CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Jun 1900, p. 2

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a Rooevelt 0. 0. P. kffleanem BY AGLÂ14 ,*wet the CeceulisVsunaly -' Cosi fwn Dth Camilates *gg.aker Fe-eents tihe Nause of the eMtdde*tte Secceeti Hiosel4 asnd ladi Itoug et Ialea iota aGoy- *gww, eoevet - Pilailteia As- 40«ii5sueCotapietes lie Wori Auid *ai eiilunstrations. $bbdphila mrrespoidnce: XsK.laîley anti Roosevet le the Republi- ;îS Ocket aasedtiby tu, national COn- sate, Tlunstis'. Tiie nominations veme ~S~i.The onmcl iannoupcementa Cbahulm Loige er. tolomwetib>' a OA** vldo: wîtneaseti, ant Inlupoint of ÎOd-neyer surpasset b>' an>' ne- 0ga atirng etittie part. Thse dem- in#**ousboe.&Il tue detals of stan' m0 it aving standards et States Md ILProcession et delegates, mlilci IN" telseateilenal hem excteg detaili, -É for even fiteen minutes reigneti a Sault et tue vildest ciaracter. a mss &]mnIil o'cloc Wednstay ebft thm atvance guard efthte great an-i Ur et vistora cromea tte Schuylkil anti WoUdeei' the door. efthtueconvention hall. bnwl rend lel tomandthte tpei emcilag«a '4geeê tise pple savàmetithithar.t 'MtbliP entrnceett tua hall,9 ~M$e1e tie ie ss aalitbé.e-t *Ïqu.sgii ti. u &aprtrei & lemeti aeeaisaugiy, gratiay oven anti blttlug ot tue great of tnmpatet pin citais.. # tifS occ, mien the conventione éïý'bflto ortier by Temporary Chiair-b %tI*ë tii.ù bandi played "The Star- t tomtet B ' ii a" thi.e rerd aroete0 d.sont. During the prayer by IL. aa lM ell seven tisiegatea W* WMbéés Oat te bitfi of tue Reput>- tW* purte n18M6marcise tutesechair- 1 W$Js Vilttoninmwag a tedtiflag, bear- TIfbooo, e~ IV Iw - ý ' nounry eta tsef mîtu sepenslhhlities mmic i ttinet exist betor. Tt la steteti tuat tise responsibilitis must be met anti commenda tiie ceuu v mich PEai- dent McKinley hbu nô tar purseet u tue matten. Ponte Bice la groupet i mti the Philippines lu tue general atitement tuat the BepubIîcan part>' la la lavor ct uv- lag boh iicutnîres thei. net measre eehf-'gmernomaet tua< it lademeutatj tii hnbilta sare c=a ornq*a Tsn psepcsed cana t& osÈe > iAta tiem a Pouaclie oceana là ale! ' F~ m" ecanalluin orer te aveu hblntng tii. part? te eltiier the Nicaragua or Paa mna route, ami ativocates tue building et. sucii n cansl mien tise route là determin- e8. ly tue United States, saiti canal te h. "operateti, oet, coutrolieti anti pro- tected' by "bIsGovernmnt Ti* pkpk on the labor question ativocates suri leg-, lalatien as mli secune tha greatesi ansount et emplejinent at the. hest mages, anti ta'ors soins plaet anitmation ou laber disputes. Ooavict talion le deeoiinc- ed. A plank in aise laceeperatedti avo- ticdumm hbI~tu ave usuali>' been, et soe biwewal mlport. sncb as Woodi trom.tue rail miilch Lincoln apit; voodi trou tree aroxSul Wasliagton'a tomb on Jetfersou'a- reltihel epmrofrinAlaska or places tions lamatiiascalumet. Or th" ?have bisaeoretWoiobler metals, af siver ln sev- el Matsces. Thi imé the. Rhed. lai- sud deleçailon preseutedt te ichairnaen tiroel"Dliste Childt, a gavel matie of 'Iaemp. il*Ib avers osamentai place of wonblaubl anti slabirengrae&theti orummti w on swsabçilalegtic Mte,- leut !C eeît tie clalma'taeetr>'anti thie cllavents la th ii tr> et Rhode (Ireater DispslayorfBanting thanasu . Four-Tuas..Aguii Piladelphie pet ber foot ferenti anti get an ler ineat loue, iti the re- suit tuat ah. net oui>' siiometi asmecu tiecratien as any convention clty ever sioweti, but it mas tiecoratuen et the pret- &i0e -mOn«. the Injureti. Prlngey s4 Blal hbave brekenà legs. Dr. Caudean et Tex"s hlidan amnanti Ieg broien. &ialg bëen th»nn et efthtie elevter as' the elevetor tell., SBTIBR» DaitTUE MUSlic. 1egatee Ut*4 Wl"le "Tii. tar-@ea- sied DaMner"le Pl&"e&i Just ber. the convention mas eMtle te order the banibroe in te tii sIri etaians 9t thei. taSpatip ed Bsnmur' Gev. Boceelt mwuthe fint on bhée test l i.m tpee i.the.national athem. Bi. rougi rier bat "mre ot! anti' ho ti vitu bosnd eneoverei.liistantly them mil. convention rose an manne. Ten thon- sund people tooti ville tii. tlrring tir was playe ansd applautiet Il mith a ci.., as tua> teck thaîr seat,. Eellent esrse Facilliiee. The. pres, lieit alt, iras meil loueet lu sections dlstnbutet Inl ithue ofa semicircle. adjacent te lie speakers plat' OPENINGO0F THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN PIIILADELPIIIA. jw1~ 's,- r rI's --.iggw 1 ' f c 1 1, MO te;1856 on a streamer attaclied1 Và GIY. M3,usd 09 .standard bhas-i n0 u atoegnàrla esrryng tua ban-j '#£tbe 0Vibuent Association. senatons in su amet tic disulnguI"eti , = .W.tnh, t.& eatilu dg torvard-40 Chaiu8au Welctt'a L Vd théIii r ns a signal for à ap- Thoeuovenion cbem'st, dele- Min ud nt aaveil tbein hats andthte t4u - skept lua ight--t tis'dené- H*#*bs jectators whiiithe, baud play- ,àmweIe" This was tue igualfor Mid anthunianun. The iiainen bore1 bleati "-Nationai Freinent ÂAocia-t au « epublican Clubs et Pittimbnng."1 MMs incident over. the ciiairmaîi recog-( ksý Blepsaenattivc hereni E . Pveyneret w Yok. chaimman oethtie comnaltee, ir'entill, Whso moiitedth îe platterm l I rend tue exhaustive eport of thei moittet. Tii, settlement ofthte Dema-1 Ie contact in tenon etf "Gaz" Adicks, 5ounCetib>' the chirtoan, iras greeteti ~ enadenable apideose frein tie WOUi of the Delairen, oud. [n bc- It f tiheinSiority et tise delerates froin w York in. lPayne aslod tii, prenions wotion andthte motion prevaileti. Chair- an Welcott put tie motion ton adoption Iii.* report. Tiihis upsseti sithout étouting voice.,Tise convention, wni,-ti' 4 cat eit releveti ne thus qîici dia' OWmet tue contesta igniied t. is p- ie mitb applause. Oàs. Grfnvenon of Obio, cbaîrnaiuor a ýeimîttee on permntuent organisa- wi6 thm. resentedt Iar ceuittee'c ne- ci, This report me»siept tiroegh his a mhlrl. Heuir>' Cabot Lotir,. Unit- t Ilnhe, Senator trom Mtassachsusetts, es ilepermannent ebaînsunu o! tue ,,iie.Seaor L»ge mae a sciol- ..saubIiaceptn'tue savel fron Saler olcott mo r uirt stempo- abgearnian.Charles, W. Johiston ot àeMista succeededti u tiihecreetar>'- oeeleutiecomnventon adl- ti' 10 o'eosk Tiersdey more- action wmec tai-n wihen the sioeft redciieti as tise cal et r ominations ton Pregideot. t tenilers mer, emsngetialmeat bmment " lbpîtfürmu& nt 0 9th ti*cdeentials il md ules 4Ibemever. bat been adopted. lu*. Fltter..., up tieeareagainut improper t masentucmbînatione 0fi Ut"emi lqpte extension et mgaslnenance of tue geiti ~SaMup.. 'A 'plani e plrty .gie ba enieepeet 1p J'ete McS aolurge tI:wit-e-le.. -- as he.dL. Ing legisiatien wiilcii voulti tend te au, teusion oethte marchant marine Intere et the, United States. fi>mpathy la, pressei for the Boeir., andthte pr.: situation la China la reternedtoIneluap agrapii suggestiusg It te Le tise dut>'ofet Unted Sftates te pnotect tue Inteneste Ils ctizeus uierever tue> me>' be, TMRURSDAX'S SEfSION. It was-neaniy fe~mnt.atr-1 schetiuled time ton begiutfing mien I eter LQdge neketi ton quiet muile A. bisisop Ryanu lvoUeti divin, blecinî tic convention. Af ten the ful report the cornmitteeu ulesiras adopt ('hairmnan Lotit, annutunce t tit tic ti entier ot business mas the nomination Pre.,ideut, anti calleti on Alabama.' State j icidedt teOhioanti SeinetonFo ker phimîstiMn. Mctiniey'e naine LeI tic convention iluaa s)eetu which tnas( oef the greateet onatorical effortsat wiehl-kiiown speaker lias aven matie. mas epeatetil>'iuterpteti b>'tic pli rtc e! hua audience ad *t the coticlus et is etidresn thine esaa mv, et Plause that requireel ten minutes ta ide, Gev. Roosevelt, lhe choir, for e lresient. secondedt ie'neminîttion lu onatoical effort. whiimh ceptureel.-tiee venion, Beiscior Foncier masaio lemeti b>' JehsOW. Terkes et Kentue George K lghl ef Caliternin anti G Mouni 'of Indiana. Tien'tii, telega isicanie restive anti espoudingtot the Cltereus demanda eenatôr Lotige orti tic nol-raîl, milcireenltinlu veryy Leisg ces* orMcKinley'. Gev. Rii evlit Nan. Tien cameithe rail ton nomintion Vice-Pneeiitnîanti' Col.Late Tonal tom&adatvancedti thte platferm. witiitrm the, nDame of Dolliver ant i ringing speech plat-ed Gev. Boonese Deme etoethe ovnttin Thse $ce ittandlug tise raunto tPreu mR1siqeY e-e cteti itb etint titsusm.XGe7.Rooeelt esounmredt thie nomination iras se Ctcntnneous isuilti net tecline, set hee lu a brie! » ruentacecepteelthe no»uiotlon o Prt-sident. Pri:sideni McKiley recevedt te em 92911votes, wible itooseveltt aek#dc one Orf!tuai nunuber anetthet becani biinua-lf retusedtiebavé bis billet tem Pd-. Commîitteas mereiappeln3ted tel tLh' nomineca. anti at'2:» oecloek ti&c "etien et 1)00 djourneà nine Aie. USEI A BRONZE GAVI.L lihode lisai Degâtlmou'Il%,,, teor Lodg. " Wheis tisepermanent dciaiuo: convention, Senatoreur In> bot la e ttébwý amhuttasoeuàdnjel ic'pat a sarprise mW« ln store ter, i... pnqf e "@muai% mo uà,. etautrei resta 1ex- pan- tbe su et the- Sen Lrci' Kon rt et pted, net t on This rora- fore on, tnt sud' isien av- moi- eice- s an con- toI- Ic',-. Iltienleid. Cheatant atreet and Bread street were masses of colors ftrop the sldewahku te the rbol f he i.buildIngs. Ti. dlaPlai et electrie light decoatio.. iras even grenter. It la claimed, thue i displar that Chicago gave the Democratle convention In 1890 pret. Lois thé Fe. pubikan convntion in 7mai. N early aIl of the mate atreets oetho ibmty showed tasteful decorationa _le grent Photographera Ylxed Eymry Detal of the ConvçÉteu.' Every aspect of the convention andi the asemblage has bee preserve i ft tie cameras have net faleti. Every move- ment ef Chalrinan Banna vas registereti Ontbe dolicate plates. Whenti.'vaem- hie chaplain, in the robes of hie churuli, a rose te pronounce the. invocation, the mad hind the. camera bad flt machine traineti upon hil 1ke a gn. Durlng the, dellrery of Temporary Charnian. Wol- cett'at speech tiiere, werie cameras direct- cd at the, delegateis andi acre.. the conven- tion hall et, the people ln the gallerlea. iThree cameras ili business durlng every heur ofthle opeeng ssesaion et the. veuven- tie. Wiien tii nsemble et ii.bail a tenur. The. correspondent. ver. vithin ?easy aseema te the tunnels whmci led tu a« Immense roomed space hack eoftthe stage. Ber, mere the. quarter, et the telegrapli lInes and et the messeuger service. Pages andi mesoengers vere at hanti at mvery., moment. Imaxe eof0e,. Paul Krugev. t »of te i.delegates tte iconvention trmm biebigan il theiutagn et Ou Paul .Kruger of the Transvaal. Bis, name là W. H. C. Mitchell, and h. le 75 years oli. He lias neyer been in Philadelphie but once before.'That; vas In 1858, when be cerne te attend a convention etrtthe American party. Brlsàk Trade in Buttons. 1 The. strept venders dld a thrlving mali- Snesa ln buttons end badges. A Ulvely ,trade vas aise carrieti on In zse for the econvention at rates varylng from $5 fer ea single session Up to $60 for the, tht.. Rsessions. IWonders of the Pai.Exposition. 'cKy agnftous eJ yvisue.,. sabels ss -- ~ - Goy. 1 zateg 1 1Méctric sbipn on tii. River Seine tuti e vo-vOl go ai thse raie Of Stt7l,.des an heur. leed> Palace etfLigiit, mitu ireis et gla»s aoe nti rystal, stutiteti miti dismentis apt Sigges inle cai lu the Womit, foty- a orsiv emi bgii; 'mlii tu top used aàss a tg f dtieing pavillon. in Moeque'-Of Omar et Jenaselem, Wiclh ataf tis on tue ait. et Of OMQUsTemple, 'reproducet. Palace et (bld or 'Afrlca, tieoateti 1 e~s* viri barbarie apientien, andti te royal *aË cort et Ring Mancli. ca iie * estoratiowof thi e leti cit>' etf'im- tnt.-peil, vîth Roman mes and inatr?ns in Vice- tue cotume, -of 1800 yenie ago. i a"BragI1w n. ' Palace of' Fetég, itéeabhaèUt1fnt- mm. mdtr. sue Il nation* vl ,euact. the.dancea ont>' iere lumeueoen lufividutal greupe i be ;-tmivalsetftue viole montd. . oe i. tielesatlon and shlttel altetnateiy upma Glass 'Palace et liorticultur., evth a Mrnd- coteries ef spéet4tait lis tue gaU.aim to4ee aad ZtIdq ilg- coi là^t' DE Î<1'<> EOK hphsbtants lu hativa cotume.. b cou-Qneeresi potentates lue 1h. merîti, Bm- -Elevator &aI PbISadpbmIa Vote! Diop eu.pror kMmcii etAbýmalili, tic Ring anti Semés 11arie. queeç otfSiamn, tM e Imat et Indit, tue The arter la tise B196W Wlton t i lu eNavsniagai, lla, an thte Âme., riie. seven stenel S iiuatWQ ImTèey 'nlgt t AfgabsItin mOle dh the expltic andi injuret ireft e le amiers ean thlésM umets otue ]Freutb Qaveruimeet o tiie elevator boy. "»'ic i gaetagae ot otig esteca>' urtpoe1'GarISv, sMie U on q, obau thécourt b*nlturof pared '7. aapssste1W n m .Sre. - Or.f oe- ' v 1 FULLY Re0<PD. MiliPle -1aMLCmorn1.Wiiea-llevy léaine Phuage Crep -linfty Minera Save Manroir Necpe tre.U Dsemulna -Fauingter C*rp"Ulacy. Dceentiing upen th asertage et theé crop, la Minelemota andtihte Ukolas, the gralit mena"tiMiller* et soutben lU inols are attemptlug te forma nCombine te coi- Dier the miient ralsetilu thai section, anti if possible contnoi tihe output er tiie satire State. A pnivate alemtig ot tue Beutii- Ste Illinoi ananti Miliera' Aso»cin- tltinmas@ eLl et Nasiville anti plant to carry ont tIse project vene forniulated. Tise maontity o e lcfermer. lu tiat sec- ,tien are flot veli fixeti ingnclallY, but it ill Le neceoàar>' for tient' te soli their grain Immediatcly atten tinnasilng, mile il miii ho bougit by the. speculators au if' te thnashcd. ____ Fleood lu MiIi Creek Rîrcets. The hsvy relusafloodth tisreets et MilI Creeu. on the. linmeofthti Mobile anti 0h10 Belînonti. A majerit>' ot tiie dieil- lezgs along the hune et tise nalnoai ver. aubinergti dahove the fiet liSso natitise ralîreati trnck ias unden vater fuliy tvo reet fon about one moile. Traeiceon the ralîreati mac atoppeti for a time, thie Mo- bila finiing It necesisany teume the 1111- nea Central trackn troinCeino nortis te Murpiysbone. No caimaltlimae report- 84, but an immense amont of damage bas Iseen douc e tognosing crepa. Oak1HllCeaI mine Wr.cked. Wiuileminlers ver. angagedI-un aking au explosion in tue Oak llI ceai mine ment er Bellovilie tii.>' matie an excava- tien inte an abantionei mine micb iras filleti mitii sater. Tise vater pourcdI le the Oak Hill pita wsttgreal force, ied- lng anti eeiplcteiy mnecklng the mine le a remarkabl>' aient time. ll'lty venreis In the min, camne 'ery near loelug thir Ilves, being nescuei by herne on oftheii mine engine. IeisBattis osme.Mroeb.ei4 Nems bas b.en recéledfroin. Loundon et thse kllfng et Monroe Tlpsmard b? Wllis Llly, bis brothei-kla. Betu men mrereon horsebsck, ntding at breakneek Opei,' Tlp&wÈrd toilioing close hohini Lllly anti lsls be wt g; viienever he. vs ai. te reaiilan. 'LiII> finalIy turnei ant ifred bis revolver. Ti. builet enteei Tit.mîrd'n bead andi he tell frein iis. boie deai. Tic murier mas the culmination of a famhly tend. Will Fast Tirent:ys. l'orbes Umpeiy, superlntenient et the Pana liay U'omnpresalng Comipany. ban aterteti on a tu-enty deiys' taut, Tire mnibeaIsc5 Mn. Uiupleby fuated ton tdeys, loslng tirent>' peentisle in esi,anti daim- lng tIsat he suffercîl ne iII neenita. Being ot corpulent Luilti. welgilg ever '3Mt pountis, lie isoles te tilmlnish bis meigit et leaut fif t>'poundis turing iea tirnt>' days' fast. Mm ,Ms.T. M. Buech Blseppears Mma. T. M. Buncis. metiien et Mamie Buncii. cx-muperntendent ot siLcoolleIt ber homneeat Arcola a ew de- lIiCgo miih- ont e bat or bonînet ircing iier bouge .mrapper, anti ias net ntiruet. It la mupposetilaie ivonderetiaira>' trile mut- fering frons tetuporary mentsal aberra- tion. geste Ste.,. 0f Inteweet. William E. Haextun dieti et Kewine, ageti 08, Vaclas- Kali, a Chiicago isierer, isangeti blinself In a fit of denpondeecy. Section men along the- C. & E. 1. R. IL. tureaten te atnike for raise in iegea,. Adamn Beigner, vantetilton martier, yull b, taken te Indien Tennitor>' Ly Unitedi States manebeis. Tise Suîîremc Court.hes decidedti tit a fariner coulti net soit bard eider iîthout a license, holding that it iras an intoxicat- Img Iiquor. Thie braneis bous i e l fIennsbcr ef P. MeArtiar & Sons, miiolesale pr'oduce shippers te NewmYork, bas brou closcel by au attachinent laued te IL C. Vise& Co., Maeedonin. ton 8500. Every tiepartinent o! the, Illinois Steel Company' et Joliet in nom running, except blast funne Ne. 3, sud 2.800 men are at mon, Tise contenter, einploying M0o men, has resumei operetions. The river aînd barbon et Chicago anti the drainage canal are te be iuapeted oflcielly b>' lhe rivera anti barber. coin- mlttee of thcelieuse etfltepresentativea, ici ill reacIs the ty> Aug, 19 or 20. Atter beiug isisseti about b>' tise wme ot Laite W-igan fur more tien tire veeks tue à dy of George Reiscis, vie mas tire' s'il mue isIing imiti lbis frienti. 1il Ktitzner, ires foueti at Ci- cago. TiiheoisIsx coeguset 10nne J thie est anti corn crops arounti Chamn- palgn. Tii, groirt of the est* has bece rapidti uyenn andtihtic»taileare langei anti heavy se tint a stroîg mînti anti the beatiug rnan nieti mciioeit. Corn han nt!fereg mcmtluinthc vîciaît>' ot tue Sangamon, man>' fieldsa lu tisat section lyleag untier a foot dn tiro ef mater. The stand in cerne places bec been compleîely tiestroyeti, but termer$s ayIf the. mater la dIreineti off seon tbey will repleut anti stand e geoti chance et stiU gcttlng e cop. At MontVernon the. date wml bc feti Jl> 5 for Soutiien Illinois Boîtiers ant Saliors' Beunion Association, efnieann telloirs: Gee. James 8. Martin, Salemn, commander; Gen, C. W. Pave>', Mount Vernon, senior vice-comxneir: Capt. N. B. Tblutleirood, Cairo, junior vice-com- mander; Mai. J. P. Crooket, Mount Ver- non, officen efthe day; Cept. H. W. Ad- ams,, Tamaroa, olBcer ofthe gurdi; apt. Ellesa Dillon, Benton, qi'artermnter; ,Ma4. George Baine,',Baiera, surgeon; Ber. W. W. Wallis, Olney, cisaplale; Col. L Knlgsoff, N4asivile, atijutiit. lb. 200 incubera et the constructIon gang on the -Peerla- anti Pein s 'Pdui Raatieattruck mien Informe t uattheir wai bad barn reticeti trqSJa iSAte Charles Puits of Quîne> bas iuvented a Job 3rycaI~ 10 aM oI<, SOPenle. wsy, Lawndtile, lied trou Be et- ottiiebit. .taiablddt. tàt 5f 0VENi large0 W. peintel tbijrd-ii etmplo, tory ae Celui Ing tu Stick0 iire. Indictil stepci Clilcag she n the ehh Bei, Misaism or bue. vere1 and mi benten Most 1 The. anmui ment 0c eholiah ed Pro1 noie tu PrActicq Hanr Neutuc cousin phi'wl loadeti la the 1 wmliibe The ring. melerc c0uutry William tendei. (Jenal rina Ne bave re ricti lit, Misa, Wilcos th. sePI James. Halley. claiffof toni and part of Tbe tri of tUt>y fore it Th"e John in home Il 1811. Il buttije, andl hin renrtlyt sessilon wlth th fe.iteiî 3 OOii1 b'ut W, rexmmeýl For i ,ioiiijd. to Colig, loIre n iug for liem Ni heatias crawled mlzed eh a buza loole il the pâtiî are wo bird. The a et 1'eor higlier yeur v. of the, 1 oc the, fluerte maitês crek di are eut renttoe swift 'n andi se found t fishers, lat Yeu of SopE Turner term o court i iLsàth thnt a'1 the. me flot 0Wg spects. pprtedd adiverse o.I stri costing yet Lel propentý Borne f hovevei edifices et tiios et men Up the. ruina. As a Botel. iertrgr chair is te it dg the floe ber bru home la Disi lier, aj siashIl ballet I tQuntM Woodeg j I ~1 I g I I i ( I 'I e * i r c c glars atollsfrom-tii. New YToi&I 4y--.-- store et Pierr'* Co., la UfMub. a ement orf$1eaudanI lae" sud $19. 0.8 the Nomînatiosatt he, *$ate C... 0. Pteddy, aged M3 aCiag o - e veutie. iJOSjriaggwi4 en $@Co" 111101- er snd decorator, luinped tror am Ie iat.wm De« «aBre4 tory vindow ,ai- vw« killed. coi et nt 11.8.1i1.uat ýIlii iealti. ur lCnowe, 14 years nli. *ie mal l'md ns a lahorei luntihe chair lac- SpilOi onraeed.eums> )t Heywood Brothers & Wakoefield Samuel Alsebuler ot Aurora was bowm5' îny, Chicage, va. killed wile try- Inated for (lovernor ot Illinois a othtbsee- PPI a a uti on a apujley mitis a ontiballot hy the, Democratie State 901- 01 roIt. veistion Temetiay attprinoon. in a Or abbert, Ie whws v M r. AWbciler wa# nornntei betore ment ferIbo ie rder 0f ber tR> the report of the. comittee on resein. ildiu, dled at the, cut7 jalIs in 'ls vasbaiided ln; andtihtii coiientle go. Hier deatis reaultedt ramnburus toe aàresesountil 10 o'clock Wedneoday ccelved in the Ore through whîci mO1rnleàg, vien the, plttfetm wonas 8 4 llilren lest theîr lires, andtheii miner places on tIse*ticket oue. ,ar# cmp a t Re Un trm te tAt 12.15 e'cleek Tueudusy DÉ. *W51 isii con ite lied inti fburedts. or Watson, chairman eft the State ceu- sippi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, botm ttn hiherd ricomrnlttee. cahietithe convenitinte helet 'mdwentaybandi'ng le «the ahnek ertier andi Introduei Dr. Taylor eto irosiet awy bythure'nt 0904t Springfield, mIse offereal prayer. The dei- aîîy fieds ot growlng grain West egates tood witue the. minleter 1lvoket idown se that hanveat ilil bh.a-the.divine bteasl nhe ti.covention. Impossible. Atter the reaoling ofthtie cati by ScCietstY éltate Board of 8iecatien at their pretiiB. plilte, Cairunan Watson reand 1 nîeottngorderet the re-etsblisl- the i of te-aporery olicera ef the eau- at the. model hlgh aceel. mmii mas» metien au aeieeted by the, $tete commit- ed by 0eov. Ailgelul. '1by appoint- tee. and introduceti Binore' W. Horst et f. Brown ef the University et lii- Rock lrantd, thse teumporary ehairman. ctie chair ot superîntendeot ef Mr. Hurst vas varioly applautie-tisan c teaehlng. mien h. atticd McKinley'# Porto Rice ry suipeuleker, Who isnirantti la 15 par cent tarif! poliiy thse delegetes rky on the, charge of murtierini lbis yelietl andi cheereti. ad àgntiey lînôke lest Decomber, vas arreated wmule into vilti acclaita ww»e6 speaker ai, ig a short distance frm Pana. Twe raignedtheii national admlnistratlen'e revolvecrs andi a dirimere fonud Philippine polley., Ur. Tiunet cloeeal h tool box oreti,pom. Shuemîaker del4iariiW tint ltryaîî moild le- nomlnt*ted retunedto eutuh~.4 et anas City, and the *convenotion rose e retrned e KetevItasiafret anti nominaleti Iryan then andi fittietii annlvernary Of tiie mai tiere. of Mr. ant i Mn. Joseph ZIegol The. rol et congressional districts tIi,. of Virginia mas celebratealet tihe was celleti for4 ,conventieo, coiiinittes- 'y hem. et their dangbter. Mrs a. mnditieae vere elîe,.en. e W. Beard, and vas largey as- Wiien tii, aflennoon ,,seion wu» calleti '. Mr. ziegelmeler wumar on 111 te oder et 3:15 ,'slo.'k Iene m'as a bis- tny Nov. 5, 1821, anti maftied Kat- gier crowdt preseuît tume,. et 4ie epeanm ýeîler in Cincinnati, Oblo. Tliey session. iiidd t Virginia thel, satire mar- John P. Âltgeld madie lits nret alp.ear- te. &no in e i.convention hall joue bere SNina Wllcoz, 4danubter et Fred Ciairman BHiret rapî.ed fer entier. andi tet Galeeburg. andi a Inetaler et lie Wl. tie cause ut tiie Brui real &dsans- iboibeclame et Knox Cullege, &anti tration etf the day. Dtlegates steod n Otis Foei, son et J. O. Foi et théir chairs, wavéd-ti r bats anti cheer- r Neh.. à member e iifreahiman ad. The. cisepruineremd ln volume au o the collegle, muile eut drlvlng at, tIse formier (luvenuior nuqnted the plat- 3 te drue over a Chicago, Burllnt- tort. and sas bc.,maîildoirniChairmmn i Quiucy cro,.ng, in the. nortiseast Huot îonntid mi Lis gatel andi startini , town, in front et train No. 55. te telilie conention titet thic cemmite ain, mblch ma# rnslng at ithe rate on cre-detiasiai net inlisied t4 I on ymiles an honr, struck the rig lbe- andthaiit the c'onvention eoîîld net pro- ciclaredtheticcroeelng. tlirew the ceetiiiiitaUndllbenaîî'ns îOutllthe cErn. People Orty teet aed iustauntly kiU- mltlee wa# r,-aty to report. TIi. chai- il ef thcm. man mes intennî,ped Ly cries of "Ait- rnysterious murder oetaitd man geld'.! ge "ar'î-ti ilî,ot îexGv )oerlng, wiie wuaskilletin le ue n.cor at4»odtiup andi adremed tic conven- na Bellevsille On Ni-w Veers nght. tielsi n. tirir.s tlicc rci. b>' being stalîls-t anti iorriily Aftea'r e ,nîf rete','a,'irmanhorst reti, piromises î ii. allî>solieal i unurleren brught te justice. e- pp urordenut F o',s'k and Ju.ig. the uthrgtpn ere lact] n iïs. raner endthe rîpont .f thse credeu- t fthe, blfot-stainetfi butchr'Iknife asTh s.liýty epp hich Diering v.'aa nurticrl. and wax asoî.etelb' 'y àVoe f tK,00/, ito.23 bis imî,lernent of deat1i 4(ML.Kt ta an t.ete i,i ,.. so rt wax m-ni re t. the î'nimoe niosi ae v'el-knî,wn Tih, re sninittsslou i n-ritus îî-,îi,'rin rmià- moîn wiome usine tie>'wit 101 id, r-nnqý-dtâ 1 .iqiir r ho l uîw servies v.itil a Mi .sUri gagîîZatî-nî I - iis'i" l lriiîii ient or- ntinIle hiipin,,gantzeaion osf th.,' i-sîn-iIion .andtiheb ne- st l I ie isiip1înes ,,,îoî-îîljt ii . a jsii o aulîîgoî mvensl îveeks tice peuple living in Tbe 1onvetti-ni i . lItri v.,rl millet 'rmîO,,ettjeuîeut. ,osutiseaut O et l,,-rîiîof Ilt'-l-." î,,ventiiî andi le lie, lianre heard et iiit,-rvsls the lirait ail nomilîatsîîg siîî-cclîes tu lit.' vin- uf a bell. wib- alirnys seî.ti u ifront itiovp. 'Th..en i-caine Tihes-s,îenîiî t,-, 'îon ,'l, u % nesflt îymlterious and msuy be-gan sarcii- reald I, n 'î,rt. motioîn v.'îs rmdi'te the cause. Oue day recenti>' Wil- pro-s'c.-.l tii ,uinare aiîilceifor Gev- ele .aw a lunge bussardi fi>'over- ernosr, sî,,llit 5:- ' oîkthe réading ld ligist on a ftentec ni-an. He clrk reil Fint itrlirl." andI John T. d OP close eneunh te observe that IKeating aroe u îndi plareti Adiam Ont- ' il swlnglîîg 0' ilsa nick a goond- selfér.i In nomination. William Loeeler leich b<ll. About t meritlîsireo sece,îsîd tiii ,îotin,îîiou. %Vlîentherend.- ard v.lth e beill sn. ii nceci iaxlet lng l'erk ralî'ith(iiî*Eglitî iistrirt on s Texax. accordingt tî,reports l inithérol ril the iCinè t'cîniy lieeloni pets, anti the itiuxensut Overcup gave wny î,, ih, 1- fte,*ith dimtrict. îand *udering if tiîis laeflot the,-"me Elmen A. Verry -mi e» te place the Aurons imnuin nsioinin. 'The Eighths sage of ireter in thc tilinols river district ,-conded AI-l-r,'nouiloation, ris ha#, tu arnîarkedl tegree been and tilîc(;, A. Widl-l f the Tenthi dis- tisan usuel et titis #canon o tetii Innîîiae-d C'un,- K. haddl of Ki-mape. iti as littie rein as lies taller, Ail bei'ene tiilp e'rî-,!.Free-. P lipnis et liettei ndos are floodeti. anti feir th(-' Teweifth -,i»ti.ît . Xh'oî,. As-iuler's tarts se, --Mýiouij,&bae t e ,î,slîîntiîn. lFrauk .J. Qîîinuet Pponia Sb taiaed s year.-utljlmoestis stood nl o iim elîir v.lin the' Fourtî'cnti tiatnt et ei80,000 acresl et tarin. Niebies Ew -tl sudîn e iat connty. etireen tise Henr>' sud Coppera, îaiîîca . ( ra t i'n nf ,-ld s'a ti. lan, usuiaI>' swn le corn or ot,Jaes NIle cet e» of îh n,inins"ting eto Puitivation tuis year. Tiie cur etnnl r 1,la.-ed alou. Ontif' ,f tise stream in corrempouilugly spech. ,'di nefltioi. rldta vlth the extra amount et mater, Tame hfre -igftloc u the -onventel- tr heok-and-liîie fluber. have net lt a ee eiinôas odeeqth.e for t as- thie sport up te tiie average. Seine l e coitwaxiras appa efre' t lachl do net look for as big a catch as fouItIne ni waxapaedOnit at of Ma,-e -ar. olbcnniae.O moinoMr or ('arter Il. Ha:rrison if ('Licago. sec- Lnington, sIwept b>' Ore the, other jndied b>' Ceeu. Alfredi Ornîdîff. the nom- il Le reiilt et euee. The Boart inlation wara mtie naeitous. Tii. bal- envisors efthtie ceunty bas lesseti lot hnll rrmsîlted: Alachuler. 600i,2 Ont- -Hall On South Main itreet for e iseifen, 417"; Ori-rdorff. 130; Worthîing if tir eates, te le ensupletiaastg tont, 4. ouge. 'It hes uot yet been ticter- b>' tiie board what shahllIc dont NAMR COMO WATER TICKET- neir on, mil L e Luilt, projecteti on Tiie lihinole Pnoh+bloniste NOeninte et modern lincg. Tii, coiinty dors Indue V. V. itrea, for Governor. te a dollar andi1la rich lu &B re- The l'irmt Itgimeüt armosr>' ln Clibîge A4 comumission et archiitecte l'e- ires tastefully tiaped wmiii buntlng anti on thecdtimged building andi iresflnge. for the itate convention ut thie Pro. eto the Prmoosition te repair the kibitioi- ta et Illiluols, on Tîieielîy. cLair- ýuture. It wue a noble ediice, $ H~eJohnson ofthti. ttate centa $420.000 in f888. Chaos prêvails committee callti the, conavention teaentier y hîad anti it wiliiLe tomle deys sud tise lev. Dr. J. G. Evs,îa of Grant fore theiiiîteuilte Plans eortthe Park openedth ie proce-edinsps vith prayer. ty ownere in thse burntidtiletiit as- tiogi M. Bannon ot Rock tord iras matie tortu. Tiere in tietermlnatlon, temporar>' chairman anti AlousoE. WII- 'r ta reboli et once anti toeset son of Ciciago qecretar>', wititta long liat tint mil fer surpasm the averege etfastants. Tisecreiîentials commit- le tbat iere tiestroyeti. fluntireda tee repontei the preceece .of 1,0f1 tiele- anti wagons are et work learlng gatem ot tiie-2,OIapipîîrtioucti te thesev- ?streets anti tearlng dem tIse ernnI ouchets b> tise gitate coummttee. Tii, committe, on î,erinteît organisation resuit et a preetîcal joke, Mollisreeerumentil George W. Gene ,of Chîjin Ln, n; wainresa et tii, nev National paign tor.îîenmancnt ehairmmn, Alonso B. Trne Haute, Is per#iysed anti mal Wilson for secretar>', anti P. L. Gumbert 'ecover. ÂAe&tt er iatrea. pelet A ton treasuren. tvnp as Mine Layman ires shout 1Nominations for rente Officers ver, Ios. cnaing ber te fnB ieavlly te calleti for. anti, except the treasoren, ail or. lier apilie mas injuned santi mre nouinatcd b>'acclamation,.lpen aîtn la Partlly Paralymeti. Ber treesurer, Harmen L. Parl0e. et Cook s In Parla. 'Ceo1nt>', Frank HlObIett Of Logan, John net ot lite 4causeti EdmaMt Remin' A. L. Scott of Wayne, anti H. O. TODI- jeery w orkman or Chilcago, te son cf Morgan more placed Il embatien. tbia'vilts vlth & affe antiire a Atter thec irst bailot mInci neafitati la ireugi hie brais. Hie body mas ne cholce, Heblett anti Scott vess. îtii- usear tii. Sielter Bouse, lu Burasi drain, andthIe second ballet mas 295 fer e t Cincinnati. Oiloe. Pantualce tea(158 for Tunîsen. The comn- tialmeti by feea Who nie ome time plete ticket seleted inleas teloirs: Oagit tiseir whent vas tôtali>' de- For (lovernor-Vienchber Ver. n arnes, Chii- à by the Heusan fly, that uhe ca9O. iueat(eenrJlnA .. le the. Vlrtien district lenet ne demnon. StiL He- etabl mn ibe k Anq by-ta a anti à ,ewalte enebi, bIAs meil a GBAI grinee iiy ail He- He- arable nance Mot the pr sou- "Tlh ln tii, f vole TOI

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