JNTT .,NDEPNDE. Libortyfflef, Lake County. lllinrkl Frlday. Augruet 3, 1900. $50 a YearirI mdeuiled a plone . L. op.! 61h. Wolin, %Mdla tu bille anosi lumel tu 6"i Goloît tbe late. g4n Ctyca i ety &0 la purchas b fora a Pli rialUng wri Bil'. 1 lao. la Ihrengb hg' 0. t lm ea ut aie ni fer dil j.aebu, o buy o« cal an' aperform e toma t'I'~ rhmrue ilt Eât. Zurtl an a boomS. D fonudatk( Mir. Ricbamc wart grsi 'n~a te% OWa crier f -%ie ZurlO' roite ou st obance fur * AND 4 f.TO BE GIVEN BY + W ednesday, fiExcurgion trïrm leaves Libertyvilie 4+ fiat 9:31 a. m., returning. arrives +: * at 8:04 p. m.+ * EVERYBODY INVITED fi 4+ li n event of unfavorabie weather +' excursion wmii be postponed and tickets +' figood for future date.+ fiTiekete for round trip Adlsoc.e1,5 -Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovol'sDrug Store Elg 050non 1 " 3 AU & TO R P. M. Libertyville, Ililinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Offile. er Trigge & Tayior's. I ta i0&. m.a taoiand@. teaOP. n. Realdence on Broadwa oppoaite Part Lib'rtyvll,, Illinois.> Dr. H. 0. B. V OU NG, Physlcian and Surgeon. Gurrie..---------- Or. E. H. Smith, SDENTIST. O)ffic Over Lake County Banik Holir'.;gtollt.m. andltosp. m. DAILY Libertyvillie., II. ADAMS-& TILLÔTSON, paru Baud%., Keco nianaml tiia sot labor Meonred. GIRLS AND KITCREN IIRLP. PitoîPAil for TiWeDAiLug PAUL MacOUFFIN, ttornd commnuselor i av. NOTARY PUBLIC Opmrzon Ovan LA»u Oolur Bn, Libertyville, Illinois.i 41JA~N H. MILLER9 ATT@itEy ALAàW. LIBCENTYVILLE *- ILLINOIS. ScIUNEMaoxAx.ec. It mmm. bTe £LOapHONE NO. 94. *ant@@ lua i. claee MAX ILE SEAUI ...Fine .a.... Tolmccesa ani mssmater"mi. c wu howawmtniRita AND Pure Manile guaaats. new twlne LF«na~1 b4~. ave -hnUfrh- » mqm 'Bd". Penid held thaé the board cr IlveatSk 'M cotcMr bad nu su. thosty se. ak. smn a ateui, Mmdthat the. congestion cf ithe def.udeuta ubat aI vau au lmmMi merlinaion gainai; the. dairy literans.of the liai.evwu veil lounded. nie abcnbeld ut tithe setion cf1ithe proclamnation vbh.1.5.4 dthst cmiii. ilâculd fnot ho tuportmd tram districts more or leu. tutocted was fauliy be- calme only ont cov ltu a oouuiy lulgit bc laleoied wlub tuberculoai. mud ibis It wms acoordingly unreamouably te prohîbli importation on umach mugit groade. The. defeudanta belieed t ibmtherate of the stage board of Itemiock commi- Mionteas an uni Ga islcrimination beomua. tg prohibtaonly dairy or breodntgèteii. rou beingIlmportaid wben be.! cmtii.loadd jte themrn cars Uer. mneliectiona s éau&Dyouerm. Tiieme declalons are of mach intereai te catleen, as 5,000 calii, Uer. tee ot 01.30 p -et bond# vau cbarged for the, elaminattou. Accident~ et Cîrcua. lira. tlank Chandler, cf Garces, iiad a miracalousacemape trou fatal lnjury 1ai Frlday afiernenai ithe tirenta Vouud a uWankega. Un Chandler, accompomled by ber obrecidren, Lad- diven go the prondisla a surrey drawn by a tean af Umey, anppomedly goutte. Une o! the, animal. rear.d sud pluaged ai migbt etfnmue cloua. drYiaag onuoe o! h uboranwagons, sud a portion cf tbe barn.mm brohe. Mma. Chandler I.uped tu tbe ground mnd uaed ithe animal'. bead, fini tbe borae, uc,r ongbly, trtgbt.n.d, mrai bihgh luaithe air. bummung bar tote . oM sud trauptn»É ber. Horror saiken, ithe apeotatora rambedituber aid aui lifte<l theu- cocotonslady binte S.crrage, the borme a. bag reed ibemaelves trou the vehice and daahed off. Dr. Hinea, plijaolan for the. Wallace show. sutd Dr. Yoley, votre aumuuned and the ,uambrer wu s mfoved te tbe boue fot eaives, luaithé nitr. wual hilI I red, bai aebe as a" Mmd I.là asing .aay. mm bou beaux neo ha«* 08et b mpsc, but a-- "--lio bora %PMei~o ber m<dmsL Uélm. Ne o lo Condmation 1POpe.'.Phed by Electoto Xami Comanay. Preaidmt ,T. »lat-ud lMa sue«. ne",ahe-Mpi Ptbuý% « et ieog vwrela Weblem UaiWi._And f le ooadoen.tàan sur meh.Cbleuo pos M4 is"eva 1* 10 leainieul *M 000~..anp outoo.prolumil ovuelb7 ua 8"mm.Roe Tu. . - M og, jas. BEere lama laucata, êooilh Nodsiman& Tii.eouuu4miiiipiSo led oel for By uminting igii4.va over t abovepropomW là 0tilg 3 Myulbava a rwightý...vap rea. I rvum l te inaction cf91@BIO Ave.,Ak ae BID, vishoutM tamo Abés freinthe malle, cf 1q mb.Bu bwwag- mnsauy. Tie irgt.af-vajih. .our ffVII aeela.l Labso fvbom u aut ef the oard.0, but ubreugh ocdun titOnu viiibe: pEuliau homina mt ucmub cf lllodgeit avenue, the eVOi ibreugi Guru.. mta, ialing <Green 139W bmd entaie e o MPOVUilimita; tbesuoeduevWes ute IL . 1m. te Rcetmnd Bond aud tUmnmouMv*«. w1y tu LibmrtvuUa, eougog .êtidt4. 16MOr, Nad.Mmdloaiè, aMi effdias i jwepoty lu ljimmoyvlll Prpwiimi Riaton la mtboug $W the' i steumai ibai vot ea OW o tnnctlc Wiln b.an Wtble alxq dua. . Te compuup nov have ail igit-ot- »yp leivean lburtpulb sud LIte Bluff otracied for or oondamatlou pîoo.udleg ta uined. ' Ai the Meeainug oetitheLue. Bluff village board Mondai miit t.eChi. caelland hmilvauken Ulaeoromi 1114tie t ka franlefor' an «en. a«. te Ltbartyvhjle. la faut rapro. sentativea of thai eupamp vie fnai en baud viii. auj proeaostion viiat- ever. m a. - efl t.d pvould. Knockont Blow for Live Stock Commumloneru lu ihe oumbtpecréut aSeuoe Mgoda Judgs W. L. Pond deolisi ta"iê om i.et 5h.lam.ixbou ebye lisel oe mnouaarquhiug iban#ail "s"ryor breedlug oisea utooif nt IflRici. as amp dit o cttcet h. ffsis via,. uberoM shvu. muppo 5eiMaul hWoodl utnetbq Ver sut5e, e nit~#i Tb&i1 BMrOafa: Ueo. A. BrOpiiY J. T, maun, W.N. Cmvw, liemu Boct, B. W. bauieo. Ail haicaticua point to tLe amtm aucceuflfuir taleaur ever bh lu l Lake Cennty. Ibcremme maumporta. tianfaoiiieavill add gnmisl- te ta. Inoen cf tMe. eans f air mai lu tact aIl onilutonaare Imiter ihan beretefore. Loch for a record breaker ibis joli. Ifepubuien County Convention. A Repuhlomu ouuty Convention viii bq hld lu tbe tovu hall ln 5he vIllaglet!Libertyvîlle, Lake Couuty, luohai, on Vlimy, August 24, A. D. 1900 et 1:30 o'cioct p. ln. for the. pumpem o!nomniîng oaudidatm for the mevemal couutj ooce*% sfollow5, and mae tier business am mai corne beforee i onuvention. Stutes Attornej, Coroner, âarveyor. I& la tionefore recoornandad ibat l'~dss,~-El -or-am 'On Ouadsae caiid fer meobphrj cil nlo a-uMdl ooatjon Tbtmdaj, AISge l i, A. 100, eai6"hauai heur. The moprm. nautatlion for. enciprluany iatr iot I be ou. (1) delegate for noà tventj. moyen (27) votes or mainetraction, MMs fomrithe RepublcanCanddate for POO5ieuslu 1896.,Ph. m"vendi Piuany diatiota viiibetiilo te oud delogate. th îe .a14 onventon sm follova: Vota. Deeuatea ...................Il Newpt-..........a18 Grat ............... Bd Av ................au mu** o Warren ............... m Waakàsau, lt »rimary - .-vmil ai - Id .. i l o slb li..Il..l Shields iMi....... LibetryU ....... ...... m 10 Peent................in waàenood& ............ su caba..... ............m s4- lua....... .......... lui 1$ Vemon ................. la y W. Dxeeiid...........a121 a ot........ m i SAMMM BILACCLUE,Chim . £. P. Wymq* Secreiunj. G. W. Truxa, D. T, Tain, W. . DM"e. ThAt Tltmobbinu lgRedmeheý *N v tf "Pll . b o a i ~h.v pic b lh--ul ode Ç a e t tb C..Wb am id If___ » «mirui. LAIE oMMirMrF MIE80Off.1 y Pmesaluan LiaiSupetintendente and spftd Progrmu. -iTie Lt. qontj Aphealini >' Socity hut*MM$hle rvlaod premauns is laof aedM Oumalfarte h. hold e t Liberty"lij iS. I1.,12,13 and 14. aperlindmtaet meta, vius y deputuculMr.e: 1 HaraseuMd M-018,4O. C. Amun, loba itti.G. 19. 'Plma,. L gbp sd avina, IR. Gilibert. rPouiimj, G0_9. Raford. AgrIoaItuIme end Darj Producta, i Eniolpi Up15*. Frait ami VsSables, N. P. svmm. s on. carlagea, Bugges-mâMd eabanloil Amie, C. A. uUp Callnri, Mcm. 1. C. Gleuc. Pomirva buta ias Entilj Bush. Noe MUahctnea, ia. Ciua J. KmIl*. 11 O.»mmata X"eaio Wen, Ie M. Al en Davis, MP Ilabel Billa. Young1olhs,. iehnr. Ehao.llautjl . Dot. The spmj i e the ii.aim lanam -~~~ ~~ fervueAma Trotting oca tIen tais.a ow aileneveata: NO. i-untUn .....c..... me NO. ....(infmuiu. ....... a No. ......~P~e ..........en No. 4-2:» ....f......... a No. ........ ae.m *No. m-'W4pli~udtlt ?,.. ý ueadded iNo.~ ~~o* ?-aVeilmCouaty 0.w ls as o eu&i-af. v14. No h-tsa*oý ..........m g *ThetIi*n-igdi sud auder atate olcai MW sIMvita litaentrp mué naine of MUtdwmr and 83eoj f«e. Vive 4IÈMviii hopat u lU 1 and 87?« ~b tb0 le race. OUem et**is aiaiatlon are: W. m. ille, Llbouityvîîle. Pneu. dent. 9 W- . ÉoÏraanigivoci, lai Vice Procédons. Binnison IHmatago, Bms, ladni Vc O. E. Ciarebill, Libentyillie, Scre.. Ther O .ocuIiemhble apprebenalon among BlienituesbeoUu.ef the repart ibis Dr. Dovie propoes .te »emore his Zion Ciptey htiO <u m Hlambor. hIt e reportaiDevin han .atened àaocompact 'viib ta. Van Viluagen Comptmrj t A baorb ahe Wlntiiucp Hunior propotp illeJg ail et ibm K.llcggMd BUri fumeu aMi hmes hum làtemrhto e 1,00 soi ie@.eVan V#àoîugma people ovu 1400' m-a& isW4np Har'bor nt vhhoh place, rui' ham1% Dcvle vill behld bla ps'opoamd olbj Hovever, ou, Mendaj the promoterm of Ziaii Ciy mie thalo Amguat.pay. meutio e .progmrtp ovumm. lu ail Io la emtuath" iisW000Wva suru.d ovet lu Bouten Monday, mi tala iends te lut eai nU Ohe appreheudshu e9 Bouton pOopla, Who nov gmaui bellave the report mornue uhsi Sien Citj la toe ur.uofed. 1: Alderman Join Keoeedi.d ea isi LoueeuMctinl.j avenu. Moniay moong afiet a prelonegl hOme., rh«MuMthiu pitusteéealuaiviib vrlhi ..o 4olhatlpatei. ne bai bea tfor a long h u aisince lent Ohoi"muai dbeas. teanob a rmanlu bitd oonabiUmir. Mr. liehos v vwl aitovu'tlu-tae otj, baving rmui hune umy jemr. Tbohogho v-" Wb lu poiu..a poui"d1hb o.oupel a maluSithe tyij eil fer the.itam '93-9, being «Mitaibîlb. Republianu. Mr. be..huébeainai llfelong reskdmut of 1km CGonuyboug bore ln Vermun tovwnshp May 6, 184&. Iteahémi bia vif. ho hava. mUve obiimen Mary, Phama.s, Marri Join, Jimph, Nomamd Loeeti. Thé fumerai vu. beldba ixnu wocL1 ou a obus&m o!baving aiudg~aisi. vile le Waubeqa. l., ov. estéca go9 T. V. DeviSaWUia rmfl a eChicago1 TPeMiar. Durtin vmm omdeIN>m1 tome imatme u liaitv ei n a chargeof dmu ic, but bis mim wu'aM onina natil tai m bre tais mcm ne 1 tendulondige as r*qImdous bon, Mrmi For these hot days at prices that on the pocket.* Comfort le what- you want fi Style should be a second considi ýQUEEN QUALITY SHOES OXFORD HALF 8H08 SUI SPeclal Prices on Many Unes For 2o iviti WaOU"oe Bro iria ud ibe pro. "~Imim et ibemg btsow ve a&lm avi. éewM.tymulas i vlh lMWdir 'uai iom ta tmnoon Md evsmpmomu. MMcMij.e Mommonuanth fougi uc l'.od dvu S cef t ue&ili.The 5mai abua a Mtlg aufar ty o 1000 perons ma regly enitaled, tam st»edgoai both i eomorusmoM have bef rein 10,000te 190. Burgsm Mented ime intime.. o! miwlp sitnmimp .vns.Mgmd mt tisangilpraiaOuingthe pla. osuai V"i a.au omma e! jeoy. The. tbloaa vsue evhientilau sercl of ame, foSiàaa"Mie uuic a Urc a ame mm e el tu soraI.lMrM eLevIn ibu hanvisitingin ibe ooanr foi 5h. t mitmué th im lc u "ise s ovraco ha voittea. A. Gmalp, ehiruanet t" Ourpooesalu. tha ". vSii "boa* S Oh. gnmg cf Ang.- u, 'Thb*Ducerei fi"ltal quise aM boucs'la eonft.iaM Lia Cana byIte m.Alsobalso smiighmu OR Sha dat, Mlt là prO9il A*i - eh lhé laiaeaeulg ina bi Atu a - palu. on the frai ef ANguat h 2#00Wa IX Poanlabat Wegan flVMibu ie fmai léoningplaeu bishmtnp DoubUlsaMeO. gaiviiMbai s MaM uaole la$ntm erahaste. A bornaMuniwagonvasMai"lonfr0. vamb fod mmiThnmmskp mgbi efles veL h tiabtoditi va,.pmPuly nois" Mi ame osting onuSme cme. Tb. boom te a 4mb boq vdgihm lm1P0 p Mnd Maiabsont dive. p 1eoh. Th. vagul ton I. o». o! t6 long suae 'niiy. MAu wic the ani malm e h.boemidlteblmg luta Si.M vague .tàeom amie a vide deteu @4sVie ioet»eiba hu oaing «on t lrn MI medilue Ooutb Md tourimg dovi a -baemmé e. Pie drivevnpDom Me barnreun vyn mm r be bonlohume.e heaso« for isiamotio. 1 have stili a few bargairii that cannot bêepIsý'lM-when i8 gone. . ShaftMe é ta 7Uc and. .... Shh trngN. Mld n liti............. Round-Luther Nots, bady and' broit. 40 h . - fl.s,40hé........... Colorih VanorToma Noa, ot air........ PlY Hosa Q mC ..... . ......... Extra 4epd burgains landuck itale shoota.......£ý A COMPLET1rE ASSOqRTMCNtfOF -4om-ILAP DUSTERS,-mwb My stock is complete and thQse ýWho chase early get- the benefit oi a large assortmient to select, fromn. LIBERTY VILLE, - -U ouir ltv.d w»iime iitoun VanogOa,, NW.à boum Whou b.leut mi neyer niunaed il",v4hahtwolel4o or oven md. luquhmj osrsa vrm uj ein Stt ta velfi. ur Uti le ilanov livigI ,taal suito. am» la JuneuaSmef »4~~ bme IOoMg for )Brn ufSr t» j'oa.utt , mgh giibmTe F«om a mi f ev jean,.1 i x% p, bof bol "au h tetiot"i.mties, bui#"miv M y- uao iongbi XPd tri umi lmOWlest cib p wlm h h.* hlm. 8.5m bu ba buen 1p_88««M use sm saeJm nos mice, Mmd Dowv b.s .le temé*'tpavUm «, ,ape Impa tecmate hlm male« #Pr Viii Ivo _b«. q a.h Mad te go ubrengl." 5,lc Yen wtl nov4 Vol. Viii.. Noý 43# Not Unionsi wo , ie you 8as much or more for your pioney than the other fellow, and that la Just what we do. We have lots of good ihlngs hn SitJngs, Ove rcoatlngs and Trouseringa l'or those Who thlnk of good goods. PlqlCES,.C*NSIDERING QUALITY. IS WU4REW£ý EXCEL. SANBORN & CO.,' Tailors , 10 ifaberdàtshers. Kaiser Block. - - - LibertyvIllo., Ili. 'the. iiot i ii Pa] extensivd vitb goox WAUKEGAN. ILILINOIS. TLP@ 80.. Our . ho. Bargain Counter. M* '$2.50, and $3.00 Sho. ill go fo ln order to make room fo r out fail stoves wewIilI cloisout at 1«8""t cost ail oit a'nd gasoline stovo Nov Pro... - Siovm. two bwaS md au Oumdhgn.amgbW $2000WsMuer 'fa doat............1................ 011slws egnf pisS1................. Canai, JuéP D. I& &mmm basboumé nhitmg ste ie voer a me h. ormu t" e mm4n mlievdm th"pvWicfag. ime m a pordistom bc, bu teovu m WatgnPi* Ditahieê."MAt be omme .iomionUV car ae na be die"@&diba..moumswmea te bava lfrilpower evéih.mussr o building pinta, acqutrng ,poopmnl <q purobu. m o ooiemu ion nd'evy tmg apeem olutanThii. 1in5.tiatneni Ume tian 4 ailla me b.levtad pum yeur lua b tam. ai the ouéaide but 1480 onld lie éevoftethe beet par mana, lu order te ave tii.measn main, li*mm" raoove a aaomliwe! Voier omut as the apeoéation. ti b p Co 1 ol Shé