CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Aug 1900, p. 3

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wttt Ijf. aid -Y PR~N)< B~R~DTT CHAPTUR Iiç-(Ooturut.> boi "Teui damrathar vornleIl, lest'." fo' «Oh, 1 vas. To begin vib, 1 i illm lita tÏt pot 1hbâti te pay, as Yeu inuv, li As lira. Vie badwi vn itie hont t wviste ahupy.ridlcatout. Nov vien tht dresser Si told me atos, ehîl eeAt plajel, 1 qn 'Sov viat i capital parthlit nigt ha malt; eué vhen i thougt et thla ltter, et I ntalvte buplayîlit, Bo 1 vent tae th . 1ionforamculaIof God ith, anil yn uledi If ili teibeiasr, vhe pomîed t te Matle me op ezaclyly bit atictor aell M batil secu- lx 1 illa- ezpled Ir= m 114oid »Chaud, le's girty crtaitsoâother be woa't lats, e a.ea thty hear viot the 90 are- ipWilngthmemWevate!" "Bat iut l ier reoilful te ha et- 01 pelité, Nila? - en "T #amll nei ha expelel, 1 abollI raagn,"t saId Neaa, oftilî. "I hovt net atuiel th tic pliticai blstory outhlb.Brtsh cou- n stublon afor uothlsg." ht oddie. with a wa iasb oethimmun la ber aies. "*%Vhea r joli.gin te rtlgu, dean?" "The vry Otit <bing lo-moro oro-a-en loig. 1smude Tlàtleîon promise eh. onhol Bal ootWlg aouet the lmteee e b -li. Vie lu-mihtnlaorler tht I1nijotît ,%loit tell!lber' In the morniag. YTo nums ht sui. sellvom glad te gel ont ut Il.w Titre'.i eaohtv neau6n vhî 1 prefer tu raigu. , tI v er. axpelle, Uli. <Vic vounlgel uutiiug ouni o!rMr. lieduond; Pl but If 1 i rgn. ha muai send ber tht pal-0 ment tor s tenu,. ouI that vîlI hapto s rompeauae the pour olil seul for the lu- jury 1 bave dune tie scicol," i "Ané vitra shdlb oti go Wh"a YeuN- "TeoGrattamse Toers. ef course." "But rwt'lou stnaîl, Nessa?" i -"Afrahé ut ubat-thît cowaril? '.%t L .h rt 1 vert aà man l'lhaie a ohier lite xy foihie. TieWa'a otbilng 1should ilbie better thon a godighi vtb ibat vilili, Redmoné." h "Bui are Yeu sure he'a a cstardl,0 étai-?" Atei oie et tht girlasialvelj. f -1 am certain that lhe la. 1 oui aileus for t-muru eion; but, oh' the ileld. vith a anuIta drop lu hern voelet -e the tsan prnmgintu ber eyez, "I sahi erer have tht heurt t<o amigooii-hy o. ' -Tient vere bugflsnds luio i arounuil,8amI en Nete. hentlng aam, t saId, "Ceoie, let us set I uver nî>. Ilent, talle theat, Doliy: sudnovlien<. t viîch, you're nexi, Choose vhat Yeu veule! Ite." But lie "11t11e vllch," Siting aunthe be vitla her tara hurlel lu brbonds. shoot hran heil o i hupenté. Bbc via a strangel>' suobi girl ton bier age, vltb long, ibu IAngers, a éset complexionandmm blaktflair. long sud set oas nu Indiansa. Lier voys vera ulé sud secluive, Suine-e limes the girls toanné han etté ln tht lards. uéleil p vib br chic rmtinsd on ber tties, ah«behr in, vacant cyta hait eloté, au If ber spiit vas vander- lla sonne other voilé. Bbc coulé Inter- Wep ra é'aanud matle oua. out oetttua greateut mubiah ile bu*vauan .thol un aililt ai maernel signeand aineuxn aol paluotrj. suIdl voeuiotaa magild pc ut tardsalump in lsiug thie in' fortunes. lBer titi. vas et unueriiel. Tha girls gathenal abont ber prapael là' ane nov Sensatien in tha romance o! tha$aibi.Nessa alouna itanacite ha un- I "Whota tht mallerFoui tle gnose.? la there suytblug dreailful In iviug pres- "*Don't, dout!" plaelt ha lttIe vltch, wlahot ramuviug ber bande. "'*l Ita Naomi, My sbite. Wbeotvas going le dle aie maeltairek. uaP." "Bu 1am net geng t e.e, ok et uit-du h loout lîkal" 'Toeuilo'it nuv ml" sail tht girl, aiveing, end vhlsperlng mu oy tht ber vunila vern ccel audible. "*Nt ail <bai 1 tnov. 1I vone lt teljounwvite! li nlghtdo jeu bha to kuov.boi rmuai vovr that hIl s"aejye. Oh, jeu muai eut go!" She iltéhensebt suddely and îbev ber anis aboutNi 'eaa'n nect; "youno se hotifoiautnd il." she sldei, nanlini bersel! lu Nansa'srealy eni- trece. -Why, dera. whj?" vhîafpevté Nesa, co!xiiigbj. Yeou are la danger, ouor Ile lanit saite. There la going te-ha aàrei change. andil <be-a iperil lu yua# bmath 1 have wen Ihenvetrr1Ihave huktd-,4u de 'u, la jour bond. Tour lin.etrlite le troktn in the nihntêeetbjeor." 1 Nesia n'ae thtenîy une of ail tht 1111e' grouup wu vus et00terrifiaI 1lot0 silence t'> tht uile iitch'a prupbecY. -oh, copie, hIe la oc bol., atter prom-. isileX me tsi veet that 1 ahouli bat-e rwbes an long lite." aise munmunei, pay- fnu:y. ai obe smoothed ber cebeta upon the gir'a leet bai. "Two tuioga ran't 1,e truc,, <uoknov; endletthe t-vo 1 t-cu1ill re!cr le beiere jour irai prom-. l'.'. -Thty are both tru," sali the girl, iih teteriah tagernese; "leue ilI bc happy If Yeuelive: *but ihaeeare thi-ee yeasso! terribt langer belteraYeo. i ',tiit 1 laceilnet tel Yeu. Oh, d, do tal vlth ns tMI tht perîl la pot." Ncsaohtraelt slnod nov lu Silence, suh- diiel vlth grave prplity hy th tara- tens t bar 1111e fritail. But sud- deuil a rnj o! Intellgence gleainel lu hec ltr<e, anI unlaspini the ginl'. clinging atria front ber nert, she pt her avoy, holding lber eta am'olangUh. "Tonulitietickitr!" she exclalmieil ovitb muet lindion; "I have foünu jota i. 1 specthnongh jonc conjurng. Ytn tave heen hntlng about tUit caume lu tht codîcil tat put@ i. Reluiondi n posesion of ij toitunt if I dit hefone uttrloe, snl I alîuck yet ia hah night murler me for my munel It ho got me eniler lit a bné lu Grobame Tuv- e. 1 forgiva jou. ilean." the aldel, uuuing techilI bock lu ber beoiun, ail theeluit her, "forur osaeai love ut me; bul, oh. joti are awfully nistnttn if You thiakthlait ear vonlktap ne trein.get- tllto diffiente." CRAPTE IriII. Iltw'vaouat Bye o'dhcnt vhen Nesa eebtéber ileatinitloi. "laei fan lu Grabaine Towers?" she ase te,porter. *'A matter uf four onrlOve milîes hetre yet i <otetht peck, oail heu thene's bbc ]est pari t olebte hunae. Tate a tiy, Misa?" 'Tes; fteb il luisissa, pitose. There' aefe toUnboe it vim mne on <ei, lva ufthèbse mie was laaving bablul forever, Evan lins. Vie, et thtlst MO-h monat, bel broen lovnanodIfugiving her. vlbb tsars ilu]bet eyam, hagied ber I eo sial on. As freTintleton andl Uic n irIs, the vay tbey tao t tpactini wuo e alte dretoita u ruemhter, In additiota buthesa mercories, reactlon lm ettem the .xltiesueait lant ulght mode Ib te ghr'haut riverp' henry ItAIe. ier, spirits revivait vhau the driver, r nnobng round, palae tal viIs v0p hoaoà maivel building rîifsiai onet outh<e t, durit trira og unia ixhtont bibI, ouIdtuil cat itvas Grabame Towes. Il vwa omethuni lu fretlthat s p!,ee ut Sncbl imposlug grndeur va ans, oTht prîde v tf ber hearl via lire t in vien shte couihi slgbt outhlb. nmgucent avenue maniltil hI rampant panthans flantini ; the gi-est gai n athle emirauce. itvas ioble-inl, thant guodnsithe gain a Hlall vay up the g-a.t divbe tht'meniai a vagonuadoel vltb the trout of an -noumons Oak. "Cutting mu tlmbenî" exclied Nez- a, vlin ldignasion, A À litia feai-bar otue driver puled OP. A gentlema n bu huotini costume staond wih a gun unler bies on llnectlî lu the vol- i vas clir tatese byhie commanéhus eresenre <bot be vas master ihere. As thec fly stoppel ha cime ta the aide, anI. steti a lady, raiael uis bat lit vas bhrteas a once tIer met,ald fur the moment he talleI lu racognise ,asat. Tint, mokas gries té-ifferance In -the appearance ut a girl at <bat lie ut lire; tha matae iltîle or noun a u a nut mliddle âie. Neeaokaev hlm nt once, thugbhl. biset niatana, yhh vetetomtrhy tclmnmeii tu apelit.vare aev shavel ta tht t"Oablbe smhtsry cuh--ahe knav hilm buthaelong, aleepy eyra, snd thai eclip n ie. Bile bowel vlîb otrere toruility. Ira <hot muament ha percelved thst tht haugbly yjuni lady before ii vss the ilagnaable chilI be bal seeu leat lunàasort Imes. "Nsi"hae erisimel, thea aiity gulug ,.dd,,ly trou bis face, "vhj ou carl hbave 700 coutle cm?" "Récouse itla nay home, suédIliuln ta sîay here for tht pcetne "TYon vili du npibingoutlise tînil. h raid jou <bot it vai my vlab îom ibold ttay lu tha seclant vbere h placeil jeu." "As yoe tee. I bare not stitel ltre." 'Mien Ion vil! ha gondl ennugh lure- turm et once." "Quite oui tUtequetionu; I bave rnm- lerel tist Impossible." "Thesis aobrdly o sultîble phare fer dis- cusaing unr affaire, Me. Retimoul." "'Dlacusng oui affaira. ndeecl! Tht d iscussion hginsaond endls here. Tura round."?headded, adilrtaslng tht driver, imperotively. t The driver tunnel shout vith a grn onc bis bromé face, sud sai: "Wbcnt au 1 te tatc-ou nov, mIsa?" "Tu the nenal momgistrite." "Whj. thates Sic Thomas BuIlenat bc Chose." "*Thetidrie a luthtCha.e." The blov atunnal RelmouiEle bol reasenu dram lequirj. Ha cuil001 uotuiug. His uarruv, unaieady eyra ut- tnajed lie fean aué the veaumona hairté lu bis beart. "Wo h"cied ibe driver, reinlug lu ito boraa, as a libit phacion namne shorp- b>' reund tebo u b thtdriva. "Contusion!" mitteraI RadinI, tri- ouil. as be raut alght ut the phacion snl Uie, lady wnu drove Ilu h; the neit mue4t, vIllaabject eniraatî in bia face. bc tumcd ta Nette and saId bucrled>-, lu a boy tt: "For heaveu'a sote. go avsy! Tbcnes a hbet lu Lullinifurd. l'il meet you titre Ibis ayeung. solndagrea teanythlng jon ite te propose." Neasa vas tht bamt persan l inthe-ocll ta ha moral] hy a bribe, and the bore idea et quittiug the parts asilellh al ne rigbt tu be tieet asauffilent iticentive to ataj thera. Alileil t this, tht lady in tht phaetun se managel ber spinited cub as t0 mate il donhîfal whici siIe ut tht roal she intuilet tkeep. tihe vishel ro knov mometbing mure about <bis Sy andl tht horst and tua joung lady. wbo even et s distance vastrlkiagly pnetty lu ber clobt-lhttlog jacket and neatt bat.' As she if lengïtb puliel op, ammut vtthin.. a iandi reaci ut Nesso, ellt bowe-i, andl lutté lua Relpautilfer su txpbinotînn. Thene vas nu heIP for IL, Reiluonil. vltb a snfricitntly bail grade, introduced 1 thetw vuladies., "Miss Ocahanue. iny--h-stpduicter. Mri. 'Reduonil u i fe." lins. Reduioâ smnulel vecy aveetly, onI boveil agahu. Ble ras a ver>- ebovy vomoan, tait mndl comely. vith a heyy plait o! abining yeltov Iuatr; dent eye- broysanouIlombes; anil thtmuet lot-et>- pint-aail-vhite comptexton. At a distance Nesaothoughi she'coutl not bh arc -tthun tira un slx-inl-t'vtnty, but, on cbosen ex- anînation, she suspectiedhersattin errer A littît crease lu thte eehl, a lîttît pleat undar thaee, .a certain hacnu and uIthin- nets lu tht mobile noatril.andouIaopueter la her ibroot vheu siie tucatl ber beal, nmaIe Neasa halieve thle iighi be liv-e or alx-ind-ihhctY, or even more. On tht yhole, Nessa teit isposed lu lite Mca. Bedmuonl-ohe booked amiable and alum- pIe, deepit thétlouck r u bistre unler ber eyra. which snrely coutl net ho naturel. Bui, vhile Nossa bail been couing bu Ibis conclusiun tht roman hmil'mrrivtil tai ofta mure letinite estimation ut ber ebanacter, aud decideil, omoug othen hhinga, tUal site vuaaYoung Pacson vhmIei t vonl hafor eamier to bail than ta drive. Wltb tht aveateat exprceasio tih upon ber face, Mmi. fedmual tuimel trou àNesan t h hanhushind, vltb thte shlghltt Inter'rogative lifting ut ber uieily arrh- cil e>'ehnova, "Misa Grabatme cane hart tu a aniOsa viaIt." ho axplabneil, vi< ilI-coneaslel tine- banilsasient; "but 1i>havc persuaoieIhec to retnu luthehardiotelaiLnlllugforl. vhereabshe yll ha mucb noceat bar case, We bave nu accomodation lu Ibi$ e retehcî nl mIn. yon tuow," "Oh, veame net sa babl off as thal,, a a. We can cerhainhj uinI a ronîn, and air Miss Grîhome vilI accepi lihe hast 'ie h ave tea fe- "Webl., ittle it as Yeu plenee," inter- curplel telidoné,"I'ip off ton ou houc's ambootlng," nul, ralnt hlm bat, ho turned bia hock sd ud airl> f-savlag himaeit, epplag te tw g -m. *ook 'N"M"!' martur l ythe ha". "You vil btaug tlb llage op taelb.- iua.," ah.suid to lt.elyman. ..Do yen boow. dei*.," *nid Mma. lié&. coud, talng hIuaa'aatm est taywalbd ward the bouma, "Ibis in thefini lime 1 prer berd F our alie! bleu ae lea rved abolit businsmaî OItte. and epr »wt Fouehave nmne baalast relations lîth hlm?" "Oh. les; ha lo my guardilan, 1 came hece to have ait underatandlng wltkhlai %boule MI positio.", "Tour guardiial 110w odd ha should nver have tld tme aaythins &bout i.IL (cel qaîl.e bart, dear itl obks almoat dite .want or confidence. 1 knew, of courae. [bat Nîr. Itediond waa a widower wheu Inmarried i hm, but ha neyer told nie thet >Ira. (rahjame had left &Oy blîdren. Par- opa bc thougbt r obouil vont to have Fou with me-nas1 eertàlnly should, ho,- g no children of my Owut. But FeU ort et a chilil nov. Have Sou sol broth- 'or aitera?" 1 o Idon't kno u r h 1 Ibave anY re- a tbons ai ail: 1 bave neyer seau, neyer ' bard ofay," sajid Nesa; anI ohé gave i abrief outline of lier lire nt ochool. Worm- il ig op es ahe Uvot on under the t lInu- i latiug syuipatby of ber eolopalon, nd i -llng linelly the mnar of ber leavlnt b itgle Ilouse.a Mn,. Itydmunil voo lmmeaaelY tlekltd il with ber accotint ut the peforance.itY whlcb Nesa gave with considerable bu- MOr, lueing ef an impulsive and ezjeansive 0 at!ure. t "You cen't tell boy glat i ou intou on bave corne bere. dear." aîid ira. lRed- I <oeil; "andi Finsura thot, with the. money it vould coit to keep jon ot achantu a Fou con provide ampli tor Four vWonts. f, Or course, Sour mwmmi lett a proper pro- Il vislon for yoe ?"1 "Oh, yeb; 1 bave a copî ut bor vIll ln iy box. 1 vas tu have eight hundred a1 'ear during nîy mlnority."y *Eight hundred à jenr! That', qultea agreat idemi. Eigbt heoilefd à yarl" het repenteil, refle.-tively. ..Bat oureil dear, b 'OU will ooon lie of ae; YOU le* quite ao vomlan."a '1 *haîllDot be ot ose for tbh'e@jeora." "On!y eighteen! And, ot course, whenb Foua are tventy-one FOn Dili bave more i 'yen thon yen have now.", *.Ob. 1 abolI have everythlîg. Thla et- tate-aIl lalef t to ne."t Una. Itadinond atopped wlth osaEea-à nation .hht bad secmetbiug, of dlamaY ln ti. but. quickly x'ecorerlng ber tafps iessiop>. tht drew ena*,i ona coaerIDto ber aide. oandaaid:a "Ytia muât forgive me. dear. This lai gueh a a surprise. andl1I tel awouniled1 to tbink thât my huabanil ahould nflt bave1 toid me aomtehing about bis position. r lare aay bhobbasbis .wnIndependent for-c tune: but beyonil abat ha bon nothing abatever tu<o uin-to corne from isest-f ate ?" 1 "N.tbing thit hlie Cau frgalI lydm;1 but. of colir.i," uid Neasa, ber generona di.oposititon ovércomlng ber lite hostillt, --of course 1 abould neer-neer--"i She hesitateil. at a Ioua tu fiud o phrasec that migbt assure ber nev friand oftàa kindly intention witbont wounding ber1 feelings.1 1*1 know what yen vould sy," ud Nira. Relmond; "*that if my huaband1 shoulil happen Iu ha la dîffirultlca. ond1 wt foundI nurselvea without a penny ilu the world at the endl of ibrea îeanî. jou1 would give ns a home and-and food--"9 She atoppeil. choked vlth dlaoppointmeat,1 Indignation, envy osud malice; but ln thé »est moment maked ber feelings malte o Judas' Ikia. auabch murmurel: "Oh,1 ye-n dear. ilear. generona. klnd-hearled trieui." (To ha eontlnced.) NaO CH4ANGIES ON WEATHER. Temapeatureansd IRaiaftll, ?aer Weve Thonoando of Tea».Ago. We ind tht "tonry" ond thet "latex"' mi to-day lu PI'aeatlne preclaely ade- scribed 3,5W lyearsa go. "Jordan ovax'- flowa ail isa banka" in February to-day exactly as It died lu Joahua'a lIme, thîx'- ty-three centuriesaugo. Plante taken trom mammy casea Ln Egypt vlehb muât have been gatbered more lIm 5,00M yenraaliiet. are prartically uft1he anme aise andl bave thesame appear- once na thoat growlng to-day. Records ot vintagealu France for' ovex' 700 yeara shiow practlcnlly the nme datesaos to- <bey. Actual observationaseofralafail tor over 200 SPOTS at St. Petersburg slow nu changea appreclable t0 ua, tbiougb, ot course. the earleat observa- tions were extreinely crude and aome- *bat unrelloble. Farta of thia kînd mîlglt be adduced lu 1111 o emli volume. on the other bond we bave recorda ot momt extrnordlnary cold wealher in ourelent limes. One Nvlnter thtelgbt wine lu France froze. Anothex' wlntex' thé river Po troze ovar au oWto, hein tennistn nobeard ot pl>nemenon to- îbnyp. in thia journal for Jujue It la oated tbat "Phruaet,.o and Socrate, ncw trve froui <now. ere rovereil witb it lu etiltr e ntiltîty.' Aiao. "the naine itreenlanil, wllcb trikea ua as slngularly tnapî'olîrlate. vafnot Inap- licable nt tle timie It vos nomned. la the il la entirely ipcobablY that deacrip- tions ut the coud n anciet tlimta were much exaggeralîd. I'oruoooue nnd Ho- (_rate bave Kso et limesan d ln tanlier (Jaya, wien protection agaînst the'col and anow vas nîucb lesa thnDOW, o littie anow woîild go a long way. Tht arler voyagera frouî icelaud, more thon 1.0I00 yenrs ugo. leovlng aoanof u almjoat perpetual Ire oud <now and x'uachlng oablan athe nommerit'wllbis hieautiftil greeti color. tu the unaccus- tonied oyes vould very naturally gîve the name otftjreenlund to Il. la tht aumiaeeUrne, Il la sald, (lreenland, pre- %enta a most beautlfîîl gretn ntsc the Dalob mettîcinta lu thia day. Oun oldeat lubablitot, who bave beau woni to derîbe the terrible cold and deep intawutoftirelr boybood laya as Inconi- paribly greater thoan auy tblng whleh dome or met ccur to-ay. completelY <Cepyrtgit, Loul is Elese, lmor.) mIL -TALMAGB, vbo than beau s~JpenIint a fan dln Sti. Pt'et- Sbuirg, senît ithe ollvîng report o! a discouruehe lh vîll ha belpu tehosuo nuo have au appetîte tftrlteratuce ond ulil lite anme sicate guide <hem la ha atlection ut books and newepapens; exl, Acta xix., 19, "UinI ut them aise wbich useil curionsarans brouglit thein botks together and burad <hem botore ait mcmn.amter cesateil the 'rire ot tiet aundtonnémil 50,000 pieces et all- rer." Paul bail bee thcring UP Eptuesu vith soite llvtljsermnsul bout thee ans ut thât place. Anorstise mure important rtaulta vas tic tact thot tht citizeus eoungit ont biair baibhoka and la s publie plate mode a bouline o! them. I îos the peuple coue«uti itb their si-ms full of Ephenal llttreand toaalng Ih Intu the fimmea. 1 heur an econouial i-ho la standling by atjlus "Stop tie Miet. liera ara t550Worth O! books- Do jon propose te, hum thein aIl up? It yon iolont vint tu oathoralieu 'Uelves. taIl them ndillei .emehody elie rad temn." "*No," &&i is e peeple; "if thae bouks are oi gondl for os, they are mut gondl ton anybtél tise. tad ve hall stand and natcb outil thelt lest ha bhuraté tu ashns. Thcî hait'doua us s a woIdcu bor, ndI<ey aalneyer leo thent harn," titan tht flmes craecie ail musc! Weil, uy trheaaé, oaa of lhe vanta *f the cilles la a irait house iéo! bmd boota anil nevspnpena. W. boiva anough fuel tu mire i blase 200 fet blab. Maur Ot the pnhlahhig iiuea veulil lu vehi ho ibruw n 1tu te lait Iar entire stock ot gooda. Bring fui-lb lbthe.snuffecabbe tria anil put ih into the lIre and ltil ieh tuovu ln tht premence ut Col ouI ou- gela andl mca thot îou ara going 10 nil jour bomes ofutthe overtuppuu] anil un- Ierlying ceca. ut prulfgmte li~tert. Tht prnotini proe a sthe inightieat agemie! ou earch on god nd toc evil. Tht miniater o! tha gospel., standing in a pnlpit, ban a tespoaaible Position, bnt 1 do noithin t Ilaisa. respousile taa tht position of au edîlox' or a publisher. At viot listant point uftlime, ni vbit for- ont cycle ofet eerntlî, vîlIcens, tht ha- duente of oaIHenr-y .IRaymuondl, or o Horace Greeley, on a James GùrtlannlBen- nett, or a Waisou Wahb, or an Ecoatais Brouts, or a Thomas Kinsetta? Tatre tht overvwelming statiatica or tht circu- lotion o! the dlily aud veetty nevea- pars aud then tlphar Itit ru au a btw fer oip aisé hov far iyn lRnd boy (at oui reac hi inseut ofthe Autnucau prnng prass. Wbotil tebe thlune of all tis? hailevi'tht Lord luteudo tht printina preslu ha thtebiaef meantisfor tue vurfl s ceue oud eyauselizatioui, andi 1 thint iiot tht great Ilut barile uft Us vorl vwill nul lie 1tught nitb svurdi anl gtan, but vith types aiud proamu, i purIfiaI ail gospel iterstucc irlouiphil user, trampliai bru ail erushlii u foi-aven thmt vbleh ln lepraveil. Tus uniîr lu oeaceme uncleanlihteatuns la ir *memag abmaI liat vbleb fiî beittafl, May' Gol iptel tht ylinderi et on houtnt I, ntlligent, mggresait-a Chriatian printini press. Go0" Bocks a Meia. I have te tell you <bat the' g-aiea' blesaiet that ýevex, came te tie nations lu lt t on au levatté litecaînre,aoduItib greaisi acourge bas been tibo unleai litaratuvre. T'h@stai hiratsvictime ih aIl oceiaiono anI lepuirtienta. litha beîped to fill Insane asytuis nd u peuh teatiiries land olubouses ouI den% o saîone. Thelbolies ufth<is infection lielà lb. buspîtalsanouinlutht graves, nhlî thair sonîs are belog tosed o ver lutu i losi ternitî, au avalanche of horcor oui laspairl Tua Loulon plague vaa notb iug te l. Tuai -countedirausvictime b: thomuad, but <bis inodern poi bas al resIr shovaleé ils uhîliono into tue char mael houas et tht uocatly ileol. Tue Ions ami rail train' tai ever con vec tb tracta vao not long eaougb on long enughitecanr e be.,le » iutsandl th putretactIon nhbch bave beto ga<bece, up la bail boots mod newepapera ln tb last ivl'ntl lears. Nov, hIs n mil much rirtumitonces lia I put i quetion utof oeruuuattering Imptai tance tu yon aand your, failles, Whas bouta mal uavspaperes hall ne ceeI Tu omeh grotip ttierii toprtbec. A newe papern' s uir abook [uta avifien an' more portable ahape. andt tht saint cule vbhich viii oppîy to booku remdlug vili al phy ho neapplecreadiet Wbat shah vw seiShallourn tile e iceaptaci et evenytbbug Ibai aunauuulor bona amin te write? Shaîl there bu' ne diathnctiti belveen tht trea of lite anudthet met c iieah?Shah au-e retoi ot tovndmolic oui o! tie lceugh wluich tht victedm, of men ba sîfled iuth pollution an shame? Shah vwe mire in Impnrity an chose toutastlcn-itlto*ute-its" okevO the sjveugie, ven ve iuaigtt.w& lnth biei*gsn»dm ol ? Oh, tel pc th keit funr pie-eset end.evWMelsat velfsme vmntrunke un nttllueui an Cbrisitsl clile. Staulisg. as ne do. ctuindeep IbufSet thons lIWteauce, tht qutson that roui] tpeuple aie aaklng ia, 'Sitil vo mv'ad ne, tcpia?" 1 réply, "ene tire nos-ti thon ai purt, gooé, Chrisian, cttvaltig to ti beari auI tunohling to tht, lits. lBnt bava suilfurihen te sol thaï I belle, liai 75 ont ut tht 100 noct-tIiln tiais are haittul anI destruuctive tu the laui degnat. A pure wveut!fticioun la hi tory ald pctry comhiniot. h isla ablàoii 1et thînga arounal eus [ththt licenats am thea s"aîuinsoft optry. The, von tan eatier psy tbe I-bt whlch 1ht oves t sncb vnltenof fition as Hawthorne al BKeKengle andl LaniloundnHRut aud A thur andl others <abooc luamea arc tnmi har te mU. Tht fol i-' o! hlgb ite naj ncyte botter exposeil thtumby Misa lIt Wot. Tht memortîs uit the pont vei nevar umure falthtully cutbiuied tistiý the vrillngs'o!, NVaIti'cScott. Couper cytsa an bemllbtnbiy redilnt vîtb t! bremfi outhe tseoveel andl the air ut tl Aneecas fornta. Chatults Kingsley hi exilttenttht monhiîity ut th e wrbd ai leàdgalit atierituiupprciatethe pot et scuihealth, atrona muscesainouIfrat air. Thackeray' III a grand vont le cau eatueîng the prelenleus to geotllitj ai b igi bloil. Dickensa bas hbIt bis os monument in bis books. vilch' ara a pl, 8for tepour andl tht anathema ut unjit Ieand, tuent ont a score ut nuvelîsi luthsume and Impure ittrature tbat hb cocue lu tht chape of noveba, lite o treshat ovarfiou iolIthe hanalso!deceucy andl commun sause! Thej are coming tcoum senit ut tht mont celebraleil publfiaing hioose. Theyareo ecming vih recomn- mandatIon ut mune of unr religions neya- papens. Tbty lie on yuur cnter table te corse jyour chilîren a alentasi vl theln Internal tinta generatîonsamuborna. Ton fGaI these bouts la the dit et tht scooul san la the trisat of the Young man, in the steombont cahain, on tue ta- ble of the bolel reception roui. Ton set a igt lu loue chids roui alait at nlghc. Ton anddilnl go luIn d nal, "What are you dbingT?"111 mnreadini." "What are jon ntadîng?' "A bout." To o ou tictbook. lit laa&blildhbok. "Wbece dliiyou get t?" "I box'x'ueil it." 4as, liere are alvaym these ahi-ad vho venié lite te bann your son or daugb- ter a balt bout! Bverywbece. aven>-- viiere, an sainclean Iteroture. I Charge upau it thteldattiuction ut 10000 li- mental moule, anil 1 bld yen vote np tu- tht magnitude ut tht evilb. I *hall toto ail tht yorld'a Iterar- goul novelsandmoliba, travels truc and fait, historientatlutuandI incorrect, legenda beonîtul oud menstrono, ail tractsailU cionîclas, ail poisna, ail tmm- ilI, Cty., &te sudnaimonal liheres- oud plila thm up lu a pjraîlil of litera- ture. and than 1 obail bhng tu bear upon t tmre grand, gliolus nalolible auas- taksable Chriatimis prlaciple. Gel behp me te @pesi vib trefenence tu nî 1a accotant asdudpaip ote istera. 1 -tbarge ymja theb Ititplace tlu stand abeou tfrous ail boa"i that gesa ala. pic- tm,-.oflire.UtLta la naithen o tragelî nmer i tares. Man are fnt &Il eltbtr kuavas or haos. Womueuara neither eagela nue furlea. And yet If rosi de- penadlupun maci etthe bberturt of the day yuu *enIé get the demst£bat i. lu- steoil ut helng nmemthtng eareat.nome- ting pràctIcol, la a tuil and famiostie amI extravagant tuasg. *00v puorly pra- porté are thit jaltnug manand wovman ,fcr thie énlitaet ho-dayvsenallent lait. fftigb vdîng through brilleut, passages dearinptlve of rnagaficutt navevî sué vlekeduesa!Thteian vilhbeloklug ail! da oitsongfor lhit hroîne lu the cilic, br lbe forge, la the faclory, lne caot- Iug rcocm n i e vilh nul finIl her, ail he vibi ho - villae . 91-Ml~, hlmaetîf p ta the indllsciminate rtailing Ot novela vilI hoe nervebe at ine andl a nuisance.IE vOwil hot Btneithen for'the store, noi he hop, sutr thetfell. A vum- au vho ivea bercelt up lu tht Indlacni- honte reeéing cf novels vIll ha uitteil tue the lutInet ofvite, motier. »liner. Èdaughter. Tbtre sisa ta, bain llabeveled, comituanceacant, ebetapale, bonds trembing, buretingIsatitsai mlir aIgut over tha Imie et mune untertunate lover; in the daîytime, vben asnhla ag l bc busy, nting hjitt hait bont ai a: thing. bltlng ber Inger nails into thei aick. Thtemiapet that vag plain hatore u'ilI ha pluer afier bat-lingvauderea! lbrongha a romance *Il nîght long in tes' selîsiel halls ut cendrea. And jour lu' Sdustrious compassion vl ho more %snat- rtractiva the% evar, nov thal Ion bave àraitedin l tht romance through parta it pluineilprincesse. un loungeil lu the ror ivtth tepolahté despeado. Oh. tbame coninuel novel renflerai Tbey are unitcé fertlis ite, vhich le a troumait dons disciplne. They kanont boy tu ego thruih the turuaces o! trisl Ironil v hl ie j be must posa, ail tbey are un- itté tfon a vorlil vbere averythluag vi SOI% tve schieve bhr hard aldlong confit-n 9usang wort. e àveid PartlaLUiy Bad Beoé,a as Again, ahatin trom ail thonseboks a vblcb, vhile thaî havatmre gocil tuinga, 19 have abto su adimxtura ut avil. Ton bove srendbhouka thot ail ive elemeuts ln then -the geoil audtheb. l.Whieb situcia to yens? The haé! Tht beai t fMon- itpeuple ls 1k a meve, vhich )etatea e o sparticiezaoffroigfUbétsthrougi, buit eeps thetgitcînsiens. Oun nce ialle there, ais a tulnd lite as Iaotuue wvieih,.plongeai sa auid steel andl bren Bluga, gothers u ,, tht steel and repeha tht brbsa. But t l -. genenllexact!>' thtepposit. I onat- ai tempt te ponge ibrough 5àitilge o! bure a îtagel oeablackhrrY.,Fou villIgelitore le bons Gin hîacaberinlta, Teconntt e Il ford to e ndî a bail bock, bovever gon! d Ion are. Yon ssy, "'The influence la in- ,. sigolfical." r tell îou Ihat the' scratch r utfaàtin basoinetiaita pruiluce lociaw. 1- Ais. If ihnongbcurlosty, as many do, yen pny Into an etil boot, jour curlesîl, in las osdageroua es tuaI ut tht mon wvi ve ouhl tatae a iorcb luin a unupoviler mill ,e ierely tu set vbcither ih voulil ealîy as blov np or nlut. -d Iu a menogerie in New Tort à a nut as bis ornibroug h t harso et sbloot bouta oal' cage. Thte animal's bide lboketés It leet ail brlghi and hauttul. Ht just r_ troltol it ce. Tht montcr seizeil bleu, toandbcirev forth a band tora and mat- Igîté ouI bleeding. Oh, toucb- not et-t, 1.evea viit.htaluanteststrotel Tbougb It id noj ha goaaj sud beautîtul. touch lh nu' eslest jou pull foithh our aoul foret and p-bleelhng nter the cluicha of tht itoapard. ý.e "But." yen soy, "b.oyca I fiuéout le hether o book la goul or bol vîthout ad readitg h?" Thent loalwo>-s aomethlng ,n ,uspiciuseabout o bail bout. 1 neyer ,tkutw an txception-asomettling suspicions kh in tht index or tyle ot illustration.'This svenoniona reptile sivaya cerrcles a art- id Ardu, 1 charge jou ta stand off trom aail ihose books wbtrh cocnupt thteiai Ienation and inflane tht passions. 1 do net r refen nov te fiat inil ut bout vblcb the g9 <illin hua unier fis ceat voltinitftontlb Id 8ho(ol tu get ont, aud tien. Iookîag bolh ways to set thai there la§ nu polîcernat t. runui tht bloes, offert tht bout to yot 3g bouuonbui& oy home. 1 do noui peat if Vthat tinol ltenatîie, but that vhicb eet-adan the 1mw anI cuita ont In plished bc style. auI vithserule plot bautade thethoc ,al-sinfiantrottata np ail tht boser passions Ieo! tht oul, To-day. niier the nontribe 01 I the peuple, thère la a tlî, reking, un 't 'iaisheillterature, enougb teaîpoison l'Il e.tht fonulatuaset publi I vînin al nite r~ yonr sensand ilaughteno sas vitbthl r3 ing ut a aetojing sugel, and il la <lun Id lianttht miaiiena ut tht gospel hlew tIl tu irumpet anil riliel tht fores ut right ad etaas,ail gavieul buibasgret hati r' agaînat a ilepraveil littnaini't. 41- uÇ Aploegîfor Cetlae. e Again, itbiai tel reunthset hooka wlhîr. te- are epologeie ut crime:.lit lea adothux Mn tao ty. pit l und: 70L wl nt des dai f1 for tc hi of wi its da- th( in let ds, yo' on t]l gr w lu do de dit ye et an tel ti th lu 'n t * i Ilo 1, a ni ri bd 't. t.%I f. t 'ab l a Mt j- dit 'th lta itb laeI h le th-d eh plaes, Ir otby -ma rod ommuai !fkSP ~ t rthen et has, by tht hall of dIlvIne vanx- 'apce. bcitBolI aweap le tibe veat It ut perdition &UIlje muiderera et MOIla. tell yen, thongli yoo May esaple lu SIERIOUS 8UÎlàgTOA8EFULL bro rnd. you vil! ha groundnt leat O Nl<t iler the boute tro lunanlavltien. sud u wil ha ebaînel te the rock, sud YOD dit have the voiture of despir elailng A Sthla@1an'I:z E ips t 1* L0111 t our seul,ad thoasntiwomns h ave -Tboghate Vorte't C" ai 3.8e strffied willlcome arounl lu turut ti ou-Hall on flo& 0e SS et ak u. aud tu pour botter coule of tnrY UhiOn aoeptue.-qo. V.i5 tom inn beal. and rejoice etarualy la the- îtcny or jour pain. ail tht buvi ot jour 'The tesson for Aug. 5 la liatt.18; Î1 mnaoton. "Gel abolI vnund tht halry It aubject in "Jesc ut il. lilia lP of hlm thAl goeth on lu bla tres- andl the Goldcen Tex t Mark,%Ot14. lis ese! orils ut Jeans aboitcîdta fi4é The dlock tnîlkea miilnight. A tainti lr e vr pken net Iodt err benda ever o romance. Phe tîti transfiguration, durlmg the liser .1v aeh tire. The breîth .l0 qubck anil Ir -Capernani that làtervemtd b~ -guIse. Ocraplunilly the color dabea otenti n h ii otht cbrek and tien ditaeu t, Th. northe toatnpou ti rais.Theto Jo* and& taemtht as at et taabernacles.PTha mIatrmbl a thinh igiardînapiîtla apparentîy simple, but goumah ere tcying te abake tkie deailly book ouni doctrine ba ben baxed oou It tiSil , tht grasp. Hot leara fait. She langl tare io necesary lu appnuaclla,g1 'iii a abnill voire that dropx dlead aitoteceaI laie ilt »andouIteaehingd thW4 s owu sound. Tht aweat ou ber brov dots not contain.- s t spray dasbed np £rom the river out Hîpnu.tarr. - eath. Tht dlock strîkes 4, an the ron h l ret uje dt site latceon thbgtl ookmthl lttah eaven? The question wvis,&«d~'ev hote pe ea he peterniilet g 0113ninqulry intended lu aid thet dod5<19 lk o moîhenet abeer oflieiatbSOM- tcltivatin; aucb traits ut Charatlr. " ata tmo ulisepent lu ist>ruber v oulil make lhem btter represettat*5 't ondcurongetheths ut dir t.-et ofthe kingdini. h va rathier Ra 4U ahý lidsaille r beod.trhban f th Pis-of rivolry aud pi-acs'ilece, a qtuebw a tbough te puah tht salp tromus the wrane uolî ooa h 1055 kuUl, @helklag: '*My hi-sm! l broijul" eremuch occupied with sanýtwai5. 'b, stand off troni thaîl W» vI loi03 trary ai It vas te the spirit u s e soudng jour voy omld thaetes Not a fev timita did they trouble to 'heu tiare' la sncb a vaofla in vhich àlaster vlhh dIspute, as te rausk ou ayvoyge ai ai! tt *Jeaue calleil a littie cill"* 1D.aa101t -ouiMar yge ilpu t ? tun. lite lu Palestine and other oriental cs* Mucb t the Impure plcerial litersînre tisiw tipIat uam epcpté s mort tremendou. fox' mIn, Phare la nu vllbun;andmilprebbl, h wau nimth >ne who cou like gond pleturas haler Jeens vaa teacbing for hien te 1MI, :bon 1 do. Tht qulceat and muai con- reunileil y curions groupa et efflWtis leipad waj o! lmpreaalng the public mind velI as of adulia. There la a vida 1$ a bj pîclure. What the pinter ducs by for tht exercîse otfImagnation la Ok las bruah for a ft av ouiteî, tha au, Iating vbat the ohllran etigblé prayer dota hj bis hotte for the mUiluttongbi of Jeans, bow they fteltee! ýVbai tht outhor aceomplîshies b! an, hlmi, vhàt effect the liioluas tih.*à age th arialduc hya laabThe ba ve ond tt ondathel aird 0<le. part or a painting thai coutaé'io$ Io hve.l0u0herlîet Yeemues îay bey for 10 cent«.,Finepalmuingu se:onIhe Sunday of tié irItmp~h belong to hBe tcayofat ngrav ov n Jexusaleî. uev luwtka- ais htlung te deocracî ut ont. Yeon ntoon'idl in hleuthat vblebtawah Io vail te galber&geoil plturea l u ~ refaci es. uii oaJmo Omet. a chIlI es an exemple et %lmI~e But vhat oaolI risair ofthe prosttn mhumultj; on onother ocsinbu tf art te purPosoaf ut ulit? T',laechldre nd sud eelared tilt tie* lt-là warrante eut he smunlara ai eva r ght tu bie attention and cir* 4litt,' itel corner. They sîlte, the vislon ot 31) the yusamai vitta pollution. Muea "Except ya les converted:" on tffl~ 'oung mou hnîbng a copy bas bought hiejour prond., self-eeting vays.. "«a etennai diaconfiture. Phare mai lha coma os littlt childran:" frs fe ZZ nough paoio lu une hbol pîctiaca tu pol- urote oeemlngas to vorléiY 1011t10 son une soul, and thot smuniMoy poimonofrm douh nad uleîlua;grise osa tn, and ten diftj, and fitty hunilceia, and hallon sud euvy. Jeuns p.a te bundredsthhunsauds, outilnuothlng but Iran lu o simple éociety. b*tp.y' th Mexaurn ne utot eternlly cau tel! aopblaticiate Ipx'aiuarlîomrwdU the belgbl anuldepti aud ghastlinessanad mena ut oui lime. fHe édo st a orronr of the g-st Uudoleag. Tht vork perfection tue hilîren. Ment W fr laath that tevickeil authun de.@ la sifisb, mmml childrap ar awipê-d vL tht beli entraver may do chfduln a oturpotiute ce ' te, nu a hnt $ide ut a pctril.Pundar the the oial distinctilonan sd v guise of pure mlnth tejoung mon buye uns vlcbie boeï ir us evat and one of theat sheeta. Hea nurols Il berea.for, But tht spetial chara ' - ia coîrole a sud rons uttlaugttèr, bif ihuben wviicJeans salé ment long otten lie piper la gobe the remoit tldbj tboaa vbo serk eautrnn" Y uay, penhopo, ho sean lnthe blitté lià- laglom, of heove glnatiunsofutthoat vho smv It. Thé amie. et artificill sio&do, s&W quetu of! lthhholdsa obanqnet avery nmu te ral ou tha ipao' igbt, and tbese perloilicala are tht Wl an- o wpaer of anotho.finMva itation te ber guete. dIsciples, vho. aulaoai t:e7ha Young ian, boj not thia moral strjels- set on igi thingu, and is~'< nne for yonr vot! Pick rot op t"ihtbey wve n achai »ampl~ nesi ut coité adéent for jour potkaotl la ouSet vbca lb. Patroalse no newestand fait k eap d et kiudom aboulé et lu* eSm thera. Have îonn rene hnght vltb godA chulI ho bois saunenougi mavînga, but for these outrageons pic- te knov sund love blm,ýýw tonaels have net un. viii, net on. bu-1 thougi tu othlug but. eloéW 1 resu, net one poctet. A mon la mu botler and llatelg te blis ur - thon the ptctures hbvf« to lcok it. Mr "Wb» ht. ool r c m v e a*., xour eya. ara net pure, rlerhaut ea*- ch ia cu W »rn net ho,. At a uevutand oeu ongamma the mcare tUléai character ut mou by tht kiué of pis- baipires ané 16lm* tonial ho punchames. Whe btu isdal ih. Verk. Hear le ds. ta roila te get a man te rend o had book, vomsan or organisaon lia lie eometimma amoee lula gtting hlen, ta pupporta erPbsa,e sel>ls olk t àt sbal pictura. Who* bâton gepaulsluciat or vacation acfaoeilo . a-flaiag b. dota net caae htiar it l ht Iotlafer the gond et0cideaL< long bine or a short bIna, if ho ouyhevever, tiat Jea l Sm*a drama bis viett l.Beaant cfla&. tuaisé ut ofehart a clvlous atrll,îun o, uImreligion. haUttien h. doed., naie of Almighty Gud, I chorge Ion. propenl udtatu, "u My Clserbmh Oee" noe"a. relgio.lem oa niétae noh Cherlab gond bhouksanmdnewsapem eovean religion asdué tr;ty Boyara f uit o ust. %easin ut thropy as noe Mmoalt O4a.y.b Lord Russell decared thot ho vwu led l la isttehlng, vas oalre Dot tb crme hI reîdlug uns vivîl romance, bllet, and Incînétéau forsée The cousecrattil Joba Angel] lame.cent octlvlty. sinoutvicl b than vhum Engbulneyer produe oàlUs bighm tp"aalltj itht UU btter man. Iecbared In bis obI sget tiait te1he dvie ldtal and leader he bail neyer jet got over tht evIl affeeti atitutea religion. of hovlng for fitteen minutes once ntaé s "Wbo o haloffeuil onte oftiéde bail book. But Iuel net go nouftroff. ores:" liai 114 cause te stuhlhl.'q 1 counltelljon ut a cutraIt vwhe va% matta ,the datait or abssêoet tl greot heorteil, noble and genarous. g. ut the muai heinouuao I ia O1 ivas studylng tor on hunorable profession, iblea t tnome pcmntesaediy Obrlmdip but bie bail an Infidllbout bn bis truuk, pie are guilty o etlu wnvi b y'.J ouI hie ail to me one day. DeWitt, exemnple or theIn eo uhéy ba i voulil >on ikete trcail?" 1I aoil, lTas, Iran toeilonht the t orc I~ 1 voutl." I took tht book andî mal it perlence or the ofuthe li ouby toc a tev minutes. 1i ves really onhot naines thet fellwiug tartîtil with vbat 1 aaw there, andl I bbct thai mol hoputlu4t» Wun handeil the boot bock te hlm andl isîl, chilîren: (1) by teasebînt at Yeou haî.btter iltstroy thst book." Na, comnet hacome OilameW1é lIe kept IL. Ht readi I. Ht rereal 4t. 421,hy nqlui«b.y' n eI Afler -awhihe lbe gare up religion as a (3) hy thte' oïmple ut parat. ViSité0 îeyth. lie gave op GuI au, a n9nentIty. more interealèdin ii vrlîly,,tb#gp. thsa Hle gave Op thte Bie a 1ftible. Ha. religion. vho neglect taîl.y royeaz' gave up tht church of Christ as a uap- thte hnrch. and SahbetiuhoÔ teshistution., Ht gave up gond morale "ail coniluci en the part oft h.iés a beinu nneeesaOnlll alfngent. I baye tht teitîber, or the parent vhlck bearilof fihln but Itrec lu many yeans. repreui, chili or check the ensal*B Thetlime betore tht e t I hord et hlm chilîhoul tor Christ,,anul lonken >' lie va, a confirineil inebrlate. l'le lestt 1pIale l h hm"; (5) by fouliqbré hearil o! hlm be vu» couiag oui t an tht churtb anulgoond people [W ilea Insane aaylum-itl body, mImd andil un ur. tbus leaatulng thii sgp 41u an awfuî vreck. I bliere thal eue bu- reverence for thein; (6) Cbilléranr fdel book killed bina foc tvu voclila, lared f nom comlng to Christ ->y all Gou hume to-day and look thnoughi yonr the audience rois. eoundueliugti tibrary. andl heu, baviug looked thzougb hlhp. tunmlng tbe choir aimoet athIti yeur llbrery. lotk on tht stand wbere yon tbe beneit or thc adulte, and dtp#< kttp yeur pictortaoI ndnewapapers oud littie foc the couyeiaecaetf he~ aîîuly the C'hrietia principlea ' hâve laid There are thame shix orguetb4 dov Ibs buc.If there la anjtblng in Goa permuta sin anl ai, 04~a your borne tlîat rannot stand the test do sponslîtfer ubam, net give h aval, for it uiight ipeli ait mIr- passive agents. Tbho*Ilmoy muchaI uoul; do net meii it, fox' the mont at ilthIe plan nf Cod iaclu*d yoen get voulil le tht prices ut bol; but cifixion o! Christ, ne bsa rather kindie a tire on your tîtehen tacheillte hoae vho'culll. beacth or lu your bact yard andl than Jeans doe tnt leumontat drop tht Poison lu il, snd tht beure La lhe imply leclores trolls.- yoor cuy lboli aos conaumlag as thai science hriiaga hume te the ont la Ephemss ý"Tt muaIet a ha ihét: ___________buht vre tethattlsimW -~~ com'tb:" litr evab ' i $MORT SERMON&. Il tht assertioint ba S-,--------- - q ithslandlug ttprmnt e verld, pemitta I dvIaé

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