- wm stii t 09pal W lta1 1E;:- mo"M*$Bmum 000, r' s t h aafaliU 4mVE~e 4u, Onattii i Srmadm siti ew il Mmares, Oum No fetums et lbis , la* mumsy gOfla by lie Ileloual ci i eumpalsn upsec th tis i eellulqri lcIe s le a" the vos. Bo*i"bc i t M69i jM50,0ta an»disval a esuiss uaie Oouulti. s md det . l'ivii wi h mr. T'le«@ ams ivuqsor &.0 vot T»li Euflemu Na- ionmuny Lav e i tisby" 7.r Win M"ii et *0v vnif Unt . #vô m lia Mu T«%a bu&- slauiasite favos w0mmdme ia m tra ia 4u *.liUmoi. aiM. e0*«are e1i sIl*u m lite gm ifth liam hr th a a v61ma" mithey snas yak. iii lii N peiba j hmib &aetrkd miare att e ii top. arabelas Utsiqte10 a» *kIpoint and toiart Il g mlIethis, à6 seond*Bd sai e,410Sum.This. uiar yla e p elgit viihs istsi ellon. 1 oamlarge propuutIo ftii i TTi wo OPIOaINO POLITCAL GIEREALK. - 8 A UA. OS. Au» Lx5KJue liasem ailisRaeilon atlsal au-M~s eCths Dmmooe* atus"ameu et eau ,party thlbu vii ssu5.500 piai-1 sM dut, tie vareStoa Bis Corultt-i vMi bavelin tisses aUsa--more onslthe mlup. The asal et fapsairm eu-1 imal h 1. Bas Cmuhttsee uayb. "s thanthome pali ir the uatlanal'Muaai sga.sbut telie *5ComuIlIsuO bave 10 pa$ ii tin taI of &il lie buildings lu vilci cspipmlguuaium -are ld.Tiis Item adO tremeudoumwile e otal One of tii moast expzuaivi tems la the camula nét ta tiespI*iers la liaI et prlutigg sud stfanis. F- lIma eaci Nationai Comuiâtt«aDspet at m 1500,000. The numbi su emIs oecu- ments sent ot havei hcsssd vith each csmpais n til tim year t lui. ipected tiaI lie McKluley amadtlàrraB an 0- ages te saci ii@en out no lemm timo 1000,000 documents. Bitons the 0a- filjd.Haumca mpmlgn vashait ccir lie Bepublîcan end l3mocnala b.d set mrtsa1e 0050 eteta. udtbiI ityle of csupslgnltu< àasbéemusmore popular wti ecci Preildential mtest. The bhilkot thiI.mater' la authy fi- Press 10 li ýa Ieltenof the varIons coq Ittf ea istlaribuioln. A tre. Washingtlon. speees deivee I <tugea Rapu bllcu s ad Democstï cosluealarge pstote C elspalg matas, mWl Repilans ad DeuOcras alliatoais ,dvautm ei t, - npportnpiiil ta git 10 lia voeta sposuisfiravsbiy ta htbï lii eof-the iloctet. U Na- ilanl ocmitsseuilsoet 5,,0 but- to nsd 5.500,000-%thioçapis. ai I 0t ,w" ham dstslbahd thsougi lié SBate chaltinsiof the No psrtIs. .Work of Natioa l Chirni*1. sinataaaan Benator 3Jooi, i ,msictvsebsrnlnof lie lvi>«sentpo litia parties, amc ongailmls meln Ety tos te isupalgu et 1900as complet ami sUbiiis ,th miougi ley expicted ney er g4uaytlilg ell but elect Presi- IruWP*wUMitlol 4.le, tip ould bot ha mIoto th«üe Pm i %aio7tmal1c. The os. tioni ebalost «LaseoutaIthe voi- anl distie es flrsspoquibUlt4ea sons bis lmuedlate asitants. Thcy ln u trsdi- Thi resait lma a avsavimci shows viti fair clesmteiaprobable revoit of tis electitaiL Once ams tbe iimanasa of lthe parties seamscfothe iipostant veai Spots lecidîng the pointsaet wvilc te ug thi bandcst vork lu the doisugdaim et Sons Newv NethodaluiSa Tsr. Some novil campalsu mulioda vili ho resortsd 10 by lie lv. pailai"fim u. Tii Bepublcsus areslf have adopteI the plan ci senllug ont a lam imunbe cf phonorsphs, vhlch viiib. usd ail gamall pies. Bloquent pavte speskems lîke ileosesetailv lilver, et lova, mnd ileprsetatveDalseli, cf Pinasîi. ants,, hure beaumslmla speicies lut.' thes macines. Tii Deanocrats, ou th. otier baud, viii make free use of te-- optcons. Jaunes K. MeGîliseh t"luan or the Democrulle SuIe Cmlttsior Xe ok arneady bas uraugel to ir. D)emocratie stereopticon exhibitions ail over lie &tals. He viii seulouItissa» shows an a acbedule lu every respect slilar lth at made hi a lisatrJesi umm- ages vho puis a show "on lie soad." As tie najupalgu develope itlalmcertala, tbsî olier novel tetures viii ha adope&, Floge, maps, vatchciarnlm, pins, sud cîhîr articles are snder ceusiefflion hy holi campeigu comaitles. Ut, amibee ltosar.,the chier dependelna viii ha pila li hee soqucoce 0fr lie *Bpeiu- blousW'a"nsd the cenuinlus logIc of cOl1d type. i.a r , ,*0pm rber, poIl i"utity-flve ents. Laethe ssiea oIns ftnr M8. ,r ener et 1"s oti AI. ras asgoOd&as 'Bani '- ne tvo :do a Union ?*. £an. I b 1hbati4- asoel vu li te coices vaxsboait i plet. The. her W» bqrneî dt lu athe hans- rB. Rilga4 '~C comobem'ctw o0tel et nla4s~l'iculIus,4 sulbers etlithee-P vuirW tonuded, 'endso0tbes.5et th* Pursu The Union acJ04 Ke0040 ltY-Denvtrfi ealu vas robbei4 bavtw Limon Jxnc- âon and Hugo,>.,,.Mti n'y miles "eit lDenver theiula"lW' nday molli- à& and W. J. PT4,a*ý1ed mon, Wbo ialtsd wn îIî.âp aif litherobisa IîSe rebhbers da.iigii'the trai £ Hugo and escape& I" w ent on te the mnie of D. B. M ýo w , IbseMia ot trom Goodlanê iand30 miles oves- ld from Huigo. MO siifor foo dn ldging for a tiv45e *~boy, 91hoM thsy sent tg Oo l *éit the Denver apers, reporten thai tances. A pense, et »e.1 ~rff alker. J.».ms, 1'- SUb. C.BMdd non, aud serai o*ifsi4*ievilly mid wtt rilles and aero1vem5 vnt tait te thi Bartbolouîv.4s.Wahksr Bma Riggm vire the i.ô.5 Z!Osd ie. coeded te lb. hanse à0* etthe cobheui 'augbt slgbt ottffl sa*54gAve the al4ru 5Walker a moment igir use kleking on th. door, and thiie Offl & irler Of &bots from Insid. iii*lÏoà" members of thi posas quicily, iai op aronnd the bous, and for 1 tt :jalmntes builels wblrred ut a lvsly foie. ,Ic robbes n- turned the fire 04st1e bdRiggm -ln tell, bit lu th. bsesés5d hsck. Oni cf b. robirm liii. JMe6 hrougb aBvIn loy aud made 09 B sok. et-r he bad gone hait s a teps hi telilae ils~ ~ ~ ~ l. takmnIS ah.Colline vas abot lu the bmck sai! mdously woaudid. While the Vosse vOMftmorlus Collin ths lone nobbirnWaide Ita ta &M aU kîtchenneuas bysMd bosstided the dons. àteanwbile moins-,4ps. by crawliez thuough ascnnuield,,0 te a s hed nser tie houas and h *fl railroad fu» lo the ktcheu $N o O ie The Autant flýZtie atatbdiag. of the departusent 4o èpulture shows tie follovl»5 avra cond ition ap-s Ans.i.: Onru, 8TA ihig vheat. 56.4; Oala, 85.0-. hariP, 1$ pn9 rYe, Te. buckhhet, 87»9; hpMtem88.2; llmothy- bal, 79»9. Theimrvp' condition of toma d.clined 2 points 44*ins .ly sud 'on Apt, 1 It vas 2.4 dMS lover th** et lhe correspond[« g 4tgbt jeàr. but' . point ighert han e,4ug.os. i,808, asit 148 pointa above tke sofn of Ati-sl a,- stases for tie lait tas yfars. The coni- ditions la lie priuctpi' Statem are ae foi- lovi; Ohio aud làdlsit, 18* Illinois, go; roys. 105; Mlseout . 9 Kausas. 71, and Nebraska. M$. lnfut*Zuhy tb-,re wax au iuproveanent et 9 seNtlu Ohio, I0 la Indiana. 4 lu IllInola su" 3 lu Iows. lu the other bsng tbe*W As a deeline ut 2 point nU uMissonri, 8 lun Nebraska aud 22 lu Kan"&m. The average condiion of npring-bhit luprovil 1,.2 pointe dting Jury, but on &0g. 1 il vas 27J2 peiate lower tha= ai lie eorfflpnaligS date laît emr. 40.1 peIns lvertisopu4us. 1. 1898. and 27.8 points ieiov tiumiau of tbe Mnuuf avragem foc tis lusI t J.«years. Tii c60n itlons lu tie prlncpbj States an Sa tu lovm: Mbinnsota. b5-.*tttiDéats,25 Souti Dalots, iiii.'-Nbrsskàa. 64t leva 91- Durtus ,july tise vmes sen lpsove uostI er 10 lèbha fu üMtats4 peli la nonti Douité,snd 1 point 48 Iowa. on he tbmoioe'htbi'5vss.a tone et 5 pointstauNorth Dakota sud 2.piiila Nbi**sé. 1cf 'iib avmtae condition of 610*iicIIs .5 point dortus Jnly end ou AM. 1I I wasx5U peints lover than aI ieecre spondiag lIme 1a year. bet SPolot bihe hi? ieon Ans. 1. 18M, pal 2.1 pointaeabya e m esu ofthe Aus amv- essges for tlb. lest Ici reals.The 5ver- an conditIon 0fr cotton ou ns. i vm w 76. as compssed vlîh 7M18 oM Jniy 1 1900. $4 on Aug. 1.9, 1. on Aug 1, 100. sud 85.3the menu ofthe Au"., average,# orthe lait .ten rears. Tiie average condition et pelatoes de ciuel 8.1 points durlur Ji. On Ana 1It Ilas 4MI pointa lowî'r thala .etlthe oi, respouding date ILi yens. but 42 point blgisr thsu onAug.. 1 98f, and 2.2 Point, ahove tie cosuo etthe Augual averaLm fth lstt Io ean. Tie average conditions ef isrley de elin4 4.7 points during July end on Ans 1 vas 22 points louer thon'itie tec car spondlng date last jear. "d.7 points loy, than ou Ans. 1, 1M1). nd 13.tjpMots a h loy lheie nnfthe Autnt aitages o thei lait ten es. BOER PLOT IS FOIINO. -A plot ta seize Gpneral Itoberte.and t shoot as many as Possible cftlihelirittie ogiers lu Pretoria ".. dimqaired, au, ten men ciarged wyuL couplclti âa ed. ýl1leryth!ug -as Pi-plaee4 lu the Pl te maineLord Robl sprismfes n, shoot the. British tuv(-rr% sud lhe col spiraey vas ordy di,)atvered et the lot moment Tine conspirators numbere aboqt fîcten. Tbey had plsUned tu sK are te the boues lu theextreme vemier part ef the. clty, bolingthtat tic treul v ould ha conentelcd îLes..Tie plu vmWOS lIaI IbenIthe conîipîsators vs a ocibly te enter &il liones ncoupled i IlDritishn ogers, thece Lnavlnghbeen pn a vliialymarkid. and to beilltiieolcupaul It Ail 1h. Boer s7mpatbili ye s à-quaioted vîihIhe plotand several hi heen ld offta10 saure tLe perion Of Lor a ohera, amsu te iurr.N wNil itetm w Lniassit commando. Horses iad bWun0o àlaInel fer lie parp. e. TbISIItlb.Bel opmSal asnei liiinam9s of tii ngleader vie vo er, pet under , et Tue plot lu sagarded 40 part of Il Cnusplril, etf victheLemet. Jobsi Idnesbo grWaag vas tbe fttuldicatiol The Plat Iuad.d a number et lime 1ev: Plbien. h e i of8 kf. hx -tthe-road i1teiui vii te ticket., , 90 bojysP #1 e Bxe"m ,d bruiLqed. , , hiiarde~ a l ,a il .18 tu»oasis >-r* »Orly Sbave bis.la m rouituos Bqs ami lb. ubmsdtop à**apalm w**q algit of là*bxeetin me ý&% -a I*M ,onso àto"*bff me - t'y-a otP abmCoamionni as aviasé ia e yon ma ati~ for pbHUlon. lY* eis1!4 yssv i v& a. snb vrsld huilti tbb 11r "valmSna buré,so ÏOs o blo. hevurmlof o bosa ,ie.t,~.t..sd-.but fale 1 temmlu i b *11. i 1Om you fe adues a..vd70 rmusd snob akti.uuiolylt My lolvmalo y«.0 for vboi yoiibluq afer-=ui- luJoins . .,Mls3OO0 0.m90 sali to Vas,0 100 tous, »w 24,O0 :mnde. Tbat kwté my swiiali uisa as much taabeet' .ib* l shut$ 5 400 bears. 0f coursenomes u gelar than ibis. Thes. as.le. ewamns 010 vbalers 'Of vhales 110 t..t long and weibls t least 150 tous. Btsc aeotb .e ehin the"i day.A seveuty-foot vhale la a bit0" on. no Stil i tMay glve morne ldea et vhaït monsters are ocnsonaflY killed l wen ve mention Ibat a ton of, oit bus bul extracted froin tbe tonnue alone etf singie vbale. DM91 voitTEE SOVULS. No matlef what oisa Y014 eadaChe t0aà 7ana, omwilSmeserjet wsll*Dtil70 mrvis, are put rimit. ràâwaw el natnre, cerou v itoet a sr»Ç oa Vaine ee uosetasy a t mol avimets, Coà Su ust 10&ce t 551 aettg youi 1hbaci. C~» E e Cidy Ce: thathe b.ase, pt a inmata boxs. îvery ta bla 0a . C. O.Luampui - Il. D e t ifimtatlasa. WudNevtr VO. Uft. Gabble-gere'a an Invitation hou tie i.iton's to the weddlng et thetr daiagbter. ilabel. Ruhl T,». groom'oa ame la glven, "Essu B. Biph'ý tom?' It wouidb. better forute asé out tiimdâos»Mi. IM. GabbWa-Not ln tbla case. RMs ulidie ns.. la Bug.-iltepI Pi.'. Cnt.le tiihe st .dieisé vs air sed fSeaaI fuetu. a« the tirne and iuntg.-Wm. O. Eadalei V»Yshonun lad., Feb. 10. 1900 Lunchion biNiou mis a lbbilng ê nt food trom lUme tulme la MMal > physlclans tu b. onu of lb. mont issu- fui practIcis tbut can be indulged. il vos a biMauM lday, avan aObi-. Rals acalari CuI6 nage. The uagoonot A Irmat sabla laomtriltuu" Om Pus.fils75 CMn,& Wrsvliid. gave. for liii ososalou -=of ta ondbtMAg. mmd "1108ati01 Vînegar 15kém <tii food groty d.- th Arolage.ému -auWou usa laye snd aommem iutsuy psiv.nl hois,5 fltidole*"l>dolli *'fs9qFlull dreu s sumah 4 boe The fryig psuIl, -id iiy physcaUs la ommt" e do alasoutas nuci bar. asuhbe . WMit ie Ma&,ellnglng embraca, b. me& s"rdiavrai to iboy lickeiLs Thon yauon is por, and trasqYuen eaaI w smnaci la wvm y aor bowelsam cI oupaed. II 8 n~j.;0miI~s Tour ilTi yout bo "vo Toit Blase' wo., luc sud ne Pm t- byinllroum- Ut-I ot ng u (blua&. The Chincei bie'. lunemry rISMI and bigfla thbir vorkday meVeral hOUM moier Ibsu Eànmpea"i or Ameeiei lu thus partlcular the bush oMeials -mi a gond exemple, for tiiey bol su& suces sud traânaet busIuessat lai Lit. The street ilîchins vhlcb usM b sms in any Cilues. tovu do btslnS at an houes of Lai dai ua" bght us ions sassrai thoumaut 7055,bift Aminlealiovi nitafMt vas "Ih sanes anesasaasuao se.ooinzs. bis fan. (plus 5.e0>tite roumi tnp. TIces are Illtil ou trip lp B ten àais om date I.oailit ovin lvileusslu1 uioa TI=t toey. Benula meas.iluI lvonly-em aa tos dot# m09asie. Re.eiberthatwe ne*so a serv sie@c a naww verstislitil*tuvan i cae udWco ai Vett Wi e. recblnîg iar cars, or Ws 510 ausr auon *ra lisaimsI< &tI.Bous. . P. & T. A. Cicago. Gel fb.ia- Fais, A&3vay. Mllgger-Youag Dr. Dow«a recintly made $W0 i s guessing content. Thlagumhob-Tbe oniy oeevih gueased corrnectir eh? MeJlggr-Oh. no. Tva other dac. Lors got tbesanme, and ailtbree of thoe. um wrpas. TOq ss ,tsi rar clelu it iÀ1t'ÈtÎn -v Philadelphie Press. Poatis lbermieni dspute lie tale liat lie Mea±r ot commerce ever contalila lhe glulne gem. It In lu a venu dîffes- eut sort of bivalve thaltishse jewela make thelr bomes. The peari of an edîibie oyster la pretty tb a dogre., but. aite t1e ient lq onty a *Icounerfeit pie. sentment" of the regular article. WhaDo the OblîdruIn piak? Don'l gIve lieu las ns entes. Rav cmt rled the nev tond l î ni IlAIN ? It a1.deicousni eU- la anI la e iiplance tt e 'l mo rin o ingir. liee ilirsathe mors esli h o iadsbote lirumgitiels mytii. Gr@a Io ade of pure t5% a iapriliprepareltaise tioCh cesgradest of si, bot about as Bnci. lAu gruiets miiiIL Ii one or thievffII.or IBrik. 'Intennperaela a driadtuni thlagP sald lié s«ruent cttin. "l-nlsed itlet," ansvinmd Mr. Vms Dlggle, via fa au entinîtantlo vbsil- man. 'Wiiy, air. It la Intemapionuco tilt causes, people th sev the h- sUrit *lI ail Ibese broken bottle&."-Wasi- tInglon star. Do Tonr Fest Adi. «d Durs? Shako.lotopour obèse AIIs¶'a uN Base, a poiles for ýefo t Isa*bu tlght or oser esau.. filOFs. -.OCua < Coran, Binn, olis, Ri[t aaimaio- stores, L 5.amopk Eet FVEDA AI& -Monot Plat Enonlue a rts., Tino' ov tabr are "Cgim ti t hi u Parla rpnièiWpalty la bInlg exceMn n'on, lb arrlta six mon and traveisoaIt the rts l.f tigtespai mlles aub iot.A âturs.%* Yown* 4ae, jAli *wi5t bd mis ' 1.4 i ext Tqofl (W4ui), , g. q., Ps itO M mu' i4 la bois if s-sa'- i litun 04 ~ 'lu'.»- mm nsti a -catarsim sy raté. &ut. on-r qite m mre tee îteua- -W) ta len ut. aue 4w àah let- rI-us Sp if I Iseir te. silrs on _4. vo au*- lui mi boutêa tl*us M14. li iý Il