CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jan 1901, p. 7

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The. -mrçls. mcc ulg cover AUil*W é*um iaeopldu i. r Oq»nu makmeey movement wetohd auttrly z=hmab l;ln a day andsd aiba at hier Imm . tiinkblg there the: maftai «tt.r aI; but before night the. tb. limbe trenible, the lps twitch &W -1mj» f 8$Ao were clatchlng ô rd ta fiat on bier back. «aghl e at tbis terrible state of au.Ib. 7mptioen ae asure forermneror f mo. i.metrmember that lyda e. Pluk- r .m3Owwasbomud la ablm t uhfaliMhla ac. hé.buimmami~i~ me 094 mo u tiade4 Ob cB. wa CAR tata on mistructure, snd. lu addition, 1;tI.o chic thtie Westeru Union buldings stands, the. property ainlg becu pur- -. baacd Lp the. excitante. Thte Broad street fi-ont dli ta depressed frion lte -second foorto10tUicpediment, sud te gieter Part of the. front cul Le ofniglss, chicit *111 tuai-e au abondance of lilgti sud air. Tic building le W Lbe set os nisnmd the foudations arc 10 ta anni 10 s deptis o! sixtp fret. Tii. ciiole bulldlg, Uieetlmated Sou et ciic le about $1,5W.,000, cili t llghted by eleeticlty gcuerstcd Ly lie szcitamge's own plant. Tii. woi-k o! de, mollsbisth Ce preseut structure wili be- gin on Masp 1 tet, 0,USEIUE.Aller eegolatla cIihehiiotite, for UeV"rs tonUis the envoya ofthliapowas% I~ W gr7~ W~ 9 aé euen d"lte pu'linlnsrp deuxnd upon the. Chinese gos-rment, and thep cars fornsdllp premeta10Prince <Xing, 157 aken Sa eu U peo bin Ll-Huulg-çEsg titato111 ta pose an * SmSdi7151 y- 111111UiI.IUU a joint redplnl. Tii. toi-maimpoaed on wor& Chsaore, ast long *go declded open, rig- - uneus ln tii. extreme. China meai pap - ledeellty, maite abject apologie$ ta Onu o ~e .~5i7 .~55 0cm1 Geri-nansd Jupon. punirabthe Boxer Mae, sg 0tusm y leaders. iucluding seven nembers of the fotr -M hq*M.royal f amlly. i-a, e eforte piotectleg e wt« Q4 bt lmPékin. permit permanent guards arunad 1n <t.. goa I Sd1 Oiemai- fortified legations, and cessete tan.- ind eciffl e auledotffl facture or munitions of car. Il la aoc m-b»Mt Mem Ble. éatn rported et Peki ansd Shanghai Ciat àà w M tts e o . Citas cill net accept lb.eIci-ne; ilist ZREtalie V ua e tIc Kuaperor ieitatestotaeed Uic a dd princes, liat Le dors net cimi ta detroy tmmêm aé -his fortsand that lie tests tb. Procue ~et permusent légation troope iu Pckiu. Pm U 7U5 If th@ ChInes. impes-ilsohorities per- ~ :~ t. ma trfalng Uic terne il remains for the. pou-ara 0decide upe snew Pro- - grant. A mec progi-ant len1ta edceaded MI-Maq" aboyeaSIl thblgu, for Il mai zoomanquit- ~~ iis tbeien te rival, for Influence ilu thsîe la-fer m sad seing about partition cf ~~ liitheCiie empIre or erra a geflerai Êie mec Iug of te siareholders 09 Uic ausam. ~ eauema CiaalCompany it Paris on Eimurifarcuos mStedman cas th. Titnrday developed ther etata, chule ~5gl ! Is eu0aiIii AtitrsîL te directoo! Citheecompanp tape ta «6« t tb y«r nt be Athom tthe muter Uihe euerprla 10ete United cther mIgbf, cLan svarl lce titings States goverumeul. Cie 1Individuel boiders cere eMM«f tsepeet-bako-. IRichard iet bite stock are oppoeed10*Siln Hnry têdl, cý ho used ta Le anoap- control ot thezdteca. Fi-ôe n laenbloee gLsan ire onndi-y and pi-oh- lcowu r-tison tew people ofr ~UUnited ably regret» entarlng te literar i-y sop, Stale. rake the Panama cani«elrpplsa "not lu bé- 75 ypestalpat Stedmaît serlously. The De Leseps Isipe, bec- ona te bei sudcail lit "boY.'Ed-es-er,. i ai fr on Sound'ngtjA eati mund Clae iS a7, Tiien illosdard kul l tite proecel. Are"o'"ag lq cd- told o!rlte day chou Bay ard Taylor, emufle journals,, biedifficuitc*lnern lu îe Thbuse ece chnceLav ~te 'praltîctut.have itren solved and;tboouando ln te Tlbuse llie, wénc bae he r of men ai-e iting coalinuallp emploYed. igraduated no many sblitlg ligLîs. Work bas een opeued op sloetg the en- called ut ocver tu look et a puent lu lire leugtit of te canal. Fifîen of Uie mauuacrtpt --t sttikes me as beitig foity-cli miles hure itecen drcdge lta Cie pretty good." temai-ket te gi-caltrar i fou cidit o!fte propoaed caleray, sud cicr, pasialg If sloug. "WLaS do you t on depit ffe-'t sîteen ta lWealy-nlne thblit 0ff i? Worth printlng' Fori-sud une-bai!fret. In s word, two-fitba n tinte lb. dlauernlng edîlorial mîttelor tLe coi-k ou the mrat mt-i-prise tias Uingercd lu dout bLut the final voellet praclically bren compîcîrd. ceslu fis-or of neceplauco. TLe au- tLot cas tme o! Yles Lad boys- Dl Lttîr snetnta 10 fave conte o! the. Boe-r tond ClaMpece Sbdman-aud fle Invasion of Cape Oolony. The Duteit Puent, if f1istlke uat, cas "The [)la-resideula of tLe Brillis colouy have mol moutd We%ing" ori- The Baliîîd of i-les met masse ta join tii. Lui-vitrs, Wito Lage Bir.'-Vitor mit lntheNew are nakiîtg a dfape-aIe resitcanOe 10 Yorger Bet.-lti-fmtluteNc Lord Kitcene-'â âni-uansd te msad- Toit rmgaiug coluorons titenselves bai-c Leen 'so A i«4 mark. clocelyp iursuurd tualhep have braentan The Nec-torkt Aimanuc foc 191, in pelîrd ta abandon several tonsansd manp oued by Ch"., a. Ifleber of Nec Yonk carte. In tii. Orange Fi-cc Sîste the Cip. bas Ott a iigi mark for elmlar Britgevntrais are.makiug A strçnmugn publicatIons- iurtà«g the new century, sud effaort te capture Cen.'De W1et. Who la show. rensgaletenerpnite on thepart reported tebLe ornercd-anoiu--n thce V- of the pibu er citen ce onsider tht r iiy o! Tbaba N'Cbî, iluthéLe stern Illiiqnren ltesl for free distribution part of te teritiory. NunecotsmInai- Tite numéeros Publications of titis ciearne- ter-are nunsil$gotuancip îesîg engagements are reported daily lancitlch I s f tiallilees, i hthoojlo ite Boessseent ta Le holding thpir 0cm. cisteaite ha, 'fetnlnly Itecu set as de la ."-: te cas, te Xiiec 'Yoi-k Alaau. Tite people of Capte Town presruteulta Tise art athoiras fCe cuver, te Lord Roberts n sword of tonue. lua bis accunrcp0etIl ciudas and il, fond speeeb Le laudcd Lord Kitceer nord $Ir 01 infruatLLo ael go t0attike it cli AitftrdMimer. "0"iy ! msi sud préservation. il b atýi. .0,iaei Meutle t-r ortier. ase 1 t the, cIi-c o! 'l4te. A unique page is The Grand VWrer aud othet- Tîtikisit te -Babî's r4" tpar* LicinIin dignilaries wcre pi-sent at s dinuer lu hinaut, 10 wft- cIrbaby'» nome, bonar outhîe offlteerp. of the United States daete fiti*, ett ine ot 0h. tc. btlslmip Kentucky.TeSla a" Th-coir-15 l & p iedftable pirce of - - The uiSse als coik u Y msîp oeoured at auy drug i-tet'dln, stre or di" go p euf. frece. - ~b.s sa ~An officiai report chows tecut Boy-Granipa, I lsh you'd buy rue s plant ocucd aud opei-ated l b. hemuni- Pouly. cipallty of Patio nebîrd n profit of15e, Grsndpa t1»pflaiyoPl1-afy sou, («000 0fianc# (eG,0,00 uilus-19W0. tLlnk of bec peor boe. Who ean't even A stýaîl municipal eletric light plant, Boy-I 10451"a. 1O~b tarted as a es ri-int tvo peursa goi cas M hblnkitg. o -- --eae 00OMfarù poor 1111e bfy. WitOge'PRPaihave Pô- lTe year'us fiallira ius ethaItai-ce aiea te Oi8ýt- Cat 1nbody ahUI boy.- tien 10,000 aleoltaieic paients ocre ad- mitîrd lu tlttrte'ul'Pastî.pilt.. Thte sullW ~.~pixioeZ~4;:~ treatmen utd tfLainttniieeof tes. des- Wuyoar dýeglou, mlé Ioieros2,000, rac î*0,0) 0W.é iîgdb ctsogaiinsi pour lon- l~. -CaO lte ec ond There lcayu. qtroublein te State% if 0fç pure agieffll- graiuntrihotai-y 10'Turkey aiîd the Sllan' g. It halle ut tLe -ad ti eio! O suppressing an usi>?ricctioit aomewh-ere. lsit,eeosnat 1tuthe. bat aoc CWeBoet Pas ita tL IOQO èýi petpoC re'isndi ianît tcape is ut Mitr#vUa la an atternyt ta ~te5qucili a using of Uie Aibupian peaselnts. os Tt I-g ~ l ephithbuLtatble for anl p Alakit Eta rporled tbit I e bas heen instruel-. 5*1' - ilotgl280.. e lu eextreqpe ieaures sud la give tbCfrgshv seat of gowernmem :Wi# tju s ag Plâilndeiphitu th Ce baula efthbie Poteac. 0f th. carlisut dapitol building pructicalip ou a lsm- aie uaas as ailsue li& calle cere =csrcy4 cmntii. t'apîtol, thintaPi-e- duqt'# LoUeS, the publi,-oMcra. arsenal. luiyI ps and4te bridge cover the Plo- mac ar-" bnued by v Brillith force or 700 mcm umer Gen. MRt , Aug. 24, 1814. The. actal loisthon teas Boilpa triS. comparsi otcI«b* 1t.vould Le to-dmp, Whou tb. capitat bulle îîg lId! sud lie ftrqisbiiugs rejt*eat 1t'.outli i 0fmore tnm ÇWA,O000. Tb, entire group of àrivaléd govc'amnatt i iliOns, could Bol ha replaccd for 8100,0-000. Wasilng- tan rie perbape tii. me mngnlleut cap- liai eltp, ,8rely Ba apital, of thei corld. It bas pot beet of rapld grocli. Wli$ laid ouf, ltit grand avenesa ta distillé froin the èspiteî. chose mRjestic doune domâbto tl latîdacape îit oBull s shige uvl- Igbty #haitothelb Wasehl*toa nes -ea-sanmd mill- ioms of mooep b Il nencefM a lm- prove tgM4 ils*-lt o I t l la to-daYý- [a capital cortisi y tit greatest rePublie e! hicboey TtiOntc' anus et lhe Unie cd ttesssl 179v ,sitoced a pop- ulation et 8*.fl; tne second tenons, lu 180, maiaiasL M cltase te , &M,4f --a nation gmailla flambera but di 5i groctii la liepat 100 coi-mtisat te cils- ont a parailc. Esen 31 ,) peal euelth gi-cal men o! lhe repi hi te !oresAw lb future cith propietice ea.PresidMa Adams cougrtultcd *' ne people of the United States on the se -mLlu« of Cou- gi-en et the permanent a tilo their gov- crument" sud bade l e .ly to carrels its pocers over Wahlc.,-'t"ase the catr ita1 of s giest natioo.' A bacicard glances os-ci-thee cderf elueteentit cen- tury reveali nothii.g n. e remai-kable than the- steady sud re d progrema et the United States, a Pr, gcts&fitlY con- memoratcd lunte recei. elebralion At Washington. Wiil la luWasilgtotîi uist efore the. 'helidayai Lymasn E. . expressed bis vlew o! one detaîl of tl, army ecstabllii- ment as folloce: "Inu rg-et mn- si-chies o! Europe, ch . militai-y ruie dornolutea the. goverume:- ivil engineer- Ing coi-k la due bp civili engilierusud net sny but mrieîlp srtî work of tit sort la doue bp the arw uretglueers. la titis fren, country of ontr -a titia deiuoc- rscy. a iieredtary corpf s rntpengi- neers doca tihe civil wuc. The. ablesi tan the ai-titi uluers cei- iid among tir numitar cas Gen.ilWurren. aud La cas praetlaly caniier. t the bati. o! ilve liorks bp Cen.ridan because Ise cieutifie mid made. impossible for hlm 10 obey orders blinti À poutiul iisbaud, it:rseWitte ila damgbiter et the Derntoc teIgapor of a large Rastera citi, d"ei d a position at Washington. BeRenf r. îttPeusylvaula and bis sife's fatthei-' uoiîeipsi stroug- bold la anotiter fitate gut o»e of lthe Republîcan Senators f, 9ati lta te iisd a benehmau "late t ý.5% 0f" iu tiie dtv citer. the poung rut. e oed and ced. "Give Mp Republitttt !diend a place." said!lite Senator ltehù 1Mor. "and l'Il mid one bli-re for ye or Sd-lu-lac, ai- ttougi t e la s I> ttc rat snd flot frot car State."'*Te trade VAS made sad thte happy young ri are aow enjoylug IlluinWaotiugttcr The 8tote l)eî tueIn'nt deeidea tutt te United Sltcu - 'Vet-mefit Cannet ilu tervene l ineavr 1roeRico ILu the matter or hec t i ta againut Cuba for $2,500,00. Th, itii goverument boni-owe ci tuantriitefront the lPorto Ricaus lu prtac tir ite oar lu Cuba, bas- iug tLe bau tipiý . enrtVenue» of tbe lat- ter Island. lTe 1t ted States bods that te snction te cton of titis aim againol Cttba utwoîtld heto open thec doar te namit ci oiler and larger claires, w hteh-h 1 aauIt e finane cîilt-sourf-ee t 'i iînd. ltcprûae.itttit- .ihetlaud of Nebtraska bas iiulrodtt tti îa solution for te up- pointutetit otf a a tl -tnmitlee of mcv- eutie ytftittrit , wiile subJect of tLe governutlOff i, p etorrailîrads ln Eu- rupe as ascii ts thi- couîntry, wt a view o ut lat- lîtitt upuit iti.s ub- Ijetit. A plan of te,rýtntesailianafor lte Unied Statest-- fi-atthibmfoi-mu and the countr tr îîîî-srotder coutid- cration ut the N 1leitartut.-îît. - Tlc recrnlttug ttcusI-n- ri onou ttide of te large citte- il haî tut re-ociteu tLe luteniat - r, tioe i tîntlarge contera. TL,--àuaîl -p,. oftheti- nired State Ighihouse buari tasChatt dttring te pear fifty-at-r-i tlighttaocire mtait- llnbrd. lTa-elitai îcgttttlyr rt-tramends a lightI --mlfî,o eiii -re-t, toreen Bay, Micit ad , oteel ci tera itghî ses- sel for Marttn,- i - - Like huron. Congressane - a-f Ohtiao- ho led Cie figitI agaitfi-t t-- admiasion of Cou- grmsaucan-elet f Chi ,rIs of It:th, the polyguntiat, t isp riiwte, tmaketet speech oftilt-titt-oi thie'Ilouae un te subject of morri aad divorce. A Southe-rnit t-tc i-cenly invlî.d t10 become the saîr I-cal et a dstant ban- quet uaid: 'i*N i,,1 huit otî, but 1 cen- Dol make au exti'-'talrip of 1.000 tales joat tetebpune til :ttoat" If pouibic,.Prident McKinley cl exbend bis trip t- San Fraucisco lu May éo0 asito lttciutls--S, itle, Taconta, Noi-Ci Y4kima, Spoitte- moril tltert- tain Washington. Itbm Notv3;If ',,tct a is o report ~from 15mai- Aditti Ketmpff, ne Cavite, dated Qete. 15,aiit Chagtinmuanp umail vessels tire tutti ttire e Ptraidulp I Crougitout te a-,turieiigo. Lacrence ilM. Alf fte Trus-ry Depairtiuent lic i t-eîtlroiutc-d statisti- elfas of te l'buîîiiine Comumission, sud cUl proceei tae Litila et once. congressurit t a"s 0f Chicago cas Unauntousl3 ti-irdcitai-mai 0f the mss-ai affairaiý-oimtitteto socceed Bon- leu" r fMaitt- The. 'leonsngariitebil l o'biieiecently pA@sed1hbý flouselt(buetosu Ll. génaaté, jtmittee ouaislr ib zbsth ned ud0,4 lgtiks Of t4< 5* 1101 atft'itory ta poommsed by r ii ùZioioderu and peauants. AbOve. a beu11dred peoPie's higb sehoola bave -uïnestabiabed, wbere peasutry sMd worklng classes of ages front 18 to 25 get board and education for 10 shil- lings Per week. The' Daîtieli frmera bavel fortneti c-qperative socletien for the. collection, sale and export of thelr Produce. DanleL uitlverslty aud col- lege atudeuts bave Incîltuted thi-ougit- Ont tLe rural districts frec lecture-s, eveiiiug lestous aud committeco for Prolnotlug popular amusements, la alînost eey village a public bal l as been erected for recreation and social gatherlugs. lu villages wbere the blgL se-bool Lac obLaîued Influenîce neither drinkiug, gambiiig itor gros@ brenches of moi-ul$ are to be met with; Yet tLe villages are fontd uf gamnes, don- cing. sports and olLc'r recreutions. And wbat lIRlte recuit? Denoenrk bas become te second couuntry lin te world lu reghrd to average weaith per itead, altbough Iherý are oui-p few ricit man. Sbe anualiy supplies the Brit-1 lob market with more thon 1,000,000 bundredwelgbt Of buttons and tLe same amount Of Lacoît. about 200,000.- MO0 eggs aud scores of tbousauds or PIg8. caitle and Itorses. - Loîcdon Trutit. ,met Do the Chîldi-cu Drink? 4 D..'t ste b.tes or coffee. Have1 peutred henew food drink reicd MRAIN-O? It la deliloucsud nourish- IMg and takes lte place or coffre. 'ire mre tgrain-O pou give the ebildren the leore bealti y ou ditribute ihrougb iheir ate. rIn-O lu made of pure g+sln. sud bcuproprlpprrpared taule, ike Abe choiee grsdeset fcoffre, bot coai1 about U teasmuch. AUl grocers tell It.1 lic and 25c. No Real 01.1ke.. "XOU announced that pou bad no dis- bit1e for- the Young man Who ibreateurd te, domninate your pnrty and depose pou front your leadersbip." "Idld" anewered tbe profesulousi "And pou really meant ove-y Word "BecrY Word. Tbere was no reason lu tih. World WbY 1 sbould dislîke im.* 1 1n1me Icould keep Im front clu- Ring If Le eomed to b. getting dan-1 garons'Wasblngton Star. Ne matte, vhal mils pou, bedacbe te a cns.yeclIl neyai- get wcli ontilout bc.auepot rialit CÂSCARETSWl mturemmreFou cîthout a tgips or pal. prodece easy naturaIlniotements, cuit j n usI 10 cents tu etart ettleg pour .thb4ck.CASCAItETS Candp a tbart ie.teamunne. put op La atetal boxes. eetbo a, C. 0.C. O.mid au l Bcae i mitatos. Society. The. Deacon-Mrs. Wadburn la great- lY off ended at pour sermon againat the, extravaganoe <et social entertnlamenta. Tihe Pntr--Wity, 1 dld fot point it ne dlrectly at ber. did I? Te. DeaCon-Tbat'st thCe trouble. Mmre Wadburn lu verp Jealous of ber »s ciel po9ton.-DetrOit Journal. . cbou" lu bas 1t onaunRMUptoI. Kemp$ Balsa. cli stop theecocu aIe once. Go 10 our dragit toi an sd get a sample botte fi-ce. letlt1.25 and 50- cent hottIes. Go et once; delape are den- Serons.1 Ha, the Boreocnn Habit. Parke-l've mst Laed my telepione taken out. Laute-WLat for? Parke-Mp uoxt-door neighbor put one lu.-Harper' aar. Tt require no experlence lu dye witit PUTNAM IrADIILE" DYES. Slmply boiliug pour gooda ln tbe dye lea an tbnt's ueceaaSrp. Soid bp drugglsbe. Iu China a docto's fteevaies front 8 cents to a quarter. St op coughing. Stop it at once, before it gets the start of you and runs into chroniC bronchitia - or consumption. CAp5PIOL BUILDiNG, SALuIU.CI A Lettet Fron thtecExecu d» o(Na.. .0 The Goyeruor o1 ONgVua tau erderit admirer Cocds. W.10 tii caMM Of Pc-ru--us No ka'pe it coutInulinte iru-na cal àaY op hou- .lu a roert icuer 10 1> HArtutan . e " bouàffl d &ALitZ. MATO. la&. I muu '-eîed, The. Pri-ns ieins c-, Cotmbon, 0.: brio .i1~r Oteor S a t.aiebad il ur 9.luee uyour prcaipti U r l-. ..-u medioian e tmyfamily for ooIda,,aud agalt other Sle i rer o f anu *%muent remely. i hors eOt Vary Otherf.l -i.. îtst .c-itlmfoc oier mtimett. Keep P-u-alle Y... Tory irnup. W' 1. Lori. acide, l la *f4 A.Yuy ntschu rthoperfect hMalb maet Se Wlutct, ad 9 t5 i lr.y f0.. non rtarofi- CatarrySle coU-nàiaS the bone urusi-; simt.i tpr.c N-ua.le lbe.9 usina ilSa egy 0.tty abatuo uttaoad kuocu. A d etthb.egliit "ws heg-oontur cnti,h To prevent egtde. to cave M114 cfl*Up.OpOWp Fat Balicap Time. - The fasteattlIme ever Made on a Canadian rali-ostivas Ibat of Lord 8tratitcocala epecial train os thc Cana- dien Pacifie front Montt-ml tu Ottawa, ciien îLedistance ot 112 miles cas covered lu 110 minutes, or, deductlng ten minutes for stoppages sud slow- downs, lu 100 minutes. This vas good epeed toi- so long a i-un, espeeclly in view o! Uic ficl tha lite i-un was made lu a beavy soostoi-m. Thte itoding holda the record for fastti-uns on titis continent, but ils record wss made on the easy and compai-atIvely short lin. front Camden te Atlantic Ciy. ua iu saI se The ruam 09 »Mbl uerM le~ MWt Om mu te -= la afteu darissi aaurhi-lbe KN us-tisas chiel - f.n.l. macS fis teepdeIe~s ol~ forme cf chici are faIe.I Attdrem, F. J<IDENET à ca i.0 -= le Sp i rumhh. Du N4t liat KindLcl.rki Angry Politla--Lok bem., l'le ILsei$" MauM good mimd lu bave pou asrsted for Il- tg tg paiibl bel! Wiiat do pou menu by pictug IMNO5 me as pou bave? Cartoonlis-But the picture loots 1111e Yeu.nus. s&,k. -Angry Poltcia-1 isue lb docalI IW kmueIl dues! But dD 11look lii. s a m, cho ilit blook 1111. iilatl-Modom rmeary O) socletp. _____ TO CUna A <lix» Zn ONK » Aar lie I,A Take «&ve Bromo QdleTshIsh'Ail Nereusa drt" efon thebut yeIoc' The tan witoae ioty bcsd là nob a ap4u ïkag ci-ocu o! glory migitî balebWu bat dyed. _________ La»-@ vamily UNedo Ntove, Ci. bowela s sandép. la sein 10 b. itcaitiipoIeisaI. neusar. Acte geutip ou Cie il,., sud 1Ide e ~Ourl elck iteadacite. Prims 25 sud For eeriy umilion linaian imait- lentse e .are but tes mepapen-,and joui-utlseto!ail smorls. Pise Cure la tise tnmedlcu. e aMsee ev-ci used for ail affetion o! the Cii-ast ~ sud luage.-Wnt. O. Eudaiep. Vauburen. lud., lFeb. 10. 1I00. Ng loitno Lrdsiiip cau nueraln aux. bidous men lnurid 10 palm -Rlorce. jHonest dîffereuces are more commun[I' tban boceet Indifférence.IIU ) Crolsp Coeagha Droachîtts Wae.k Lustgm Wernk Thro .ia There's nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Thcre's nothing so good for a cough as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. .4I can uow report SI camea. of chaopm*g-a yrsCâerry Petorel, »à; aeray oseof th mu. i s.mi . ee bweta ... t loup yon cvcr-tmtn If th= re ammm bette, ce cola uhcrçian't. Qye tam Write àstalrr

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