LOo aKiopsel. l»Wl SN miii. mssee. vinlb Dr Talmuge eami 3" fsistoM lPais, lb. Analyses the hi sosit5 01 het ti i. ;sue-anti rgssYeu ki Ciaus te etrcel mie qualifuais te i ShUtb t*. o, esalnmm alu Christ& sortis-vino its. 1 . n et la enons iL, . Ivii 'RaVi,-Atauj imin basé Dot rteé spirt of yen 0Im a Moret h15 leth u a i 1 lssmt 4.posiilou. Wthoiet 1!e ea-lne ,4t b. happy orslersor mise cuer aja happy. Whoue a v ae lesit domtempes ore-lse leciema hpgutiotndem suoneliglt crois, mai >é siiddela vkeu tu new appreeitiotiThe. et rdpnr qu#)pofetnature. W. ii bld, v* iatibenu horst iti mmnf-balsice. We sas. PSu theilpeoples vinea hae inaelven out hhoéU<k lits itiiont soy perturbation, >ses fimi vs latter ourselvas that hoveer 1lit-limi a t selfcontroi y, Mayi unvbave, the ont, ýt1me viii ce., namer ti- proceaof etnsa ýyér%, vien ve viuliehanellovet sud lire seteneti Andtuthé vong thînga vhieh are Car lu n. novevil than ha&sl iah, fterutl bem et tine tactStht a cvii habit lu onr ns-.Pcm turc viil<tua lhttaiarcam pruprtloie 5h sud tbat au inmiltj Rant emurmctet i vii L" becttme the geapîitthee- et a viola <nu- trs frsUon et italquita..gSe mat peSP"le vitii- Fut the gressaet led In ritns truls And .-Mt sumldt" ii asuojances aud exasperatonl 4 tt tite 4'. Apt te becose verse lat«d es@ ai btte? . fait Novr, il0*trouble 10 Cat evs bhue-ss t thisj mbtoi.* la h ratins vs-M a m wi01ito &4isgedibSwCsst he chianget. àAmu u W Imm «Zam rsnlivcibls la inSe, sm4 1ilas etlst cP it." Anathe Dinsu 8*78. '1s-îtA Mir futinastnrall, anti I csa'titblp t." ve : .elp. Anmi telisle dm'tttb. Ni -ni maa, cas cee-e-c bis dspoition. I nvet my( ~ksev àa mn hy --force ot resoiutloni te Pa' auebsteuperanint, bt bit bis ls *5e:r. <lotsfieawsj (insu vhi l 18Ot d 1eng sudpt, la lat vlch ls rlgt, ti ~~~~~O 411ev nat owu1e peupe vine vi mFuee ue alonssore >)nt the ôoppe'uM #et et0 t t y usedta Cciha.lu other et ivoeda,, vs#May tir the spirit et Geeltoe 0 s.thé disposition et Jeans Christ Ian- te ta*ed lu our mfrpostion, anti ve met t lb ~s.il don.e or wvi ii neyer sea.incarn. lha sul,=astan Bant the dispoitniton et lie X. t rbist, his lanouaetfbis." Tu A sptit o ent ulseeas la tbe tirt place fie sprit t Christ ,rut vms» a spirit uftentteneas. Ssstuau lit minde wrtlful utrance again*t F?1armssAntihypoaritci, but tlist Ait bé vendsr eeilutiand <ctIe aud fai lahsusu aud lueliensîs. aud atte-active."n 'Wbnesw minidr the tact that lia wonso «MMnPotent asddCeuaihavue Ibru ate iu-ei~ Ides asants. thne venter l8astre-. Ws ott u thbe perseetie nd outinss «~ tii.Wvend becouse WCncanet bell ifi. 0C-raust adurtif vbu ea .comi bsve n bb"met l.Little chlurea vie siwasysTi o u tjkrongi nra'usietInto lbis Po antiis sdClambrçtion hlien util he v r"ebeuge ixte aiettoi t théinleu wa.Invalida noseomre tb votants that ~tbey "c out utbear te usve sioesth Avoue ns.? tient bped tiCrit jout tete te is band ompen tieons ootandmat o i M. The moine- vitinthe istcieat chiidbv v iasivilin te psurie hilen eeIntu Cirines arum. Self rigiucoos peepe ~a mu ntffl ite islraeure %aiti a ventasn et tianastiharacter ant mai. *Nov, 99 saimhilte he, bluest ber. kilil ber. h. Jasas loetet ber matd sa nie, ivas sur- V y andti us5etat, anti lie luoeta et uherm, adt b. m linay wves 1rou adterareo tat aid Mailguant. sot hae sait, _Let t b-inmtat làutont gsu cast tii. rt I atome at be."' A lint sman &et bj tins vax" iemaknsai<e-et ste shoth4hi lee of ricues. Thsy tala hlm t ute i u p sud net boher the Mater. Christ a 'ep.4 te hlm anti mii, "Whaf viît thonli ". t 1t deo nte theeP' Ganticuags orut -voie. <entienesa ut manr, gatteeuss et lie. et W' WsAiladmire I, viether v. bave auj a 'et lu or nef.Inu as the reiginmuntalu bluff andtheinascarreti crag lv o ioei dovu hâte lie caîn laite et thée- fet andanti s lise toromieut wlntee- loes te marge 0 lto lie îonshluy spriag, nu the muet çmi-- elpitate ant Iimpulsivent Irascible na- torure as& at ublufi et lin atieuass ot t kClwtrtst. ov"iittlaewc 'ave A iil! MaiE Uttilepatience lu treatinit vitb enamiea!. W. bas se htte et theiregatînneu oret Christ vs are net- irta;o Chrisltian wvatn boit thue OIme. W'a do et knov inev te etofru lie berett orte aencourage theh 'Ulssrtuc-lor te taie are ut the por.q XvBen oui- voie. et symptbj in on tlié1 vrntas pitei.9 Tie Band f imumphy. - a Xmy tmnter instiber se-m puf eut et joint. - an w snirers la(thn connte-y and teube seiginiOtScame lu, andt la vre ail sympathetie, sid tber laid beitiofutte se-mu ati puileti anti pu&inelmightiîy Unil the angulsin vaa mtdpabli; but the aura d iti nt go te Its p*n. Then the. oid conlty docter vas sent for. andtiebt came lu andti ifeh ounchit as ail rigit. HcPitnev jnsf vbett tea pubis Suge sud ut boy talunch theshboue. W. go onttaluOue- Christian vomk i viu tee-nogît4nds su tac eeunammpetistk a maner, anti v atIla eue rerit, vhilee soenshCislta, lathe gentienese et <suntat, cins l uptsbils hand ut syusatiyon ia smé pot-the tee-n 11- aets are heiei sti ths dfiturbeti heasesae-srejoîneti. Oh.futeSçgtti- A usife Christ. Theii.tI ne unssmmer pîgit viliise-t complain tme.gendtbtas Btfty Caribeant whlmintis. Mev Important I la Ibat in1 I u gasfortin te serve Christ vse saima-t -hn ofi bishl gntlspiesslata tnthlia ay1 va hae-r oreives irlen on are aesault- .d? The. vile la an eja fer su eje, a teetin fr a baoth, rtoet fr refr, surcaum ftee sarrasu ýMireGlvans as mciias hé séndul Jctte- avimile yeo ilok op ltouthe tare et Christ, anti jou ian bts gentleui-ss, snt yon gay, "Well,.nov, I must do tiffersut- W." Tinen yoîme prend hert say: "2Nov 'yen havýe Four onnmy lu a curner. -Tan. ivin iharet !hlm lu a corner agin.1 yChmmnisa hlm,éant tbluet lu ini g." Sue va putpoee uegentlentesa et Christ. Dit yo tver kmev n.*y diffculty t e ha Iealeti b7y mmranity cri hyprritînlant? Abot frty-tlî-e yesrs ugo the Prasinylé- rusa Chue-ch vams plit hâteothene névseiool1 nl the mmiii cinol. The chasmn got iwldar and vIder. The mesu oteageous persan- ilias vere iitmiuled l. Gooti men un on an uile uumtineuaticd geti!men ou tine ouier sid. Wimir anti -ider tins chaimu got, mutilil miter awvhlie sèe isguetpepl triai1 antier tucit. an t ley hgan ta cS-1 - liti en-'t insAr-t tisght of yen." Yen o Vth 11111 Il *Ser - vaut yte 1 Cinfli P rbouges. gi.ý' He as, "If ton th, nete MIbmoge agaîn, l'a kick yen iîe ir on saoy, "rit pet yen dowx!' me 4. se,b. 9a7a; 'T'UlPut Yen dovu." uf eitOne day the spirît ot Christ conus t W y051, sud you go orer andi sy: **MY na otier, gire oms our inan& .Ttie la art, sud eteriity le nes. ,sud vs Can't ord ta qüarrel. Now, let inYgouem ha 'eues, sud lot us act 11k. Chrlstltis.' sa ail steti. Ho? iythenSgentie- an et Christw. Mvte Love tke,. 5tber' la Did Fou 5e? ev owadrauhard reclsii5- ta by mlriO et bis staras dste"uI Pr mthîck lotue or bis hicrengis? No.am sa ouuy madtieu bis bralu. But jeu go m h aln sujet hlinukov. jeuapprecilate » ba u a svfi atruggle hé bas yli tiche h ,i hnabit, sud jeu jet bins kI mV tbst onbv hssen uaqoalu3teati th Peuple t ho vers tievu lu the ems s4.pths vinho li <th acsetf Cod barsve n raeuet.inm ebière jour volce. b. ruspoade le bat im npstimj. sud b. la saveti. Ton cannet Ild ltshenrd Inte anYtling botter- Yen jy attract R»t atsmsstblag htter. ni he sterialeatsti cames ont trorn It lng plsce am se, "I wiii morange this i .,, Adi lubiovs uopen theo ses. liait the. ses ls aroiuseti or a fortno et i.C la inromssed, jet net the. entire At- h' néd. But after awvile the anoen cernesF stcau, ani piacit.i. t chinai uiton ithe su ad the. occan begins te litft. IX au- l macs ail the llglanie; liea hach la ail C wereti. The heurt titroait oui-,ne ri ld eting agnlnst tiheuert brolaout notb- venord. Tii. atori coniti net ronce the r oie Atlantic, the muon litted it. "*And 11 ,, nid Christ. *If1t bcailttad op vii ni raw ail men noteaome." ig Càrist'a tiuspositio vanaise eue et b ýtametiie. No Young Maumcrrstaru- euot witb se brW.lt a prospec-t as Christ 1 treti qout wlth If bb all beu illinglu 5 loy s vorltiiy ambition. lu the litas a sEt b* <gpt (mS te mk bc mght have 8 stesd âh vateatfortune mot bis time. a rit Ins i.ever te Poplmar'se himsit lfanti M Wmeigthe iiipéopk e acouiti have gain- O j toffiil iposition., No orator aver n rop sncb pisudul& s sbca îgint lusseéSm-e iuauid4iiandi syIsgogne sadr vaut udit" br he ii seaside. No phkYnlifun aer get sort a rmputatmuu Imor healiîg veër as bc talgit bare oltaiuam If lue ad perfermed bisgu-ondertui mri-la-- ne ore tbe Roman as-iocraej. 1 %DY thu-e t lagat te let jou nç>nca vat Paul utapant i rheu be îsid, "*liejleaseti net inmecIt." id. te show semethinti uf thea wndimrs hlf bseif-mmrillme.Ail inmman mpower ogether cemid nat lisve tiscovo('hriut In- nthe magr if ha hall sot cîmosun te goi aera. Ail satanir streaglu couidt n, irae Iliteti Christ upun the cross if inn id net alevted i bmeit luatthe torture. ro saveounr rase trom niaand tieatb andt 'el ha fâceti ail the sorrevi eftiull nrid anmd the sorrirs o et .trnity. 11ev nacb ert tt seit-sacrilice have we? Clothia<Our Nabeduesis. W'inat jeict-a litie? là18my valk-- ga long Jourimit te se y.îu frein .igne. l 1 t I mlifting a grent Btombner ) peonds tu 'sae y>n tram the awtiul raie, it le a submactimafromtrny comm- et and p"retly en tht there may ha taddýitionte iÊonr comtort anti presper- ýy. Horoo tiehat bave va? Miglut t 1 pether suy. "Hua lule have oc?" vwo chllmen--hr and elstr-wcee îsigdean the rond. They wcre luutb rery destitule. The lsd bati hartiy auj uromauts at ail, Ils isnteristi a ceat, mat minehll d etgnmavu. I vàAs avemY Olti day. Bbc saimi. *Jnhnny. "rnme onde, tis esmt.""-Oh. au." h a ii: 'the ceat au large caough!" "O0h," site sait, If 'l stref ch." He comas imuter the cour, ut tbe reSu venitiont ratch. gSe îhs tak off tie coût »sati t on im. self- ou-rifice pore audimple. Christ tait- mgt off big roha te lotba Our nakieess. 1I-nit hav ise net gay et lI. nor bave you roispsrd itli ubsu. The sacri- fe etthe Iun etr<lot. Christ ymiked te Ronnss, Christ Wal- id trmCapertmto te Bthany. Christ raikati tron Jroealem le Goigot1wj' [0ýw fur have yîmuanti r vuiketifor Christ? Hie hettIdachat, bis haart snheti. bi bxe c sime. 11ev mnch have v. chat for Christ? The dispostion ut Jean. vas aise a Ilpar.iitutlo fhimmitity. Tine Lord ot arth sud bhauvan linah mrbrhet s ruadie. lHe opouretiail tha waters of thne artn out etfluis rimihuibandu-the Arnazon and the Etuplurates snd ths Oregon aud ha 01"b andtihie Iiim'mippi-bending orer a wil tuamoeil aanitan yeoman for s drink. lie vimmu nuridthetino npy tf the intavens um an-t tie earth for s enotatoul, admittitlmmt ha ha bti net u-inamate iay bhieleut. lie umhose chariots ha detds are, v-alking aitn aura eet. Ilnsking the tampast Wl (t?nnesartt lut wilng the spray ut thea«ttumtrain is mnarti, t)men qitting doon la the caluin maeshubi disciples, as thugn he hall ions ne more tl(iu wipe the, swest tramu bis hrov un Joseplm's curpanter sbop. Taking the feot of deatb off tic haart or Laaus sud ireaklng thea chain of the grave agaumu the mamie etflina temb mamd lien vaîking ont vlth Mary. snd Ifartna vitinont auj mors pretenslen than a plain citizen coing eut ta tie suburban village te ipeuti the areulua. Jostied as hhongiihébcver. s uohudy. i'uraned as thonghbcha ers au outlaw. '41aknamed. Seated i vth poblcana anti with, alunera. King etfineaveandni artn traliug hls robes In tine dont. Thse Need of Huqmslity. ff1ev mach oetuhoat humility have ve? ii wuS et a fev areloisdllars thon ether people or gain s littis iigiar position, ohm mev w. strut! We go ar!oi wsuting esrybodti te mevtheir pîase.anti say,. ne Det tisgreat Bshylou tinsi I have bant for the houer et pmy ki dotn andi ly the. sanght of my itm-engtb fWho has auytinlsg et the bumity et Christ? Tins disposition,-çt (Christ us alase tth. apimItet ptayer. ]Prsys: on lie menu- tailoa. prayer on, thé sas, prayes amont the. sIlai prayer nveryvhere. Prayer for Ilîttibldren: "Fatiner, I tiai tie that thon hast luiidan (hase thinga frums the 'vse andi prudmUnt andi realet iem note, bbh.," P yé for bis frîentis, "Father. 1 viii (bat thsy haolwtn mue viner I Sm." Proaer for bis nemies. "Patner, tee-allae ir tiisdirect lin. lof uimnietiO rth the thronse or oei, se tuétt t'moY asaid o etu l t vas muid et Luth«r, He xot what liqa simdfori" W. vent e Dianiel. te pruy vltb one face toward le holy rîty. Ve wsmnt, I11km 8tepben, tg sy gaizing IotoIlueuren.' l St, IIl-e li publicmu. ta pray srniting ons use eart of conviction. We vaut, lîke Christ. pruy, the Christ Who euuptlad bit besrt fail Is» lifeinlo and tien filled iIt vît le sorrewt. the es, the agoanies at ail atione. Cold mountàlua and' the rnldaigbt air Witnesaed the ferr ofutbisprayer. 'Ele eupit et lNard Wo,'k. Tha %pirýt c. Christ, 1 renmark lautiy, vs a spirit of bord ..rit. Net oes 1.5 alnit in ail hie, lite, Wbhiinr ho vA lkliigtte insfherunen ou tins besch Or reaching te tue suliora on thsetdscitot Lmluiisteringtate ns tirsa arnitheii nontains or spé"aiiag an evefui la Itisy. sasys bon for- otheai. With adnl, heurt. head bosy for otiters. N1ev- t in ille Nazarethn carpeater aheop. sm-bihng tii(- lame bow to valk .-lthout rutches, curing the chilti',lOts. proi- tg rations for the hnngry host. Basy. )uny, buusy! The hardy nies Who butdk he ti-t îout ofthtie ses ilicti wlth fouier ng trenemîrea. the mhepht-rds Who hn4ted in gram.y Iplot% for ther Bocks te nibinie li.the al. lpwrigits pondint say In tins *yuocks, thne winmmakcrs of Rugei dtP- ngu the juieu. fron t th vat and poUlig chm inte the gouinkuntu%. ocre uD>t mors nsly thon C'hmist. Busy. boay for others. Prom the miýnent hie vent ont of the maraaiary oft Bethlehem te thé. me- ent almemuthe cross plonuger!Inlto the unketi-t'on tha lioody munt, bnsj for behr'. Dum-n hat rmind yen of yonr- self? u doi-e nt reiniumd me of myseit. rf - liift a bumrîlcn, lu iuust lie light. If 'e do work, ut niant lha popular. If ore t lu the pcv. t amt h leafot. If ve move ln a spinera ofut efutnus, 1munst ac brillilant. If we luave te taire boiti et ,àolad, sire us thelilgint sud o et tg. 0 au Ibis way te bearen fan ns, rock us,. *ung us te siet. Litrt n p towérd inea,- an on the tian orF >our inger.nder s ics sn unehîde. Stand eut of the wmy, il Feu martyrs vina lreastedthe tin rel Stand out ut the nvay aud let this eollouy f tender tonteti modern Chribtias cerna p aud get theit arovusi wbat lba% rour Lord donc to 700. O bhristian. that yosimoniti i'trlj blu? Wh'io cave Fomu oeumuhilu rhem-nthst >yen aln affird te iieîIi,,athe nomirds etftth. failiful? lit timoment. min ail the mmmi, uto heli,-'- auit oanrtiand bel] are toutiginti nto h le ci)niilit. lîw auiYen *'.m'rt thietsmîari! 1h, uaelntidden Chri'itiuun. ii it mat lime tocr yamt t tart unew for Uod sud ane-v for le viu Noir, 1 hure immon ion ttthe mminpo- il irî of (hit niinaR 1 iurit of zgemitta' cii. na pirit o -f-- ii.a emirit ut uniily. amir~1iit ut tirayer. ta spirit ut hmmi work-fivi' pointsn. Wili Fou reaera- mnr theni? Are yon rendy uo rfor thes remew'uitis anuOuc'ment et the text? -If ny man have uiu the spirit et Christ me l. Dnofu bis." Are yen rssdy for baot statemet? Csin v.#tenid up and înHy. "les, viare ethe sirit ef christ?" '\iut oeeoutauneau makae that asuver te tha flltiquesition. yet i arn te deciare te ohm tiiere let ira dlscoursgement In this .,.Iject for Christian peuplea. Yen have tha santin etthis charartar piauted lui yomr senl.t. " doth nont yct appear what ne %hallllha." Yen miglt es veil himue au accru for not haing au euh of a thon- îand years as te blaine yourseif because you are net emumml le Christ. Yen have tha implantation vîthin you wviicinli -clamse suld nevelop bla t he graudest Christian eharactar. sud there la no dis. couragemant ia this text fer yen te te-y ta love sud serve thIi or. Âim iiglu, Shbetha net Four sverd outil yen hart gainer!thie at victery. Cllmb hughei and iginr outil yen rasein the célestisi bll.i. Croions inright sud radiant fer ail the rictors, bot deati tae eery deserter. SMORT SERMbNS. Ged's Sll.-The consummate skIlie Goti la conffimotlly angagedti tedersiol tina bast quatitiaSetofma.-Eev. R. T Darid-ion, itaptiot, KaUImUa City, MD. Cinaracter.-VWe vaut to besupremeij careful about eue ting. andi that ia Ihat wea unut be carefomi te bave a au prame tinongit et c4racear. Cimsracte la et valume here, sud ohen s man h&a matie itlehabiouid kaep It beyond thi tanune et scandai. ln Gods gruce It 1 abes arrytiniaelse.-Rev. Dr. Mc Doweii, Methintt Balimtore, Md. Sln.-It maly ha that sin han coinbu tireen yen and yentr Geti. As lu th, casa orthme people apoken et lu Isatait *'Your iniquil av uie sepa.rtad liE tii en Fen ani yoitr-O-ed, antiyeur sin bmave h is Ii face frein you that hoe vil nuit heur." ÂAsk yonrsalf viat ia s1 theo trouble. Dea1 hnnesftly wltb 70w self. ta It a prestitmiittots sIn, on agaluat knowiedge ansd proteat of eut science?-Rev. Tiioruten 11. tlae% Wre. byterliant, Atlanta, Ga. Tine Seul.-Yot nay write wlth rie vn.Iar andtIit la Invisible, but wpOIul.enj vitn lodineand ti esbecemes Isi Ibis. Seoblu ttar Fenils. undei dItéreî conditions, that wrltiflg upem the soi in -vord%. lu dents la. tins wbolo 41 perchance vill stîllI Ure. Th e ul-ca net cruinhle lîke dlay, with fl A camagocatchas tha lilutuona thes souila Ismpreïlied vit thesupolie word or visible deat. 11ev. E: 1 Wood, Matimodist. PIttaburg, Pa. Peliticai Lite ot tine World.-We es net pretanti that Chirstian Itieals dom note the peliticali Utaetoftins orli Wintla vatry ta e is ut lia Our var yot It la very dîfllut tae a mute a dari sinmed. FFiplue or «CYeiow-sklaue Oilness, or a ilacit-skinneti negre.. la very difficuit for A niarlcn.te Illeu tterly matta e Cna C iean troattuot of toreigners. inc har nong us 4 abroat. Nov faclng thanu thoroughi unchrtgpalauza conditions, muklug a STRIKERS ARE ENCOURAGEO BY FIRST WEFK 0F FIGIIT. i>tatled Reports Inducate a Big G dmi fer Unîteti»fine wotii*s-,OPeriitot Aro liesolate la tise flstats.întioii Net te Keti. Thens inçintgut the. second ieai et tins sutrieshioed as silgittagii u? tthe ateikers. (>tlk-IsI repens tote e tited btine-workaru ludicate hat. ia the whnle anthracite fildt mea ia90 Pec-enmt ot the mati ara ou ste-ie. Thets e mmes a tetal ut 130,0100 er 142,000 mai out. AI- Mut ail of thomn vbe lbsse camIe omut have joined the union amd proiniet thit tieY viii not retumn te verfit nutl tine oPera- tors have matis a settismeit i a confemeuce with the represenmativecs et the. nion. This la aitasv anti liu)urtant condtionaofetuhe ste-ite, Wnen tflic-at meeting, ut vhicin tins memiautin ot the minera vere formutiste& , vs mîle Uli- tlton tans tisa 10 pme ent o e inmis in the anthracite mgieS ve rs emml-ýrs uf ths union. Wineon Pm.êsidant Mitchell spoka in Jeddo nt Mnie than 50 per cent o et in mn vers meaeri ofthtii union, anti wleu he a voleavina uumumY of the aumo-ti toloveand stje«eeiliiuNov ail but one îotiery iu tbe Jedto disi-ct laesctiidtenu. The gre-mtet galinstade iy tii' ste-it- ara arc- lu the section Patrellaul lur the Ststc rouimn. viera the 'umion bat iithr- te mioîmemi the greateat v5tkmu.s.. Prac- ticealy avcry min. la the eiloriumnnfed ef tiheunuioai anti Msiiu»Y titY vas lu oieraulîmu hfore the iel, Frday. Ail ars o ueo«eed, andthtinspresPeu't ot et- t'aeidenutaUnitd Ilaotvevimars ut Ameine tlng man f0 o'uni t tîre seemuauu utali. Tins confidenuceofthfe ste-bkers il grîmming as tuair strngtii inemause. mine ovuees usoluta. Mca long familar witin ftie anthra- cite ragionu auj tbaI nevar butermu bave tuay seanfmime minen ers erenelute lu thair tieteminaten net fa YWIdltan ùh as lina>'nov au-., Elgnt ly or wreug- ly, hhey content that tins> ara fie via- (ljus ot a censplrscy tu0put fmimeanthra- cite ragea mb (lsct e 9tal.ofutlahor lent- eu-a vie are tue-igu th the reglen and «eu sate na t!. in-sclitlo oum e"lstie minis owcrs gasy timil condition. >teese diftsrenl luntiffateut parieue etffluaan- thracIte mgion Itbtancomnte euY lien- sai agreement on theinems pe-peseti hj the missevue-ker' uioîn vouit b. au im- pessibilit>'. Fen the*,- e-asosumathe uper- aseramnas adamaut l inir dtonai- nation te bars neo.ieaiing vili M. Mitchell ant i s organisation. Se tam as tluey are eoncssned, uiey say ttIf lins leadierss aeesinlamakinthe tio triia gae.rai, l it ii ha a Lrecurd-beaise-ton leuguin unlesa lthe minîrs tbarnselvns gise la thir re-eiev utfmina stnkesitution la the anthracite n-im thae peraters say: "Tie situation in lia Wyemiag A iminEtin ( ABImt and Lactuwnna rallia la Ùunhan.-el lu tie SSnhîtyiklii nation. iiaseon us tic t axilement incident te the attrai eft he freopn dies euh, a geiiuraI resuompien of epertions is exient-ul' Statemmentoth e Strtibers Thne Unî(ti Mina Workers oet(hae IXI- 1 keabara district igniidthé e oloiovu elatameat: *Te in iglti day outhlinasteite shows the minlutietWyomng région te .he moes ulladthaum -er. Al the smines lu tie district are ilei, andtitliée s ae sretlvici Weein'oemrahbon thesgreat-t er part et at 'n-ekîarue nov OWIn oeur' atien. Ourne-mn ara uitlm.t antiorderit andtiii t ln accessuion te ta)15r e-nuis evsry day., A.n-w uuî'iujo -Dimtet Workeiens 1 o raanizuul 1 a ,ritteton. Tinoc men iu tham utluîare therouglm orgatulant nov. nu.-tmiers et Asiley are aIse vell giîi-i ,On lie iviOla lhe situat ion ilu ri> mîuiuafn Sixlean Ihusaml unru' min e iin- tiras are idia lu mlat i.,kuown as tine Mubaney railey, wdolî maentis tourteau miles &long Bradoutiiit;in. Tie action ofet ume nu1 a asurprie te tue mIliter:' anti the minsewuu-n, ! as auirely unlooitk er , sud un'. givm e eeirt courage ttie utriklea biders. Tlley mdû.-t lare liaI théains miiaourkers se-oumutt Siicnantieeh have gîmii'eout, On a sYni- patinj shite. Thé sutotnrillea itav- c eêd vomwanial of Impeding treibllaarottuatHaulotoa anti déasirs e- müvo -utae t (lue trQoolL hla that direction. NOME SWEPT BY STORM. seren-l LInos Le"andut Munis reperty - Iistu-oyed. Frm rn Ninuoaets inféOrmation et a 'tisestrlous Storm hieh ragedti o daja v- 1 t i a n d w v u 1 i l e e t e t a ns u t m n i g .tuaclurjr ose minula Ma"ta hava il ~~b Suafde5 '5 îà ssaientanti àÉý malltage*> hmus.4,toi LOmvner. Coidier, elstwae an*"sse A wmy of Heurt flsesse. GeIL.iohn M. Plmer, former ror' ernor of liiiiîis and tUited ttt- 8- atec, goîl i >î(nijerat candidate foîr rc- dent luitt 11k, sdunofutthe great gan- erais in the' Union armny la the Ci vil War, diad sumildu'iy at ls usbme in iipringtield, nt 8 o'ctIock TtiîedaY miorul- lug. -Durmiîg Mudïy evemumng Gen. Plmer was apparvntiy lu his umuai beaitianud e1,rhnand %va% about townn mnigling witin ies miît nnîciates. After retorning hompi he eoniplined of an itmieneshoot Ingpaie Ili the chest, SEUBAL ON. LM. Ils Rie 1. 12. 13. du ha Ju tub ini thuat au oiiumîtei i. Tis aiîu 1.t mm-i're raientt efiii horgeti fm In Aimeil. &B sd vaï lisl loinuit su ith tio ÏTERESTINO AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSON. etcetion. ortan Eteastin Chaatn? *Whotesoae Foodi fuir Tiought- ltudylng the Scripturat Lessolu la- 'tlilgeally sand Profitabtyr. Jaty i. ,Jesunq Vatking ou tha Sas. Matt. 14-1: . Jmiy S. Jeu-nunthea Breatiof Life;. John 6: 22-40- 3. Jumty 15, 'ThuaCentil. Wemau'a Faitn. Mark -4: 24-31). 4.Juil 22. Peter'à Contession sud Chrltt'e Rabmba. Matt. 163: 13-26. 5. Jluth29. Tii. Transfiguratin. Limte 9l: 28-36. 6. Aug. 5. Jesus andtihte Clîimn. IMîatt. 18: 1-14. 7. Aug. 12. Tii. Forgisiug Spirit. Matt. 18: 21-35. 8. Aug. 19. Tine Man Born Blindi. John 9: 1-17. 9. Ane. 26. Jeans the Gooti lhepinust. John 10: 1-16. 0. Sept. 2. The Ssreniy Saut Ferthn. Loka 10: 1-11; 17-20. 1.Sept. ). Thie Geond Samaritan. Luke 10- 25-37. S. ept. 16. Thelticn Foot.'Lnake 12*t 13-23. 3Sept. 2.Tie Duty ut Watchtnl- nes. Lake. 12: 35-46. Th'ie lmagea tor Sept. 30 ila srevlev ou he insueti <ires steve, ail ut vhlch mve been the anhiecta ot stuty aine mlIy 1. The qnarter'a lassons incintie tins ater part ot the illean mlqjstry aud he beglnning et the Par-eto miulatry, eing part of fine tinird year o et nss ihîle career. tha jear A . I.29. Il uas sh foitowing Aprilt he ha s crucl- ld. The genersi characteriatica etf the tt154n ara i1) The vaning et Jeans' pop- arnty, followimîs fle climax meacheti at me tima of tie fam'diuic ut 5,000; (2) Thé mrtiero jouirne.%a ter retirameut sot tur [nstrmmmiug fine iiscipiex; (3) A inerailg and ethical melixsinin Pememi. sccompan- tid by turtiner 1uniparattmu ot the disci- pls for rouuing tilms. Coamiduering the tact tint thare la ne unity lu tiheulirtècu tensions lItathat mrnetîrnen fotmoti, a&rev lev tenson by las- iio s prebubîr the mont practiesile. hinci arsvlev abouitali eta!gctting atmcrely th. essentiat tac-mofet ech tesson, net at- empting te fouch dtiln, for the retsenu tal a taacb-r toiloolu ii- latemtin- t cunnut umssibir curer Lthirtercson na tins thirty or thiet-yiro minutes shlow- ed, and ilu launtertnmua tuastop In the middtle. As te the tetaln ut trocedurs In a rsvlev, they must ha tett te mndl- Miualinig.nutty. Aimentu auj pietortal or Initial devica la prefarama e tinte star otypet "WatIn th tinaulle ef the fifti leson-te golden tevt-vhat tomîs the. seutsscbrt Rava a sarie,4et pietorea, se' repretisatleet rtypitjîug encn 1,-son -sitetchet on a blackboarti, cilimpail frei periodiesis, or etierwisa ohumilued. Lai thepupils lu taraune the itnients or tecinga Chas represeutati. Or have tbe Iitiaillttrs et tins iaou ultles, sud, se vioecau glu-a tinamont. teilewing tii op vith a fi-W questions about eaeinlns- non. Or, as preyîeuely snuggartad Ila eh- 'r reviairs, use a map aiuid trace the. enruceyugi etJesus tinrIngthe qnartar'i Au artificiloutit, msy bha uaumt tor 'be thirteeu lassons, socin as "Jeune ['cacéinn Men: (1) 11ev te Tust. (2) 11ev te Feedth le Seul. (8)IFlev teiPou seers-InlaPrayer. (4) 11ev te Pleines Chr-ist. (5) The Majesty of Christ (6 Tin. Guiria"snp ut tiie Wsait.(7) J3oW le Fogglve. (8) Mev te TestltY fer Chirst. t9) Tins rîi-cting Lors of Jeans. (10) Mev ta HeraldthetnsGospel. (11) 11ev te Sbev M"rc. (12) Mev te Une Riches. (13) lThe Dnty or Wstchtul- ms." Orw. m9y clsssity thes lesens as 31110w bg dîfferut spects et Jeans' chuanctez sud vork, for example: (1) Jeans M Master Of Nature. (M* Jsuse tins Evi of Lite. (3) Jeans CompaWsonate'Tto ward Deipisat Peuimles. (4>,Jeune as ti Rewartiar et Faihanti tins Ramr e Pe-esutmptio». (5) Jens ns the Beloveu Sou. (t6) Jeans the Teticr-tfearted. M1 Jemos the Preacher et, Bountiies Feeive- mess. (8) Jassthé Healar et the Blind (9) Jans the Gend Shepinerd. (10) Jasn tins King About le Go on s Jomurnay. (11: Jeune the Preacner ut ToIeranceanastiRu. ,nanlfamlauistin. (12) Jeas a-fleaScmnei of thne Prend Pinteerut. (13) Jean. Cou Ina Agalu. Surin analysas are usetol in se ersis tjmeyliueip tu huidthle crents andtitel inge efthfle lessoslm im ald, ne farhr. 1 in perluape cetiens te sauj tmat aujsit iait sheunt î hacummomintetoi leiI a clams or a scimeol l'y tram-ler or niipcrii tendentl, but ratiner lrotiatit omît bY qneî tiens anti tin tîlucatona binîbuarg s «liatanti Gen. Palmuer olitalusdth u ome relief, but tins-Pain runtinneti the lb aster part ofthte uight, andtihti donter iPl vas callet lu saversl imles. hitoetly >é- Pi 'e 8 o'clock ln thé muoe-ing (leu. Palm- liq ýpasseti peacetmily avay. John MeCaoley Palmer, vas bora lu p bagIe Crei, Scott Ceuty, Ky., enti 5ut. 13, 1517. ta 1832 b. remnoved te nu lsand la 1839 settiati lu Cairliile- lu Re vras astittedt te ébar: land aisu vas tielegufe te the emate ceetatlafl aile ,onveution lu 1847.. Revas s mèets )tbte Stutitefcote 1852«54. saticiegatS é Dtiie national Itepublinitucoreutlon Ilu iladeiphia lu 18M', a Presitisuliai aclue- en théeItmpubilican ticket et 1800 ami a tiaiegate14te ua ce conventiou nWashuington. Feb. 4. 1861. Ren vas electt Cm; oful t he-Four- tu aenti Illinois Velumtem-s lu Aprît. i861,tl c'ornpalied lIeu. J oi C. Imri-moumt In Is- expaditiuu to Springfield. iMto., antid se acnmimsaloteil Ibrigmadicergeiaof et alauteruilurlX-m-iuim,er orthue saine car. H1e vus S-ihl(eu. John Pupe su lut me ecapturaetfNew arid ensd luaisaiv eo. 10, andi atterwvsnml nmnmautedthtie0 lu-sI Brigade, First Divison, oethui e Army et tha Mississippi. tnlu vrmber, 18, lue vas viti Ges. Grammt! ammy ' 1n temary cemmandi et a diiionu. ob-e wqueuuly ha lot s dirision at the luattie- tf Stone River, and for ussgalant-y I theeas spromuteti e tsimajorgaemeal out eiluntanms Nov. 29, 18M2. lia participaI- td lu the luattletfCfitctumsnga sud lad i me pourteenlu Amnay Corps la lbe At- lnCa nampalgu Iront Mayi ntîl SapInm- ber. 1864. Front 1569te 173 h a saGoremuor tr iliuoia In 1801 ina vas niectet Unit- j ed States Semafor aut serseti s tulli ern. Tins goiti Democrats place thetins nat Of sunater Pl'amer betome the iInapo- lie convention et 18M6,asdina vas semi- isatid on tii. Bmat ballet for lins Peesi- Leutial 01118. TO QUELI.. ILIPINOS. Pieet WilI Etenhati.Lumen in Effi-t te Eut Iusurrectlsn. t T'hé Navy Depamîmeut la strengihen- ng the United States naval terces on th. Astin staLtIon. Admirai Schiey's Soufth Areaa squadrus. alrnstiy $ali, viii h. ctliifom- tues. deplnlaed hy thé departurse09thei gonhout Wilimlugtun truntMontevideo lu u taw days. The Albany, nov In uthe ,%teditare-anean,lanutnentirers te ge te China ut on ce 'via the Sues Camul, anti the giuhboala Annspolis anti thé Vicis- burg anti thé cenverteti yacht Doroth5a- mIlI leave Americnnwatera as sinon as they eau h.put lu commission. Tina fiant antan Adminai flamey.yull lic %titl fartiar augmautmi by the buttle- aip Kentucky, o-ui, wt themn mnather cruisers anti guhoats uev en the Asial- je station.,ouIilu ina eatrengu t e ue- naval terne lin Orienîtal waters np te a. total eft tlirty-fomr vessais. Tus terra ls eoniy ext-an-tati y fiat utfGreat Be-lt- ain. France, (io-mumsmY, Jopun, Rasis anti Amaîria att hure amaller terces ineti us te uumbor andi stmengtti nd t ouit inostillîlea oectur halo-cin tine alliez tiare lu uo dungertinut tine Unitet States 'n-ll hae -ermntt-ealauthe ýecumt. Tbis fliantinbc nlg aunt;umîlet cdstensib-Tj for thue protection ut American usmterestà lu Cinamaunduss ashow of turne lu thne othar- imeem olo inrelvaît lu tine ChI- ai-." imbroglio. Bmmt lu ia sait In Waeln- mIti.n tha(tsotutait lia vesseis areatuh. stutionet InlaChienna 'waters. The. reai tisa for ti leeat, it la claimaîl. viii hca ilonkamia Lumzon tmîricg thue noulug win- tam mampaign and assini lunlmriug.ug the mm-r inthetia 'hitiPtIînns te a close. NOTESOF TM -STRRL (lemi. Cuuia suya that ha vil! met ashow tic minera teainuit secret metins. lu th iaShamokin nalahneminentiaslarge nurnhar etcoltine-les hua-a haau ahandonei. Tia tineaaofuthébmste-ier iletilu lis Sinerannoui ot etîtîtinluan mi presive 00<ectacl-. llugariiiii urmnen trieui teammiptinree m-nul andi iroti police naur Itimuîeton, anti a falut me-ms naruowty avuirtail, Etugene Bruimmbiat, repraeutias lie sentmermi ('l o mpat" ny or utParsons. t<nn., ln tnklngt large gangs et ainera uuummBn-gos, a lnaaian, s!t1'Vilkes- baure. ivisela ie-at ilan rrestemilslare tha strike hlin. nela acOuet et mlriateimm!taonot a mine mho netuseti te surike. %Vhile aa uumimr ot minera -n-ra galber- ina colu.n tha cuila haniks ut Sermti soinmuneii,"The a tchnen ara comn- luma!" An aared minuer name4 Frank Mumu- gîan, ini thae esiteanienu that toîloeet dlopnte du h-euvt fsilur.-- Tihemunious have nol jet. oîmne thtin rummi.nOry departuentts lu thne Wilkes- bmarre mi-gion, bot miiihave lu du o aoum. Prelulemnt Blade, o et icBure-rauFee Copi Comupuiti, near Le-xingtonu. Ky., au- noonces lue baasamttiat ailt iffermans vlu tîma mems. TreuPa vîsiteti nvearml tovue lu line SctntaltillnuaY anti mamie den.on.1)a- tIens, and Bt McAtieo a battaio-h vos stationet. At celaaa .15-joan-oldit Hogmini 1boy cts5uWl4 untiat tu. bail bnmntoil le O«tva'UMs sWsse coulufte ta kWbMm' Wbn ssu4 su ot tsy is'mother o ipvas New Yrit-From a trutasti&bd taida stautipoint then principal tvsishitUet the wcai va' tihebgaugoftasetdsCib lu the anthrtmitec ruai ragOIen iins,1 gether witlm the ale-titn n.tcsiltl *bd a aumneviat harder tun te the' 5oné marktet, leba a dentdlaO effert un senilnty valime. Ind*llP m i on le lu W all ste-met M mc o about tha aharpesttilîemtin enas alna laut liane. 1-o.1, have te lighten thair loatis. aumd s arg011. 9Xî' ber et imail boîtiers oho eding t5i"W ly toeiar stecks tirooglueut tbe 1004, ptriotofetaomer dulinesi have mt tnigint andti tbmvmtib holdings 01~m hourd or have beau ahaitean ot market by messnt fexinsusti masrtàlkJ 'Ph. roai ste-ite in atirittc-dlY as seslu' affair. butot eide et the stock eebMhig ls effent bas net beau apparent. la n he* ntsrcantile anti maauntunia CÙIUt liste slaaeling that thea axidtg l5e troublas ivil ha sattieti beft'e- 4oney viiimasturally vomk i he uis, um, the natf ev venu, bUt! thare La » -O sa te appreheuti anyululug lits a tIge maket, socin as vas seau fer a *wi tine lant tali. Cblesge-onsldfrftble actlslty c5h tsrwd the dealingi et the. veikg0 vineut market, and ttin 5d@eY Oft il fer the muet part vs, upvsa. -& et about 2 centsa s buebel vs e.0* l r suit. Otiner grain marias.ois, provisio as. vers on tine nI-rd*I ver. lirin st Satnedays edobt4 et Improrsomenu oser the pr*esle. pzice.'«Machi et sasciipopa a »M peetsd te a e f e s pe t . Stn'sng * Ofe , vina! marktet vas don i*Wgly te t porte reelveti teon thlin piig*di'is ritor7 et the <test IDSjty iibY b.IM and otiuans.vains te tine o0» uMM bu vas eut. Tuelu vt as O0a14 I thoreugbiy saturatedthelis m stacis liat maohe f. ratÉ 16I - sltios' vas reudereti nît feir*VW Inte Boue.. Snub reports mai Ipveb exsggerstnti. as tluj uuxl vas oeiaryt lat the mate. of apolis aud Duluth, the leaders » are close tue tsene O et r I# vers streuger thn nesu/Chinag; lbos F ai.c abutisut supplies trou 1110b* vinsat tesriteny are eoaung-- teln uoiie lasncb as to su* Il largceaougii lu 'thinegWb wbvUWét pe-esemt tisiverlea are abilas*"'* 1up fer il deicelkeahb.fl.m scsecty, tierefome, OPe01X~ kthes hlgbsr prieas thtis est v eeks la putslY oenscas endi moy prore te b.e e«0 taitsealarme thlai sus iuii.eut 01 asne <ovrneei Y se muin 4olWWte- formation.-a ALL PORTS WAI'IIT 'aa a * Tins heat lquippietiboat ln tinse a service.et lie UntedOttu'tmi ipeopesetculter amiii vicin insysbees iav r tins rOlEm utn» .,sua~ cetters ha «Pee nd rlva the suineet e 4= 1c rsOsitl' OéalS le s I. t ~Aa$t 10 nsuseth~, shlp, lin"iac tinoaginiIl vu ilt, State anti cran ladisi ::n tînt upon machlnaw, im wt t alter tbe lsM.wvich la ngb Now the saute var la on Ïgp *.4k wî mîtion o et inboat. Bac*b nt mo meahlouet aboesvata tus4 ho i port vitia is ord t howavcr, thal lb. Meaa w thé plie. et the esuiuwb* ha amalgusti te he lover lakits. Philippe la cousldtitiné best iW*o ou tins staff oetheTnItebu-ga. Tns Chinigu Whnite Steekinga bsM w«n tinseh&MSpIeuSip ortilb. »uWUt Lousîlivil a luns: e eluatIns, xw* eau Leagmse orthe. new .&ssrrisu 40f itien scxt asep. Lanky Boi Eltssimusuuu ed is Intention t ssi Chiceens- inasti Mli Papor JorÉd lu New Tst. Eddie Ksiauff,InsbaU breiten hacit ater ige=a tielPia buepitlferdre years, Vsores "a tf.ti Ttners hns bver issu a hlslty et lie turf ha 4merges mors <anomal anti Pepulsa- bmtM erytinuw gertidnitit torph - ralletiarneig tlua c0< the b andthe tn-publie tisui ezt the tlme. Coentu fronsthtins ther 5",eofsE IW ocean, tischmus t b.islêm-'o« à" tuba cojnttj 19' pscap* hi. wMWu oug' are. HMss Cat lthe prlncipai r"sg ha left >hldofut t- uste-es voste i hoit ofthtinsNational fiporlina CIub'i Londion.' Tins Aunriean League bu sasua bta msea. luvas. int uel mucutýI- lth cus, mas lnneapolis, bleu .* gced. Obariey Cemliky bt jrZeid 51Aite!> h onot msU en>'.hilnnlagei> vssloty aitti u t -iOu" $W.),00. - 'Ph. Western ter lms 90 is dseIiw '4 -kt iut essnaion,.sMd Cia et tine tue-t vend ame oan te the. flylns miss Bennett.,Wb*sbas a record tis sesaon te ha prsd -et rernariable BUY bas staud lImis %anti von. olersu raceS, Wener- et ths New TssUR Ir Next Le%nou-'Jmsaius linimmg Witlu s l-iiariee."-Luke 14: 1-14. Net Peasnaly. Time Antiquarlatl Soclety oet Smthtqu wvas hinlis le utnivrsarymtuting, an occasion et Lunih pecur ant i In- portance. A young ventant v iactenta(he cs- pécity ot societ>' repue-uer for oeef ett. unonmnti iapemu f et tlty, lan inlg bier roundis for tins upous et sece-Ilng tue naunesaoft hne lu attantiauce. ap- preacinet a soeeinnt elderly but vail- presrrut spînace-, vine vas moving ln ber stem tnllm anner amuit thes timosg. --lsuppose, Mis Bunumu," tinse-e-- porter maId. jetting tuvu the nains la ber nmtalaouk. "yoc are an Auulqnae-- Sun?" 1 arn a meanimr o e iseAtiquanian Sockty." xeipended Misa *Btnmas tnilli great dignity, evlientiy luavmng an nnilreslm a it an "autiqutarlan," oh- jectiraiy cosîtaret, vaa about tise %anne thilng as an uutIqulty. Glning Silîserware au Olti Louok. Modern silvermvtmo . ant lu y a Naw UOrk ueentr uy coverlag it trîti ntnla scut'i ne,! î-ggsomit bukilng lu a slow. cran fuir t'îm-ety-foumr luurs. Wh'en il cernes eut oit la cieaneot ufi!thinaosur face l a mottîmit antd iacuimneau loeking as If It luina mi lu a rauit fer ut cen- tury. Se stiiifutiy lu Ibua artIilulaIý agling doua tint nany culloctom ansd jevelers bave recumtmmented n law ceint- Iellina thin takerS 1te elnnîp thmo bgus A Ittrant Pe» intm Vtnw. Wealthy Patiemtî--'cut iis vrmi- teriu appeudix wielii la cuusing al nny. tronublé la, ns t amn Intemmot, qoite use- legs. Docor-Er-weil, i veulId hsrdiy go ge tam as te s&y Cina.-Dereit Journal. New Cur.eifor theutnattsm. A Germtanuu o'tpe- et rap*ltllo p- acribes aluminunt as a cure fee- rietu- imtlsr. -A dugee--mng msd5eoft tub ustai WnsIm lli ainhisigpuetes g«al).euersst ofet cut a pertfleet cný ton mobe» otiés have fr tuai&t'd .tehi. aven et attitude! Csars. vi le Unlid relMeL. Il repnîa tha snspseuad t4 tala Pekiu. ussl antidt sute u'ulI Japan as wimg iisq c utCmia. te-bure 9 velu te 1 Ieî tb e-e pn aufernssa u n s aei lu teet IAi ie Be-sf wv dey Ivo Çt d Thie-ty-sei i mtrug fort .d et langtl us vers cmi Imavter. ment- tu-n- andi mtve une. h uen k ut civul go, mvii. Curts ovaenmm'mmt a p bvnr goi ove 10 t Keur' Jet ba evs Tnt1 cloeu àt bouai ie rlion* i hom mein bai mlsti ealns te ngr sinm tx ie .v tsa achabi mn It"ii nhme - l ilm tle,>um tg C t b t t