Althey ame - 41111101*. vert bsMbi in LAbsMi ma mêl 0 i01e uho roo.. wme ho otmfl d d19s u-" Dot thero AM fl Do tatouel t"e maté«. bolm t a faflelto m.ou hW ki1 hhiy oom. ul"i fleve. oaoaivahk O@ved la laida o trou tme homle. noe» 0f hlood oeslb Oum. TA. aoeighborbood il de aPuut"ou- d"=" ff muN» te - Upu-. lad ,s*n oh Lomdoe, NiA ihai ibm 1VUu~ OVe byloha4i *~ 11101 Ohioegul -. ton 7.oh1487 ~ orna Eu ijuxumi on e- euh i bo S m . r uuon Iba u «414 16 1 4 healteon the beS». *Iohtu a -d q A «zpion"hlu -aaer hq.wm gAMn ki*oelor hi m»d vu Ihipo&ê - smQt trom vhleb ho lid i ha. uselme.W mlsd mea litàe miwiU<8gA". m Tii.eooaîa Jury iOuhii..* e OAci tA Wh" 9h. 86.labo ie. ol.l PhUlp tamOIhm VU 0"09 Othéi tm a L a om OiNi. wt oft maaut me 8m. »thO u ne 7hMnbW mmd pmuov8aemm b.d ;lie *iau OIii Md- esa Ma Ie.lproufsMi Mdlte- S*flma "Ou1n1UM awpk *q . hi"-AtHn" ao~.a U'akU~ 1 * ua1u* ab tu h.Nllo iO mm aerh g* DIil te ai" et a ne7,1 d ou, ego 1 i. fi' i6 lupu me âm5dred vme =,:: qanoiSi iaomm 100'f W 00n to »M Aà mm at me a e. 1 M,.evMW b. 0' b. ilok"s«*. WMvoL ne W. hae a ev "eqmiab» hr M en t".*havve onfor laUaS puti inoia*ema 106ioMW ff Wb Wh DWbau0* oé-Iaor ehp.......... Our CI" for "e« .. la butt b. dtmtsof 14 Whe o Iboit. y lb mm BlesSas ~ B". r. lurga, Ipiel Sa 3.0* 0himq,~be. r buoieisj * misais, me. ~ 1mai17 ~ b 'rnmIst~ i. h Nil I. la me tw a" d Mo"- is - : - è M'ed lb. umad 1167 dl maSSas lin t* les le !hummI67 elui~aq. O hO * Or. w- ItemoUnai ta lb r*014< TOot'11 NEW tARNB» S IiOP, Lap Robs, ab@4 om eamo nnu lue Nmn % PiAuisHiOIGU Nems 4 ft,"Au Feuk CI$de. bqéi.g Oak*-m4 ma dy Do". .RANK WEIAND. 1 ua IoN TION. ~ed. ca rae ê~f9% - vfl'a Là»m Conne Mmd Un*Wos la 10 14113 eefel Zm.0 mmotyovar .BrYMa v-u .' lu1006 mnoNe lu1m ruos'e lw more voIleftu lm Ihéa a ONmal ft7an 479 more voStela lm0thia là A Village t Ut. aeLittle amps Li. Mr. . i. . 181.0, Sa vih»MM villageblaitb é aiGmaaehS suilivac, Go., N. yT. c or- l mon fove yemuut u qwy o sub)eOMtg kuoummd pobsthvePe atima beeL '16w e Iuu ,,iany imesjo ritbd e.. . mediclneo, IbâtO-l* IaeCo itemedy le roiteout 6e0631 diOlv b gb. M"foi M4 by 91tn Isequimmdue.. vi a croupj' syrl epffappera vo have rond ilthe d6e d15 muip ha0015 e0@410&0- "iff drugoidaadW Vp* eQ* Dye DeWiL îit' tl Oiy aBlUé e t. roi I e o4' an ape.'Ir. a. IvOU, Liiaeor>Y-U4I. Bii8W.ÂoU. uraes V. ~. WONuIAN.Hueof NÉ:r ýpresented ja table howlngtbevoeby It ble show8 trot the vote reeelved:by tho çah toivnshluhebji OuDty, that lu th! k>over, (;Puàeàlg 'senatQr sad- i each ;&oevéd aze showis. The . tble la .05.5 n s4142 luIR lu 0 la N10i 16 M i ai a m. ,~mul a OV adm mter date.*t'am e b pê. ap%7lng ml se -JOHN A. TNiM, SooT NiMbms, L. Nov. 3., Uii Auctiong aerio 7 vo "A th0 ae ae.euowmn" vIome l*84 lb. IaimwsNu nes m dvuN s ny U M 41ole12M Ukl tUg oI ble b*u &CY pUDAKI . aNIAO Pu i6emd ilb S UIppPb 0 Ln kumed itive4 - .1 i il EU, mim m 2", .0 à 0 * lou 1 -0 buende nsai..Tua pqmim me Nia mmgbiee, Cnle ¶95 mb .l m"mom, bu lb. 0Iwo «W» v vl 1ob l .14 00 Ib. b QWlvasu a m e t loas, mal ws~v.s sil y01h. ens t%94" tbffl.9Ios16 m'o0 bww tluge.&A 1*fU ma"bârw " ihê eutut b g W' 0 o4emuwstI'lIvoio a ei a b 4 108&Th* ma41âv 60 0IM"&b l... flM.b"a.w, o1e nev Wby We Wmei La. TA. M DPUNNUW hudh Mylaie h ameuteÏ=U,*.-le0ereltums *M bs naymq16eopmn tMty, A&Ohalat luat TUEU4&l tc and Pmhbbtion csidld&ýes )t reoWtVod by ti. hm pejuty Inn tli.county candïdates.and ~1 laentlrly corect w; lu - s.IU Il h il ..4 vJats .5 Plush and Daum'* Stock Fo 't ail vo 's -I lb bu aM v J .b j"i