CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Dec 1900, p. 5

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sof every the l-Ioiday trade. msias lias tOseàai1gol t.New Ycars is yet10coffet e your Iovedl ones some token, of remembrance, 1 bave juot what you want. Althongh L b ad a good trait. for Chriatwma, 1I 4111 have a splsQf goode on hand, which 1 wUI ml at a discount- Of ail and insPeCt my stock beforepurchasing. ý r-yvilIe - -Illinois. Teat TIl Tea! There la great di-, ferene nlte a.. The kind we seli cSu always lie depended on for -clp quality. " Good mixed.tea, 1b.$ -.35 Oolong, Ceylon and Japan, ;mixed to suit you at'........ 35 A special rixedtea. 45 A cracker-jaek at... 50 Fany etm inelit .60 Whuyou wa lt good 'tea corne here. kilo III IfiLOLS, cul. 10- gain *10 D.paet rom VNew Depot l.......................... a ......................... TO CHICAGO., Wmf DAIS, D.part OProm Ol4 Depot. tu0........................ ..S m ...........................e'. M'...........................11l vAX rumom . [ePart Prom 094 Demmt. No.110. Usant Sound .............11l:l lue. sas. 89", t L# lis. Arrive et S4w Depot. No. 13L .............U ...... m a. No.137 ..........................4 -MP. M- FAON CoCAOO. Wum MPAYS ArrIve ia: OId 0000t. N. ...........................l: M e. I 1.................... 4: P. M. *141....................... 1:45 p. DM. WAX IUQHT. Depait pratwold Depot. No. 191 Weul Bouai.............1:00 P. M. Nos. agi aMi ag vIN cary pam«pgrs b@lvues RMO *Bd i"os UI. TheýSew Year." ereâ tbeIi. HPpTI ev Yen Buawuie's la the ski. jol,.thie tbroii And aveu 1the song flat coma rneloS Wear a amile fur otrangem; Welom. a&H yer ln; Olirve the roust And ulve a toaut To foks thb»pponSiii Wlsh ve ail Mar proSper la vbalser we do. An* we Maxt Er eell just UeIp tbe othes throuill. oN ewv omI Dii Sauta Claus treal you-v1l? Noe the change tunthe lit. Peul lime table. Have pou resolvod 10 b. à good Iellow during 1901. Soigai ol l b. cloaed tvo weeks during the Holdape. - Liberty vile go, au elaca lghi plant inuhbe eocking thlspear. A. M. Bellany, of lit Paul, ldima., le opendlng the Holidaya uith Wm. Sevenson sui famll. Nov. 1th accped lime ta Pap pour subuciption. iStat 1thenew yenr rlght by -"equarlug up' ltb the edjiar. lit. and Mra.O.0. B O h-bihll aud daughier Flore epent Orisimastu Oicago vitai Ihoîr dangber. lira. Wm. MOQUalg. 9. L. Dullois hema acud a POuItI9O as Station agont st Chllicothe, UIiS alte, with &" .Aichinsan. Top$"a & Sata Fe railtasi.i The valla of the eloirlo lgbt paver bousesare op sud lthe rcof on. lnaa neat structure sud aidaeSsueà to1the appesracnai 0the laceiilp. Our rnrohauie alopai a go iIra"s Chriastuia ue. AUl report Il Up te tb. aveage uitla mnahave oxcolled al p1'eviou ye la h.eMount sli. We rq"avmda yarNp o 1Siva ont subscribers the bu ail pupoubllshe lu Labe Oontpdurl»4. 1900. Didut mate 1the paper bellur la 1901 oui vu'U do it. Mrt. A. Coville, vbo of labo ham run te eufne plmag the 'vap freigbl" betweeu Hotidool ami lppqrelb bas bain traniertei toa Muuke. Ha oxpcts 1ta aealéitafmilp tathat 04ip la the auset f uttm. Unier t"be mectrain sachadule lbrtpvilIe buasmahMe. sme serves trom t.e aid dupet is~e "afoted beloete eiaonwv ath11. la additio',. have tetrains elopplug at te uev deoa. Th.vey freigbt vili carry passeeagsa beiveen Btond- out asSo1on mina. *Teela one prise ibat Illinole has von et 1the Parla expositilon tbai deservai epeciol Mention. This *tte bas besu avariai 1the gold modal for lia sohoal exhibt .et1the expudoaino. P1â, w5.01a prise ld even of greter momntl Ian 10 via valuable prIzes fo machiaery. Coueriug Jsuuary blle There's juil this thinu 10 euy: If everybody pald us. wu t)ould evetybody psy. Joe Luullîm w vo vasbroughlt tothe1 Oouutp faim a couple aorvebo ego9 froin Waukeffan. id Wouiuuday afi Lwai eok. Daeaaued vas 36 yenrs of ago and lbai lved lu Waukegau mauy paire. He vatkei about the opera houge oage for e long lime sud wus largély acqualalsi lu the city. lit. Kabuer, proprielar ai --Tbea Pair," iollowlng hie usuel cetom, bas1 tixI peur gîvea evsty lady customet a1 Christmas proaul, or he luteuis la, aud Ilf ua vere overlooked he's sory. Just Mention il tu hlm if potu are ai thoai slIgbted ami tel lm pa ynj uollcad the Invitation* lun1the INIDE- vaNneNT.1 The JKnickerbocker lo ompanty bas bai plas mae for the targuI la.e housestu the vorli, 10 bc located at Pavotis' Labo. The aev bouge vill 00 et oae1I rund sud vl bc .Les% IYt Ib18 o gol0 amup thon. aeldsof dollas. Ai pesl 111leseebas beau hhrveaied from Pavera' Le, but 1hle viii UWnove o0f 1the oblelpointa for theeupply ai Chicago oe.-Eiorerd The tlvntlelh consury, upon . whoh ve. abolI enter next voek, vilrIhave tweaty-faur leap peera. the grates uumber poasîble. tebruary VII have IOve sundape Ibre. Urnes, 1lm, lm4 andi 1970. Ph. earlluei poitble date tota wblch Batecun cour le atch 12, 'Theo lstt Iue Iloccurre on Ith" daté ws u 118. The bluetdate ~âeau ocorla Aprit 266h. -Xlvii biet once la 118e eaag ngat The boya are'eaolg heir "brlot. mua kM t'heo"yapeou Bag«Litsk. Ward Davis, of Aroala, Ibis el.t, opeal Corlatilea ith b etyville relatives. Prof. B1. B. Wplle mnd vile, "150W. B. Insherwick. of Ccaga, peui Chrstms wtbFred Oroker Md tsunp. A alougb Ire et Fox lab o Wdnes- day mu" th11e repff tt he cla18 dpot and other bullilmI hai boees- tropsi. LBItée damage. Mism dataAvil llt Suhday 10 openi the Holfl Mt aIinealis, Mia., aMd Webl B . D. lUlas LoI Eramer vin ruletin ltb her. Buaday moraagant 1the Conly Parm occuru tIMe ealh of 1h. thirtmnper old soni of lira. Elntell, o1 vaukegan. The little fellos vuO a topoeue criple. The pigea sbsoot ai th. lit rouais Chritmas day vass egreai aucols, aà large number et occsiaute enjoplng the sport. Axotber shoot viii be heu Nev Yesn s a et tbe seans@piano. Dont borrov jouar nelghboeu s per. W. are rei le adfour noseta the liaI, ad he, bavlag pald for his, dont U»k toisadit1110 yen. Begin the nov ye- rittât te bavug e papet of pour oua to i. Vu. Bo11, 0f 51gbn, put a Mran d gravelrool ou tbe eiectrlc Itglal pot bouse Tburaday. hp Saurdap aigbl he fli have 1the oi comapleei onUnIb W. T. Belon Nuuacturing Cos build- The localeipsof1lM. W. A. sudIL N.of A. yl have a joint installaton of am osouThursdap eveala-Ja.. 3d, at th. Tovu 5*11. AUil mjers of th.ev to empe are expUl o aho Ibere. The ceusasratas ishow Lberty- vle vill<m ie have a Population of BOL. la 1800 ve 1811 68,a gaila la%« yenrs of 814. The township, lncludiuag village bas a population'cd 2184. lu ,lm a il d1694, e gain c014M., aNe of us vlU h sl tai wavelh the 9tenlh csalury out adsudle Svonip4rsl la. The oppgetuinnllp sem the dawning oI a mev oecturp cornes bc ns but once. - Aveu pyoursei of the priviege. A ev ulghés ago Iv» cerpouatrs uuplaped as Armoura hm houm ssa Bounai Lke voesholi op yhm mm u vho, vlb revolvers Peilalui sI lb. violia hea@eoupelei, btho1gIa over t» la oueh besides ahrvalneble lit. Bi. Havard, ci Fox 1db. la uegoilag forthUeapubam 0f Ibm Niaeola hotel ueth" 01piqeo.If ha doma ual purchaa e 8ehotu! bà*vlU rebuill the Howard Boume. r«ueenlpbnui, but 1) te probable the duel vilI bo cloeei. Don't so tonnaland huant about Your aveetrmu, off on Nov Year's day; Doa'l gellpon the house aMi @bout TuaI von bave drivea Vie way. ne May rsmm u 10Mo* #Ai ou. go mrlrQuit. vithont dlsplay- A man amoots te Itho Who la forei 10eovear off. anrway. Who vonli have belleved Liberty. ville bua epopulation 0f but ML4. v bai cousldered ION0 a conserative eatiaate. WVeil ve gainai 314 la Ion, poars and lu the aext Sma pemra e vill gain lu populationu more thau tOve timai Ihat. The nex$ regulat meeting of the Court of Hoaor ilîl be heud Wedmea. day ulgbt, Jeu. 2d, Intuai of Tuiadap cight,te regaIn tUme 0f Meeting. Installation of adiaes, vihi oocur et t180t Ume sud a&l members aeutged 10 lie praient. James bleu, aIflio Henry counlp and hla dausghber (trace voeelastatllp killed Sp 1the Grea Eay paugar train on hé Ohicag* a Northvuster road near Harvard et il a'clook Tue-. day. 'rhep ver. oroahlng 118e reob ln e covuted carnage. Ther, vilI b. a '-Watc18 Nlghr service t the liethodiet ohumol, oomnmclag eM 9 0.10b0k liondap night. A program basbeau errsaged approprblath 1e ooasslon. loie&U vho sa attend asudvatohItmecni ceurp oui and the Dow oua ia. - The 'Ogw postoggico tUBag, reounily gane lalo sff001, Imposes a fine 0f lm0 or onns pane irnprlsoament ou empone who tbrangb cerelmeea or otherviae lobres mail not belangiug 10 hlm Itom the 6111es ana folleSe,0ratura. le lu. m*4alo. ThsI.appliai 10 sevepepmi as *OU os letters andmi Pber vateblo mai.'- -Pep vhon tbldng otSonmail fram M». oMe bouli Mailus Il Se. fore <dil ngt 01 thabsbuilding.,l-vin, <nuitBulloý =gule. oro y levue unir ta.o feuila" in euV Igur We hope you *got jut what you wawted. Spekin dfwantlng thingg reminds uls that we would like to tell you what we want for this Bmw year tbat' jut coming ln. First of 'ail we want to make our store more thuin ever the very best place ln which you ean, do your shopping-and we are goixig to do ittoo.,Tat is ifit can be done by giving you the beet goods.for the least rnoney.1 We intend to keep abreast of ail the new thîng s authey corne ont and to furnish them to you fluet of ail. If anythlng sbould go wrong or sh<uldn't suit you ve want yon to let us kxiow - Èecause we want to make it riglit riglit away. We want a good traite ail the year-but that depeudu on you a.nd the bargains we offer. We promise you oui bargains wiil be bargains. 'Luit but not least we want you to read oui ade every week. We knoir you wiil mid it instructive and profitable to do 8o. Wlshing you a happy new year, we rernain, Youxs TxULY. jab £I-dQ j - il je MMUPS os A magaminawrte »p$ llterar mmn shouli net mrr. Ho, la M1e vorld are âs 1 0 a a àU~ig A hébaglaps:. "When 1 Sud@ de ecmirObUll box tait Ob butoIMe' remarbai kedder Sparth, "Ah doma bleum e i.mas-hall se much se Ah blame de vonwon. Il de vommen »ev de battnon a cure auf, de men coulduet pull dom off." A Wlaeoulvoman et 72 las au"d her 708puer aid hua*sa fmraedivoc mu tb. prosai hal ho ha. ealod ber «Duelly fer dB8Isus. 55e aboula ha poèteu$ vtb -hlm a BIlle vhile longer. vhea iealbWeald stop tlamoure aide of the* propohlio onMd «Va buer1e lavpe tm e Aieabcaoe uguools, $hm sta hardlp e maii m&14arepl adila Who doseuet am tu hml apochaI mb plolurofaufs humuve poumg ma Whko la Dot is vule. We vidlm go conuliece ha vu "pber noue, lMe sàA na lkess Vilam, of Phia- delphia, sud »Mhm erploluru orne- meut. the.aslcer dollar wvblh ail of un usa. Wheaver pou huer a mma fing foui a&bout Ibm tova la uhiol haolive, and *'kicking" about 1he people vbo Bye lu 14I ou 0"aButbe Up 7ouX mi th h 1tmmu hue nmehalevete bandeir Mm9m gohitne om i th11e tova,aMidveld bebut111W. mt ili b. dii ne. WhoneueI oufni"a huai- mm me Wh vo à& eomsal ftding fuil vth hbi ualan d evereodi lu business, po" maamate Up pour mimd Ihel bhoidom Ualavertlié, but lu felag te .anipe" eaule 0c ic re de Itou «ehb one la lova vho doue ai- vertise, and ef course lagotng 1.11. To o=u&Unaflsive 10 ge ot e thlag for aothing la a bai business prinoilale. Il May vork for e lime, bugt people Osac.8gel auto lheu sMd traie vilS people Who are alîve sud show il. "ve air huretqnwht," Mli th. due- .0o8, '10 mabugoad teeoluoaa fer 1the nov pen, vhich hmuell.foui of un la lthe tyl»Ublnof aelup. Nov, 1IentIo1 mIa 18be ll a.rollin. Ton ail Iknav tha" Ivé £0e a biags seuper, su rve ii aceslduable fiabtW n lth1e puer Ihals Peut engoue liho a mmn thet oves pon $i0. whà 1 enî 0 làsoavewar onf froni Ogtln la lb. ev pan, vhloh, as 1 have mi befSo, hbs tellfoui af ni& But 1 CRat alap 1U«1mbBraihet JO6 ouoaia IIbeeliaiobi han 1 vau 10 eueMy couacimace. HI beill Jouél Btp outelde vllb me fer tive minutes, lIl1 Uck hlm su thon avear off Thep reUrtirthe bmouter darkngas, but in leuma Ieaire miaula the ieon raturued, much tibm vorse for "cen-t saenoff Me 1 ime, brothot' lu," 1e mii. Hm lichaimel" The p.eig ai jout evspaffpers la onough 10 make suauditor tremble. The Smdeg Star outil vuas tapu. saiio f Sp lie ouarts lut Wvet, tb. maagement halai umobla 10 meet ex- penus. The foMS vu eloffl ou a J'am- nd Lailp vhleh in ehoua lim te ia Christmas Pre$oets Our Customers. Followuzg ou Uiln ticuetoni vo iaend tb iv. .vory Bm of.. our lady cuatornera a Christmes preseai. Do not f ol olihbcd or offended if vo f orgt-wy et *dm in 1h. rush aud hutry of 1h. Holiday buoiuua-bim la ad us intention ally. W. are trying our beatt bo YM à but *M& 600 or 100 to distribut. amonget an oceoeg 14M ofq. c memory ought tobeb. uouashi.. W. viii oouulder h a a pecaever if 1hose thm Ne bavo issead vmiimention it tb ne.*0bd ihtlime they lgp etoa store after the Holiday.. Unlltheu weak theïr lndin..', dulgentu. Wishing yen a happy New Yser, vo oru. TouasB8EOWIL LIberyville Pure 1 Drugs... l ADrt«mà" Perfumes. Toilet Arties. patent PAINTS AND OILS. A blargo mm ompasak ci Seho o" h.Tàbul. Sohool oom uNecuosi"h F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - COLINCIL PROÇCDINGu. Lzamurmuae o,1Iwo. Boindmet àI PeelOl ssson, bJeeI or uoling te ielsmino bInG 0elmo. trio hltelo be sMM forer e** bab81- lug. Pull band prommnex-Pt 4ta. Movai bp DeBoie, seu0"Mi by sSuma, 1h11 9more llgIikam4to1a O.. P.1<51. ho lstelui forau*e% ilghtiag pupoues.Apoe-DuEoïg. M4 lca ni Ihmum ne&N p - clI in" comme lagamU buobuhIefuu. Novai SpDaEoliiaooeds bp Eeah, »m11plaMlg orf ins Uglts ho lob vit* 11<18, PireMa m Vocm. uaime. Aru-DuBolu, abr# ,juil. Weor sud Sherusu. pa4eot Notice. Malice leabosbp & Angs" 15.,Mi thelb.SMW Dymma àCo., cf vas squir$a hi O. aeorge A. Wr4gla. h ho ecpiiuud aBp . on th8e Ume Hase al beretfore. 9-12 edues lu; veineel-f eont ou m 1 , rWI

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