wbig bD or 1«t &M te Immli t f«2 lAS ela bb ls sode&. 1 6sss10 id -mer l fiat _b tu irtIus aw,*e i, têslj i te bu gt and mls pou fel-low hanS to bis lips aMd Mal loft 99nb îe t"~ Slag kbase -Wi - 155e b ati vEw on" * -unie; sud 1TISE g ut vW le I t La a p j I mb~uvaaI~ 1~a *15055 -t tus-i Uiu .1 wï ,34h M. ad br ti pftuest-- WWl le, ***àa ,5 e taB t ats&Y&et mv bIt ut a ug ut,. wutil ', la I. t» rw« t * matu faiti aa omne btitic b» t# umCSGIVthe Puab e Aew oet 61W M a O.IutWu r' muaiS. emacel s pool Sr W*,lt iQQ tbifs; t Wâi.sU i 1. bl5 s'il have om Umes *llCI4 I b" brâtd: Vêtue. Ion *bat 1 vant drect. ibSae awvay tromn sme. rt. am. t#Ild latta 705 C rs ffe l 3502 ions. r oq D bave nme put eut et 'dmi.. YciiX6*N gd ou meait b SuMr 01117 7yopeest» duc etlIt Y«it x.darcn't S40 t. s~hai ,au ut me. , or .8 WOdn'l 4h aw1ig1i a La te yesn Bxsboun. Yentu, for108 e to am at enougli chet ylu UA'51L An& P. but wbeeedafla lttyou & a u h albu turnlag me eut la th@ ouly tue gla mes. pon gratitude for aSU t',.u«« a1154 é * at met 1 came ont of the amthe 10 utendy.r pie ut eal iegt Cd <ewma ete, «anmr u~ t ceppm ront et« 102 aIMe to keep body and sa-J tfflsdur bandà a Iibisp I3» ot Imagine 1I v ant h i@ *1oe: rd hoer eCarriete th* "Well. hoi tian s as efor cbarty. 1 7«4 Lot eçt i te tub, i*bat 10ot ve nme." vtji b i e lt. VhM 1pyi a p My houfs h"g i. bep 7Yeu. I'case70D sae IyCIl7012lifts. IBVeS >bqpr. .pt onInto t il lI tell~ 014 d as aw s tig teppung iut g6 otr Mri pCaCit Position. Ws e mm vsmuet, Soi 14,:teilrfrtune cumete u. 1 t ight. lu t Mypart ofthîe arement; Fe dt tc keep rus = lashait 0fof orti, . Wsll B puwa up. I've been ted "Auj 10. à ~ uthose stakes *Mie 1 als the game ont. but **hiw Mae4 m 00te goon t it Dow. Wid J t nieutha. Tb*, cm atmtw e Wl %re au W 4. h a. t ~ p-s 40bid ou te It . lva tb*be 't 'E*#mchange It for tis .1 uMWp !eNeOMbad.extend- *'Y., i, vyy ~~~~~" ~ bk 4is4.00auc el-eonptlou. :ý wsebaf8*0 îly verk- cgves ber l f1 aut10740e y 4M ev~b"Iq 1«L & .- Mb, Aswe.a 'I'iuuSs is.'M me wyva lu'ut à&ti» lbs la i ls ums dDtb@sj it lappe at fl mvus 5t 1551 SCSty l09f fl "sId lifttis a.l. biâ mtileS mcm asefflst absy feu =IsmsV" u thrsss.. yu aats. 1:= pr sSpW - dhi, anS darkt% 1. ba r et e ple. buas -tber wm. MWe ie VI* aexk*t. &Bd Ibu ka* Dot wut* vay te uta114 11oy. . cw 5a"séoaSb4 l MLI oisappbmat iuea nwb uft l a jus ci mpeesd but ostrttiiama bu d0e.ç temnufacture ci piles ~f 1'nusols if îe rebiIllb Unasol pioclal rua iaSa mi.'weisdeaiu tboalste -c4& 1 Xutrisla 8ut ItvahN «a uds elnu ea pgedsg$MW*i uuyi~êt mm t»1*5, lu whleh tà. biais bd# ; bý arest lis a" Rasuto. Tb$ 558weMS4 bon sssla mruntqeint At tv Md t t'o -b cf *1 stWb* h" ils, ao» Mm * déê saUW peosd»M st odtbu 1 t k&adibtlv k etm o» =mm: à.* tuklt manlu. TI ivain. I iatn ti, t te M SbisSala4"baPWa see*5 vo~Wi* d vh,.St" bauds ma&-ie «Cewout vr Nns. îla~s a t1e bis tie. vb«a w..J vais Rive yon bsn 4m15 uwaee malman? mUePT Se u eeuamsu a. u i. shah,. 1 $r dume