t- r hai lil' ilgoI buy teed bsrgrw thick *id < kou cures du.- mir aso. Keep a' 0ou. f t on your 1 ssngtable. It aiways restome Icolor to faded or gray haïr. Mnd, we say "slways." etIIlye fanait "Dr salirVIte, te bet treed isbave M o»a Sus55bi. y - J*dg e.p os Peds Tii. orign ef horrowlug mony bi moes of pledges deposltd wth tend lrs tfeiredte Perugla. la Itail *bout 1402. This vas Onrt doua Ir charitable Institutions termod *"Mont di Pleti." lu charge o e Fmua Panot Ne lIterout vau chu rged t ODt, but tiit charglget olinereut vau permittoit bi the Pope In, 1515. Th Bbop ef Win chester la Raid te avo tstablilubedtii syctem et ending o pledgez vitiioui Interest. Thes business of pawebroking wax rsgututed le 1750 and lconues le oued la 1783. »EMr Fou ras DOWULOI. Ne mot-r vbut aliu yen, henache te à cancer. yos vill eteer get wel entil pom howelu are pet rlght. <JAStiARSTS belr nature, cure Yeu vitout a Vgieor pan, Produce eesnturel morements. mas loulàr9t 10 cents te tagrtittngi ou bàeE CABtL CRUdy Ca tharti, the gacines, put op te mets] boxes eer tbtet bas C. CL 0. stanupe SOU t. of eetImitations. STb*. Ci.nhe Thouaist S.. Tes. ÀA lttie girl 6 yean eld acoonpaeled 3ber mofler o -a shopping expeditie, Due dey. Notkiig thet thay vent t Il great MunY stores fqr oue article finaly en comlng out of the lat on stIli vithout It. Ilarjorlae eclaLmed **Wby, munema. yen are seuneautubie.1 What »s Do h Churs. Dvak? Dou't gise tem teas o ws.. am yeu trird the nev food drik ctie GIANit in deleus sud eoertsb tas, aud ltues th place e of ce. Ti moe r «in-O yen Sirerthe.obidru tii more Ieaitb, ijeu dîstrîbate througb thel systefs. Grale-O is made of pure gralas sud vbec properij prepred teaSeslii *the ciioles grades et- vcfe. but ceu about % sms. U lgrooses sii IL1M aud 25e. Tht suns raya do flot pgnetFute tii ocean te a very great depth. Scientiati asert tient 204> trt beneath the surfaci or the sau tht darknesa ha complet even et Doon on the suunnlest day. RACE WAR AT VEEW ORLIANs CAUSU MANY ODEATIt. lwx" asud a01.15After Iiuit a 214»d"ish Esistsuo-WriieWhite lMs* tKIIOS.Nsre oiaolBurae.d Bobert Chares, the eàegre desperado, who baid kilied CaptaeuDAYande Patf ci- man Lamb end hadt-Y wouudtd Omeer Idre Mea va a.eked oct et bis hiding pace la tht heurt et the residett srýctlen 6f 4ev Orana Frlday atge nnoandI shot ta pleces. le a despeatt bttis lutina gasvorai eurs b hobt a9ne pensons, kili- leg Ot et them andI serlona lu onehîn te others, Charles viae dtacvered lua ltttie trante bulding t Cflo and Saratogaetregt. Ris bedy vaa cnt tg a theusand pitres, but i. aotd his e ta aterrible cent. Befere is body waa iddled vite bul- Ika before 20,000 pensent, Charles sht *sed kliied sergruut Gabirel l'retr, AI- fred J. Bicemilelil, a boy. sud Amly Vau Kare.a depcty Ieepen et the vork- beuse. Corporal Johe B. Lally va.shot ini the abdomen and died. Frank H.. - ne uez-policern, reclsed a ftal vooed lnte h t ide aloretthe abdomen. A.. 8. Lecicro.proPrlor 09 Mameos- »lsIesooutctotrjt St.Peter snd Royat treet*, vas shot tatalty ln lie elgt htrand dtht ight groin. «sonr Ljons, sem et 1. L. Lyoes, vas 11h1t iseetlly. Il vas fonud ercessry te bre the building in vhici the murderen had weat refuge tnd trou vhlch he ponred & detdl, re. ah poicemen and ctizens Whto verMsekiing te take bis Mie. Neyer betere vas snch deaperate courae t it- smsed in tht clty. Chtantes mev tt h voutnd hokitied th minute ho tried te get avsy, se ho stuyetI ta a mont ou tht second fleor et a heuse und ored on aeyoee vhecamse vitthin gage. But the ire rsllly droee bismnend thetmontent fho vas ezposrd a dosen iflel and pistols crached t hino aad »em bis body vas filteti vtth toud. G reat exeltemeut îrev4itrd. gindredç it peMnsns rmed vith ies n dre-& 4m er vrsou tht scente. Poticemten nan àbot,s if insane. >tnny bel revrolvers le thefr bauds. vhtcb theY neyer usta. To udd te the excitement tht lire de- partmitt vais ummoutOel tel theue andI manyjfOnemen tahibited ratlcourage. Atter mldnlght a inob vblch bad evaed thee ulitla aud tht citizen%' police et- tacked the Theney Latun ichoothon. C etb aed Rampart Street*. upon tht sup- position ha1 negrots huid storeel arme au" ammunitlon ln tht building. Utnop- pesdtA tey bail no dimelulty lu galina pesn«gson and. ring th structure, de- %trojed it coneptetpty. The scbeot huild- Ing Was erectee a fp e rauge hy the cty sud hing devoted eèXvtuselt tethe a- edacation et negro chldre it vas M named for the wei-knove coond Phît- ýy aeturopist. Ne ergneoes vers teund ln Itht achuel, but a nunuleen vio merged le fromtbouseletutht veinity vers pur- t ouedI for quite u dtauce. A streng iforce vas dlspatchtd te thtenP ASa %oua s the alaru vas glven. but ton laie a. o auve the iceel. The meb vas quick- tydsperatd. Tht eneayr, Paul Capdevielle.ha le- sued a '%roctsmatioe imploring ailtgend a itîzens to il lua uppresulua tht luvlesa- ýr ne"., ri h4 rd t ' bo el te Ir le te te SECQRTY, Cenuinei Carter' s Little Liver Pill& Muut ear Bgnatue« mi The rstv of Nêke Dame, 4chsstirs, Rasse«1«Md sm Nstry. J.ieS, AmtSdsa .i.=Lu TUAN REPORTED SLAIN. Babel LAeder Salé 1te, HovBase leuid lasaBattit, The Shunghie correspondent et the Leudob Dalhî Expresa sari tht it la ne- prted there that a large setion of the "Boiera' bas resotted agaînst Prince Tituan.lteger ihat h. la makîna teols o -atINCE rtUÂY. ibeet fer his uvu ends. A douperate ceecfict took place outzide Pekin. Priitce Tiean pet-aoneoily ted bis toulosvers, tvo et his zeieerals lnaving deeterted bis. Tht battit tos.teel severar boleFç ïau&?e'loct 'PVnu vueda'fented and kiliied. CONGER MESSAGEv'A FORGERY.- stuts Depermnnt Co.nviaceé thst P-Fu Mus IiI.pocnh ls Not (cunna A Washiington specuai Baya: "-The cipher dispaech ignet 'Congr,' which vas supposcel ta bav-e been detted Juti 18 and vas ra-celveel tiroregh WVu Tlug Fang, tue Chinese ministen here, la a torgery. Tthe Stsete Depantmseot. whicb hae regeirdeci the dispalch as geetoine, hut neceived absoluls praof tisat it la a tranel." MillB' X oes M iotta Fugitives trous the interior report at Shanghai that the Impé,rieal Chinese treutus are kllicsg 9111 Ducers uon oight aaying that the Boxers deceived tisele In- te emharking lu a hopelese. striegigSe. reevs ot Mtaoe Solse. Thère te upromie lu iOregon nf tht latrg- est fruit ce-et ever harregtel. A Frenchman naened Dufure-cliit to hure totinel n way ut neciting andl moidiecg quartz like glos. Ashît> B. Jondlu et Des-ton diel of eser-rxertion whiie pcarticipaticcg lu a 17%-mnite bicycle rondî race. *Aller catlinz on hua sn-ertteart, nt Mil- letton, N. Y., Mlichael Collins fellclown un euctanknsent unIdn-as killeel. A Cencord, N. IL. judeda bas deieldt thât soda vaterne oetthe nee--,secries et liteuand mny bc eetdetc Sncduy. Le-mous andl orangeasfImm Lus Aneles. Cul., vert- kept pertc-ctiy tetai in a eotd storccge veyage ot 8.000 mites te Paris. A pot robin gare the alattc nheu barn- tans entred, the hanse gt IWalter Siglen, 1it llééeron, .., tfighe -igthem off. Charles H. Dcccli, the ceucmissiouer et pattnte, t. epoken ot es n candidate for the Itepteblicai nomination for Governor et -New York. A use nh lima n-ho vas nidtua bis bicycle ee the nidtvuik cenirary ta or- dinance collideet vilh a bohy carniage. The bahbe vus tirovu enh andI badin ln- Jured andI tue man S! el et v ili a tee ture. e Mielîcei 22. 1201, à urneS =0 0-iRU's UaI A ma tsek psi et e i.streM ofe 2ev OnUri«» W y alonii; a"db.- t'en.I lgoséa 15 sord has MW ule ssigre. u vsé.ued a dosua uàon, tienet suhom, wmvis te. The leluhesoaspouv t aet tse merder the. da, baerat et top-ilomesby IRobert Carl notr en. Tht e o mussenatteusand saires& faineS et lm e. andudmarchaS euh Obarlos avoua, ha a bod. It vas re portsO tiat tue moi voldmtch upee ths pantsb prison sud dsmand the negre Phare, vii vavu ih OarléesWb@%& tie Pelcé oeo rs n illed. Tht poilce aoSrdlusly at stbong remoeepuae te tue Prson, sud vhou tue moi made lit appearunus tue leaders ve tomld taI su effort te soere the prtaener vould ho rasis te 10tuaan. Tb*tombuerof etthe MOI) elowli dlapmss*'e abndsetfmon and bos& aslnga"A scstterbag ho se?- ad parts o<tlis ot. Mai aegreosvie ver, on tue #treneand udnugla cars vore O&ad on. Jus bhetone .mtdaibt Aetina Mayon Mehbi aaed a precamation calllng on ail geed chigonueusam 14the scthorlties la preservlng the. peace and te lt justice tesls course. As a reslt et thetcelt,@ I&lveea tour men atre desd, a acor eeeY vouded, a inedred bhuS'tsd. Net mlore tith ycsleg 0ethle Raihan. 8tnraf jean age bas tues. ibencuéex- iaemant lu Nev Olesus. The tanerais et Cuptain Day and Patrotmau Lamb look Place Wednesdsy'aftermne adhils Mwved te lulenIfy the feeling eft hir trienda. CUBA FRAUO REPORT. Brlatsv 5a stu Nthbeau la 0.0y Le"s Gilîythot sa i'tsl. OMcII leetigaies et the.Oub" o ee toi brauds, matIe by Fourti Assistant Poteae entrai Brltov bas revalled ln tue declaratlee that Direeor Glaneri Buthbene a geutt et grou s ocial ,eslect and aise of fraudsIent practiet haI bis gettt ls oùly letthon tuat et Charles F. W. Nely sud tua lattner' subordiats*ncom- - iased postmaater work of trantl. Ttese tindingu ane made BC AvnaorE. public ln tbe report ot M. Brhtqv.' 11. BItow nde %ast Nerey'aembes' .alements &asgrele t )@est P31,=lO sud mye ho vas justiOied I#ee oommued- les the removal et Directot Gaverai Ilatubene. Wbether or net tua ltter vwu guilty vith Neety le tht embqgala- meulnt&,syW. tere tan ha nedoubt liaI le the matIe tues. anuted par dieu alevwances. perosenulexpeneman sd warrunta euahad andI neacceunted for, ho %alvtuly apprepriateil te iuove use mouey efthte Cohe revenues. For tbis. Mr. rste sajnbho lleves Mr. Bath- boue .hould ho required te anee. "VANDERBILT 0F CHINA."- Prtuooah"«em Oset the Loadea et the Csemtil Ko£apire., A sisIvhe ha playing a sonevist enalcuees Part lu the prasent troubtos la China in Prince heug, tue director ai telegrapiietftuee tu- Pie, and viee tla sit te ha one o e i.ment capabte. inteligent and bnead-mlnded et mon l in China. MHeha bad chafga net oety et the iuisgréphs. but oethle rallms aise. Hei h tue bond oethte tmp- niai buai, a peaties akilete theo acretary-. ohlp oethle. treasury, rwasae and ha I. tue principau me tiia dreelor ofthle Chin eMrchaut teune- shlIP Companj and tue leader et a dosen prlvate enterprises. Oheug bas siovenà temaritable capseity for the absorption et tue Western business spiril aud bas bue qulck te eaise tue veait t liIle te ho otested eut ofthle undeseloped cou- ditlotns snd reoources et China.H.eva test breugbt ont by IÀ Huns Chsa& vii. becme hils patron, but Sheng sonu dis- playad talents vhlch promhaed t0enuhise bis e tasurpans hia tuinent trted inmed- cru .nterpnlst If net la statecraft. Re bas bren cled tue "Vsnderblt et China." ______>__ MORE MISSIONS IN 'PERIL Govereor o Hal-Nen Cama Preteot For- elgrs reNe Longer. Consul «sueraI Wllduan utiEeu" Kong han heeu Informed thut tue Chin' Sest goernnr ef tue lasnd ef Bal-Nue bas seryel notice on the cenul@sticat ho 1laouattabeateapretct lthe rrîgners suy îiloger. Tht Ameecan leeaigg hs bvp ere pealed ta Consul Wildpaan te send a ver- abip te Hoi Mev te bringaay the for- . ignera. Tvo linndred Russisa trope guardlug 1tue.rallay hetween Churbin and Teil vert .urreetndqd by 15,000 Obînese vlth , artiltry sud masakred atter protoaged resistance., Mîany mlssionarles anA hua- 1dreda ut native couverts vere bctcheetd Jnty 4 in Sontheru Hul-Nan, Il lun e- Prted that th misiouaries aiNedis ihave bren murdered. The Impertat edit promuugated by Viceroy Toit t Canton han lefI a ds- agreeable Impression ha Washngtoe. Despite the Chilts minit.r's vlev le the centnary, this edlch ,là looked upen as aspileusiy like a prnn- Imary ta a formai declanation of var 1and as enly oee step tovurd" iecurileg .tiue, le move Chinesetterces into a betten poition ton detense against the interna' teonais. ICI' Bnian vas iven tht erd elthat vas Icamti t KausaaCIty. 1- ,Nev York Éepublicans vitI hotd their Stata convention durlng lie Oirt veek le Soptenibor. ln West Virgnl ul y alxty dayu' nemI. deece lu Sa ecuty and oeeyeur tn the Stlute-ha usqured for suffrage. Orokçr sais Erjan vi» carryNew Y"g City and maesà strneg ght un tue luate. Go,, Iiisce et Tennesse bas lti- dravi t tm tIse asuaorlalontet. il l nuir hitwws Osrmsck. na d gs la bats sud ChIIIupm lb e Y [ l a.Mv AlwqsMu Nec» oustt~mienne, ?bisa te Rocky Meubt an i the pointae et origin net ouly Of the rivera anud vatai, towv,,but of the coiidaising ef hiec Moîstune cQt the airt hobankpd anevu1 the aubternanean corrects viciie tortue the hesia etf tht entre vuttrghee. Til1 ceid altitudes seeno te abed the vuves1 lu the plaina beowv. aid lu thoin bah-i ties gentrele the cyclones and tht les-g tet vtndy ters vloieb devatute the western plains. They are thce begin- Bnn of tht beart-bteuking blilzzards,4 vhicti tic up thee traffle et the uetropol-1 tan strects or ChilIi eyond endurance1 the home. of the peer. Tlety are, lne a1 vord, tht atmonpbenlé top efthlie conti.1 Dnt, and one voild.?expect te Sund arnong tbem the mitOXLv5iet ofeea-1 ture tlent are *soneon t ti amaller scaleà viien tht wlnd vbIps tee Ougs off thet roofs et lotty buildings or n'lie dark clouda lowr orer thie Jersey bilts or tht geulle mountInietfthe CCumber- hand. Yetthougle the Recky lMountains arc tht begtnnlng et iuch awfui thInga au cyclones sud blissaLrda, tleey are sin- gutarly Immune frointte trribuleet- teti et theie elienemen w leu they rênch their full growtb on thse phlin belew. Thte@tortu astesharp, strong and typical. Tbey are drunîatic. But, lackinp lu the chance et a long rien acrees the plains,,,ve e ree is con- itantdy accumulated vitle ri-esuccess- Iv, mile et progres. thoir lite la une- ally of short duration aud tlieir Imme- diate sphere et action smali. They are an If al the phauemeua. the iterm from Its gene a lt l conclusion, vert glven lu miniature. le Ibis respect tht stermi et the Roekles differ trou thune et the SwIss Alps. T be latter are se- vrnt protracted and ful of catantro- Rhe. Tht former complète themateae brlrfiy andI then let the balance of tbe centinett restlt vlth vhat thbeý,ave given forth. .Probably novhete le 810e-en sud cil- mate se varied. AU phas e t Latures cutaciysnes alternat. vlth al plisse ot nature'% pouce sud plensuro. "Tii, entIre pemut froin sunhine te bluci gloom frequeiatly la tun vllein a single da3- or an heur. A mornineg will, open cleser. with the . suavrne. Perbapa et noon the couda vîlI galber and a heavy tain hegle. Ilu a tew minutes Ibs l l turu le s"et'sudiien te hall. j'ltteeu minutes autte eintorm hona It vili be anowng heavily and au her trom me ieue the. rst eloud appeured the sun viilbeo altg galu. Tbe whele aboyer, tain, bail snd anow viii have be accompiiabed by thunder and lilgtnlug.-Alnellte'oMagazine. KNOWS THE RESAURANT FOLK. ThiI. laWhî thseau mAbout Towe Livee &m the Fat et the L-. 1*1 knov a dearüld boy," sali a man about tevu. *"vho ton tht ast tweety yearu or moes ueaten at restaurants ot-veil, say. the upjnon middie las- 1 mean tht hest grade iuder tihe svells. Naturally he bas plcked up a lot et cratty tricks aud Itla very amseuung Ie taie a meai ln bis cornpauy. The lant Urne 1 did seno cudied the bill fer a moement andI then aald snddeniy: 'Walt- er, vbat ktndof et SaIn aII "at yen ra" eut of ast lghtr Teuderloiu of Iront,' raplied tht garcon. looking sur- jýPnIsod. 'Tiien brlng me soute,' sald my bloend. 'I'a certain te be fresi,' hoex plalued ban nedertone. 'Flsbthat are loft over are atvnys worked off Onrt.' "~On another orcasion hé vas ordering a beefsteak and was very patilcular te telt the vallen te brin, bhtm some 'haif- Julienne' petatoes. Hlf-Juleune' If yeu are net up ln restaurant linge, meaus a sled potateot a ise httween 'Julienne' aud 'French trîrd * Yeu ste, lte h ut tle rery seldum et<ýred.' he uald, viien I asked for particutaa, 'and the. cook i vit hoobiged te prepure my portion frouh. Thsee tier-aises, on the contrary, are calîtti for se frequetty that hhey malte up n lot lu advanct and mereiy varm them ever tefoe e ending thein ont. 1 amuteepeciliy partial te haIt Julitnne. but 1 don't lke my potatneet haItcold.' 0f ceunse, the res- taurants have tricksaoft htlr obu. but It le hard te tuel the elci boy. "Ilaa vlth hIne anorlier tMme wlstn he ordered nomenerot-shilied crabe, and lnsisted upon seelng taIthey were alive hofore t tçy xere og; Tht te 'upt It wo &ne teilows. vrlgîliug lumui. on te plate. wile bis attention vuas mousrntatily diverte MY compfaii 'On pînceil uoffene eor iclavs and put Il teuilil hie uapii Wleen tht crabe vert 'erved noeme- ber vas mlsslng. Walter.' sald tise oblil boy. 'hene's a crablste! hj an grewn e new tlep aInce I saw lm nlent.l'u afrald he' te vIgorhîu, te be tender. Tell the chef te guets agttln.' Net lime ve gel the rlght pair." Nov Orleans Times-Iiemomta. JugesIVene. Iu his rocentty publîiliied Memoire Eidmond de Amitcia dcorihes a visit he paitI te Jutes Vernue. eiee shoved hlm a bookeas. centanInng a complote col- lection et hi* boeks, elgity lu ail, ho- @ides tranulations etfuîcny ort tb,m into Most iluropenu tungungex, as volt as Arablc andI Japanrse. "And yel," euhd Vernue. "I ewe my îrosperlty flot te these bookts, but- te te dMarntlzation et somte et them." Dropsy treated f ree hy Dr. B..Il. Greens bout et Atiscîce. (;%. The grsst- est drepuy ipcilglets lD the vorld. Klead their ad. tnanother coiutnefet lii.paper. unique proceas thse blacklng et boots lu? Ton are, ve irnear the boni; vith a prep- >ration et bonehiaek. vhlhhlu entlreiy devold of Iluttr, sud thonuby ltc.efri- lIon et a glny brusb maie Il ahîne Dite tht sun. There le not anohiior procets, like this anywhere lu tintfOne arts, se far as 1 knov. and I neyer reail suy- vhene any scieutlSec expiainatieti of lie proceas. 'Mly solutien oft tie semlng myetery lie@ lu tht fat-t that a diamend la noth- loi; but cryslallzed carbon. Tht blaci- li;g l9 littie more Iban erbon patte, and the friction et a isir bensah, Ieilnt u et the mont efficient usl >e tis-o gepner- atlng eiectricity. bas tbecqfect et crys- tullzteg the carbon et thtblacking, ".As seen as titis le doue the boet. l covered witb millions ot lnOiniteiy imal diamoud%. and et course hoplus te shint us a muat diamonda woud"-New York Telegrane. Hooeseekers' Excursin*n Via Chicane and Eastern Illinoils tailîned. Ou the first and Ibird Tuesduys et Joue, July nanti Atust tht Chicage aed Eastern Illinois ltaliroad viii place en sait Homsestekers' Excursion tickets ta varions pints lu Alebama, Arkasas, Fienida Georgia, Indae Terrttory, Ken- tucky, oeisianMisssipp, Missouri. North Carellea. South Carollna, Ttnes- se and Texan. Ont tare (pIns $2.00) for the round trip. Tickets are limîted on gelas tnp fit- Iren daye frons date oftsasI. vîitstop- ever pivileges ln Homnesreksr' Terri- tory: Roluning. tickets are lîmnted tventy-ene dais trom dataetfstl. Remeuhort tat ve nov have in service a nev vide-vestibnled train behueen Chi- cage and Wuco aud Fort ortý_Texas. leavîns Chicago daily a1 LOU p. m. Threugh Pullman sleeping cars and tree recliuint chair cure. For furtier partic- uta rail on or addreus any ageint Chi- cago anA Eastern Illinois Rliroad. or 0. 1. Stone, 0. P. & T. A.. Chicago. Where the <Colonel Was. "TYou say the coonel wa n luthe latent batte?" "TYes, be vas." *"Was heiln thse van?" *"Thene wasn't anY van. He van lu lie balage vagen."-Cteveland Plain Dealer, _________ Te meel the great demuud torn«no gienete royal. tactory aI Wotvicie. Engtand, la betng enargtd. Ceutempt la tht propon punlshmtet of affectallee,-Johnsen. Hafl's Caterrh Cure au a aoust"itOumcns.PrIces76 cans. Among the locka to, beeeen at the' Paria Exposition ia onetftthe jear 1580 vbieh belonged te Henry III. lbwus . r 9Û..mse Âge lu a muttor of feeling net of yearu -George W.Curtis. are over4wme hy La PIakr&m*'.V. ge fa-ble FIfty £ad .hamy ai Idono»a te ureau Phmu b A UNfflP PUESIOW WZmist Gss4 . Uely. r - A àsomafl ma d.uh.d op tothe. ohef E5t5i05g Cetteota MIREufu lt5 of the Paris Oire deDsrtment jioat as the gb te h~Cutes u eotd. latter vas about te ordet o the boremenle Durlg a~~rnt bat 1 mient lu te playaway on the. blin Trate Esalilneeaa. 7«.a Pu," sald RFrancaise. New Orleans rlcoma, 11 mad the 5cý "Monsieur! monsieur!" ho shr1: ed. i qualututoce ef a veny quiet youflg tel- "R-r-restrain yourseif! Do-,flot give ze c loy ot the noms of Jani who vas tateful ordaire for eue leslie moment t stayîug at the aume family hotel. 1 I ! had knewn bii for aéverai monthes ho- "And why net?' lnqulred the ohlef. a dorW 1 dlscvoeed Is occupation, and "Becauae.' cried tihe lîttIe man, "z. whon b. lncidentally meîtionod It ont movlng pîcture appratus la ntertu-t st-Ouig 1 vus gnulutiy tartitd. He nately deayed and canuot posalblY vas a proesoslnal Collectereof tchidî. reach e za re for sevoral pr-r-recloua There are only two otheens ln the Unit- minutes" ed States and loua than a domenla the go the oblîgIngeblid vattd.-Cltve-m venld. Jumlaou's customers vert land Plain Dealer.1 wealtby orebchd faddlos, aud h. madea regniar tripe for tbem te South Amer- Croiln Nebraska.t Ica. ne. iad .iuo leený te Atrlca snd Tiiere la a broud &mile on the face eft Java butlb. maxn contryvas is eaniy every fermer ln Nebraska, hecuese Javoribute Annp n goun. tas al£of the satistactory crop conditions ln that favoite-stapin grond.It wm aremarkahit Staue. ln the Nothacat, trange lite, and after the-iewas br*- drouth has serioualy iejured thet vbeat en he tbld me some wonderful atonies yieid. lu, tht South again there bat Weu of avenure Tre pant heeollece more or tes dumage, but iu Nebraska of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e adetr.Tepat the yhave had seasoubie, heavy reins, vent. net tht kind we ecdinarlly ese-at sud fot too much ofthtem. greenhonses and eteem as sncb great A toit crop ofut085sud wheat wvIL, irtW@le; hie prizes vers freakn ot the trom prestut indications, be fotiowed hy à bemper crop ut corn. During thetupat florai vorld, fan tee difficuit te s5eure, vesi heavy raineail ot-er tht Stute have te ever pet lto tht open market. il put this crop luint condition, aud it yeu bave ever gîven auy atteution t mal break tht recrd. the ubjct lu kow, f curse tht Te ezpectation l'e that greut numbers tii.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o pujc o nw o ore ht epope viii go te Nebraska this ta,,. the variation otthe orehld. hot.h aus wbfothe cheap hsrvest excursion rates te sape and coter, are aîmost Insuite. art lnt effect, te ieve'eîigate th e entry andeonirm byactuat experiene tht Jamison toid me he bad seen them stortes ot prosperity se tten heard. The eping ntarly every torm ot insect tif.t=. n eton thee part ut renters, every- Some wonld rodeanhie enormous dragon viiere luhle tiate t seek homes heyond ,ies, vith gorgeeusly tluted vîngs; oth- an noMuss onn tlvrviereln uceu tri would take the shape et beetl suds eyprdcie andI stil others seemed lke magulOiceut lm mSatlstlcu moths. The region viiere the Ounest A etatîstiotan bus estimated that a apeclmens ver. ftnitvurank vith man 50 yesrs otd ha. voiktd 6,500 ftver and alive-wtii ail sorte of venem- Orys, bas slept 6M00 bas arnused hlm- eus reptiles. Jamison dascribed it as self 4,000, bas valked 12000 moiles, has the mont beautifu nsd nie horrible bren 111 500 dayu, has partaken of 36,- country ln the vorld. TheImmbuinent 000 meals, eaten 15000 pounduet meut vas mort or leus of a garnit., b. lai, sud 4000 of fish. eggs and vegetabtes Imâd the colecter vas nover abfsolntely and drauk 7,000 galions et IIquld.ý Qertain about what be brouget borne. Tht net reutI vould ho aà lot et dry. Te.y rats-Ol Try Geais-OS sbrielt buhu hichmipit e~eop Ack joar Orocsr to-day te showv jeu a gbrlele bube hIebmitt delo muugee ofGRAIN-O. the sv teeS lottosunperb blomsse and mlpht put ilukiai tains the rince et coe., Tb*. forth nothing but a fev lnsIgnlfiuat I hdeu mal drink ilvitiient ijry us butde. 'Tbree-tourtth.orfthe Sudva wu , ti. dl't.AIl v ry it 1i110IL. G IN-O à.bat tsi si bov umnamuilet ttansit.- eamh@qen's tStii otr Java. butIf-leiumd--fira b ail brokren lu ie iqueer trade sud ho =gwrainudf te muet delicatq to*-b eu e was resting when 1 met hlm. About wetsi ithout distreasa.%th r o*edm 1Me aud 25epape s . 'he time I loft Baltimor h. veut te sy a grocere Neorke te arrauge for another trip to the, tropie, sud 1 have novor hostO Joël; ho ufkulked. -from hlmmintce. If he le aie R. Ws p O0cer (te stfagger)--What are leu pose be lnastiui securng the. jungles for s&touin behind tbat <e. for? The. tht plntocrathc coiutrvatory.-Nev 50U ha Ioytht. Otians Tflpes-Democnat. BU*ragia-Hurrahl Thut's the. oppor- ____________ tnaity 1',.beau vatitfor; I'm a Brut- clams ving sbot.-Ehchmond Dlspatch. 0-1-0O_ _ _ Wiien a preparatleu bus au sdvertiseilDO Nu UV est lAcs sud Dr? reputation that ha vorid-wide, it mouflE al»lotéZF @IssaAflWu tes tb.t proparatheamuerltorlons. If peu Mm, aiovd.rfor the tt. lbfuskf seoloto astore te boy aunaftle,.that tght oraDev abusltiel. Cura bas achievad eniversul popullan iltsCeraBuetoa. Suuoom4ot mindiOveut- (UA8OARETS CANDY OATHÂWPIC luge. A au destlis dsh for exemple. yle foot Itbasthtu- e-tores i. a Osupe ut IL M.AdI dersemont et the wvend. The. Judgment dSuas Aise IL Obtstd. XlàQ, N.!Y. et the people le lutallIbie becaus. Ifleh I mpersonal. The netailer vho vante te lu*sSheitlTo Reina. oilyen"semethtn3g e9»" In plae e of"Ton aI lvaya telt a bridegrom." Ithe article yen assiifor, hua a exte ".RovT' grnd. Dou't If stand te reasea? Bem "lisu't atrald te tube men home to ItrYing te sal something that la net Aluner vîtlteut tetepboulug bis vite., vhgt lie nepresets It te be. Why? Be Indlanapols Journal.- eau,. he cipects te dtin,.manextra ________ profit ont of leur credtilty. Are 0u iaeswmt lsios t eaiy? Den't yen aet through i% lmbis tIle fflt igane?The minu ho viii try ase Nv. i.hvissei4y.l .5 yeu a substituts for CASCARM eTO as Io bu blsihb7 this la Buesmoy. &Mt traud. Noear.etfhlm! Be l lugig entulon lie User sud hidu.jsOn* te ateelthtb honestiy eaned benefitg et siol b«eee. Prie* 25 and 10&. a reputatlon wvieeit other bulot« Te etlt foupeunnal man bas paidfer, and If bis conulmee Temc.iyfrmpemuat vll allev htmntegoseofat, hevul I» atl Qnt.e b lnuth. e mun au my, tartiner. Itf nt clents hisecustomsr la Cenvalesccnt moidiers aiesiven tfut. one vsy. be vîliltu unother and lit laleughse ffout veeksu, mot ato te de busues vth hlm. B. varo of tht CASCARET substitubeeli s ueaPlso's Ours fer <Jnseptli Remenober CASCARETS are never saved ml lite three jeans ag.-Mre sold le bath, but lu metal boise vtth Tinos.. Ebbies, Mupte atnoet, Nrici the loeg-tulled 'V' on éveny box land N. r,. i"b. 17. 1900. .ach tablet stamped C. . . _______________At WhakarsvarasNov Zealn. Shod vlth DIImeods. tiir. are geysers. bot spriaeabeiig "Did It ever ocour te you," aald a poel@, mud velcanees. sud bot vter ..h.n.lt, -'htas s mari..kahiaand taits. whkb grasf. one vithoutt wsu& thie rnucoes nembne c- thie enire body mcddeuly hgg veakened in nmre spot a" é ino is estalished. Il ueay b. è4 lzpu ,the beud, ibret, lýo- ever il in, andi whatever it _if mI CATARU0I or inflammin of this ddicgc ph* membrane.1 T'hts"Item la weakened inlaý ter. The delcate lrnng fi. ç* ssccepile te lrrhla"lase don, àad t us vo ha,, easlly be chece dbyy ceP-ruem. MMbate scnly Wsy Rma à& Yots May dms - esr- ooý 'aothe Welu"tl1you",y 1" cure snd that aP-tn.- may tbink àort~l .- other diseuse and uzm ub.. it Wh"t you vJui, eu t ki~ yoIIt systemu dto 1 emmdy wlhreachmsib experts et beau vent aqukl A*.mi f85re Faster TMme via tbe W~. CONTINENTAL ~ LIMITEI) Yenk 3tt5 asd SosIe 3sUbe Afttecou. 1 Threugh siqirs oij MIDNIOIITFLYBR- TO ST. LOUIS PiRî Louàis alnsee 00 i see ma Try tbia po piu a UI City icket Offic, "fAdamo 4.76 L Plilmhsisii Vsga~ WEP.'..rily~fim*W ~ ~ F4 Lymej Mme.., <e.é*,e. I E~woe ~ Ehat 5Wfre~?aa~~D* 4g'he ~ aed .e~s ~ve ie - ~ .dvhe 5. - ~ EU ~ -.~ _ - ~ U~ahe hue aoeh - e as.eoet*eVew.. a5.a * . 5 cruit l previdud. - mv@w, te w lime. vhoer*ve-r etlaOsbuu, be saçk o ee esmasidier Io .assI01»la O attachod toencii ceeniaNfU Wt0@ep4 pose, svhtch, of ceerse, FftIV Ma& tatou rapid mevements. Ruitter Cattl&t Rubior culture vas frai sdMIMMEe undertaken ut tht botaicl U~ U Peradeniya, ln 1876, by D., and lu 1897 Ctylon bossted ogt« traee of thet Braxlllanvarlt , i Like the UnderuûrM*