't yoiilia quis, vitlt -volle 1 rpr nght thé passat or to tios tg aIL te« Wlui only hwam ler tl' h s.55l)iUpfmm oeqi ber onvb oRei fhi té tional. &M b« lniurlea te one i' itesitt t , stb Ouniamotvba*ale ut a t à Id Trant ale 0< o <f the , 4 $qka M mâle Os, furtait I 0~p L .. ber bashýa.ud XM. lihil,,150 o Iu t leuder. erthe *rst m=*55 IJVtan s et' wlekedoàm--a-t fils t#aj Save l pllace to ose cut sotorkitS ,AlehlO fiectd tatthaey eath rtser tiEn biv, nieAth Moment Baimout raglt > b« It Tieî mtrmd AtS t itai «oa, ' sau th vith*b*iîixtvea e A t<~àl tuais viosaatftpdalae a ,ue ou mad bit vite raIm D thla Uv U ne- P o"; Nieniil, vwbai éturacd t«& abcmin I t'el-d adisaa. T41I. pU5me bo- m lsq ma"..the tva mmseSt. tapa giW sestii temas» t a t <hatabis., 0te bklug baud vltb thea v555. T 'lic e c aior i. e a** ,e0 t as If Uce nés huid beau th*iset cas ta iladuobgndeli. P., 'Y.g'ra loobng prtty it oameslier- t "c"Osieug vhatr" nse el e Au- ti "CmUalddg vat vom bavea pemt opspl vttb. Avfw erom-dovu for ?peU!'ai «Wiat's aa mful ca»msm»le tbo .Mneta»e. *Nev, dant quarami, qs.n'r ltuarrel loues seIUIraeS t»o bi Moser lenter,, j. ha rahei14a ** Ostg 4 baud. drtf, but i".r lm Wg 4 mnd imdy, bt d&me"u. " iieué .. at- "er you do" 'Wbst de vals mens kv as syli eau.-P doIV,?'la lnslst do&ira. aalmpil vbo iiamnt beau iassani l tg t.epi- C ieusalos, afer bavnt il tg héar *Wva va I fer tventy 6 'Teu doWs w MU . . béat ins uIl tveiity iamtr «dcaline« ,. Whists. "Do yen suppoasitse1 Io lag ber VU it 1 verecut pald f« lit? iCtsboM ibave iongit allione rouit w. tiast tii. raea are anl squared. ltedutond mine&lietvtba mdo sak.et bis head. (ub mlwY INTERE8TING 08180140OF WORDS. 1We (h.s "t5ypocltd' toallions cas- tomu*Pt4 tmcatil. Thea "bypolt eson.wuvaly sà a fcter. tii, plar etof£apart on tha otage. Me0 the. ortor. vite a s commae actor. vas asme a hypocrite. Thé w«d, suratislac~ Qiemsoc vs'apet u>a persoes sfudte reoémlllie ta bis- niopie ant lua swru li p tisSu totms eut Irow wvitL it resllîvas. ThaeBis- ea ialnuis. (0k t p ast"ota~e - -I Jtieuet o mww>ïpitp skIaspmjc maies it cam.ry tia esev0iu ofe »&MM tt ram be atféetotePUMoNse ctaractar. "Probend" vm" onessMla e nômt 'Word. s" *"cogmisrtt bgl moent iiuftslm4. ente n~g o 555 tioa that thiiutatilou a o ifendU& ulently aubtitatdfor the =igsa The 'b)e" va rlguAlli a itusl*d- titan, snd the ."YlUau' vas a0WI 'ala-4 borer cr pensahnt attacbed lete avil or ferai. "Hotheu e mu"t aseWraly 4 dwvoller ou tha beafli. snd i "Pas" mmm a tutiler la thi eit t" outri.1 "IdlGe& aGreek wor4. mealt onlî a tprlvate>peon, as dstlagulîbed toam one clotiiet wtb offie. ,d" lit M l. uan e eornevsotten meinlu Sughlait a o et,,,o enturîrs t'g@ Smci en J'erotuj4 rTaylor mal: -ilufhlty la a duty Je 'great oeesa& Weilias lu idlots" '-Ob ILsequloui" asWin 0a ieeattY A4 S . fiction te tunerals. Sissieqxmpeabas Mas>-exanipIes of their vanappiele j metti ainse. t dai net omis f.rsedt i ,fte buve couveedsoir Mset e~ 04gi 4 or lnsilncirft3. For tta curleme. la tic Matter cf the origln ot verds. v a- SSent as wetofatotiier laesa. K mlIi huW,' vas orlgialli as niandaal as s. cll<4_rom. Mlan. viience b. In-r 0 perrird frisSe -tuery. hkper t aya: 1lie vus perfumrd lita a mii-' linr.' sud Bea Jonson setîltitie ques- tien cf themne rthle original milllîncra elu the vords. "To conceal aucbtati or- lisaitits as tiiese aud stade, thetr glory. asa lu ulfiner't wlfe dueea' ber *wroughî stoniscber wtb a snîoky luvu Y or- blaek î-prus." "Ytcotlne" la derloici front the ianie of Johnn tot otbO i-1 atroduced tobacco elt raqce lu 15W0.t -è " Paratfnel as se named trm enilt aLatin wyens ,paumn" littie) sud *Àfý A fia" (kilu).becau5 tI bad ltleta" il Witi auY kuovu nsttta. mhte à.ta troute Latin "pioilk'e tw*è i deprvai of the. titut), lit bsvlig lm* r a eom pt-Setles tunong the. Somom 4 i te st'ld setle lo, the. ars. Iheure4 our word poltrooli fer ceard. 'lMt 1trtai" la au Atueileau bIrd, not froni 1 Turkp at mi. titougltit vas sait to lu efroni Tortkey WOI. t Illwa éfot Maintu 8- »mt atietofdsS*wt bp i ilftft ebtIO4ià- vîmetithe-bit *depftiest stores lu t4sia -111. fit atofe 4etactvaa are kept bumîwtci laEu foir plass tand my'ofet ha tilavea are eaugiit. "t lt la tounut ytIlUtheti saensa ystani 0f surrt 'thetu an pt'oeamtlog theni la orlis _ ot autirelys sttataety. O0a th4là1 i etbt. Eliti.tEe t eau prove (bo't Jlu h 1 takes lees (han *M vorIb <f poe lt frent a store, tiie charge climt, b r nioe titan petty larcen>-. und thptw aà» otir'lea Ipoints titat proteqpal ý! aitipltftuw c il abotit aiitdtSi- peen« iUjustice lseing dena"tleuSt *lu tut opittiliti of tiheluarebau ,Is.gotae *deteectinia lis 50m.et tfltq stèùs5 hm* j aoemdol Iey 1A» a»on asth mater vas ovrer1 baevtp Uv'm gtif. tii.festalti ~a&doated 6" brteull tWqp ispe tià.dawl CiCr. tt opilt of mlt-peu tbe stirvivors 'M tbaeateocitiieir kein f roiot tiel Utta, a battis Sm or 180v baid~ Ume to tlg a tim *. tarrors cfi mssally a chopl Word% over tiie i iii. vais no t010 T'ii clergymn a tains of vrecti bodles for tii.do pyre te conduié the uvins vere à a" the itreanbs te balilnt ii. 0l Humasltimai pilllsg up eorpsei eud spplylng tàw maes, sudmses Ia et irsagla s ta e e esa iitainsta at vAt s.r sué g it ti. Ume, piAtba brut i.1 04f tii. sra gent mmumcmo sI in m er ts-; Cna lis *b the e et guusmt g pÏrm isu Mdbajaebiiabi hirtu = = ,,s es i t kastîvu s onté gb a#Àâs tu& Mted a" '4la *l*W tetr aga fela i kOt1ed ma84e %claeebapi cere n ua f Maplralon. b, that rst ety'19*1 l"u aio Sue iformaAs M haOlmuIVa tion ud ré la plae tee va « byror drapes . tepvi et he la lwu m(a Ahisifoa ra tevskSUE à sertio u, forSml riz eyr or the sas woo ~ uretco uia nlatakaliM t the mnu- ft " duerdn orth t Ich o teth or tic ft imitaIp&e la h gry uee t t ei sema va la Pia eImeMarsW cent veia<S. ý*etonbiaL= hetuasVtlas a teteho«04ot at "mas muigor ««W fie bo suct- ,thie 0li-sakad a astcsi É 13 bel at bn anuas-41 s "id telesi 13.5jer bel*evM 0tetion u fin vs eIrI rMi. oAnd w the smore intahli. @ftIA OR 9zsof afls bAre tdlt <g Kalsonltadut-- tIs. 8ablasses m -e *m Oed te evM*unb. Stustq.Ob ue veaids «di "'0 "Mr et f"0 RÔO8U4~~NAD RUSIL atYlett aui Uvs lu*"datha Vinne Probay beeffl vas th* amu prowne = 1 te party,, Oa. *14o ue uot41*4 Nw York vwsua bigsla0< ,àt"hiya mcii orig, a~es~Iia 4Uv rted a Kat .jsat<4 afIn tii. fîahed sdreas log a methwma meUrialtra vw0o. Tb* lapis.begss wtb twg aritval ai Party u', idêm ««* ver* urWolcotË ok* son. John Prme*sClmnk MA «,*kld ned ltugh m. A ti- Jit$ý0tartedt. oAdyua bal*i me £ aner .w*0 ed n cdm" rs e"& ew. U»bqwlpeui b6aner tromt te.womau' i l4 slou- 15< ibe sasof0<ber humbau& Mg Rus- ,sgrie msne. He marce&aiop a"tdova bto"dmaw. namw« iwproceed- 4à5 tfw hl 8Pt.i i Booe- sui wt0<5 ýlsIa matet j*- meet 41 th15'ý MOaMMby dtiifaeed Mmu $9M .baga la the erowd b«» U tiugm MESOMM &'Mmm trird ta pfti manbers Of0* <9PIKV vlth a poe., arnwiscb as faatma,'mas. Gov. seuomvet ebeat- tete MWatstaoPreuagmvelaw and amW ganad tenons ver. thriws. Deugueoeis 42Victor ,and te Cl.<reek teplaja. tii Incident. Ne é inlaGoy. IZoGoInIt", Imuediate purty . Ise jîr lot t* -i. maer *iht 1 bavaela- Us, ue. k"nI le m 'm eai fu a *th e rmtOf 00 m"y Pm = laW Md it i li Esionte 9 mu 1w Qum- lm t abUtae, au. c e% wf4waiCt ieil -brte prIses 1er àssbqgs.r.vv »0 9 etas atfierasif stu, MuA bM u~ib.m la e.eptgst aah i. e ar- e aut .m edsmar - IesMis ~re aty t<ns AChangé lu ber ewu étrseter. " atir erdaaie, Lie gemma ~ àpvaL an lt pas Uvdanger valas o.. ibai sa0oai tat bo lt b"lt ramss@ite haInafmatet ai-e.mvhounld . qua1 d« rae. aie sdegli. etsSaiWBbladuteirou satl5élatB bariti Ibe ewrww a mltÇ's ba.m&affm- Wledhlm In dsuover (bat miii vas «»*l alig iba âdtaS sVIda ilséAumr. satins *"ai ub a coassa auli lest euh toasau xpascase t Tottyw0"ýeOum t ]aiaurau vinlins 7bose'toi - ,botter Anima te mmu etthaeU wviter- lhaaa ai (hlaPm . ueulai U eta ctrouvs anemset lavr- iar. Osa niait i. aai ti Parta. ie ~~Laeitmima, ag iale q«atio a tantesaaelour. and ~U4*U.UtSVSh'*S g<~,* ichsen talaot athUcshow: b.a15"f ton't w. Mun »asrastmer.*-Ail Fouas e. Ita pasboasuv béetber gls tropap Petyrenlarl." pTom "iluSaps thst the. SimSOU vhy isal bU ve ba brelai, tIl*ges dri't." leur 'Hsml Ceualdars beeir a cut abore «.Neo-.ts naseM ort bit rontenndod. fe aiR ber,«aif-cuam i te »Ois n ot Wa. site 'tns»Of. thé .tWa »v ia, U*rswovasru. wO t OUversa apua" sitebecaber- tc, Nat a'» s w»ssaitslf.Ous thes-bol., s mrse ehaulng 1 3 bt l.ea . f005lad icse't sat." 40 « ob 111Skil.au. "Sbouli en la suprisedth te frit-ts W bivoi, tis e U iomglAdy blebie« tes a enmders- ,1mti.y ntsse n isblafor'tui? 6" ' ielmoittu amiS."Net a bit. If te ait.l da ttlla 1 boi >0Q t Silsima l ien tceDt bla mow&ba Frout fIe veray ttrot 1bava holliva bat aie bu'as cs reu - Seu5et rama eut ai,-' Toii. 1w . a 0.1t baa Wbat resaite bave yc« tas a»uppd e TW*MaUssbevaKa. - m«'hâv "Bar ciéstlos, sagnesa, etac. mue m9itBk*it tué F wa " eh% p rtr110. rà iirIsdbreuilngY» *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e o te. r=w? skt rma a'5im tsmek = asiiasat I vieS i.., ~ 01 t. i ar t- éc~uibt rm quit. surs list hiub; but, eof 00l"". vut'. l551qpti te a sutblfe~r soaa "Unm aIt eueste thé. yonug laiMs ros sQi 'Pssgtm bon" mte i, adv5tfl5." suggots tua leurrer.. te t baiaiers" 'lIattwI enalstar the enase, eertmlnlv. r.insv ~suIse. uring "I'thhlak1Ice» show y«u <bat len May brus baweks4aUs nto u he lite question *vlt Im lpertinene. 1 &«d« t ».ieaa sM wvi Nse, bave latli talen lati oo a dscerL Rie saeiàs *v. Tiis»aens mmm. Bgi bu,. 1esai. Jn~ ~viito t gUhei nt~ teiI f01ln W ls-arU e s.inn. »T o.Mis en u q. sbsiV 0*5Àr Opcm fta a OuIe IIt i ista e.tbosm eau vice certalo sooume bave e- pearm, botatara Whospired tg ebai Bomu absus. tolai . bfor tx» o ot erfortune. <but bas U lbé, Mda. sPO&s Lt teesuac m d. rlseou.sbly br Ilt. If beiyl a $v mei1be- 'bIsaaitisMar'avhyi v a elve tbr.Zdi la po j»dglohfin pun- il COL Thà'W by1 v »lshing t l oSa 4tthé . *1uiermsSud e ead"U uml* Wih Toty. eutoigUm Orafum taotii. pesitien nie.I baa sas etiau the bufbeau 0uete esfnomîab. 1Gev ta-e sslaSitil~e;i*e m aw » <OM»È, a5a mpetaîn, ifres110< a 1 iigit (a i&aPomu#te tt.uOP ber m ler.trm a fteung !etripect . wtinus fias I ag tu set a "" Ie*,iu Uh, MIsa Gam t el ba,&eu Sd Oeusma," 9 t a i 5<&<O. »,asse n aitmisaDaurseiai o batr«ti y u .i ribN 1m ettiI vgttT«ss-a bàiws iata de tue arw ge tuet jdS "m y««Ude it ail thé amre, Mr. Fer- dta"sr ievW ii"~ gu.. eslpsam augreadrtly là yeui h1.ile~1w» e baSrartrmode ureply to this. t vas bm4 gl ave b4 a h, sa barS un"s te sacrinie. big etru intee«si Goe *iai. tomtiSfr lIaiSet a frieuci. Eut It lceed auitI pid.tot 5eep l." - ha mi,$ *gt gEi<a l a si "Bar lte le't lu jeapardy Dow, Ire h?' '4~vat fr t tiittatMt g ala moard t*l"d Rt tbO it6i*5t&tu kaeP , 5'e,it fa. DU îfiffi. Rer lIte muet i. u tba.ssddle. in ieoprtv s-bIle (lqascalxs lae t e'-snet tsll iotty tiet i>ua4jesb,éSc egr ettlq il 'ber ieath."' eme., aid vrgUE4 0"l'ils. ar0t@Wabout lt.' sali erguR. coldiy. , 51~~I~ ~~55ta lta- saut dey bi. C»an oupportùuuty "--«W rld 1-r'ba est tutg g pft o eNu«a luprll-ate. 'smiig rixt ,. 1 "NXev dôn't 1«Y a Wordi ti yonite Mt 1* msi itsi. Iedmi, betd i a1 Ibave ta tel vos." ha ebegan. e1*0114911117 t as"taisbaineDuiM flue haraceoutet. as eleeelv asuii &%*se"Déslur beh e.- pesuembar.,il fiat -ai passmithe Xem owtly - *1t>betqrS betiffaeu bU; nd aithe bu état'ipao eri- lsoneu," ba mlt lu conclusion. mie *luin lathe "ilas t'. for 10 4, .(aywv*thber yet tiiusis*Limiexéon Wt hé ho sou as lisDaucanter or tu Wf*t "Mtedfore eturminulas, mud r- ' ~~'a "jaer7p atefu tas'eu. M r. FeagIua IluVUL - 5s4 m7 ryate oIs , ~you friand. but t .bi$s. ,hu ppod 40lo 'wLAfft ,aU-tar hapy -mei uil pour 11e à lu danser," sur ~t'p u'Wbte-' '01 lptinu danger" repliai Nus 4441, audit 49' i Of5e oCnvlad o teils te ti (at »Wtmndvas powear ast doubWla "'»W$0 hbafie lt l alM baurt -' SaIit in 50t' la lotir ptbot*u t iu Xed*e w s'd ha4 bm*:Snogm 1abâeýt that- ram ver; 'ýSk*m. -w Dot hfrÏÏ WifrUppWt4 Seer 1baie hW e u 'beu, 1 *'taepeaple'bera- 'Wisitubt t e ra.. Lte ail ob t irstre. Tii ý",V#t e he *çb 0"la ueo*éight ta mgethat 1 '(<5, .te ln phyltboý9 eb* o utsl$' Out. 1 do nel >, vi à it{ wW* tidis nlgbtly pw* ,I a a w ut. va1i *94 Wit du4à dia ' lte (ilibis flav Ella, cu "dIeItW' &p idete rte. > &ta ffa.e- e asktd. 'Tb Bar. là. C. Creal; muisnary la japx as.mis t tthe relliionsdrift lu. "Pta& la $ovrd plintbelsp.t, . 'ba'Elsop efrfitrceloua taPi accu pub- li a pastoral lett'r ezpresulng hie strons dimaPprovai or buliltsl. Ira D. bunker bats bien isaking a te- rivai touraf Ireisud. and recep>tions la bis humer barsbren f requeut throusiiout the. Imlaud. The Opo &Ir, Workcrs'àanmclatien of AmurErca k"made e urein ith au or gsatmed ~80<for oi)en air services ln New la> thi cmulrer. - Caili Tbet, la Q la ngreat U50<5411 thll pllgdipapr freux Engiani ta Rorne ln Oetoiler> bësded by CarduwiI Vaughan Su tii~e etNorfoiL.- ,£t belusmd choir le a .uqiis v57 fa matiqQ JteVUitarlienobebss. It lu to bea ss lu a uev deh-" lu Liver- ~~s ver oti f4 «. The The Chnçii oetitheEpipuw,-forrueass a ,of Piladelpi#* >mcated et 9Fllternth ila Io la gr~U,** the old ip Cli ét*cb i#ÀiOtier and nscr ,1irable sao, t(mlà of 66 ctyi, vile tU*v 1*1*oftheii psO5aSt7 'tr, business PrtMm bau - Crmsai tram year te70ftr 'Ti proq>- erti bas hiesold to a muqdtSIcul U #le OGOAèS *4W the rh MV b e vcplaced b7 à u'0*business ie*.érJtiiWin- amskear r*Oseuted thei *tu't* crora- -fi r'.tuvd ansd Kano~'N- Eu ettefor cr f andicate. Ib, john J3. W. Chestnu$et fPbàadel- gi, *ho dA iedutDutcb USéhar, Mais. Wldows aud B Ma Wcmteb l» a. for a neitiqf5rogna to bb TIN. epameon as te .Wiisér ýoma owamtt.om bats ilueh* 800mme ifor eh*lu ithe a nerara- a boma abed tarai business te do vltb the. Stock Market, àftthe break bS ave faitb sifniet movs- islml £0 veso =si.t b Ltisua iltgmU eaktut-me z*effte ais tan Pindcal Sie em toC wth é opvsm bS or t<meua dico ut rvtum tau hem ot 3c X" fle ot thea eaine vu la h#ema laflame butra aSt 0 p etts- . aswu llaé beetalmIf 21M 4-mytrtusm pdeo hs smS e a hw*a ethe rem rvablmal »di the btqbmy ge the uA:t a" vi*f w# It cf previeus vos les oulv b« Wua!' ty pele <et vifth t ng te b. sepustabla m. A. D. T. Whltsey. do so . Mtùlia laa meut tuer ommStatehiela ah r>malflbetll. - iAftA~0<. lu s eBoumis TesÇee mon as te ssnoreuat i Mi, lm monat nag Sear t ats. ftba laflutrueim ema ttIla ges'é5U"telj ,=slter On«"a bat bosst orwpaidet#S I , is siTe vibu ftrv a n t Glis tra Gmow it e ole daet ut <lium of0 thanUv e »«M lan0< <TA$ perices, ont tapirés. Paisea s -« s s4 adar? ant stialinti. vMiuea1 ta b. lia rugit fer trialboises tw iriperildam eourt TIse Instructions te Miistoe iio s'.M undrteet te eun"talu Us ilg slip*- 1. ;bt Pinces Tumbe »»»e4 f ou et fi" amd saeaese eepftwle ta tha e vet be ami te. lu bisplaca. tétMase ma e smri v ,aav tm, v la seçeptsi eae o 4. 'ibat M ta Plaat tasutae otd f fe Umti te sa aftr n dibt. la iievatuangt .Woun-ew- ptoiesViaboui e ue etua um ltèmot srud*ntsIi u* dtv.Ti Cns ov tenàs- bai e tes isitimatIonto haatud- penwbap.besi lud1(5 at nswter et the nitesatàte c damutaetev Oti. Depaitai Sa genent atat b t he .- rI et isa ear u mndpninscu t be u derti ete Chfese làeaders viae arc bahlei yu ly, ta ateed egit painls a ifîmee n ttheCbaie tmà Tiirais baut-d at basiniaiethe e ven~tmifestton f ue ctis luta nît- te Utteda its25.000 luhat «*the'Ti vorke, omolctinuglofiPrtincrnesl ext, bbegngvthe Arausas. 'lefig- Canasit appues on Eiai.vties-reAit - ceatuee abu,1.0000 The cima luaq biedas las. the eium eatior&te citiescnthe Ut., 000,00. t ingvatbetotaet a 115 cIllasI pieieir i l ,the60. elnu 00 ttal platiot et le manetyai vs 1,' 08,111. The diféenace la 5bOM?7, on a gain or 25 par cent. 'SIX TI-IOUSANO ;îOUlES- LOST. Govamuat'e Oefuit *Suures en lhe Galisolma U**eas The goverilnia5t veser isait o1R- alai report of the Galiastm «»te aoya tbat 5,M8 bctsaeas-on tot*4 sdéétro5etl. tiiat Uce lite loft la istItuasiet OC.M mai prepettidatuafia viiiexcesêt *80, 005,00. Thes tint -attàissi>s relacity eft nlalesauanhboni-ou au udt&e At 100 mles, au hour 15 carni a t v h assuoni#tmi aiGalveaton. Tàe, iaroni- mie ai Gavesten dalaithe. sti te- itanid 2&.M8,thé.lovait nsadjag ea racred la tha bisions' o the westàgr bureau- Nationat l nnf 515 vug enaotes to Pau a pure drm law. Thaer. vealth parliabtaat In the UniteidStatas 1,0'c. , The éasuai »«iubofet icTylar ani Ili smbut aI.Philadelphie, rus lmiSthatebscm aeoplyiélWdai thé clii forisri A NevwTeli drugglat sait rmentir (bat, accord4 gto>» epilsasna am bain dM e àSa *suqigte ei t tbas veinai, The entire auuli voiemb about the. deasthaid. "Tbay tocetU, q mlaull, ta démp tiougb*.ýý "Noe," tiey flualî toit the'lun- "t'. vo't takl .Show nseue di« h oid-fatoned klnd tint dow't toi ld~ -iladelphla Preass. "A youug gr,"Mid. tisapro"y boarder, "isould (al ber motiesveqY- "Tai," ssEd tisa avsa ibelor.ntl r ani neysab* i. as brlog about Pa vI bu espeelaly velcunie."-Ind"sapulis Pres. TIsé Ge" Ose. susklub-I teil vs. 1 don'thoera Rurm Grabenlvusevar la 1Ne, YO la bts bon 11is. sayrai-Dul bse vuaý-ise aboya ina the brck.-Puck. Whou a Mau lires vii (lod isW voire sU b. ase aviat as (ha. utrnur et fia brook snd the rima the vMtns- air Water sctt b" a aov yof inas. presiuint ApsmOviS vas-u t ftia ' ýWhaNff ibe sta rtb." AND c44R0Y. 1 '. là