CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1900, p. 6

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BEAIJTIFUL BETHMEM SELL.8. road fat au bis legp could 'camInylin, that h. might complet. the covaitedl bat- oVERt the roa et the ttlet--otr the gain betore achoceltime. Bobby and Non- e Il "t tbe nation% nie bueled themtve inu drawlicg ucouth rtZgthbiM.*' the.mei. figures on the iroated panes-yothful ey n he 0113g tart at¶blîtg ih hope maklng JOY tu the mldal of là titu- There la te-thor. e lit. tforthe dylai la lion. the beauttllthtlehemabelle: "Thomas laicoming backr' txclimed Ira ofla adthal îy fo'r the ton- Tmm umWnbg. repeated Non- la the igt of a giorions moming rang the nie. beautitul DBetheem belle; "Han he got the sied?' îsked tbelr And OI attlon hthaats of ocatiotlau an atheai mother. exulitg wal.e" o' e I. adBb At that memoay $West of the rlnglna of te " o' t t"sdBb beautitol Bethlehem bellat The experlmeut bait proved a fillure. Thc rng 'e l. tll ad tt aleis teyThomaîs soon entered, Vrying, wth thq snmmnood the g ladi woi'ld that dey, tatt. Irrregl cof . i aht ta the rdant lîght "Jimmry Hartaharn bas aplit tbis oit of the ont Whèe.the ieauttflnlely, ie op, and when 1 tried te mli the tes- And toetver ad ever and ever i wonderfal ketie they toIt me I bat stolon Il!" miledy dwelle la th" tenti, mwet rnigng and slngflag of '1 wold't mimd, Thornas. l'Il try the heauttai Bethiehema bellel smo ther plan te male yeu tujoy Fer tht me.t a love that là deathlee.- Christmas." a ,,&t emli tromiphe alongs; The wldow presed ber boy te ber tFhtylsia otthe love thit la iemdlag the ____________________ wea t thelttClearycoss; Elngseront ocar the ondo e ltt le- ring saeet 'er the tillIand thc delle. Ad toach o. with tenderest pilles, oh, beatiful Bethlehemi belle! -Attnte consttuion. 1o BYWILLIAM 0. BATON. iR OTHER, bow mrny yeara is iti mnce lent Christmas?'" înai;rd 1 Bobby Gray, a youth of about' six, efths wkowed mother, n ho vas bay, "footing" a pair ot sto,.kings. "*Oniy on," said ahe, with a slgh. The morrow was ta be that festive day, and the poor wornan reflected upon the lime. when It neyer camne round mirrbot witnessing corntcrt and plenty in her abode. "I do't remember it," said Bobby. "Do You, Thomas?" "I gueaa 1 do" sai is brother, î tond af is iuperior knom ledge-hë bcbng atout int. "I rerneniber the turkpy NMr. Bates mut unan d the things for tâe 11cm îpud- ding Mrs. Johnson gave me, sud te tics Deacon Snow ent over. AntIti mont lime for theni tc ho here this 3ear, moth eta 7" "Perbaps thty'U1 forget us th!* year, chlt," said tht widow. "But we mnt not be seifieh. Wt muet tbink bow tiank- fui we ought te be ta God. who nover for- gets un.,and who his given un Otheium te keep wirrn lu, and keeps as train alariog, as ne mauy do." "But it vent be auythlng like Chb ist maif they do't ent any good 'hinco."ý alt Thomasa, aith a disappointed look.1 "0 haw I wiah ut vert rich. 1 w sh i bad aaed or s pair etfmskteslMe the Readman boys; they havre auc fun tht ice" "It wonld be btter to wish for a pIr et boet," sald Mas. Gray, looking ilth veau-eut Aines npon tht boy'& foot. "I wouida't mmnd that. if 1 laid a pair et skatts," alt Thomas, trying te cou- ceaI bi. geat lots, which vert looking out et thet hoca te sec if there a llkely ta be sny chmngq ln tht condition ef the tarnlly, "Do yen suppose, mther. you'Il ever he rlcb tnough te, boy me a pair ef skatea?" "Ast me, tee?" axclaimed Bobby. cag- erly. "Shal v hbave butter te'merrew 7" saket Thomas, i tbougbta abaorbed in the excLtemeuta ef Christmnas day. "Yes, dô have butter, and mlases!" adttd Bebby. '*And can,, tee, ma!" lnslted Nionle, ébaking ber heat very wlmely. "Husb, childreu!" repiet their mother, earcely able te auppresa ber tesrs. 'II wil to the bet 1 cau., but wc muet not oxpeclteeacmucb." Toe much! She batd known fer better daya thîn Ihose: laid ived n a larger aut mort comostablt tenement than thia mere bovel, with but tw tore, miny et the Wiktoevof wbich wen' tmoflle vitb raigu te kep eut tht blling wlnd, and vbosc watt. and fgoura vert rlclety wth sgt. Tee rancha! Ob@baid it a o, ber eldet, at mc, many ytirs be- fort. The teilla et ber hoibiot and et other chldren had added te, the ak' ne$$ et ber lot, outil new, thougla aeiy- Iug oen Qd. ahe telt fearful apprehen' citou, etfthetfture, Atrckuiaa abouît aIsoecorne upen ber. A sdden guet et vlnd ratiîlngthe pite, sutd tht ticklu t uov flikes mgantthen. csuoed the poor fiAmlte look ocut opon thetfromatuaiot ad tht leafiestafieIds wth varions emotieus. "We are golng tu bave a enowatrmm"' "Are we?" exclaimed Thoma; aud lth ciltren rushed tcycuely te tht vludows. te vatch the SMai akea drivtug througb the air. "'[bei the i '.11 h.gocd coat-I Ing. Oh, bey 1 wiaeh vc laid a let. meo Ihat 1[ad Bobby euit cmet aIl day te- mrrevî Weuldn't Ilatre b. foui" "Oouitn't yen bey eut, mtel?" mai cd thet bengbtltia Eebby. "Oue voult be enoîih fer beth os , sud I couid ride behnt. Oh. ter' "And me ride, tee!" ciet 1111e Nionie, runiug te ber mother'a hue. and pitît' Iog with bert tm bandeanmd tîrneat cyts. Auxleua tt o mething te malte the, mrrow pas. bappily vil them. their tint moîber bethouglat lataelf oetununid woru'eot copper teakettle covered vitb toit lu a cerner et tht rom. "".a ay bey got au oit siedtbtat yon conid sgot cepr" "Jimnmy Hirtaheru bas gel a new one and Isuaid ene. Botut 's mestiogy lac veu t't lt me have the od one villa- eut 1 pit for i." "Weii. take titketîle and tel! il, mutd stt If you eau get thte ld sied for tht money: and thon. If t snowî eneugla, yen and Bobby cao have a gond tirne ou Christmasa day." '*And me, tee!" alt Nauile, tugging et ber mothr's butes, ",wcll, ve viii me@." Thomna was ilrtady eut et denrs vith tht old ttakettle, ranlup the trosen achiug heart, sut 11111e Nauule vanuop te off ta comf oct ty hugglug Thomas, amut -'Do't by, Tommy-mî gAve 700 5p- Il vaa nov Urne fer achoel, ant tht tvo brothers teeb their booksi and vent off, watehlug vlatfolly such peple as lbey pamset, beariug home subtatntiel ignsetfItat sppreicb of Christmas dey. Tht distance te the acheel bons. vsa se gatat that the beys neyer returnedtli school 'Va over fer the dey;motda they vent hoe this day tbay beard tht oth- ta chiltren boastlug geeful ofe tht great preparations for t0merrov, the great Christmnas yi eofhaiytabtys, plnnp, ceose mutdvidteavi, et aeU-flet store- roomsandot airita, countiea pi"a et al kînts, mut tainty "lurik-oers" mite os peclaliy for themelvt,-IlU tht moutha or Thernas and Beblay vateret at the ce' citil, But they, peer tialga! vert toomedtot tter disappointment. Notblog bat corne, The utîglabors batiedorgetîco or caret net for the peur tmmiy Ibis yesr, and wltla sorroavful eyes they varmet theni- sobves at the barren hearthlandmot touglat et the riext dey. andIbe idhats alau toytul sport et their sehornates. "I wvish Christmas aoult never coma agail, motelci mmuret Thomas, as tbey adetdteL the niglt. "Evtryhety tise viil W eoeying ch- 'vuan d ave c s't. les tee, amggriill, "Pief Thomna; Yen 1% tn't ha se"ih.' We muaetlac glat ad thuukful that we have a borne, pont sl le." Tht widow îwolol w#khtâhit fai ntl glimpteetfmernlog, *aeblhldacn .1111 alumberiog. and aus h. e ked levard. the wlndcw. mht uv wthe Saure eftà a in, apparently aqlttp lu a chair, betwctn ber and the llght! Astenfahed, alaruiet, he utteret an exclamation et fcar. Tht ound startied the tranga figure. wbc aprang te bist rot. "Who'@ there? Who le t?" exclsmmed the witow, tearfuily. "Mother!" Imesodtram the trauger'm lipe. "t la 1-i4tlei.Edward! 1 carne if- termdoiglat. but 1 would net wmke yen" He aprang forward as bê apoke, mnt with a wlld or! cf Joy, i mther clisp' cd hlte An ber arme. It vas àilung ena hraire-long nm bis exle, sweet sblé returu!" Ant the children, awakened by the nose. unlted n i cr7 oftfear. tAl paiied sud reismured by theAr mther. ilqsba beg î td tand et th*'" t çw# treete <tv maiwiréé WU*érux, up th* tre.k. Thc tiny leaaé bantsp' 64 liké Candi. ias.. and sa,. et iwhtlî aid Coloi1ed gis.. A proje~ tUrmpih fautens th@. lump teatthe brimela. The wires am ftenncus.i veuAy coseealadlsg jin. f6lsage sud thietrimmiagi ct thetreea. Tht battery la miicient tta rnialet$lAi for twenty-feur hnicainul.Na eue wu]i ciré, teahiave he.trt ligtat more thant a tew beurs et a time, 1mw- ever. aud the 114e ay b. mdetatesat throogh the tuti'. holidai wek.-New York Tribune. COMPLIOATINCI CHRISTMAS. W. Are *14017 Diuaa'timg fa'.. tht muet W.y ta. Celèbrata the Du. Edward Boit wites.,lu the Ladies' Home Journal, that "*there nmuet be nmre radical and growing departure froni the right and beil way cd celebratiug Chrlit "I am captain uew, mother. 1 have mes wheu eaeh acurring Yeuxia veaita beau provîtmnt, thauks te yor early lager numbea of mensaaylng, 'Wei. l'Il teichiumganitthanka l. e e d, 1[have be tauly Ihanutot en u hia Christmaa enough meaun te tombA. me te assure yen busines la over.' Aid they are lad te til that 700 ahali waul no more." remaab gencraily by aeing thtia vives, m Ilart ..1ror dinghteaa atach dUElo~ TIH AOUR. ttrly tiret out, wllh tht prospect of i sitge etfilunte sooa Chrstmas le 0,cr. And il nuit be con' fesse t Iat this state et affaite exists ln thousants et home.. Worn themaeîvea frequently acbuewlcdget tbtr satataction vbeu tht dal i vec, Nev, there AsaIl waym aemelhing vreng vhen ve malte n burden et cor pleasures. And At onte o oua sonaces et pleamure.le tht caientsr'a greatest gala day la deatved trom a totl- tug of thaubtulncas that It la over, tatr lam onetlhlng aabev eltber Au tht way vs prepire for, or @pend, the day." A Belaimm CVbWa'snaugeaitu Tht éhiIta.n ot Bttgium have a claamm' lus Christmas ltgtud about Bouts, Clan.' - peny. '1'ey alwayî place their voolen i sabotaeutht vtodov lcdge, atuffetful et ota, bay end fetter for the "dear Chritmapouy." lu the eitiy morutus they con ou tip'fioe te loob, mot, hehld, the bay I. al goe, nd. uttbt bots art hrimmiug ever vlth tors and sivotmtelfa Thon the. clatren clip their bande villa N9 Mome Chataam ev etPire& gîeaud viala they could enly have yak- A. dtdtd novtlty Oh.ytar 'w11lac éthtet dlu, time le ee tht pony mnocblng bis tctricmly Ilightd Christmas tfree. An cita, Thît venit have been auch foui oufifit ter the purpoee Ancua a bittai -M&1hP. Moibîr, la St. Nîchelas. te i.mangft tht hgrt.lag 1tet A6i1 th.0 Me'Qebiltéy buantgia Whie "Xyadoertoaiesboats: = dar i "Bedeek tht villa wlth gatety, tbe living (Adts eonce, 014 Orle *- mine. t&- Wh cpatb the aigtietti)' tcbarraie Orit.esud r;ë, lot t hem ita iverbted. lamtheputijilPripe &d r.dyl Ara the For Ibtyýre eai. g beus-Ibe cbiitr*r-. trou tht verid's naai, ahiol Ad the; ame la by-go.. Yiettdes. ore ou ktw.. mcii m"d gray. Fanas the ceaiers et the tart, tote c ou thît. gavetemhArt, They arae emung appy:bhated..conge en Chriatam der. «The» tea J4ct uPOnthte eemu-(and out Watre are lots tel)- et tec tictnFou lovte hlm gaettlag tearer than the t a. l§ee hlm $a" a teIde the vboti. vtllt lt terea t tht teiptt.oaithe angn7 braabta'.caest. Tht ici wInda are a-hlstliag asutc goûd sip labo. tc mc, But oaa ,Iark .atllt,lg coca, ttr.' the .I.r g ortht spray;, Fb i0 hat land i. cacng-lanowi tht .pôrt t. vt!cb h.t'. aet-lana; I le t ',a ,Zh,me, car ..1l.a. trm the s., fer C.hutla adur. 'trr the ro!llsa Western prairies.tro' lt f.rt . tIr,'the tarot. tlpe'ct,.asengln ueh.8Raglcla traisthe And ,,cr 1nir.-t rend trams aire, aies the o,l f,ohttaa l, Ttam. .tau ao btaii.t loinas, jIle h 0f tIc!, ij',rid youtt'u rcnewmi -of the mac,' d ltly ses Y: And oigcott'ai thttcdotr,, a. v.diai 0dais c f .te iI't-c heplssel nu 'MMny'r.tams'- coalui tact an Chrismas day. ihe tc"tcte.tree abltangl Aret1h Fo kr a.. oyla mmigvitI ber rcay 1Irlnmat bryl Astdcu slv'f ialc,'atter tappy lbarate Aud tc merg adcip tnet ut thétjoat- 'ra e'tt t tir jtyi. Thor', a giory in yaur esu, gond v!te. i cIcry il o rfactie: à tePat Cartes tact leta usaan cur boai.. ;s lâj,- Whit'-m teat Noalime for rete.,1t M joiy telîtl Int ar sa. q Asd1te Itenllîta Cu tomewar oan tan# hl bard LChristmas dey. "Hart la stelgtititson t Proatvay-they - Oc.mtOl They tac beach Frot the Nritat, andthetc Ilothiaut- fana, thesFat a fron ctteet: We t 1 etîl ctaetli aagface. v. tli freet tact Wrm embasot: ()aa vi4Votutodtwîll meet&galîsa!tpeace * rate nsi, Boa llsgttc toors vide open- iI theniat aut' i'rlntimaa ibPr; The a isa Ime one magitn, otd I foroh .Y blttai la gay: Ant osa tira nvleetaraite, itua Parai fra'îght mltt pralse. usut. Moiuaiut taein tht rhlitc-hrlngo theai homt on &lmma. tar." -GerasîtBrassas,la Llaille Courea' Journal. THE CHRISTMAS TREJE. It Woot trducedt uE inant hIl Ont.. sVcior ala. uebmd. Et laesaIt that Christmas tiret vert nad te place gifla uipou a arly as 1632. France adopled tht Chriastmas about 1840, snt Prince Abert Intretticet Il loto England the fiait Chriatmae liter hie marriaga. Tht Quecu still trope up thle'- enatem, hailg a trot for ber owu gila .. one for ber childaco and grantchlldatu, and eue for tht bouîchold. glace then tht entantbusbeceme vorît-wide. Tht "rofetcandîta" ila etmort aurîet tdate. Tlatrt la au oit French romance ef lbe tblateenth emtury lu vbicb tht here meet. a tacs vheae braucte frorn top te bottom crt coveret wlthbubrntug candles, whiie au the tep la the figure et a chltshitosln a emli greater rîdiaoct. Tisl trot ymoolizet humanity-the upper liglits belng tht e "à et the got, thost btlov ot the wlcked, while tht chilt represtot' et Christ. Tht potttc Ides et tht Christmas trot asa s ymboi of Zp renevet Ile ot ni' ture, vhlch begi-'>vltb the ieugtheang et tht da"., come from Oermauy. Proms the Norme mythoiogy cemeit the sogge.,. tien et tht Clrlalmas. litesastypical cft tht utv-born mou lau hsl Il vas btdtecbtd viril lightm. and waa an emblem of apabng ou accuitlt flis rich green. Probihly tht Nerte mythology vas tht origia of the "taeeof etcautîts" more tIbm et ths preatut Chritmas ttle. On tht Anîge- ductlonof et hratianity che Chriatma trot, altheugla met knovn lien by tlaat nams, btcammtille type er Christ. Tht foliowlng a>eutatiou tendub. P. se Lewis gve tt,. tmiems-et Christma troc: "Thet re. Itatif, taleli ad tallA, woas Ymhelical eoflbis majestyyand gran- deur: the gren,'ofuiet laisgetandso Im- morlîlity; thtelihts, et bis glory, and et the star lu tht east; and tht angol ou top (wblch vas thon nover omttd, oethfié angtela who gave te tht shepherds thea word. atilI spoktu each Christmnas day, 'i'eie on oartb, godviii ta enu! Seit-Colture Magazine. Meaning a et Chriattonan PrteutL," Tht raîl meînîng et "Chnristmapros- le ont" ha. becu ]ont lu ail tteurm cats; ave give taorn ethea motives tIhon the riglat onue; mse give bere front obligation; ave glvt theat hocause lothera hbave given te un; liretvetot fit the conditions et thons upon wbem vil hetv. and frtquntly go heyont oua meana; ve gve where tht heart dota net go itlh the offrng.-Ed- ward Boit. netinnaCote Mld. "Suppose that hi'ther Tume erte hait," remarket tht girl wîth the lflustrittd a' manuf; "bow Iit vouit nterere wlth pro- greas.", "Io wbat wayT' "Why, we eudn't tilet.tme by thle' forteclt."-Butmio Neys, MIE AIN r VAIIIMIus? TEAR MIY HAIR. TmifY IIAIL M INI THE I-ILLWAY lI D THE FLOOR l&ýK onSTAIR, uNrlL NY h ARE îNmJV( ANID My THROAT, PXA NDU HIJ Y, UTIL I WISH THATI LAY MEf GEtTLY DOWH AN1D DIE! b t et

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