,...Sl¶ Il p. *~**~~ ~4 p.., l2~ ~ I. 10 p SU # p ~0 O * w s * 111 I * lu I * Dl S ~harv. - 14 .3e ê .mu au .~40EJàÎ1I> Obairmin. ~4hhei. LX4ad6e. i »qpog " u.a* bu m4h uS.. o«. 0. R. Sbmm, 0< ldb«wu% ui, MY'h ea d * p au ~y on ffyq hbm4u SOM* wg *14 wm @seo*b. ~nhoabu ami m s wu, wmUM o4..M ils00 1A"muim i l101* b hifl bai hep. h wI* e&. .S uu -4-- -. ~- lUiiWin. Uat. Aue fZ ýe*weto laelmu asL~ »Il ouon Mon-. day, 'JuIy 23rd». ail furniture 1 have on hand afabout ohe.half value, consisting of rockivng Chairs. 'u pho Iste 'red ç*I,fs tèsslouaiges. st9<dncs, fq1ding beds,. Cqiesbook case. Jap, ne1 -O4u~tt' 1 M the Crscent, the.béat made bicycleo ln> the market. VMs dosé. es tàco the followipu quotutions whlch are to.your Indlvlduaî interst *'Oood Ooodà at .* Pries' O ur Motte Mm~SwaS5O...............sIO A aood 9eleçtlon cf rnnt woot. - PaMIs, odd4vo %,ffl is àeîdf rock*<¶ Our ai Straw 20c. U0<loe. C.u4î. O. t1K~m~ i 0< work [ma U. have qavke tug o *$, issuS. re