e,- etMolism, lit MO. eOa'mei oUObohgba 1 tue bu*lmel aMy .1thé 850fbrime 4IeWr eco «IMir cterme cdix..<?L ul wre, 0kmet çcag»ýen d *0 wBUnoOWIB aib@"Aivin"'l 1maIéma un ON» m v» tas proo- io vlUmm uqDll m a. Ou-nug nuviab.. uioa uies- b u 0fCabeeqV, lUwt. Qilee Uum I~tou nt e l 1m~ ~~~a iie ,evmg . aIoPrldAq.. "@Md" leou Cook lxvmsatuder Z *X »-è- ow- a oMtI eal'Me oR tvumitls. top *6 LraSeles * mi bmnlle l Mi ~am gngbod vio a tI*ie GoBet th l a butaGr«$o ,, diti le 8515 tagrove«WMord Ldat. TmIPUvo apeIMo taBariagoaWamkoffl viSIti. rs a*Y "dUahwr. Poblim, NorISeN, u. s auflb in moitmiiCoo0k AtI*!1- loka asboucbWbesd -WfFesmme mia.moelng w . la ev olea*, Mmd NapemeteVolseauIba ta a puewdeale eleltn »Wsutu turoosmm@han. ~ i. i limIs pai Salmm -mm te mq mie. mm mat lbatm tiltomeàmise êir M ftle nid am bho ufti Si o .... .. . .... .1. .. . . . ................. . .... . .. .. . . .. . . . . .M"* * . . . . . . 5 ..............-............ n . . .... ?..... i 1..o ..m..aa 1...d..... t sui ---- -- 4 ...... .... a....... ....... ..........n »-4............................u ISMML4...4.......................ut mome abilueo Mtai e the mare. WiD Pire iUUp, etVar O ai4, vImaa la E - 4etumI."m ar No Mt mÈ%- ýadysal la bomnmmi«M. Ldmlmnba me» umu. louebl v» »Mahsmmu n liga R---- bu tua".ry eesm oem rt m taiuted a.n dmr aw s, or opuvin a"mlh 00o md raS. "e* bed rsai ie raberemmaga ma61m doamvi.mi kum vItli a N Bars- O. S Staai N. W- 15800e. kbamck vol i hae vpsrmaoam tu ue l"mat tnîmno. île aubacrlion liest.apav. tue mlcaIy. '*n Saundoy evenlug ci taIa vetà 1ev. ao l iiilgvm ona.e euoa rOflndo, or lte bodiailt bé ILM. uluiol. tee arsea a"i cie ui Is oorrd. 'AU1 ne lurild. DIAMOND LAKE. MlS. OlhY vieisrelatives làaOCi- 3. P. Daviai dfamiiy areve laug retielut a iiany. HotrmilarogvomhuSety Mmd a goe amq beug galboea. lira. Amm Dnby md lir. . itma. IbaierVent la DeoîiBnacmp nult- tue lamaSmdsy.. - e«. lzi.ueg toourcharge ofrlte Saaiay meooleuag imiay sudi mo prumebuimu m itroéling ma"jethea eabr"lSaudey stiersoms oMeuea ai theB.May 5Sebou Ccsvoslionet ivmnhoevIll doueaeauiaalMB9t. n. Proam la tIte svesag n msa. ««Thrcagb Ils mosiba et Juomai lelY ont hbW w- le.Ibing our0ka ru"-f»a ff cia. bovela iii icime DÉ a. esmame.me a0. P. M. Hotm. 4a3, et Peut»& lad. "Hlm bavel coid mnov. trou e vuteaigug 11mwa day. 1 lad a hule et Ohaberle' CollaDbl. .d mdb m »boaiMed la a.e boumsMd ga Mmlaifour drape teas teamo«Onfu aiver Mdi b. got boumer nt ono. SoM h . a. LOVuv.i,,LiUsyvlle, Guâla.x PàuAorIO. Sema »M ralvaabou EVERETT. liv. iRd mh om enteltmlng Mn. J. W. Doyte ho been anterlain. tagr eam»my lilas Auna lovelhm <oaaoff ou a tiit>01 etmveal vaeku The pool niShiW taller, lir. Solermbortla .quitlà i. Mit. BU*lorlahu bues matai suai. tmprsvumms.e enhbm place. WbaA la ta. M~aieyllaheu h aime? la il iibersatbg or dudic Osai à b. ailler aroumadan re.urreotied? MELODY. lr.Margaet Giblama, of Mima.. laii the a. mul 0flMr. and iae. Mli.Set.Trier, of Wauicgaaopea lta liay yul ber sistar, lir. TitommaSste. Mr. T. F. Tara arrive. et aur baelât every siiseruoo onthie 4 ocloci limi aeeklug raIfer lired merve., lien lét mammiburinoeu«cri., Mr. B. J.f"Mliy leu &tra a ago et the bondct e ncmory Solnria moatunla" mivu.temdenid aunouonao for avors Miutemsa, recirlag a »err scalp vouud. lira. Mlady gave a aimner partu Salndy uighillacua, aiofber gucate, the ines boy, oeifflgo. Cavera vote laid tor tien. peoov. SiolatnhIe ing roons voeewville and yeilov, mmd th. parlota vine boauilluflidecormi,-d vîit deile uhadu of plitS mm rise., matcua lair fqei n mai avo ubeiag umod Millions viii ta apulta polue. laie Ymir. W. celui ,keep a. mai. paun gSes invlol uymymr Mmea a r dgmi It e o miiovu you e alMMgi the toi yoq vaUs. Il radilly ceres miomau traumbtea. F. B. LoargUa lerltllue1 J, IL ubacua Gurvme, F. L. wmetmn.ý *à*,iuisi. A fullllune of, buggies, wagons. etc. always on hand. W. 00 tige best vrade of buggies ever Introducod in Lake Couoty. Uo ln ne-09.-0f an3Othing Itn the linoeof ... Farm 'Machinery .."..,caIl around and see If we cann ot filI the. bill. Ml iae . IarowAj.et LOWest Prie.. -J. tvba o è-leg 'w sella 9004 Io bll obaci mm à".. N »«W" uL."MiMab-0,4mo serr*moue ltb Wita i i o peal1 a Boy l. J008eb@$gab u meaetlamî mitom @u% a Suiày. a erse let 0f oile. Mr. Oroood d fraty e a d fto Waiou abme'orumballi. dayal9 aclck. o*sber..q-* liam B»UllgIo Mmd Um lt.Cu. PImillipa vUtild vîtalir. 'B. Prolo Kr. Itoherd Dcçlilils mMd. mU froin Hocbdltsr allemded chureb mi Ivauhos ma bmàIy. aibnnd bous tIMa tuombeclbomIt iib bar, momreslvos o u a ido. Willam Uulioo aforernnamdal ta te pie.. v rmg I .Ki %sntau Djashla olheiM4 estoern. puietcga. r mt foraamiresaiMa X"aI ondai moraing FsaSk Smith Vas quile néiâo"r~ bitea by VOuaI flde«dc. Er. Smita uv bgs uwi o mm as aéegaumd AtI bixai m nom a led WV6&ai.Iltfa t be p.d MMa no mions tajsry vttlrosait. CILMER. Y. Groo M d tamily vwialisi iRgit. tend Park. Mueday. Mim Bis itu mde a CliorI visit Mi W. B.LBaWa btuOLvai lin. Druty mmleeiaed oampeuri tran obicAgo lamt vek. Dam ilussmle bula steeai a# o on lts gRumb e«at oadami Umin Ioaule Gnrou, 0f Obieugo, t vlilllg herm21unc le ro. MR. More. aie a lare qumaly o et . Waelod icanbbcoeifor mit. A. G. m Mevr a 00,4.. tla a. pieceta hu"pour umber sud ocel. idra. Dm alotlaier tmded camp meuimg at Du Diie@. simim. Tb@ «limer taolory patd iSfc per lune. A. G. Soommuaim hd big elevalen Peimled hY patatena ivem figliami Park. 9. .' Wbaeiaw. ofLiberlyville.,wuma lu «lImer laltvomi rewiaogthe pmMP an bis fan.11 Therieur bviei chtimay nt tha tmetory vu.finishe" Uomday. Henny H. A. Selvoum a os alargeilay etOf i irmpmemme,«coi ugam md ibuggimes ol ela»ailag liSe lai A àmuimben tramiltbIs plce ralis baspiW et Ilab osana. Tluy repors lIai tPa ptoilauvIWha.ubaige et donblei o ipe li avtaelie Thae S5h. mevoiugbanes aeous la the QUUme correspond««c la test Thf blaSa i Inrt rse ea tut sIe a.eTubaio .oub l arfa ln le theaImmt un Te battu. vu1omesurariseMdololmaitvao iimoulu l.theasv ereonobvaedem la lia« unsl -mY 0» aami bsaliellmIaula vhlbb uve ao m.u4pmmd la the eqof .Whee. nvy Ur Iu vinl aVes, *M aUti a pwaduloar a.pDb aym oohlor S e ai,#e lho-op-#-MWme- OflaI b*sM tiot Ute. ramier thé aboya atabamufl lac cetamoteou fonraey lui ibasbie mollo, Of duiii. Apned Iaoreto mowgau0m aO0f jt. lnayeua, thiuunua od Zws KAvrem Atelie. molw teatisdallesai, On louiel. tla safei rte rululiam. toema iVI* itaoolaIbo u. qý loua Ami daolàa mm1 éei 0anise oula douka f bl ieamu. It Holpel Win E.Ws.. Ï"eat. 0 -C - t . -b-71* a flihe blOii nNsn à Ot us degré« Of fl. mmd Ha111116- , dual AWUSia m thîe Sf1 at vmmt»$et es kAacaymela. Va#"b tan 0MOMA a r 101er developuet à htmeeme edngoo euomin, for twu me rancherons. Thala vhymtu 1il omtase orDe WiS8'm Vital isaw Sribliff"e angar*ms. Ihey aE tic >s ho,'i belas Xsi 0f tbe &All-*a 1 a thb"melhy *iloola l ta p0tlum liable ta irritle te Mbd a"d uamm blod potoleag, Par piles tquasýd abla immees ma le or- ifiel Mmi muime IPWIU WVtb »% aflve., I. B. Lv.Le" [b-Or V, Il.,I.E.Dmoum m "m, P.I.. Wmemmv, it, ockefeller. PRAI HIE VIEW- *A. 0. tichard vua ln Chicago ta. brut et a*s vueS. Mlàm Kihol Loont.aveut to vark ith 85 brotera. 4. litr.,mWmilr. Wodlaad, ot Chicao, apui Snsdal saMl mma'n. MKwX K ler vas lu Chicago au huamaa.the rai Of the vesi. Obma. Buru viemitedlChicagao o beamiméma tels a t f ewveei. A mtev tram bridge la Wbuiog ui ~ er6"aDiaplalnsriver B" ce BoIt Mina. lSM» teprogus a emigb N nt h hakegm mmaur. The *M onet> la mamrly ad 1 est. Ti e liaborI bue a. pamla gond. IatMM le* êaversesilei. W. P. Dickinson ha. uuaursid ftcuaa moslha business bi>imln e aa& Be W«»@"slibeaimme. #à Kmooha* Tue. "aY. imasCors PMtl elminedto a br bore i. jueviarm Park Vedmuiayr, mller a MnonlavistvlSb relatives liam IL & Pie, 01f eron Park, aMW li&.a. offma,of Despmmo4 l sieint Fvday vtllbiteu couIn lira J. 8. Orie.. vIèlée a. we »l f fuer mSa.ohmtom vWbleldose ezuellet von. Ibrul e vUii uiadbtedly bc "tuab"d ariy abm mea.ou W. J. Pltia mmd lims Babaspue Ondar t A nnuilmo doais ul s mmt. e ber of frimuds flou (Chicago. Alter havbWgs ary piammnt da,& oeimg ler bo<r s jaiiy ride on s Imyraci1 «g ml dpai. SHERMERVILLE. Dr. Mude r a i emvlew, hmoa peed ea oiffie tare.ie labouroa ave trom 2 $0 4P. M. Clyde lBatela hmboa ooappointai mhlpplng eflln tahe Illinois Brick 3o'oe. yard hoti M«ofMd i u -Bagpeople altemici th. y. P. A. r:9iyemiNorthl Nortbâleld lamiMBandar evuatag.f Carl Bruckner env blaokialtbhahm 60oeel 1a0p1111îon lu Chicago mmd vii mono lherq ahorit. Min 111Te .g, ai Terre fBaute,1 [nd., sud latm etrudel<moeuMtu à viomdrelatives boresthé peut voeh Thene m"SlilMg. of Chicago, Wvoa bave houa rleihugaset i. Jacob miare m returaci hans Mondai eveaiag. 1 Oui Caerraupomioa v bie l m ba W hi»omthîetlmaiad on ~f or Uhermerville ne» vér4e0 m ok nlam St. Joeph home ilàa pogemlmg vUn rapidiy aud on. ai the buldinga a apeel la b. flulmhed by the #9Wet Ca 0066w. About ivto buiuied oaiar peoP alhamded the PicaulaMmd excuraiou at 09 C- iva à" a.Catlpa cou. Cib~heago. Ail report a Wailor ClarkcOr atudemuof ac.0 ciat>by claimahoelathelb.chamupion hariabauita t laziug cnuques; any. body dimaulg h10 vii be favored vith un otpoalumiy $0 Pil in. Thb *Imes,<luesGlas' »d AgaceaI i*bo rovtaWoodsomk om, ltaoi, .rb.aa a o, tfanorlyty inai. Plis>von b iv teu lai.priase tavlag mai. a.herââ a Dlaumomm veali minutes. *a wre ver~'arI o fIi tu lesta Omo lnHal Ualm a e a mftei Jame, s Jil Sa, a puumpi p ilbag b di olli. or; esgà b ue hathai 16ied u eln 1on amouiornibnfIoua i be i 1. 8db lot-Tr"mdao mu lu <iicao a. to dlacmiLue lmhv Uter lord SUit lu teonimosi mp oty. T4bo Sersboss Iii aboutl lîrc veeba moir. là. C. Cotadi.r J rmdF.iediais, 0 ustadIoa i. hatvi apoupi a »Maago tSI. baâs fotovy, mand a. lMUr. i t àa "i Ueva berlmb.,e bio m»newva womar boa JOum a. olem âge*. Y wlu d bugle o atnifa a F. Mr.%W Mm d L. t s Md dodo, IbSson ilvmi .hm0 b t mimasad buw*0emiog'u iler, -. e oosUr sudFsilohouaetth Illonibl l'e- éIndira b404e Wo tud. bakemy. ar" z oilVa3 Ur. S a veait rqu NbWho buneaum ihfl umvslb Meta luy hm l- 0hhmg, areft yg vitb Mv. W. Theum at bm ave basa ail vonon the fouadàltoirfalbse » ,bridge bive bal*a 4playod ta work @@rend daim uns menMat cdfslo alosse mot Remlise inr. mn a ii U.lin eoPelovwb aa*t l bis brothevocl,'iadi I.miand olster "Ve«atu a Wleoal. a «M u i a.ère re.eib« alfUeht oa mvisât. log relatives $bat aoeils Beno 5 i s Theélt lDar 1m.90"4taiheu maI01 a Pmplmnaluuday. Athong 11be. l ai la lac. à Obleago battry tbe esns va. lalereI." N. some te 4 u la, foyer pimiaoa. .A"myla, i Lai. Counly Niat viol...ta Cirmagen gaaaes vilI t.e Soms Vii iplmai ou or vtiml a .I1. 1Paume«, amnge. me huiday mvenlag prairie Vie« c of Xt . W. A. lemaad Bvesy-îour »Wv nimabera laI.tlemymidofi.e W0ooieaft aà thélte**ball. Memler of Iv lo. bonyviUe mad Con vivepramout ma theu lb011i80htmea.Wcodssledff ownyt Mlaerb"ela W-ubere -v.v-% IOMbra aad aweebamiu e ÙM prepared a heoqug vbere mbout ou. hmdred Mad âily vire Mr"&d.Antleaugr apedha. re ausldfor *sudy aie.Tacou Mmd Brookvay. et Vaa Mumd Mmeala. a09 i berty- vile rspoded Alter baviug glvem mn«r ou barycaerafor the Radios lbey diaperod'baving daolmed laté Ita a Tvory pleamant evua"amivlau auceé plumme *Imm mietOrne 0 omer. TInae chIena laltend te )ils 6"Prairie Vlew cmp lu the oeeum»o oMr 0mndij maua.Fredeislea »poding à few veeftegt ew. Je"n B a'. 5lp.us B..hlMsu on have bouen abaPplu #à Capt. Wm. lobamla. " ianeiaNe over., 01 chicago. am» bouseauWrday Biglâltatemaie a Y. ï3sirolav, of Waubsgaa buabien pultice u nmumemita 1iacmv u Cbus. 1ramp, of Blcoutuou, li.. la vimllg o h baf-broisev, MUv. J. P. Berte Mmd tamly.ý MiUlma&"Moore. ai Chicago. la meUdg theo»mm«r yulber grand- parents, lir. mmndhMm Myron Mca. njMimatari lammmMd Fiea Iloablit, et Cbuoago, have boe apend. tag avesk vitb Mm Sobraoen famUy. lin, Jlbe Rimai«. mmd danglier IV04 et Malse, Mielà., la vlallimg the former% molleherer, lira. mmott alempu. W. undevmlendun effovt viii ta made te organise àa loyal Neiglibor Iodge vh" lve bore voli prvo mooealtl. W. Belkley s asn lly acompuaied by Renni Gilesmauauold lUme reaident of 8.l ocualibut mon ef LaCroase, WIS., viled frinds a looi.cly Mmd &buaexilaid on ald acinradea cf the 908h regimeul. il viii mrprie yen le escprencm ah. -hemafl obliied by uolng îà" iauyaMd lainons 1Ut"1epUi boft as De WIW& le" Ealî Um"r. P. l. Uovuw4, LUsertyvile; Jý.»xc-BmOUO 3uwue Î. LUWaavmme.uRckefeller. PALATINE. Serman romap la omendiagt aes*e mueks la Diamoad Laie mt pressat. l im, Marehommmmad bis Botter Hll toai a IrItloio th .e Onw ltynday. Ur. and UMva. . . oheding feuter- salued bfndsramrein Eanstouovet Sunday. Rear Lagbmrean d hlm beot 'rI flsmie.aop 1meca lo e o Mmaw Unr. Johni Tisiand MX ia sThae Ir= e psmosailero on itteedi N Milo Ammi M*onsuamotale fnm, IraOu hiARM, ,im v it rienda le Palal hraday SThe Miosa Theja and Nordineyer, cf Plomb 00cr., Were »"am ateaon Mim 14" iHaioa on raemda troii ber vieitl iaCUb.lePgmcampaid by ber IriMd, MI. i eMie ic CM%- fedisoday. Mgu z Mohoppe Isdslir1. Lenm., lira. ln lm of tle lit vaie. 1Mmd 4Ablso neu ml.ch 'Mr. lm e Plitamai zai mli"bd 09d. 4n% "bkelm Thae lroupoldeuptrouta. ve* aide et it4 villae1aIvapmli lvaditg hloamne t be t oe Minre mona. Thma$cêbiU&g, vevii lhmntaonSv#% betare mmii dus. If pa do mol t1wemon uto.kCâ.m Md MrP. lieîn«i,J4o<bvig<a the qur 1imieprevios 0to . P. LU #or ow=g'L Moriil tala Wlm ivmni lasiei Kw. P. L.J<ea Imovea tla lyer. Icual vlan Ti iviii ocompy roomo aven Uorsmherge !tore. 1 Au occient oomured- vhiob aima remamtlle i«lm uelomday. Ur. Mmd mm onford wve. mlm.ia home tram thb bmemtrmilabt va a.~ ~~ brmicl broaie mmd roppei biva foumissus. hor..ej.vh ftgbioohi,. lv. omefo 0 the 9"el sdthe box o et I.blf caflan moaimanes. Ab"Ie ad mmo gol ber, fttal heshaesand Dr. Wa.aS vascti. be via«blem foiyt am muil mmd nse. tir. if &a r oueyford &%i~i< r1evUtý bus(ear Everest.) Ke are gtmd ta loua hal mbe t. veoaverteg. ,ORTH NORTHItIELD. mil.pei eilasa.Chicgo vistSa,, Mrv. sud U loMt:sud dhidren. MM a, Hury 5'euaba a.gueule Uw. Mmdlira.- Nevhmrtorget oBranui.ofi ishlandPark. MUr. P. i&vig, 0f Whimg, lt. enwwmnag iebreller. 11081 mtlem- <ed oburoli da. A larg cmner ai th. people 0f the wvauialâht a.ten<the . . p A. riy aetLong Grave Saay eater. Doon sad ptonouoeadIl a »Dense. Ur. John séryiev, of Wlieelim& . l eOuen fMsMon Our boulevrdg Vis a a nlua De owtp bugo # aveir, the novers by the waude boy teir âmlmly blaeamed bhodsa luenviao veceignitioe. lir amy HB~erses£@cher. età Cihicago, dlei on bmdal morulag1 J1" 1& VaIs a. ishe Wva. elghr jeeraeog e mandva. veil imova bere.. »b. camae te IlarlliNorahtflld vilIbar paria t a 1017., Tbsora oeg a. liraI ioulersanmd iMe tved lIna moarty ail09 ber Min e"à W» vavei U7o bs<rth au " uDes.la reaided mmlii bam établi. Mer huabad and thre.mama pteceied hermne yesn go. fis ebidrea aurvlve ber, tour dougliiers mmd.tvo mon% - fourteeu grmndblirem MW sixgneaigrmad- ohlârea ad Ivo bvaro , isaop 1 £moher vIa la nov ta Europe ana t Chriellan ]Cocer. t. lova, vho la miodemls Dé> be r at er si drsv t I &7w myi, rmfriend amBar lit$ von le véry tamulia t le houvhoe iue be ho .oL M Aa oriali @h ah vu. aauitmmd alod aiwaloa.» at brlgh l ligie 80 lose vho blad mol palembrmasi ths love of Chrit. o de ol tmouru fqv ber M.;,ue vhe bas gonePut of eioleuoe. $ho hma raiboe nered loto tif.,_lb. e'lai n emdleai lite.p Ibendu à@levini moïkeevr viii gtvs a Pieute la Kv. m Buel. M PaveOlbum4w y 9g SIThon, tIremMd a bonuiesmalae wýlî a slprand. Ils ladiesbaye Ptwcmd .i "na U te vIa OMlld. Every- lb LadiesAmd Socles>mes aitim. 6ban. cf x». W. L u lltag lad, 1Tbmo«a. TIarevers Ifve a~ rs minddghlen viellera ntem,lb 1 ork doue Va. Iyiqg couarlro amdi famcy.vck. 100doddMlà"bavà a owi pisSer. lý abe9lfiea meubera. Dr. KeMtwu oi vis dagaml'Oauaem >tect a pintera, 09f tas ot. I~byaelruftpaamaeiMa 0"nsi eot Onber 0f q»on ta Iriîa.MOa10beot l«d à -~ lionse. A progtamme, vhlbaLMI, pad sud mdreud.vd hy île jumoro» Ptr=..Eiome" W"- rery bichey ni, praeelmbyNu me lmuu.A& à d Alfred lmma abe ome lb eth $0 vàiisbie poant. ' lira.B. Kaloegbau boemtaia ing iMondea trawloili 811e vomi. lb. aidoe. alibilderaof Wleeig, Hlurrahl $or ta. sb"ealmgsmtî. Tbey eve sal$un ou ta ma. 1*1ail righi. DamI yoresimtle. John*"s Deaieva loue senday ou a riaiteahia perel. an MW& oi enjfyu la vori n laha City Thb. VBalUDr BOViagCao, Mbat 1mai tale vebi. Tb"oA »of o i ei Mrt. John ioeuler on the. Mues tani hm à basket piaule ouitontlbgtaru 114da,1l. epoplealml u.m ont trou tbe City. They msidbey lad aà lisquicer lau atop a eouisor laumathore vilàbe lâale ro ml . Minute Canga or la m r ulas6a eitbat aie.inmlal m unrecteTn viii té. il. F. BLovu., lbeulnille; J, I.Bmumu, Guomee,. L. Wsmgàx, Rockefeller. PieesA Tvagedy. Tily lufovmatluaire.Mr&e.a. Long, 0f New hirsIteille. Oblo, mavei ivo Ilve&. Atbifi mu liou kep' luev" avse evy ie bbl. MIeba trind many reusie.m 8 io00»rabut smally o ame omiurgnu lary Dr. KluViNovDhove .«me1051 vhleIFrrOi horgmd oh. vltu I8aMi imaveona mediefue ima uted lin. 09eg a ure»Mibof 0<pnmil. Oumh cere e~ hvep or 0tu r o erlooreaUtatul, ohelmmsd Brublés. Omiy 8 ouais mW q51.80. umald. Tiaflbottolm etr ai . Il. LOv-1.94,Ll17riile, GumArxs Paper J7fanging Cern,..,, Decoratlng. i.. 'lu. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVIEN. ....eadquarters at Loveil'. Drug Store.... F. G. Farber,V Libertyville, en0E - - - Illinois. the 'a Kalse' Dir. C Or office Lil Dr. I Ph> Gurne Office Pi Allai s AbA Whe y'ou gel roady te bay yeur [nil eupply aofîlîoeeil it ii psy yeu le pàtneulae env 810e depsrtmont. W. carry a very exlemîve Une, and seU aI amail profite, tns ombiung Iow pricea villi good aring qualitios. W. carry a largroc, olcf Sunimer and Fail LJ4tiu for lie, Boys sud <bidrei ansuave uensteaornera 25 Per cent con Ibis lUne of gouda snd invité cemparison of ciii goedo andl puces. i~LONG' lin~i laer Ocam u - - - 1 1 rat