CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Jul 1900, p. 6

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a 11w" ,Versmeand W« Deethi. (Continl flis ot Page .3. Ï' orbe, loikO, l ot se ........... 3 ,id e'lklt l83L..... 41. igaoT himé. ses. set/AU AcSt.......8708 a'S De Haven.ou/ et0. 40se ...... 754 FGnluwold, ws. ae& 80e.....:.- 13M T ulr. ptu ËD n~ 0 e.....12101 Me JIcCoenicb tel set/a, bnet!,.120 Se. .8144 r owslear né% e% . 0 n e t...... ia leaiKennedy. st/a lwil,89) @se * 810 Cl('aiee J Adamsuuà@% net i. 40&,«.". L~.o5iKennedy.,nvt/a wt/a, 40 se.... 8 Bat'Juie J Aduu l, c 2 se se 'Or) -e.b'S eco scaU, item B urke. evis. /.40 se ... 41b 1'otsi'Popla gr (ex 2 se ne cr)t ss si.a........................ 24 Adams opi , e e ose'!40Sel/a,2 -v..'. -. e..*»...40 Mi50Kennedy, net/ net/. 40 se ..... $979 S.mure tex seaeneecor),, nUl nes., Keaeedp eu rtn .n. eI, t .. .. ... . ...... .. .. lu ~aT Gibîbos, s'i eta 40 « ..... «It Suul esse/anec, 40 e..... MS BoNiger tex Eal),Wtt oeil oeil.* '..uola er. Pt e@%lac. uti19.lIt e lu y uToe.ex 7 se N R t ande'4.î 1»le el 3.30 utcRai), u% MW 14,. 10*51»er sé cor e eM4s. ' M50 c « 120 la C'ouavay. noPit avsw, 26 e. 226 iuuT Gibibons, ni/aata»% ',.40ase. 10 gS T Giibbons,. a30 #uic oei. se ..... 5176 JenBurstna(ex 20 se E Il), &ic-,, bIECTION -. T F Tore ex aIl lband 1 aR~e wof M Ei. sau9% oeil. 37.50 se ................$40 V Fmeenhe et OCER R's .4t'ui, 1<.............................340 Jobs LAnstrctez E ti. s. ne'. Éqfm de.- ....... .......... 912 a lo oses e% d/n . 41Re ........ 0 VM Partridua e, e nUs.. 40 ,...4= 1»*e sLancater, w nw oeM) 7M Michael torc, a% e .a.@0 se. - ff lui Roeais3gr, w il se e% u'.,,ý uss........................ 19V2 Bd J Woodvard, e 2)5e we31 sel,. 20 se 5W.1 Axm OUn, c 1.10 se of W !>-361 oe il Be sut. 38200e............ ......4 .&guIeer,pteeCRRu%.,e. 4 McalTore. Pt e or rd os.0e',. Lsae................ .....1 Elebael Ton.'4 es.40 aec ..... -'E.i ore aitex 2.10,arDE14n. " gel/, ......-. 1211 IcM Frisch. Pt ni/aDes. ne%', dea... 47-1 lemuni'Wbeelée t/ames ne% seut2241 Dw'ckIoIe Mt. nWic nes..40 os..... 3me MaiWheeer, ai/ane%..80 ose...... M S C>dauuc S.. at s......-lta p FTore (e . 504seleW/a g%1nws., IuLancaster, .w0Re s PtWtt att .50 nsle .../ aa........ ....... 5i loir, nel/a "!,.40 se ....... lai aga si wt/a.80 no...... 0114 t, e 42nee%/asel, 44 se.... 4466 wv 30 se ecses.. 30 se..... M1 uric.W 8 e etje3/a8 se....7 vue% aic M or .......... 7 Lnr »ouic . . s...... 318 Iuémwm hee, &wu c80se40 s.. Md 31 m= W tv * 40 se .......451 ~~~~s (liIeie 440 se se eoe). re triauguiar pee eo 4.40se ......... .... 4 à S $ otnaone 0-'l' Meot:1, C 0cw3. 16oi. 133 2 Oeney, le120 Mse ......11 Lailot 3, 4à se .......... .3 07 autnré, ne% a* 14 lot 4, 40 ne 3791 oep.1115lot f, 20 wac... W 6%l, 10 nOe ....173 Ulotii6.ltne......e 11 Mt 7,il.40 se............470f U4a.o1,. 20 de....... 173 lotu (x Il. S se ........e 33. .......... . ..~na.... o..... 83 1 scwiaderdDlt le. vila.oai. d R. ..... . / 40 1 elSu et . de .. ...I . los w% s lai, s 4, n20 sel...a.. . 5 (« dm ad'cx v WIt Ptr, n lots se a lot 411-el. 4s....35 ..~ I....... a.. ............ 34 lot ieaî01 t/,ss.40 se.....795 ~u ~tre . W/aneta s/........ ....... 12 el*17 9 et/ casic. o..15 * l'bOssnIeImse.........05......... 2 Des.. 2ne.. ais Me ......w ... ............ 14 Q 75ne. ...... ........... 4 13 te ... a ................15 IsaOIa, e/a nil%40ac%. LU ly (ex We . s aw se)s, S e 4 n dn e sw 3st/ sea......e.i... ea... se. . ...w ..4............ 13 *a orwVlii6.5031nne'.,. A 154r 1 s 'o nte at W% M% msv. 10 Acse £* as 19t,04t.5k% e,40 set. MWTION 18 boge Xa oh le of a.a4e'%w asé , d ......$6 L4*me Yso, al'w o il l ne t8e ............ Oli Vf a se a i u .0te wder,' ', i t;1il1. , lader *W% X du teC. t. 1 te ....... ......... ,Pt e Seta 4%iôis ..2. leIe -à t i), aé % e uFrederg*leMd.%wt, Fareteli ma * M'atfhuieW 15ttla e'u55 Augou Malleli. .3 . . .20 lad P'atrick Ludilow. P%ic MW id il/asea Mathisermo hn. tta o t e. M U loe, 4.2 u W'....... e......... la AIgtar ete c. tor. wtà 1 ,0or.liii atnlch Ludlow, ex 12ai lbS%,Me aes.30.10 Me ......................leu I. d e l e A ]Hdll on . ry iiw eu t yrd w % se t Boues >14.. in%... ...2. .e.........8lu lIalek Ludi owhep.R K),1, 0 s . 8 "34s. 48l,.7; W3/oc Ie..... ... . .. . .4 Wm !rWei qaa, nes.twoc à* àe.;: ftd 10 olaci.U/ vt8 e.. 0 1iralliaer. i awi% % nec....o....Ut@ RicýHard 'iont (ex e aI, sw% as@I n8.1 0 2e. .................... MIrliam, ew 40 ne ..s..37 MWIlliab Tîtîmane', ai40 .a..140 F ngisgr..Zitneb wkorh j8 0 se Tisousa eren, oc4t/e, 0 leu54 Ul'asparidhne (à'.v3 v4ms2n.4» ticar 111 'liub (ex wl a @() nta, nee.. 7 Ituiias alsl. set/a -10-a-id se%;...m3i Wilalir amunle. n e .nta4 .... ) LeAw C ........ e.. ............... in C Inh&'iem. se% nw%. 13 ase.....11M T'homabIle. AdIat/a. e%»1,Ui c.... M«' Au. Mesuias. e eloUI/a oW#4, IAr..14, et)8a<a......... «.................... 5w C'etG Zau . Ie W% w% à@%,.2.2se... b7 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 3'74 id t e. 21 c 21 Caoaph ndsm, DpIFtsl/.3s.....307 D'avidp l otel, &% OCwttand piwt MWsw5/* .50 ae .................... 172 Tom!1 ublfy. 1pi »,4l/a ses..a.54 se 10 C 'baoie. es. »W%,.4 se ... s John snorep.ntPt se'%!,. 4 se 52N .1.5 eob e2.0 eaU 24le 2.6 ......................Id lOeu s. Sg wase . i s a...84 gâ liVte 0,cr. «ide w w.2I3 see.a.., 25 Joseph am,et w% .eé, 3e..........M4 Illip R osten, PI cl/%ansela, 2Pat.w% Tolm stcnna, , P nt R , 4 so...Si John lMare,snecR e% m0al........ SM W.acob oescua e 26i50oc E i). pIeV1 2&1 e ............................21 Jlacobd Moraki, 1 w' 141/. ine.. 1 »%.Le.......................... r RCa Mot.e 15,e/a*%se%/.at/,10 ne ....1Mi Pete Saet (ex 1RoNi)p, aiv31 nei, &50 c............................. lm0 Mmos'Don e1se ae P. as e. Wtt asI.. C "0 Mublî. psiàoo de ............ M 1 9oa 1U 03f2sea cr %aw29. oc7 WllamPuoetrm, vP15e% ne, 29oAt/. 10.10 anr.................,...SO Bi e 10er, Mer/arwl/a ane. 10 e.... 51 WleNosXeUtatesw31 e R/a,4Pta% 0 John UL'iane ae/aiit a.11l Bore linulrswa se/amt/,.... 12 Gea. iloaer la, w Owc se.. -20 Dino uir laucsla 0se. . 5 20 hs IhIb. e% a*e n, 10ac 4 ou sec......................u r&1 Ot eltombRp ,p eavl!,se/a 1&2 e..........................2U1 Paoii int oe (ex 2leue cr),i. e cor cise/a,1»W.....'a................70 16.30 Re teie,5.....................299 JuIl) eIlget/a0%sel/a, 40 o4..........$4u i44He jtanb. Wo4Wnvl/u., il0 t..4a <'bavbluaechsew% neic.lOoc .4b11 Utdward ners. set/anet/a. 0 se.. 01O fe.........................20 Ir BVota v9.0 e UIa.9.0 os....30 Cîis 1<.e 4 s o! w 07s . ......t Ma 405e............%,..0............ 4m e pt e% nehcrgertex*.5 se ni/ MicaelHonte4er P t/et/a. 89 se44 s5 o................................ 211 John R oit. ex0emRsic9attsecor.5 se1,... se...................... ag John4Ot. ce!, at »% set/. a.......q s4q........ lv..................... las Johnsuit . e 900 aw% Jsla25/a 9 ,0seM C kOtwa w%ne. dse ...a...... 45 Folrd Oelé rf. e1/4me% 0Hoc. ' l% C Fi absi .8e 10f244Ar w/a et/. 2 aie.... _.1 ........S AeorgeOlt£,heWb9.50s Me nmc w9.50sic.,3 48tse .............1............M Ott. W .50 sîe n n%seau,%.540se 5 Jolhn tt o5acv, 0 RUse23 t.. 511 ('beis geblebaeh, mil se avic.iSse 1 Miey K brgs i e »%wl%/». 39 oc a JOs Otue. eD1W el.cav%,a%.1»s. 1. Johnere lgiexlc ad).s 9 ne is.. ..... .. ............... 2 Eii't~'sic lwt/ svc19, se J01Ottrlep disvIwc8.7a Hte* .10..a..... ..................1 Ah Oaltet. 9 m./aselW%,»% "Y4. 9.se183 John O t0seaw/ase% se%,ul5.oc....IS Buisi.aei*6TLO20me. M piohn Bllg Ir eý^.25 e.............$à ltA.,. ,l'i A 22pIne W% D et/a Me -de.....e....... -.. .... ........... i Petre iteae, 3 86et/newneta. 1.1 seoc.........................- idin r Mlr.11Aî te me. mcý l/a, 1.50 m... 580 P H pta « ne fa 4me B, O se.1. îuteRm«bra. a lora se v%,78s Ni rani..1..n....................4 lo a n.htRnptnw% almc, 10 8se.. 1In pm à neb. ns pRIaicadelase. . lu Iloeik uele (exbê Re ,aSa ), àa.1 Lynew li.o.uvte ., 11» eo4oi..eut 051'î .1 e ..a.... - .40 UI auto sION.w Joh FyPtw t d- am ta bil 15 ne nRlaa. Fî ÎhZM Is* e Sac.. il 11,Pt *1iluv.LO 1 t Èal i *1 a 3 wi, £mqPt a3..0 e oe ...n.aa.. w is%. .2...... ... t . tnw.. . - ai NN.Pt n w tL22die....;- à usl ex 1 a &*lac 10 los) %ae...... li............0 i 12s11 armentasual1. pI tt*6ra3uiwl, lse.. ..........................W 4 elafWfl"81.Pt. ft<I t%1W Coi% se ... e%...........................n.M î î 5.apta a, .40...... Ch Parssc i sillage iotco , Ill a . . -*...............10 sOtOtiaPtaAussi.C ta (ex w . th.?on s tel n Is), 1au swo ulo ,bk1.....................a = 0«Y.Io 7 bi 1 .........'121 à s liaissW S,1sw>6 1 9 e... 1 ChsPass t IlO fi atl.:: (e% Sa,.......................30s A1o Veir Il .f il 51 8 (sil vit i..... .............. ..... .. 0 AMic Toemb, (er .00 teW 1o4, stI .1 Petr c. a 8 55et............-... 'a Peerba. otss .00 f1,W1W ..r.el.'.......2 Ëfi..ol CliuaAis(or U t), WL isbi 2..247 i'bNNî 75 iu li t o e 92Cl l ot 2 .. * b l a u m . , o i.. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 1 M 1homo Dt>,l . w bIt ti ad 0010f losa 2 , otTbi aà2 ÀusMostuu10 9 bbi.......3 cari imas Not bli...... ....... :0 aiser. ta. tOil...ib............WI Schneier, Par els4010Ct)i. lots 12 tu doW,....1......0................$M Sche oeid uPrcl &Oise.o le, blotis..1 tie5luEeb2. t$1............. b 5401 1. Scheder, ab skfla;Ot U è, lot 1 a Pter15lacs. lk &1nt $12............. 10 te7 ubk .î 1 ............. 9M te-. uis e, blt 3,ai 12..........24M lines.Tdie, lot 6, ih2.............aMsj Scnaeder,. anlotie, bihir. oe Us Ce 40 luhie, Estw7 , a i 12l....... i... .. 4( Fred er Pw 75C& O'Coner, Ctlots21 bib1I... i ............. ........ 612 Schnder Pr&aU &SSC netnelu 1 tTlue, bibI.......12................Md A tu' ara * oyt 10it 81 2 .............22M Je 40 Fîser. Mis4.lith 2.. ý...........291MI Schneider. Percuta & OConner, lot$ 1 te lacn,'abl l.a1........60U &*l'Oider Paahl& O'Cosner.lots i tet'ne'.bil,ai $12 ............40tu SchneIder, PrsiO'ConnI. los i tollnc Ilk,at81............ 240 to 20 ltue, bih , Scelider, Pa4rashi O'Canr, lots 1 0 to4ufbIis i $12OU...........8 M bcnde.Parasl OConnor. loms1 to.nebhOa812 ............888t Ucnedrroalo &O't2onner. lotii_ to40 m ,lb .t 1 ............ 0 te0 1i tue., kO.aI$1à.........01 Petr le llaot.bais2.............5fiés J hneIder. iarsll:OCo rlis i 3 chde, .15s o .bli ('Coner, lots 194J C tio .50ne ceb1lot 6 lk 3..........481« .cHAeI&er. 'aasi lA OConAITeONota a tU"o20lnc 11h1 aI 1...kl......... Bot 1 ScslePrsul 0 Ociety . lrots i ao 80 l.,bih ...;........ 10 I 11 2 ..... 1.. .. ..... ............ 2 0 0 dueHalt9, blk 2$.. .......... Oeasis. $rsIo" OCoate iI. ot sou t. ...... e.. at.... ..1........... vi aOC ashi &e O'Ct o nen 3...lots2# Wl otera, lot ,t ...... ......le0 i Wuto4ia, lot1.bit8,..... ...... la.î Peter"Ilnel.t aDDlm i iO., s$84 ta eleh. lot 1, bi I.........$21w Joh tewt,o1, bi O................1M4Ib Jrui aeit. w7ac lot bill ...........5 C W dPetts. .Slot . b2814 We illr ,lo 4tuis.e , ii . Trust.. . i.......... - Gkoo ier j,.....lblt ,.........100,4 VosOstenasa, et . ln ,lO . « tId e, 'lIot blà ...........:: 23 ti Jew ra, ..................12 Bs wO"teals. i e, bib2........... la wud Qoarnsa1 lot?,. bah 2.......... . .15' 0 00 le r JI , l ois 1te l c. bl î.o q, s et Jacb An¶ts J, It,ý.bih Iý...........194 JaobnAStesar,lot 1,bih i ..........11la gu@t .IUJr 10NoA bi i .......2 (lu inicJlot IL. bit.l .......... DavltI FeiiJr, loi 4i, bil:41.... ........2 f CleJurtend. lot 51 bihs1 ...........1$l (les Millet Jr. lotÏ is U 1o...., ....... a sou Llne, Jlot 4, bi 1..... 2 Reryatp. lut 5 bi 1.......... l sei ane lot T, bl............. IA ChiAtesa. .... ...bib.............2 i lae. lysai;...... ih ............4 Jam.s...aslot:.. bibt Dsvi Piitb. ot . ...2.. .. . 0e, ~ ~ ........ SAlrr optolc aia $0...........................0 Jseob aies r,,.ibiès A ., .......M OoMlrJlI. ........ ..........1 (Ie MlleJr.Noe...b.............40 ibi .la>Lms 018 ............. 2 Heo> Lsme lo?, i...........1 ......... :i ... .. .. .. .. .. . ...... ..... ..... ............ .............. . . . ... ... ... .. ... ... .. J . ....... ...... ... 0 Jo UOVaor ............ lie PU................... Qb litoexbaa .......... .... es Onuinao Cenecb .... . ...... Jota Slit ............. la Ecd Ir ................ (1,0 stryher .k ............ 6- O (Lee éid=o. : ..... *... int L r SwICt .... ............ ..l H L taah ........ ..... 122 ioftpb Siegel......1... .... 74 Pred OCbwab........... n Josepth. AOel ... .....::::. M l'rnb mI .. .. .... .. . ..... . P.ndrew Sechualde........ t'hrlaU@chlar .. . ....4 F W Tels...... Wu-ar Tiliman O L IlTodd ..........44 Alcan IVn edder ............215 Miary u a 1 .123 Kout,{H ianAer.........t Johs L I'etter ....................... 71 Vetter & ZeSts................... 40 [.pan Wlimet... ................... S&I ti HWilinn............o John3 Wllilitn.................79 l'bris Wilman......................28M Ans Wlnter.............a1 lierman Wbeet,.ýr..........Xii Ilirash P Wbeeter................... sil ............... ....... ..1 OGWblieonb .................... .. 2 James Yore ........................104 Ufrbae4 Tom ..e .................. luI i.eo Yre........... u1 IOP Zahale......................... 50 bila C afper ZshoI, .... .............. .1 Jas'ob aee .................1 Miat Zabînle........... ........... .1lu J?.e b al f......... ......... .... 114 f eran............. ......... IaIK Ans Ziman.................12 Henry Zeiss........... .. Ilosai lTelegraph C('alt Vo ........... IM1 Amereau Telephone & Tth'jrph Co,.. 151«J Western t'Ulmo Telegrspb Ce.ý.........0100 leago & Yoe'ihwe,'ru imaod <'e.. O Chicago Telephone C'............4 igliand Park Ek.etrilri.,ht, «t . 17 Civicage &S14iiwsufee e Lc R CeL'. 413 tifty y.aru ago Itle sliowance of peint la thé British navy waa veryr smail. sud somsetimos thé offie,. laad ta pslargWe avaals la oider that titeir amii. miglit malatain a decent appear- 11300. die of tMens resorted taoa ainm. OlfNO exPedient eltbeý tosote to h, beart of the aavy board, or, lit tbat proved Impoassible.tu eXpress bis opil. on. Bir Jobn Pbiflltore painted ose ide of bis UNd yellow frigate black and toute, and Uned 1h, test of the lnc palhtu nPrintiauou tfie other aide, la large letters, "No more paint." Thea »Yi board wroîe ta cail bis attention to te Impropriety of bis c«oçt and tlgned tbt'mseives, as tbey dld offiia- 1 17, "Tour affectionate frlemndl a." T is1 Sir John repiied ,that be cotild flot oh. literaste the, obleetioaable letters un- sais lie Vas given more point%and aigu- el hlinseif, ln tuou. "Tour affectionate frlend, JTohn Phlimore." The avy bo&M' then called bis attention to tbe mpropriety ofrlthe signature, 10 wbieb Bir John replied. scknoWi.dglng theb lett-, statiugf that li. regretted that bhé Pabst Lad flot b@en sent sud .adti1 las: "IL am not Jour aectonate friend. John Pbillimore." HBis frigate was ai. lowed to retain ber original yellow. But ne Oet ihe Moner. William Qulgie3r, Of Brooblyn, Who losseas Un eye ta the main chance -ad machi more than tbe ordinsr.y biasi- ,lieu acumen, il congratulatiug binaseif oa the, paytuent of a -bill tint girdled tho eartb and travellil 6000 miles ho-ei aides. It waa Dot Qulgiey's blli lu tb. i Baut place, but lie tank lbe cbancd aorf cllecting it sud made s libers) profit.1 Heury Darragli, a haittery boatuaap.' made a bill for $9 for ruuning linos ta the British sblp Basadsneira lu August, 1M., but tb, slp left; ber, for Shaug- bai lefore lie bail a chance to present It oe Captalu PFalk. Ue'tbought no more 0 -ri l; unll isst Jauuany. wheu, fiudiag t lie biiilulIsl poaee, Darragli ofered g it te Quiley for $1, wbldh the latter C Cu mPUYîpaid. lRe pastedl thebll via 1 la trauciaco. ta OsptalaFalk. la1 bhanglii. The latter indon l 1 i thturil Il via Ioon tu Quigipy, wbl 4 asotit tethe, umine a'sgents Cgse. Early la, AwU a draft; cassail IM Glasgow Werthé amaunt of thaé bil, auniQai.giey, div ftas Laueay,-o New Yorki ounaL h S The propos« iÀaidge over the daaiarlg IBisse, ome.Central Asisa laliWa»Y. venUte ulos a wooffim t bridge bult vbeil theeTi-4aa.Cwiihua ZWaY Wall buRlt. Tlie site la about1 s IBYD Boy' lb. Ilien a voisbrebis té Mis, Iktbao<,vw u Oeat 15151 te. riMe; féesa me emâ tS iv. thé, taaic« itus aiîf .lS' l4aa t lucedtt lsthé at uhus v-tLa& eeijvelt- duselaio u ei iaéuwa im S I. tratit OM a in *@thiri sud 1laspo. lI o-gai abouti hdb isls< sM Ila ta buoi oen. aa me a i lsi anéacocep. et tasse ostee meIhgente r*aas.1 lateé%nt .04 S4e e 1Pi' ftrevelicalle la Mrt iseosOtiuss 1mbbar eo04uceas regurdiiMrbOtpinion orthe bdrlie-stc ou4 oh. JtfInet à ae dîeetiona taams oS a dlalitiotil tesluucaari nature, lu- der, oesw"t>nli aam. trou lb, vay *a bons lerseif, tbat oco .die md asa- en tie dontsf tBarouafonrain isoff ber Cts lIa dovaaell vas àaumore question e9 tires. Mmira.Bus M onbai a lange. rmals> sur- pliaiàaousi of basase; trami sud tase, S os sudamitru, ver, tillai oui *U.5 day by day; endi ertal tisa calfasnsd curios &bout tise homoho- came amaliar by dceem nd lssuitull legs, as these Packages lneed iu npa ber asdi mixe. Ona uorînt ]Dame fetceb er aut ,apatairs 10aIls big spire roani lu whlch Sobre sud ber mintreusil ba iesu cmii- 04S gimce brv*kfasl use. 'j%.y iniguitaaa- esoli atterédu as seoaado f isastp su ryacues sas a leWtppuosbed boscthe. door oguinatàa gmle 0etlboaismstutss ou-tis b ,eue. Bdaimitls Mis" jas. "Nov, aov. Me aaesplexse 10 1.0k " t --yo' regln li !Noiea, inîti>; wamI ndeugi. ah. bai a 0do no. Aiso bernsanl. wviatopped aimbil aven aOi abat&"ieandSatandi about ber vw"i a Caca of uadisguissi amsaeiucat. The car- pet vs lîtereS vitb lace, louselinn, iuilck-bnacha and ccil lat, sud tle loi vas apreai trame topto botta. vîit am- Up cliver. punchis ls, teapotu. cras. Jug, marrov apoon. sauce laies. smot- boxas, cendlestlrks--nolhins lsd becu 1.0 lauilcM an10escape notice. The tiuicu- lot table vas loaded it il les ot old brocada ad eedlework. sud tbreo greiy laoking hie irunis yawwd open- mutbed la tise mdlei > - a -ready te wavailo, Ibas ea om fore 0one of ltes. boxes Mis. U w va ktseei- "Good moraia;, hgaas, asd ber alter- ln-Naw, brly. "Bnasy, i sec,s usual. 1 jusi caine tp te asikifut1IcariS Iip you lu .nî wax?* -4e, Bnb tIsais, el un manage rery vell by uyself yul Nois," i.0king mnatilsPot ont, au esic*airhe; sud scial- BingF avay nmeartiele. out af sigît -I nover tan Pack If i am valcai; It puis me ont aliagether. aore," cingles the îlS vitL a aboud. "l'Il. adsa.wt ya-, Jane." "But sursi, peu uns sol pacilaitea" lhImana rauFu.Biars? Tr ouuis pot- dis tbsm asýaj', -and i cau do tlai for son, son mev." salid the oh lady. stiui Isugins bath.e "'Pulting ibe. hyî No.,lVm packing them OP go taies awal," nov dive tau0 buy. 'iileians my ove property.11 "*(laci graenos a ati viat do yen Masnh la bot naytr atadmolberoi POsst bowillahat Noies bas la bar hanir" se asked. vith an air of pionesaurprise. "Tsere nauet a sous monstroe umisiaka iu yeur paeiing ilP fa" ivIer. lars, ticn an mS isna." "Ça mistahe ni 5111 Everptiing la thc l'au la, mis.," vavins ber band raI-t "ail toward theOser, ltehe »d sud tise dressing table, retaived te put deva lIS& Jane, 'asaise blad erer hein ont ta do. **My duer hnabond gtave me OU." sadd- ei. vils a kuni oC Sui«,tlot mligi usaso eltber deflones or a tributs ta bis mena- Bat ihegé vrer. beirlooma; and for one lb. old lady vas drms **Hocouid netot ire son vbst noyer vas hIa. xarA. Ther are heirloome; tlla eo- lnsg te bis clhidren. aud citlidren', aIl- Irn. Thiu muM et»as. lu roqiiy estonisbed tliiyou doatias e mie.l tobe yeursei," atiffeaiua visIbly .OS il. lirM Brsbizou faNeS t0 se.sngy mis- taie; sud ber instincsof' réPaeity sud iliaier eutinsulaheti sterytbingaime ln ber basoin-even ondiuary prudençe. ]Cacb ldy 'sltnys ainaiaed ber oop"ia- Ion. oui lhe renait vas a very pretty îusrrui, ta vhia Esue sandNokea were tha tvo spascalesa Seconds. lirM. Brabazon flguralireip boundai la- oe the arêt.s. anS let beraeif go for once; th. sefo fanCrgaI lerseit as tb oeil Mi;» Fane a "miseriy old omea," ami a, "mei- 4lesome old mai " and tle latter, vlllaont deureudins ta sncb rulgsn expressions, msde some vers tellinE bit:», ami manaied oa bare ber "Y la sa collected sudi ina Pr.eirve manne,; and, la tle end, bp s claver macuver. ronciud e batIntie hi lucidesnp tise roonand «commEsoff thé( bey. visie ei.oius tba, vas taula- 'sntut a uPtoiiug ber semis caeos end, ans. liii 55alt. delntie Mylu *ackei., aissterali announced ct ijeva besr immediate iIntention là suuamon th@ tamlsîlatoyer. Ti* fsao.l hay#idair suiveS ýtb. cest daj, sud ve ot bo ilsOSsir 0<444; tc Mr, 13aump*uW1vidi S ssseapi i fouri aset à.favut hladestt alva. It appaua*d IiiMmMis ibsoolb bi-a rasw bisu 0951'5 légal ga* 11bilaI th. lair à- va5toizetsss t#&ilng ce ut t S.u plth. lui ilos isse ts. »ot- gaer a tur tbe m. soAue] vs a eateila lb. dinlass tmo *lkea tia divesn 5ivded, aoui lelass uisjthe ores of tbs leviera sUrmoulai, iso, on&.. e Q a ace sadNti okes, litM. Iraliso. .olid dtrembliugaiteçi ndve i1oe ta ttc: caia, ýtiti t ir «etrotte In# olsmafaflp ibbod. Iliui ah. moI t RPointtle grasp vbat ah. coli fSou tha 'rici of iter properip; sad once, vlieu i br Ébats lu the baisuca vas haiC su olace liabter Ian I('iorlau's ais Bueel> i "siedaion bardue-ber i t«'Ibat unit wteaed a %paon Ont oeta 4 ranr pot. thl ber ove quirerin.i cav-ilc fonvera. On tle visole, tis di- il iein ett lb. polifvra i amnoooal to- i . .... .r.. . -L t . o h p o se saD e.w a a ut- y 1 r, n i ars o ta "l' sa s en < n i is ra :brf asla mu haflpdie ol te-tlie. -slispUs u t PCHÂPTUR XXII. Pllausa .MrrIei qel; Watty Clii poes tosaboistcromal>,tJkm oo ami Mabal) boem spsuàaa. ,masloisih loeri, sudbha "a*Ir s eai. rp ee is et lsa2, bas licou. alive t th*fact iba ahe hi ceeulèmu'i"es Oet liebennîlos, and bas bhialltoverat -"auegosgieusb otan. sIt lauàs ery Vais oui aimes tropical afleom ner l.te sd otJonc adM n ami<oiaran ula QGuide' dîtsfn ravine reou. vhleila crovi ai wltRoouro; nla aiks betwoeeath v indow, la tise Sosan th bsclley piece, and on ever> Av*sibnl ckel shett aud table. The vindows are oprn ilé outoloail blinis ane hait turew 1dovr, yel liastaimphera lu Oppicuait 8and stiBi. Bathi the- dim,.aredies tu whit, Quie. it muve ribboue ont Es.. w1th bisci; the forater la etrettee ont os Ch. sofatsienaUttde èe t emp" physical proatraion. "I hae*basanliinkias, MDom." ah. ob tserve!dt a:it, "thinuinE aullensir abot àieuï, Altd'i.ave coue ta the coeiclusiol p.a ou irauanidiotl" fsmoisg 'owgî brichi» o. ae «m*s, "i domt recel, candidate Cor an asylin, simp Il tisaI 70u have a an ai ielcisac- 'Tel csais 1 am vgrsedp olisai toyon,' reJolueci libe utles, lookIng anp wlth 1 mille. "Miar 1asi wbpyaneualai i havi no webse?' "*Certninl, ion malait, leeanas Sert 709 are retusînE1t0 maite har wbiiatti sun plains;obatinsîely dechiuins O01er ef ter aller. There asassv nirrapily couti int on ber flgtere"Foster Porbe, hij David' Campel. roagaCalowa. ai "ent ta the rigil about. Pis>," gare*$ ticaiiî. "vint do Yan expeel-. duket" "o"vitb curt iccialon. "The @eàaou lu setiluEon. and jot lare becu coultlered imite one ofit th ebelles. and yei YODsas not .engtsed,, grumbrd GJaulie, indreredly. '-Whst il tise good et bnvinE a preitty doter. sud et. eryone nablns a fusa about ber. viset elle viilDonol ae ani odrsntage cf bei opîsortunities? Toes are enougli lu pro. Voire a saint!" *"Wlcb pou are flot." retuîned bel companion, vitb mare itallibthoncourre si. "i vownder yen are ast tire t theia subJel, Oui. i am. 1 have tbld Ion ai ieaatifty Uies that I do not wigl te marry. i mean ta take a lest out af Aunt Jane. hbook. Il la Do( perte to pre- fer single bîessedne@a. 1Intena 0ie à tory icas aId étaiden lady." " 'An old miii!" disdalaful>. '"A ili tale, bai."anely. '"1Iakov'b>y YODttlle t itre this. 1 beliero yen have eilI a Uih. lnt for Mlles; Ion lntateated Young voilà sel billea vas Eood-NooinE saidSenti. manlî-1 ireiiYODtiet:le. Tes, les.", hail aitting npe, andi gaiiugkeerli> et ber doster; "Ioyedn etSnoetesyour face là suaeut. Pcolvi, 1uiligEblàaram.« dls.ea it, i do asseure pool Ah. I1sme tisu Itk luatulI Mlle".And I maet soli ivonder Yan baie net more pride; eres il lie voali marry pan. te marri hlm vouidd b. inadmesu. For Instance, pou huai ihst 1 am very fend otf red; but, ail tbe seuelle If Jw, bai ct ibeen ueH endoved àvitâibis vortd'à voile. i vouid Dot have morrled hlm." "It lu qalte supertiuntelaieation lta!r," rejoined lier aIsist.'sharpIy.0 "Nov, don't b. crois, Blau. 1'.o ni ilg mi daty. ndaiit la reaill moal fun- selflI of me te put ithese ithings phini>l hefore yen, for i vold mach rallier Ion remailler!ssngle, and a otinon for me. But whcu 1@se Craren Hepburn sud tveatp-gge thenosani a pear actuali> bies- tins o! Yte t ob.itslea 1 tefst îlot I muaits$Peab." *Well, oestyonhav. don. youi daty. and reileveilyrurconscience. 1 i îi, leu- tiffp1 te etetaail IsqoIrinz lriends," ÏMahi Mass laaaIial. **&ad let u iear ano more about IL Neyer aini ntp love affaIreGuaie. -Wiat about 108es toe h Bobns' Iis .vemlag? It'a too bot tu't iT' conadgly. '*Oh!" fanninE very fast, 'ne may just as Wel bo bot tîcre. vlhere one la ana- ed, os here. vlere Iheea'a sthisto do. We 'll go. of course." vith g<ecualon. lirs. Vasisan vaes a litIle lady vbo lived ou exciement. andi vas neyer happy un- ies, aIe vas Oying traoua neeniertain- ment to anotber. HBerbppetite for con- stant amusement vnasInaable. and lise sares spirit whlob promiaiei ber ta rue dovnansd pI7l teintls ilstheBello..Vo xvalb b la o n, bu thvalunleer for bha- aors, cladreans pariorluII sebol fenasla -.snylbins fur a chanile. snj'tiing for aovetp-vsslthemane that nov'impeiled ber ta0 ant continuai rond eCdance%, tttriMus. low.r 0110. races aitI- ner parties. If she lui on. day, ane af- ternoon cive, vits "uollalagon baud," ellI. va -amigerabeasallmu. elle vaa neser esaltaiei, mTel IWOshleu. No sooner vas on.treat ovant oser than sbo vas thinhilpE et. msasiiori atmi liugss tien tipI 0loi.aoàli staJ Ihomo for once sud bl èa duî* tsdl- '" ai look. selufl uonas iphi a mIlostroasealusurdity. lis vas mot. eais fraablp atlsiOvriand abovo fondioethbie déouasleeril. "inme .nou wthe hsd Ifoàsd vers oli oddiiftin peeaewandalpipers." " eug oude omuâuel ag osa, ber vamolwuiiaiew.pmvotw sollny littebistl uit, d otasestingg aaional &bout for soM.9gA «M"usotoar"mails at treI i siaisas clois ta0UMils.sud Iuià Ià CataiCt. IThélatter las bie= la ZEtEl , or sia menthes on smed- 1.51.utllobls, bejailundmibubterilylas liesn olf,101ei la is balisa mollis. but lia lb.tller. plasantler pas- tare. o etlsgreat inatropois. fHe dois net lok muahoC tise Junior Atmandsu Navy la the vais of, bi* friei Miet- -Mle l* wo émirlaniddtr outh . ries vItla thb. ist mette hboutsla »earir t0 yrete aines llaitsaftond la the dinin; roame of the cl; Ivo treaiy Ffte apsut on Afrl's aime raen, slrugglnga 1mouite the lest of a daiS, scaoatroous exiutence, meiaiensg. itI fll-lbt 10 farget vbtan>Iit haro'* been," ami yei ureiing ,ivcry newapape lie taok nu> everyiemter h.equeigi, ltés ~the innocemenat a&pfsab Ilâmt, sewn. Whec lishlidsovsulyors ne4NaW&Psem4e4m te t'. auas5 app bruw lî* hit, b aidw sàà& lin ~th% ficet sNati.tntf4ait owbutha whhmg ,,- asiaos tindesbéessle ugo- hag, Mll *YýxJes, 11 u tubae, mos.m oosa wltb uaNwu ne i mon.&" t ietao bas te a.. tas@sue, l u pu as sp- *effla, -Md 1oewum sta appmlaha.»" 131b og ab , goo O; his.Ulmv s ,onb.«W *MWe i hnw wbsi' u vers thora or not. Im afvrald ypi e matils that Md hsao tp nmae~ procei. Dleky, aisrl- tim A, friend. Yenon re th$ tis" viiiwu pompaltsae.» oCelhie boaud "'Am 1ir roclay. «I ratier Cae" ihby l. lh»I onmAe ors liuesaf va>lato iMisgood lIs pa*atag roet 1 shall b. las b.d. . .1 have inveoed la two e0t'. » m* loneblus bnttaaholes i. I.oetas4, aMdir1 net gsorte avel*Furs ubVùta4NOa. ed lb. otiter,'MWolîIga4oets.shW triebrs remark. "It vonld b. rtier baoil 1s»s »If w. ild.aemmspud thielest fesente ne- gether, ah? Ani. striedi but 8 Ya îe and us, tien'. a lîttleits l IPolisahsrp "Moaiag s efalune mm s lbas - "Pas net sur@." glmliag; "nvp dose mmtstand hall a bud! ebukvt' .'But ec Oynuaotmaenas.te voeuse1»a saune otiter til.? Whp mot teluserreve feebi>. "Ton hnov hov r 100111110par- 'Yos von't math Ibis oc., l'il g seINÉI ton'il ceme? Yenuamet corne."' '~ci"rritabiy, "I suPPMsu1i r but. talindyan. 111 l ok le0k lm for ai an benr. lRemetnher, l'u ast 4as houaO saciet> mon as yen ame.andI Pisa nti as- ing t0 oblige ion." itbin ve spinal«s of utagkW m dîscover lhe Ivo gentismea ls'.xsfp rindiug titeir vay up lira.Bokmu's isals <To bh o etisn.i. RAILWAY STOPPRO DY LIONS.. Aie Tvsaty-eigiht Mmu auil elaglM Coufktructloé for UNont"a Openklng la tbe HOMa.of Lords or the progressof the tanla flaai Lord Salisbury mentloaud tliat amoeg tbe unexpected dilicuties uncontesaS w'.re a pair of maa'utlag lion., whists stopped the vents for tiras veeka b.. fore tbey veteobt, Au soce*aetheui- uand maea veto at voi us Oth. lmias. their Iutimidation 1>7Ive. longsoaea. almost iacredIhis. etIf la actthsl no draadfni as tiheprumue axekio« by tle Constant altaeis et tbis Dairet mn-delroyiug vilS beuti fmaie cumulative ltas tsar oeeuaonoq thé' indien lahareru by 1he. subI&W U" a of their comnades belag carutud off mai devoured, that hadrodu 0etiliM 1lait.1- trians vorimea tralneéd on similU- duties aniSer lb. serrice 0f thé era.'W aient of lainu.alandoasd Ihéin emple>. ment and psy, and crylag ont liant tepr agreed in vorkfor vsges. net -Io 1w fodori l ieu. or SvIlà, ruhed bthtM lin. as lise trains for thé ehautvo npproftbing s»d'fIlingteula acrens lb.metalu gsave liae saglas dlIv' ers tI hees . ltjaer of passiag ove their boies or of stopptag te taie tla up and curry them beitec 1 Moabaa. hiany of lb... mec veto ulNmIdu Hlm daoe, but stuady Sih&s]tel threommu- stances word se unqa., u&Mthéenmms witueg t romcesi 10te vek n lboody andS appslng. Ibat their plat nd uS-s peration are no malter for stuprlo@. Lord lalsli uilderstatod thé e l.le Tiiougllias vêtis ver. stopipeS fer tbre vueku, lthIofi'a capel#-&te& vlit intervais of quiet whs one ou' otbec.lad-houa voeudd, fléons M"r* lii thseeAnd of Decembe.Ila liis dne they kilud and aie tvaati-oight Iii: dmais, andI il la bellesuiS at ast lSe Ibis aumberetfiativea,,Swa&Ilijau tie hie; bOies vounding A jattaakt lng allers. They attachai vwhite un- ginsers, doetors soidie,.sud militarp oflicers, armed Ahyssinin afasirlu, u- popa. hunlaba, coolies a"dposters Mome iley clavai, same tboy dsvosai smre tiaey carried onf am i lt atLeila n thora fences beenuo thiaSiould nt drag temliarougis. At ft tbey ve coalnluDtd 1etaie oeenam» tvs tlem. Beore lb. end et. thefu-cem tLey would taie a mmn alOesanet mame alibI, iaoustIm« eteou éose but or campilr. J. ]EL Patterai., oq» of lis. ungise t th* un% ~ aI ato f eff0 aort sud NaasiUW*ui m- asside In bronifus th g4 l iag bnti tbe Moite, wb* te.~ corn te roofbd As . *' iquhlvaft te as*0erg i bq thotwa SNafrz4ma Sîîïa-" r t bb", uIeneat Il ldUa «Mndgefouibe a hndderWb a centrtbs,. Tbb'b aaortaol. buim Ibm. la U&lob*al hu uffohand"»a la cailai--, -. "*Wufaus aCs lausao"eer exampia, ietheatilag or ebNaho s uma. kn gaiS la lvrehi e olgr ea su etal -atatlon.-ow 0o'<Js augarhatvear. usue ola oua mil total 8Jp8, ase tomaber ot pauol4ie alItr vams w2O,-T01'14 alývqw ou h is Mniuts,.... *lob mh fae 4-su Ittt»a 0usd t8e bj tiou pu Th"e imi ths ý& hm If ye bWal boc veryh hmot i Kery hg bondi for t *0o& Im ma.- -Yt' wb»O 'cars làt I, 14

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