M - T E. W. Paritîsset bas reutod île Nightinale. -ITongues and Smoked Elephant's Feet Are nul gonerally oarrled lu tock by grocer, therefore ce do nao lave thelu but if yon woet oler or loth ce viii try sudugel tbem for yon. We carry a fuil stock o! Faney and Stapis <rocories, buy for eh and msi on s .smaill iargin. G1v. you your auonoy bacl for tbe maslng and If you cent auJ. ihlug Dot geuerally csrriod by lui.trate tel ns sud ce clir- get il for Jou,. Jiamember liis; one Prieà, No ' Loa, (lurate. Store. TRIOGS & TAYLOR, Llbrtyvlll., IWees. LI 1 ~1I' PICKED UP-HERE AND THERE. iLocal Items of 1lnterest to Liberty ville Readers. NAEBIVg AF o&aiu No. is. Kights 1ev. john Davis, Vite sud daugîter 01fthelica . emlr meings. sond d fogrtb edusedaya 6f eaeb mth are guesasof W. E. DavisI. e s A L. J. Wîaa. 8-J- Ed. Muhlie, of Deerieli, liurdayed E. W. Pàamuasi. Ait. cilla Thon Corlett sud ali. L'I vi utulnsme C. il. b. ilocay lad a necsafle '676"' fW. M. 5i.plaoed ila is office WednOeday. IL W. PAmmutli. a" Dont forget the liybiic Worlera' A OK CAM lit. W. 1tà.. meeaspicuit ab Dieaond l"euext W641160- ou, tyIeUl501 Ir m'aa ls.larsday. ~n. Vlina Laa~05 tMr. E. W. Fuller sud danglaler Ifti W. C. Acum. Clrk. Thuraday for a foc, des viat et "y$orehmoqi, eoWC The Presbyleri a ees Aid Society Z .MawSas.EOOdx ili Ineel cll lra.S. Keieey Thora- rç % AODGy.70,1 day Aug. ilSbb. .=I la302 uentor MiTs. Wu. Blevenon sud ecludren ,930. H. Waul.am Sslei for I'reston, Mina.. Tlauraday, go X ALIRM. Mo. . P c f A. vi i er moilier. ovenis MEf s s ain s oocdU5II'@ John iE. Lau. and son W illie, o1 C-A LM .CLAME. <>rIOk. Cblicsgo, clled ou aunerous Liberty- CLARA 8. mEPISOOPAL OBUBCU- ville inonde Wednedday. roc uai Ml.-i'mP r. P.Protiuè eutorlsiued Ils Muf.a. 1. raormaLeu" edea drlter*sud huasm, Mr. and lin. nu A qauM Pye sticu dre (io. enby, ot Olicago, 11e irat ol 6"tLoenevery Sun& morali. Qustions e. gur b. deposilthersîla sur. "th"lee. pneeedlngs undar. -- - î.- les 11*11.Pllaslbu contracted cite c. M. & St. P. Trise TABLE. IN UPPRET? UES 10, QOIUGMÂT àAIfA m Il PMI pu ippersînt.... 7:lU i :00' 1:890 0 it 718 :24 ts ls vois 8.84 9 aoudout . -... e 1:315,1:261 Ar. Chcago. 5e9:5 49 u0:3 001 IWBB A p - p B P Blu Chicgo ...... asV.10 8&10 r0.26 2.» :2 4:50 bryîe.81 31 8:51 : : 10r tprlk85 u sU dm slauvuscaAND LEavIUeOcLu 0510?. LimEITI vui.8:410 :0 Trains marled À run dalr. Ildailîr eept Bundar. 8B undr ouI,. Contaacto Bel, of Elgn. bus nisbed pusting a noV roof on lb. brickj faclory. lira. D. L. Parker, of Bel videre, Ili.,1 vâitied witl lies nelce. lira. Crokor tls liraI of Sihowoek.1 Mise Bons Crosby la the guest of tMr., seo. Lee, haviug returued froux a1 nionti'a viil iII Iowa relatives. Don'It orget the Mystic Worker'a Pieute et Diamond Lake àot Wodues- day, Augnet 15. fiee bills for parti. curs. A. M. Wright, secretary of the liclieury Couzly fair bue secured s promis. of Pri'redtMcKinley te attend Iheir fair et wouas10ek lu Beptember. The Ladies Aid ofthie li. E. chureb will lioid a pieute at Foi Lake next '1bum&Ïs, Aug. 16th. Itlai planned t0 iii,. Libertyville on the 9:31 train returnlngut a-8:94 p. n. Everybody luvitea. Lait Bunday thoe1U. 0. Exproes Comi- pany% employers and their frieude held a pieute et Long Lake. It olk 95 drs divided lutosevon trains te convey the 8,04)0 piculcers from Chi- aman tu ho e lake. lire. Fral Wilard vieited witla Mr. sud lira. P. C. Willard Ibs eek. airs. M Illard cas eroute 1telber boule in iiueàsoga froni the eau where ahe lie been ltu atteudalace upon bei- aaoiera funaeral. Bly the real Obate trallfers il wili bu auticed laiArmon9r .1 C o., of Clalcago, have acquired bout id sorîla ut property bordering on Long Lake, ou wclick &LheY propose 1wèrect a maaamoblatiebouse. The Preebyterisu llunday Behool pliet tLongpLake Weduesday cwu iargeiy atteuded, tour coaches heing coznportably tililed cliii pleure seekers. Il cau au Ideai day snd 10 aay ail enjoyed a splendid outiug ie pugglug i% mldly. Chas. Wooridge 10 bild ber a ico &tnry cotlage on ber property on Sprague itresl. lira. Kate Dm101, aoecmpauiod by £va sud Sboda, Md Waey Heath làl sponliaag tco cee» Utlrelatives il' Triplet sud OS. JOe, Mo. 1Attorney Ms.GUS VOUS 10(Jilicag Thunday clore be. - luet bYbisi aslen, sud togedtor 11e started for Tord 1e, Mhou, UeM a llree ces outus. linsfroni th. hat, pet al are sufr.ý fou. Th le tionacO raaged frcM1 go tu0100 iu the aitada Mo5groaler part O! glas cdl, Vhieavill do V-1 iceli. A promunulpolitician. afler a cire- fu cIoeuva o! Laeo nty uanforme île edîtor tbe ighl for uOcrn le bes Dr. Taylor, of Libertyville sud Dr. jauison, oft lilbuxu.fie is o! the opinion uhese tco candidates are for in lie lesd. misa Rachel IL. Hensi li tar% londay for Belfat, trelaaad, 10 bo flone six mouls. 'mise Heauey lie boen employed la J. W. Mullera famiy for sevenal yrears, Mdsud reidsd la La. Conty for sigît yeers, Ilila being lber11Mirai tp 1er old borne. There ciii ho an le cresra sud cal. social, undor the auspices of Lberty,. ville baud, on âtre. Kmbabsil lacu, baturday niglal, ug. 18. TuasLlbexty. vle i"es' Quartette dli ronder several selectlous. Collns Brothers vanlle ehoolle ud trscberryite creaniciii e srved. Everybody lu. vlted. 44-2 Chas. Woulridge bas 1the conUIt lfor a sore building for Wm. ltaiggeat Rtockefeller. 'Th. Aructure le tu 10 22x50 and one alorY, tu b.e recledsaie of sud adjoiuing lir. Kulgge's furti. tuxe store. The building wiII ho for f urnîture excluaively lii.le its preaeai building cl te stocled cilla a lin.o! groceriace aud general marchands. ti teexpected titLia 1e tomporary grade for the 6i. Paul railroad holceen Roudout sud Libertyylie cocu, n courueso! constructionu cilI 1 complote 1e liraI ofnezt ceel. Il lecompletel «a fa a he river and corl on a loua- porary bridge le progreesiug rapldly. A stesux shovel dli b lu operation on the"et by mddle or lut o! nezt week. Tuas teuuporary grade extelid froua a point 100 feel sast of pasenger depot tuIoudout. The10Prohibitionuets ilred tii, lrai politiosI gun ut the canapag lga hi oounly lisîuxday niglat in an open air meeting .iisld in fronl to . if. sèalohenelstore. 'Slaortly &fier elght celock Counti Secreari Jesamene iqi- troued Cl. H. P. Davideon, cIa apoke lu a vory able niannex for &bout tifleen mnutes.lie cas folocod 'by Judge Barries, chu made.tle principal speech o! Itheeuinng. 1He mode su excellnt impression upon te adP' and the nîler led o!ut udlainginl flis speech.- TheFb.Piesbyteriau Snunday Sho A special maeeing o!f1the village lield ils annuel pieute Wedealay. at hourd as called for lioudaY uiiiib, ut Long Lake. Four special ogrs lad whicli lime S. 1. Pope wii preseul for becua claartered on the Si. Pauliralîroal atlhou a petilion for an eleetnie liglil b0 carry the pile eparîy ta te lae. franchse..It tasMr. PP PoepurP<N, tO Tco lindred sud iity loft the orna a stock couapitua and pul lu M Liberty ville station et 9.36 O'clool sud irelt cues plant. arrived atible pici groendeabortiy of curs ltproctaiveto m et er leoa. l'laoremninder of tbe fore- 0fu LychrseniesWeniaeu Mou ,noon cas givan up to exploing lthe iay tu «rocs Samauel Alsehul"r, Demi>- groundsansd playing games. ThIe sirll candidate for governor. ir. groutuda are Idqtl for picutesansd lbave eynhi ca greatiy pleasedl wittîb lI. been itted np by the railroad compauy Aiscauilr ad cane ome ubbiia cl evexy poasible convouleuco. Alheule an usne hme ubbiugAlahougha the dey wa bot à cool ro. aven clîl eaallai5 . freshing breese bloc in fron thele l The Wauegau Su% lua peskug O 0 S o sthtiDO lime wa' th*o lest op- tiie candidates for couly 01110011, mys: pressive. Basket aller basket of geoit 'Fb. igîl for Coroner seema 10 10 Ihingt t0e et lad beau piovie caging strongest belceen Dr. bY tle gond lousecives, but lunger Shaifer, o!f(Iraysiake -aud Dr. Taylor, l18 ssia a rt Pe0f1a pli ud thAeb of Lihortyviiie. Bull are condutlng goodi thluge vanlsbed quiokly. 1What aPiileti camPaigus anBdcIlle thoeea&cesst s @» lo nly t'lii UPPe time. are nomerous other candidates, nuo'Fhs aftinoons Ifnnw ch Ol onislod 0f otiiers sesm te ho doing the snaOnnl gSaies, hct.rides. rides ou i1bls tea 0! Iuallingug Iai cîaraoeim the lannol, bathing abd other ammiaenta Graylake and LibertJvllle men. had abarponol the appoutteof aOi. A number 01 Lbrtyvilllani cent 'up Lile tItella Andrewsiof wchose ath on tb. sfternoou rain sud @$niiOtoner ce miae bief mention lutwVIel Vas flloced an thc rnlll treai théiIl bUried Stnrday lun Lalesîle omeeni. numbor o! pionîconswces sceilel 8tela Mrse Androes ubora Juné titres lundrel. 'Fhe partiMlathle la, lmi sud diol Auguet 2, 19M grouds et &aveu tiirty sud a*rve 'Fubrcuali e lI IO mnioltecanus lois. àitéle afler igbt, tirai but .&U o! lus' ýa" destlu leo lave bues Ove enîîeaiec ven the gon a time îy dé"ath « 118er109uY 181-08il cili Be ç àd res a bai1- lthéut ls iter stI_______ *a "rv ofsg le eslendil l u t m g m - M-Ili, - -i-ir Il llypermetropia Astigmatism ~Myopia. If suîffuriîug nith lu ày diseuse o!fIthe eyes caîl on "q 1'01d 8lucrmuuI" l l he will ix you out inu hp top DonD't forget ai the sanie ime td) have lilm sboc YOU lis lin Ue o!rnaùc novelties. 1tOLD SlIERM,"1 j~Clea ring Sale. 4 fiGNTS....- + 44 WVc are disposing of a line of "slightly oliop 4 worn" trousers at pricel; vo low you can't afford tl> miss te opportunity of getting a pair. Viese figouals are luit "out o! date," simply just as we i ay "sliglatly s@hop wori." We are Cuttmng tuienam in two-ifl price. in uet ste tlîem to appre- Ciate whxt we saty. 4 fi LAIES', GEINTS' AND CHIWDREN'S 4 fi SlIOES. 4 lHtrs are some stunning liargains. They niîîuat iîaove and wben, we say we are selling them ' 1 way below actual cost we meali just what w. sa-v. WMIîa almost ikie givang thena away. You cau fford to lay in a suppiy atounr pricea for future 4 fiUS(,. ou'il naaver have aaîother like oppertunîty. %Ve are înaking a ilitk LUT 011 a large liue of 4 i~niscelantous goods, meî's fine and woriiug shirts, hV isery, buttons, ladies' 8ilk parasols, gents'.hats, dry goods anîd in, [att on a collection uf.goods 4 liîaîted space forbîdu our mentioning. ,-, fi You wll fiîad our store full o! bargaiîîs and 4 S )eiaîg determined to dispose oL the goods to miake .4 V r<oni for îew stock we have simply ' +i. SLAUGHTERED 4 thixgs. C.ome in and exaImine the list. Xou '4 4~ will the.ia la couvtîîctd ne are not "ettng a tew fi hoP woril good," but baave radnced prîtes on a 4 glarge file of every (day etsetitials. Here are a ' ew of theni : fi 18 pair S300 Pent:.ie.......... SI 50 4 fi 13 S400 ......2 00+ 7 S$500 ........ 250 fi 10 $450 " ". . 2 50 fi . 20 $125 slipptrs ai......... 90 20 $2.50 Hati. at....... -- -.......I 150 4 10 pair S 3.00 'idcn's Shocs .---2 25 4 q $ 3.00 Ladies' Shoe .... 2 25 V20 $150 Stilool Shoce ..1t00 4 V20 50c Baby Sio.......... 25 4 30 Meu's 1.2 5 Colored Shirts 90 4 14 .. 60C shits.. .. .......40 fi 'Just a Ilint as to ithe Future..... 4 fi lefore we tell you iofounr new goods (on Ite S wayv) ce waîît to dispose ofthie "taargaiiîs" men- lolieêd aoe buit in fuqtureyou wjîîl irni in our4 qt* store. the lest s111iol îost eumplte file of merchan- j T~diie ;and li riulit" lîre«>'ýs êver ofered in Liberty- 'T f il. IF orf te <isl ule in and. avail your- 4 fiP. S. W.e poke of paraol t-et us b. more expuct- 4 q~bback sain parasols reduiced from $3.25 te $11-50. TheY ~ V are ;n perfect condition.- Colored parasols, sllghly ' fi soled, reduced from 3,00 to $23ou50 ten etisud they 4 are flot su badly iled cther.4' fi' SMITtI DA VIS, 4 f i3te S'd . Lbr y *,M corner store rom lu 0. H. bçhanck'o ne buildng smd expecto I0occumpy mme eexly lu 0<501er. lir. Paillaeta mnonde tb cmarr alne cf cigare, teliacco, gent' turnieliuguansd ready made elothing. He. VilI carry su especiafy fâne lino of gouW sboesansd foot veex. Il le bigIintention 10 devote especi aérca. 0the cigsr trado and hae proipises Io carry an excellent lino cifinle cigareansd aMolers' articles. Mrx. Parkhuaet liaslong beau essoci- ated wcul oar people lu the capacihi of marchant, thouil no$ of iste yearl sud la lis nec ventuneSholea accordel the hast vmbe of a largoe ci cof fionde. AU ieil& domes sud baoau»eof theo cordial «este n lu iiel le le hlado le iiuudoobtedy reeltve a libersi patronage. Organime Yatea Club. The. yonmenm0f Llbertyvile have applied for sud reivol a charter for the orgistion o!1liae Centrai Lako Oomty 'Fates Club. Ai Jet no50 cers have beau len, cill ciha doue h~«, nt. aameeting tu ho 1.14 lu Il.enoar future. Itlalepropoid10 have tle organiSaton include Liborty- ville, Varnon «Ad Fremont Townsipsl and a large xrofeetation front oach of the tocnemtps nsuel le lesired ut the meeting to ho halal 10 arrange detaila amet officerao! Ithe Club. Date o! meeting VilIl bcannouuced ter. Frak Fry Dend. Suaday st 12;80 a. m. Prank Pry pesaedqqioty Iomnstil teo iaven. Alliiougl d«eeaad lad beau lu dalicate heallI for yesns, noé outii l ea s.von montrés lashies condition beau precarione. Puxing that peaoid lie lis 'auflered cita imfauam#o5J rlemuaislîlii erniastel lu log trouble Irona ciii eh hieMd. Mrx. Fry cas lo=n Jus* 28, 1861, lu Portsmouth, Bug. Ris parente died wchil ceayouug.-li* came le Ameri« ine Jears agni eetiing Il LaIe onmaty. Prank vos a youug man choby bis quiet, untsumiug maunex sud &rn Christisu olaractoristica Von tauneh sud sdmiring frlends. Hie deatil bringas orroc 10 more tilanbits ia- modiste relatives. A large ciros0f friands mouaubis nntlnoly ond saud sympathise ditilthele amily in Ibir Md astilaiona. VIve destlls in six yesre s boohm a lard bloc 10 ihem sud igVFrak tley loue one ciho es mot alone endécedo iimsel! te tIsa but te ai cilil dom ho coime lu Contact. Vuneral services cor. bld lionday sftrnaon et the bous., 1ev. Dix ootitng, intermeni bolug lu Lake- aide cemetery. Privilege Notice. ThIe oommittoeOn privileges dl be et the main hanl on lh. tair grounds, iaturday sllernoon, Aug. 15l. 1900, for the parp ofo seling the privilegea for liàe fair. Pool priilege Win lie hi aaed bide, ciller oeil or percentage; othar priviloea by open bMd. Any or aul bide mal ho rejected a& option 0f ommistee. COUNCIL PROCU;EDINOS. Lraanl'VLLSa, AVO. 6, 1900. Board mos lu regule;' aeeeion. Pull board prefont excebpb DUm905. lunutes of sdlourued meeting of luiy sd rend sud on motion of Corletl Mud B"ieM" istoodapproved. Petli i 0! M (leaon eallng for relaie on %"« spol, Vasl rosd and il cas moved by Sheorman sud Proctor la& acton on position bo deterred. Position for eion ion e»by Peter petfgasue xciand referred telicous. eommnittane ch olrpoeled favorably on §ame. lioved by Sherman sud Corlott lai licenie lie granted. AU voted aye. Upon spproval of bond cf Peter Pelgea by finance committee il Weas moved by Shmli ltatillme ie accpted. Csrred,*aIlvotiug aye. Troauver's report Wall rend sud geferred %0 finanuceoconamil sud upon their favorable report ltVas moved y usensd Shermuan thalsmn liec»" , *d fi planaid on file. Car- 'id3lpdt*5boVed smclumt ounhbond Ami. tit3,?S.7.Alaunlreceived duringmmth,$176. Pald ont durinq montl 1165.87. Amôvnt on flând Muraed by Sherman sud Hanby Ibat the Street conimittee lie instructel&0 met and couluvith IIboard of directort Of #l.Agieslture'UocitY lu rsgsrd go building sidevalk on Pair selest. Osried.,, liovol by Shermn uta hn mnet- mng adjounaitliho adJournod until lionday, Aug 13t1. Osrrled. ThIe tollcwing bille Vere read sud reforred to finance comunittee Who rsportod favorabiy: l re itk ... .............. 00 k ra u ise r....................... so :Weu....................... .....l. 5 w îDawlson.'«.......... * ........i21c Mi. Ian .......................... li0 I rehmon ........ ..... Lîlerhville da& &Gravel Jo ..... 470I BoIbt' i'oclor ........................ 1010 lioved by Hsunby sud Shermnan that bille bo ailloVd aud ordeja drsVu on th, respective funda for varions sInlii. Carried, ail vctiug sys. lioved by Sauby sud Procior &bat 1fx. lmtiore'a petition for electric ltfanchUi» lie roee tO Pire and Wallr ommitee.Carried. lioved by Juil sud Sherman that meeting adjouru. Carried. O . H. SBmxu, OlerI. Cross Creek Lehigh CoeL Worth -ten per cent. more than other ......coalI.. 1 amn taklng orders now. 0. IH. SCtIANCK, &4bmtyvm - - IlURoM. ________________ p 0 f auJ o! oun Take Your [Pick slirt caleta ai One- cases ils les. than one-haif. Tlaeae SBrt Waists are aIl lsIe styles sud preliy patte a. They cor. cheàp btel( foc hey are exeeptional hargalus. Thes prices cil 5show you. $1.50 Shirt Walsts....7c 31.25 " ... foc $1.00 " . ...SOC 80C .... 4fc 75e " ......3 soc ..' ..... Zsc We ailUlave s number ofthIose remuants ot 11gb grade prinle lth ce are selllngent 5e a yard. W. ...ut te 1 Jon about Ibem very ven. Corne lu sud s.. Ibean; lIi'a tle rlboa oaur W leather boîte., Ail styles at froni bcup. iSes them tob. meord -BreaKillg RargÈ. 25 and 35c Ladies' Vests at fOc. Soumadauipossiblet But yoss cas <oily ascerWa tha Our aitement as crrect. Our Ncrth imdow la fiIled with tht.. pmenta. ad we have a great mmsy mm oreue our couaters-27 dozes in aIL Va waatw ta buy 3 or 4 dozen. The wholmIaer w*ated to aIse out the lot. narned a pre sud we could sot reeat. The goode are made froua fine mer- cerized Egyptian Cotton, trimmed with lace and al silk ibhon, extra fine gauge w"eo, iwilI outwear 2 or 3 ondinary vernIs. Thiey were retniled ail seasou for 25 & 35c. Llon't [ail ho lay ini a eupply for this and theie ext season at the price we name I.: The Fair, SLibertyville - - - - Illinols. Ice Cream 1Libertyvill e You can always POPUL.AR FLAVORS. Pure, Deliscious, Col5 Beat Ice Cmesm to e hah et amy eut F. B. LOVELL, - - - - - Iilnois- A Minlster'a Oood Work. I lied a seVoes s"0f hions cole, got a botule of Chamberlains Coli% 1 Choiera sud DiarrIau BemedY. bock two doses sud vas entirli ouo&l, asys 10v. A. A. PuociOREmPelta Kan. 4"My neighibor asorces îelletse Vwu id for ovon s cool, lii Sbe or tIres bottsimaIf e4icue tfou thie doctor, Ho uned tha* fat Isaco four laya cîthout roii, tilanoAe ltu suother, doctes cw trate4.Iinfor someie lasdave lno mc rI, no lin the smo nsul. lRe, «4d hie bovais vexa& l RMs fB- th W4ban vumtages 3w cua "m ulmsta eqS If le lad trled Olsai if1,o bea d fiarrICbuea sudllessC"«&.and iarco l androgidiNe.' baIllesU boigh lai; Slaii toe ae p" 0doin Ueen ortaiJ Sre d14 ual Uffl sellai but batw noe amndcvu atireli curai. Jf by Y. B.,Lovus.., LibertYville,9 Liii MAMAOT, JOus liotlare endosse 1%t, dMâgs aid foula nI i. 10 minte cawgI urs.la"W - ail - Imm* mè3~ M. B. colby &Co., LibetyviIIe, Illinois. Telephone No. 29. IJI 1. IL & Dix. Paaor. 1 1 Il 1 bave' aloo, out the L> w ut fr ic A 0 ti si