CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Sep 1900, p. 2

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i1gh meolgirl, daugiite F.lsgdyWe, a contractur, f ollelasi bWho$m.,tisetiier aternece 'Pbeusdbr.aker vilh iti. ioti. revolver at bils beati, and madse the. vaiuables bh adt tuffesi Mtbthea.mThen aie forcesi hMRta #&dev tis epc.s udontt he front #âr * Muent non Mies Foley heard à0" the front do* andi goulu- hil er father hasi gene for Mai sha va. ahm*la the.dicins Sugueting smeutfilng vrong, mie fa mu, geteurasd ilippe tirup- àtS te Invetisate. Liii. a fasi ai t*O«1 thibiiq iMigemain viththe ltel A" ~deod t bat b. unleasi ils booty. *AMWS SON IOaE BRIDL lgm,,B ium Lasher, the 19-Year-oId c Rabbi Max Lasiien. ansi hi* bride oence of religons la- Leslie iecame Lali.'s seld Banday. sie Smare, lIps avay. Sbeý andi ai 0 m~tiat lhe îoutisful I. dlbsparente lociies Sa4 en. eing falledta terecover-het "Mpqsagie%- aMe latenise bo I41pterceedings &gainaitbis par- imw zwf«e.thel vere marieti Young J vqq s d~ fetr jorpet9 lii 10- té El ~* p Xtlk«, imeieét, sd boue bai dor M 0 ,pio M hr Otto* <fris, te Blirt Agal.. Bowea"a iie lat tI.Amer!- me Bted iWiéê Otninibis r.-a psi eporatiena 4Pl tg"r »d Uor-1 do a"eben lue1'o .&de,-t , T80I5.i tietth ercvire nsi mils Iloeind menlaa ttedstit .:1» St.. Lou.....54 64 ~Mi 4*55Ccinnati .. .53.67 .,0$S0Nev Trk...50 69 iýw n~latie standing lu the Amer-, ,.U 61anaas Cti.09 7 ..&SCleveland . . .60'M 7*kfpall71ie4 iluffalo..61 77 85 -uh 1 by citises *iso vor hboudtbe expl"osin.Tieyt tfissait andi a runnint agit troeral sisots being exciange&i WINsGeell, vs.*voi b> swukil4pwian exUdeputi s«ei .xlllod lm tiat b. 40 but tec* <3eebela Ill.. >q prçerqiftirty-e ru,4ns R"sote easesiandsioeilsta d~ti*ed bybis Rfideau bcbgvrecicdth icn- 5a.Iff dfer IMmde. é51* f tise District <but bias beld, Za.ise pardy lsqfei" I, ton trial vithout ttemWsd areaat rage,. 'Is gar4s leveri 1te thevaine et IMM0 ibu ecis returnesi hirougis lie cot~e@- alU<~,~Fyncbcounteca. viiou.nadli Hart t iiieuglxpieooi Tcbotters o! a lSa& P loodtWv etu~is la thie yards et Chicango. The. os,J. IL Jackoound thie Iremaii, ý. eXnidge, ver. severelyIinjurei. -.Ften maehup -la lusie. TV. men ver. blllesandi iereraila- Jurdla betveen express ansi hrsl<lit trainn tou tchere lcanti -W ten seur 3Mee d Ul iwie atiBt, Peteraisuvg ne ~ . th EngtU*h tope vorka of Et. #Ït"riurg wele burnas ivtb a loé of Elactioosa .cula.. *ûW <bsaleeione paees'off q*îely. The Nat$naists tnlumpied la thse province Nmm»rer a g Ris$ VM.s wWjhvorking in h.Ritiden Foetus. a". ies t et fa sse, 4bt5O a. M. hi a lou. misleii t*l* , e: curesi &bout #M00lnln evOd- 'Roud ringis, ediaod*d Uu Uolf irtee«. anti ether s etcis f lStr value, ail tii. proparti ot~asnme Women .passeugers veri' Tise robber bosrded tic train KtBO- leiiman, 203 milesusnorti tor viser. a stop vaç made tecoI. box ansi faite en vater. After. left Benklekuan b. made bis*O rer car. the Chicago ale coveresi Porter Bell viti a compeUed i hm ho start; t dniviag back the Curt W, Il. Temilen, te erssuOd s apellea and Pool bock tise brhe..u~ Tie loue roblar foreesi lisvictime te band ove. their irerty, utbrenlagt e.If et thc roesiagentwva euresiansi Bur- ileigton cdais aoncme ffarosi a tevard of *1,000 for bis capture ansi conviction. RfAs *5,000 rZoi ÎLft1o cHIL. xRt«uàv i Moelswkitu» in lu t a 00«ar iort et vigrpa "e Wbena Walter fiartveil ans Anna Me- Donald elopesi frop, Vaniasels. WiO., thbey expectesi aven flouent te teeslthe glrl's angry sire ride a -u csmisiranci. Pull up at the. station, drav a six-shoot- er and open Ire. ilut tiar aludled thé Mi man, wtt-e marriesi ansi cime thtougi f0 Omahba, viere they a day, and il in Presomesi vent bute, Des MelnaIý viiere BElrtwei's parents réside. The. olsi mon, W. C. MeDenals. reaceise0'"->a has the next day, aud tols tise polile bis git9ry, impios4jg thal te wbel u bis hruant daUjifer. H* had mueilovetid do ' me. Rt ld tise csiet ha helU 415,00%) let amniden autl ta b. jveu tu Au-a on ber veMig diy.,i~si "n5I*ii muter severe wlti tise taI m!ef itic lime, ansi as for tiat Younsg ilude et a drug clark, he aln't gel ne s8ens. but, if bhosmitsAnua hi isuite me, ,ands evetything ah. vanta fidbe1r olsi lad aie eau hsave. if shah ijnst come back lons theranch." Tv. Bers H Save au xrserlesèe ou a, Franki White end Stepisbeb Morlarîti, l8,Year-eld boys vie rodé front Atlantic CitY te tie Cauden terminal on -he roof al.vl*i ld bextcir exetridea on arooftrous AtlaieiWt ýe lite hisjêltf *0 hro*elis fià h lamding e falote, lsetvp ad enteisoe tasyia Chitao oiis* litat&" saiid Wbie. '"The ride vas somctblag avful. Bvrn time vasve e»a ronno, a camrieexpeceil t gé sioting off. Isiug lu tIl ilitseemasi as if mi inger mails wvolsib. teneut Iii the roote, 1 baU te thumymiface te the rear ho Set a brembi. Dld net date tg open Mnyais fer tise airvas full of landi ansi duet andi #eryhing infernal." 6uddon' T5eae Ninai To.he rsaaig ea ar viiel almoat oblîteraheelDunc»n Clarke's troupe ef fe- maie mimitrels. Thir speclal car vus v.ked -ans inbe of the Compnny vere hillas-four ontright-aad- six in- Juresi, four orf hbm fatali. Ticir car vas attaciesit. anu Minois Ce*al tant m>ail trein andi vas vreeked tuat nfter thei euiteresi fie yards at Moamnda, III Thtee attenpts wve made thé ote nuiit ta *ck Union tecittrains Vesl of Abilene, Kan. TMcs vece plas on tihe track ID freat o! tie local passenget train ansi the "Plyer* vest bounsi. ansi heavi iron oî thse irack bofore lhe "%-gte' eut bounsi. The ebstructions ver. diacovoresi ansi train* stoppedin l flimie toppewt Any4pA«ff. ii. Stt. teComplrolier's departuent e! *,Nel 4 u bongbt fer 812.000 a plat of tventr-Sve acm rescland at Lake Gqra~*geee e et f the collects of the Fremch andsI nUlan var. and the property' la tu ed des te a plat et tan leri the samne leaItI. purehase lai #tele Uto et e tabUishug a W.' C. Jin wvasmursiered bhabrt- Ians aî.tÇ i, Y . . aî&4o* . àear et eeceisridhe robluers deWuansid tise moanir.d AfterAffllln John-' son. vile and Ire.&hlrea ver. bu à ttue tll all tbrsenst'andi vil woe vre a ered. 'Tbe proceede fA, ta Maeri iad bes - eepostted lu teig~ he retýAetaf cita Jacob le Company, o i* t l n)tlwo'reused te pq f3ii1 el p thei u8k;Ob iteutL.00butdsoni .Ïat Ïrike aI Ruffalo la he p4aula cffthe Doisi Company. Sablent ,Brotiiers.Klinlck &rolier ansitise Buffile Picha Cou- Cqm. Srik lateaideant-Mitcelli andsi BcretarWil- son of the Unitedi Mne Workers tof Amorica bar» aiguedtheursi.. for à strilseamntut sean llle cogmiet et PdnniyMdte Oua.isnundnad and forty- tve thonsansi mecs are affectesi by ths. order. Wlud'Nie. ]US File. A gale *uÛ lec t.w idl tub rate orf flty miles an bout aidasi a little fOre ln 11. Cross llnk i14 Clevelanu e bcoue a. confltioa. Nol o! bttis a nilsiulal fie villati vaere voedem asu id ek ftend buon uthé hventi stractnra, doshroysd. ut"i Muet M*Klnip, Alic firent âieçe et tis e nl4 . as ia.ried eti Sosparset, ili.. t. tDr. Heruanua L. flaer. Thése " of' e ienation useti bis eai etegailve là la the ont te ex. esce '%qlftciea Weil. olU sud veitgaM wnpu% feted ber ovu lite a et . 1ete serat o! n S year-old cilld *USe bail fSllnhâte] admiteiecrime, saaiqg htIstisadm perilI overnment orderesi the.commi. e« ef tis et. SERVANT PIoNa cap;(.Dk141 .SaMt Rai Sin Omt v .,"n be -port Cusko,: a sevaet. Il es lic@, chargesi vitii poiisoning tbree chll- dra L oUis Pain, a orhoieiale papiel Maufacturer. Tise poisoneti chuiréll ar# Lonils; 0 icara olsi; Arthiur, B,&asdCath-, erne. 8 yea. Tii. girl broke a Dis>- deu China lump coins 0180. 1fr,. Elin ft ber thnt ithe voulsi bave te pay.for the. lpmia andi refused te give barUtii w.ek apal due. Tisa girl, Il in lgel. threatencd teo*'get even." At dianer rtsecloean vwi serve& Who* Louis bad esten9a mali peto h. sadis i lips vrere burnlng. The boy fel bnci ln his chair unconnclous. The coher chilsres faintesi at tiai baU ai ten smue of tb. fowl. Tiei ervnt led. Whou arreteti ehe denies tise crisaeibefore ah. vas ae- STEADY ICIAEO UIEn $biarpp elsoelactte IfDolissPricet ef ComusedtleMs. B. 0. Du4 & Co.*. veeiiui revlev et trade ia lffl"ries or stapie comémodities ire isgiefor the veek. boletesi hy thé sharp ise la cotnou, bot in manufacturosi preducts uheto, la lttiebange, t»ugh iteedy !nmecis.of businesseaItiihe current lordl la iatiifaetory. More orders art iseiag reelved i at mon miliii, and ôpr are ouadi. in structurai and àilsa materlal tiser. ls much business, amise- tivity la ueomiag amunt universel la thse iron region. Boots and aioes bein te recover nfter many veeks of Idle vieels tistougiiont New Bssglnnd. lu the wyol market sales lait vaek aggregahed 2- M41,000 peunda, nationt1-,0050a Yeau ago. Falinres for thiei vek ee 106 in the Unilesi Stntes, against 140 lakt year. andi 80 lu Canada, agaonit 32 lait iar." 81HOT BEt ENS ATHIIL T-radi»ue té Me et -Gîrla Cbeoè Brustus DL Davosan ex-policeman viio llved ut 214 Biiitietis atreet, Chicago, kilieti bis daugiitar eanor, 17 yeari aid, %bot ands ironaly wounded Harri Coni- nelin luvose e ompanu' mie vas, andi tien, turalng the revolver agaillit bis beetmettàa uet tirongh bis, ova beart. The tragedy took place near the. D&Vs heme. Tiie knovledge tfiat Blea- net o vaseu on emarri Conneli, vicu hoabad forbisiden ber to set, vos the. c*ii..of Daviî' deesi. Huaytosi llaima. fath. Mystari brondi tise deatb ot a man viiose bodyirvas foundltheti.St. Charles »otel, Brooklyn. Hie vai identillesi as Henry (0. Barbour. Tvo muet Wounda la tisa man% mouds leave a suspicion uhât ho vas murdetesi. A hahdsoasblonde voman vho enteresi the. iotel vith hilm luurriedly departesi before the. body vas discoveresi. Misteri ln a Mule Déatis. Tiie body of Patrick Mulberen. n prom- Ient citizen cftisanduskiy, Ohio, vii dli- appeared tdire. veeks aoeviti $2.400 ID bis pockots. vas tounsi la a matai nieu tiier. vitii the. uuli crusiietila. ,Foutr negrees ver. arreshesi nt the tîme of bMs diappearance, but lu the aborne cf uf- Sient evidene hhey ver. releasesi andi cannot Dov b. fonl. Slix liensDrevu et Eau Clair. Elalueen men employed i hei North- western Ltomher Company ver. crottins thie pond aboeer.natif i dam on the Eau Claire rivet, near Eau Clair., Wii., ID a battese. À baavy ealadaibed the. vavez over tie ide of the, boit ands aampeti It. Bieit smen attomptesi te sylu, te abore, about'a qcarter ef a mile distant, ansi six of tho ot eedrovueti. Drunken negroei causesi a relgu et ter- ter et Mures, lad. Te isa ucs..bave. been employeti by Bqti andi Ohie B.airt>ad entractors bdreceivesi tital vages a fev dais beloe, sunce. vii ,tb.y have heen *poudinsg fielime in dirAdognaansi gambilg Mont bedi fiAts .remultesi. andsit IleamaIsiixmurders haro beecommittati. Asman illi Itaiean Lavie. Onof rio IL Berritella, a Chicago iav- rer,va shbtiD tise back ansi hiliasi vile on bis var ihome from a losige meetiuig. Peter Iannello, a conductor on tii. Ralîtesi itreet table liena, vasan- reseesifor the. siootimg. Heela reticent, but the. police daim i. qunreelesi viti Uerriteiia. remuent ose Chicalgo. Tise -Cicago White iitoekings clincees the pennant emblemnatie of the ceb"nplon- sip o! the Ameiean Leigue bZ vlOnldg <vwo gem.. ftroms Clevelandi on, Wednes- ,day. Ee.lgnstiio f om nPaul. Rruger has femaliyrtesigned tho poi- tion «wiiicii iebelsi ns preildeut of the. South African republc, tins severing bis officiaI conecetion vits the Transaal. Chlcago-Ca ttle, cemmen te prime, $8,00 te $5m8; boss, ahlpping gradea, 13.00 te $5.42; aieep; fait t.oe" ».06 te 84.00; viseat, No. 2 réd.. 7ee te 17é, corn, Me. 2Z 406 to 41c; eouts, 1Ne. S. 21 to 2k; rie, No. 2 54c te M.,; butter, choie.scramery, 18c te 20c; eggs,,friis 1Me te 15c; petatoes, 8»o 1te80 Pet tudiapolla-.VtW% a. slllplg, 80Mte siee, cmué f9prime. U800tu 4.0 vistNo.- 2. 7.te 14e; cerr4N. *3 visite, 41ë té 42é; nala, Ne..2itle.1 28e te 24e.,. - S8t. Lonie-O«ttlU .25 tM*Io ; oss veaNe. 2Z18.b 4e;cen. -o2 'Mlo*.' àSc %0 SSet nomisNe. 2. 21)ëte 21t beNo. 'Z ate,to~ ,.«>at, Ne. 2l'Oc t. ¶16é,ota,104 N9 2 mitxesi, 4>2e t48t; bâté, X 2 - I m lle21 te 22e: rit, Ne. % M. e 0$... - Detrol-Caîte - &Xe KL8. a.- sV'OU1Sliot THE WALI.8. latuelb sdu# f. 51n ~ ~ £4~ ,~ the. aPplieguon Of h inmtitcolt UIIU m e . 0 n M 4 l l e wi s , mx w 1 i wI 5 I U i ttiffl traePekia. iio wtiiirnal, Aisil!uctet. osas vWhatt à I tqussl ii*werr, vwill be ltàitodtu Mtele u at Way frffl ,the.vaujoma pelQbwM0lea, 4D1- béroo< the valte et Mielt# la gm l A" nibreaks,."aI1tho e.demandi ot stý tthat the feeiàà fom re. v «M thesaemn ODY.ii", bitébeen aç !et la i a militarysge pbe e& thi e l enaese. Bu la*- istaudard ss iin uegï abltlig el-aspct quan it. a'Wltà B ridirply to'tse ltusaapro,: 8i14' ffld 9 O&U 'imt be.. bias n.-a <use tise iutce i Duot la îupcmtully tatloune, and%. ine wor@n sUnitedi asd Itermln et sta"dutil their maux serngt abeauso tigltesi. vo hmvesupreme faitb liitheni- tinotte auroce eOurcaune." 'In ti11demande the. minera ami the. correctica of many avili, the more Impe.. tant of vhlch are tii following: Abolitioni the. ompany stores; reduetion In the. puce et povder to t8 1ZO s tes, abolition oftcous- pant doctora; seml-montbly pay- ment cifwu4s.1; aboition of thé sIidlng seule, wagon Pau in e ash; 2,240pounds te the. ton-,am ad- v aneof 20, parteat, la vagos cas *,. han $1.50 iMssi not' eedlag $1.75 S dar; tbat anllasses ofdal iaor v ov reeevikg$18endaneimt excees- lnt $1.75 chan .15 per cent ever present vag..; liaI .an day Jabot nov reseiving $1.75 shaUhob i - ~ advitaced 10 per eent; that no miner shall have at any lime more than oeabrcast. gang oret oher 5A1ANaa Z¶VWtBTMW. * aisof vot, a" ishail get olit bm legfal eharp ci cara, pesai la been Commnalested t t. t* . The. ittke, it la eitated, direetly sellais.The.ferelait* e. esusuiiosaffeçts140,000 men end iadlrectiî about fer vluthdrawal or thse troopstou pe 1,000.000, ill ileuti c9vags.outi- kbk-4- w~ itii a polite but deinite .m ated i at$10,M00000 a veek. fusahi LAMES LA81410T iO FURY. A»eoifUg te the Vienna correspodent- of aeoSimnda.d ii ethaeigeo"M inai ave Web h Gi asaiuuadirbeen sketeW. , " Brl*itai - ut rilus.t. (QoeDIay, Esiea an«i Japan viii hee. au Thit i: torm' vilocity dlminiaefl 0~l4W8tomber of froopeprobAbiy 106000&fier leavlnt Texai, but lacreaseei vitI ftt,'IbPl-Chi-Ll during the nft faw ventlertul ridlty atter r.îeslng the. mc&ba, andi Aînerica andi Franc.* iiib. lake raglon. if. patil ten as 800 mis lcontent vith contlngflts of haif tisat vide. Tue wind, teacJuE Ithealeal sis. vile amaîlldettciimeuiti nul b. velocitî at Chicago St b.d attainei gince Provided b.7 Austria andi Italy. îeayîng Galveiton. The gaie attainesi s UiteStiBatut te Wait velociti of secty-tvro Miles an bout A WasiuSton ÈOrrespondentt sa7s tisttand riPpesi signaoff buidings end blevr aDie a seittement b,#tve.nthé. povesudons alectrie vimesla number mudiclent THE REPORTHD ChélUSE PHACE COfMISSION. Prince Cint id tth falier e! Esperor £vang On, ans Ioh aleader et the pro- geesive (Ïiio.. Hou Tong la Vlceroî e« Peo-Cbev province, auss Yung Lu la hégeneril vie vas saisi to b. ln cousmansi t troopa liaI beilegesi tieloe.a üw-BOote iclatter marauti-fot. __ a" tii. Impirlai sovemnmenl b. reaciasi viti a short tisa. the United States trcops viii b. vithssrava freu Pe". The las nov a streng bope liaI lie ef- Srti vbich are laina mai. Urougb Li- gmsg-Chang vill brng about a stif- saint, on at leait get thie negotatlonts vaIl under vai. The . goviernteat 'bas piemiiad BaiILb an accort trou Tien- toin If be vants 1h. end ti 4 ,prsuieumd the raprseentative cft theBmpres Dovs- ager aud the lmperot vHleare At tha capital witbla a veek. Thse UnitedSiitntds la vllhing 10 acept ieaeredentials nas t- Isfactory ansi to treat vith ii nifer a fil OsraniemeDl t fki]the diMeiulti betveeu h tigreIveconutries. Il turne ont tintt ha tirent o! lie Unit- ed States t10 viti.lnav ils troapa tramn tise Chinese capital bai heiPad te hasten the peobblit ractuni ngoiations. Neitberlthe Chimes. dynasty nor nymieo the pcvess yiici stces-ely vaut a sel- tiemsent vas pleaseasi vil the nevi tint the. United States vaa likiely to %tep ont. Thore via a f ear liatIif the Influence o et lmermnmcnt vere vitidmava front ha iel ai Il uli bc ailthie mora diMeiuit to, testrain lion povera vbicii seek the dlsmnembes-ment o! the empIre. - BOER- WAR NEARS END. Krmeugr Y" i~th LorenSoMarquseansi $etha 86osieFavorable Tere. P'resident ruger, Sp lou tomhie Britisi ansi lefo1of captas-e, anrirod tia Ltne aB i nd Gen. Bolia la re- pUttesi negidiUlg ternia o!fsatrender. 'I'ut thic via-esilias Entihagaiftaf lie RoiSmla nser #eap".ansi tiat lie Trans,- vianl hurgiiereavaccreaciesithie conclu- sin hiat their bravre iglt for ladepen- .Icuic le f utile., ment.s endlcti hyens emtroverur. ,$leJAi lleved lahosIllI.- tien vili cceafl. ans i it ilas -sahIrim îe t c 0f pease viii b.agraed JaOnnuen *h, eliseSeti Africandia paei MentÈ 'wlb. -la eonttol ef tise «n- e! ail bl for re apusbllan aecr* useMMl in osgt rentable for the future te gilose. lie rtuso t hat tia. Bota hasopfeasi tu.lahMlooklng tu, a aur- rend., on the lah* faveemisle terme b. «Ba seenre @s ltrous Preoes-a. .»oono repu,: àaptisat at a coalisai of van o!ficgthelea ..der, a formeldec- laralion etguemge wvirtare n-as dedds- ta oui. ten. àbaOi esisMi to have¼, poiesi lie ,0, hnhiMse bJeetluns veto ovoreofflir'*a. oher membaes of th. coneil. ,*jucedlg 10a sispateii front Pretori-l lseTrinevnal Itapuhlil î0il- bè. iatiMi-'*'a- -River OoImry. Puiesisent Krü~lot 10pipefltaeSth ave bea et Nelsaull se Batussiai. Presi- dent &e"i, haleta iltian Botha,4 ouetansi Ialaas ere &laivtb Mus. Patch, h ea ?s4bst rmid r uvn, ïbtii. m rusEO e« itw- oshrp U*btiaS, $Wa wvak.=IWI<t lti altcr te menace the lire or pedestrians. Tbe. vled canaed the lois or two lices. the 1 Userinnjury ofevrerai persoas and c great damsintoproperty. ( immense damage wvu don. ai Buffaloa and at otiser lake ports iii the storni 1 vick travelesi vitligruat violence cova Lak. Erie. lu Jiufff1o thse wi]L attain-f esi a velocitlyof ieveny hour,1 andi neemesi to regain tome et tise poweri wiclc t exhubitesi Lu vreckteg Boutharn elties.. Reporte of property ios and fta- talities couisi Dot bc gathetesi owing to the, damae to telegraphie andi telèpho-i nie communications, and Iit in impossiblet tn estimate the. iose of the mii. ishlp-a plng. The. mont serions damage at But-f fao vas the partial destruction of one. o! thse PRÏ'American buildings nov tu- the course of erection.1 A dspstch from BSt. Joseph, Mlcb., Wednooday, aisi hhat the ateamer Lav- ronce of the People'.t Transit Company hasi been given up for loat. Ohe baU fiftY people on board.- Wreckage vas found nortlu of Detroit whieb vas tbougbt tu b. that of tiee bat bosat. At Clevelandi the. mmd blev a gale c îixty miles an bour seronsiLake. Erie. but the. warnigi hasi been go thorough that fev vesaels were caught ulipre- pared. HR.NR W& There are four trains dalî from Tur ku te Taurgum. Gen. Barry cibles frQu Takow *bat Gen. Chaffe. bas everything weli in Prince Chics, friendly te tthe foreigu. larlng te, open negotlatloaa vltý Tii. linlgof a sanali .lapanesee teaux- if interravte river communication b.- tvre».Tien-tain andi Takov, Chine»e reportà thafit bein uas are repairiug the Tong-1 tutbmal 'RsHaLvpitovard Bian-l-k Ie Pelaef etthe hospitil uhlpRecliaf, nt Tak.w, reports 120 Amerienie mick if the. fronat, 200 ah Tieg-W a nd maay Tii. Shanghii Gisette openly iui. peanciieuthe. United &&ltes conul, 1fr. John Qoodnov, et open ceuplciti vltb o.dupim ss RussianGet. gans>- kasnpft, iapursuins the 'Chines. fromx Aiga, rtan brio 9,M0 et tie. but rout- md'tiieta a&tor a sevare figit. 1Moreg» tentuis lu, a Joint -nota proe* agaluat thse vitidraval of 'the latiii tracps (IMt&sh> rosIe Shaughal, i aimais lite-i ~.t frai .~*0 Epusiasi aisa Nuleit, MearD a »e Mev t *lVaA thse ipgràw> .th tecîive algd Cout*ie 4~tsa eae lIONS te sou loge tie reoxiiDug 30,IalU. There bfr et m, ut vran frot 0000, lcUWWcgM# rue1ptesetatite !etisthe Ob" .e te1 Mi0M0, tise latter belus lie ilrec ofe thse tikers eaceordIng te 'elen lci Pecident Mllciicll's tigorva laclude thse men vio etoipcd'work lVîlder and Isalut-' day and tisa fllevln reporté fIronstic severni distrlot receiresi by ina Mu day: Ityesjsng district ..............50.000 Santec, >ttuntbeaniniCenty .......... 8,00 vas" Cik district.-------IM e a Cny................2.M11 ulhivaa Cous ................ O la thie neigiibood et Haxieton, Pi.. thie miners are il yenk, tisa strîke being comilsesito a fev coliieriei about Me- Adoo, on lie aoutb aide, viiere mont et tise libor treuil.eofthle aection bua Ils enigin. At No. 1 misse if the ULohîg Valle-y Ceai Comnpany. Haieton, at Icait 80) per cent ofrlte minera areat vaek.. On the uorti aide, tiie opper Lebioh, Mitnesriie. Eberr;ale anti Drlftoui No. 1 eolilenles, cnploylug about 1.1100 men, are '!?.t- clownthe mines et Littlimer anti FPond Crcek,. empioylng 1,» mesnsr. veorking fulliI lme. but every other ina'- -- -J. ln tiat big tes-riîory ls vorhlng vit bus- ly crippesi terces. P"dlsent Nichoils et District No. i1i-aponts, tiat the alira WVyoming ansi Laciavanua districts arc tiesl up conssîeteii vit. lhe exception of oe msnail corpeo-allen .mployiug 2N1 men. lHe aitiabout 2OQ000 umisare ont. National Organiser Harris, troc sse-mo km., mode wict Preeldent >iltcbeJl des- iguentetias an equauili sallficbori report o! the Bchuylklil eglen. Public ucet- lutte veto held ah Jetdo, WestUsaI.- lon. Hsinvoe.lansi IîAdeo. ,Prealdent Mitchell i<idmeod thc Weot' iasieton andi XeAdoo glibenga. villa Organiser Courtvnigit apake et the Ilarooi meet- ru theLehîgi regicun. Iltusaisi, about 8,000 et tie 14k,00 mine empioer have quait vo-k. Yeary air the effort. of lie strike leaders ste eun ievotei lu organ- ising the- usn lu tihe licuyki lansi le- ih resrioss <ves-e lici are veakepI. Tic attikeenaue off oeffilily viti littIe excitement, but inrsuu4ed ithiiail klnd o! deuit. Tii. Unite-d %Misse rkers leaders seemeil t, lb.tie uiy isu-esWh cemn natto thse liguires. Tise attempts et Fatier Phllipseta bave tie treublîes arilriled are thouglit by a numiser et leaders lu btve ltligbîiy iInjuueiltic cause of tie as-riker,becanguss e place tient u in a u liluoessl poiionu. In visiihbey nef .ied leaccessi arilitrallen vien It mas elferei tien. sutiong ibey celmei taobci. lbtiog forIri. Repreestalives o! tise ainsiss-ère try- Iug lis bring about a symspatielie strike lu lise Altonon di.lrk-l, ibst have nol bseet sucessful ui .fuis. Einîllr efforts are bing ronde îsy tIhe ais-leraut I>- kens anti Wicossîio te geltIthe men il WIIliamaluuvn te joie lieta ansi cscsel,>- close cie-> caIlfs-y lu tic Lykens Val- bey reglon. TH--QUEEN 0F TH-E MiNES."1 46other" Mary jones,# Who latse 1 d.,i ef the Minera. "ilitie-" Mir- Zoneq. "Qocen o! the Ilines" and IhtIisil o!flise usiner. ocnis, pies a nu)que place lu thm vo-id o! laist., This klnd-hearte, phlsanthsroieius- a Ito noIoved byh tic rougs drivesa -or thc emal iises lu lie anthracite. reglune liaI vits tiseni ber- Word lIR taustîmount lis tan, 4~MnM.le"J0Xt5.years olid. ailier- maired ansi beautiful. Her veice bas beaun.sveety claquepi in ichaif of lie verkens vioiaecau.. ihe hall adouited. ansi bei appesebav-c von unaludsî ynt- patisi for ber simpale, bard-labing friend. Sbie ive nt Wlkeusb4nc, Pa. SAYS ME AàMflTID MURÔER. WitueaIMysae aueaHoward Cou- - 1,*Mmsil Iice Osisihel. Tise trial et ZisHowardsi tFruinkfort4 Ky., brunzit eut aenuialionn el tulsny givan br ZJohm L. Joues, a memier et C#pt. Ncek's cempami e!flKnox Ceualy. ansi James V. tl o Bbiîellaîld. rersa-y n deputy sheriff etClayConti. Jouses hoeitsitite saîing te Heoward tle mu- ing artert le ahootîna: . - "I mlisiastani <locel lon't burt.'* ,'il@ la; he vn astli adenaat,"' vas liovnnd's anuier. - les SNuleielasti lId fiat Howardsio binm bc ltibaiGoabel. Btubbleteisi ansi Hovardsiréve a intte f niam<s, ansi 1he couverm4tli occturrni at Ilivra'rd' ions. NÈW tAPCOH;6àAiY. Wisi rait *30,000 a Tostrltetthe Chii- cea0 Board.1 Thse Bachutige Tolegmaps Comapany, "Wh isproposé es emon.theisopommer- elii .exêhsaaeu ottsaeeountry *lh the dhiesp Boresiof ?raâ,*-hsg isffl tthe r latt body for a enutraeh ONsNIshl ~-ntutsl beltieni t' ilat Are Sa~aa tory . se thse contrucs nthfe - I la ephma" #bat 4tise Roet otIWOi. *MI ,abeplce.abt Offl>'a igur.1>e ici.- vIMMbmt , ae MaJ. (l.,s. Vca Ubpfurr.-fe uc- maali h ermn loege"la Cii, enter. 4; thie arnsy thirty4aï euf pm â ge end 'le a retersie cf tic AgttritaeampaIgn 'of IWO0asidtlb. fteuch van of 1870-71, !hà 5bc f ibsb. terved i vthie FIr Feolgard regLqw m. Illerosa te b. eOlo ilM 84, andsIin 1806 vumade ~lSpeetor o! the. iurlue Infamtu.lieH -via appoinld as ajoe centrailiut Mmy. :Mai. Gem, Ven ilopfnai le e faverite of ,the Euperer andi bon ecompenles i hm o« muryetbMs travelo. REPLY DY BRYAN. vie K.te Acevepflsg beocraic . tnotin" divt.Oout. William J., Brian la big letter a"qet- lmg the nomination for Preaident by tih. Un isiIeParty. -ilé. detlatng' tint lmperIMMusu aJise MontIimportant que*, flou bifon lb.e Amerlcnn people. ovens vlth a discussion e! trusté. la thse let. ter h. declarea thot no d*>fent ftrus ton la sffenei, andt tat 1 ieritsbcvil laner -lie deouln-t-er.-trl sisénepMyoit vsiido.. badusiesent4de of hi.&St a11 tits orgil. ,es deeares the Dimgley tariffleu, Isl tflt-breeeling measure. le farersae. lisdpliovrpre for thi ltotetate tomt- ineceamisioln. R. r.lîeratem the po- sitIon et the Deuoeratie partir ou tie mimai questien ansi$itsi.position has Met ciangesi since feur years mie. He tarera tihe lectien of gatera iii direct qote et1be peuple. nea dette et seme, leaghb vîtihiber qucations, dencuecing maternaient iy lnjutciün aussithe Stock- j [let ansi taveriug anlltratioui ansi a dur- parlaient oetlibeor lntihe robineit i elusion et, Chime.asd sîilar esi Peuple s tirore. '-Hle favori orerau4 pensliotavte. a Nicaragua toastl, eote hsotI for Arizons. Oklahoma and %elw ,Mexico, home ro-iseandi reproentatlon lIs Congress fer Perte itie'asi Alasits, ansi a oiseln fer lie reclamrnet o! is lands. ansiani Isiome lai. Be .quetions the abilili cftlieeltepublicsn Party te yenk out tic velfaraeorthle Cubans. For- eign alliances ère opposesi. CISINESE KMlL .THEMOELVES. At Appreacis or Ailieo Meambereor hiaperist necaeboli ud Lfi Depmtcis sconfiru the reporlt tI-,lu addition ta uaTng. guitr.ian et the hein appurent. Vu Li. Vleeoy etfCiiilà, andi Wang TI Yu. prealdeust oethle lf- iaI Academy, viti 200 members of the. oMeiaciai ill, commilleil suicide viueaf the allies enîcreli Pekîs. Othiedîspatcheef a", that blte illsdepirture Là-mmag Chang, isavimg bien eonvineed sIde W, n. tervieva wiîis Mr. lteckiill end Drt Musn eVn Bchvssleuatein tust lt- vould b. usebleas tadisesa ami setle- ment excladlng tic punisiment of the Emprees Devager and ber eiief adrle ens, seat a tèlegrapi ieno4rial leglise linon. iunpeaebimg Prince Tnu. Prince CbIng ansi Tssliauilrince Tizga', brotiser, uns weias Kong YI, preaisituthelbWIu Bloord, andi Ciao Ba Cino, colmlaalionen of the nillway andsi mling bureau ansi isreidtnt of lhe beard et pmtanwwmai. BndLi lclcgrapbed teatien. 1tuas ta nise eqeri effort te Persuade lie Emprest Dovager and Emperor tu retut-n ta P#- kun snd te remove Prince Tuas sud us enour-age-. l)iepatcbcs sent te Berlin car tisaIý troops lu large nunabere ire gatisarlng fro tsanil partso! Chifi SinBeuFau wilà hubienb- ercoesnas the permanent resideîncv of tic Ipials. TiceSacre tory e!thie <Germon legation bas retoiesi tu Isegin negoliatIons vilhi useCbtug. sayiug tissu Dr. Mtmm Vo Schwarvtz- estein la aicue odicil qqalfle fer- suci funeisonr.. Bi nI aeasou lthe Kasnsas farmer* proiaiii wili Ise Piowslisg ctuinsut iitt wilots. One oflthe spiestionas sttil hy c tieun le wiosc Maryland "M.y Marylandi" neall IRl,i Unlilue many of tthe peoffle wbe coe fron t tire, lots of tira. Chines. aleries isun't vnsui. The s-cil "Uncie Tom'm" aluter la deesi. but thse *"Uaei.Teou% Cabls oiigons uuarciing on. The yellow peril iaaguue up nigainît tise white perdl, ani us iigeonered uhal Ibere are otiers. Ou. iusidrad andi einht tiaussansi men ore Dot assiating tic tuai treust ho tiat extra $1 ou tht ton. ImitatIon'l in» talebc the incerait llatteri. The, Brillishhave der-idesi 1a boisi an electlon aise. The Chissese Bmpreas i iinée -ta 1t - lic nunbes- ot bée long-disatane tele- phonela kept eut cf the dis-ettory. -- In regard te Ibat little ill bc ovas us. thc Ton seeme ho bo perfprtliy IililuS that ireaitigîib. the one te> walk llueulan trgolt cM lenving Pelting bat tisi iy p rolsair bu buck,»a tin hier ean Inuce 'tise ther povers t !cire. j Tbere Is au misasîtement lu 1hter-u tiena tuat thi. ampaigu lier in tslclng more,- i-p.tien isenal. lHe ducs$unet use rope but ysini. Gen..Yung-Liu bas savora lteîWIl.-every fareittuer i]sChilsa. lHe lehile tealbe a lrelti nld Lis bY the tisue i.gets the job lliied. If lie pevers et Europe and, avery- vitre visse know vint'a good for tint thejr ili iieep them hans, soff lie;Chi- csenglsa r. finKru-. iii l*b. llvid -te départ for Europe dist tbelig mok«£, joe' * lituerlldm e t tfl tIbM» 4ndi awu more ceplianus on u b M g$ppo are ti Illet et ati Sema ébarp o!* luq we pst théla. divine eI v.t hs tisus cieuI viselà flood tmmié mDSb 1 mu aL ud 01 fer.ih but t dit dm Fmi lg, ai lies. fer. I Ponissi tbesu b iguR . 1

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