CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Sep 1900, p. 5

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js~1;?5 L Oua. R. OtÂma S e 1 viiOUhbtthe $Ihonlusqeè ndSchaeffer Piao«at heExhlbMlo> IkW duingt ibsFfr. d. i.: S ,.i4g~ oted cmp r md.'Musl.' clan, who la manager of, the Thompeon MustoCoÇ., wivli be therê m adentertain you dsrnsg fth afternoo.n of sach day. My store will be clo»d the three Iast days qf the Fair frein ho a o'cI ock p. m. While the eFair calti ln ad see me at rny *tore ln thse forenoon, -1--**- c. Rm StIERMAN, dgwgaga AN. @,rnaa ertyville llinots.1 If you need a pair before the' Fair. cili ln amd examine osir lio,.W. have some of the beatý' shoas ln lite modeis at iow prices. Neckwear.... o Fi er Just ibisthingfo"Fi er are tho, ring ties we are seIlng so 4uany of. We gtve a' ring, wM «,h tcI ie. Nemi and natty --e.sIty aduMtd. Get one.. Atlas Flour B~ Z Kas takeon tlbe premlum fottr years ln uccesonat aithe Fair. We haie It because, kt 11, thebouist. Wb aueo Cam', washburn, - Crosby's 00W Medal Flour. I(S AlwaysTh C .m VotA cet on. thseFatGround4s a" a re irnbie to procçsw# a cgr worthy the. rime. W.,I have deckbid ta plâce e »W a lune of th* bést 5c clam"m Ob-' taloabte-thV. kinti we b cajry-at., fb. Soda ftimè4r'est r. wAï»k. ~h~r.Th* W9 *Abt$Ou to brocwre a go" mfth.witl,. out cowga# *U'> bo.p%'ý* q Iprevious yrs. Ym& Q ksow Idat Ivil« çfp4m me~uue, AilmAiNOl#mi2.amt lmd .aUuf am 1* *11y Ridi t.lmayuaBh Tuqg kV Pru -t » ama. OMM BoM aIr M -àum1u9 vMer Borie, levin , ep ,l kv "Iimmge l hnnvyfim uu U»mh V"Sof Ursw bm"eua m. 'W. s10u7 IOUUML vM i ber OU, a Suu, b B.dIiaP. .,Bd.êb Bt. hib - tonh aves M u read.» 1- t0s a Mdbesuai b ofl forli WONe a s». It lba phm, muollug tp.ukupu C fuumis »vM. Ail V" 4luat l&dtht Etm. summs nie vkame% le Own mp. ?bm., M"li Sb*. To ual RaI ",a ooui e l pas "id" mmti"Wmd lasser sweil Wmaaue,ad Te Ommodme Cii aaan.,ber koMe a b bie uni Vue a. ie i e datai" omIie me Svoem, w«%oomta Midbéa vft i tret t W haynld.ttentiow At te Sto jomm mo. butob bu fr b .a. He giM d OM« Ob*i tmia. EUno d'RMdUOUgait ubeulS Skaiyr iaeotiehmei.GugD un .J. adsudbm cut t UBwooand MMatoubb .1ev i ltaI retir xOMm and A. ppeyit ee re Toy bB ""enai horstrit a Tthe MItOM Ce am tir Var. l l whlm parpa. la IOdoco ntaui ladbo ablow 09 ue lAey ie v#hi$ wblo bocautc aveotéfr4aiMy t 01 klag$wubmlo vo re autly aah e iU,,mbâwlm o* cle. ThoiraItla long auti catm at and 1 oulora, bvilla u. aUndu. grotti bla11MnMd viaetai mcdl linty, claire. grà3'idgvbtw *ML. By im ibMey aie têrme daum.' An- lai uaitry i.lA LbreIpih StulOrdiiSelO ariez YüoU WUa mon. bSill, eap.i uiodtgMu b$nU tu br aMkems«- a- et Ithe pwponn e "pn m t1e irel bogg. ,I î, wuanon ra.mité 1 mdtty 01 dellveiy boj meOmes Kn 4114 meuhviipaimane lb. restI ~ Mi. EW. lalla "befrode teturned . home aS Dayton, Ob"u *T 'Oethéanumer viii! Ui. <Oy ur imn4 W OM W Jll. Lock% amI tdabvM LiaSyii.mque Rvua omal k Io bd la big piemet 0 Mme, ulinsdeld Mr. Ward Mlil O $Md IVermot, an ai PW« 1t. aRégla"& 09am le viilmgSte mien Skia oi!b. a1l qw rubbir Bl. Ccibyt lèrod the P, vbere ha lauge apundlmg amyvania, JMmd other ilived l 4"e yoire iaiecnt la omtnue ban f thne *Chicago Jî. uiio Kr. W. 0.iMornti 0# Ai MaTi exas,e on aid LaBo cno tim 01anthe SSh RoimeatvWhocame *6ae--eP- UMun et Chiocag wo4 eviellaihic eonsat. W. J. ViDai »4Man. lher Septenib«ait95k Lt Oolby vSi unlt 4e. olaiS A&hêý,, eDUWrght WrS; Wright wviii z aaliego at salait, front *bieV eBvpcte t umdomtew*"u W, 'It W.A. lomu ha. x, W. eoi. terre Saone ouaumnas 5**WelnpaM ai. taftiduwe auav4 t.Chia Thefo mrIaste hëàoir SitClago borme vaB.O lTe* oioce Juy mlS*ed a ver. ios a9 meolml 41g" leinthe «Mao s aol, Me iw ua aid imm ailJ. . Grammema, Wo, mmdrovaul la the river aoctit tg vilago, Mu ehmraiefl lb oui-lms 1 relk lba, u n. 01Seo!the Oumtvnq om% MMreo moraine,I agaijO tgbraugU 1 to Me Coma SeÈe *. Tor Vaine. satmitoaS omleiby. Ruilaivu lt e uuiIg au ace. Pia4sà- 001M01ai, 1119»OU-90r Amcal Ueuum a eau .un -ta netn WCO.Lkey va me t. nurem amibe. poeas " jis &0aM se oaife.m th»ihaibY vmd inaMy I oui Imm See me 'lbunTevuHall Tqhla «àe, Wadauioêa aiguël. ibah th tmoiugOl atieuboouUs À Mmva ao. age he buling eroeud ~IaV. fumblimanov lque ap*tg an Uavhaiur avenue. 15 aiel -" â~ ý Mdautgtvea le b. Clilg Oum esimbe, Il»Réte @tatTheb etga *"utme -.riiromt raa »maini m»se t. mlaaiuumor ip cameset pouSla WiliDha8. MiNai le a membi t Mie allie. balnlacharge asasu flash «a vanpuadI ebrtilon et Bie AlS-Afaitn.tutmlraisoosiy, t. b, bew lu a ga'. graveaSV- %%1004 Tbnmdaj.September *Us.,-I tg %P, buas»Utont, sd babems la bonS ofaitmumanciptifon of OMeioi are peple.« f Aiic. Useuri M49gs-saft -being -d $W the evaImIS Ule expetadt IbaS aerel paýplà Irau iipertefaiilue5 Mmd WIeomml.. vOIib,.proeunt., Spe@W rasas viii b,' mate y eiomim genulue - bte odune! >WM6e sevel irce.trct g. 15 miI iTbr yUl bc- ha. muie, dancing md àa hbkt"eddoUS uouSl lu thaclorl geo ilone S dtuoram euser Sa job 'viS eeb eb07 etmo»aofmthe. bu wymes.ta Me bSar! et thre 7a Î.ý te ca*d. u. -. - n«Wu oà tes taiaq Mmd ut. Gâê ut.mal . iieboMv, Ml 1151V bredw-eU.lav 1 b$ ddMhhstopumi Ity," u Vee duMa M mdd Do05tIllas Wb* A» eW uan libe. uhl i the ,raeeto uq.m 'W# a A» aof10 si( e iuroui wppW. W 0 mq, voappeme e eakBUgl dom« eClaurukihl fuel 000 154 le l"im dbu ermlau lut. 4deGMaeUimt. me abou tg"va hmS Syoumimot v5l1à pubr lM lcqd ma lueomaiIU8 min 1kskvsy.oret hanq *~~~*8 lbm uSIêb. tiom.iop la t@USil M. »uwealàida.i hem,.Shesm*k "«t. Mr.le, Sm hm~ MuMe.e $0 m Mla le mitai eof à-ffl a" &à eosmà ooma4M bd y U0 w". dUSau p MalW qui 4 nm MdetIesfWd m p»evlou «ces isetaro cIleS« 0adkey su Jàomi asbega funai vuàgheat.5ke @flmSyJmii Vaubogmu t. e aisô«SheiV Su W. Ç. I. lu. NIme. un NW, y'.70. P P U &fro- lIrtw-ï todmm chuti. Vie PrUddoAtt. IU4RSU" Olomn. »amp 4" ma lm u hoak M*dd gmenmag Smui Mo 8.<84=bx roue Swhed~ *rasien mat Mh me i a MW»* f flcm 00 aicbaWi t- am~leuahRmaibute, 0 la lemuiut a béie ab.IeU - - wa laiàhable oan a t Au 'a y boS.*u.ê:iNée. GàMei oliuam udt 09seee.1eaVO lalmicatuve tm .Dih m jael Mc ubmis f hi meam ir nhmt cb*m Oa uu es mPm 0.6 et mot" et e. u e au Uoeuailueus OuhUrhea.taW La cao - &Os UM c wm of am a. o. . mm en «"WI "~~ Pott" l WAh the aooe ieubu. u.Shg va. crilai .Imel POUUM caet . A. pInn w mela ru shuilp Shmpoles nd nd ow m nI or ehMi.el M. Jai aqhd W" moe "cSgo-A-- 3ue-roSe Jis SheeMu ua by. Ja- tu. seamma0»Ime ra m d mg Tforli lg u oi es raru rspetive ~.................uj Ulm n.lM atre M of, eenpweib dimbu0-k"-Mb.lS sItuaS OflumIa O*butmpavaetm Uavalby Okosuà.. ml lJis Bila la zpbow lpal» es ,appathd Ste mrve turing lai vueS , tmmendl hy jmubg a4i ocifea tsaS ptosaamt apalatW-MMm V aeam pAiasImm hcamm ael.b 0. &.R SirireporblolMsé IMb. ba oansaledG. IL "hbm*k relAive$S Uatntmhimg paver » g lume'otlight plaflm muta*"&SM. Boamek maket 15 Permmamitumch otiiese. KMadulby je*a ml armom et 1mte pruidoal aPpoia e ormle. 0- SUo a. ougt ile trameR unglMuerlu fbralablag plit S a lgs, .mlnb5M pale lai uoI mavam au. camuilgole. crs atet next m«Us AMi voaae. sibvalla odiamsNo N. 12 wi &«itframonglieu»r. CRItei m MoisI end amirlal la ,dJOmum k .E.DAVR lae 1rk po tom. The -New,, twviîe. fl brela Of ousa 1h0àa». TIIey- et**À golng to Pair! Eerybodrogoing b lbhé yaunI' go are you. But wbai aie yon going b ww? Touls look pwwa thel arlb. of ailb.people, il rMotter.. #, Ion need a mwfie. Or malbe Wsahot or aair ofm new Coniramuand uffa. Po"ell it's a pair of smpeNMi a na, îhict ora suit of lothee. Il uilgb btba M.d ail of ilisum. igs. Wweve got timi àlu 1 vsy a ndiyam if you ubouM meot ayot of lima ou *M lbe au "m uufor ou tgbeyof M., MU B.Cofiy &CQO# I ho. a.. 71 mâ o wu11 The nVmn ubliPh. am6&M, Pu&eIS 6Q to 7 a vue 61 i i564 y 1",umwpus «A bw ka yard 4éo ýubOfty vm TIEC~ Pair, * e e S'e -1

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