CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Jun 1900, p. 1

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KE INEPENDENT, Volâ VIII. No. 38, Libertyville. Lake County, llinois.,*Friday, June 29, 1900. ý$1.50 a Year in Advjio*. Do you wa nt a. pair for the 4th?, $400, and up. llow0would a nice Skeleton Coat and Vot suit yoîu for hot weather? We cao pleas you in fit, finish and price. N egligiee Shirts are now in order. Our lin% is complete. SANBORN &CO,., Tallors and ilaberdashers. aly 8191, 3' onora Sud Paril souci: ne. Pment$s,, hlues. i viii li Stant and tevameat Llherty. Ve; D.FI. typbaf i lit vita bomue -la id friands e obarge elanil lot ahi 0114 Sud ouled île ase ai matis b .d Dt l.a as i 0le eaed ai Cera ha aploye ýe homl yd la ai: loveb e. laorateg ad ai aimeint etibed Dir. Chartes Galloway. Office over Loveli'sD)rug Store -Moga seniaog 8 à,»AI)iTo # r. M. Llbertyville.-Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Tayior's. -XanIaI- 1 7 to 10 a. M. 2 o 4 50(1 . to s P. M. aiadence on Broadway oppoite Pari Libertyville, Illinois. DrH. 0. B. YOUNG. . Physiclan -and Surgeon. B55115B501OrPouITELEEMAnStLMme». êune-- -- ----Illinos. Dr. E. H. Smith, CENTIST. office over Lake County Bank ore: stol2a.W. ardito6p. o. DAII' Libertyville, fil. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Atorney and Connsellor aiLav. NoTAr^Y PUBLIC UrPieWinU LAME Corn'?TBN. LibertYVille, Illinois. BIENJAMIN H. MILLIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LrarRTryviLt.c - ILLINOIS. scBANCI »Lori. W&t."Ko$~D TO T(ICP#NOwE NO. â4. aSUocs 05(8CirtQ MAX LE BEAU, ....Fine Cigars . . Trobaccos sud Smuokerd' MsterWse CGaa Visolesalema dRe"ai LISEAYVI(E - LLINOIS. WNIBcHT, DYMONO & Co, Lb.rnyviue, uulîrlois. Issues I "ý N igCertifi- ,estes P&yuale on Demand. Timothy, Clovrer, Millet. 1 Hunigarlan, Red TOP, * Blue Grass, Ardu Ail. JNOS 00, FUIE Field &Lawn Grass Seeds -ALQ50 Seed Corn & Fodder Corn CIALI3 MPLE, LonigOov, Illinois. - Libertyville. 111.1 E WA U KE GGA N. Golneset M5 easimmr MMeat m*"ie.e »a ,rSeir. Tise ratification meeting ai tle Opera Baume Saturday nigîht Wva lsîîiag openiug ai tle csnpaIgn ai 1900. About 410 vere prngantu laclud- ing a lurge nunber oaInldies. 19 vas au enthu-laatC audienlce viia cleered the Dnmes oa ieMKinley, Baoeeveli ansd Lincoln. Bloquae apasiarspald trilsuto ta a encesef . administratian sud urgen taRpuhîl. caps ta support tise Domiiie»ai tise ticket. Pstuicki lnley, the aidait tosident ai Laie Conu su d aue of île very fflmsisttîl sati, died as isl.humo on Lincolin avenue Wedueeday ai las& ,soec. Bise goin net ¶xacili maya but it toi belled bi relatives lIai le las pasad tise camsinrY mati. fils wîfe, Who survives 510, te sien aup- poeetd ta lieuer tle ceniory mari sud it le believed bore tisai vere 1the oIdemt couple lu tle entire 314W0 A pcular tat about tle latter la tisat dsrlng lber long tesidance lu Aluerica aise neyer nsateted tisa Eng- liait tangue sud taday canna IMeIL a word ofif1. île i rstise feebla bat converses witb ber relatives la île tangua aoflier native Isusi, lreland. 'lise Altînsal AsSolation o1 île Wauiegan Rugi s lbool bl t10s&ix- teentis snnuai banquet lautse ap- tint cliurch parlots Saturiay, aven- lng. The attendsllco Vas inlly as large as lu previona joans and thse avent wa o1 equal anJOinseut as lie ps edeceanots. i)nnng îhe evaaing mualeaws uraisiasiby MissBe"s Bidilecons, plana, 'MissClar arnea., violin, andi WiIam SaCnim .clu.ý fouette. At 9:10 oclaci tle guaste vota natai a& tise landeoniali decor- ated tables and psrtok 0as emPtuouâ menu, viiciwvasprepsred and .erved isy tise BapU&bsi Ges. Tise uewly ele-StOo oMers ara: cliartle omor King. '91, Preeldent. Dora, Divan, '91, Vice Prasident. W. L. Bhoae.96, tlectisy. B elle Dormets, lue, Tregarer. Elocutîve Consnsttee: Airs. I<barge Cathart, '81. Belle limlh, 'Ou. Lea Wiarêl, '6. mite leigley. '985. W iil i nsu, '97. Are tIC lest 4»4 la twise insrua me cisepeat. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteedi for five yeVjs. Ilepairlugdoue atuiret oies. shape. A nevly prepared top dreseunseUd $bat maie aId walis erli as Roud am asprepereo ta bulld Portland cementi aldewalka, ourle or gutters. Prices alwvays Reasonable. vili s iong ile main entrance. las f11e vaythle ilght vii l le odireoli in front ai île junge nOT the attorneys. A doot vilIlbcnt Sîrougi t!se veui hall leadiug irons île nev jury bq! tu tiselo7t tontaitheveot, titut iuanlg tha jury easy aceas tth (e roons. Splritualiota Coming. ThoIlîlinois State Spiritualiué Camp meeting Asocation vîlI open ils second aeason et Deep Laka,uer Laie Villa, coooenchug Jnly itis, sud coslug Bapiamiset lat. A lurge nunm- bot ai excellenti speaier% mnd phono- menai mediama lave been securai and vîll parilpaelu tise varilif meotiluidurlng île campsesiau. No Ban on 25 ]Ride Ticket,. Tise questionuofaimnstini commuta- tion tiokois a cîhle o actuel pur. clers ouI! vas &gainunuder coisidots- tiln îy general pesseauget agents of ,western toada .liaChloago liaturday.' A majority ilougbt lu vould b eunvise ta maie a olaunge la viev ai île alea- ii lliotnsgcompalitihn ai elacîlo ronds. lévas olsimedat lthîe limita- tics or savnue luprie aif commusia- itou tio*@is vali greatly teduoe île revenue irom »abwihen isu 4ee ad belp Duabody excepi a fov cauntry morolsalte. Muionos Nova Comi Bittal fuieWv tag for brmaac tse bug ______ - ~ -WM. BELL.but 4th et llenteloe Park. §no 2 Be-i At ient-loPark, lHall Day, pii le me Sauiu LocK ,Eiln, 1ilIliis. piti reniai heud île ,-odenuiîal alebratloki ulcér- - - a.~ aid g4oule 1juirM. Gnons, sparte-, A DayLate. etmum datcuuc1ian ln mnination sud 116- Toenable ouiprinseis ta ceeîrato îp0hIa vous fiatise eveinug viil e eon tise on h 1v ili ho nocoaaesry Sa gtqacîlan. le ts pu l4eçl place la une-le 11<11 IIPRPI"xxEIIV 011(444Ylai (0. B. spen o 'orFaonrt. * nutuai. Ngovever. printots ane voni _______________ ése o UIhonldalbste %«W. az au from nt'D. . B.Crea tas, 1. T. H R is Beti i buasourei tira. Brovisroaisea- biols las causesi lot greal suifer- r lests. Terrible *ores vauli ont on 1er leisaii udface, snd wet docors canli gîte no iselp; îov lber 1mai11 len excellent.". wic Bittera le île lest hlaad lr nain. IVthîe suprae dy for Bassins, tettin, sai t heuns, m -bottesSud ronnIngB ates. Il claiesliver,idney sud-bovele, lpolaonseblpà digestion. belIas » atreusguii. 0417 50 ceuae. So il . L<u'ruî, Libeatle, Tuseaw rayeale. (iii Settiors Die. James stoant, oof tihîe very idait setilra af Lake Ooisti, died a& his homo lu GurneabSundaî ai oon. Y»i- oral srvices vota 1uSd Teday moru- lng ai 10:30 O'lo* vithis ntormant la Warrens cemtei. Mir. Staut lahaît4àlnlsLake *Cauuty la tle vlinily of Gurne, for about 60 7yaar sud vas vOl Inowunthrougtout tle caupty. . iaevas 79 ylestfap fagedsu ldbeau aillng far Maie tise, a airoke et pst. alysie isaSeiulat»Cend. TIare aurvivea Mg. Staut tvoa cliii. tan; tirs. luIe, sud ti». Chie. fiirr, île lattert intg ived wyul bot patents. INYLutTNlklATaMai PASSES AWA. Manday alght ai lits home near Vais- Worh, occured tise ath af Johis Alcoci aise of le est kuoovu mi- dents andl tlueutiaifarmer@ ai Laie vas ai wuofforelgu bts and vas bora May. 11, 1829. Hecea ta Ansoica la 1849 aMd ta Laie (louni ty lu 1865. lie blved an the fara near Wdvatth for tirty-oîse yeara He vas maMrel tice, and leste eleven caldren. The fanerai wvas ld Thnraday after- isoan ai 2 oclock. 13IEAU J. fOSN Tise Cicago pdperî oi slt" eonaned nOUes « tise deatl ai Hirsa la Session This Wee11 at Wauke. anHgs Sciool. Tho Lae County Teacbet Insti- tuie log"ia as nnual ession st îhe centraline 1 oa mndarinmring aud yuil close to-day.m About unisetî tesebers e otain attofld-i suce Manday a"i theiselusiilte las beu a uoe uoeaul a na. The progra. oacI dY vas m follova: PV,2. MOllE! fi-Snuale. amIEmZSAN CUCLE. WpO-.49 ArtimneUa., ras :26 Engilal. ir.0-10:80 Ooography. rw-zUrd Poitical Ewomy. 8:0--4:14 Pbysilagy. îosoIIiBn bon. 2:0-2:30 Prficr, Wori. 8:045Prfimay Work. Tueday 127 tieIare ver, lu attend- suce. Thsom eurolied op 40 Tunday atletuaon auteide af wankegaswm vu: Cblesep-Helen Ml.Thompsn OIl 1e10o-. Miliur-Jenule (isleWer. Wm. M. Bonner. Amase L. MaOredie. Fiarenue S lMarris. Vivien L. Bouer. aosie.Lucas. Waooa-oraee Maille. Jealel L. Gren. marbella MoulteD. smanusA. Woeh. Cathierine Freund, Jaunie Sengott EMatous )L Girae. han Fr.-ad& PriselaDevtL. Editb Trumboli. Daisy rOvelci. Nom L Ger,. 0. DOIla 5.11h. lvsnboe-garret Brainard. LUJIaDPayne. (iurne-Emma E. Studer. Belee Allen.- Taylor rov .-liazeil. Mddy. Laie Bloli-marai J. Whtll. Bavouswood-O. EIL(jummffa. Bavlua-Wo. (.J Meluzie. prairie Vie-J. Wright Vauplev. Jmunie Mitchell. FIlarIE. spraffue. Wdsvorth-Francla A. Ootelo. Jeu Y.j Biail Da4y-J. C. Sohroeder. Frank dohroe&rr. Fo.s-Ann&Ua'Dovd. iliiahwood-Dolla itovad Maos. Looln LAte-Bara 0.obleellai. Fort.BleridA-FUneiU a. Sweemey. Bighi ais'rk-LIU"iaF. Russeoll. E. Emlly Obse. Blia J1. Mîspard. voo-JaIsDie Wto. Geora . Douglas. Fort BlU1-myrtie <. Payne.. Boudout-OGrbS Bradley. Wrrentaa rove-Jonnie G. FinneY. Maine Carroll. LibertyvUWieOaMotColy. Waitr Bond. Glenooe-FrouLdeE.Mise. Diamond Lae-Tllie . Bouse. BtOila Maison. Lake Fomit-Anua Johnsou. Helen Nie- nnyer. Laie VUI*i-Mahel ]Richardson. uuoel-Sassuel B. 90il.J&&.M. IL ess1on. Brinatoss-Nelli M. Doiea. Aima Sr$*Iadea. . Deteld-I mm aael Fritsch. Narme A. VoIler. ERade Ver.snoie. i(vertt-Aisna Von,. maryIl. Dawsou. Freinnt cetre-Mstha Frederi ci,. Antloc-Lýottte M. M5y<IcS. Della . lilerwood. Long Grove--I.L . Grisa. Glilme-Les B. Morse. Iniprovemeiste tu Court ]on- Clairman Baver ai1ltae SapetVISOre building consmittee hlels0charg of extensive inpovumnantsansd changea nov in progre staitlie court houas la tle circui court roaas. For jeara thse por ligitiug ai tle big nu rbou asbeau asource aofuaOy- suce ta the judgos and acoordingly tle changeasaemada wyula ,lvie taoOb vlating 1h15 trouble. Tise jadge-g besI lteInsueta be placed ai tise vest ofdoof the rtanud lo EpWortis Lengue Couventlois. Tishe ni-sunual conventiaa ofthîe sub.istlitcEpuart Is fLeWittU l halai ai Libartyville a. a. clutol next SMautdsy atarnoo ndoi venlng. Au excellant piograutns sb ea pre. pareai hy ofilicers ar tle snb.dlstrlct sud napper vilIl b etiruhd bY thi local Epvorî Lague sud SaaolaY af Cîrisilau Endesvor. mil (. E. soclallea urgad ta attend. Ope0niug at Dlamoud Park. The opouiug dance i Dlamaad Purk, DlansassiLaie, OSaariai nigît vas veili attuded. Mn. Tailler Vea dimep- pointielqcsuae 0 tIse -fallut. ai ivO 0110550 mualolana ta S-ive, but nevetibese the dancers amaein t n- joy the nov psvIllon nan, tisna asd *il prononnced île i- r .axeat.' Ft iexi Baturday Dnfgbt Mauager Tatilerlas egaged Cisicaga mualolan vio. le la oanfdent vili not dlssP- point Il, and nt) doubi a good rovi wile bhon audis. Cane Clair@ Remted. If yau vias toavse your cane chairs roeb or ta p!isse a durable band msde hawmmock you elu do ne, letter tlsu ta cousult ora sre . i. E.Payne., Ivauhoe, 111. Satisfactioa guuanutsi. Won caled for aiddelîverai. A Monter Devil Fiais Dettaying lis tictîns, la a type ai iouastiptiou. The paot of illa mai. adjit foisehton organe. nattMsmuscle. andIbrlu'. fButiDr. Kînga liev Lie Pille are asaeeand certain cure. fini lu îlevlà for a ema, l drii na#msd"%rem. O84n stsa y. Ea. LOw&Ur.Lbhhtvls<0. a. The WaukegauePox Lake andi Aeoomdlag ta Wauiagaapapertise prooaedeletria rmsitroua th"ai au to Fox Lake la nov msu niabhb At 1lole hst Bâaruda" atternoon île projectaca moi, pureote au. eta 8. D. Tlbotis oUa. inWauiagpn sud tise folloving vera elacetaita cou stutuée 4" eboard ai dirootos: ILE. O. ysu . B.fsooit J. M. am A. W. BravaS D. T. Webb1 Tise bout vas lmmedistely organ. lied b eiemulg tisaolloing mse oSa- lais:' IL . WY». ,P-"14'ni J. M. Gray, vis .preahist. D. T. Web% sasmeati. 8. D. Talacaý t, uasse. Tisa rsmaindar 0f tbe »"daon vas [devi*sd se dimmlon outhîe project Mud iumblaiingtise eerry vitis roferenas ttisa hiaamedsie pragresa ai tise vagi. Thee ying 09 tise rosi lta loe doua at i«e. Outy Burveyer Au- daison i iin thîe poprelimeus snd vue axpafai Sa ben Misevomik àgMa. Tis.lata"udmeilng of prou. iii l e by s prouaiSesm egin- set visas.erviasa bave 1bieirasd itla s ipseted tisai île psmimre viiileoomplied by ooldmatbet. Woodusu'.Pieute jniy 4t1. Au avent viieb promisses ta lesun. praeidmetd ltiese ocial hingoty ef la" eConu viiih le tIceornd AnnualPieute oi theiHoAiM eagisi sud Rodais Woodm, vhlvli le ld nt Dbmuond Laie ou July 48h. The Pieute Assoilaiio, ubiaistaesont- Poadtorf rpm.tativa Cempe iront ail paite t tisa onaiy, blauen o. log ad over isheya, maklg arragement. o le f e*&i sd tisate Ilu Do AoUht Obai tisepi«alenul leoUes ai the graateei*vaehd tise Couity. The Arrangemwent Coinustie. ism aimed Sa protide teite. tisaivill prove attractve teai. lases ci peoplo, sud a glaisce ove tise pregrasa ili oopvfnoe île uamt i cpiâla»ti it bas suoooedsd Llb«tjyvllo Dnéd, ittisa Vanonda Drtuà Ca"m mps l eountisegrocade sil der té a m usmute, vIlleOb sa orete afroua Chicago bae beau sn- gagel ta tuab Maiselofoi tise doa.a ing, viai vlehmejoyei ou a Iié, uev pavillon. TIC Bai. Mr. @Oue, ai Wauaoondo, oneo f tsdm Séomatoma la the ooaty, bas beau moeured sa oratar ai tise day, sud bis dmis Ii le supplmuaeted h suait speeches trx amoter pomasut Voodmmansd Rloyal ilelgbore. The lamsous Appolo Quartette ai Wausigaa sud tisa Ivanloo Baye Qurtette lave bots beau mseoutaifor the oaoaalob. Mis Petuis, oi Deuidold, on uftile Couatys mntpiasalng sicoutionlte viii ."me le presmisi aouëtbaeone or tva numbets a t te promrim. la île stier. IIooD tthevilii le acupeitive drl- lelveen vuitorm.d Fereotor Tansa gaule ai basebaill etusentise aoil chîceg ansd (tuinnsClubs,.said varionsrtan d gains. luluding s Su$-o.var botenu WoodmauCamps. Ail ile local atrangemmate are betag made by Ivsuhae camp sud erî. doua ta pravidle foras day utpofct .»JOYMet. VWhite the picute te Sate nuderthtie aspio 0f tla-Voodmen sai Lyal Negîloti. everyane vilil e velome, sudt le antlclpatedi tas e ai vii vn ita oua ai île gratent ouîpoutingsof Laie Couuty people îlat las oyez occatei. let aeryat a ULaie COUBSyarrsisg. te le si IliUsou$L 1*10onUJUIyFtI sud tais part lu a genuide olJah. louael mbettol. . Geta Morse Stoien s Yesr Ago. Basiersofitîe lExiErp ISSUvii ramemben su amant ltissai ècolsu aith île t ot f a lors. sud buggy Jume M3,899, irons W m. Lemier et Olamoni Laie. Tise rig vas tiaeed asmtrn imi payrvisera a11 tiaci of h vas lent. Ou. dey hat veoi Frd ai Lhmàn, or Diamond laie vas dtving pasi OutoismaePolot sd reoogniami a borne and buggy bitisediltheeas tir. Lemior'e. Vedamada in comptai viîl xr, Lemie le WvauteSa Doa- ORIGINAL DISIONS!, RKASONABLIC Pfi4I LARGIE ASSONTMKNltl Are rouons for Our Millum y Sucess. Trimm.d Hats, $150 to .................. $15 00mml New 5.11w,,.35c tb.............2 00 t" Châldre.'. Hata an endiguavaiety. 20C ta.. 3 50 assit A MILLINEW'S NCROLE ON A TRIMMES NNT Buy o01 -~ SEE THE NEW LADYSMITH SHAPE. Houat CaTASeLISi.ED nov. *se le«. 1Wx»A -K2GAN, ILLINOIS. TELEPHOUNO Buùggies.. SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICS] sy buggies «by the carload lotspot cash md taMmg van dta bm urload ie&u=mmMd aaving a"*t» doUis frekgtPer tlg. pou mlina pet"o t. o "buggies3t the mmn Boad Wagons for......................... .$30.00 bo Top Buggies for........................ Surrepe for ............................. . o.o PhtwonB for .................................$750 t 1S Thea g"ods e M& .by -om 01lb.elduat uggaru ii emohry, aMd v Put etsatrSsoeg a guitsm à= imm gaym ed0à maMantmarmm mlin, t mm. Ve ads bave on bmmd a lara-tai m& alveeat elng ai ing-hay tain, mwmwusmd bàdiss, anstib%",4 a Mq ad ma lk 8 wqs cebhs, pa" 1 .aid o&M gas, e4 air LiSERTYVILE, ILL. Shat Meali Nets, 75c M ..a.....d.. 0"acStMa Nets, bory and bet.............. 125 RoudLtbeNet&,bodyamd bgoa, 40 kgb.10 n n n n n 50o 17S n n n n n n 60 '-à .200 Celefrstd Vaner Team Nets& peu pair FIy Hans Covem ............... . s stable mts ............................... 7s Extra good bar&a"* a. dck stable sheet....... 00 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF- -*.%-LAP DUSTERSe-a- My stock is- complote and'those whoP0 chase earlyaget the benefit of' -a lamge assortment to select from. ai*ri LIBERTYVILLE,- - lu looation thea stalea ,pbopefty vida vas lu possession 09 a ocustabla viso explsined tisa It lad boom télibéréate9 Yser NM0 under tise abutaI e*"aïsd vua diacovered by the miutas viw tuarnedil over t t h..- Failisngo sud -- au auner le bought h ai a smle providel ta uisbase..for 110.ý The contable lad juiexpandai SU lua repars »pou tise buggy snd Mr. Lemier Sld i shao ould ieeëp à but he wooltaice lhe, mesud baratin. This vm Uatory and th otée la IIoW tu Et.,Leiar'a posaseson. Topic Carda. w. ore propsredlto.riu 0 . £.topieo cardin Mîe .0.5approvai faim sud atilovasi POMaible piles. bbbumav UmIXiD~Nulle& REC< Kaiser Bloek., - - 1 1 J. Thiomsons, Who vas veli inovu ta tise centrab portion <ai Lake Coty., eapetalta thlu l Wtelly of Ivuhoe1 vbere lie baoyh"dala veto spent. His parents setiliedtIare tai a mi1 dey. la iliran' boyhood hle father died and hiesmolle, narrled a Mr. Hae, ai tis"i100"yit»At île @go 01 elgîteon Bitaam*Mtte Chilcago sud fra a utuber oi juan, vascanuooied yul s ploiogtspis sSly bouse. Lai. ne omareiaibnesfor hlmmeli. He use lllfty-mse5fyeurs of aue 4t tle usme of lie imatis. Te aprove Piotukee. The Pisiaie ss Fox Laie Ins. pravemalsl Association recently bald a meeting ai nmiasla Botel. Fox Laie. The maté«of ai cttlug tise veedalu îe beymSd lake vas laiteon Upan su&IBOls ~ga ledb wviici ld ba 41illsuppuaedly for aantari purbi>,,va diacussai. A albore dtive aolisiPitaise Bay vas ptaposed sud mo4i vUh very favorable comment. lShouli tSuis le dosa mm cotagers sud viastôrs vai db. aftor dadaS ltd..lpasaume. 'Y* building oiadamal hiI.plaS wuva .o0uniet adoiemeut. Anotier umeeting vii le held la Chicago ai vi lotise propaeed plane vii le matured. lectric Moud for Mfeenry. Frida aif IsM veet theo@racry rvof Otiaei mued a liceune ai Incorporation ta île Illinois A Wisconsin ttslload compsany t a capital stock of $100000. Theroaed la t lie conattuoted irons Montea, Grandy CoIIIty, Ili., nonsh- yatrd %braugl tise connile sf Grundy, Kendall, Latialle and DOeK a i yca. more, DeKalb county, lai., thenoe noril tIrought tihe coeutieu of DeKalb snd McBeury ta a point an tise Ilinlois and Wisconinluotate lino uer île mid. die on tise nons bonndary of Mllhn ry Coisty, Ill., thence norèbtistrangi îhe cauzéiy ai Walworth, Vis., ta Lake Geneva lu Wlwortis Conty, Wis., yulh, a branel train thse main lins lts the conty ai Dolialb tu thse ciy ai DeKal laid canqty, yulh a brancl ifrons-tise manin luMenour u ,ai tlrougl thse oouniy a of e nry taeîl etty of Belvîdere lu BounefCouaiy, IlI, vush branches ta Joiet sud aii. --b

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