.irt 1.jit a.d Uv PR~NK BI~RRDTT old and cornes rml&Uog pubà nub i jau hlm as fitbdm e bîrrled SWlti the duadet obeug a sep - outhe bled- bdr reti te listen. buthte ruehux out tb*4 usrm.Tbe vere under d ý Oi.poosed bjkan ir- gatf ebc t* seund tht m tllmed tie.. v4 an adjolblsg ruen. trad- te yak..Xiee let 4do i table. Tiiere vs, s àmï* hre, but be ceetd not ea tfo*OU tic fumbler tbat #t.iw lhe usrmeluté. Peu, sr'jpto thc basluaud spag- e atfriutus ber wvukuce suffocation uhtce bosnes Mrt. tedmoud started snd la wur eiti gaplut meti. bal tallen. Tbey bsal boti eead; but met tiat tbej lîst- owobd vms moenus dowan- the batilBlmeee! duotier lt Humbaid snd vite mieS' O&M sghastý vithout reIt. le t thair teever. A arp 4 twoebedy montt l kpck- Mi *m* bick.- vie irs. bel Aftbek im, shahlUg i", lt tie n. l11im b.e me iweAsgmp ia. Iv fiat a-j vawileisàvalkqedlI ,*m'à*m Mx ammdAos "mons. mumci Via t t :Ow- bar voqi. bS** iwbmabig rê 1 i hi ber leo 1 l fi, oft 18 ooke et vs kp " Ma i t %%@Mdpoos bv e v .btile s eus d, eu cfbi tcie. fit utl emr eitrahlun im"vbe Sicato al -hie dlasvhf icoe.de tat . vs i ora ice.hi. one the deu 1 lmeOu the o omIxtre c ao bee inses aideseit si oeyr bcc emil tat Bt betr ri n i-rf g *tersi fe erl pu ct or 48IL1 vasOI>Mte ce 0c01gei ta uud wuetumocel1 nemi biu> oe e ne n. sb e tàdbuc mst" hel rset then »Ve bhavenbdlir. Btle iM. fUpou therbotle a pu-tpe lmp Iti avinegs cire- WlPeer'& a pili>j'aesimcati , om et bterret aud metlr baben later fro tbelamtur bogv esd obave hspluer. jokuee mixtue dctu,"ah. uaid etibc blad, on fin taeble dtjlu bis 1eré viibes .svn ev-st phc vas miisst udo- faedeb>a broa muekrdavemn esn fbaveeotik.. gea fe safi wbt tic. bot e o leddya bec siriug mvii ta' ý» t gtic buette snase.r 16u «A I bounaanW. Wr. Biasab Wihla vlti n airpot ontdelgnalu M& te vimit . abveor m k 4i,en e nohnbt wpeppernia Ipl th fi ioa.tee a ora meev, Dr.l (bs a" s e id it tic ixtu "re 1 se s-Ti-is ~e a s dr-tus but peprmint we balle. Tre a hi eea te d u (ild If te loai hu abteidamcscl. M"Aremoad,' 1 a s rou nd I bs b nadx, 1a. tuoUo. 1imuet sec thi oince; vbla-c la aée - g.tageas as If petrified, .ivth e haif-opent a sojdreom ade co b the regtoa laesrig la thé boule. mlght bave beard théWWi. 91 but certalali, h ceuld not have -a-an sd wooiauwasadue tote n-UÎ Ther atttude w*19 luexpliemble te one tlxlng.boveve, wu cle;à lok mter the pour girl that liju. vmd lu perverse atupldty b.d ie ing. Hé made a inovement tuyWar donr Dremid oe djscery brougit GU -la * omumit go Ibistm.. "Viere are jeu guitgib.hed.wt i the enrga t doeuallon "I amngeins ýte Sud the jounuf ls "'You cuneot me. ber. 1 tonbld jeu te go te ber." "Dt Ialf pu=selg ber. Dey"'q k;eir tie.t ose ut tus stoif ln enoci te paralyse a feeble beart sud euse detbl BeH weu]d have pass#d by, but edm du"ctd is ea sud bel obit lski «-toeffsha m« go up. This la 8Mi boule. 1 furbid you. ras a danff mau. ru kmiiu àu Ijuattempt it" The deeter looked et hlm kemaly. B wu m dueusb b e menaut 1hat ho m".d there as imurder lahi bse egs. ud bà*vus a povsrtu Ms.. jWVerj Po&'. "Mdhb. dl*eumlugblé «Mu. I s*a ot put jour Ilireat te tic tout. r batve00waul fat prt"oUsi dtty reQublao iât I tamré je *18* s ~ L.. * *.# IAr yu Hq eael slip.tirhmebe baul ami euttw«% fiuoosi t*ta l u- ee isatom- placevuiiau mem >'casleW-si -'w am %odm vu m.nliiipiaise-fla lia.~ ~ ètr pttsie ui'eled fer ilsj-ta tuat, ha an a, cverd te Icae ler te et th ee'e thfe um» &Bd veuj viore =mIma ctor va*t% ep i icefame.. Tur.buslu is :M- su bis bic vàiked oiselm>oery - thé graubiuweddive .mv tic b tmdlsg ta s*ember ma".i,i o a aud gaebaplj dedued egelmetf Ib glsit ftic umuesn ansbeo& Ob Ssci crcpt ii tic susPion. -tW awm<tàng ta e rait>. tiat eaivo misusothfit juentsirl hviome sud taahuhhes ba4 charué m ktl.le.*o amulm u* mseint mmrted Aa Jw l titi à faintoomi ra-ceis thlm sisit bas.ea a nlbt-bWr'm u>aiek metowa*1tsbe"-hp t à girla . ile e« ubis ieeee huoluearibj~ t4 fe riétias et aLet break tic ~c: b tea tiotgi le asel m 1gw. sim ss ug fie dftan 6 ouânflljtowerd bi <fraye. 18 hioo lmIOlt'a- . Ie hseg-eeprdl s»«i bai eMme-&I jeparls rj m adIlefs thin fish cmli>' svot I'.tird as th'verai iliema oi lsvi e eerd lu vii.- r w«e tsig uet s metaLandalo ies trp matimi luteiihgece. Spurrcd te daqieatlen b>' tic meumi et tanger, ,Beimmcd seeded nu promptlug, trou khm ite. fne .lpped lt. hi el. 2 mum tabla4 v. i@ gosrtra fe ru*.. * méade bis va aifly tle i font ethe fis bouse. The doetorland puflq:. a M stood et cisc: -ueuh benSd rie du*-of o« et the building. lme vas utw s cause but Badâmoud hstated teIam douun If be con ull Wai thai disace.. fleuri>' b. ba ord tic er>': it veqd 9 ho fatal te let hlm ecape viti à vocal.ti Redmeul mde scouple of qulck. ram- ' twteoi.ipc frvard, creuciintg devu mi 0 truig ote cdeep shadow oet the o. sa teo" avli iscuvery. Suddlj tic *base sttansd the udxt minute tic doct vas les te sgtithticdamboumaohfie avene. Wbat was lu ho doue novI Ta'ot lins er.obvions;. dotes bai" isrdesM n 'a cM>, sud- spcn hl. XItvas b hardilykeuscrtain fiat lhn d zone off I at à galbe te rae fIeo alar ansd Pro- n lieue llhe.a rt a mtrap, vas niduem b Wti a1>ccd b. ulgit cet le 1 li1 àe lu limse tuecatrithl.ai train.: fiat eu l cü hbe bloc tw set on f0 lverpol. vhéire the moralsg papers vwuald tellIWulm vhctber tie mnrdrmbal becu Iiscvtmcdà From Liverpoul ho could sgtaae>'Il the irsI eutward-bouud vosidI," ana mc big Dock. Without anobter Ibugit bo threv des-niùs x" and bolted. Meanvhule vhat'had bappead te YNs su? A tmange alugluar sudthroabla 4l ber ears acpempanledthe ft refer ete oese memusa.and vti feis abeviliot lasf Isebilit>' teremeMbe auYtliuig. sd Ite fosse bot prme sitionlls. bmmr icd> er botat e*Ies a I ncelv ii proilghae s-ecil' lume opwS es ies- fi.be U l lta%&," t éeafai-6d t 1 paesi tr ber aee 1»fie- e slkees, sud gdl ies, a" e tirobliflituiber «cadi, e et 1 deas. sMdthe Incaparht> auj abjec os-pat and sie cuer. 's'ai Then sic became uelga * wevre luaad. sud thas a pvo Jeths asprmigtihe u W a beid. Viti thce SOteoidtM e«d mac. ber hand, t*qv:tyo~ iiecame eiet; bher viI vsWu ai 7 e toîlueurS muscle ut ber bodg. *O us If "i. hb .»en lagea ie oa lf of lquid planter and t hed ai . Bbc len exhauted ce th* bocitét«W ca canitr, lier pover 09 cmsommntsg luo cd in a delirieunsat«b 4f eaoelteu sud faue uciflà" iU4la traufie daspus- t ion, asic troee as lté,Om bot ipsa The 114 rom j tceblj, ail belt *.9e ,rolled d levanud sic m-ibatt a of kd of libit. ilnu e ptber Peo IroWulithettrees- uxrener utdpffir, fasow eraaIigie he the,.vicIOa7 mil wS ente 'are eorfilsk s-tthe crici gold spart vas tisé ie i- Att cmshile abc e doiccgilselfier1 fit mu a estmeniarl t e hevaoi fitat L- the bbsek aslboutie aultot 0« *ob f0 the llgter baepigonj aIsit ho aWa.e Se- ei tralne.J be rOsa00 sel e-p"0 ta ui came lu permis-e 55 itwMI« PWC .1 lv>'. sud fiatpui>e = t~bettem.tar belev estIba d 4, Au berfoot 1.11 fitseocd te l%' tiat ho *#et .101 ras ber devmr./sudte. tgmm"dtoer ift b. sw.ocema 4, eOt t tbe marne lime traislg te Mg» stuc,.te ocerme. b*c ie* atma* ove ber oeape te tifs, that s" siopus a.rvam ud treacierom isigé q tee tue blocta et uaseurj. admlat,1 h112e ah 0" 14keop tlgbtlj 1e beasd-perfecedy *sl, o sicW*»s"m. 1 La depeuffl aec bo hlingber foot wub mgeamOReue u* >-abode citi lératu»uj*bengluuets. ooes ciepi 15pas ber u n.- ta imuItO. -. Oscua sove her. I obt cugt h ansitug a' a at. de 'l i@ > cr DOW ler qulmoeluslps. 1 oWiat vms "al, Atootmfcp usai'rW, L emid Me *boit beinsdrawnu 1P Ita "etm m" ung hocshe rolcd h* ceatim.Ed*ioàd'sfaut sud laj fen fl t fiaithe voom u ellevod im fis tilgi b.d 1<111.4 ber. a?.le ummutlusd> <CMOP O6 S1,000.000 A MOttTI mes la Mim "Seuer" clas. k0.1 *mm tbs I"d iVends lune. , «1* t. jiu the mme u a ufeutaln et M gobd pleus." nid Charisu W., iuç tiesocretan>'et ticéferrltarwi pwmumet ArionS. lu a Wcmhlg- m Peu min, The hm et ce gol 4 Varie mine lu Arlaena. "Il la be- rmo qucclion the greutesi mlie lu the uc& hi. tir a gseW"mucl Iesg.§W Nffle dhzj te tIg ub. 0* l>evmues. suster çwarilamut hie Ouie O-un le 1»e mine- lia otierabelldi as-s qrelyene e tbe cpurpoffl Pt «Wureat.e gwaulstoiL Tic'pru asi taélW rafithéetbianrsu> m",t lin.CUU b. e »powsWitii ab ut vilci ia>' aa vofllàh - rt Tee 18ev hbueame VMery Md km@ e ouriug »su fi>do nov. bahm Melioi 10,sigit f0keçp ftw mine runuing lth fie mune montJal PMUt fer au lojeen "Il ibm, mine mbould i. vorkii hI maie ne uucb mëieus»uspoaib à tasi venu i. prjected et about a .Uteot lael.If veeau sre eut a UM bave s*0v. fiat the are le et fie mm q.aflte ttbt. deMb .Iftiepan or cimprogressIve ïeiees - ver. aiiuflsIAM m00mnmulgit Wbemploi- e> itiaut of3.O00.1 OUld u"t avent aio si viat veuld be toa o i tbe m* tie. i etcre v. gui .dl 1- *0r, au cooper. it thés. vr. ga> 18 mm qeabteornme et fi" ~met- ah,4 thcie veoi b. etili vorklu bf umt asoes. Mitt mea u>' ies>' Ysoutor CWLar bu oagi ppeef>'vilie eéxperta te' lu 1.1»asalueeus tfis.Thé lac t ie eflérprri'liba ensal NUMuia for about MIx jeaubtSnc- aIer 0szk bau vou ti bal verdct tb~>iat lIais other ~peqriy eD~dpvu et imone. AriamnsJt lu a.m er> vmulblag condition ai pe eut., nle Mbdulngpppilpe are £et- sege mnibtter footIng, Fo- uertysee et the Adenaetpise hai rsth-e-r pour ames, but the puble loe ImitlU tgtlmt flp-bavte fiai orti." DesCcy..but lofa TichIe vgIU 1>11t o o<ýouorit iumefla taisetram -2h»P'arrlg. dou," s Bulisiromanée. Tic quai- am mie Mms Bleeto&tOdMs. sais>', veruw vi nsic e- ates**ierabOute #moug ma I. bpluem in la b mnn vptc ws>'s ct bsuobde. : I 'The>"s-e»nemm*.ss, ia a-e't" M. Beabus. "iliali viiW. t#cMaa -"te« aie qo» a s rst on. fita sai.>,- " elwsaiMa. Detaon -1%0 ver> boa cf tien iet propwy >'kuco fie dlfereuabelvegi tiefe seuls m«l tihStOt«bi b8Itboufbgy fie>ane .arutfng vIthti W1r dAp*ca"Wlie espilla t. tcf4 era > th pie **Mtt ut igvt t, -IM tà li eson iass lf." .118 oui u. saoo, & limer keabsua or bIMtMs Ubdotfll ser drew icasti, 7«oùs.MM cm btoebOi-bi d5i, bustrietgitie rymiiteosi Nein vlt lai M A u ei'tlt ti Dlet gu@f iII W eUMWf, IMM ui a.lujs ci mWit mutnies-1 iaoeu. Il'rdui* kmm Mt ofthtiNutar us groom&l ;,artfv4 kf, olit gltu. CYCLOT 1T OTICXESXO bof veen lie ara>' headulari eus sud tbisj ïMfe range*. Thes enah. obmerve&. m"aii flir ria loer ce iir shutal&mc sple tpr to Biais>,or ccciita Brigi- tou tram WoolwlCb. IId theIt praci ie I abd tepomiod back ancIi l10viiat Oemc-1 ed im lu-iele.hf1Bi*andteffat fifiber stage,«miho fie geuors dieos-- cr.d fat Msu»Vejolast .clubs about Wobvich vag-à h fi hbit e o npqft- ing sar4 =M= lawkow 48fpouist traveling te pieu, àa iIfae entttobis Buiiton. us, tie s-aintoa taiec p rtue llPaWciouf ~land VIa the i 55i'4é Ttil.et cuIll - Tiagen lte thci e o l'u Ieur Me" tWyiUIPWiS e f ouru se ll, bi« fe iheP"ufl ttfmesprove mc a# vauit. ýti fit. mag40,remart* fi el. nemi Pibldclplitalwalkaet nev.m te streetsvw*g$ig #t* iml stIu* Accodoi i.Prl# m -lom eo-t cnlmlab ia>~cobis1 iragnsuoe lfltlcu ýet litu. If ours tti app»Ui.tate eo vie tic ciae t tI0, etvilcitbt7 calesmly tlcfevasas Mathiemiue5 eisavhorw. .If jeu P* pick u su » "lc e 'mIa esamine It cloecl>' fie, cuesm are fiat jeu v*lu be aile luleïri oe' flug se te fie persoualft>' sd MOU;a Meto offtler uaioVi f re* Il ais', th. nlafoiraSPZlh it waqa~ t off tues ia dj9ar., 1f a kulte otrn»J aficrlustruileui-vs use for fila psirfoee. btuai l flusOiic yul doubties. b. fonédlmon ic tl ial. IL, ou tbc otiçi' ba&.*i vus bit ton ce v fie tsoletb as thor*opies- ambqdilea tti f» Wn liow Wlbsf miai outleetfiWttver.us for tifs Pu- A iban vthiabrovofet vsneefl WMl ,'it hg h& me i.w't i ..C aisnase Siady- cai14 nutssii oil 5 Tberoa et te lrgewaebpiMmettbo 4d itlil s w kvred and thc lae tec s b wuiit a Ietiwltbfft prout4tipiM Wte flcKourel Sebrivler UrPwhis lJem - ay wus Uft.d trou tic bldius sud j& MI. trBet Icajaret" A"tiaievo lm b d. sbtref.it vas esrrled over thc ho" tw~ veutlleter cuthté brewer>. The. AiusrIf' su Poldie B.d Compan'% Plent Wvsde ge"obd mud the abshadlu ins. A. 7»1- v MI & »eo'. brick jrasete bluva doue th Rad hé bicksscatteredlaerY e m sCburcb Kantheti steeple vmas binera 10 arienIvo el.oo m M.ss'l0lth t»eoefa. Ticbeuoti Word aciol rd w*" abuteiltItI Ibuillaosi oresseroa'Mid i~l W0OI*1 aiemmd tic front #X :ý il1i.eugtic font f4 tit11M X"leurs lova Jeta the colla- 04 I4alfreght cs tgadleg eu tic ,Wtiestern Dalrusd tracia vire ie»* over on tbiîr msi"aThe Street aSpt« Issu wc7teew 80sudcarsver. azo"d. t pices.Theelectrie virà ;iP alIblovu dev. e *6teut ot tic Dctrj borsé and Poil' vstutumftrou th fiegrud sud alVsea>. Tii. mimais vare treuil oiru panlc.sfreenmtbreog be ictj. tPl IUmun. Hermon dPfiueOtto auieoms. Atk * naOMtr Mb b Willim 0014. Tiie lamge trame ut Bor mau Dehuewvsm lltfed aut lis I~atiensud! t%'ovu aff4kut tuat et 1yTlimaun. Otber hersée. Icimot. k4Md tqmued, tithteil or Mcvi couplAs- tIj'oawm er. tofse ettorj scelmer. ~ifte j 'Ytijlu uMCarle* Kota. Otto 118e...-Zmbal & Seu' brick kilo* sud P is0~tsute*unescomeefau's trani>'. hao sud tic boum et E.LJ. StOa.l William Grghasud BllClusebach. l Tiéee treeprem werr, rulned sud 150 t mem. vae rmuerutlesa damaged. jorvat bend ccore l C4lMIf les- tores le das a su mrprlslgi>'iit eeoeinig tie Violece et tihec cta. To err a..use mu bheur thorais descend-g *A lia oud sud -the 0llgb Itu pla Il rt deatroyed viti ail lia ion-0 tets Soreset troc. voe u prmced. Itmthe country « vaut total ut daumage là reported te jrowlns bi.ipcel appie; but imuet etflie tralp Lseout ut thé va>'. Tii.reinrelieveilaa rer>' bot su&dr Ir'period. GREAT DAMAGe IN M ICIIIGAN. ugbtnioW*ndVIad Wreck Delidium tu a IsyPl#Aos- Fruit Suifes.. Sterut afi teom.bas swept over Mich- ias, &ad mach daiece lis becs, doue by llgbtulug and wiud. lu Detroit sudf vicait, i bouins*im tsruck b>' llghtang. . Tic clorn blew duvu trees sud tied ilp ail thée leetrie lines.tor>tvoà houri. Scycral Cirruits ut the, City t sl.-c. trie ht ibipant vire ueo emputmrlfdisE obied. B"ere stutas aise prevsiled t trougw t est louer >Mlcblgmn At"PWe'sCoere'R.s barn on tic tars t T. tettier .vasi stftek b>' btaing sud bdured; la" P. 48. t averly the barn ou ihebfat il et Jarmo MSher r a s atruciab>' lbtaln sud huxaiej:lue. 81.200. At lieiiui -thé elettiligbtlng pleut vms atrpct sud daiasdi. 'At Belon the bacrun ttitre> et Stephoti Leutuer vas eti'ek b>' light- alog sud burud; loin p.tb0. lu Bare rien Couer fruit trees ver. damaeed b>' b'au. Serai housesisnaBouen Barbet and et. ,Ilepb vere trurk by lghtulug. At)Buocbcter thte torm vs. torrid. blowîng devu miisdeirem sud demolii. lus outbultallga. Tii. 15-yeruold soun<et Jobu Gly i wile standing lu the' done- va>' utfbWahomie wàa »truck b>' lighiitg asud killeul. Coluaabgo. Cil, police ftuud a couutoc. tltisi plant, i se 014 cemeter>'. At Wert Polint. CGa..bld Seett .aiot sud kledtarrle and 3Meus Iiugbler. sis- Graute uttei, tier belug out six mentis. Won. Tic>' Sot u iglt-beur day sud aincreailu vages. C~ecagO lia a lu hfggy uhot at Mater- maï ses. fo4or aouadihfi Msoui ,TIae drivar rofiwelite get off'the traek. Att«s «h.o#ln& liéMemsied. 'Tic isence front thée tarthesi Point ut Pilu, dsq etuthe. e lisait M 4S1 Suite. The fandoas taraofuthtii.att Word ]de- Âlllsltr et Mlddletowu, IL. i. la about te w- moeered lato à Ituiosu Cxtht e rm- ifTé prôgreo. ut the 1Pearj l lmis- or Wtudwsrd la expecte telubhoranch de- tl>ed -bv 'tbmp4uiuol ptl'écabpneut' 1 là" m 8fü the Labrador ruast, A te elbludburot lu thé Vailey>ofuthei V. 4à <rr luarisona., thougit if two men,.Wvas w das a b~ ealise et n, lOng 'dwottin 1tisle 4mmtcdthat lest jéer close te I0~00.¶~sneonded lu Brllit Ou "M- a Ir90 par, cent erthorai evenuelbyfotbnd: their way -acruse lt AÀifialeurI va ibon sudl h« 'd- ~u.1 oter "e"ita in ert the dSApai tboithl . tds er-.cluprpee CWMb,pQraI. Marbets a'e &a11dur- lut thl-8ftl.dt imsntet f SPecutlve act1#4tjbeigtae mn. cItatt due r. the sacuiiet todelley ef tbc Primeet isaut. i t il,* 4iffereut dlrectteulà, tie ire et lutfls te lot~ce-t.sujone ut tic io imtritrs, sud the>'ire"t 6t01 vital ha e blirte r Ciii-y bse weflvod Information o et icumuac- mrj varttons la prices. lihé weght uf Vau armecp ut wluter wla.t grea reas l'ai' h eutbwest weigbed open be7 splrli e91the bull tradrru, aid lu cwwouet o a iCange lu ihatrept ild e coîmpas$ ut saime t *y> hucuw tbh*rboldîngo upon a relectant icriet wltli tic reauît mcntloued. Cern w»p éra is0," e:lIsinmuali l Bsblp- à"lt * ai". i snim eibaief bes Ivlisb>' tihcgulo*eiat mocet fenu- tOitravis io Cieeego. sud go entruent. oluectsoé t couunryboiders te 'Part lorl -tkb_ oery of 4dcorx et, uent rga t fer oeptaborirtb ý top p4 a Pekmâ* dollacles tfscicj il .eu ilse pvsrd dircetion. POWaRs FOUNO GWÎLTV. Omwi efcd et Campltetltu tbe Guebel Kmurder sud4Setead ferKMe. ECx-S.Btary oet State Caleh Poirmn of Kaoreb brgd vttb walg sa mc. emm to efrs tieftcta otihe uurder of Ouciac. . » u4 gully et. Georgetuwu Sawu-1 wsu$fixad b> tbe jurj ut Ibiprigoument for litei. Thc Jury wuas eut fl th" eMinutes. lTeeruoie inla aoroutàeIle jwu- If ne vms unuelixnt. -Poweiu iili more tor a uew trilb sud, tmlllug la tOWUm#. Thie colinruat as pujSdarbr theverdîct via ree.tvcd. 1. G. %tem haudi.d the verdict te tbe rlsrIc h, Wia sth crer voier*: "We, tbp m. A th.defedeut gnlltj s»d ave paud i i il feard una fstw pWes0u04f.bot a moment later O.11.4es b. tigrned te smoeoet ài friande. Judge CautriilL dismmssed tbe 1011 sud mdjourued th# courtutil Mon- dui. A Oogeto wn dispaici mAys tbat s s re.* etthieaomreoneofCmltii Povus aserffl suspects lu ticéfioebel came ,ihe ovéBt jet bece arremfted bare led ta ludia. Tbej expert t& Sud a refuge la ticbousi*er dtmte util political pro. au4 M e Wd iterfeeling die out hiaICcu- tu*j.e*putil tir>"ttimsure of ecamping preseefflieu eluumdon witb the aileu- tdplt t e t iblfdi lu Co s. murder. NevwSilef-Wataf mss. The ablrf-walitMauls MOl vithOut i@ ceai and rîsi, et cour»e. bai how blc muet ta"ise spocketz!-Beeton Globe. Te-ev abirt.velst man, vien'he aes a meue, t.la sMid tuo éret lhie a bot lo- cMs»eAagrade rshu.liea- lis Journal. A ojî;à..uq »otfeinine opinion as ta tie appropriation eft tc shirt s-ahieb>' meo vonld bc laterestlng reallng.--MiI- vatuha journal. tTic Chinese question m>'beo iret iu Importanco, but viiether s man *al be vetmlited -fu Wear a shirt valat 'leaa Tbns leoIe ngj captuyae.Our Coibars. osts, seste, cravais and baie, but ilici' eau -eyer Induee us ta ftiate b> enter- tus infus sghlrt-iai coinpçiltoj-Bul- limaue. Iersid. Tite pblrt-*BlutMau bou rame te grief in New Tork.,swcIei turan'ts retuslug ta, se-eia. lie>' eidentl>' bave eut caugit up vltb fashion lu Goda.- Bostona Treveber. lie shirt velat la tic counint aummer gacb for men. it lae coui>' faimundi- visel tor s-omen liaitic maie mdare- garde us "aenable" and lit foue teru- er oez,,Neveuk Advertîmer. Tic olirt valt se ao Juvenils for 014W*d ai teetutl-tollu tloi' fat une and lau geneally discordant viiità t habita ut civlismation tao ho fie s-cri ica tarmà of bot ave*thcr costume possible.- Nev Tart Sou. commun oeseslabudreaiinsasorare an article, liatI h labirta ted0.4h.but vien thc ladiestbeamelrca haa v ou the r Mfatt ic ai t, sa it t ic> * o uldi per- mi 'lair heafiers a f0 o 'tbevicIer>' vwiith ei.-Atantf Conatitutiée. IgOtUc"i bite, rias"e> -Yen, tic vmab anin-4re pîanug pouahgolf ii seese. Tbe* ban le gcttfug tuie Cheli' upicre.-Butibn IerelI. Il la gomtir sepésed iai golf-dai mot ard mucw iD UnaCldtr dcveiepaaa -bot fimuai bo 1a tuel. as tic pic>'ots .s>lue uacme111aito fioek ove "f ýoui- Zmgetoi Adverilaor. - io t tatthetact tiat ne charcih bu tot Cail Iflalu w i. îeetotboufel merai>' 0of tic anc.tu ie e t tic tekiptafouo oPil" lu on sumda>-WaahluioaBt>.- Afin milulia bIen itffi e jff doeaet verk unir bardqr lia tieamon vîti th. <oUelmb-iuicmn'aux, rk loager -Klol tu lutur =a Of tisi tickets l ad dm~ a"i-