CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Jul 1900, p. 7

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0 0 SO"JAQEO M AN 18 ACCIJSED 0F AN lot. 010 CRIME. Giv yor aira i"'lit your -aI r bus o "e m day. hms Gihe air ro stop b t alwy soe coors fo ara or. faling an cuesTan- -~ bIet w yau'îar aga hfaulat enI. t ]. h. beYir 111Nov. slugLcton--iThat bab>' et youru la get- tIng te lie quite a lg chap. Wedry-Weil, 1 ahould s187go. Ho- gaina about ten p&untiu an hour when, 1 have ta walk tbe flur wltb hlm ulgt.-Clea-a oNeWs. Whag Do te Cbldren Dwirlk Dont Ivc hein tes or colie. Ha" OUn triedti he oeW fond drink call.d .;tAI*4.0? Il ie deliceus anud nourth- lut, sud tekes the plce of cre.. Te mure Grain-O >oa gire tihebi.dren the more icatb rota tiutribut. through Oai, %ytemis. Grain-OJi. madie of pure graina, andi w1hcaprowel>' prcpared laite, 1k. the Choir@ grade. orcftogne, but conte :bout!éasuueh. AUgroom @&U ilt. L50 nd RI. Exotiata Cannet coin-crac; lb.>'talk te tb&eMzacvee on»'-A. B Alcott. ABSOUTE Cenuine Carter' s Little ILiver PUIs. Muat Bear SIgnature af mv- eun* - . M USLLOW 810. OUR« Of0K MEADACHE. We take aur choice corneti bt-ct. cook it anti sur-son it - aitl donc b>' experts, icîler Ilan iî *posrible at home. Vu heu it s jusl rigbl ire Ca t tokecp ài' * ngltunutil yen matit it. Thât îî 001 f-A E 'm Dtant. CGORNED BEEFI ê Kcep it ln the houie for cmergcnctra, for auppers. fori sandwches-for an>' tirue vien4 Sy on vant aornctbuug gooti anti :wiant ilqutck. Aak yaurgrocrir. LUiéu, MiNuit it- liiuty, Chiuîguu Wrie Ionfre b.kblt. -Hua te Make4 G.untiTb iuga ta Et," v'v'vovvvv :"FREI- A D IR1iOIsPtîS FY Ç orliara sd -sa M U. W-1900..Rnfaae uoa<Y Xvist Auewr for a Murder Comautteti Tlirty 7Tears Ago-Boke jai One. a"nt Ksepm-ul Mater 0Cer sf l Mani Aguiait lila. Aft-r about tirty leurs of lberty Aezsnd,-r Jouter, noir a totterlngwreck uedrI>' 80 leurs oni, la on trial at New L»tona, Mo., for thse mordier or Gil- bert Gagea. brother ot John W. Gi'es of Chicago, the- ¶~mllionaire presl- dent et te Ameni- co Wire sud Steel Company'. Tht- 'triai. promisa" to lie onue of the mo,4 icnsational' in the hiator>' or the- Wedl. It wili probabiy ALI(X J.'.TKH. lent tiro ,mutahm end one aonaainalf tire about it la tibat the cher wlgnc.a againît tht- pris- acier ln bis aiter. Prior go thet inte wben Jester's ailegeti ktfllng of Gaies occurreti the- tarilla- t both parties llved la DeXalb Couaty, 111. T'he Gates amrit>'cotaiteti or the par- enta andi two f*or-tbe viegini andi the- Present aslliuîînire stt-elI Ingnate. But tho-n the steeli wagnate iras ont>'a tarta- er'a bor andtis iinbs was thenn u- drearnetiof. In thoae day, Kansas wa. the Moore for thoasauti, of honteeekera. Hume- eteide were guaranteti.the- Indiana wêrt- quiet. Coster hnd iaureti the- eouotry to tht- ArkansassBun andth ie old Santa Fe fuI i as ai saen a cg>'. Wuth a boomier wagon, a d.og andi ridle, Giliiert Oatea letlllinois, cranat-tithe- tiais- ippi riyvpr andi agargtd for the land oîf the Bender*. lu the- days at honie lie hîti met the- Jemiger.. ,AI.ia. ieter Lad sono ireet bcfor,* iai. and ithe- pair'met b>' accident iunlFort Si-tt. Gate&, onhbis return gri-p. was traveiiug ia a wagi tu Deetot-, Ili., and Jester liai awagon lu nmre Point la Indistna. Jeuter owaeîl a trlck bufiafo rait, irichlit-be xhibiteJ in thie aettlemouts ou thé,- route. In a 1,11-r dated et Midle Gr-irr, Mo.. .ati-s de-- sciiord Jepter, tld Ithe- dury of tWthir meeting andi of the- soties, of the hutifbu cait. Here the- firut cliapter in, the atn.ry enda. FDtght et Mitraile 14.1a aUtnbboea Ar. fiWl--UhnvOucres ita. Except for the scanty sudanti mpe- tant dtailli of tLeBritish duuct., et Ntrail'aNek ther. lu itie news ramp RoutL AfC.ric D ow gemc ,baroud dooht thît the British were ahalutely ini-paiei la u anmnposible position.'. Pretoria tilapatchesataite tht the Lin- conabnreLlosbt lhait of thain offIcera, la- luding Col. Roberts, irbo was woulnded anti takea priioner. The Brtish tought bitubboruly tili aighttail, Vihen the cavntrj turtied their foraca oue. The Bocr re- port of the engagement uplaccs the Britiaii casuaitles at over 2W0. Commniîdant urobier. irbo comniandeti tht- Pederaia et itral'a .e&, huit fout gans. ta the Derdepoont iffair. mention- ed la Lord Robet' dspstch, the men in the- froat'rank ot the Boers irore khakl Unitorins anti heirets, asid the dragnoona - iam»ed them unsuspectlnigly. under the imaptression tat thty r ere linsaîra. 'The saulatake oa. not duacnvert-ul until the, toers opeiiet a henar'fre, irben the draatioîîa irere wlithin 400 yards.. Britis.h prtaoncrs who cacepedti tCr'nntadt report that Ota. De Wet's titi-- of 10000 men, irith teti guna, e- itl'i ruin Blethlehîem b>' Ueo. Ciements litul Gei-. L'agit, have tlikon up a stroni positon flfttten miies go the soutbward lu thiiill marotidIRteiif Nek. Lresideta Sît-yu i reported tln ecwith tht-m. Au- otht-r cutmp of tht- Boerawtaring khaki lit negiotoi-l to Lave bitîpeawlet U otdley on Jouet-29J. when tht-y aurpriieti a picket of tweaty-trî ait-n tuftht- Y orkhire iight int.,ntryi. oighîi-î-n of whorn ireekilietior iroiaadt-l. TRIP THROUGI4 THE RAPIDS. SsriIreNlasari'. whl.'lpaSi Afacu- a Tluu-llltugRide. One linn iab ptasmetithuough the terbiti Wiatttrs or Nia'raafaaions whlrituool a i o- ut i.. etut lit- la ont itozioua ta ninke ii, tp agîtil. lie- le Peter Nia- i-a. , tait-r bîuul.L-uper uf Chicag. W-ho ,;-ibu-eu, gaiîg utider tht- name ut Mif. ,,Bus -ut-11,i- jtude tht- tnipanthe îri-stèeîiuoftlu itS lu-rinslie calieti hie but the-',I R Iler," It ia huilt ac-uoruing tli iii,, oi-iiirs. ItLt t ent>' fret loung aind (tuia-it uI-t-t endula is ade ot tîîui-inch îin uti t ur ulrtight ebnpart- tut-itie. Tii, Lu- i- ghs lit1.2W pantie. Trhi' shrt 'iusauuode nt 3:57 train 'a the bouît duiufiiul abluut ttntrd4:50,a-ht-n ilie ýt-uit l, ftue îîltîuiîîuîuu carrent anti âtarieti for tht- finual î,Iunpr. Tht- boat weîît rapiuiy. fituiued aven anti oven like a top. 'flue boat %vas aubuiergeti poea~ TflE~WJ4IRLOOL*RM1DS. *i NISSEN'S BOAT AND 110W îHE BIOTOTHE RIAPIDS. Naoihter lIt-ters carne ftromn Gagea. Ii*iaain ud aiguia b>the tnriauî mavet-. ratbier ent dei-etives tguidlde Uruine 1 tien dtie itre ttathe- miirlpool ati cir- to leeru what bati becou fie it ls boy. elil abouuîtfor tirari>' au hour. Then a TIc>' Itarnedtiuuhing. Tht-n tht-rathier lot- van thruimu h>' Ituuwerr goait-n an hirnnetf started fir Midle Gtrove. 'riere niait- ihu> iiiuleti bli inli. tIis Oat u-s - Le roundi Pevt-rat perboine iho htt aei tio atiOus: ,How iu tuit for n lower'" He Jester anti younig (at-s traveling lî-geth- pareuud to ulie ittle worse for bis mati tr. rt was nttitacult ta trace tien,. ride, The spot ihere the lir wagons hâti ieftt __ the main ratidiras round. Tir camp in YOUNG BAPTISTS MEET. the- his vans;locted. A turmer at-un tht- tamp rtluteul a coniversatioun hli-ti Tenth Arnautî Canentlou . nHtcd li lie Luiti l .iatiiît,. Tw a-trmt-rs vire Cncinnai. roîund icho huit vii,'d tht- camp, anti oie »IEle tentît auuual convention ouithel tariner who rtue on-t day passait Jestvr .tîu ist Youiug l'uuulu' nion 01 Amner' drttung bis owi t-nia i mllithat or liatea mci 0pteil in Mus--ictoal, Cinuinauti, hitced -tWh-hiati. 'This, tarnie- uî-îb-rul l'luriladî, - iL a large' ait,'ntiancu. 'ret-- that o-litn tht- twu wagnsuiîen'ttinguu ltheI ii-t John H. ljhatia atîlled the- cou- ,ronoGâutes oas iiitli ju-ster - tlîît mi' u irtio il lu ari. Te tIlt- îllu--ofut-tl- thetwowagus ain ou Jeterwaecuoe froinu tht- Huîîtals orCinrinasti irai aioolcu- cu i. - duici-nru'd by tlei tev. Warretn0. Puart- Convinu-ed tiîtIbis non hîiul luten mur- Muge ottrte Ninîli Strie t Ilaiet Church. dereul. tht- fatier biuaiu tursuit of thuue'Cl.Wiliaui B. Meli-.L axteidu-tiao ml- rnirdt-rur. otîs trou-culteonlan a, uuiiiî uuî the luilrt ftue cugiaes. 1. A. anti harktetKansuas. u1 î-îîu cîturdui tyluird Sloon-uii iof uaiiuta icli,, tienu-Wiuoiitg. t Iiniuoo-bi uun oî r lidtit oft ttht- iuuîîrt ot imanaigers , re- roundi n mil ul, top, ring, iuuwite Lir-, lou&ad-. lurionieuui lîuatotht-n su- ,ndl au altelalue ,k inu aistt-oat o e u-i- nu:in-i the vruiuos uului uittî-îe, asftor [ juin appeauruire-aliuhe rolii-uty ouithîe wi ltuh lît It. Pr.iL.E. ofiî,e tCiii- misme gboy. Evde-ne oiluih seiîueu igruu ndou-uie lu tuuiilru-îu.rt oft tlit- buuurt suititieti ft -unvjt h la asst-t'a-t-t. It Tholuu- tiru-r, FInîk was su iuiii ltb ~Pui. ,lttil itI l-j. -ul iiLs t-e- a mnoi, vas ogaiilzed Iolalynuh rte iprison-tuait.- tr, Té htsleriff. iiow"eur.traniiutt'ri-ti lisulîui11 ,luiua u-.u' ng uaptiety ut Zester tethîe iilt ut ttuiuo. Mo.u,, lt-us,000, tlnsi uu-i-d thelue au-cuiat ia' which hliesua luii ithiuitit it tiunnel af ilésess-Oin.Dr. il. IM. Wh a r .n ut Iitdt- own rnakitig. lleu-î-ends tLe at-cond chup'p-pist-a l e an 'Tht t.ilfPotiver" anti ter. Cart-y Eme-rsuoniuNltinlnaiolis on "A Tivruty-ninî yerInlat-r Mre. Carat-lia uvisuîi t The buîît- erutite, Street wr-île ta thé @alîtrift ut Bedgwii'k illustititivi- of îilt-g-ttiusi.uaait AAer- Counl>', Missiouri, ta tellm inthe cirula- jeu. icilu idî,u l u y .1.C. Griun-l sancîues»t-r the Gâtes mortier. Sue snduit aClev-eluand unanOuirluureign Aitericuua that the- murdercr ma bt-uiat brother. Harreat lFieldl,;l»y 'rot. JousephîtB. Janea living ln Shiawne,-.k.. iuder thet-aineutritichînuuîîl. Vit o- ilT-e St-g-o"; b>' of W. A. Hl-l. Johît W. linges uit Chi- thtelier. Ail-tîr St. Clir Sli.tan Peir>', ça"'. brother uit tht- nndt-rt-d man, ok Ohio, on "2tI(-xii-u* -luIL ýH.IL .Msluuy cf up tht- cuit-,Hill. or Jealer. t-ena rtg-ît autluguî, Cuba,. unîî 'oîii u ors ia Cuba larI>' ortiatuet i ninistu.r tottht- Chriast iîtan ad nPotot tiilu,î andijull . IL.llMore- Chnrch, uutuî' rit-uteti. HLit uitttud luit luiit.IetIs'-_liytu uî 'na hae mas tutrerli tsnoîvuateAlexander Ounr Opi-tutnlty andtiObligaitin" Ofil- Jeater. andt Lut lira, Corneliaut Sreet vas rer, s'tre ela'cgud. bils haîf sisler, but hl ierîtieti ait kuait - etige ot tht- trime nhargeti ugalnst hlmi, Stoaika triaithe WIrw.. Ht-rt-endthIe thirtt anti begitn tht- tourîh Hardrosint t icatoabas lieu-a drane-J capteî vith tht- opuialiofetthé trial nut ed tramn $G ta $6.25 s ton, New Lanudon. MAmneuicaciil î'titinars In England Tht' stor>' is tiique in the nu-minaI hit.- acre presfntedtetathe t- Qui tWindsor. tory oaisusntry. 51hen Zester was Ex-Prestient Citletelandant ishi, tn- surestiti, twt-aty-nint- yeau- a ater the it>' have geste tu Iiuizairulo lBay fiur th. crime chargeil agîinat bink tai I a lie- summer., it-veti that tew miuieseit coulti lie 'Thé. IVr Departniu.nt lias arranger! for lrought hala court. Hut tîte cireins- au carti mithdruîvîl ot se-oura regirnents stances untier hici thlie two men Irav--rn Cubn. ëledtheut geurrai attention gIron ta the TeCa isodrdteRslntr trlek bufalo cit. ,antitirse incitens orfin the Czaria dirtirtict of mraaisa. tiii tansîtiora utht-t-t-duyeafuthIel jour- y'ab h-Bleiiîdsrc tAa as ut-y. eti bad t cnut dthe pt-opte nttthe e- e te gofullt iri-tengîli.' gion fiavent-t b> tht-rn to reaiembe r dia- Lurd Roietrs reporilt that the Hour. tntytt atb-aig an tht- case, have given aop 2.000 8tunulit ot i ttis aln-e Aidltug lu thq pridectition of Jeater ae -tht- occupatliutor Pretoriia.- anoe uortht- allet tawytrsInlatht-cot-a Aînog the clou-ho lui he Henetrut the try. vroa ert-procuret througb tht- milil- aris exposition Ibo utc tutthe -yt-ar 1580,1 lois at John W. Gaiea. Opposeti te theit- mhiehbletnged tu iHenry 11t., La onu aolitlii7 attorney', or lttie repata- A riniuîg dopartiet-ithle cabinet lion, %vtamrnthe court asilguedt t he .dt- mai dernndesi lu>'the Iutetuitonab Min' feont., era' Asocition nt ?Milwaukee't. A Dior Tsar fer pesions, Admirai Dewu'y'itmite ha îought Big T'Pelure4u ofaiPeftàioas-lusu-tht- fiscal itiah Islant fui tfrous Halifax, N. yeai jost cade t-e9au 105.667 . lTcrtifi - 8sudanIVmi htitida9mtLmetrersideace calas for pétsoeo». 15.0M0 more titan vire there ....i ti.o 'Pts... st- Ai.-t.5.A Mary J. Knnee, manager of Ar- mour & Ce.'.ExMabt at the Trans- M"iiiPPI EXPOMioneaIOrnbja, Neb., wnitles the follewlng of Perüua, ai a common pina et aummer ea- tarrh, knewn ai i I igo a tieon. Miss Kennedy> tisoi lutâi80eit 41-t lt,desiai ta tiglit ye.a rial n- foc'i;-plstely Sp- Sel My digetive ayot.. lu -Roule- tac isaril physi- elilu. ttiy deilulad tairh ofth. tiiita TOpr.icilp- lion, dit na&mcii. tule p me *Dyn! ,o r Ouuu f th,. - -murkatl ulseasa - 's féeu-tuy t. s* ofu -~ lb. ry Ita it6-0n 1 .- teite myc.»d ci three .anattia nt a fl empic<uly rýJ'-roaid. i boil am iit.pernasRtty cacdansd do Dott etI- ut tategi-c anatinatwria te-1 bu', otl roue ul>, parus.I Tii*. tao Sommaaue, mtrrh arr it. ebroue el.,nh; &Rtoud. desagmet. ot 'h. toifie entd li-s,: tthi. impaie bond. litot btung îe.S.aRayon'. ut."k.... &Dy- ihiag .1.itever &bout the ope,,,-u. tut t',cntas cia aaulrsid ilwby thua tei.dy . a permaenst cars lor auinur starrt. IL ir, liait.,chroalu -tarrnb rtrm ii, y.tea. l the ti-. b. itnch and lii-,,, t-hie b.blond u-uf .11 alts &ad thait.eprrnaaetly su.i ',reltinrlg th- cicm.- Lett f antn ecther. Thsesec pboin arem-' lih. sYmptnn. dîsaguler oft uh.leeu tsui,Ctirrît" amt ies" te, n'y dsdmb.aiy Th. Partina MdeaSa.<'luu.,.tl. i 'Chiarle, dear." aîi yotiilîg Mrb. Tor- 1kins. "do bt-ar the baby eryiiig!" '-1 avent htard anythiat tlut-for the- ]&et twenty minutea," was thétilo ver>' amiablle anirer. IutIL ovely!"' "What tie you maau' "The va>' the baby aluoufuu. 1 eau %but rny cy« anti Imagine that we are at a bail gaine iben Our suit- ha, juul acred a heome run."ý-W"uhlngton Star. lira. Sisumarm et Notre Damne. lad. Outr rt-preentatlve icu-t1i> adt tht- et whlnh Mra. Rer. G.tillant af lu Cortianti tract, Ut, V-n, N. Y., write. ai folloira: "Thlis h-ni- uî,trennta ba, beca naetib>' ry.cif au 1 fuu,-nds with entîret>' mitaacr>' reault, lindI teic it my dt> anti privilege to aime ail sur- tcrt-rs ta try it.' lira. lSuuuuturs' suint- ants inelude a large nurnier otfIdice, anti ail irere husil>' cugaged un seni-n ig par- ticulîrs conceeming te tru-utint tn the flhonand# irliesec ber auvciriaernt in the papiers nf tht. rontinci-utanti ibroitl. t iraa ienterful evlieiiu.- ot a wnrnan'a esergy &at sutcela. Thetrrratrnent Ititet! la 'unique and ti 1fr uct-'.ino great t the irooder in Il iras mot disu-uverati earlier. Tie lords oft eation will do irtil ta 1ook ta Ihelu- iitiuîela ihen wmm ceaimentc ta outstril, tht-rnseocsaily lu rations,]aapplicationuoruitm-dirnan.d c<'ht-- test science ae mel t-inb other fit-ldsin mhin the>' are maeetiug ini competitiao. Hans Hr e ia im. Pawtor-Weii, my gond nman, 150w la your vite? Countryman (beglnlng toi lob>t»lle -abe---d.t ait uilht. Pator-li>' tear mau, contrai yanr- aelf. Remember antLula Orne eit- lu-- hanatible consolationus of- Countryman-Anti ehe titi not eveu teil me irhere aheil athibdth Le inoney @ahe bas bn-en aaving cicr îlot-e wa weie married.-New York World. Tu.>'Oprain-O! Ta>' Grain-O! "ilyonr Grocer <-day to ahow Ion a kircetfGRAIN-O, tlb.nan, foodi IL tbat talles the place of eoffee. The ebidren mi>' drink it withou*ipjir> a ircît ea the aduit. Ail iho tu-y it Elue l. GRAIN-O hasi that rich *es brown of MocLa or Java, but il n matie frorn pure graine., audtht' mont ulilicatetornich ne' ceivea It wîthont db-tnt-os. Vt the prit-e of roSsee. 15e anti 25c per package. Bo1d b>' ailIllgrocra.l A Trilue Ton (Gooti. Chappte£LL îiht-a tw-purehane au umbreila. Leier-Uuahrella, sir; yen, si. Ht-ru la somethIng just out, sIr-410. Chapplt--Oh. net lIait kind, Vve gol ont- of that kinti. dornt yon know. I want somethIng la itou wheu IL wlului, tiou't you noew*"-Nu-u York Wettkly. Do Tour Pest At-hianti uram Shake luto your ahioes Allen'islFonot- Baae, a powrfutr tht- ted. It maktua tight or t-w ahoes fti-i cosy'. Cui-s Cora. Bantona, Sirotien. Hlot anti Sw-st- lugit Peet. At aiiidruggristei antboie etorea. 25c. Bampie ,t-ut FREE. Ad- diess Allen 8. Olmateti. Leoa> N. Y. Ber t r. "Kind lady," lbe Inîîulred- as lhe lu- apectedth Ie staffeof a rt-at tialiy jotur- nul, "*batlia yoîîr wutrk iu tItis journal- tele e.tablashment?"' "I wrtte thie "ileverit-. of a Bachelor,' kint i ir," eah. reputid Ptuttly. l1sature in hurése.' Ver>'llte turnîture lit na ntiluhie bedroomaetfTurklelî house..,Itarely le a chair aen n lanau nut them. A few mats adern tht- rooni, antiélite lied la stretched on the floor. lmau'. Varnîl>' MeUi. hiors e Ub owcii ainh day. la entier taIl beihclthy ta ela-neccaar>'. Art. gentil noa tL. lîrer astiinueya. Cures. sit-lt hoee..Prie*c 25 nanïifie. The wvorat tbing abiout the man who wastea big tIno le Iiat lbe nlways waclt-sa agreneifolatoiter utopie.> sir Wlualuu'm ttooi-,uaRsirOvtir.9htldnu te dini .Oltu s < ia isu na tisnation. ,,Ly iLomwlnýli. Ice.tabouii The man Whoi figits agaînat ia coun- tr>' la nevei a hero.-Vittr Huge. a. N. U,. No. 29-1900 IN aosla h Mvqbl. Plu" dadMcalhimou> a isi Wtua msumue in lMBuMer. Ci4i,DflII# NUBT IN SUMMER. Lisses Mantal Dt,.,.t.. furlng Vace- uim t...Gren1ateaa Ummefit té Tissus. -That chlldrcn do fust ont duirng th. long nommrer vacation la unqueilion- al> a tact." w-itea Edwarti B. Raw- Kon, in the Ladies' Home Journal. "That aeveril wceks of the aiready> ton short itchool year muwt lie apent lu mli- bing off the dtIbt-fore tht- adance eau liereaumeti. ail teucit-m kuow. But that la not the werat ot Ii.WLeu thse rustIni remjoveti the former lustre Ia nt reatoreti. The chl'. brain la8flot lu a reeeptive condition; It bas bt-tn nilowedtuta mit. Chiltirea grefer regu- lai ampioymeat, provItietiIt lie Inter- eatlng. However gladt hty are wbieu the lent day ef achool conesUic'art- qultt' au lnd tu reame their work ln the talaven oe l lu inerea* la not grosat. À boy-or more frequently a gîl-willl somsetimen overwork, Dot becanie hc la Pualiet, but bucause he la permîttet. VerY aeitom wti elther a boy or a girl choose to do nothIng. Orle mn>' choose tu do thinga other than liiose we re- quire. anti so le caliet Idle or las>'; but to be doing aomnethlug lis Uic natural condition, anti tht- condition that le pic- terregi. Bo .troug la tbe Inatinct tb b. active lu bath nsiud and body> that wheu lIeft ta tlîemuelvea oui chiltiron will flati mething ta do ln apîte ot us, ands ou fiequentiy it la somethtng thal might btter pot b. doue." Homeaee.kara' BEarnlone Via Cblraga sud B~eutera Iiltnoie Ritroiti.,1 On Ihe §rat andti llOd Tueada>' of Jane, Jui anti AuganttUic Chicago andi Eaatern illintoia RaIlr..d will place ou saile Horncmcekeia' Excursion tickets to varions pointa la Alabama, Arkansas. Floride. Georgie, Indien Territer>', Ken- tucky. naan.Ms Isp. Missouri, urhCarolie Bonthi-Carolina, Tennes- aet anti Texas. One- tere (pIns $2.00> for the round trip. .Tickets are lilrnted on golag trip ifi- teen dais trom date of saale, with @top- ever privilegea la Hornesekera' Terri- tory'. Iturning. tickets are lirniteti twt-fty-oae dia ,trorn dtit ofsale., Rcmembcr that were oi bave lanscrvite a ncww iti-veatibulcti traitsh.tetea Chi- cganiWaco anti Fort Worth, Texa, laigChicago olail>'at 1:50p.t D. TonhPullmaîn alecping care au free rellning chair cars. or tuither partie- ulara cal] on or atidreca an>' agent Chii- cago anti Eatern Illinois illroati, or 0. Lý Stone. G. P. & T. A.. Chicago. HafulnagPrii.ptly fDouc. "Boir Uic Rozasus do drair the long bow. Don't tbcy make yen smile when tht-y brag about theli 'ancestral hallal?' "Yen, but tiierc'a noting untrnthtul about thut." "What?' "That'arilght. Oit Grantitather Box- sm, wlie madtiei mont-y tor the tain. Il>'. wua atefster."-PLlitelphla Preas. Warme or Couinor f8torno. W. H. Wbeel*r. wirlasn devoteti min>' yeara tote ctuti>of ut climat- tera, ai>'.thal lu Uic Bay' of Blsaa frequentl>' turing the autumu anti win- ter lu cein weather a ht-uv>' e& gels op anti rotia In on the- conit tour-anti. twenty houri bt-fore the- gaie whlch causes il arrives andi of which hi la the preintie. Piao'. Cure cannat lic tu.hgl>ap- en et aua a ough cuen.J. W. 'B1rlen =2 ThirtI ravnce. N,. Minneapolis, Miena., Janu. f. 1900. A man neyer gelaolti or gondi enougb Dot ta Lave aome pride lat b. nalachief et hie boyhood. DoW't sld>' iator>' plecemeal just becana. It la moitly matie up or Hall'& Catarrh Cure laoa ttutilorcana. Prie. fIcand. Love beng totally unieabonable bau aiwaya bt-en ver>' popular. ItlaI r.laffl et Jefuran that. whlie compsany wli lwn Young men. Le cemté a crack so swoilen hy a bewer that tiheiraten vas up te the- saatitegiitlia A man, standing on the bauk wlth a saitdie on hLia aonl4crs, looketi at the- Young men ai lue>' iode lote the st-arn, but <aid nothing. A» Mri. Jefferson camet &loug, the- atranger anketi If ho couid nt lie allnwed taepuout behintin gtu b. carieti ac-ns. Tie Prealdenul relut-t hi@ horst-up ta a atone; Uic man mounteti and, wheul acroi.. expreaaed hil thanka anti waiked away. Seer-ai sutn irbahati accu ic enovel ferryaketi: ",What matie Yeu letthle Young men Pann,,anti wh L>' iyjn ask tht-e ltigeln- ~'Wal, If Yeu wnqt te kueir. l'Il tel Yen. 1 reekon a mian earlt-s 'Yes' or 'No' lu hla face The Young chape' faces sali! 'No,' the oit un's 'Yen' "l lau't ccry onue," sali ont-ot the Party., "who woulti bave usked thet- Piesldent of the uniteti BUtes for a "What! Yenutdon't'int-an teiay that 'wa, Tom Jefferson, do yon? Wal. he'a aL fine tellow, a.uywn>'. WLat wIl! pol- 1>' 39Y when It-Il ht-r 1 have rit lie- hinti Pa'sadent Jefferson? Blie'Ili say'I voteti for thie riglil man." eua'. l<ougb. flhe-1'r awfuily tintai of aur parlor4 furniture andi cM brie-a-brie.4 He-Bo am 1; lers have a ruumage sale. Dorint the recent Visil et tht- Czar te Moscew Le sanctloneti the- project fer t-e erecilen of a chureb ta comuiemor- ate tht- liberatlon of tht- nertfsîaearly tort>' >era ego. - a ve, -W of w.aoe, ~ au# d..p»arr LW~ ay wmw im. L faVa m ' aa o- -ýz p Lya., Ma.e TM . unmner'aawtod #"atwI il e lo not eit to resms lt-t4honwh. bdN or poison becausethey have negumectedl bowets. Tihe victlm of suntror l&ntsI 'o terribledangers ot wm,-ww dysefrychokeam orbusna.awasýo Who i haben'eles, aboutkee;lg ý skie. id as a- resat have their blood W è rotteu i lth breedlng'diseas xems nid Ibm boainrady with weakrffs to su«umh t. I* 'ho spli. Dlzzness u t edceu stomachs, stlcky ooalng IIkaneUsWSws ru"es niglit, terrible pains gripes Md o, lni the. su dedah on the strid Keep yourselt cWanpure anid IhbNW k sid. dlbicted as it werie with CASCA*". CANDY CATHMItIC. the.greatest atup bowd t bo uerdhcoved and you li that mey kmofosmmer dinesswil b Tue hborie bueiiesi laguotl nU Uic Wegt ovin, 0" b lunndu-culandîi 1tr' tbeu$0I, Iàtc.n i li a *b vu e lasca lad lg 'Ti Bem the it iMtr -"~ 1" 3 Fer PRE VENTp DBy QANOV.1 -C, CAOCAMRS r ?Yl . e-i<m AT A.0, Ior. giê ALL RUGoSûr. Ààl 1 1 - à. -- ad»MMKAMM iýAid. LI vàm

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