait. You are grief stricken, vile tait pathetleaDy to collection and taripenditure Of a Rom Of - thg egggnegio bya a dstrcino h huad on6 -4 fo eeaus." Tm meyaeh mistaken. A man et 85 years their.soual;¯but soona the obsequies have montey so large as to require seèven fig- railwa foruictwent ilestrwcion hav the The son f Jone 254. .atequre Zem ~~An Outrageons assrassination ba Just of age has au mrany temptations as a man passedi, the carriages have left n at the ares for is expression, the sielection and 1 1. reslt fofopel Lord Rbe th eviw The lesson dur2ing the quarter: rave et takeni place. To appase a revengeful at 25. They are oly different style» Of door, the frendst who titai for a few employmient, directl and indirectly, Of 1d euto cmelnt Lrmin obetseen, a eire y Th isns thesecnd prod, urge 1 0011,1111- oman King Xerod ordered the death Oftemptation. Ask the agedi Christian :days are gonre, and the heart situ ln deno- thousands of workers, the gathering and T e trer portht omnt ein h a t esu'nity wtin Gaithen peiroiof , Tbouha that noble, sel a 4Meing prohetJh whether hie la never assaulted of the pow- =lation listening for the little feet that Will dissemination of ope"ia information on t TaPEAREne' nURE AC The b een repoentb thet Boes ontand thait e- as' greatstri pop liy, bh egigl et W ree- thndtnt.h rpo disciThey ers of darkness. fi yon think you have never again patter through the hall, or a scale not lest extensite than tha of1 a wenet aten bthe or3,000 men wa-the srternot mo ut aegni ri ti hmmke intr deteeltess There coqee h oe ftmttoyulooking for the entrance of those who great telegaraphid news association, and 1more effective speakers generally giv et rhng againsut Johannesburgmackwon-t the northeron jh ourn toard Tei the eu n uthoiter yhc telCnaop are very mach mistaken. will never come again-sighing loto the a huandred other things beilde, none of itheir servies to the party fromt a sensemiciaantJoansuglc -teBthedon Mtt.r 15: e 21-28) Th yr o "i A was, no rous l y ex Powae fTemptation. 1darkness--ever and ang comig scront which can tuafey be intrusted to anyone 1of loyalty and because they know that po- firm tnn .lyKnyhsi atrtivdth otpr ftetahnso e larrsicIf ther be nohama ear to Asa h atda an rtne ome book or garment or little shoie or not aneprcnhsln.ltclpooto ista a;btnar- the disaster at Roodeval by defeating the dislcourses being given a more progènes bmbea i then the lare d no u aint Ar ma wn vw wand a thro, ne prtne picture thaet arouses former ssociation, Until 1896 campaignr headlquarters were Il all draw expense mone and the ma- freo ugeswoctteBiihln lc hnicdns hr rhwe as and ft olt h id h od n b a eywa n iiad ie almost killing the heart. Long days and Invariably established tn the City of New jority, pretty poor speakers as a rule' o of omunicatios, wbut the factiremains three mliraIcdes t e aein o 5ak . ~ ~~~~ ~ ht rtn thteiiil adteWosatd was elected he would soon be gone. He nights of suffering that wear arlt ,he York, and according to an unwritten roie draw salarles; not large individually, but thamunconbt the wrhse ter t upon iase dahemrae, the ealsing of hXen ~ioi trtunan' theiewaters. But tiacre was an ear dh crawled opon his crutces to the throne, spirit and expunge the bright lines of lfe they wére alment always located ln a sometimes 'almost treasury bréaking in d ie t the B set r itish. Th servdante,an the eding of 5,000 S T~i t u te was@* wilg eto litenherno e is a ene and haoinge attid "it hen wasl ftrong1 and glive baggardnres to the face and four-story honne on Fifth avenue, Thaet the aggregate. an. perplexing stage bete aleBue-rtimns m bete f1icn sadl aitleL the ame s ti m otet nd gi.H-si,"twswl o e draw the fiesta tight down over the eheek year, however, bothe parties brokre awaay All these departmients employ type. ne phase cannot properly Irhaner moe- coursoe clare the titirym le o tieg bl1itr nte od fm et white I wa% looking fur the s'epater Of bonre and draw dark lianes under the sun- tromn the old order of thinga and housed writers and stenrographers, and clerks and rilla warfare any inor fer the i wbh@re cnn ith the man m ettg . ~"They avent, end totl Jesus. He coudl another that 1 shouldi stoop, but nowe that ken ee, and the band ts tremnalouts, and their chier headqmarters In Chicago, messengers ln numbers. Alany of the ments of the American forces are thn 18«½t: bgrng h the a«@ôe anderstand-&Il their grief, and be hmme- 1 have founad It, wphy should I stoop sny the voice in husky and uncertain and the though each committee perfore main- Clerke are employed~because of politiCal British capture of Washingtonth Inght- the kinidom, th sermono the nmna 187 à diatel soothed it. Our burdenas ar-e net longer'?" and he threw away hie crutches grief in wearing, grinding, acesmillating, tained a braneh in the metropons. In ppil, but the stenographers and typeirit- Couldi be so called, In enel cas he scene. a mracl of hit a algn aaa ui • Bebtasnr stano e hle put he tho arr etn-d wa elaan o lstaieo xasig Chicago the forces et both committees ers got their job@ on their merits. Wom- ing focrmie nat-ecneto a ote hudri u udrteohredthe powver of temptation! You think it la Now, whaut are such to dot Are thgy wer quartered ln modern office build- en typewhiters are seldom in evidence at only of, the confliet won changed.t sag efroÝnt t thpiiedJont_ . t fuir il of ýtdtes. Here we final Christ hais brow a weak and.crippled Influence, but giite merey to look op lnto a brose and ure ion; la New York the Republicanas took cgmmittee headlquarters. Ina the cas ofi thenran now atth heightetld îi , .. Il ýý 1 shadowed with grief, standing amid the it la chance end It will be a tyrant In your pitying sky? Are thae to Ia&k a blae" one whole coor In a handsome white mar. Of^eoursep money ln wadis and rolle and :dent thaet British occupation Of Pretoria warnaings against arrogance and0-11'- not for gro. ofdiciles, who, withtear and l'oui; Rt will grind you to atoms. No man heath nted! of streams,. auhltered byr ble structure on Union Square, while ltse bagle ls needed to keep the committee de- and Bloemfontein will be precariousun parable« concernainlg Uae growth o l., .. ba~adà and -outcry of bereavement are tion Oni be hat Jent theword.n Butie outr onld the bare commonnf toa n dier •a Ohu knowA O«rOvrOetmt-ovrrhn re? n o tre n ote ot a st ons thro awy w hich pe ters mno room topak opl m e adeadin batofteBe.s Tha wou, onaeiinaryth reching torai rery un.ý -eapresing theoir Woe. Raphael, with hie what are yout to do with these tempte- no! no! ne! He has not. He come% with The headlquarters of a national Caur. eration, and the real stormn center of un. probably, not be a imeruit thing for the Iree; the death of John; the throntgg ' iever a s killflbrush patting uapon the walil of a flons? Tell everybody about theum? Ah, sympathy and kaindaneand love. 2 He un- puign committee muet of necessity be ai- ery national campaign commnittee is the British to accomplisha with theoir enor- the multitudes after Jesús, and de is& lozen of palace some@ scene of sacred sitory, gave whaoaulyeanyo wul b! s el drsansfllourgreesHsesthumstasexeniv afabacriloa'sex-trasre'sofic. owheges iscah oulysuerirnores bt etat s es twadthe.én eveW mot no skillfual a strokre as when the plain might'a commander ln al.ort tend word height and the depth and the length and ecutive offces, since roome must bie af-nobody. but himself ever knows ln full, of the Boers are wisely to prevent ranch sons of the quarter, therefore,é ae hand of the evangelist writes, "They to the enemy which "gate of the entde is the breadth of fit He in the only one that tordedi for half a douleur different aets of andr there 1. no doubt at all that he and a pitched battle. By breaking up 'ato fort should be made to show tois «I Went and told Jesus," least barred au for you to go and tell can fully -sympathise. Go and tell Jeuna. employez, besides soitse for the variou bis collectore-more often than not po. comnpartil al but effecte de- comen pofter wotr, its e i 1 fest thaet 1 baring to you a maot appro- ;*wat all your frallties are and what your Sometimes when we have trouble we go committee oial liftita star of, the Berst water-are ifriven mente and striking swifl sa od-eigi oua neetad ate suela, M ýparlis message. 1 meant to bind up alH temrptations are. "The world Wil only to pur friends and we explain It, and the - .ýVal the Boers may bie able to prolong fimie, its deepening etof eaning for O, erenuq yeur griefs lnto a bondie and set themr on caricature you, will Onil scoff at You, tryo tesympathize; but they do not tander- the war for somle months yet. Theoir iner ciarcle of disciples. , ýýa bs . fe witha a @Park fromt God's altar. The What then, muet a man do? When the stand It. They cannot understand It. But s uccess in this direction is likely to In- The whole life of Jeue p to Ulthi aa d"L ' , ,prescription thant Cured the Barrow of the wane gutres haim with terrific dash, shaln Christ sees aln over it and all through It. , spire themn with renewed hopre and en- should be brielly passed In reviw tý -d - 1a dilpe ilcr l orhatce. ihe have nothing to hold on to? Tn til ne not oiy countis the tears and records .ergy. It la this fact, rather than the ac: least so far as its mafia periode s Cure ýý mos, have rend thaet whien Godfrey and his content with "the world, the fiesha and the groans, but before the tears artedta&oso atlo fmn htds end edn pt h arm "nrcetot.ocatreJeual& the devl," ali a man have no helpi, no before the gronas boea Christ saw the .turbo London and England to-day. Gen. studied thisquarter, which In t=rn hat " . s they came ovyer thre hjill. at the first Counee? Our text intimates something injuosat hiding place of your sorrow, and K.. ý en.lly-eny's ues anpêd the act tht epnothe as yemartv etisen fe, . 1shi of the pinnacles oft that beautiful different. In those eyes thaet -(pt with hie takes i, and hie weighas it, and ho '1. Gen Bule ha1tls re h rk otso oprtv eieet city, the army thaet hadt marched in rai- the Bethany sisters 1 ee shinling hope-c measures it, and hie pities it with an al .. ensbeg montains and entered the Or- riord of preachaing in the souath, adt %obus. trnce lifted a &hout thaet made the earth In thaet voice which spake util the grave absorbing Pity. Bone of Our bone. Flesh ange Free Statle with the result of mak-- final ¢es. Mn eloo- tremble. Oh, you soldiers of Jesus Christ' brokle and the widow of Nain hadt back or our flesah. Heart of our heart. Sorrow -. e ing the Boer position at Laing's Noik un- Concerning the situation at the met a sin marching on toward heaiven, I would that her tout son and the sen'ialept and sorrows of Our sorrow. An long as hie rememabers 4 tenable, are therelieving teatures ln the .this period, after the feeding of the ,0ý, teel, the to-day, byi some gleamt from'the palace of stupe'ndous woke op in the arma of rap- Lazarus' grave hie Will %tand by you lan situation froma the British point of view. Prof. Rush Rheess says, in his réent inté. God's mercy and und I treýngth. you ture-in that voice I heur the command the cemetery. As long un hie remembers -.Lord Roberts has fought a battle with "Life of Jesus: ' Fe Derv- migt ba lifted! into great rejoicing. and and the promise, "'Cant thy bordena on the hie own heartbreak hie will stand by los ..il- Gena. Botha, at the end of which, thailgh "Fromn the firet the popular enthosal ratertallathat as the parosrpet of its peace breaks Lord, and hie will sustain thee." Why in the raceration of your affections. - the British gained considerable groundi, had had "to igqore Marny euriaif on ourenaptre gae yu igh riseshuldyoucary ou buden ay ln-.. •the Boers were not beaten. Rtoberts' line of its cherished notions. eut blisDona .- ~ ~ on l a hoa nn to thze Lord gi rier O h you earry sou l, hrdo st haIon Au Ever Present Fricotid. of communication was partiaHly resltiored and the indeserhable force of Unrilsa, Pink? Disciples' Cendallet Commended. been ln this conict. He says: ",My grae Often when we were in trouble we "ent by1 i a vrictory gained by Gens. Methuen ality hadt served haithterto, to hold j a.shall be sullicient for yon. You ishall no t for our friends, but they were far awayi.- and Kitchener over Gen-, Dewet. The to a hope that he wouldo sond@g à 41» ; ,Il. the frnt place, I commend the be. be tempted! abore thaet you are able tc they Could! not get to us. We wrote to . a1ý . Boer camp was capturédl and the burgh- the perplexing role wbichh ha od a» . ý -havioar of these disciples to aillab rdened ba. Therftore with all your tempta. threur, "Comne right away,"' or telegraph- er±1a, It in added, were scattered. for the time to asuume, And .t)ç111 dren -4 M eW iamost. every man's history Jesns. 1lent, yet were a great white in coming or WAITING TO R!E THE CHAIRMAN. Boers galight maintain the unequal strug, glath, This last refusao te aeosoteb , Wb whe*bn ho feels froms nome source that he Again, I commisendi the behavior of the Perhaps were too late. Dut CLrit luak -l a for a Ion fini, and thais considera- semed to them ýto hb n is en LP"I. 1 ~hasan erring nature The thought may disciples to all those who are abused and ways near-before you, behtid you, wnith.i it a sense, the "Press bureau" In next to their wite' ends to gather the needfuLl. ion, in connectids with the grave erents carted & revulion in the populs al . UOWMn e me-ach hart as to tell bime. it May to the slandered and permeented. When ln You. No mothier ever threw her armns ln importance to the chairmanr's head- Presidential candidates themselves have occurring In Chine, has brought .the and 'Manly of his disciplietrmi il ~ ~ b IL lmýjs lithe fhi a nvr o entaîeniay ngeu Herod,. put John to death, the disciples amron hier child with truch warmnth and quarters, asne through it the reporters rarely made heavy contributions, for the English people to a more serious mood and salked no mor with 'X' us fe avr otsme dy n knew thaet their own hadas were not safe. ecsatasy or affection as Christ has shouan and correspondents are furnised with roeso, amCog Others, that they have than it hais known since the earlier and 66). The time of ifting had *e man to get ridl of thait impression wIll go And do you knowale thrait every John has a toward you. Cloue at hand-nearer th a suc ews as the commaittee wishes to raelye been able to do so. It may. be darker days of the war. hadl known that'suh a mrk m rel aý rent to irprayer, another lst mate in Herod? There are persons in life who the staff lapon which You leani, nerer gve out This bureau, howrever, in only mentioned in passaing that wile presi- . ýtien to makre him king was j * tu"h a yretpris an an the mane- do not wish You very well. Your misfor- than the cup you put to your lip, nered a «mal part of the committee's machin- dential candidates seldomr visit headquar- DECR EASE IN WH EAT ACR EAGE. the GaHiean multitudear, and then «,iý- ine t di"e deepier in seeniarities. But loe unes are honeycombs to thema. Through than the handkerchief with whicheyou ryortedistribution of corec politiCa ters, vice-presidential candidates efftan de. ever it shoould coins it must lie ggpM labirrtimes a man cannot get ridl of thesle lm- theoir teeth they bien at you, misinterpret wipe away your tears-Jr preach him an .r The bueusreain remi-Gvernmvent statisticien ]Reports on bye a iHuinet o-h aosr. di0npe Tefc s h amnfn your motives and would be glad to sere ever present, all SYMPathizing, compa Withe theteegaphic news aocations, GIRL GUEST OF PARIS. . Croire Through the Countr:r. lotry hada rua Its bourse. As te. out that bsesern ty in paira lopion a per-yuust sionate Jesus. How Can you sity away merpltnpapers and the spei Th otleport of the statistician fordes were turning bavk and md$ a DM et f0 a li eutd o ufeigPreuin tn moment from with your griefol Correapodoute. The country journals ene kt t t ae of the Department of Agriculture states more with haim, he trnmied til the re U tharfg ioestn» tor maehmelfeIl for fget No man get& through lire without hav- rao fe ow. u treri han .o a f the pobig, news trugh tuhe Jennie Creek of Marion, Inrd., has r-that as a result of a special investigation with the question, 'Will le aso w#I erweeh.tnso leB o eue n omln.Sm tne come r te rofte taur fren d hae n bedum of the ignread-rnt pubsli- ceived a special invitation fromt the Le-reavetth wner hatcegTeycngohiinptef Ilome of You crouch under à yake, and after you, borned-and husked and froof- pow te to relieve u They wouled very istes adte concefr theh sup- gion of Honor of France to ,attend the plowed up or cut for forage the depart- ment for lanthim they hadtfun ht "e n yo ietedswe hsMoment you ed,. to gore and trample you. And what muh ie othitobtthy anotdirpy"patiate op frthlray-PricEpsiiomet' stant o hearareaiig abttthnthi might rise p a rrowned conquerlor. are you to do? 1 tell you plainly thaet aln uen nes u iancaes theyano cUre prnsadtepaesbigfrihdbaJni resteunder cultivation has beien further re- "The n lathis of toitl Gagishwg.e an ýDrives and perplexed as You haie been who serve Christ must saffer persecuation. gu ikesadrieordabta dtra tfepoe seilyfr irl who Bagged the duced by 1,6,000 acres, thre ares aban- suit» hardiy more sigridet hVIi sarmidsppa ysn oadtl eu.T ea h ti h os iéi h ol o o glory bie to God thrat, he to whom the dis- thant purprose. . gNwYràiie oned, in addition to thlat announced May grain of muistard seed or the Uile nis t hmb rip of death fromt your soul and plant to be able to gay, "I have ot an enemyl onle wnt hasalpwr nh e and Butrcutle ib a botth dprerteau aindot ready-print exress with hier *10, comprising 5i81,000 acres in Ohio, 79,- Paoulr enthusiasmn had rim ltsun,- your uanshackled feet Opon, the - golden In the world." A woe Il pronouniced in onarith, and a ou cairhe wilkbal our la=tter eprdw e'dment" sikitoisg ititle red petticoat ti,000 acres In Michigan, 220,000 acres in reached Its climax, and wanled. eeý throne, Christ let thetortures of the the Bible against the one of whomt every- caai1sada9uth ih iel acecmae ihtedouet S 019 Indiana, 318,000 acres in Illinois and opposition had early been_ aroquaed.jn. 17 9 àbloody mouant transfix himt. With the body speaks Weil. If you are at peace the Presence of an applauding earth and MMl. It la the fuinction of this depart- ond depthe 0, ve'M 448,0 'acres in California. This baringe had continued with a stedil leept a e ofe hieraw croslhe will break down with aln the world and everybody likes a resouanding heaven Will raine our dead. ment, *hich employa a writing and edi- and sayelte ie the area in swinter wheat remainaing unrder intenity., The wonderful teaching hri£ s. the doour of your dungeon. From the you and approves your worký It is be. He 1a mightier than Herod. He ls swoifter torial staff of its own. to compile, priant Of abig Pat ofa c' . ultivation on June 1 down to 27,908,000 authority, and the signe wroughit an1 thorns of his o crown hie will pick |cause you are an idler ln the Lord's vine- than the storrm. He is grander than the and distribute the leaflets, the tracts, the oreignerst he - ceardcinfoateae oni htwresehdbe sse enough geurs to maike your brow, blaze yard and are not doing your duty Al sea. Hie in vanter than eternity. And pamphlets, the handbooks and the posat- bieeld al in Ch the alof 5,240,000 acres. by the waysieo nton ri ri.t eternal victory. In every tear on bis those who have servedt Christ, however every sword of God's omnnipotence will terle which campaign committees invariat- Ward ar Ch i Jil t C- -tuthe redutio grond iep for inth m o l a han y Ilwet cheek, ln every gasha of hie aide, in emainent, all have been maltréated at eafrmtscabranalth byndphpsrgtyosdrofuhcg, e wsbLe fg of aereage by the elimination of all land hearers who had telt the personial w« Il ~~~every, long, blackening mark of lacera- unoe stage of their experience. You know sources of infinity be eiÉhausted rather vast importance. They have a big job Made a member of th ego n of ono entirely abandoned, the condition of win- of Jesus and hadt surrendered to t qr tio fr m shoulder ti shoulder, ln the it wvas; nu in the tie of George White- than that Goad's child shall not be deliv- en hand, as will be teadily understood and reeelived a medal. Ne ong agO lu ter wheat declined dulring -May 6.2 poluits, henceforth to follow where haeh sé -e _ grave shatteving, heaven stormaing death field, when he stood] and invited merl into earedl when hie c .ries to hima to rescue- when it la known that ln 18112 the Re- sending out invitations to roya les and the condition on June 1 being 82.7, lead, whether or .not It should be-lu a it groan, r'hear haira sy, tlimn that cometh the kingdom of God. What did the learna- ubcasptutpwrof1,0,00dtgihdpep e acl ertwhoritito against 8s.9 un May 1: C7.3 on June 1, path of theoir choice. These, howeme aunto me I will In noglse cast out.' ' edi Dr. Johnson say or him? He pro- -= -=r --- sprt gg et-mr than one and virait the Paris fair Fren Wut rne 89;M t the, corresponding date in were the proof that those Monthal hea " -Oh," butý you 8017 "insted Of eering nounced him a miserable mouteban. 1 SOR SEMOS a trdfrveym ,woaanchdrmbr edi JeneCekaln t h 1898, ad a ten-year average of 80.7. been a timie of rewarded toit." . mo d ray wound you want'to Makre aviother How wsas *ft when Robert Hall mutood and re ..ý d lrelinjiinary reports on rthe spring 1 - , il ~woulid-narnely, tirat of Convictioni" 9poke ai 'careely une uninspired man , ·"223"---------..ý"-ýý---ý-,- ---.-,------..ý - When she flaggedi the fast train and wheat acreage indicate a redluction of exLson"suWaing cas the llave you never known a surgeon to come ever did speakt of the glories of heaven ? .prevented its running lnto a burned about 567,000 acres, or 2.9 lier cent, Min- Sea."--Matt. .14: 22-38. ý ou and findl a chronie ßisease and then with And au he stood Sabbath atter Sabbath The Level of Juistice.-Rtegard for bridge with 300 passenagers, rahe was 10 neota, \tisconsir 'and Oregon report a. be shoar, causatic bumn it all out? Sb the preaching on these themes his face kin, self, up to thle level of justIcLe, Io st 1 gers od ae litthoe trantd scoun red""ction of 4 Per (cnr, North Dakota The rofesop."d th. .t. f , Jgrave of God comesi telthe olid nore of sin. diedi with the glory. John Fouter, a as necessaLry a rule of conduct as kind- gir on he*a oefo o and Nebraska of à per cent and Iowa of A college profe'èssor wenlt intan ý It has long beeon rankling therte, but bye Christian man, sali of thais man. "Robert nes tot e neghbor 19s and without ..was near Millgrove, a little station a few ; pier cent. Ini Southi Dakota and Wash- crowded restauran t In New Yr divinegracevtins brned otIthrogh Hal 'isooly actng, an theaiileaonhis suhajusteedemnding elf-asertlonomilesreast f Marin.a o en.h.igton tereeisan inceaseMor1ipercent. or tuneheon ne-hot-dayklst so thesie dres (if conviction, "the flesah comr- face is a reflection of his own vanity.' ul ute eadngsl-setoI. senger wa age party The avnlne igo erge cndaitionrl of pri whet.frcho oneht-afstom P, . ~ing agrain asr the fiesha of a little child." Johnt Wesley turned all England upside witho>ut rig-hteouis resstagnce ci evil, I. treturning homne fromu the World's Fair June 1 wrasevn o 87.3 a spared wieth O1. The negro Ln charge of the Iblicr" i Ilweesnaonegaemc oedonwt hita eom n e h no stable order of soty wll ever ý 1on the train boundi fraim Chicago to New Joue 1, 1a89.a Mnneot falls 104 took the professor's. hat and gave n lmaboundethj." With the 10.000l unpar- puinsters were after haime, and the mroent exist amiong meon.-Rev. Dr. Utter, ,,York. nWhen the train wras na il ot aoa1,SuhDkt 1adcekfri nrtr.A orlt ~~~doned oins of your life, go and tell Jesus. jokes in England weroi perpetrated about UnIversalist, Denver, Colo. . _ grove ad going at sixty miles an hour WViseontsin 9 points below their respec. When thé Profe 'ssor came puti of t1 Imn Th Breadinvitaion. JohnWesley. What 1M true of thec pulpit the engineer saw a little girl standing in tiv ten-year averages. On the other dining -room, the negr glanced at bin Thara niain s true of the pew; it is true of the street; The Church.--No church can expect .ýthe ¯middlle of the track wingtu a smralt hand, the ten-year averages are eiceeded and handed hilm his hat. The megg*, t0o1ý You will never get ridl of your Pins ln it la true of the shrop and the store. AUi to bie enlarged In Its spirtual lire by ..red petticoat as a danger signal.- He re- In Nebraskai, lowa, Oregon and Walshing- ability to remember to whom éeh ri 8 any other way. And remembher that the who will live goilina Christ Jesus muet the enlarged vision of Its mission In .versied his engine and applied the brakes, ton by 15, 1. 4 and 9 points, respectivey ticle of e'lothing belonged struck t bruad Invitation which 1 extend to you suffer persecution. And 1 set fit fown as the worldi unless It shall begin by Pray- which brought the train to a sudden stoap. Thtoarered-raeinasex dd ~ ~~~will not always be extended. King AI- the very worst sign in alleur Christian ing for the enlargedl vision ,and then 22. . A few feet In front of the enigine was a ce thea aere erete inasta ear-b professor as bieing sorneting ei o fred, before modern timrepieces were In- experience if you are, anY of You, atfrtecutisadtenednodbrittett ,wul ha wr ced s 3.9 pe re. Threst len ncea of1 derful. HIow' did you know th]&ia ï e.ventedi, aused to divide the day into three peace with all the world. The religion of w'lhapasbfr ta tloso the train and dent the-passengers and '>rcn i ho 8 e et nIda amy hat?."' hie asked;, "I didn'lat know parts, eighit houre each, and then had Christ is war. It in a challengeto "the Wc apusbfrIls toksutcrew to death. The little girl explainred lie •ceYk3t in Ohoah,"iren was thenn re l"Then why Mdi tir fi~~tree wax candlles, By the timec the first Werld, the flesha and the devil," and if you u1pon the harvest field.-Rev. J. L. Bar. .. a that she had been to aschoo9l and wos com- 9 lier cent in New York, 3per cent In give it toe me?"th poesor. ý Cet~aine hadt barned to the socket eight will buckle on the whole armer of God tron, Congregationalist, Bangor, Me. TIER STirisIctA. ing home wheh she was attractedi by the Pnnsyvafa and Wsonsan 1 g e r on give "Beca ue? yotge i ofe a par 119P,~ h ure ha dl go n, nad when the second y ou Will fin dl a great ot disputing yur Th i h f T -a .God b e pralle -soke fro mr the burumgt bridge. A me- ct In at M insoa T17 hvr g "od- ,it-l B et s O a e ltlaU * c andle had burned to the socket another path between tis and heaven. ouoee Ihemrlcuae the intelleel la the Unte Stte-a a cos fo prnt metltrsehadtewhsl fte ino eight houre h ad gone, and when all the But what are you to do when yo are dfo.temrcurgngOf almost $200 000 and nearly as approachaing trainr. She had seena the rail-. . thtresenadles were gonce out then the day ýassaulted and slandered and abused, as.1 tal Intgiyta nbeIe n mueb mere for distribiution. road employes flag the train% with red mrcn olCepe hnE hadt passed. Oh, thaet some of us, instead suppose nearly all of you have beent ln women to dischafrge the d'utes Of' tu ItL haIbmnyfhuhnt las as h a waigardsit n The fact thant the United Stateins ', > ~of calculating our days ~and nights and youir lire? Go out and but up the allant- day, rather than by thre mere pride of been consiered goodl committee practie with rare presece of mind tore it off and becomne the world's greattest rri yer by -n .atl t-eee mih d. er Oh, no sil man Whil yo aneta opnin for the .motn to su trnlain into ahisont evr ra dow theý trc to- meet the train, o coa an .t a cos of - rodnet.