CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Sep 1900, p. 7

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1 co£nzlt g iXl.-<Cotlneéd.> "Bh. sbah kep heu làn lauinY MUR hi *fsespublig wvufer me, and lsséry if sute ca't Cei MYj glesc o,", tatbWg ubAlib. PS, h.n thé Mn "Ai ths e mé thie jeu Vilidréis Four- hb wM buemds ou lit paye me whai h. slf for galas out mai taily, aspossible, Pessdts'lo. nt te attrait atteuoal onceal Four aHh'i*hle dthat. HRe loilting hal f ',TU <a." b( t. sgrmai. tâdsetoprison, sud '"Tii, yei.-1 caa g L t.L potje« lto the budsetfthe mn wh. "*Lutinether sersnt pe alisé with e VOS dafluj jeu."a canplete change et lothesfor MIs -1h1» b. eu doué thé vrcug, net cal Onuha&me Rat, glosesvi-do et forget tri" dObi Feu monue cothat che la net aa>'tula. Zer saft-" a la taule." "AU iglti Anl rglsi" ltéreptéd Mm.w "X a rnbc adoué ber un IlJaslc." merdissié, lmpatleatly. M"nivien vé'reém -nYe*% =easber an ljusîlc," Nés- dreessai jeu sugest Wb"atther â; &miii uréeli. "sud jeu bave wrongéd "Tbén leil jour man te h. t ths door me, -tee. Oh, bew1i jeu inut thlnis e1 with thiecarnag-ihe bomss eai te thé uc;-wbait anu nattétul cava n uel Wmlofv » that the cailage v»l ge eut tsy alan-to bllesé hai 1 vould rfnoseraujthé goie sumît thé corner et thé stréet.-' te h. met otdanger. ansiletre be te tae "Tes--Ubt tiben ,"h aige .thé troublé Ahle bad! nbrost upoS ";ablduoSt lote thé carriage vith jour a, h~ for teeMy ske But 1 -au mou a servant. if ther are dtectives at thé eowudrd;bati hein de théIr vert." erner et thé street. ller Wi @top thé i Res onetongil hte. SBbc set hm e esibcardage bitors it I5aut gonea dmyards. 0 and kaitelber broen- s &aie qnléhly Thémoment Ioni se tien oeupie in lu sthoredop théem-ia tiat baf *lpp" Arretluig jOUr servant, jeu Wini slip ent a trou, ber bon& .bî tbeother saleand Jinplote theclub 1 1#1hst are yjeu going te f4?" Eric 1 have leftithére. Thé driver bas ordu'a crfed, lu ntréaty, &Iaeinputtus bhl@baud te stan aoffaetonce la thé other direction, oen thse rein.sud, essoonmau hé Sunds lac ut oeiden- 1 au seins te MY frieuf,» och. Nver- scr. h vin oli: uS juhere ho Io te drive es WUésIély "Please taise joui baud té. 'Yeu *1ii tell hlm te taile jeu te tren the ren." FBasifrdsa. lu- Finrnbury, where jeer et 'I eau try. I1<sus tel thé teuti, aud ne frie" ila valtlng lu dreasiti ulaspenseé' oeecan céollet myfriensi whéu thé truistee jore7." hlaik»"l. I must <aIl for belp Ifioyn ."Nett»1,iad Mni. Merrisale. ernphet- s -dtala me." clij. "I'm Dot soins touiiadford's. rft IOn. memet T Implore yjas. Tmc"aehall makte for Victoria, and taise thébrut a throvIug jour Ile uvay. If la sot MY train that lée ibètre; l'Il vire. Neia thé asarapee, et h. paees viee es<n fSud me." p %hbs.sevei. 'You canclut case sjj>un filéns; .riecsedaiéd bis dsuguitgosier a sieb .àt 1 eau An" 1 vWi., though jeudo net incliatmetefthé héad. Fenhaps h.o d Sues boy mieS ait coate mnul noir'lly 41W.1153a «Seiniez, vlch gave 8w. basi ié5550te renuombr those bhmas eppautunitj et bofnendnat-%eea wou'slatr en, ii aehlng rege, ai tb. a lutile Cuthér. moment tner oulu spires hope. Agahn Théeasage drove op te thé suer ai ab; héut dcv. te liste. te bis aeareéiy bMil. Mrnivale ansi thé bouseuaid véré r audfible voIer. Hé won apeuiint rmiier camiag dcnstaira-the latter thiclcs b te bindt f han te ber, as hho urriédiy eflaandi vearin&â aséalakin Mnenuda mwluriar imuEf. vhich ber ates bâditakien the "'Bureilylu esu hé doe. We Shah Eud precctloa te poid té her eva proportions. Metait. Xinla eer life tht han ta ho 8h. vas siied lu tii. sert cf verS, andi mated. That la vhat 1 hase te tuiset." hba! <yen added te thse dagulué a kut ef "Toeu ay yen viii anse ber?' nild Nes- flié hal, vhich &bhee eut belcv thé m blacis sel on tic bocks of thé irla head. "Tee, If jeu vinigase ycurseitY Bête stosi boau ECri e eued théesieur. "Wbt am I te dot" A round bat anud a pair ot eyei vers via- "G te moie place ef msaftét, sud stsy Nbe ovéer thée aiohéeéen thé tvo gates. a, tien. outil I blg our frisaS te ros.- Ergave isacrin te thée onsernald andm "I inOltgote jeur fathé." led ber dean te the carrnage. Rasing icI "Ne," ais CEre, ahakis bs béaS lubat lhé uppued thé doer, anS ahen thé saisie; "jeumonit not go te hlm."' girl won meted, hé pt the portemanteauS NOWssa unS tvasteuch eccIied at thé coacbsuna's est. sajiu D la a e *WUt thé thougbt of ber trieus ecape te vie: Mc thé 515acu11.mi,e< ibis prohbliin. "Rssiford's rdIug t sel. in Flnsbury.c "I cold go te théedlag Scheel la Fins- 'Toushgitonhavé s peusol f yoe Cet ibère0 burj," che suggéstsd. quleklyr. lu hatluboum."I "'Fé, ilsila veli. Tbau gentleman viii Hé teck bis suitbeelde thé beuiemaid. n ta%% e<ire cf 7jeu.%Voit pat"etly. I Wiii ,Mr irl."musal hé.'" itgie jeu ove t gave jour fniens." p-e sIfrjeupreVistsaYme e elg jeur «Oh, If yen do. I viii neyer forget ye." fetes rAe Minutes. A man vilI trj te "Ttt Làsooeiing," saisi Ericta hlm- se. jean facedirémilv; 4e nt lt hlm tue- saut as Ihé turneS avîy. --8h. i neyer teef." forget me." lm$teSoecur bhlm sigu, thé - cuamnwaept dowu thé drive sud aut CILAPTEIt xiv. ie thé road InafSus style..- Thé laboersr Nessat and thé nlins mater paised hlm made a dort ai the boa'cbe. but( thé SI raplj As Brie reachés thé baisonin. Re carrnage bol gens erir ijyards bél arc bt ftieuraed ber iti lii ye,, ilsheurt * o r«ccea i» m ftg, inI hWla vitb regret tuslh. réosémed the steppeS up and sétel hmoeif hmise thé r «sÉ* JeY of vatcblng for ber elnday driver*- thé Othex <eu» te ths aide 0f tlu r citer day, sud rstug tint eucefrth "wé etvînt te msS. lat pieasat, h. vus seser moeéte look Con ibat derar" as é bttsld' a eg taie. E9'au effort o eotielle lie tuom- te'"éas c btthslde o e9 éd soraj, tiat hé mîgusu concentrate an l thé police station vith n. 'Teu an -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e outesie h hu éhs àse-p ut if j eleasd 1 vii take jour slmte #o fr iber. place.' Atter a rnate'a réeltion hé saIS ta "Yomeuvll doeone g oftime kiA I1re- I tic suman. puttilua a Lseéeaiglotabis fuse ta let jeu taise "ladyisy yhee P havi:. onili jeu shw me jour auteth.ij 1 "Fursidrieébick te thé hans eéra tel caapretty son do ibat. 1've ici thé jon set qe Sevu.' warrant luin y pociset, mundI1inow Mm.L "%Té Plues,,ir?" liérrivale theré htter thon ielle nowsc * "Tas; but go bock by a diffrent vay m. se, ihai jour bhersi es Md istoward Char: He glanéedst aithéeuha, aud thén pincis- las Ormo."éd at thhe ufusid vel; but abs vas l l oCrs." r."preparesi or this. andi met thé atiack gose "I ndésiad.air"Weiliibat uve vainablé minutes aéré lesta "I %hal go lto thé houne. But semé-. bétons ber veil varéevéd and thent euP e lse viiicone oui and gt lote thé uywt e one n h nto ~b y wou aI l b réady te aîart au aujiy vt e one ss h ute omtet: yen vii net vait for anythlug- fabse haie. t th intanttha pacon s luthécau iought as mtuch," suit] bis mate. Fen Wiingo.*jumping dean fentébo."h ig 'LiSe a shet; u's lu nthat cab', ansi vs're dunecif wé laTotinse. Twc men are lu front utfcni tcatch It rp."1 thatos@ý With that théy botéS eoff lfer thé I Oneepbouse-he."l rapidi>' venishiug banrum; sylile the driv--f '.cri. sir. mepsedtétre s0' e ofthe victoria, sclii uinkiug outhetlu dur 1 éhu Ineyer enter lotone con- pounsite bc wou. rattleti off in tien uiuîrc1 v ensation n-lis anynne aben Ilve got a ité direction. gentleman fn." lu Muorgpte Street Erie topps-d thé "Goed! Thage men rnay try to top W17rnageI uniS tju iryuis and lakise joir hut jli mugisuDot lett 115c." ' t epstnîateans. tahithé driver tu ré- l'l'Il ite 'cum a sing-if lhey try." turnDte Si. juhans Wood. lit theli, Wiiîg * Whén ih,-j are qiité oui t igut, fou rmont orthe iding achool hé tolund i M-sai. vini opan thé troaisnsd inke Yoîr dir-c- -Whére jmumir Cnicd?" ailé sk-ed. ais- tiens fren thé persoru inside. Whn josu ongly. seeislet aluné. bave set dowu ihat isrson. jeu wiln take ê ebsècie;bth hseui tMscaisite héChniîg Cos Mud.If better et te curne hère." ErierîIid ramnDot there, my fthler wili ive y00 vith a dlicate cunsideration fer thé payint." girls& feelings tevardlitre" itedmund i Hé gave thé carS on ahich lhé bâsd ait- n-hieh led bhla te coleaithé e man tels a fév ords te hi, Ctiler while cson- acîfish metive. "Shé vIl tlegraph te C lodus bis instruetionea.anuS prang lmie you hère vbcn aile Las tounsiaa accoré thé hanoer. Thé driver sarted off ai e place ahéré yen mn>' juin ber" speési that chowesi bis dtermination te "She féared théy miit f oilow ber hère eaua bis pai. ansi flus me. For if auyele guitj it Thé iabo,ers wves-stili vlting ai thé munieat1, Iwho incurreti al those dréasi- corerut, the street. Théré vers tue fui débta. jeu know. gies te the drive tuai formeS e mnu- Shé apokeélu a toue et eanest parsue- circlé héfore the bouise: thé tint stoold ien, visblng te dsashuse ibis nev epen. Cric cteresl Iy tLe net, vbicb frleud's taluS et thé préjudice vhjcbhé bcéliung buscklin aslng. Thé ah dnsv ansi bis faîlj ebiousij éntertainéd op betore that eue. as beincte tomrbaieguist Mm. hedunend. removed frai thé corner of thé Street. *" hoile that no eue la moe guity than Erie sent ic carsi te Me. Mrivalé, yen." Eric replieS tervetly. -'Fe; 1 viii théevorsd&. "on a motter et impur- vimi, h ti viiailsur hbaet.teeoryeur tance." vritçen under bis wonvsaSs. Thers le a drém a .thii valise for aboya ut. asistting m-oi. )Mra. Mcmri- Yeu; jeu la"bas. te niie a jeunnér. vole cftene ovui a coupis et ofminuâtée, undSIlu venif hé Imposible lu that iding witi s lois cf aurpise en ber face, vblch habit.", vas Dot Icsened wvintA mb cguisi hber "Oh. hcv tbonul f fber'." éxciairnes visite. Neasa; "anjene but' a tune tieusivoiuld laà s év ara VCm-k laid r. th ierclécsebavé heen concernéS omi, dbot fier evui ne gave the téeflSsat.,ate uMDsa&& "A gret» as Il couwtrajeuvitit he victoieandieuh. Do unéoue MWa&- .oent let thé cairdage go. r VIII vire fui' 1er lustrucieus. Thé aiSce frous vblhi te ~a»Qu mn vas Victoria; theré vu most a varS kboni Neste. BEntes heart houafiesi iti "Théeboulier sainmlhé sav o jegt ont I thé victcria ai thé corner of thé reL" sad theélterk. "T**eu; It hagene back taelt. John's Thé dénis Yeok bock utheélegraM i viU aslsrug acf- thainkesi Cric. "The-itlane télegean lfor Mie. Gm- "Noue,.sir. If îny uhonides o I iii ring lu lu at tee."* Nessa ceu.devn. eharSiag lu ber furi. Thé admiration ln UrIeis face told ber that, If ber gise had faJW it¶jle se. '*No mmésagé bas cerne fer. me jet?" shé saiS, inuerrcgatlsély. *'Noue." "lu so tupisi te expeet cneoutil uba bas n asisratste menS me. I1aâjbase ta wtt threé ce feue houri."be passit, end then asdési, ber preity qée. ivink- ug.t "I amnafraid I canat tiulc jenu 1aboutit jet a vile." .1 "'Wit Yen tSud verdi ta tiuk me r îsny fiudtvends te biS jeu tarevell-neit betoeé" Thot la just vbai iii vanted fin ta say, end héie outi It n ee4y se h@ couilS vIah "Wé vii leave boti iS tbi laitmoa- msent possible. 1 challhé g&Md ta put le OU for quitp a long vila, tai lier. anc sAD usy îsr'iosa hat I1vW"hte as jYeu, and-and f u!suahi>' have iuueb about this uie.. Erie carried i ier off te a bote! andi they «té togethér-Nésesa abovlng a verj prêt- y itseinlnber sélection cf dses. anS hé>' langueS and verse happy, tbeugh ach bad blacks cane close et bud. Nessa wiiesi te make beseîfagréeshi.. sathé ruiy vay lua hieé aie ceeuSk express ber gratitude, vbihc Eric abancsibimseif e héhedelight ut the nuenntsudtput raj yait gisomir tbeughts for thé gloin> leur tii p muai coeé ii a practical phlieophj ssnj possible te the jouug. Itejd'usle. .énis, areconmeuffing thé setel ai vhich thé>'dineS. hadpromiseS hat If ajy telégrant for bkaiapme la lurrnngtheir absence, h. veould séns I on by a uu.siéoge- aione. Néai' bye sours bildpasacil ince uey letthé riding acheni, ansi ne meaaéngrbcd! aine. Evéry muinulte aSsed ta thé proe- bility ibat Nemsa wunie é cmpelled te acepi ibi fstbenscitler. - (To lie continue.> FAT MEN 0F OLO. Whet Tise' Bld ta EIffuesThein Wéigbi About 210 A, B. We kaow troin anciént blatery that sorné of thé lrmatent mca et thée lS werîsi vers fat but Ih lanevs ate.beau bhat théy vere troubies luthelu' minda' un that accounit. Banting la generahhy soppoaéd te lhe an invention et thé prés- ent century, but that uic Io flot thé cse l ismhsan b>' thé tréatIse by Gaien un thé fonds Lest adaptéS for prévéni- ung. or reslucing. obéiu>, vblchbhas îew héén édItéS for th i Ot Urne ln the original GreS bj) a Germen schehar. Prote an inteu-estlng account buppliéS by a vrlter lu thé LaureL ve learu tiai thé treatisé lu Question, vhici vas wrlitt seméviéne lu thé second cen- iury. A. D., ws n lcovérési lanlBdO ud purchamed by the BliHotbeque Na- ulusuale, Thé US. vas frequent>' ne- !errcd te hj enclént auticrs, anS théré seérnc ne reason te dbubt IbatI h la really thé vork of tue fanleus pijal- clan. Be thaui arnyIl la noté- worthy that the ireatIse la a sientifie ticlpation et thé banting system, wbléL becarne popular about thé midi- dile ot thia century. Galén déprecates thé use et dmugs. ands ale that thé proper wey te reduce fat la by dieting. ile recommenda eatlng leese, culons. mutard andi nasturtiums, smoug green herbea.nsd glatis vhlcb banl:rocks andi birda !rsqueutlug motnutaini, rnay. iug that squatte brds are fat-produe- ers. One et bis inoat curions hinie la liai vegétables vhlcb bave béen pré- servei in vînega or brIne are teod for thé fat, and hérein hé anticipates the "rnlxéd picksleu," vLhcbl are considéréS ou thé continent te Le a purel>' Engliah invention. Soie of bis recomnirda- lions réuss ver>' cornically novadaja. but ail et theni are full et commron suence, aud it seéma exiraerdhnary that Sa rnuch k-noviédge should hé huai te thé worlsi for s no auy jeans. There i tiothîing new under the sun, net évén tiue preléfit crazé fer a allai figuré, and Gaèetréatie aboys us that al ter ai petipié o? 1700. jéars age vere men et like passions yuL ounelves.-London Globe. One Waj of Lookins aitlt. -Look au ihis, -ill you?" exciélmesi the éclaté anti Louse-rentiug optitnét. --ln tbis punjer theré la a reçcord of eighty-csnveen marniage licénsé, sinéti ys-sterulay.' -Welh. e-bat of!lu?" saId bis pantner, thé pessissulet of the flrt. Who vas léa- Ing back lu a chair u-lt bibIhat pulled due-n over bis eYec. "Whai of!1l"?' cboed thé ether. -Cnultiyen cee? Those cigbty-seveu marriagé licenses menu elgtyseven unarriages. The sdghty-séven mrnalgei w-Illead te elgluly-sévehi inquIrléesfoi boiuses, liste, or ai heeist éligible apart- mieute. It's bound te silmulate busi- ness lu our lue. ansi vc'll get our share."' "lThai Soesn't tellov ai aIl. These elghty-seven licenszréprceni on. bundred aud seveniy-tour persans, don'i theji" "Probahly ail adulte." iAL1 F. n i I WWIAL. "ew 'Yo -h nS réAceiesueS ta thé anthracie ceai miersand the off- ctie niuncemet et thei îihoiation by thé Germseangerniesut f a Iran for 80.0Ejtus)O marks vers the- rrrt Impel" tat elSèr-it'nits 1thé a-t. Thé net recuit t thesé bu lieea to r-oeea fur- then mlisht uumetilbifng et irrs-ltive cou- dttionrs. 'luéiefeeling hi hésitation eus thé part ot bayer% vas liegis S db>' thé Ccir that- Ameieu ubaciptiols îte théeCGer- mon bondIsse.- voclil, uèc,-sitaté the ahipquént o eteiri mlilIondrrlaes mor gousi Iis full. dotar aie thé téneral ait- nsation la concernréS, ceiditroni. lu mhort. are prneiscaIjthé, iaèé aas those that have éxisîs-sifer thé hst thicee t our veeiss. Munej ébègueottir lowv troux, New YFork te tiche oisstnd West, but tbis moveineni buaont ci lieLd auj lu- ieue on rates.2l:crsurs réserve oC thé New 'Frs baak*itacorinaithé neigbborhood etf*25,00.000. or ai prae' tically thé bigicat pot ceea eat ibis tuée lu thé lest six jeans, Thé, cidai staté- meénte sorthé Western haute aime show laege remiersés. aS ed s-y thé drain upon lie EButeranfirme>'ceters viii thîs railiprobably bhé uch ligiter thonuuul. Chicago--bléf feainre of thé e i'à business ou thée od et 'riSdeivea the excellent demand traiahrouor for abeel sid crunsimd a ionS. ticugh lésa press- ing, inquir>' trou thé saineé ourcesfor note, ryé anS baléy- 'The sales made tr expert Thuridaj vére Liavier thon for au>' préviens dey foc thé présent meeon. jet viti somnewaet diminîshed dornetic secelpis thé asiveuicéthat co- curneS in tie pris vis b>'nu meea ne- maekeblé, hélng at thé élose-futbthémar- Set Saturda>' euly about 3e- aboyé thé price ecurent ac'itthe euS et tbeprecédîng vécis. Another laceutive te the pur- chosesafCht cameS thé advance vas thé comnplainte ibat veré being ceivéd tr" thé Nortnto f tunrteariens damnage to thé eailaesMai t-sterin>' eithen. The huile avbiséI persistcut bélliévén inua ainait rap:tsi inux aeat jýsvng béée eimed lu the Noeget this eaien. sa enrlulon that the biesreLavé es strén- ueisly denied. It laneni>' nov thaf thé test o! thé reelpti could lic-applied anS thèse are béglunlug te shape se favor ef the cotendees for a paitial falînra Oieuid turtien ceufirmation ef a imilan baader hé tortbeemmuebre inutonu- doubteddy beh igher prices. if tic expori demaui continues. If, hoeeée.assas- asoihY thé béais. thé priceutempir- Usvel>' igit récélisisof heat at Minus- spolia anS Dululi asesdite ie thé vet vesthér, ansi chouid tein ucreame vben tiéré, la au improsemueut in tihat respect, tien thé question et price migit hée an- svered la a différent smner. Thot cern viii jueld a vesat crut. s nov prac- ticali>' setie sund M1th proshices sud consuméres nsj hé eougratrilated on that bappy conuumatleu. Tac thousai milion butiels of cr m lsabout témixe et thé crep nov tail nseured. PREPARINQ FOR PLAGUE. Gemeuite Be CulItured in SPçciauti Conitrueted Lahoratone'. Thé Nevw'Fork Board ot Héati are deternined teaJesse nothingaundaenl tué vaj cf prepariag fer fthé possible ap- pgarance et thé baboni l iquéilutient Dtj. They hope thét the iseasié ilI onet crns the Atlantic, Ldt ilsej réalIse that ie cering ls qulte posible. Thé diagnociliand lie iréatinent. preventîvé anS cratve. cf thé diseuse rest almost éntirel>' upon the remi t fbactérlological ln'reetigatleu anS thé facilîies for <arc>'- Ing on sncb verS shouIlS L e nxceptiou- able. Ovinr te thé péculler sirulence cf thé germa auch investigation ceanai safelihenducts-d in ticermouler haLr- istaels, anS cnseilrenliaàs»w (cee alîl hée huit ai a ceeu ot $2.000. Thé név becteriological laberabor>' viii resémbie freun thé outaidé a om proot" moesthen snything else.Itu viii hée constructeil ot teel. altb seIlS aphaît vais. Thére viii ré munichiiiuné or ain- dovu. The ligilirre niii bc by eléctric- h>'. Plana have beén deusyn fer a 25x 5o totaitigbt srcureneé. bl yl Le récied eauoce onn thé grena et thé >RéceptiounIHospital lu Easti Sixteth 1tréét. Thé building otidé sud lu viii hée impervlons tewaster anal venmin. Noi a mnaie onrfly vili Lé ahlete enter thé germe BiléS roosus. Thé vals bélcg ef ocee, vii L e .ele ta e nécéis Sii>' iinté<tlou and su var.Llg. Tieré viii hé a precésu et disinféction foe' aIl drain- usée. Bvery peecrsîtiun vil hé taken lrr >sateguard the aur-Secs lu thé laboratory,' iwbo are taeéxpatimnut and lear sul tIsai 1la possible lu regard te tlW -nature of the g erme,. _________ IMMOrBFOR FIVE YEARS. Aricaltiret Prednclm EReceived trous Frank H. Htirrechie! oC thé sec- tion ot toreigu mrarkes et the Agrîcisi- tural Déirnmen'. Los prépacéil a bulle- fin mlieing théeuvainuesud charueler of oar iprieulturali inîrrrtisfroen ech toc- elgu country for tLe lise fiscaeat-sirs, 1M95te 189. [t ul-w5 tuai ourtauicul- tm-aI impiorta hLss c bril an ave'rage un- uel value o!r of w1478,etubicin moes iamn-lursbiit camé frein troîsical cnunies. Brazul. the leadlusg source oh our ceffeiupîily. mnît us 15 per cent of 1our total sgricoltircaiImpoîts. théeUit- éd Kiteoîco-nue it xi iSi9.3 peu cent.' 'Cuba vas the- third coutry, siigeu runng ber parti-stage upte 7.5 pec cent et thé total. Jalreu andi China acre fifti suediti, respéctiveis. Ths Pilippiue Isianss et us 1.2 pri cent et thé total r Brali'i experts lu thé United States avéraged 854.l11,3111a a éi. coffee ex- pense ulonie nnosmntiuug te $4,700000. * Tbe !niisd Kiîuidom sansunannuisl $34,131,8M, o! ahieh yoodaveragesi $12. 075,000 a yean. Cuba's agricultursl ex- parts te thé Unitedi States averaged $27, M0.7198, Haaui's experts te ns aven- aged $M1,189I(t. CIassis sent yeaniy r Ml*-FINGER WAS H89S NOSE. 1 Noe Waeiler Thila New Torker Huea * ah in laDeons' su ilua. * Tionis Olver Colt. #iie bas gne tirengi lite fer taent> Yeans vit a Oin- gér fer a non. ic again lu Cellésci hoa- la ludlan Terrttory. &Pd drastlc as the application uf thé prohbition law by the courts may hé, severallUndi of in- toxicaton matdi defy AUl tatuterY Pr- Vioons. Arnug quantitie@ Of Ja-03 ca ginger are consurncd lu trie terri- tory. The stores bandle ginger as a' Wegtimatte drug. A teaBPOOnful wlil ease choklng and eoughing for several inutes ln a£ throat uuacnstornéd in swaUtowing the powerful atuf. But there are men ln the terrltery Who drink two or three bottlesl a day wltb apparent saUtaactlon to their educated stomnacha. More Jamalca ginger le sold ln the Indiau Terrltory than ln hait a den Stastes wberé whisky sfilling la Red mInklu another favorite terrltory tippie. This luaflot a' nichasme for mrnétling ele. The ordinal red misk which the bookotores of tiie States uni for wrltlug purposes la a beVeragé ln parts oft tis country. Thé lait drinker of cultivated tantes wlil buy bottins bY thé baît-doxen at a Urne and îwallOw the contents wlth rellsh. Ess8encet *blcb seli elséwhete for flavorlag Pur- poseu are drinks under thîs civilisation. Aaythlng whlch bas a basie ofu41C-0110 le In. dcmand. Intoxication la crave&, Mnd the tcuiach of the Indian Terri- toury drlnker does not quarrel wlth the furm ln which I Cowne. Wood alcohol, accouated poison lunrnost parts cOf thie eouâtrj- 15consumed lu considerable quantities. The peddlers buy it ln 0k- lab.osns dilute It with water. and oeili It by thé put on thé othér aide of thé One Touch of BéaUty. In the dismai tenLemeut, lfre Often Le- cornes as gray and bianis as thc grtrnY watts. There thé sîmpléat ornament, thé conimonesi rerinder et the cern- mndmént thai we muet flot Usve by bréad atone, often givçi more oomfort te the vcry peor tban the food or rnoney whlch cbarlty supplies. -> The author cf "A Ten Ycaza' We" gises titis picture of One or his baffles ln théelume: The @ua, fy re onomne of the ten- metiern as if tbey were made for <vaste. Mont decldedly, there leunot mtu swing the proverbial cat ln anY une of thern. in one, 1 helpéd thé eilidrén lantito- daky to set up a Christmnas trec, se tbai S glimpae of cornthlng Dot utterly @or- « an msean mlght for once enter their iliva. Tbree weékaluter I round thé tree standing jet lu thé Corner. Ih vas very eold. and ubere vas no lire ia thé room. "We weré golng to, bur le.," sald thc Utile woman. wbose bushanol wac ln thc Insane asyinrn,,*ancb then I could't. it looked noe Isnd o' cbéery-Ilue there la thc corner." My trée huid borné the fruit 1 vichéol. meint bgy y's Criai vhinl15 pm. ably oeo.tlo lit hilesised t*-" ien socitrl, doesai.,. sàdhu"lthec w ur- he cmosr ubic i Ildiffuse aItr KDvsgI". *Mt&. Tu*titad jI rs.surst à.eiln T Aue m .udmoeÎ "av te tii. wc et atow uiu a b"t.thé MW' âquld >gos, wbleh M ba am Lijid OMM m l.Prices luclalmgthe Miii i. liquid foc n bd IssaPUpisti01ofthe. omm gssnam- Deniity cf Population tu Cbima. China's 1,30,000 square miles su:- port a population of M83000,000- Which tla an average of 292 pensons te the .square mile. Shantung la one of tbe 1mont densély PqPuiatéd provinces ln thé Chînese empire. The average or population per square mile la 557. A Powerful Llght. Cape Grignez. on the French toast opposite Dover. ln to bayé a new dec- trceilgbt that vl be vsible forty* elght ries off. It viii be of ,00,00() andi. power. and le cypccted te pierce f og for a distance of clxteen miles. Il 1vili give oui a white flash. Tour Poor Buck fAches and aches and ache,. Etery moveé vment burn. Standing, lylng. uiting, 1wahking, always aches. Ye mali have -relief if yen n iii. science knowa ivhy yeur bacis aches. Science bas gisen the wcrid Dodd's Kidney Pis. They neye' fail. Thoncandis who baye doubted Jusl as yen do now. havé tried and proses atumb.."Their-évidence yon have. Thé, ssj hher baye beén cured. Many hsd tried éverything else and given up hope. Many bad heen xiven up hg the doctons. Theaay that tbéy haveben cornpletli acured by the use cf DodsKlduey tPile. you. too, may hé curi-d. Docotc suffer a mornene longer. Be acre yen set the genuiné Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. An Artificiel Larynx. f Thé larynx of a n in Sydney, Ausl trai&. becarne uselesa,. through disease, and hé iost bis volce. Professe, *Stuart, of the University cf Sydney. hmade an artiticlal one. and It cau be 1 se régulaiéd as te niaie îLe'volee so- tprano, tenor, contralto or basa at vîl. * Wbai Do the Chiiaen uDrinkt? r Donlt ise them tes or cafSEs.Uav r ,utnîso thé new food drink ciilsd t "IN-07It la déicicu sud aOurish- iý ing. aud takea the place of coffe<p. The. m jors Grain-O yen gise thé chldrén the. mers health jeu distniute thrcngh their systena. Qr 0-0OIl ade cf pare traina. 8and whéu prcprly prepareol tatteslUn *théehcicé egrsdes er coi és% but cini about % au mach. Ail grocehs saîi IL 1ne y &ad 25c._______ An ObJ«t Of Iluteret. Itéctor-I neyer lu my lirfe toucbed a *congregation as 1 did thîs rnerning. EvérY ee w ai en me. %ýoouDa he Wabtac. Bnldget, Len*yb» dun Intentive gS-& mlus whlch displaje itulIf, net 9niy throngh thé médium et elahoraté a" mysterious "made di*hWs, but la ethen vaja es vWOU. "Bridgét, did thé Icernau failtencorne to-day, or vhat la thé reason thére vas ik ne In luthé watcr-pltcher at dînnen to-nigLt?" asked Bridget'a ristréss oee bot summrnr evenlng., 'He cae, mlrn," mid Bridget, "but thé ternette away no faut on me that 1 thoughi 'twas weil te cave it ait for feue Mi thé 'frigerator, and onet héchlppinn it off for the table. in i filed thé pitcher hait an bour betore dinner vas aervéd,- 311111wM rnlr, and 1 set Mary Ana to tananlIt . ha JFS V whlch aie did againat ber Wîi. thé lazy n» W créature, np tilt the véry minuté Uic folks carne Inte thé dinlng-room, rnl!" EXCUJRSIONS TO CALIFORNIA. Camsfotable und baéxpeunive. Our parUies leavé every Wedno-sdaY frein hoth Chicaç and St, Lenîs, Join- tne at Dever.,Theu peetthde graudest Ev,: scenery in thé world, ever théeIi Grande Iailreadn. À fiw hour' stop te aie Sait Lake City, sud cm via Ogdea te e. 4 thé cornai. A apécial agelnt le la charge of «aCh Party, m rthé tonaIsleeping cars are eintertable sud exqusitely f~ c<esn. - Lét me gise jeu fu particulars. Write sud lacose 6 cents in postage for au'Crat.fei l llutrated 72-psgé book h atet hcago. The Oowes-nor's Son. < Thés- are telling a gond ltory In &1#fco'rntué expeusé cof Gev- _à orné of a clie ask.d te name thé Gev. érnon cf Uic Bitte. On rélyilg that ,li did net know 'hW as told by lmi U e teacher tu e% iibIs failier that nigft. Hie returneri next meming to report: *'Weil, papa saja hé la; butbhefotross e much 1 donut kuov." -Tut, Gratas-Cm Twy Grain-O! Thé pîupoi Au jzour G<eeerto-d yt hwynacentitaras préSgen <JAINO, hé Th ed e drink tha talas -0c p tlace ew féo.dhé - Mot tehIttr may t*uilpaee of vithe lryas éd that ont, à l itii aul.Ai wo try11e IL 100 yjéti l 0 tgtI-0 ba icb aa wurya0f 43 vcmèn t Seha i d'ur a m éProu pure enai IcvIt Wthout distrai. oli ris c born ô weoi lue. 1 and 25é P"rpahtenSa onss cf Fn la' a greces.that eut of Zý Plwst AId te thé Impecunieus. ot age, 147'q Grapter-1 lef t my poeketbeok 0f 389 Etgi borné, sait 1 bavén'i a penny l lu Y betvéi1881 dolthes My, tend me a river, viii ou? sud .240 vs, 1111 ratures i. to-rnorrov. Dr. iré'efa 1'boy-I'll do better. Heéeî a fémala p«M UISBdo,ýg. ungo borne ase t iTour éslc5O pocketbook.-Phlladelphia Press. tabléla _____________ e etaad il LIte Dtt fRubet'. noeéGesea A rew lité helt la made cf iheet niib- llhed by ithe ber, whlch passiés rounid thé ne, perW iM ii acroca thé chest sud round flié valUt, ord la the in sud canuhé Iluatesi In one minute bj rnany sud It théeiuouth. Is v.éleght la about one and third pli Pound, andi It la allke flexible, Ilght, and- easlly placed ln position. "Dî i l - YA F«? O TMEBOVULS. o"n eaith, t NO maiter vbat alla jeu, beadache ta a hbeaith of eti cancer, jeu viii nover #getdlvAS étil jOUi "No; 1 cou bovels are put right. CASCARETS hélp nature, cnrs e u ithout a pripi or Pan and h. eu rocete qnaturel melt. mae y nu ut 10cents to tari gttlng jour Moeé ibm- bealth bacS. C AU BUCEudCa- carulu bac air thartlc, thé gencine, put up lan étl1 boxés, everj ishlet bis C. C. C. isP"d A 1ev en It Bévars'etaof u. stnlmal Dlplitierha -tua RuasIa. In Rungis. elésén laboratories are en, gaged ln the manufacture uf dipltherla sétrum, la whidh thé mtie people place - great confidence, and bot vithout rea- son, as lu 44,6131 registarcdcasies ln whlch ceruuu vasued thé déti rate vas but 14 per cent. against 31 per cent etfUtce(6,507 casés la vhlch It vas not employéd.Q for whacl ]Lises efAnimais Without pF0D0'41. A horsc viii lie tveaiy.flvc duiti phIi5am vithout colid food. nerely drlnkIng certain cm îbter. A bear will go for six montha, thé 1Ki" w hite a viper ean exist ffe , oneU dauscrd 1 vthut ted. A serpent la confine- Fbkb eh, m ent bas bien knovn te refuse feod if c f tfor twenty-oné menthe. lîgesin~ Kilt Elsh at Onoe. and pufi Flâbérmen lu Holland 5111 ail 0mb as thé iltb somon arn théy arc landel, wvitle French drain. R, ,,Ishermen. ou thé contraiy. sow them healtb. f1 ate -die of suffocation. The Dutch eWl- Medicine- ytom in the rlght one. hecanse flab that Srarc propérlyillléd are, la.btter condl- D d t l u res table- Zas D o i 111eu alwvays tll *ben Harry Las 1tndulp4 hirnecît ln au extravagant F Iuncheou dowfl towP," - "Boy do yod tll?"- r --Hé nlways cornésborne and wants ta tréat mrné la atrolley ide."-Detroit - Frac tees. * Mase thé bowela each day. la ane rto e hé eaty thia la ncceeji. Acta I. géntly on the 11,cr and kidueYs- COces a ck béadaebé. P-ire 21 and 180e. Th" a hEasy. * It la easy enough runnlug late débt, bot yen rarely get eut et It ai thé smi * aît. ________ Piscs» Cure ln thé béat mediclue wvéý r ver uicd or ail affections of Uie tireat rn su uug.-Wni. 0. Budsléy, Vsubunma,_ * md.. * 0,îIo Thé extensive arid réglons et North. @ e Mexico are te hé Irrigated by canais frein aid exténdesi W>ythéet"ederal and State geverurnents. i b r- h h Raille Caterrh Car%. lai ntenafly. isicet Tes was cultlvated lu China 2,700 yeara before the Christilan era. and lu that coutry il warn Onrt used as a bev- erage. Tbe iianutsctursta of Carter. tlué bave bad torti year< *xprience katainsjut, and théy tértailuy Mow 10w. 5ki erfr Under thé old Mosale law the Hle. brews were flot aliowed to wear Sai- nients ot rnixed inéil or wool. Rach Package, of PUTNA19 TADe- LERS DYIO colora elther S$81, W.l or Cotton perfsetly ait o»a boUla Breakage of propellor cafttat se, eoits au immens su.m nualy la Mal. vag&.__________ aicgat Mn.i plaid viij Mi Tran,- èrce, bave rveul. It it es tbe m I mode sat caugisu i iat burni- tle eCeit thé soen aveetea et y, lu toxe lwe g. PWen eus. fq thé myWM eu Igum vie asimprie r sud-eus- lhabint, nt uascu -- "1w"" lu an Émcp se t1~ v. ut<~ -ia bre." -o &aet atI~ ot secesa te té#ei bult e maietéu tera. v , a (6 m sa aepqlao* nd te mm ire. u ISuyt à thé cals ofth la ut b lic isgo h vici plugaop Resire tic Kidffl l'lucr la -w ueiC

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