CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Sep 1900, p. 6

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s fth eaceOW u iesaiafaI bly as near correct an cain he arrived at For the relief of the suføerei's0o Gal- regrdig te osss i th Txasstom:veston tþè Ameridad people have joined Il ,Ï Lives lont. Property. in a great ofering of money, of s#aPpliea Devataton rougt clveton···.---------.00and of °£persQonal services .uch as favl' Houston W ouht................,. 5 2 ,000 = world lhas rarely seena equaled. Hundreds h ria fPrsdngrgra the Great Storin, gfNg de Alvin, ..................... Il 0,000 of thousandts of dôllars In cash have been Lourenzo Marquez apparently indleates cýmrvooq julHitchcok ..............,., 2 75,00011)contributed and relief trainsfromaitieLUS the end of organized resMIstantZe Ou thý Richmon.d ............. ... 000 as remiote as SantFrancilico and New part of the Boers. This conculian seems Fort Bend County ....•.:1 York have ,ped alcross the continent on toecnrmdbthdipchfm Wharton conm ....... 100000 their errands of mercy. Captain 1telehmann, the American Mill- ' A Y. BE 5,000 DEA D. Cld on, . 500 Thre hearts of peuple In every walk of .. tah h coppe h or Angleon ...........3.. g -t,00 lire have been touéhed by thre calamity' ntercmag.Itde o eesr ...c ,e,....,... 000Gea oprtonydpilnarshv fy foliow, however, thart thre invaders are thr p.laIts, Brazoria given their magnificent offerings, and going to find their success a WhollY sut« fbds and vadals Are Shot Down outy.................. 4 80,000 %ith these gifta have gone thre rmitesof fatron.Te orameshv le the Streets by Troops. Plla ....-............. 0 melnof sale riiwath. Theidtsof therbeen overpqgwered land disperbed, the Rollover .......... 0 10,000landhe.hurined icth ctheiravtoterTransvaal republic hits been iObliterated Winie. .2 0,00strckn laerciy.Am far away au, fhromtthe map, the British government - Bellev 1le ........... . 1.5,001 Paris the.lAerca ei de t hae or astk n vr te trritoryOf Itlate istoy Afrda o Prallt totheHempstead ........ 1 2,000 ganised for relief work, aind among them enies Bteetal h naiat Motorv Afforde No Parallel 10 tBookhhere2 3,000 they contributed $10I,000tin ifteen Min- 111le.Btevnitlyte na)trt Aorful Visitation and the Succeeding --111r on 00h0ne it oet cm.IdedFec-w ave to be govered a sut n Cmaimor umroylod a -I-W7le .---..--....... 3 0one intes wtauthor)ityn-.IndeinrecEngland has givenEngn» ba gve 4s@ta fAar-lo eFl rcola ..... .. ........... 2 A0 men and Englishmnen as well s Ameri- u dlao, rgvrie t r lowred byirFamine--Pestilence Threat- .iotffa . .... ..... .... 0 5010 cana have been sltirred bu help the vicimhlirtrlthri ene,...,,.. 5 15,000 o a far-away hurricanre. In thre churehies the two conquered Btates. As crown ThrowIn to the se«, or Buried in Ciloumbia. ..... .......... 9 0,0 the United States contibuitions were ai- colonios it may be pommlble to hold themi semrT"ssh«sýSandy l'olnt .............. 8 1 mont ¯universally ntdie fur the affBicted ln subjection for un indefinite hlength of egg Tencei Neair lBrazoria covmts(sf alveston. IRomn aCatholic bishops' timre; but, asille fromn taxing thre geld Pr"aly 5000 ivestest proertydé-kile.._..... ........... 15.1 .0 Protestant ministers and Salivation Armny mines on threIRand, there w,,Ilil ot l'e 7 P" b alyh5,000lueve t, roperty de- o.ther points .............. 0 100,000 ofEcers equally joinedin iitheaneltfor May practical meth'ods or raising reIe- liwedn towhe vale o mu any N , iilion, aage to railr-oads outside of Gal- this charity. Governors of mnany States' nue to pay thre colonial exe suad it Tent-fie twns oreor ess amaedveston, N0,t1. oreover, sumnmoned their citlizenstoilunot likely that the taxpayer ut hon.el fin Me r he vrtull wpe otDamage ttelerap uad telephone makle contributions. I olilowing are %omne will take very kindily to the sgeto 0&1~omearof athem s.irtually wedoutwires outsidj ofLGal%,estin,$3),0>I0, of thre contributions ito the relief fund: Ilbat hé- muit fo..t Ithe hills for running: n ealy inrn, iseamwhrfanet oto rp stmtdo ewYr .$:Mm icnat . 30 two coloies 7.4XX) mlem away. If the t101ilaedestiroydoengin taeaverage croil of counties affected, 50,000 t. Lo9uis ..4.3,2 t. oa g.' oldmnsaehnvyt dteronr s-ý mall coasting vessels sunkt or strand- ble", lat $U)0Ia baie. $3000e00lBoton .. ... 13.07 IQnIana.......11,00 will beino. bietter off than ,they wre ivon- 04inevrydiecio, resoe r heTotal numiber of lives lost. 5,114. Pittsburg .. iseri ..... 2.10a0 der Oum Poul. If the- Boer inhabita, 11niin everydeti onte ae ome rof teTotal property lots, $525,0. Phla*delphia. 1.0 oeo.... ftare overtaxed the-y will lbe unable ito p. %W rnfuladtas on the Tacaugtaosesto live stockcCannot lbe estimât- K:1- IIy Ni,. Ka. ',, and Ilwill either emiptorrbla wind lt ah n wave on thre STaeacTeed, but thoIusanifeof lhead of horsiensuad fstand. (nil Vo. 10.000lpueblo, (1bo.. Mo first opportunity, when Great Britalin and in etthe iter ofte Stt e.e nrrcattle have lbeen killed alt over the lstorm And. (- arnegie 1.4 ws'.Il . - in-ditfiicultie-s in)Europe, Indtia Or Ch ler oftl eucaewas lspgen ee mny -t district. co. ..... 0,00sa'sMih.1.2 These and Manly other queutions thatir I bà lout tspeod was ong enough o.Mbt m- 7ýU.-PDISASTER NOT NMAGNI4FIEDP. Pars, France iro00 sprinzteild.11. I.O demand a settlement now that M - almostunprecdenteddestrution. - Liverr 1, Eus. NwliKChamberlaén's dsharee been gained Il. Trom thebest reorts itis evidnt thatTotoo of Deaths in stormewept District Cvigny 1.00Kkoo Id 70makle tibertaik of governing the Trn,- sterm began between 9 and 10 o'clock Ctde e esntehro fti o otMay rReach 10,000. mlwaukee .. , 9.257 R. Ixland 1II. 'WA0 vaat and the Orange F re, Stati- extreuo saturday fornci.Drie b Ltthe dIsit des.ot Gliesen thee horror ofthiQs e su coAs findicated by disastehos fromn Gel. Denver ..... 9,400Duuqe.. '50lyeitembarrassing tt. he vilto.. of the gae the waves of the guill!diastrltat alvsto seminly nvies o.vrroveson he agntud.oftheca5m0t tamete teloglo, adyisan u-such a rate. Practically, it is upion a grsown.the manwtpaer otathemec sem CleeanFe . 4.714 ýillet.oies.. 20 Tegetvlefhewahrbr làwhich Galveston is built and rhich a ee hteateso h ufad gtowhaveTben tcwonervate m er---- - --* adTherem arkle o r recpller of 9 Ma ighst oit i no oer ve eethuricnesar nostrnges n tat e-efforts to guard againsmt extravagance or ROOSEVELTS LETTER. observations, all thlitns onsidered, bas &bone the golf level, and before dark the glion. Starting in t'he W est Indies somne-exgrainad elosflfenGa-bedmntatdyrcntvnt.: efcty was Mander water fron tintrteysepeotsataonh veston iu greater than hias been gener- He Aecepts the tepublicon Nomination gave waning of the reenit hria igi feet. Thence the water gradually Florida and up the Atlantic caot, butalyrpredfovcePedetdysbfeitmnf-eitefnth grahdfarther inland and beyond they ejust as likely tatoiae the oppel- A boartoer f avetoCatin Go.Ro Vei'c lte eptance Ta.x exafoast.itatiite iots ou te atr ar th sdr septonwihmite ( irection and visit their fury ruponChArleut Clrk.isotedas a in hat of the eub llninatonfre-from eascthe Ietnit of atedl.inoeura ur, emlihig ows ndvi-the Texas coa-st. In Msuch ease, when ont Charoubt bare, reached abefore thleror. Pre ietws drne ol'dad 'I rahd ua waeu.wee t a l itscourse toa apontgt y of these hurricanes reaches its maximum 1tuary ld o lest-on and vicini mty Waýilett. oshawzrdirmn.f heimtte a e-ie alà Iaer. hei ol, aloi ofHouston. Mountanr-tecty, Glvestno i asiolurm tlswould be coe.lieli as bennhout on pointed by the l'hildlhi o nfree.TebuauwAntauh teteed. Eve in ri nary e,ý Tedour thebouts in the waters around aleonto notify the vi:-e ýd , ',Ial nme.-naping. hwve.Itlont out its herr- wtherisestion tstrets. Thensair andi i;;htsinve Ithe Istorm ,and bases Gov. looe lt' etter t 1b>n doly caesignal. both for ithe Atlantilan the e nst aos ta pat mnit cn de. -hi. staterwlnt onuwhat lhe ha. seen. along the lines of thait of l'resJiet Me- and thle gulf coast, and a%1lnth, stormo vise no means to protect it. Great sea - J. Dlillon, commercial agent of the Kinley in arpi the first place ondh-tetundfmthnrhof-bawtwr walls cannot be built, as no fouindations SnJ F.hsrtrndfo. rpoe Rpbia ainl ikt noeigthbur au tue rnedis a Ctont Txa can be had for them in the shifting sand, . . t flisradfolai i er ob a nati ontat th etramot iue ierandrnarlythirty sixl, r eor h i and the whole Island is a long, narrow, Viiia( l'p If iut ond foot nd e ivsa te Inmotnyws hittion adelarlithat octhe stenr wardthe oh--f Gale th, dof sand spit, so lowthrait an extraordinarily Vigraph l'eont of his jond rwhibletio oneoyM. ral odlunge ritthe aiter. com itand durigttdyo xenf high tide will cover it. The only protec- gaboa ortlt i orjý 'leheet.1o .Il1and ec Ilnomi -sý lý a xeol tion Galveston has 1ies in the fact.thlait O95 lA mo.orcpa coittt ,was male iunder nIi.Iy dme i ,outty into i ilwill"I Gonoose-i signalsaIl l ong thýe'Texasco . huricne o tismnniud d ntTwel iv nh of trck and brulges aor, laosInth _ l ometioam i erhaps s-ti[!greater clrcyi oe hcur, ricanes oftimntue d oofteinagolne south of ltbok"ai e. "? vest tuns idt. o pa e the i iitr-casting wax iplydb) the bureau in occur, poably teone hree or four in a walked. waded land Iwami from liitch. tion of IPr- n'Mc Ih.,unrthwrin«ivnottnrnrsn et ryxpand te onler fh aisie themrock t I rIinialont, and nothiung Iuld whih, he -say Ite lountry ha" te ret lake- Tlýidzhnrly ail lnes its poplehve n th hopethattheymayie lseen in all of thiat Io'ntry lbut death ble-d with a fdar oprprityab of cramiailinlTex-were cut off. not b postoaobal il t formaiyer.- -anddi pai.The prairies re cýovered schitely iteai ithe bureau kept tra-k of the storm as it The dead will, be buried, the damage vwill with iwater, aind I do not think I1 exaigger. A paragraph or ti we l. eii- swavept th"rh ik om nto anas be repaired, the destroyeýd structlures re- aite when 1 bay thiat nor less than ,.tKOIt alsodvte to the trt eTh "v- apdl gave timely wrigthat it ob THE lTBEuMONgT HOTEL. built, and the hurriennle of 1900 will soon horses and 1cattle lare ito be seen along ernor hohls that th, probb-m a a a rmuturu northat. m .-ogacr.northern dm ndtalelad ufêrd lieth ble only a memory. Teliig 0il oon the line of Ithe tra ks ollth of Iliith. one thaIt Imutb- ,t dwd arfolly to Illinois and southern Wsoniand ge n al adsfee lktetheir way as unconcerned as th ose who .- cock. Th e little townm along the rail. avid the cmn ofr v rongs thence , ro uihn nd the, raighoss taiguptesri-liv-e in an earthquake region or in the vi- way are al11 swept away. Wh'len 1 reach. againsi ta l bt adut th 1at a legi,, northern yod of thé siouthern peninula fams ndlevngbeid t id inity of a volcano.-- ed a point alomt two milesorth of Vi,vat1veek neear. 1idais Of Mliý hiran oIl adi imsg, Tae f eslaio. ouhwstitswpt Added to the destruction accomplishe-d ginia l'oint I saw wome b, lodies floating that muohli -11be1a1m- hldyby pb- by i, hastbeaenth habit t,, j,,r ai ()hI th cas a fr s orusChisiby the wind of the hurricane was that ofr on the prairie. atIol from that point un- Ilicity--Ible <m lim:fthtb Irusts to eX- lrbbiisundwhtv r Ireieæ ed rtetacosteLusaabu-the succeeding flood, and house- hc til Virgiia il'oinit was reached many fel-hibit finano li :I ttentsof their bui-rfaid,]of ver-ilication tolcondemn thll Itma b pssbl i te utrehad reisted the pressure of the gale fell ie. cOuld he jleen from dwhrailra rat eansstuo proerly erdiedpublie om enterbureau a nibeansd inot tb 110ke1ksomething like au accurate eati- when the water came. The people had IRISE AND WArNE OF STO-RM. At Virginia l'oint nlothing rmis cial.• worth the expense of its Maintenance 8.60p ef material losses, in which the the choice of being killed in their homes y far rthe greater port rf the letter, During thre 1ast few years, however, lis tinge ta the cotton and fruit cropre will or drowned In the streets, and h id- STORiESOF THE STORM De•ei pti.Orthe n cn nrtl a ncsaeso. however, lisgivienlurit, o na dvelse of the opratiors harve gmined in aill. and il- 11e1 largeM item. lit la nt likely that ithe cations are that the majority oth vc a "stnLowa-. administration' Philippine poliey. The rerdnwiofacrcerfwhh Oti"e number of persons killed will ever ime preferred death in thre water The hurricane was predicted by the SmayPnshetDatOu yaqiito ftePhipwsi dcae t iushavievrya ea of b prou bisnb» n, butIa conservative estimate FollowIng the. terrible visitation the - - ~United States weather bureau to strike psoldiera an,l citizeum. to beanailogous to the asegusýtion of [ Loun - a hlhsem o p!y ijutify what. eathe number Ln the vicinity of people of Galvestoun<e of the richest Seventy-five outaidle towns were wiped Galveston IPrida, night and created A reporter telegraphed fromn La porte tsalna,lorida, Texas, Alaska and -thr vr expense it May ent:al by its great cities the world ever saw-were starving, olut much apprehlension, but the night passed thre tory of the robbery and mutilation territory. Hie holdé that it i- o o r ensvingt of life and property. INUflatery Can Never Se Written. literally, a the mIdst of plenty. Cut Seveiingoswr hot while loot- without the prediction being verified. ef the dead in, Galveston and the deathimluperative. thait tl'e constitmtion follow, .:-:- rà àhardly posible that the true ptory off by rail communication with the Out- ma hvuesngre. wr The conditions, however, were ommnous: 1of the offenders. The ghoulu were hold- the flag in the Philippines and that Ielf- rn the latest gornment rop report M WWghfu ctatrph ill of can side, the only wày of getting relief sup.n se- the danger signal was displayed oh the in an orgie over thre deuid. The nia government be gratedýý there than that whseat, corn and cotton are all recorded liy e written. The terrer, despair and plie@ into the place was by boat-a slow Helen Gould sent 50,000 army rations fiagstaiY er the weather bureau, shipping jority of these nMen were negroe, but that coure be f"Olwed with the tribes-o'f as shoewing a condition considerably be- ti110 On Of the population when at Mensat the biest, and all but inadequate to GlvTeston. was warned,. etc. From out the north, there were alsio whites, who took part in Amerieunn Indins. Hie speificailly low the average of th.- precedinig ten '1W h111«realsd, Saturday evening, thrat in the prevailing sitress. Scores perishted aive thousand families were made ut- in the midle of the night, the wmnd be- the desecration of the dead. chas.- the Taga| l,.-f the:,at withl the years. and the effect upon thre values "f lhy safesacet face witb death cannoat of bounger whie the relief bouts were on terly destitute. gan to comle tinMiliteful puffs, incresing A party of ten negroes were returnins l'ndiains anddlre that teyare unfit the, ommdte in the Markets ofrti, e 9PtU4by thosle not thes. Such au therir way there or being loaded; many of Ghouls stripped deard bodies of jewelry in volume ais the (thr" dawnedl. By 10 fromn a looting expedlition. They had for -eIf-govrnment. 1l onhonh country ha. been anr appreciable advanci: «qà e has fallen to the lot of few the wounded died for lackr of proper med- and articles or value. o'clock Satuirday miorning it wvan almost stripped cvorpsem of all valuiables, and agrees that thl.h. a mutLx behldi Thecndtio fwheart at harvest, in ohm-** world bega, for no one was leines and necessary surgical attention; Prof. D'e Voe, Chattanooga. Tenu.,I a gale; ait 1noonilita increased in ve- the 1,ockeýts ofsoule of the looters were and that t i, e l them wouild bt, a ýiep eluding l>oth winter and spring, las give.n 6010%0enough to harbor the hope hundreds of the diead! remained unburied ,peitdheTxsyloenanlm-locilly. Stupendous8 waves began to send fairly bulging ont with tinigers of the bac-kward. as i 0.j. This is more than eleven point,, tent11ire city was notgsoon to bie or their poor bodies were thrust itothe picteter atr frtnaheadth polededawicsadbencuyoTbeaue------ - -n lauheavrgesial1ma-hih a euleptont of existence. No aid was neare; sodden ground with no friendly protect---- -- --- -¯--- GRACE M'KINLE-Y WItL TEACH. enMf etee. there issill a «We pewasImpossible; it was as though. ing caskets to protect thremr from the The Governors of various States offer- '---- retspl fwetrpeetdb Ob d0,000people of Galvreston wre n simyIoose left an a reminder of the oat- ediaid and sympathy to the Texas suffer- PemontrNfil laneeofHt-ten Ifes Or , o h si VU" lwhich was sinkifig at seathe ful isitation of the flood. eg ldes. yoke, to tastrucIt Ter lo. tnan's dai bred.oand te orefwillee «ain having informed them ht h The condition of things is unprecedlenti The War Departmvent ordered a special AbIOut a yearago Mliss4r e- be al moderate «iurplusi for foreignevrs who Ob*eWud survive but a fewmoet ed In the history of the United States, train fromn St. Louis tu carry supplies hl-y, a niec" of Ireslident Mcihn r i ay bie willing to puya eoal price bouge. Galveston was not a beleaguered towns, toalveston. Inated romthe rfamous hol o oo for it. Or. the, la.i.if of iaa onie. 1 Martial law was declared at Galveston womnit Hloshalf bushels of Iwheait to eachi inhabitanti. TRACK OF THtE GREAT GALVESTON STORrI.' owing to the rifling of ,daWbdie suad Ma,. She bl a setmai:httlpouanat5.0, robbery of storeilb.naterhom Om persns. the r uirtanl oa th Idlers were pressed into servi-e at thiel n 'aon niowfor Uie ae ul e:7.0 0bnah- I point of the bayonet amimade to hielp I 31a idhasbut red ls.1:wig .O UMbsesfor pnext clear up the debris "of ud leursyear s s lhe :ia ot eddt ar eeThe F rench governmeiant sent a uwssage -wsae- nruift .(M buse l,,11 l I r l IIl c uIdtlx- that of the Texas disater.oil! thareng avtdwHro naco .Chicago sent a relief train Ito Galves- __- - psha,n I astahrofaot4 MM e otha we ton. The IRock Ishind Iroad offered t theHyokesal aena l 1ý1, ilbusetso tranpotprvsin adfu-2sig M_-- -Academoy andiao-the cr,p, of ei a sei t,, mir foreign fre. ounesto her fr ud bhurie work friensor to0, keepil, our 1hiofor no, Gov. Sayers of Texas hais been asked ONE OFr THE GRtEAT STRUCTURCES WRECKED) BY STORLM. la to ble that of ateach yar to call a speclial esson of thé Legisla- .Longest Bridge in the World, Spanning Ganlveston )Bay. 45 ~~~~ture in order to takre steps to relieve the - -- -- --- --- -- -- - - -- - - - -.T e od ro r i u Aie el : serg.The State hias approximlately began a hasty exit to secure places In the they wereo wolen the rings could not- Ing out tei mn,,in-he nthraite ra 10 a surplus of $2,000.000, city. Toggnicfre ere ar ator. Lbe rve. lene a h dscr.rgo o ensai ealste 4 Not a singale church, schooil or charita- The gulf force drove the waveu with ir. tio and mtildation of,1t he deaa he loo. g tri ket in thoell:nne distriet ue o,éble institution, Of which Galveston hadlresistible forle highripon.thbeach an sd eswr htdw.Drn h obn er g.wibwspatclyed Ss~o tmany, in left intact. Not a building the gale fruim the northeast pitched the of the dead not onlyý were fingers cut off,i by thetrgdatLtwinwa CI -.r escaped damage and half the whole num. water ageinst and over the wharves, but ears were >strippetd from thre headt in àà tweInty-,ne ines er kiled and over, IV b~~er were eatirely obliterated. choking the sewers and tiooding thre city order to secri jewels of vaille. A few fifty wound"Il Iby 1deputy sheiriffm. The bThe dead were ghthered up as rapidly tromn that quarter.. governiment troops wvho sur'ived assist.str-ike inaugurated 1by theUnited Mn e., ls possrible, tanken to sea on barges and Business suddenly came to a standstill; ed in patrolingthcty rivate"8citi- W'orkers will, f-r tl)& timne being, tri - L 0 l &thera conigned ta their ltoresting caT traffle lwas impossible and railroad mens alsoeare d to prevenit thre rob.3 nite operattions in threOst pr-oductive -111%%piace. This action was necessary to Il comm-unication was cut off shortly after bing of the deadl and on several occa- hard coal liebdIll the vworld. The mine -- ~~~~~~~~~~tct the su4vivo raifromstlence. noon. Wire facilities failed at 3 o'clock Biens killed theofedr.mlyeintenhriedsrctf A odirwit aAolngte 'ec and GalvesIton wasIsolated fromn the lt is said that at one time eight werPnnyninumr bt 14a.000. The A soldTed dirwlesiatrin ot bachworld. The wind increased in velocity, killed and at another time fu.singyI ew T ,rk-ntra :n nn for Auigut membersIlofhe ounpi ni, not known to orerfeid a ma o esst fr te omloin'w'hile the waters rapidly mse and the and in twos and ,thres the offenders inicreased $2NI,-,7 over last J a certairint,loto he aders claim that The er ba iwdewawapnanThe solase- night drew on with dreaded apprehen- were thus shot down until the total of Huinters' rates halve belli agreed upon aboaut s80 per(cent of thinters are or- tacke byhfour ther men, ndho kille sien. The public Dchoot building, court those thus execuited exceeds fully fifty. by the roads east and Iwest of Chicago- ganir.ed. Ie #all of them. He hadt five cartridges in house, hotels-in fact. any place that. of- CITY UNDERM IA A mpoeetut -st, ot $100,000 fered appareintly a gare refuge from the • IRMLLW are to bie made by thle Santa lVe road in A few days ago one'i of the most de- - - ~~~~~~element, became ere*ded to their ut- ,AbuureN..stctvsomsfthcnuycaid Most, Darkness sertted on the city like Boldiere, Baronet. Compel Citizen. to A laurgedeparMen trei maadsttio aieof oulsouten coat. aPail, ramn fell In torrents and the wind h gr.Cvpý.Àlix ti.inoiil east wv dation nin u weltepirt.or A- * shriekedwith the rightful elocity o Galveston was placeýd undér martial aske-d the railroad.s Il minalýtiing in t a etnadaltenihoigdsrc JOi.over 100miesun hour. Buildings crush-law. The tizeans called a cmtgTes-ciy oounafumerofhap cusinsaw'ider district"wasavge han in i L UU I EII U If19 s ed, carrying sdeath and destruction to fto e ac nte finto mniiafro i a y 1 er gea sor o te nTis:ca th.0 F hundreds of people. p.ito-%vs-II heoficr.ofand property immeasuripbly greater in, The best place muade chair-man ndit hief of Police the iutorested ras au a etoe. I wnyfu Ketcham and Walter Jones wrv ae Th t nernveicnenin fhurs heschry of rIe d s t et W eninDEADliN MAY CITIEB• is assistants. Halyws nomission- rihny . 1. . wle~htion organthed an wasorffectvey t ro edtotae hageofpesos ndprp-Pihleph 1a.1Ot.1114lIiiee-, A t e d nt t t e a r wil b he e t n a d c ar ce-f1h a am o ta e t e de d o t i a g s a d b r r s aprueva.l in ] opinion in 1 ord e e a i30 'i z given retur pases ifde, - ity hich as bealle the eopleof Gl- thm in he girf.naj.aFyliniwasdr waycirces tht theNortwestenuan CHIAP 10veryth· farthing s1 who insure promised to "Hie *wil to get Mr*. put you lin will desitro: "Thàenhle friend. Ob ln fault." "I May h ,Youl hav sa Raid, fie] me, too.( tolbe ount o: alone the 1 her.difor e<ryward ; boi IIe-r nost end knitie- gathered , from her 1 "What upon the y "Iam K. dresolut fromfthe r. "I can t: one ennCO! thlrow'ing opinion, b1 ,ut I canl. know h-w She had word, lat, momeint il mur-mured "Surely saved. TI "You s "Whant ther- untU "I- il gadiness; Nesa. with fthe t see the .!K "*I oul bury." sh, -Y-s, th take care ave your "Oh', if "That ib "Ilf as he forget nw Nessa n rapidly 1, followed 1 ing with eager joy after day he was ni face. By ed awa.. his thoug taken to i After ia the cabm; hand: "First, yoU set 1U "Thel' "Ye-; 1 po that yt ingCro'Ps, ".I unrhi "I shal one els. cal. Yi but the n you wiU "Thaiti the hm a "I see day ito mo yo ;bul tions fr, have -1 r nlun-l p.>ymeýnt, ten, ;,fev eludling 1 the hanw- speed lth The la gat'4 to, ,irele b, up befor, removed Eric m with the Yale ('1n withl a wals iet In a fo before h erous te friend interest question outside away*?"' "Will "Certà "If it -1 wil you any helpi us' Worth h anythinl "let 1 the best wear if shops. Cannot 1 thait It c "Illà "Do ii 9 E

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