CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1900, p. 9

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a It is not1 ig the neceouary, for un to advertise Our reputation for del1ver- very bot is unqueetioned. Ovsters fluts and Groceries of every Bomgo* ..description lail supplies for the Holiday trade. Triggs & Taylor, ,vllle - - - - - Illinois.1 1$ abeatt ('ail and< sec te pretty thihlgs alreatly her-tlil tivaîî(ee.iiard of thet' Christmhas Jroxîsiioli. I.iokiiig.aLroiIInlilhilves no11 obligation ute plîrchast' We are gladt<i 1 have' voulr jrt-4oet pîtlraise-- ewt'xiiile tlte futitre take care tif itcwlf. i<t. liaif lîtuîîr iîî our store wilIl rove a liberal t'llcItitil in the iatest phlaees of the,' leaîtif'ili iîî C.,R SMIERMANI libertyville - Illinois. ,Twill be merry if you purci' your gifts from our special ... .Holiday stock.. j«e Or 1fmm4y dlay of DeutiuCamps IWe ais. 806to 0 91 NOVELTIEs ln CeIIuIold Toilet Case, Coitar and Necktle Boxes. Ail tof oîîr olore<l laiîîîlered îdîirl ë4iidîîîg Silver i)ralltI, Armnor braîî<l, braîîl, î'eîlîîced froîîî *1.25 atndt *1-00 1 ceits iliriîîg the IHoliilaybs. 'l'!t-eare'al gooi H. gaina .. ( rokiîîîle Itoaîrds tandîi lslîîlar gaint of evel" <desriptioni for the' litt fttlks andî every imxaginiable kiîi of ly oyIhîî le babies. * CAN61ES NUTS ORANGE ... for everybody... ase Cuff, tO 75 lid ES Wet' lii xc1i2 tiizeî îdru lls Wtorîth îfî't îî50v. .c*.1> eac'h,.we are seiliîîg tlit-'îitii dritig Sie hioitays at (4. 15, anîd 25 t-tiîtý4. lixverythin inig îîthe lh îe tif tiiî t ixs gs"a at hafprice. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. .ibeîtyville - - - Illinois. a a moihoctia, Mir. a ApplOyof WWt ;AY miou&l Aii. A en more days Man@tiVebd fairenell OE No. m 5A. y. A ielnhcn&r.Wa a brd fou b *7a8 the twentiet lta store lot s. Gfcaca BONts. W. N. I. W. Pàsxuvr. Sa The imercdant5 ar«0i of ac pleffci ~dlU o~N~ l¶. N W.o! .. ee~becaluse ne alle bavlng &Whb d$Ughtfl ,iW'~mes~1.alover r'B ar~wrChristatte nthe? and Yet Il it were a toe lihgnlhe ffl~~ aie Ultile coler ai) nould ba bottez W. 0. Aoaau. ark. pesd CRIENDSHlP DISTRICGT GOTBT OIF Beautifol for coiiaretta, itable for Lars o!N. ac,mth Wodesa* a GChristmas prcaenl for y'osr nife or Pnica Wn.mtvaolW. . beat1.grI ai Mas. iaoviIf'a. lise. M.ser87à aL.ataRecorder. dM olan Grd Chcàwl ('%OLUUBILA LODGE. No.lM M. W W. E aaaadUr eac I zmeaga second snd fourtb 1Keuaa*iaof conduet a live pigeon ahoot ai the fair a h mo.blu Voodmens Hall. Cous. Kàaàars. Mater. groende hrtatmae Day. They have 01an. 1H. iasia.Sec. sacurad 500 pigeon& for the avant and E XCELSitOItiAMP. No. Sn, B11. N. 0f A. lovera o! the sport are ptomlaed rare rnot. he ir suad thîrd Tburpd:d 'vanao! eab mouth lu Voodmens Ha'Ifu Shoot commnoa ai 10.30. 10-2 Mu» s bBuL Gataa. Oracle. CLARA . XmLas Recorder. At the 1'UnIon cburch sext Monday Lodue seretarles ebould furufsb 'opy, of nîght the Prasbyterlan Snnday school bsta o! .aew olicera nbau electcd,.asesoinforu. acholars niU gîve a canta t itlei f tIf re or meeting liehcanged. "The Crownsng o! Ohriatmas." à Villge fficro.troc troua nbich VIII ho dlirnaulc Villge <fiicrs. prenanite aeà aeuiature of the Ceca- l'realdat ....... ............ A. W. Waldoadon. satalanesuilha' thare. El- Tru wtees.a... .......... Thos. Gorleti .......E. L. DuBols tansîve preparationsi maure an ezoap- .... -...L. B. Hsuhr tlonally meritortouseantertaisment. 1 ....1F..- .. f. Juroto Great redution in millisary ahtMis. ....................F.H.JutHULtTT s. Hiseworth 3 non g .. . . ........C. Il. Sherman for$2. Don't f511 ta cIli and sea îLe Clark ... .. .G... ... . H.Smith ba he lehas la other fines, sncb if aoreata >....... .... ....... 'Trfl a des tnimminga, gUi brais, fatcty Atorey ............... nl io fabuitons, bacies, etle. _____________________________ The revival meetings at the Metho- lai rcburch termintai lent Sunday aingbt. itev. J. B. Shaw certinly did etLIBERTYVILLE LOCALS. a Seuil Vork in our village sud hie ,estne1., scre endeavera will bear fruit, ta say nothisg ofthe Uic mediate M.eryCarlsisebenellolai restel. He naxi gou Sct Mir. Jamais Gray bas been "under the anivich, fil., ho lahor wilh Bey. reaihar" for several daya. tic le Te- John Davis ai that place. A nomber ,.rted baller, o! converte frais the revival meetings Mir&. Lita Ellis suffered an -ailack o!of niaed wllbhilhe churab Snnday. ,uaîarilhlevern iast week frein wblcilBoy a ticket on the big doîl ea icU. shie ia gradoally recovering. PnOTI"S. 0111Y tonxenBtsa chance Mra. Nelle Kimbsîl solfered a severe l'he City finances of Wankagau ana atiack 01f pje.îmoula ast nasA, froua ronulo o, casaed by hieavy expes- whlcb alto le rapidîy racovering ai dltorees ad amail tax recelpte. As a prescrit. renli, payment o! bille ha, ho b put Mir.Edwin tOaborne ba" beau cou- off, sud saine of the Ciy employas fiued tu lbis bath for @ome urne nîth have been ld the Novamber salaLrIas noralgis o! thae tomacit but Jis1b2narranute. The il per centioculIn agulu rocovarng. the valuation of!'lots and personai proparty mp~de by the 8tata IBoard of 'l'e Ladies Aid o! the Methodist £qnliîaiin makea thinga norsa by cburchbsas usuel couilbuted '2 toward reducing prospective taxas sud aIma tue janitorasalary thue nak, a euâtom the bond liait.t tbey have folonati for neven yean. Dr. J. L. Taylor bas dacidai tea 'Ibae nîlI bc s Christ maa trea ai appoint J. K. Barer, ai Vankfgan,1. the M. E. charcb Chisatas Eve. Old assistent daputy coroner te reprenanti Sata Claus nil1 ha tiare. The apro- hlm lu liai place. This in done that1 granm nilI ba pleasing, sas h aisys la. tir. lioner may have auihoniy hte&a Everyoue wlcomed. charge of bodies nilere an Incluantla Mr. ien. IBobhm moved floto bis uer ho hoe held munîlisnob limeasaiDr. rekhace, corner o! Park Place aud Taylor cno el the inquesi, sud viii lurîbuti Court Wednaaday. Wn. avant any ineauvaee n hilci mlgbi MiLier occupied tae bouse vocaied by recuit baanseao! bie belng istaant tir. B ila .ou Sobool Street. tramn tae ity. 1ilàteDr. Taylor's in- tention tacoandnct aB isquenta iinael!, Harry Gallons>' sud @omaneectrlclns only lu avant of phyical lnabilihy. fr050 Chicago nilI hogin "ovrhaullug" LtOc electrîc lli lino uoit nasA. Flots . Locke. Mucb uen vIra raIlbava ho lia nsed Flans E. Locke, aaiiidentof the senior andi thie nid liorougily luspecieti. Cais of the fivantan hlgh achool and Mir. NealIFrîce cammeuceti layiug danglher of AMr. and lira. George A. tiewalîs for tlOc lecti i itblpower Locke, diai Friday mornlng o! pneu- liouse Tituratia>. Haelias four maisans moula, 'kt ber bone, 2045 Ridigei aaiîug hlm sud proumise@ ta bava avanue. Mies Locke Va, 18 YearL 0f tba brick nork cosuplete b>' aturder age. Sha lormerly reidecinisHgblan uîgli il 1the neatiler boido gaod. Park and movai boibre eyears aga, orwhen sic antaredti he iigh achool. A goucdChriastmas prasentta yonr bbc as boru ln Lîbertyvîlle and vent al>ènt fien or elatve ouldie ta t Highland Park niten 10 years oud. bava the IaDEPENDEIT seult t then Mies Lucke nas a mamber o! the for a year. il nould ho a neekl>' Wiladoun ethodiet Sunia>' Schoal. raminder of Yottn ttiongifulncssaof She hesalwsys won tie good-niil of ibar juteret. lber touchers la scitool by Uic aarateet- bilU s force of mon lea utnanA in. nousao! ber nork aud the higli sisUluif machkiner>' sud perfectisthie standard a! acbolarslmlp nhlcb &ho aeh iulerior arrangements t te Aisaitfor hersaI!. f actory. 'lta plantinleComnplote JIIÀBSin la eurvlved b>' bath ber parente, every wne>, or nilI bce ln taepiro- tva l>oter-Burr and Bepb-and iimmlary nork of preparatton causes. twnalsîtara--Alce auddhRuth-the latter No mouey or pains lia batug sparad Itu a mamber o! thc aopbomora clam a! tbe nnrk. thea biglta chool. F'urs&aitIMes. HULLoTT't, for thme Funeral services@nana bhldSuuday IiUioldUyb. aflernoou ai Wheadau church Viii "10e Jaweutlad 'lallvial".t-Eibnâ tle oi a sierbal tory begiuiug iu tOls issue o1 th0e 1t'DEPELNDENT. 1il ea aterling, stintulatlug romanceOf- the- cariY Atuaicati colnile, niti a pîciore inieynavcu ofthtOcMgaIllea0nithc tterIe . litati 1W Mn. sud ire. .J. M. ILogeuthal laîl thte CeeA for Chicago andi trounttae wtlI gocoai 10 ountiehwinter. TOc>' expeert . einru ta LibatYvilla naît April. Tue>' tesir o ute ta Iis measos o! bIddtng Ihair Llbertyvilîl friands lareweil and 1.0 exprbsessl npe tbey blay gîcet ailt ug.ittu Ie spitug. Cati non S. HURtLBUTT fur ladies' tles, itaudkurcimielâ undI otter Chntid- mas novaltiase. Tbara are W lho Clnîstum" eercios ai the metbiodisi churci naxi Moouday uiliti, giacu b>'tue uacolârs of tilc Souda>' sool. A Chrishtas teintu ba ladan nisi l ifte sud Sautu Claus la todlstibute te preserits. .iftata 0e placadntheuIeucaaaltiide Ilut athe churaititouday afhronl. E. W. Pankine tbas pot into precitr s nen meuidfor lmhe culit tf! bIs cuatamens. Ha non mukes lia raunds o! the villagee ascbmorulug dlivarlng bnaad. Eshi cenomar la f urniabie nib a et cartiboard igunbiob lan taoc epîscadinluvian froua the sirci, tun avant J&ila ieirei la bave tOhm stop. Ibe Ides la a navalonue. l'Our o1 1.0e ilve nanbouses ta ho IbuilI lu close pnoxlmîty upan tOc Syn- dicato propertt ucar the Macaroni hactry are a 10VatItttestages a! cou. . Ù1 uCij,ut. Mr. C(.5. oolridga la p..tig Opa. hue temIltUOtt. F. P. Dy->' w,ttt1Wtaj iiLhardiue as moderm Inl- iLg. Lobi 'r.ctot and W. T. Eatot, 1-%o .tOicr hubues about comutted ..F P. Wrigt aspects LU eteCt a Iwtr îI"gm ftbare thits1.aîlif tae, nutintuas propiliaus. Tbey 1t1ail uderuit ousea, val luiabad aýuJ ni piesiu~g appeanuco, eqaîppeti 'uni oesery uvuInop..albla tu lu- "Atwhelea attstr aptes»letnul IndeXý SC HO OL NOTES. - bcbool stilI alose oda>' (Prlday) for a ina neekA' vacation. A test nas held Tuesia>' lunte Algebra clame, lu place o! the. regular wark. Misases ltaynar, NacArtbur andh ItoblusounîlI leave the lait o! thît neek te @pend thc Chrîatinia Holidayu nîthi friendas. Inu ibe Pilysîca azamination laat week Misses Bob> Giesseon uni Flor- ence lBallard ttained tbe lgheat average, eaao recelving 1001 per ceut. Thve nan picturas for the decoration of tOc second roosu have, beau ra- celved, and they wilI Pobsbly be oruamentilmg lis wlle by the eud of th0e yack. The tonrlb roosu uni the Higi Sclaool have aeveral limes ballithair openlng exercises tageibetr. This change bas provad Bo pleasaut that It wili ha rapeated feqently in the futuîre. Notice. Notice la bcreby givan that on Augut 15, 1900, the Initenet i0f Galeb Oigil lu tia iru. o! Wrght & Son, of LibarlyvlHe, Ilinois, ras acqured by . Frank Wright und George A Wrght. The business viii ho cou. linnai by G. Frank Wright and Gaargt A. Wright undar the tlru. nime t! Wright Brothers sud on thesaint luass sndcoodiions sa, hrehofore. C. FRANK WsrrH, 10-13 Guaono. A. WMIOHT. Notice. Notice la bereby gîven thai ti Aunut 15, 19041,t lintereat o! Cail Wright lu tha banklug f5mw o! Wright Dymond & Go., o! Libertyvtlla,Ilîlînai waa acqirai b>' . Frank Wright an George A. Wright. The business ni ho co.ntInued by G. Frank Wrighi Franklin P. Dyuoni sud GeorgeJ Wright lîndar thc sama llrm 12ame an on tiche ma lIna, anti condition@. lereotooe. C. FRANK WRIGHTr, FEaNiLiN P. Dviioxu> * 5.128GIo A. Vuiom. Not Many More Days Uritil ('briitmas. Ihave yoth boîîight alil pur lîreselîts yeti Pe.rhalms von are ia îjîaîîdry whatto give "l'ti r "lier."l ,Lt l ns helli yau witlî a few sulg- gestionis. Ws' have guI Itots oIf thiîxgs foîr the ' -hiniut' and 'iîerau' tif ail ages--sonittliîg t> pleape FOR ilM. T les Muff lors Suspender$ Books Coasters Steam Engines Magic Lanterns War Ships 'Rocking Horses Wagons Games Mechanical Toys eveyle -qm FOR lMER. Dolls Handkerchiefs Toy Furniture Toy Dîshes Fancy China Dalnty Booklets Fancy Baskets Tollet Cases Styllsh Stationery Medaillons Glove Boxes Fine Candies Yeu nullied Our Chrlstmas goed on ouir secOnd floor. III?1'FINE DIKYS Christmas Presenlts Libertyville an Exzcellent Place to Do Holiday shopping. to lt la weil worth rour time ta Invetgate tha baralin lChristmas gooda offerad b O rhit me s oudMarhanteThey have aC a rIvtYOur C s m r . and ai ower 1hc0s on 050 nboy the mearticle@sn h ig ciparimaut stores Following our usual custom we intend to give every one of n Chicago, where at thlassemon you ai. aur lady custorners a Christmas present. waya have to par more than ordlnarlly. M. B. Golby & Go. have their Chrstmas Do not febel alighited or offended if wre forget any of van in goCods on thb Second Rlomof thair store and the rush and hurry of the Holiday business-lt is not dons Il. la a veritable tairy land. The 111.11e oce go loto ees"taetaof danlet upon vleluoge intention ally. We are trying aur best to avoid it; but with Santa lauas' to rrom. Thaer displar of 600 or 700 to distribute amongst an occasional lapse of chns wsre ia the largestint townsuad the y have &eo a big stock of tors. Basidea, 700 memory ought ta ha excusable. wnl fied lam, tolai artIcles and prait? sud 'tNe will cansider it a special favor if those whom we have usaful preaents of aimot avery diecriptlon. Smilth A Davie' show window la a good mlissed will mention it ta us the first time they corne ta our Indication of whai m57 ha found within store alter the llalidays. Until then vie ask their kind in. thoir store. Ipou tablas and shalvas apealally provlded for thaîr large Chrst- dulgence. mus stock ara arransad tors. booka. WsigyuamryCrsms eae seames. datyiollulold novelties. chluawam, ihn o eryCrsme eae etc. Thao aentire store hms a gala appear- YUS]EPCFLA suce lu keeinu wflt the sessou. Ther oi EPETtLY have a areciallv good diepler o! "useful'- pregantp. auch a, heautîful lampa. toillt asesl. etc. TiIs film hu exoallad in thaler Chrtimaae dleplay ih1s yens. Il hein« one 0f the ehst ever ahown luI Uertyvîlle. Y. B. Lovalîsa store seeaun onverted froue drug dlpensarr 1.0aolnature daparmeflt for pertumea aud tolait articles. and bealdea ha bau a lrse stock of books. pretir china Ib<.KVVIIIe - - - -Iii and olluild novaltiea. tara. gainas. SadndVvi faci &Il aorte of dasîrable promunt@ for old and rounn. An aquarIum la hi. show nîn- »m dow atiracta en ahteattanion and the aeverali variattes of file theluin tareai the passer- hi and lWerve their purpoe y havlng brougbt ta notice thae ne dlaplar of Christ. mas goodt wItin, vaible through the show WNRITES window8. C. la. Sherman always makoa laborata 1He will make our store his lheadqiuaters this prepartilons for the Holîdavs and 1h15reaur ha a oplendid àasaortmaot of jewalr.salîvar- year. rware. ieweled Places. nataheR. docks. Pioce and ormet. Ha ha arrangea a osai rîn- Te ère prepering Wo the littie Jolkas with great Cam Oui dW, dow display sud otherwîse made bis stock pa ilb ed wterisetoii e a& Bigt=i speilair attractive. BIlS show Cases aame fwl6 ed frteriseto na wdy. Digtenl filiead te ovarflowlng wlf.h a stock approprias- iln il@a autreir for holiday gifla. TOYS ]FOR THE CIIILDREN. 4 The "Fair" haa a big stock of lampa, Chia- nana .11kand lUnn anadkerchlefa. bealdes Ueu n euiu reat o I thaîr ragular &tapie lin%. whlch ofars manr sfladbatfu rst o I lnduaenants te, those ln aaarch of &sana use- fui uifi. The varleidsplayad la large Sad ra ' r on nu] l asoflod thera ftha usuai nlck-nacks II.eNE aoeénilfor Chisitmas ramembranoas. 1011[i AR IC1LP[F M 8, UUO N VIIIS I Mr onrao has a splendid nîndow dis. aplar. athough 1n faut ha alnsys bas un- rusually attractive show windows. The 'Tnantl th Genturr Store" lstha place CI to go If ln gucat of somaetblng for the sents- F. B. L O V E L L , a moan. Thosa Glbhltmus boxes of c'gare '-Lb ry il 11os I nars Maire acceptable getta (I ha aMokas.) ietvle - - IIos Then Ur. Parkhur't bas dleplayad excellant juât O..s Word Young Man. et teuselnbIs cholce of ganta' furulehînio. r. scarfe. mufflers. gllovss etc. Anothar thlng. A botule of our parfuma encaaad ln one of those charlmîng ltUe dacoraed boxas et Is entîre tock la new. not a shop worOn îll mat. baer a most acceptable prenant. article on bie shelvae. bance an n-to-date avarlir froin whlcb to select la offered. B_ Trigsas& Taylor aem,1.0 ha det.'rmined Mrs. J. J. Porteous andtitile son Postponled Tiluber Sale. >that noue shail Vait for candy and unite.Sud Gliarle loft Thnrsday ta spasd the The sae of 40 acre, a!ftimbex o a# W tbougb ther ara buar a Creator part of theahrltvst eot tmpgvrie otk I U time praparlus ordoesfor the Xmas dînner. Holiluys w r eltval aat ispaieîeit aepneDc ther bava arrang"d an lnvlUng dslar of and Mr. Porteane xpfecta tal 9o Batur- 20hosead a hall miles souAbaunt" Isneets. day. of Hall Day, by Mr. JamesOOMMau rSanhoru & ompany bave a dalintyslec- l ilon f neokweuan sd gant' rarisltea. Thar AMr. John Gray han purohMed aase oneWuPa4t1 ODd, oVinS ta étus 4 k e« ht ave *stockad up specallîr for the coca- sud delivery irao andi proposes toAir. OGConnora@ Utti. dauihtn. 1IU le 'ton and bava antilapated the nanta of thelr deliver anytllifg suppli by hiesa"6lenltaIle pace D«et,oc gentleman frianda moat admîrabîr. If tha ladies VIII Cali theyam reprapared 1.0 oltar mt bakary rightt aIyanr door. Malle yonr 'Dg &a1i olock P'.la. A lot o, q@PM the tblug. wanta ksown, he ViII do Uth e out. ad barn timber vWII lgo be cUof M IVe taeslire. Protîneas word for 11. thaf bar Dsîfret ~~f or sale, standing, andi80c m d i > Sstock nas neyer se Complete. We dont Juat Dntfre oethe bigîh.'a llu cood wood. Gutéonéa Icton 4s0 àb uaderstand the use 0f the gruel; profnsion of MISale aOi nisents. icet fr r ale. l, Lace. ruffles. etc.. dlsplayad. but mea but ros- ale' itncns b "Ila she bas a splendid stock of ladies' G. F. Lynch aud lBarman ibrighi hitsa al fu.rntgo of evrr description. Sha bas Crauui i A.ema for collarettea that nould P lase anr bave Just returnad tram northera nom .ar lsoanwlhacrya fflnmA Dont failta oattend the Grand 3a4i g 0 fcourse WiII Wah'ond Cardes fruits. buts, oows, whiob they viii dispose of ta given by the Xouaé Mans Daumi ci etc, basides poultry sud meats. Ha always the farmers and dairymen of!%litsClub eai Libererrile Town Hall Glaie. he a, aomatihug attal for the HSoldaire. sud c night. Mname by pet«.f. Sui te on willlnot ha dîsappol std ad hîyear. vSaly upper lauthe bsanent. àAgrand lira. Hurîbutta emporum preaents au let- John Giray wll serve an Oyslter good time amurai a&l wbo attend. tractive appearance sud the ladies luvarlablir declare ber Stok tis year tobhaWOUlse- supper nt the dance ln the Town Hall serted Sud lu perfectItet@. lMra.Hurîuti's Christas ainght.John nl "put up" varley of Christatisa lfta isludas aveny- a fins apread Sasha Anonsjs$at on l4isaÂmosg the tans of thoumada nbo thînu for the ladiesud aba bas a faculir of done. Dont forget ta go and danca a e m o da ai a ftxtpue duri o nlu g agnt&mnma ba l notthe club smaures ail who attend su the pat tanyenes, ft ar howledge eth Trhgge k Warren nîll sas. you as fiua a eapecially iallghtfnl evenlng. Dot a single cm eham resflail turkey or send down as palatabla a toast for____________ pueumionia. Tho@. Whiifldi à >, et,, eah secuned anrwbare. Thats 20 Wahaah avenule, Chiceo ne la8, thaîr spectlan sd duriteg the Holdars tbey Thbe Beat Planter. the muet promnt etall aE5 id makre a specaatir of ibaîr speclalr. A place offiannel dampanai nlt.h ébaWet r acomn h.slt ,11 Max Laheau eau suppîr auytblng ln the Chamberlana Pain Balis and bannt WO em forlapigp wla m- it, line of amokers' articles. Ha hasema eneaet ta the afected parte le superlor ta any a, h sotfolyaciM a mu A. pipes lu ths varlous maieriale usad for the plaster. Whou troobici witb lame u éan ny ie manufacture of snob goods sud lobaSooasd hnné or pains lu the aide or chient..0v. compote revey a eniaran la sultable packages for ChrIainas il a triaansd Yoo are certain ta be As asyln tevmdeae c» asgta e a Ils& the populan brands. more than lse witb the prompt rsl npe~uiY V Bo It«a. gaail have iaken ureaai pains 1.0 relief which t aforde. Pain Bieil prevare zor rour HolidaywVanta. ana non alao cures rheumaëiam. ana iaspo- PAMO.J. Enctt ,Iyabso dontr ao t Glagoao pad ou ollars douigives relisf. For sale hy B. avn eo a Ivstinaseta to dtermî ne If >yg, Lietyne ABL e u lOIIido s& eIl or aven bter rîshi thetvll, GATtX w PUAIM;Oy, Joux MIIKItUIvUBoo. woomm

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