CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Jan 1901, p. 3

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busînesa dîtI lie fortunesuro -' n~Togciioi tsae i" cf 0se sia ouis. bata vsa n t a rk oc> dTI ehapr- 1ias apeeatitosud tie tok oan,h - Ai inor5and hIers , -aîa- t fu 0 ba nta l e st q il . v crme Wte ' I baithae onlealr con- bulIe s-u. sha ve punifbeati et e, lis iss uds a nal a isa touv j4e 'tutb ittere4 4and fisuduent stailas-wh asalib a îmu~'he b l ae . I am1 I epat ucrime. W eh ue. an cillari îu ra wléc m tro han ul bs a x era not'f lan N s arbut- li1 luhae ouf0' gan.eoul liptl tutebandle a t1i l s l ee2s ,s a ta i sscbu e u-axs, h and he d tï ringb tàiaes - aikers laes, fo tiitg1 1 e , t m ii ot ne tev s ort-s.da bir b fat lu l ocai.yofWh hae tépaktxeso t of 187. b o!u*#pele ae olîe rare et tise l lb ta att a î Pefl orp is es s t es-pa ges lice "tats«. W tis oe as t- gravua iruOC tasly la nhg tace. s yeu os rt t) i~ wde WU Ournî. s b i nar e s re baiteluapro- lt for ai al ;t «Mtau f ori o tu elis e enimia rotaîàYte r e . ut r itteelde.. vua su00re Cndu m.e.o Ippotsvie u o,. .- dhacussînities tmhuery fun iclgvrseteTs en oMîI.t We haIe t bob theîbaarra. the 7 iscnnitim u t lr isos e baven tan oli a u t tbIcs o kw o pdte baie-h spe supor st tomuiial ave-tc ý, pï tise-p uter eblief ceatea. w'i'lore s-su ho 0O ned ta p- la -t f, blt* er lti s-us porigîios tesls, Tnise r s lit no rentm- tins -tituOn» tiifS litis. ttrmu s-it. hav ot suppots elr liedp#roifotise oset0f vIcne Tan oesati oorpan aily-h 10e 4ro 1-tie 0sk a thei si ail -tI ueito oiuutiplrgoeret-s tTe r ~sa5viisf t bModatim oesebutnîcpalImpoveent. h c ri mcmba prai It tseclty0f igS moBet. bteor issel timetse iprvI Ave ie < ,flbuite y ""W o meut, reo s taxati oc 'iletalcf tave I b fe a dgiiorbptrs- eu.siso roTetwi. nuer ntermIfner-Kt fo Lys -o fS a i. e wilO5- ortlpcm nel s.ofjuth e wl e r ntott m ana un Viss ' Ortim si aa ual mondue r ila e al l n e n l bace 1 " »dmi ot tTann a. I io Ofle mail. or eaentsaclrte gabletie scise- ' tka s u rte andsa lasu frin a olete fiteqitipier gel r tlses, té e<sela te siend u ise*harl rIl erDopulnce-r"arg w mo wa h TI r eioce- exhjlratisfesouemuiialspovmn. he olunut p Idl a thse City oriMA m laseye.l otete lIm e a te lng o i ,iiehtlaSIf el rsit 1111tàfitlis entcritles the isrcekesof hrIst-I 4 etM dg01.o roins bu more e nmens.a oe nal liermsinerho ret Isda cati aBorne, 'glaerud Ivitsey se te otmuepeolea l îîotetlbia of m#parer uestNoisemraeligof Juresnitryt tanal ise> vIseth e»,hAs iot bés o ail ni. soh andompliais udgre n er in d en c k-fo vise1 b av e a t t rd e La i p r s n tg ct u re N u s- "I l t a o te a bite rc a ns '[b : rIe se cill iaI ein te ism tho isc se s arenenvIonsut caing oth uatip Titi toflag leprovperilhorstslis ind ev e tters ut Crist ametimts eie . bmenesrisoncise gltoet tciis e ndebnheuhraChrbt wla MUn ert. selsaI Iti e moli e i mer -is , Iandpe-h il thor qj P u tisy lkia bia. i u51 lot -tI br Ja ta i>fl s-amoes uvtelo e iead a t Il a iton er sais te tneas erie aao -.Chist, e ns-tII hn rkm be bas et 5s Up 51 a W@11lIt ill cely o pe rearlilu n eclsafo- r- aveI'è re re te-nuson Sul oa. Nwi aontecs in rte Ci tient firaoil heChasud esare e.Niot erfe ll.soteand Whu idArClois andaRtaes. eolsaruat cll [h chocet ara u gr e Uy 1og e provothetupInt 10e - day aen isen o f ris toal meimea A:ie belli aieI Semntnl dthe ttb ofie populatio. The hrea W %bry ll Nee. emuat con-t isat e ut-maa iel tesfp- ut ealla piteoa isabrhe analtsna tere fîyéeupi. e- Tise art-rae a8 appaat Tm aisl l AIntiltytosse enar t n tisecareea.o els ivîe-ti a u via alniael reluie on mto ut c a Iuru sithI attiet r -htIlae m uaI hiv»auttletîr g o ti etuv cisurthecheaa he aret eoàin teai'n t goinylge h o aIl turuoget murth ounbaî t b~d ai l isudc ie sngfuts sudy eus th ,sbthe ouaig ong Th ht-yr îtt , mig su, pride l tisa t c ou - that arngl O ls. s-atca rat iermuua tht- las lietse ace i sia oa nd ty shI areaoi . s-bad.Thfeaetrae n duc tsepstu t is sti ution .Of tisae> sinte uf er N s-,Inofr theinte d lia îujlitseerasiidn ius rCommercaye- lataetal i teas ota 400.cbsirb i n thlae i Waus hsî ïntinav e on bee iuni ljsoe i te- r p eu',1slaaen.tit-tiarr> f PWi<là the mohng eart yuu ilcin aretlrat hr toet. crim teyanti ai oht-y lie saibl t o tbemnsclwrs ai 1 &a auj man lnfieure byteri arsc beu.tOh. yha ve ain n lime e ivtrun vb' mes s-ho fin talt it ,omihastiinisiOhte u t îb- r es as t n the)il pl buite upun Iof b is titî li hosye tat tise batlufroent ra tens bilrsthe laove f lheir a sînct teyait dl a-ta-! n [aSansorstontew aut Les-âh Egasna. bitu i Pennlt-fb i it nu la ta sialtai. anti a itc y u t in a bacaiave ti ibeneg iit 1 wbireh , aa t iarpeuleb.-ti cir a rnuntetiý itpetha, alyou eau nosnt ldaithe- an tr tanet, hnt tabc Snow Ana r îfta 0atisat cal> - thechabas c- theita te s bae anyti a haIt ftratn liaàm h maoirs, hi muRaIs, is l t-inki yinth to. andgi ion e rehi ji bsnnie anlbistn i g boe l Evn te st eofthebat i r t r tea hi, 'tm wi...neve eax,,.tttt'- 'tasp ~.th5eepi n it(Dt emo arn bit uner, Iiii orae, bs bt lnt mawur of tise cth ue fCrist in tIlmpression ou nil tht- folîomirsg a. Bo lta capitsl of tise uation t tai «5 5IoV ponth ie Wambhiug tnOntded il, U5 ndi for tise place of our resi- f h -ile Ihere are a tiouantia & bat ougit tolie coracteti anal arpga [bal ourbt bchoover- wblie r thonis(loti for the paît, P aisd this mouingtot a glorIonsa !< lsuS s-e uugbl -andti ake tl a yen aus &U iteresteti lu iisn oft wevhIalng tise cillos sudt s-ouid-s-e uugt teto al sils 'lu aur faces. We are netl 1 mlirablte Bull Rueofutde-1 rielishes-ay te finlaI ictury. I colios-lin, tise ridar on tiset leadlig usadusn u edoath -sW oitabm, bt tise rider onD tsig lh tise maon atder bis hlara etieaven ton hîn ftira. a-. h-aaiamee t-t a re sarots-a ndamtithere aie1 ru reasuffetiaga aIl arounuti 4za ln tome tttier clM d o- â- a',tisra-aitng Oua' arma *UrotIhunilas fotru recp- -thse vs-il sli tni da awblloaist, ou ln te 'selook niatIn s-ese - - 'WO reil viciory, just - to le sigitrsl fanfengu ues jght tre>..,.. at glle. anal 5e It te nornttg- - - -ai-o "cmorD- S- tisaItise castica of t ln tisuae geu t - Z te lia, nutl6 pain luievnou i devii -tI. Rais-do 1 kautri tutausiuiaiGol lires i $*l tutb Tise obi BIblê - "~trôiotsslobe amv l, 1 th s ou, sud --. nétIllsota *eaesir aar- atm tiay tise nînsie i0 ainiplî a mockena. I1 lave nul a cultrvalet sar lir a cultiavai- -ai voice. yel no mitami, iti10 irYainging uornie. I hare naihiligtuîa absagatuot arltatic Muuiv. The $2 or $5 I1lias 10 sean une ofthtie groalt ttetua of roug taa sgara intuesîment. But asbs-atlis people assemble it religions eouvocaîîian, sud tise bymn la reati. andtihIe angela ut loti stop froin t tiir tbrone to catch tht- mugie ou tiluwlngt dou ttt lot us driva- them n any b-Ourlualiffereace, t have preacheulIn chiciseas-whure vat aunas 0f Money s-erc ipploy4etl tuoSe-p up tho mait, and ti I as as exquisîle cs any laird un carIs. Ù1 iîitboitgbt ilthe sanie dIme, for811 aIt lerspractical, I1s-oli prt-fer tise ieauty. ontbraking soug ut s hacku'uuds b teidst Camp Metiag. Pristg Goalinu con,. bL eu oe ut those iarveltur fancit aongs sutar :n cbîîrcb get Dp beiore tise ibrono ut loti, bus- s-ot4 *t look standing &MIi [he great tdoxologies ot the tealeemtet! Lot tise finesl opéuatle air tisît over Wetén map ironstise ciseliof Chistt gît nsaay bous the sarll-ill ne canglst anal pais- Pdi b>- lhe bossopi utfte Sabbuth scbuol rIîiItren. 1 Sues- e cisurcis shore bise choir titi ail tiese ingitsgave une Chria- hia nias s-ho, lisougis peiseverancla of thse maints, aveDI igist un, andal ateus-sut a eomnaittee s appointeal to s-ait on hlm>anti ask ii If hie would not pleame ta $toap sinium, as ho hothereal te choir. l'not Ihose reftnn ocl~ Who never Lues- oe (I But ebilalusi t the iseOenly Musn Shuld Ispelatieir jbye ,alFet. oýPraiso >0 tise Lord; IcI eveirplog avith ijneatis peese tht- Lord.'" 7. theo glOrmùat atsU elabiglu o(sr Cileszadin lise s-urid iosannW yilImtaeut hisanna anti halleiniais bîileulais, lantisit tinte also utfsaiieS 1 epeak aIl tise Saulats oIuiqnily anti crime and saunalur usit ho e leasci saids-Il lie illu- n'tned, How la il-tu hoe dune? Yoa #»Y periasupaby oae Influence. Perbaps I say b>- ansîbon. Is-F*11lel rots-bt lit MY ides bd salI SQs- Iam rist lu IL, The gospel orf be âeuo-t Goain haie onir- agoueythat s-io aei.accosaspllai this. Oh, mný-tr>ndo6als. b abiseagu O t tiesee es vrgugtiseralgs a#w i « Sua e t. I-ý -é dtiaipom tise %.1th~4ie s-leieines e tb*I s-oril,'a re Vil,lat e tisan blae .yq. u u tpesndi orbeadi Tise ;aIs1dr oettiat -oama sho goos i 113fr strel s-îth a ourse, alouealfisl ,ofl titat folios- her. s-il heho e- aus analtise pltioropints anal the bioan men anti -tisleisea merchata nr great eciea. he, w-bat municipal guverrameiss s-c s-ilIhave lu ail the cilles. Se eare s-orae tissu Obisers, butta inn sor rifles ruts jut saîk dus-mmby lise halls anaillook in tilmie of tise ta ecupleal by polilîciana, anal se lu ita euautat. loatissoine. ignorant, be- aid cres- ciIy pailiein laotra aban- ad. Or thoy sand arousti the City ptcking t[bi e ous.saîtlug for tome umewnts of ca-umbalute ai teluthelu t, aitlnig ail day lung, anal wsiting ail t long. buo are tbose wretceedyeomen tiken for droihkeanes ansd carrical up bteh ta. sud put lu prison, ot couse? ilt s-ii yasn do s-tth tise groushops ýmidi Ihein drunis? Notising. Whso ,tisose prlsobersttn jul Onesofuttisent ae a pair of siees,, That boy alole à er. ts agirl esatcedal iprme. AUl tisem crimes damagtng muctcty fleu in20f or $W. Butl.bat s-iII yen do th tise gamblîr s-ho lmaI aigisi robbed SYong Mincf $1,000? Notini ba ahallbc doues-witi tisaIone s-si ?a tbrongh and destroya the pority i Chritatiuhume aads-ils mu &droit- ma and perfidy tisatfbeate tiese tritegi jolI, fliags a abrinking. shntekiag suat a a bolloinlese perdition? Nothing. uat wIII yoa do s-ils those s-ho fleeoe lt Young ma, gettini hlleu tpurloit esum ofu moite, front is aemployer- Young mats s-o cime t0aa u Mcer of cheurcis andti ld lise stoty anal tran- alIy ý.k'al hat be mtghl do? Notus g, Ah, s-e duos-eI bu putsh amall fes, bat i have someltimea thoughti I aId hobelleer insrnomutur citiez, It eofficiais s-uuld cuuly tonont truin lis Li the petty crîmînias, tise 11111e offenal- i the $10 desperîdaci. sud put ta theli ae% nome outhtie moustera ut taiquit o drive their reau lspa. Ihrough th reets 60 ss-iftlY tisatflount men bave ,uaep t gel onut fth# s-ay uthoing run aur. Oh. the damnable scisemeis ftha afeuacalChristian mens-ili asletlmes iage in untlt Goa lpals [he fiuger uft h triIsoost thiegolier ut thiser robhot rpocnlsy anal ripa It chear buatise boltor But ail these s-rongs arc guiug te bI 'bled. 1 expert ta lire ta sus lie d&. tiiki1 biear tia tise distance tise rum jing ofthtie Kiags chariot, Nut lwls- tise mlnority i the ciurcis of Goalgo ig te bu, or are gaci meu gotng tboli te. atreela aie going tau h ilSleal s-j' tentritedl populaltin&Tisree lnsnLdna ti slîîy bella rang tn Moacos- s-b ou tince s-as marrlual, bat s-heu Iigisteous ell andl Pence kîsa eracla otiser lu ail th rth tlsn tbotniad fii" eon tisousit, lis %hall stnise the Jubtiler. Povert niehesi, Hanger ted., Crime pltrltta gourance enligbbteed. Ail [hoedii vet, Io nul Ibis i cause sWorth s-ct Dg ia? Goe'sOmtp~oteut Lave. Goesa love s-IlI Jet britg back tIl issed s-orld lu holiuesanal bappinem nu tinite Vatiser honda art-r Iflta @yu sîthy, And îu lise orpisanise sw hab tiser, anal lu the s-talus-be s-lU isbushanal,anad te thse cittys ise s-hi thome, ans ute epooreel s-rete- tl -day, crawla out ut tise ditch of bis aboa ntilons. cryigfor memcy. ises-W bhi I pandoning Resicemner. The rocks i tru gray s-us age, tise forestas-hI1 niuured in tise hurrIcane, tise sua i ,bat ils fiery eyeliti. [ho stars w-II dt [Se bisgteal fige. tiese mss-wl ieave1 -ast gruau anti las i lseif in cîpir tout, I he conttanetsss-wll drop likea caura in lise deep),lise s-orlal sili s-E self lu hectet ffinalse amd leap out anertol 5ay neouttise inagmeat di>-,b ,,Klatiotv -a i1l neyer dit.. Il shah Stun issutto afin rail otiser ligssbaveoSgi att. 1' wii ho a biltos'.ug sea atter1 coller ocatetttihave s-cpI [beinselreot as- ît ,tlit uarna ilacît by tht. bIaeof "uîaaainf attrloi. Itls-ilt stng rrhis rebantela trantppee iais andtihie ait lIed wiih the crasor breskiag sept ha-r-a analthe rush oftIhe s-iugs oft iîang tiiad. Oh, cummenti that lov il the cits, anal th ise aing s-Il antis awili rueur! SMORT SERMON& Trtse îo r e I ao otIyChr th gîtes [nase rea-oronete manl,,t ves- baulti have lîts ttaettg.ftev. A. Iloyl, CsaEgnoýatgnuîuasiit Auburn, N, Folas- the lMaster.--W~e inust coi tEtdk to Goal t ay 'o f thtIe mast Tacre lo no tiitioltry among us.1 art- te set our heurit$ tapon the s-ont ®rdier toe[ti the master anal fol hitia.-itav N. Il. Lee, Melbodtst, i ver, Colo. STeîtîptation.--Gond mon imay faîl sîn. c-von Ihoso avho Ilve lu the spi tuti s-aISin love. joy, goodneae ta-taîerance. The oct-y beau Christh are lable t lu eptatiOn. A gaondlix wlta-n ha- ins dos Ibsat whîeb lie ul inheudti ludoa. The man s-ho la a Christian atetn pisans tu siahnsd9 luto Il alellbertnail>, uitnlt8suwIh Cltiaia. itv.Dr. Hoadley, Pres terlan, New- 'York Ctty. lit-Il Theso are the tiîngs s-e kr satlsfbactuariî) about bell; for matai ubere ull bh o 0ltInocenceOor part hhi. noi infants, no cblîdren, nu peus or Ittrv fheurts and l ean banda ilîttabitabat tiark abeile. lIs bell tt ta ii bto 0joy-, nO pee, nu rosi hatît. The muaI therni cunsîruclto lte taleti oft éittituot adumit tIin oftIhose IhlugsvIlI ho tonaithenu ga- to make u,)a the tappinesa of hbit troit. Thank-agialag lay.-TttlsAmerl insttitution oft Tltanksglvlng day le mltuIrPeeilla a"i t doa a-. 4rTt ~wairrew1y îvel4ed attfKat- Tleiet la Rock loltusd. a senâsi troit lr mil-,, - he lora DevonsaCompany iumptàtw, .. ;," 1 1 Mai-.thie stage sud threutening te ch*&- ZrIseyo 1,gmen who hall beesi Jeerlu n b tise wunea player". g j Avptea. Thse warebouse or the Charleston Wo&o1l 6M eu Company was burnea.Lingae $10,40S, 8. 6. doiruits, a preionit t t ntOrttinstiran $5,0 . The lire- Wols caumeal "The at Hume, recoiel, au Ierl;llmachlbile by the hi-nt froua a light.-d lantern. which tise legs tbrougla the. mail. 4 large ett 1., o dylsa- bad laman frt in the watt-bouse sud w hich th,,w mite wu% placeat!ueILbox I Iratl à illy igniteda aboit of alotItrieur It. "Blesse am tg bc dirarged whcn th, -Idorthtie Robert H. Haekncy.- supvritlieu nt of of the box was-o1pe&e' t or 1Mr- the- resseat Steel UrrCompîany nt Joli- reached Coffinan the fuse heamtt e t, '~Utî.c.motdeofficiai esnuounca'uieft thiaitthe- day w altowltt< the box 10te i tE I wlltO b ig plant barria reeuntly wald lie re- auiti Icauslag au, explosion.l The box\ won ad,- iti-gbt away. Plans are utat dellaite- Saturai dresseal lu !MF, Coffalifli tl S-t', - ly ak-idi-d uota. but ila tbaught the thse ni Coffman. Who syteinay tI-peaed itCW mil wiîllabc racht larter thanotheand bhl from Fiers, a. ,m oule moutil * g. but oldaIetthe w-oa placei In 8. (;. CoffmaI' box anald slaraaa ten ute('iig u 0burt woni upeneal ytihe latter In tit-;lkke. Thersifisnt oen A'il package wamaiied at Logat -art, ladt. wrtchant a- -tnraitedras mb axiyInuriaspen ' rck thieentr oft helD , * 1 i . e tu theit *uga.o-a-r anal justantly illiul the Luke1 wrckth bilin ad il i;'isci- firmnan. hesvu vith sblh closes the The pet.y h nîdasalwtb sofon oh lk -8 h btkd trac-k leaaing tat the tturntable nt the ian'ters -wbale thedivrila of tise Ul -tic etal throttndhaatsc was by soute flmensfrt opcn mentio tacksletenlde l o t e kiIttie abdandlthe train s-as tilier gooti headawy and th tecs itededte»PrapeOv-1 ifle nd hafore Enginr-John i4a'îrouli~tlhe swaxs wtae lignite thtes.In, a itita a i Pt of %nd off the [nain tracit. The englue bIIea are fo pi per swas arranged au oa Ili;, k,-tis el- jeta the. large pt or thetutrtatiable, the s-bere tlouton mtore sur'e. -ma'Il . . e - tender teteat-opiag tht- cab. or actty similir to tbe on.-ea't t@eut1a uga iharbê dbgyt sownr 0L. Noble Coer of CharlestotaAbuga wt atbse b. ugy tsel tl drovaŽ along Elizabeth strai, Peoria. adl -hi r. Priais for 111106116 Antatea. carricti ayay ratoables frei n eveu resi-vttt a The long litntfuhonora wOst tl't Ameti- deaeft-A Pst' at lu the buggy and car- bv c au proalacti et tise Pais a a1auîttlou cd forfilse articles as they s-ere dettvcrodThe t- shows t t in the matter out pîtea Ilii- te hlm. (Jhloroform ua ttarqd on itmates eeyttl actaisteadls e country. Ev.-at '-'W Yorks snd matches were truck andl dark In-ta gen it snd Mchigan, bitiserte noteai t' t tthe fine terneiouedet ail.tIn.luoeil, one bouse nsvi 9. quality oftbtetu fruit, mre la 't beitoa. wcre the occupants as-akeneal. Golal [tet M Specimena sment 1te eVrettlh -.,w frOm ws-tches, cash, automobile conlt ans morne athe Illluol appie belt about Princeton ether valuahîci were stoien. One t.h ie Cig - cirrted off noulegsa thosu fteet, -aid mrond- victim» wîî the mother ut Snator Bev- Cti )f aitainthe icmi-moathly C iar ons ibell eridge ut Indians, s-ho lost ber gulti spec- 01, a't à- durtng thse exposition. anal a gandtit prtae taclea. rfr à-han beeca saralealtoelte 8taia llt.ctiof TIse Jasper Couuty grandl jury ws-ltortli ut Oftrrit, wieh s-a, gathereal .1 elib-invetlgate the rnul at Hidalgo s-hich ce- Iturc t ited by the $tete HorticultIit., Soclety. nltral troam the opening day or saloons ul If Wlth tise Prestige OfthIis viatat ýver thse there. Hidalgo ta a place ot about a tai d-otIlllinois ahoutlal eel encowrag. to plant ineorporate ais avillage lu spite of trong Irmore trocsanod malle a tratur' atalfir opposton by ati-Li-eate people. Thse .gey4 ty the tbent patronage. Thore uit-'vea ho neyeboard or trustees grinteil license. thst le ruom for thse formationan 5h ot'tsage-0 antd on ths mornlng ot the opentng day ta 'e latof tucary it prltfa aferthe saluons set up trie drtukâ lberilly bond nu the manner ut tise Indienani'art towera. A tue-tor-slfigbht ensuei bets-et Ht- ha t Certinly te isel"et mei of t;.- Amer- dalgo men and vîilors trom BRsec Hill.. j s 1cmn apple ought 10 bie be'ttar t.t laratoti a rival trading point. Several s-ere sert- Jeri tis abroad thon they bave berat ougly Luiurcl. ies M. Bqd Ar of Patmatýý. A $1 bll, bearlng only a stamp anal nomet lie Th p Bt i At o Pas as becs wrapper, sas sent t rough tie ma is lm w . Tiso e d tauff aue at iFon l 'a l asa bi e a ro m Chicago. P. Pier e or 46407 R hodes mort y. hacatlnea luan ottaalotttater ntiavenue wax tise sender ufthtie bill, whtch thelr m- one that s-tIi Perbapalvi-th'-peuit- won sddressed tu J. A. Wayiand, publiais- ws- ya master. Tiseodore Eppîfai, aunttttjlesaat er or a paiper nt Gitrard. Kan. Tise bih thon ro relations with tUcrle Sain. La'at laly Bp nrela -fprfo rtc u-la b. ping ws-a ppointeal potmistea- tFrog- smnd nlcatiots utsfarcard. Th e o i - leot t ts-n. A short lIome & c h~t--aofutthe oinoonacr.Tem ey as rj ral -or sudsea bisreugaataatt wa~- eneal t the card. On the outa.ieofthtie open 'c wr land sTe aruent a latDi ta oýle agma illh sas ponter! a bt t wh-ite paier, Men In@ ngtn. he ePatinnt ,ki.,ýedg wbýich bore lise dri andl a tyeo-acut that on« the recept of bis redalguatiat anal lu- sap oeqeto o asda etn te structeti Eppios te continu' I- dattes te rig Sofmenqein ones-as ralson-1 the nd outil a a ceeur o uld hi elv"'î-'alThis Ie rîgbotteuiwn lmoe latetgomin- tise rt Eppiai id for aJimne, but ilIa tofince ia- ay d authoritieas wcre ton slto - t,7 ltinsanald s ey le' recently hie peal ap the gat pa tell- C. Carnot, a relative ufthtie lite Pres- prn, -k- as iandl ther iselonginge out h, ràce anal taent Carnot nt France. didintasNus-mas. cxlr expressedt îem, te Waatislntîttt Tle nudt Ues-as a very eccentrie chericter and tn dey mailt arriveda t the Poig'aa nst- isal livet inl bis itte ihoelasoil alonc tfe r u 11l4 Office as mnaiî, iacluding wew- gisere acarly tbtrty yeira. durîng wblch tineibht sf. malter, but the poalmastar t 't sealtu lhe acareclty louia aimcl outaide cf Wa orte sa- receive It, saytngbise bâdti il athe W aboli. He ived a frugal lite. sud accu- ibu e a looglugs othels ofliée lu Wataa ataton and al nlateal couiderable ptoperty. la is duel hie tisat s.tir as Frogton'ta - iancerned shop s-as a large s-oodIen cient, and on , be lise" Woni no pestoacie. this chientlise -old lie mnt of the tis, oth4 hot vesleigoI. twnImpossible eo Dm- Attemss tef0Kidon. a bild. teoinure hlm teai. tb h cste urcdur- b« la Ts-o akaown mc.a.itta talesltu kid.l-oirgbts last stiuesa- Tise ciantla aop- the rîlI uap Cyrui Onyder. the 7 tour-old son of "cdseal1 contain à large . ilaontqf tnes bc Victor D. Onyder, nasWeil!ado Wnoiesale, wili doaler lahoouka. reeiding iti Perls. lMtrs. A supposed yeitd min s-ho bas on vta- ta.i rop finyder siaothat abe la recelvt'd t-o rinsu occasions terrorical the tuhabîtants ciu lis letters of a thir.-tenirir latatare to force of Lauden townasip, bsaiait appeared i lng iser tlcoff,ring teattîiiy lu a adivorce tan the.%pereofutbis former hisn ad sir on- case 150w uostrial lu Olii ,She aym ane n caanacqenee the yeoman anal chisdren ot lop tisai arveral attemptit h - lacets madle tasofathe neighborhood arc îtaytng close te ore tise enter the Snyler r-t'.'lice duriag the the bouse atter the shaden ut evening cd but laitt es- days. anal that -le sas- two men hsa a ii.This tranigemisula sitp-îen dle yerktug et the iront aio-'"oane- ught. She iaseli e [he sanie une -ho some SIXi tt ,nue gaysabch appealtalfi, thier f utPotee or seva-n Yea ago frigistenleil a party of tis 7 Il Flynn for protcian. Nirs. Sayder r sr lerry pickers, al womets anal elîdren, wu 'Ay. tisatCyrua uons 1laitat azn tise yard, ntaI aay front, the patelles aud rotslietlaem e IfI tise rear ut the houa,-. tu ton two Ma. -n jahomoi. rhpy etalmed tliey s-ere close lud the~ proaciohtn l. Thet at 'nriea tise chilal t-acritatbihln10tuee Ihat hcs-as unale cit Ir a be quIet. anal said iltI,,t uoulal nut bartoaa talo 11k(Eal at-tymachs lke a negro. 'Pu'- hlm. Cyrus screauat-l aml rei tos-ard lit. L. Spraaale uf Wilttimabtnrg, Bell r thse thse bonne. A tig ftata ýduit jumlaa-d at Coui. Ký ., haa Writteu teu Sherilf MY- Ne e t0 the mca anal ibvri alais-ln an a lloi. ars sasing that John Ow-eus, the lourder- of lenu II-ra. Soyaler round loh-t ilal tn tise por h ar hangeal at Paria Dec. 21, ta ne otiser tIl ta a prostrate tonalttat han John Archie Owens, s-ho in 1888tIl ucit 10 Pinevilte. lKy., andi marrled dei aker C suicidRatlte. Sproules -itr-i-lis-, s uli-to-alo -td- les Becaitat. of aataatitai-1iii beath. Sic ota, and aatcr bs-o muatha denertealiber, n, .. » phen NIt. Hoila's ,i- alite by abotai.gaifaacttiatig wllh $1,000 ut ber mloner. The - blinseif nt (lreeiavtlia UHe dica. a - o'- ttan saan lavaltl. rIer murtlica- w nitsuit uf hi. s-oul IaI' Huiles was fatrltiwa5suake-on that @e le teal sbortly wy à( yeors a mnemtaer of l- th atîking bounne tf afta-tward. tirat mailing a preaiction, lie " .,Hcilea & sotialat1 It t amasse-ta ftta- aahia-b w ta iverifleal. that ber hnsband an lune.le w as 48 a tj, ti. a atla l i bs ays un the scaffoald. tn Nm . nie t Y..taac Sîrtale tara Os-eus was bora lu Mis- fi ®rn Ittir Buinç. IickBunrd. stlai,istarets dytug s-ohe as a a--E toi. Fire destrai cd aun - tire business lia ,ldata An Irish wa-ot ral inhat. ja We at Duqnoiu The iaetra'airtp-d in the N' a 'aVîtn 14 crars ailatlbe rat u an ana le , lu liverystable. tat souita tllbt-irr.aia'.roameal for icars tbraugh nid ealetrt Ils anal apreailtuto tht- ali ' tg buldingt-. ail Soaîîh Anacerica anal Ctabaa 'Je u-being da-trattal t.--IEaala-a ~1atiii mi. Tht. totallot', - tbout $50Zi.I-l IL (). tterisao salol.ta r aIle- t loo,(itaI attale titlis ago fratnInjaresP Iln Bltete ta .oa lÈ1telet. t 'aa wha-i 01e tat.aag inittatet inEtatthe"i mî. Minier ta tat ha - ài -s- portabla graiaîti Kiahta af tha olla IArela. Thisa oraer and Puusp fsctaarY. i - anotaaIa-s 'ti'a- of liasattr Ilaters lana 'Tie State la ofta't tN t traIl Ita,-andII oni aa ,t'aaataalarge troportons. la jua tory bla e 'a-t tfteen bigla. 1-Itatal iaatt, Oof t ho ceramuaies utinitia- - id lu tht. $rate caîlai" t 'aoftIlltinois fialit. 1itEa. til tîtearafratai laence giveu nt uDt I Blo'anvngtati tt O titallitv cataCa limteac aata tdileas a ati b aving ta b S nt I Blaimngtn ii ý aralltox(,a*e aI-la.aallank cartritigo. The user e goes are aorantincIl nai\a, 'bousea. The las of it t a- a.all cia-etallytitarnedth Ie uV..-th ltise tienîs are colatra-al at Chiratago tutd Al I t tiltta-rartitalfaattiteean sd tIae J-d t Ml-tua grade l4a%: ' t I attotltliI>ensoans ithigh.tIrwo et John Abltsa-ya-t'. ,t ut tha w a-tltliiath aýliftaer te cervemoOEtI)easiM aiedal5a formera ut Atîsat- a ulytY,'aO ilrovt i fr..a...blooal1aotiig. Nrs. Detson s nos- w froua bis atattotI ltat -a sruatla aansd 1Ira taght i at fitarpeoetrdaa lages. alieg t tace. kitical. Ie wa. 80 a'aaolal. ttîg tttola na' flu icaîpart ot thote s-ho t tj ln Charles (valîtat - t' t titimanager of the 1îarti(itel initthe lnitiitlo..The aase - 'son$S Uniteal Statslca 'li ag store ia Iain o - a, raeeti)ttl H in aaor atfthse aid- a s-lU atouts oa ndtu tfa ;itly w atalatital ia 'i.att hoîlaat hthe jury a 0.gc-etriauthe 1 tbore sife, Thteta liag-sa' I tse i iquaîotr ault toEaata andiattsnd aimar. lrua , , nu dt$aestlc traibla'. ataraealtht t Itatu$1010 onl of WaihingtonIi itckietgealMlai bolttb ¶tain Shtelfelvit , taoiteut Germaon nouai legsansd i, loti I ltat'eut off lay a train farinter 45 a aarstlai, living asth utNas- tisaI at Miscottati. île id. rTe tat1iaile ailic, aav--a garadto I tu4th ai vcbons bull ie.Jumaping toff a (cor l.t- 1peo sud ft iilIalr tar bis houle. Die- ties-heela. hI ie r.ara sZ.nîaa't"acft for Vellisa , e Tise.At tan lt a Conspat t a tti te -ustria, reaentti. rîiey ea.pat tuo ta cltyolfiiat attI-l--t re t at ai-la vvert1 Etiroptaaan iil e tfare riaabiug i rIcn ~itgrsiVt 1t ttie IcatEli both.lit- t-.tia0 cttltl -tt - t'il satii 1,t Aykth . tse pin-i e Oèli- ' imauly a" proftably. grot ie lu j Triomphal E try a the tile ofe bi ?»On fur Jan. 13. It ta froin t a- ode 21: 1-17, antht ie golden toit le. àecon Bed ta hie that rometh lu the nainesesau e Lord.'-NMati. 21: 9. We have Cleris, ti the lîst week, begttning on SUa'prt ails the triunaphal cury. Thets d itsg nt Bethany badi taken plce n hote. rday eventng, and Jeaus had apent n gbt tisero, On SaîniaY MatEninlehead bs disciples siarteal for the citY, bat =n ie beginng sof the -els sent îs-ai eavî irry ahesal anal arrange for the> colt. te av our gospel& decribe the rionphl Tbia r:Matt. 21: 1-11, Msrka 11: i111, netk pl1t 2944, John 12: 12-19. ae te prepsratioa fer thse ride la ralate(;d m ses 1-6. Tise village of Betispiage, vea oued ta cunuection s-us BcîhanY tise ho Mount or olives, is nt oIson- Bte noyeu, anal nu traces o oacS a Plmce s-e, founti today. ButtIhuogis net else- breal ce aentoned .lnlathis ble, lRImutalc hesal 'es speak of Betisphige as a lmrger tei nthan Bethany. Tise village tuito mmdi eh the two disctpleas-were meut ("*tiselog te that ta omer againît Yn") maRY long aeu cubýier Belbpbsge or Bethany. tisez exact purpai of-4ile- MuaaaOL COUu.-ne ig atitptet is net altogetiser duer. It acier 'uceralîr ngreed Ehat ho ride upunan aas uither, o u the ne b n a, an &et of à ?%elte merriment asud ridicule, noras ae bat-o supposeal, an ansumptios of ly isoonrs. -"hniset l aid thil ff ri1 la Ios-ly, hecauae hoe ibould ride ta sas (Zecis. 9: 9, Matt 21: 7) lis Preace la nultoteîny degradmliom ln tise Jug uf an sos, bot 10tiste peaceful nia- 0 f bis advent, The horse s-an s M tir. anal a king enoins un a borase nId hoe surroandeal by mtl tary c reuin-1 air ana pomp." j 'A yen greal multitude' la no cxii- qtîgu. The reviseal version rensal "tisaTl ,s part et tise multitude," ladicatini "I' a atfews- sîoaieabot. Tis. iltii i6f nhobredi, s-avPtusever s-ee. sWhou s-sa dreda uft ioasanda Of Jes f rein aIl via rastine anal trom torelgohas s-w-Ltlana usalem. OfCort dd not accommodate boit ut thesa s-lt feu, Pins tîciltes, go l'a lis eveuing tiseylise' tterete utise surrouadint villages. andl rem m te u can p on te hill i e . I n elise a d d -ning vsea liseees-wdos-ere ikti al d ri s-.y tos-analtise temple tise gro0n0d"X tladllie blacks-ltis tise Ibronga. AnOni 13 ee tisere wuold bc tes- sho liit net00ait Bo ilt ieard ufthtie miracles andl teichînga lait Jeans, and miny vould bu secret or for n foilos-ers out iinas the PrOnlEd i"g saa isIt la. a melîsscly lirelectlou tiu t, as sume ne bai aia, mino etor Ose s-ho on Sondiy crid "osnna t0 fr0 ýeson ot Davd" proaabhy crical "Cru- irc Ty h lm " du F rd iy . 0o , Hosanna" neana lltenilly "4117e, -e ls, ay," and s-as ln actuil une raIsin anfa sreston ut eulhuami, en acclama'-d a., thoaaprayer; snct very dIffus-D ut» un halleluja," "prilie Jeisovb" Tise but juta urthtie peuple shos- tWnef s-rm, tht -entai natures, eaully sooveil hY as ii- d kexettemeat. Nut a tes- ort lit, sa abtîis, s-cre Gaileaus s-ho knêes-hlm Is -ýil ana ltovoa hlm failif ofly. but nIiet sera ahouleti about as su American rowd shutaon eltetiOn nîgst Oret utà seisU gaine- We 0osght neftA heW.08l he popular s-itueis uteiJets' ' Wluoi' au as-n la Ibis triumpsal ntry, but ' ubeauent evonts prove tbat It dld Dol n adicte a very auliti adisercace 10 hi@ 1" Ruse, bH ,A Il tise c ily s-a s m o e dl -" n a u r ilîy , t e tece the, ProceaionCros"eth ie Valley va tishe Ktd1on anal enterea tise cl 1117 fa ne of !tsprincipal gites-thutt nos - te .d s t, S te p is e n a , lu t e t e o r ts e ft h * D o emple, ineloanre. Atteution yeouîd bu tricteal hy tise @outs, tise crowau na he atrangely carpetial raadsay. Tieû çoral translaeal "s-as moveal" i th* V aployeal in apeakitgot earthqmsikes, mal ndtcates a protud disturbauceand ale. 4tmeul. a "Thisto Jeans. tise prophot of Nazea' p ,is ut OlEllee;" aune snightay lu New- York, "This la ttie 11ev. Mrfr, mnlt Dr Jotueseille.' An Insalequate decrlp ouenut a mark troin an obscure place. Tcl se, Gallcans It mesmtt mach; 10teite Jo- ~ dtn.anal muehTis more ttise Jîs from, I egypt, a0reoee anal more distant landsa, It t iaat littho. Weianu l ntufrget tisati ,Jsans" <Ilebres- Jushais, Jeoua, etc.) 1 ras J very comiln ine, sas 0that îis<s- 8 tas nothiug distiEnctive abont IL Itl miit be borne by a robber or au igunîrmul as s-cII as by a rabbi or a saint, Jatat as in Mexico anal South AEuerica Yeuî vIl uald pieutit or ',Toýus 'Marias' anal Emanasolea' anti -Jutan Batattas' ln t jail. Bol this EEOtistiltctiate titte qtiittkiy ' tecame a spetitie une as the s-oral apread 1 fromt hip tla p outhlie 'taotairtul decals ofl Jens, staah taa toeraînarof Lazarna ana btheselitag attthe bliaind menanal tht.lep- 1 ers, rhet-eruni'tarophet' avaa clearly in- a adeasilte. Titis tataEi tust lh o mrc tissu1 t protabet. Muâtsieoetulhothe auuinted4 tr the I,aaral. the otintîg tia-liverof utos-1 -I. entiniîftthe lacisalY citY in ftfltll- 1 mnt ofiroiihpeeyl A [totO ast-ioni hegila in ntarse 12, anal 9 at a a'oîaparian utfItoetlaroe synuOptic e - t ctalta 0e discttacr thaltthe cleaasiog ut I tho tleaotook t'Ine0un tht. ay atter I the trioimphal entry'-u MondaY. After eutering [heo' aur u n Suatisy Jeâu» 8in- aa'cred tîte Pharisees whlE obiectetelutise %hotsaof atioraîtion.snd Ister bhboldtag ho ihç s-dat ovar Irforeseelmsg evîl daYa ta caee take 19i: 41-44) ln tise evculng hoe retîtîneti to Betbasy. On Monday moruing. retalrnitig te .lcnusnlemnlho pro- nounredtheito dom outhbbc ritess fig broc' TIson ratie the catering mbt the temaple abl a sating Ont ut the triaders. This la-ongiEsg ut the temple sad tht t Worîttl td n Jhn 2: I3-22 avere probaisly alfreat oteüasiotit. naît tarYing accuats, soule wotatlti identirthtse'u. -Note thait the 0o1e la ahtatho va-rt teinititEE ', lta h(S-r at tht vary clos-, af t hae public liOlatt y illatt'atiEt i iEnt alî'l thea- a1aaaî'-n lit ,... , _iltîr 1 ,o t r sa î l ic at- rh ait faar an d eWattlfe0j 4,a taidid flaairsi oiug tl$ is oasSawC*cOl sue volume cet R eU*e i fluor anal bu ls0aasi "S5 lu George (YC4, , or, O'Connour recgl ia, edeal lukick la th~e 40m'on, fl0cr, s-hicis ta tise M,' :uog»Al 1. e catnaedal atwitista4 manageai te uroose as, evOl 'a but ws-cafinillî bestes 51* ry rmb ef moke anti isa te te voi suffocation. ae Siaies appearel inatise rer aurat fouts ni lie bout, tlheý ei potassai romtbfwio'idotf a. As acun as tii tsUO fl recogulsel tisat ktiJjsbsl4hU tble Irap. Ladlmlrd *s-sue front anal tbese auen tui re any outbli 0 ould MaiS tb the bupihlas tie lod«O tkg te iss-ndoW5t- sat iei sa out in a vils tttmptt1 t air, Pitil rin t or i le hy miny. Til'btiS Let Ifou tisa battit sdetistais i* ln vain. 'bThe nais 4 as sial tiey iscctsaO Mandi ansaioum. AIl of tise 6!ud su out men s-ire tcuM tie sfrIpi tM seond sud thflimomuis rixe Boira have miacedull 5aef nie ut Cape Tos-a, 0 i I -is te "et an attack troxa à-ý e invadeus. Bit gonat bave i-M) led trou tise baltleahtp erylireparatton le beIM1e, eBouerInvasion ef CapeOUP cuit lia&Dy Matarlst,, sceiý maild lua mUtary cie ae [oit stritegi s or tb le L titaidtehVii rue part etfILord 1ti*' reeaw7 itu the aplate tllssaoe lau Brhis 1ixs*0 Jn$ haM ia opristiuet lie D I é olac.1i a dmîtted*ti te jie th le Rosir si4St 4for thuya le neo istlps as'ot tise alinin sot ut la Lonadon. Tt. o bat IPresdent Erugt II à ltaom. Il ils bues àtisat tise Boieiri he Atlntic,. sp«iII fq i bis fdohaon ln Esele Nf«ol1ti«msaI Pbis*s pus orpaeattiaJa r ll unnéna jutOil et iLui Mmd EPiam hi is- loaof «et lsa" tbo t-Wý idlataie eoert ot à& - Brut oan ual aasnsa*t )yuthe wove aom eta beras Euaali'a retlc rrtI vrtsli das a ru» Ctai, m4on me ats iou Empr te luasia 'ekit a e it hs a enFrn Haat o es le hatr tis eatoiin iil~q5 'his Tlil tuala. tl atle no theptuace ut i onre d0 lt trja lae -and tie »A--ée motat t tuautrlu ie sn Eupiren albls ifrfeamtvW anlti demensinaU meSi la la dpillbI.I rltot ve tiose ftrs repol lba te maoriti utcliserait" v001ll yelarieli amiiùca lise rolatniotnsil orm s-0bl ctme nied tC, T à alt, Ancaningoluthe x rcedom-, retatiacfrCabaynu 19.tisbi lu tt'rarce wcoath isauea dcruse of aîy Tsre s-onte latiau e i 000 bau brtsntisue outie80 ofg offdnise ad exest t isi s-ca pa arm 3.00uIr ted téti prsn n rae -erehabfut u*G ot tIhe nmorreqBt tnolt aithesett utio tra ll1 181tie bithesaope b Germn-ft c A7111.n mur the Is-c t DR InFrance otiese yer Fi Iyra pasi, rehi, ratio ia Se1 mW even yer mue. titnfthe am.'r utar, apdpth sans ofety tise ove* WB aSte 30,000hba>r. O atta .vert in Fane o ie Sut M'a taithe iiipura u"t Iulilaf upS the dsiths 0 Ge qtafliy i tinmois t trouisu*te sFractforate sle eau IFor pearesi1psy an usg rai lb pete yuai o rse tis the l#r nin.aploi uaal rhu4qw< Fise bave double sttepr4-I 1% vucal eu tisait fal per os a l ito " - at . t. -ý'i Il s' e s a a. I la u i Il

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