cycles-'- The Crescent Bicycle ls the best bicycle on the market for the MOflOyp bath in looks and durabiîity, .-The Whèe That Stafids Up." REMEMdBER--AIi wheeîs sold by me are warranted. ~ êk. Qkninaer and amr epresenung %n -Shaeffer Pianos. Corne ln and see them. Estabished 1870. Endorsed by Ieading musicians such as: Campaifli Liszt' Rubenstein Wagner Ida Klein S. B. Mills Émma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszio and many others. C. . IIRMAN, ,JEWElrtxoIâD OPTICIAN t.Ibertyville F0U14TH 0F JULY is aear at lîand sud you uîll waut to cele- brate it in right good style. We eauî help you, ceebrita if you will give us a chance. SkY ROCkts Romian Candi«. Camnin CI,.ckers aîîd ail kindu of fireworks for a gzood patriotie celebration- Triggs &Taylor, Illînoif Not ChecapShe- -::ý4aoad Shoes Cheap Wehkave just purchased 200 pair of fin LADIES$, GENTS', BOYS$, CHILDREN'! SHOES. The Entire Lot wifl qe So Id at a Bargain. F. C.. SMITH & SON Butter Bidg. Libertyville, Illnois. Ice Cream You can always - get it at Lovel POPULAR FLAVORS6 Pure, Delisclous. Cý BraI leSCrum e ad i - t Miy eut- F. B. LOV~LL, Lîbertyvilie OurL illiru r ýp1èXE -Up l a, eu Md UpucbMoebY alarge Local. Items of Interest to LIbertyvIIlli fï*deirS. iais!, amr local cairiag Punir. C. B. Bmrus.. oma tu paes.- es"o f a Vary daetmi@ ble 1ebuuob Of Whee ii jo asa l=Duerh~ lMdthÎreilneun.l ysof ~ mù hu laeKahler eutsviifld his galber, th@& Mr. BarueV lther purchn.dlthe ILLW.i. USUE. A. J .loi Chicago, several <ay lait weekg. propehiy train th@ Jmokaa, ai Wet B. W PA55U3Z A F.& >1.. laat LIa ad Mr. FminVirgiia Uereby aeqUilaiithelb ouse DIBEmD.IPk.M L Ruh lmssudNo. 4wt in 'phGeai. .DoeWlJackson sad fýAurb deys. , ueoto teMvaan n h.Brne& wu at .er W. 0<. iuONg la. W. N. bicycles Wedueuday saddare viitlan*. u.a bbc ILLibertyville friende. h. ileID " prend. Apalîiotiu atwcnasa~J~I5 moar-are 'ad Plucutier .,ved i boume- orgauloioli lalepnrui-i lae hebouse OWi.. i a 4.hold effecta fronm Chicago ta Ibis Md iol b ii 3m00U5dred on tiuii- W.. .olAs. (Ci, ...village tis week. lie viii occupy itie ing Ismdma lai l"$!, ubeUer flIUDffh19Ie!WT OUD? OF Towuaend bouse on Milwaukee Ave. hsbe 0"f USae all iouOf Ime FO185hw "mdA"hums- or $ba of Mr. Bsara10 la for on-ar dayafeaoamoEldon lMiller t.tWlOd Wedneaday ta dacids. Mue. Mas Ugm~ nglit ram Springdsld ubere o hevu ±LuM[ iW ia Hý natnaueio ieDmcrteMs Utarr . BShen"&uho hbu of Ç( ~ umOW ï'<>'Btte convention ii notalualed laie mode bar home uitb ber soit E. S. Que. . Wusu. SauelAlchuler for Goyeriior. 5lierua, aOf sYslbe. l1611tW Pbis"ac XUV MP oaceli M oda n ewoLibnq- = 1 la-fum .a anY .M frw1l urrieparly wua gîte»ivine o a nhortviei; illa C. E. IUO. 0.Iput ~~ ~dum-Tueaday evening w3aIwek i sr U orpnlaiafiiy.but a fosBSitks qIaeilnstasL. raper »Meeliu- iSh aIOpIeI but feutomSb@ dAt 7: 10 p. s,-À AQuesion Inhome af Haret ii;,I7i.8Am a w.alrarva i e osbmI opend 0vou oa" 010 aoif shmlie sg. Tos 2»1 1 .01 ampU n ubeliali af the close p1 <1 ened eeob ai whicib Ih. did Dot ,aeovt p In Oudai. IL., D. Pos pat. Beilen %% iii a ilver' butter diab. 1"e &" idWçiseay et 1:40p. m. creaui sud calte vere ,erved. Il wua BDooluV t ve! sveuy-an yeu C. M. à nt. P. TMI AuL. dellghtful aocassîtoe, e oM d a vutw.. izy-tvo yerago< in M130W f use 10. A iew of aut local vauld-be ubendms00» a. laMrhfiold, Dow 00110 MAO? a A 5Pl mspreaî Pd b erby at Wuhling- sheragerville, Cook Ooufty, being one lpeao.. 1:1 :20 l 16801:0:30 ton Park liai SaIgna!Y. rhey'li t1.13of tha e r!oldeal setiers of Ibal Ille. 1 l 71:08ici1:a39.:M .. &ey cidat beit acent on Lieu- localty. Vive childreft survive ber: lie.. -1:U :101:80aoctenant (libson, the fgqvOrite. but dictait Mr@. J. 0. Adaos,. c Deettel i liiiB., 17:29 2:101:l'in 8:0 Lbqtvle..1:30 S»te 1 :106e:0b tboy? Juat eueof* the laceta vetan afai Semmie; clare a., of :10 1:40 9:oe 10 :10 Little buueb Of mo". the athors aîtaiLibertyvill; Ex.. 9. J. Blgley, a9 BsA.H 14 botter bave alayci etbaome. 0Grayaeai Eduwari B., of Orays- litlo WEST 19 pu ulpie. Brbavial yl b.oM DerUi eta _____ - - .loat niait ut lime 01 gaiug ta Pro"e2 p. m. la-day. Obîîuary ucoitleek. Uibartrv. .11 8 *« hlig. osgmeigin -h .= Tak . Th M ~ he 0fUb5ftPm5 ait r.41 zo. *M 6:16 _____TowHll_____ Clmp voetef.ofo TeNrU"a b ebdB 2. "M SAUT U 55 ____ titot__on ew eaday Tecitain lchirpet I Chtrieh Alt vUle 8:10 1:1am-6:160: B coleoe« et aner t'mt"pp Mans BB S ofmobesf a"Cap or o c«hrueie u< duillSb tl eal car. rainmarh* Lied A ruaim1. dallr - atndrag citTtflt b gai nd e o ari ineluiesoulagbesical«l Te a largtie. e"la laiaenprtauverter-a 1 Lt.rtL grbthe i. baiing rer cedovtiler mrsete u. .auo p p19 uue no f ea dduiptaion o Nteu.brrl A "Mon v18 i ai t h ilr A v.1 e , su olgo e bap»me ro at suo l, y ed for l h e nPd m i a o o d e :ý:Q 7U 1:1by' ueay uepoia. rfvhib henlsure lyha g of l Chatreun»ti «Fer 4-Ma 1 -" Il led votiii pre ssen anaappronon!d byfUe Te gan Tr&Jnm«kedrundUy. Badyezept ro uaa r iainea ms iac ancouslaMn Exrleds .ttliiguet «Te 1 guuda, Bua" unir.lyd saing hm enda ci <alle WonandAcaldy ouetvbo la."nt ale alei" a cag prie. The pUIb mhomat i brmenoe bfl1. lbe Oh ~ ~~~F.vrte loche, inbi..So. ioraaer poprieatheauj riandatibep. a Octsii au bl te igroa y bis no mai suba ou» eber, Àbutthe f lb. instoreu yuurutaamolhftatU li pur ye Ave.act la., lab.. oo uptlem&vUitingiuatendand ioa trou Clii-m litaIyaa tIl ot upe sa,. est mgaunîpee. haaiehbisoubeura. tapthe @lclfpree"o.~ !au~r maiaoouh foB IbiliMhr. oea bTOhbe th.uiaÀ«eeauforevhat goen hgh vti th . Maryi' th 1<, ourver Inilap.;atpesepuraee on l wa abmnuhola-Te bOntag e Bl5lnab t. Ma le.h Th&îmoe tsa o ur pil d . . Mel veen Cma.OainUdhet. 10e. Ivre hi a iivrLè fon aguad auauuof te liiof ChIrMd -Ve au fthela....... IiMd Adloft theboheorouf ouv e r lis"71 cagoiea t e , oa l. , cupe sof urtumtlDel ti Chi- Th Ybeu vrlins ouD o s a acise e lusuoawther ondappbiesuo- cuaou- Thb nuuer t RaR W. ol e atm ooud bvefor am rulhd. stiroh ldveieuit for 1. H. omg"e. ai ..... isinba asumoa flN &hte mM ent hore InTour dea a t alu OaU& eursionute«ng p ayilmge tranVocal e-JhnsdAaiiTiO riose btuent, pear. sud mJore: l. b 0f oi(m oro thonbour lfare. la aptir oineosgurdaon ung nis ubfat e h. .t . ... y S-lifue a Ilit bra î lnouid baid. ago elei'W e la 1 10tailybladPles antâtlMmrL. o11ettoummaing Aud shao"dm ais edad ara. H .vr ai iigri meniouedswumsaDoUwii Dnt F....... .«o - Wboe arigs wold e re as insettka lorenc TroFace aast litane AIlebtoeue hoboive ethe pla. ilule a the lini sud ia il MIsa nsvr a yaye .ln....k lhe lune taibore iorithdét ailin arlous ta hnesatroae tramyhoVol Drii-. ................. Juaýiai' Tuaten ries gtt n o i rt.dl le tw kPugnt. PaiLervéesMr. Ntoderthugathe fork ou o be y bore- har he ig em e. mlcIio-'19ur OW f f" .. er Tm Kll Oe temon sud re i t blte. Ar.Parnet!u airYoung mloaln ehu lzruent Ute'- . Pla nia ,or .tBaey he manfthiti orbal me bout ndbid, ibor tue 19d ornAtioci i taèko biud Km»MryBr rt stll uldIOl Andcracr lis ay,! Houala ey lat vo ut ttvr en ahndüohiaü i ii *tVa eu rilll .. .UUu Bu lokaibi es ir oug ndbod avngteud g i heJakmeve ...]"Fols usn tthitnteheureihlI bl ai bta halllae.AriPulaay.oktalLe otatou-"ThOnace BAvalpai theP&Wrg Forîbe seorkteo 0nd1 nd I lari"d doad uek The _une _____________&Htheir abe inu ra itnasm a trh datrie ao i t rll..................Je u i orsa Andal uieralaidscveedil oudthemaehbeurt. ltrameai t5l-iu e Mndee. o- RmUn Mîssea àLoyetIX&Brellem.Kllyn U @ertl Wedfraeuy . y e lh ohr u miaparwntevoir sdveecai Mpo Beisa eiadCrallo, 0t a nsicu, A party ofbu vemrnile Il aje i Sacrte el.P..a.... Pu" Lretl.Bradley pe.wtudna aathve au ib Mima bar ate Tfor AoxporeaiUce litel e I ...Jua. Nuonan. EilàttlBrDadne. Cle&l m % i uido ilpu 601yi.ii. uanrPdilat on................. AhISO Wey iquird asgo trin Srvic and........... MIJansa MaryMlir Baotar sger S tâtât. epoi îacrle îy unkuld frImpossibl ~e ta ai trmOan Del-"" .Hiiriri Fal B.LSuit. - thy b mone hauo ba tagaieli Vlolmltasse.Jamem QuiBnadleabel Bradley Nuxt Wrday sud uuly villA . < r thera p%â e et bg u d eie ihn rDm-rtuMaoorfer. Cleveland. . npr nedia e i m th u or rin e Bos .....tua...........stuc.. it. A. B. Louisn fren s W th afec Piaiied Calbyler laigadulet. Lt as erydredl@ontb rdy Iuweeugeae ai iidliao ai ubiabOctri.Fll@mat80iceih Sel Pîcelalayai a rik tF. a- are .iet om ha n ceo uae ba ai a p.rtel Vosini t ten ib le so at hougara lrgebari a le eac oir teadece t iboks, hen. Il vi redaaid evn o rli»reila Cleieh i*Ciiae of a»enet-iedei bo a haieEsle. t.n mthaer arou HA rr. is Br vi. pe dd uepon roee ihe uMpB. pup t i la Ibat O laeta y ale@ per- Cosag hl ee oigth etes tthM owothodBiarazlont uor Ibeirptaret . aii uiloaead l a more Dr. Chd ia. 1la à VSa bai Prtîc itai Ioglat hiaiinea cab le. apiob allyablirerfoth Nil pre -ltalo spaebrick. fouett-lrat arinsee ne milcll utsaillae iyn aduesfbae te 1ai vIl Aio fr algernaS bcf veee one vth uiler er. aynsvasàrZ dvolu m orea he am i aoaf thau lreele.iai eeype biutbibiled or iilcat stu elurc, 9 iofah 1'Oiglyi ponSbevaio lo uht u gl u HarrsonIIh ton a arblrai aaitpd ovhme ai liaia e.iy the «Piptae. an aroi nay wchanges-a r.Cls. maaiy aebu butlis..ot. Moua it rooaiaio oapr tepracly r- 'e' Imal t wt u mr est, H.or er 01 Milamke irntve. ain dark angicd ver.hinautheSedo bi 0-clî a imaxofeult .iianme r Ibv@ ii. ilanda eolsdedi! o t tacofl at o onde ritversuda L .putufhfomtvers haof ndWed 0.0.proanmt au raait ve ireae'] hfflt e Llorh yîl hoibrauroI- taVmse ndn,Dtehaplai a s - iieie.vîll jul s dearabearemt eranfrandlisian ig uis ia a galih- p yuata r e her uitrlor mm A tuit rowh o weds do ornaen lu Iqteel! uulleii& A e eroamed peemtoed hm iuant ngae.uon A po @rtio ny i vehe au out yards ait g tael a o nipi. Cn srucalfbtre helngpe bye uer e ian vit. At . aigl wo b.etlthedican ur arasallPr"ead p" a ttntsiOs.Temsel, n@v-o "emm mantnd anykreaMicvuiee Av. iîo l pa toaeprornuneoailirepaeyar-ble h!onMUE4iD a brWeald téthe » 1a.8.Ege$ toe fon wc piud ato ibegreand ccomplioniiis ud asilpl olaole labe abilieli apoi lhie wmeasuk. eit ls damouny tter.ilI p uttonlia aIditbyeo:Sduiioaa oreplturesmaapforatvoeami us Gao.. BehSaoo rot ut aaibhoerule Lai brlauilgaboudis-ta be rdon, aphlasi. Miarearna m ievar ia, us&osre chrablai lu e eanthai no usvoana v. ater bas'. entruapeoandc evertlaliglaiIbe iai aiexposieWbela lntorm alient vii e o banipubleta by lint ta "Me farld,"beiu oîdcuaarnnll nsd u Jly iliarehi . a rret Ibe tegrdiuaio cwer aetioncoidred turl . ptthciloncluitonI tabc a thbuoutattestandus. breayIl peidIa tale Dxcuipole1 sIol ae.Telv "wlk lin»a Crsb, f ve atuhilou teaiiae r.iIei tîk yrpasbe i a ap ardean ieula îs biefaflh. th mn theada!uth erlyvu Ill peta-fo th gnao adilialfainmome slrlbulecSlta tpure dairso vl on. Ms Cob lS oum o iOcOt li aied tia-n vIiti Metor a bartviliea.,porib adv au xiudm vsitwlh er nce daiargaiiiaai aieliabot tully rle .xorlate ea li»tctmukio AND Chlldren's Lace Hais., A mm pU lme at m lstimg f about i«e doua rm mebkL& ace snd 611k Uomets, Làawa Tacuu shmter e p Md oiilrens CuM Lace mad Strmw Hai, bouht amdieont of 40: cent froin the regular pdecc., sambsus to, shoW 1 tht best, msmptmeWft 1th..g"osnt thtelm pricos eYtthtar'dofin LbfltyvilkW Tht mo=for wmrmiàboe htmbdwam m 1o07-vswmmwnt 10 911ycur Iraunt atat tUnseu=4 au 1thsm mumtcry. Va have amfsw Eebiw Caps, cret oves r àm à yen. 50 sud 60e values, which vu be doedi2 out et. 'b M un lotemf olibltCm*&t. ... Vblte Duck Mmd Crash Tain O'Shmter Caps. 40 9 The -Fair, The Lake Cou nty Tolephone Company .... CONINECTS WITH.... The Chicago Telephone Comp'o Have you a 'phone in your resideno place of business? if you want to b. up wlth the times you uh hàve. The expense le- nominal, only a few cents a day. Fer ltemutI, raie. *te. wrte- CONTRACT DEPARTMp*NT. Lake County TlephQne Company, LbrtyVilI., lllst. &N FAs» ais Wa5NM Wil i e Uect It? Your Uncea gm is wondering whether ho will get his Share of china when it ih divided-uP. Your Share of Our nov stock of is ready for y0u any dîne you wish il. if you are getting ready to celebrato you had botter let us help you. We have flagg and bunting for decoratiolIs. Apparel of ail kinds for men, womon and chilciren.- Everythiug good to est for pienicSl or dinner aI home, sand evon fireworks to close the dayi patriotic fiahion. And another gocod point ih that our prices vil QI e611W your onthuaiaum. Whiatever you wanî, Le il fireworks flags or suythins eeue we've got, YOu'ti botter gel your supply emrly aud Le ready 10 celebrate the n at.ion'a bi»ti- day iugood style. M. B. Côlby &CO. Lîbertyville, Illinois. e.... pmqge ~Uil7 Rater 9 -- Libertyville