CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Jul 1900, p. 8

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EST 'g ~ iltelamaVau Papt Ilging Coeoyup dt i lmon bmanImmui egor W" slewt. !ASÇIè tliIERFULLY GIVEN. people a-n 4%ic lehi"ql ici iii a #nd see sampies at the Wauconda Furniture ......Store...... Null lne of Spring Furniture just received. Also a fine new Funeral Car. MaI Une of Undertaking Gooda constaritiy on .......hand.... 4W . MW. HUGHES, oondla - - - liii isola WE CARRY NltMOCK TKL Celebrated Plym#oùth Twin. ln Sisal, Standard and Mandla. Plymouth twine ia concediéd by ail users to b. the very best--no exceptions. Don'tbe alarmed by hlgh price talk. Getour price before buylng as we wIli sell at Iowest market price as usual. V Saji.r&G Bro, »80 GROVE, - 'ILLINOIS. sarIssi ai. A full lune of buggies, wagons. etc. always on -hancf. W. seii -the best grade iÇf buggies ever fintrodutedi 1-a Luke Coùnty. or--% When in need of apiything in the fine of .. Farm Macçhinery . ....cail around and see If we cannot f111 the bill. Ail kindu of Hardware at Lowest Prims. -WRIGHT NI CPUNTY.NÊWS bibw-..t..........Oeak asu Ivaabe awl - 01, le.-.............. 8001047alet lsaea-"An ideaàlgMeie ......... Mume .............. i....iai clt £itoo................... Mr.Meios .............................. .........h................ Aides........ . KaS rmimrt DeVAit'. UiMarty RiensMonà fumm »tnur &W Ia lte ~ bc"". brtnobtaol Nu" u l . .Lovur.n. IVANNOL vwwmo iraiV o i hm.bFasd. a etine, Mne Mim LllUmaYtuig%. of Wmlkegan, naoentientIssi cday, 10 visi relatives te. Ev. Cte ii sado Ra.etr.. r, Mit 11 rvmctor J ine froin W*Iksgaa Vieaie baubeau stand- tag seboël tee pulltjloi. amisJ. a. Ts.rnvoli, 0fMontrosm- naol ta pwosiaa k *11k ber talier aMd Mtr, Mr. PuismanmdMs J. L. Luet itdy eveaing Oeored the marrisgai fMr. Xavier Wlmmer. is le84s-- ad ot Ma Ma AMePa.yme Who hem béau car- jug for ber siair 5.t.l.soi Gusyakda, d cu~ e llmsioin saales, .e~ Igtsl ouda Mr. Amn.Tvaer. of 1 v mmacoipiiltei tp gr. B.1 obraf okcfemtmadeslire. Devis -pamt véit. is DjkSsbu eauanquis sici vii» lie mowtai, eainulaihile aitHmon Mrt. Auhetl "74«dà» lu he.trou Michbigan ubeto bé hm.bea nakleg a visivite bois smole, Mr. Matold -Oneffl. neIMÉa oeptmatad Sq ,hlma aunoUW4 , lim. <hivsiha Paye. lutmaiSndow a osiute via., Heu.j Mr. Cole.CiiSarid sne ami EL W.i Domela flÎCetnt tS hh Sudaya meooci te soeur. gouds, boalo et% lar a Stnada ehoolpimcoto b.hala ouThunapJ lv14. Tua comiuilse *111 ropait nat sadmw. 14M Fnidar sveng a m«»aBipart-y of C mug 1chktdrove oui gae .home ci . u tarr M y Pajietai Clover. Ast.,Bods osie.e sa" oiotq Inavitai, Iubo von eflot able, Wveu ualpet a very gejoyableeres- tu,bsi ggptaylag gang. anietc. ~ghnmare du. fo Mr. Payne& miny wewe daia.vily notai for *ibndniosptalilj. On 1le" Tbunpday oeuite iiaMystie WOmien séesmi or tha eu lai umeeting. Quit.a auiaber t"iamambors imua proa » aMoov applitation for sq Woht a oli oh. Aler 1the tegblr roullue of baeumsuami lb Esils., dimim.d the laigo It vae Iuo pUni soneéih nmbaies beai ocid teo" Ibis, inaMd * gomine r "à-iheva ejojui.-- e iety upai vas marelouisuleg c0(1à" 0 0 i misa. Oli hmé bvio teonama go Wohushomeo tuoe nais me MICté My6tie.. Th lv hà" abcib MOsud mmia&- Toedeo v«.moloyo aiws u tarseprom IrTa.eas set tlm Ji.. disooos. teo uniles404W 0g4"e e; J, a. F I Lve. DIAMOND LAIER. Oi ntà les MP.pSv*S.sekUM& A Min Tite om sa tuinug a me wM. M1 < -Qa-. o qa ie 1 ftu Viau#" ba Ni. EhhAMslyt aug sol e Ms Os-p Msas awSi msuoseri So BSii U* Suadayleot.1 »lWu = vil li». Quit..a mmii t m bêtse oda toi M. W. A. moiag t U iiayil lm Vek Ta4sy aiguMot. 1,-1 limae i our boms -bau*, ms meessibosbgq - opei u t n anHyasp~sfi M uibho Tepoopl i Dinod-ab = =' 6**, msuris -tomev.ti Sa" Eô-OW lie Ormi cf Un' Wfte tend XUni a. nou0:a ýo7pI [i" Wé be~sdeomtwsied bY 2lm* tenes Uni consomption masn h0 fflhyIbo -arly nueof One Colib <Cure. .Tbws teaibc Heelmi»»O amot F.019."a.v.aulu The sablait «fthe sermon et Gagné la"a M.&8.ichurýohseat bbadaj ovog- l, ill I ~tb Biblea limai1 100119 Ea. yo*it men arae pacali la-L vtei 1tauioxi servieàa i Prlmrooe Louie oauti aie of tai, *111b. renum"i foriMUn etmer nuît -Souday aiietco July, 7%h ai s350,viteaddreomes Sq a.;ig- so ni mai.. *5A1UtlMMs mceuly euff ,4 f di p SaeUe.téowloffgqwb#paito f4kléce bave o4st and emmm m00,ci * - oc$«a hm nsae taIspi etle;butsa» bate mea# ai vea.a M$,-10"o Iiyspa ia Oge b.ilantee.5 Tbl5 properatios vAU digest ual jon eSt.1 il etoaau io ud anradicellyise lueMltam i&Uailshomcidibocio. y. Bs. LovEra., Liboulyvflie J. R DUcxOU, EE uae, i'.L.WaURAr Rockefeller. FORT HILL.b Frank Davis je building an addition to hlm bain. iiau. Am&"e vîsited iu Chicagoh Ont achooi cîcied a ieksgo for à vacation teuouii hot vesihe. Muke DIaioruM lu acImtorne moni ~feap.miulMlut ne a MIM@eot 1 uait J iinmuet 301h. Bak- uhet ma Oucoslu loi placs ais effected. Job& lousm. Jr., paaa.e tiroine Our stresa oaouionslly. We ion t ton1 lia rami. John"j Couverme h aploj.4 ai the> 10 picole grcuada -as Fox Lai. mail of the liMa ise. Alanma Imm tcsWauk«gsM victl t iber plae -bthefore pari i& the. eeai.1a D. V. Wit ba. beau Imptevlug hlm 1 lauetht. apring by doing oaaiirahle4 tlileg M 8100haaA. podoci. job GuomI puetimmi s mV ev ug nautly cf O. 500k. 18 kind et looksa as tbongh Joe misant huga«&e.a Fivi CouverieteMissmm ess amuSa as rm neluaîme aais amnol"ieluit0 we.k. Wm. Liaiso purcisod no as ue Baie. JohIzn L n slssting dowvunoua 0< l" id o.landiSMnagaçvsas li* Fluiet place, umsiag a gront imprcve» Met te tha u.lghbothcod. For bua, ln>uie. pile. maebsk disesse. usoDeitis WiMbastHaal 4walvo,9hi la thaOrliia. Gounur- let. may bu ofr.e4. Mma. uly De. vIWIi . .B. jova" Lbedjiule J. a. Baasuma Gbrnae, F. L. Was'rua. lax,Rocokefeller,, VOLO. ReWmRjiogers, ai Wauuegas, vastn Volo scinder. Athur pro"eà it s hW hm'brotiier ik le Kesha. lia. Rsasdsutcbmr la entertsiig ber istor. Wa hav" oit Ieurned ibere se. live.. Robert Surti, -ai Oak Park, oponi IMut ve.k itg I&ilsrand-parents, Mr. &mi Mua. ]laidoal. 1 Mau. Heurjplowereturned 10 Van- kagin Ouadf a ~ra vWeim visit vite relativeiandsi iioabeue. Min Jenule Vahtom attenditthe 1 ienciau s iaitlau Waukelau lNA we«. .fidaj a&bd Seluudaj of " week aie viii steaiwim ooditOci.1 OMbblMhool, very Bandai lu tee Valo M. B. chorals a$ 1*3 prM aUlare iavti.i la joita '0 Ssiada Sobiol.1 préeb.iag at 8:50. Tie psaaor ivMli h &0 son OUme. is . rianda, everj- Thte wîU i s ain usocial etétthe barne of GuàmotaTOvoaod su (ftuant h Tbkuaday evogeuigjuiy lat. Iltst" aoomld hi OOMthe'bsoc ilài i on yF i o et he iisamrn unred. Proaseis for the houaitof gow. V. O. Dulica. Hverybody vUii b. isslcome. l b am oi saumber of jolis miemé a ioiooahmba IRla Tolo, f itliliiu aMison of 42=108 si s.-. -i J. IIpô Jt., hbu pMimoi oe W' b ire ut $0abrn etetae 1 u 44m ellaf uis bo ne K, uie "ed ftay aMd I. Siau tiy viols"sté . Qmuntin 'JIw. 4. i4 .Wçmdl- a haivuei Park, vimffl 84aJ. k. MUssa. la &ad" giVea by »VO!aiUuimoga band" ehutia frSe.ailueutahmeý »Ma caspWU, 1uh.ieVb.a o # olrboe leflg. The isoeteom, iteàIsolvood. Oad'»t Mimwew*4uet Whembuig, hAve beus vi.ilbg as V. Sui P. Basaihaià a dse la"t vagila àhir b arn. Qiseo a 1ud a cov vul lwue mata'* Ij li me eVU dlogmer our Foua# oamiuo cb4nu» Da 0e01'etai Mcdi aufthaM.ctalie" 1, pmeeting al, (Je Dusy, Jely "b, setlco 016100 ni . lt t»nv=hi Su ymbow lltWay a vont a.matm.>prouvas Io prasim, ut i frionds nt oeduiai Invitis 10ai. Gý BlaServatto picitul charrie$ ("and meons) ai,à. Neyer'. ton1 tro a érhouss5.eorthbm aeig 0fa "1b amm tma tu 0vlOtsImont ODact pltha aMpr whteh happeami t0 ha Mwn er te o. 1Xiwva olcy uhté teai tee acraprva. mot;smashai a14 ta pieu.oo LonsGravve vau quiet a."aalover meha"5b. <i. M"oiame $l.Bie .» &Mm sky ntem . sud tgvftlui. aMeu 4 *'Iack la the.moae«. -Do*bUae.hy àp é aI"* ais cé DeÎ musa Who IMMnt 0alMep. but oulti Ual.Thonl vase geolmal eiodua 02 $b. emapa... Dianami.Lk jk sihuacmig *he gpeme.rumber 'To 1ont klovodge mo caaaltttom oeourred vhtii surety te graltyg. NORT14 NORTHFIEI.D. Heuo. . FMIouS»pent; Moudar iu Obleago. EDum? '175 io44g halls viii »On ha blerd. Listen je North 801111- -Mm .ROMuryBuhari teentotta har "aM.UmsAnma £Ui"u, t Acroi, .. SQuitoa a umxber from, thua viil$Y siUe c amp MeilitoauB&MrigoU bu auuday. li«. Mmy iusu, 0f Cblongc, oua. mmamm 49%dUe hraainsfheW sany mponileMg Sunday ataine. IMtm L. l etotiMadounSBandar imm ni ber Long Grave frtmuds: Mima lima Eituagdsbe, Mr. W. Etigzn- thamu, MIr. 4. amiemvllar, Mr. Bas, EM.r. O-ré.suMd lr.. M. W. Gise., Teh WItmns dey exercimosgivon hik Mim Hageýmli curcb ou Sanday ve. U v o iloaa. The ptcpam vus a goti ameaiU thomo ilw otaciprt did ozceàli.t ica sbd a 714ouadaton ta hala, gglaid ii u=lespirituel devetopseai. Tii. daccatiou er* good.,mboiin aU IAMMssispla Mr. Lambin rI te oua, %s bueling emrtij a.itlmr e4.4as Oak Park. Ei$ imem ver.brought lu cartae vt ieterum ka Nu orth Moriieti cseomt ou Jrirty et 3p. m. Âge 01»4,7-9«0 Yomr. Se ave. a large oiucm of frade Who extend their sUmpsibj 10aht4 oroiug ite. sud -Amd soit h lirepocse; Ti toile me. cer. liii troublas,; lrom earhly car, luaveet, relu.,, Go hto tii, reétandwite Tii? abenuce êdeplore ose tiiougiiou, sorrev "Imilbeile, Fur moou vite a ueleetial mnile W$ e dtto pti'Ds oreo., PRASII E VIEW Mir& W. H. Btasolif la stion the, Misé Gaore Peat, ot Jeffarson Park, ta vlting relatives bore. Aiber i msou sud bride havo ruluronçd amer a short veutiug tour. itifBm aeon Wiblm bams auted ce a m.nuhhs tip uhbongh Ibmhe @@"- aum. Hsarlj oeryonm enteriatead iriqa troun the-ciiy or ý>.vhere over the Vourdh. J. Ea. Foot a aly, cf Waasiegan, @pMat thm Fourc ighvitefriand* aui roWlrsaitre-on Misn.,W. P., Di»eknon ami mon reinumitrin auhre. veeki' viait vitit ber Mouler te ti. ciy. Iou huai laut . *.J. A. Manou simrumifor Herrngtoun, SMana, a A verj Ughi haj ouop hntthe gouersi Vet ai tottelsholhave oommmeoed bayinu, emaspi on »Wvadimgl. Prot. Id shigj vin sbon stun . O aluopastrp for a foi vea, vea.u b. viii go 10Turbemimu h.m ho Iau omed auverylurtvpoi e io. b~40 ihaepmsiur a thir Ivive vore ueste cf iii. Milvas1kée Bridge 00.,0udareIbm daritiai laulvauÏke.Ail report a She guraI jouram for th. VOuuth ba» u MalDiuicuti bath. urion file = gagmehquit.e a mumbo Zý theftmiar meool plomia ai Olt$qmPark. ~-Eua deivrybusiemm for lbe mouth 9;SU. mçoa.a m mmofo texpr' Ji mmi. oves MAY. Mr. Lue. àine i mamdesiug 0ga Svè V te plebm M oI marvise a.Dogsime "od bis mrule. «4are hua more lptc a-e ily. dugier 'tW. 0. Wiub typhoti hum, adug hes. w =e'Wohme = Mwmwé. uéo. G W lu,. 0 ceue d aMW hoi a n»unïMâid Wokvt. hatous: Laevi. byd vi~4is sage wh o iupuh»4 Di s aas ou «hien c bout&lieua là aeu sof are. * But150h 011501 i, io1 oit isllergio m li#v..d t k t« aaisDr. Kuliaa 6MmàOLite W te.ftIllacir 409do0a6, iiv adIgioa. = a udu Ob liO.Mt4 dis- etiim pomadOe ai oby mv a hab--diirMitmoiTsuao a tloe uli e oUdiren, hum« it eoet baléall oi l vn v*.9 céla u srvevatiieparet., tour uf~W 87n* ia * LoTv=a, rMwdW 1 t la&d 0c0ml«Vus or0 __________lu_____l letir omiehisteut dr...eidma LEITHTON. la k. quiet W&Y. e* ely*0 almt reladvmm WouDgpressest, Md Mon 4me si ta., Noad*7. oolumPB*I1et *15011 isty fO l h bphçut MimsClal Llnerneer f O Ig, u VW PflVo amte IcarehlasUDo m@.a lemv Vios tmmn tloas iMr.<ii1 me i. pma4ug h! voeion a li. Mead and mto theu borne mmog tisu. Liii~. Wbli tiioYdii sud at vas et tihe o o Ili. WIU ltagi17er, of Ohcag«o, theirioas ier paséoed av&.am, ra g speai laut wook ala X. harles Ufe- dld nt m btir agoi hamltheb.pag t*e,. saule.. but jumai$lmmtous su ber mm Iliuma..,u som atrou listevliWiy atemdd meisnd vWOU a.n ual. and on u sy mursa. camop. ma.tlg mmlv Baringtiotestmito as1w acmpu bbr 855417visera *ieh@iiad been lQ viater viti bar airs 1. Griffith and Me. J. Al»monYouuaemîson, go vieilt ber son lauliberty. ionl tu the 0111Y 8shopping ithe rsi 01 vtil$;bQt *Mruaroe itved tabers.oMe vs» th* *»IL .1s 11tILen Vltii BPOPleXY -lad AltiOmb Jay Alla»la and Tom nd"ieimd wam i co. ummoued. aie.sdis Dgrsonlouss.i1ced"butima C (h§. D> OUOvt lsd lU 1:40 ofth#ii aax day. angeon oilay.joues, b"0iiqulaUy pummd vAY mPur- cago u Moday.rouuded hi ýber hildren. Buria ummtSm Thoera unno botter pilla made tbea Der. belid pridy a, the, prebytrima uiurcb DeWqiti'm Little Euly Rimais. Alumys lu Daeoit Sur, Mev. Mtas. e cf vtsu caïp aderiais. lm. IB. LoYULL, olftaunmg.masttod by ,îev. Hluier.ot PTOUP we JILBnàonum, Guraces; Rossait, Thé choir ofthti e iodit eburcb 4hLJi!li1lsJat tefeélier. otfLLetville furabmm he asséeil. Base aslaid tu res.t la the aureteri aetiihe.Dmem Plaie. a 808481. kud ad Stoiu The Bê.t Memedy fer £toimuéh mOuh*. livng l mlla» H" iqymtfor thoi Sind 1B0wel Trouble. aieloved. à,Afflomdsaisnidcf ber - imhae 01 bavé boni lauthe drailSbiae.Doct moiS aomgithedau«bg iitr eme eue fa. &**Weml' u.and havé aisiM014 mci uhutpo»Mmeeiagrnietr <ltre. of 4JUeganiy AUl of the propI.iary medieînes of auj exSnoe.e" aote, A01olait the entire Hlai 1have a luhmearly Yeas eof ber 1114 sbe ra& s neveu foni rnlytlug go uqui Çbam. member ofthte.Prebttefilsd cheuois» borieit'a Colin. (Jiolsa sudDiarbom Iter tiie Ulàuol:but onu eunt ai tii. Rine4z for ail tmacla 9u4 bovel vaut O c iiuehlu the YPjittîy cf hmheion troubke.,' amye 0. W. Wakefield, ot aud detetilve bourldu ina lter roes.m.b Columbua. Un. *'rismremody oured b.d Dot thieauravlelfat:udug andee»y. lia eve me e of choiera morbumatu Ing -tuligoum seetvileune me buweuidhave muy famtly sud 1 have recomuanded llked t do; but ber litetfmitb mafMdtmtd mmnd Whaudredm of bottles of il go by Wlvfideeda. proelmm le yrds derier Miy cumimers ta tuer suianattfs- tba isai mspechitbat lir ftuerevas tito. la sU cr48 a quitsud mure cure unvelhed sd Il&smroterlee nied. le a ploenmut om. 1'Forai.ehy P. iB. TiienrMR umfle murueii.r deais tvo LeEmacuLiers;duitrandiirm sousa se Illowm am anée P L smmi . httÇoR kef- J. 0. Adam. Dfheerfiagd: flii. ofC li.?. GuvrSLÂxu.: PusmAcx. JO»ou bemmVeevl. Clarence S itetyvilte; Miat-.. fvauio. Ms.E.J. Bige.r. t ravolake and Edgar o. f <raralak. W liere to ILocaie? ,1drîefj î"u a herecus h vi.s Te annaio. owm*Ijeveycu. remit. ah. mu uiih Tawnm Vw9Tem u.vrqmseatheiTints a ald, <jOti- ca"' " - thau thea-public Lou isvi-l reWlemnateao h @uto N l'le je oioed upon m 0"u.Who t. doing D bmùwo&l pro oq Ti mme uc aalvorlise 'mamhmMa. ieormeot mrad 1telM ~jj f~()~ , th* Wb" svIa u b ave la stock R a ilr or11111allt Oeitr prie«a»s. Theobare 0 oioà"hm e. sâvetUimr 40mom SouUr. Tunkle le-10 ý' hut$establishiment vitis alan enrlS«MTast UneIIW91111o41-1116 eum$em-ra 01117bc0 moud Kentuçky, Tonnsem, bomava709 lMWprulaeftmi mTet tabatma, MISSIsslppl, -public iiamlerueu tesiaidv«,limor Florida, , dc al buy tisae iuuovspmpérm for the mer. tus cf teilollu agenceiio, Strcmer is. i Grever,. u", ndersiceoi hy p-e olegeewlly glaa S vea siaom. Mammurumars win an advertim.r his »code te offt. IVaI. SPscm Lenrs, hie aivertimment in publlmhod nos in ,rail laissa th - e bilntermets uh but for the hbntent vii Ed i. tamitchances lu tiie Uuited Staue<o mk ~bg nuny~by riaon cr thie of everyoue Who May bh a lu uo0f tbnd.cesu"».auee fthre t4ilugtho me»utOMa." Lds and Farmm.________ ilmior Mdd stem. Im m Cao , Wm. l a Miracle? i.abh-Er-HmYtàimgî 'ýTIemu-avolionua ofrs. BexaJ. Free site, ilannial axsstetaueu. aud tieedornm atoiiuut o *ica Onha. erestediin. trou, taxationi fortheii55imlacturer. to"etmlsa mnkld. Ldand marel etFoiala ~,~ writeàimrlonâtiat, .léasding drug. reu uI."dr tiie U. S. Ilômnioead lave.Sieit cfUCMuate ld. Blsio cljaelies th k a on uti oil coset District va l 190 pounda uhen her doctur lu Vote- .!C.k=e.ormou poi. tovnd'abc ii mmsoou die. Thon daimu 6". du.aeim$ ht. irai mnd teurd Tias- abe bcs10 eDrIuga4v dm,.f euh asssté. fl sunDrEg'Se sc-tc nsknovwbwat Lou vaut, and w D iial; and sueqglu.i 37 oued*,le teI"ouwa ad owtoimtlt-but don tgh m m QpaOjcrt'I delar. inetue u= r e llup 5irapîdîr. hmcritimaac oetaaam Pte. maree. assIada Ifr ail tevem"i clsiBut luago crea rintuAdd alt. mp dallfrainai s iiqiiivej.untoutd 10 cure R. J. WBMY5S, 150 coe &bid 01.00. Tril-ote ammu Immigratiom mA" ladmew ml agt, troc At P. B. LOvux.Lubuy'lu LOViOYIS. KV. SAYBX.& u Aoy. NO. 468 R. A. -P. R. à Ui.Etsbandmom'by taito. 10banda hîihand veilis-110 lboC' 0i ktnd dis- -Position. pleut cfr bou.Wit i éod stong job" a go ebu aà iMÉo. reerdof *M lmtsbreediuîollom:î Bired by Heimès (NO lrecord 1:*5, tiemIbre 0f ifeodemui Hoeilmk tas ere.., ai27,H9ckotbrtft *lé. lim*& iso2:0t.amolli 1»X. Holindel im. nomai;c.. Do- Spper aut<. 1i.d:6 lIioOaetm-qmOsrdb e~E~h. itr VEto va t. ,Onu .O ar.ScoddmMLE v<0dm tItpiuo Tt- How Sce <aise Liber Lit Ph) ý- Uff irn on: dil LIBER, Issues cati Ai g if yc, re.qêtsl mae b thimu W

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