CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Jan 1901, p. 5

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l~ a cm $uisy, Der- 3't.a"M, olamoia. M. f ean s , yOlakfrSnything more dd'da e 0If go WofOefortlmeI3ly m olefoi u trhmils sud patrons. YIu*"trets ours. ubere you vili, we will4uylicate any prices jeu bave Lad (juo, fo--and in Most cases we cati dise-ouîît *b.preeNmade lîy catalogue bouses ami (Iepêget stres. prîces', lot o.h*p goods, us our plan of doing u îis.We.tke orders for prompt de- Ji% yo'redor od y au&giuMbtee overy article sold. Tr~ tyvîIiê~ -~ Taylor, ilnois.1 ice-m -hâave several unclaimed watches whkh have been on hand one year and 'over, and if same are jnot called for before Feb. lst 1 wiII sell them for charges. SAlthouigh 1 bad a good trade for the Holidays I 1 tllhave ânrplins of goodi on band which 1 will selI ~ ~ for one more week at a discount of 10 lu t. pect my stock before purchasinge R. SHERMAN, - Illinois. 'wUnderclothirug.. I (Ilr stock is complete and iu1-to-bate. N ~Ladies' and geîîta' 'inderwear i great vitive yon' we do iot inten-ît4) a E over aîîy o R Gloves and Mittens. - I - Ail kinfis aîdi Ili great variety. Prices. Know.. Wie isoll grocerifflat righit ius ini fact in man)y in8taîîees -w'Iveare, juiit a littie lower thanth te others. You wiII finrdI us better than ever prepared to meet your ....wants.. h,,e-some pretty patterns ln dress. goo dsi anid a flIçsh lot of dry goods. DeUvis, TO CHICAGO. VUEDATS. Devart Pom New DePot. N. r ........................ 8:00.6 Mn. 140......................... .M. su DAy s. no16.......................... . s E6 .. TO CHICAGO, Dopait From OId Depot. Noi.......... ...............06Ma.M.. « 131 ................... 7:016 . .............. ......... 1:20p. M. 013911Ays. No. 142.......................... (5.m I No. 144 ..................... ...:0eP.m.. vAT VauKfT. Depait Prom 0Wd Depot. No. 19. hast tonnd ............1 : 15. I. PROlo CHICAGO. WKXK DATA. Arrive et New Depot. No ............... ...........822a. m. . .......... ....... 4 3 P. M . No.f..............435P.uM. PROM CHICAGO. vEIXeDAT. Arrive ut OId Depot- No lu......... .....10:4 a. M. 13 11. .....................ô:'M, P. M. *141 .. 1 ........ ........... 7:01 V. IM. SUN VTI. iot.......... " ... -....-10:4 &m No. la............. .............:398 P. MI. Deit flProm Otd Depot. No.1m1.Wout Boue(,...........1:09 p. I. Nos. îiî a»d 193 ylcarry pams uerabtwuaa Roudout aud Solea flUa. Doulfargel Ithe muquerade antIthe Town Hall lo-nigit. misa Ethel Plummuer, of Chilcago, la lue guesalof ber aliter, lira. Bort Autin. Those vita haven't salie for Ihe mequerade to-niglit eau ubtalu lbem as tsailI. Mir. Geo. Wlmncr bas been nund a doctor'a cars Ibis veek, anfferlug .11k tbe gripp. The Ladies Aid o!1 the M. E. citurcà are expectling 1 give a concert Friday, raeb. lot. 14-id. corne to te citurcit and ses Il you co n ua prize at te Progresi e crokisote Jan. i7lt. Mr. aud Rra. John B. Allautson left Tueaday fur Caliiorula, vhere 1he7 viliispeud the wlnter vli relatives. ,wiii Foiett returusi receutly trom Kanas Ciy,, viere ha bai beau peni- lng tbheiloli<lays vîti a former clase mile. Mi. sud Mis. W. A. Deaus returued Saturdal' (rom a month~s nisit vitit relatives lu New Bdod, Bcoton sMd Cape Toýwu. Mass. A cari partyla lu be heu aIt y. Proline'. lo-nightl sud o couresea deligitbf ai ime .111 e bad;ilis thea naturel canacquence et Protinea. Be sure sud attend titi Art GaleryS Social at Preabyierianu hurch Jan.c 170b, sndas.ete portrait of the muet promînent citizin of Ubertjvulla E. L. DeBola vite veut frntmibery. ville go Obuloothe la ne. pormuuently1 localsi et Lemant, vitlehe hmi.a1 postion astilegrpli apeoor for tse Saula Fe raid. Thte W. T. sbtn Mannttalmiag1 Compenys building la belug pushae t0 comption. Iron and Wood wvart. log munkinery Wnicl aistlhed beingor .pring sMd I lelapropoei tarSu operalione ne& Aprîl. Nome Chicago gentlemen have bien1 lu tovu severai differeul tisses look. Iug about for a desîrable ile fût a golf grolinda. As yet tbey bave not purcbased or contrsctsd for suy property bereobouis. The Pui Minerai Sprlng Company la cenlalnly doing a rushing business. Mr. Grabbe reaently reeeived oui crier tram Ihem for a carloami ot ine gallon demijohua ilîsi vitb _bis tamous spriug vaier. H. B. Eger, Chas. Kaiser, Ueo. Lynch, A. P. Slapies, Iion MiUer and John Ballard, delegalea tronm Aome M mp, atteuded te Oouty a. W. A. onveullon lu Wautegan Tituraday. Delegalea frm &il camps a lte ointy vers preseut. Flfty .tva ietlers frem home la whst s yeaz's aubecription le te Iwa-. PENDEv)£T meana1ttose living outie t, uotnnly. Tbe INs»Epzi»wTviii tllt your frieni .acit veek more o! homo nova tan jon conte poaslbl! vie; and Il voutd bu a weekly r.. minner or yonrsel, ail ai a cool cf ouly 3 cents a veek. The regutes business meeting efthlie Ladies Aid BOCIeLY o1 the MoIbodist eucitv as held Tncsday sud lbe foiiovlug officere vers elecedfor toh1e enuiug year: Preident, lira. Ueo. Vovier- Vice Preuldenl. Mr&. il. E. Dix; Tresanrer, lira. Win. Warren; ilecrelary, lins. lf. Croker. lTe Amenicmn Macaroni Oonpsuy lis plaulng a Ivu alury brick ai. dition to $bit facécry, 75z109 fait Titey bave losed a deat for te punchase ut their preseul factory and site trom te syndicats aud .111 aLso bus seversa lots locate inl front or Bonlil otfte fatory. The INDXmpE5OENT baos Information1 of a dealtot locale a large bealtit r.. sortan sud alruum nLbertynitte. Arrangements are Dol ai jaS OUI- iclenlly odvsuced te permît osour publiiug Ilion lu fuit, Tbis mait i ceral-a oumpan: vitit $124.M0 napital stock, Io couslderlug lýds vit- lige. Sites sud bonus have bien ef-4 fered lte.m elsevliere, but If a oc-1 certsid effort were maie tbey couli b. induced 10 orne boe. Linernen are bnsY stringing vire pneparatry te sterling up te etecise lgiti plant k'ebruayli. Foundattons fo)r te raetdiqey are belug laid. Mr. Freeniau expeoaste eoîve teI iasahlaery Soit aler titan Dec. 951h, aud if l arrIves by. liti lme asierte la,, Weit alorS up Fe> lit. 119 t4qa1 hi nny saoA t lie su sapptat.4 doare »M'os lÎîiue, aspeolalj' ciciété#~5f, talai#Aairve bore A. M. lffSy, vho for Iwo Iwo@" bu' beau lb.heguest c9 Mr. WU. Slavemsouleti Monday lor StPlaI, M. John Bcysen viliiMYla ua plentiful snupply of ice tis vlnter sud eau smpply ail1viho desire vititleu nel sumuer. riiaa lgitl, Janna7Iy 15h, the BpvoeUi Lague viii gin. a 1-cob Webb"socil I it e iarsouage. Every. body luvled. Weiuemday uigbt an Infant blizzsrd vas villius, JO" oenergetiaenongli 10 rmîin al Séat there la anme reai weather lu store fur ns before UMe v1inler la over vîit. Aiemai evsrybody ba8 --la grippe" or a «cl lu the dose" Ibese day. sud whule un aisesof Ia restly serlom nature are rsporled yeî lite aMoMte fiel "-mgbty mean. " Tietileitarrvet i bou. Qoud tee Inch lai la being eut. Aa yel but tvo or ltres ia&dtuaiare cntlng 5Me. LIdthe induaky wnl boom. m nwy are "liauglng off" lnu ticipalunof .1111 oider wveelr. LoauaiSlauchlield, vito vorlis for a. W. roule". iad lte ltumb sud forefuger ou bis rigit baud bil crusila a ecru airedior Mondsy. Sanchlfldvasendeavorlng b chai ltse ceffv hulhe emachine vas in apesion, a careiss ansd dangerous proooeiing. Il vas necemsay 50 am-. putaie botli ijured membira. ]Kra. EE& Za laàqunit$ aick eI lir I honme la Ibis village. Siteauffers vititq agrippe Mou olupications. Moniay 1 prna. Knigt sud Gallvy held a cou-. Oltlatiol sud vhule bliem odilion vas pronouncad aerlon@absitevas wot acaxaideed daugeroualy ItI. Sincei Uhe a perceptible Imsproyneeu la ne- a. Peterand Chas. Rauglit, Of lte Waukigsu Wablu i Mning sud amollig Company# Vere lu lowu Weiuesay. They bani but reulnly relnrned froxo watbnaton sud are enltnsisiic over praipecte of lthe Isoler Bunday mine. iThe compauy ie aS present about tu put lu a large imelter te co8t $W1,000 aud bave a large anounl of are sineady ou bond ready for lte semelilfigplaces. Ut. louglil expects 50 return lu Wasing- ton in lte near f uture sud tMr. Peters lu lte Spng The "Dauly Tribuse," of Hammond, mol, 0of vitihJames M. Woodman, fortnerly of th45 INDEPBNDEs.T le part owner, bas heem greotiy lmproved lu 611 lie deparluiente since Mir. Woodmsn look itold of lthe paper a short lime &go, aud lhat I ill1 prove a paylng vnture seems certain. Il la one ut lte neilest sud muet ably edalsi papera lu te vicluity ut Chicago and la atlracllng au lncreasiug advisiug patronage. - Jlms".friends iere, l snd lbas a ua olitor, yul h a %0 bain e of S ucea. W~rites From Flonida. Iu a imIter teothe INIDEPUIflNT, Mir. a. Rogera, ot De Fanlat Springs, Fia. '.We bave l:ad a very miid vînter &0 far. viitt Dîrao 1tu 10peak of. iRoses are atitlin la1:00 u d saatigardono stitif, sucit a& letince, turnipsansd radishes. grT)w &ai llntv. 0f course ve are lu mestern horida and don'% grov auy oranges hers, but IbIs lo- sellly la notel for peachee, peara and grapes, wili grov lu abondance, aiwse aeet potatOos, vhich sell Re 10v s 35 cents a buseîl. BotIer 18 nol mid. extensively, but sells for hi 10 30c, and eggs are setliug for 20c, but wiii acon be down t1010c. 11 arn ruuling a locomotive, itating loge for our lirm, sud lte eatiter le ao miii Ibat I eujoy titi trips ilu tthe vocis very muct. Thte fragrance ot lthe plus la very Inuigunatlng. -,l Ibank yoii for the promptuesa lu whlcb 1 gel mny papen and I look for Ise cornlng on mouiay morulng aI vould a latter. 1I ityen a prosper. oms year, sud deslre 10 be remsrnbored 10 ai frîends Ibrougit tour comue. Yomra trutly, B. Iloomas.' lin. Rogers and vifs 1oftS Liberty- aitUe a yean or %wo &go, removlug tu londas, and thum many tnîsuis boe. aboula viii botanvîith pleasure of Ihoer pnoaelty. pimasvbyRranC o. DE WITT, là. Ueut:-I cauhot recommaui Dr. Caldwell'& Sirop epeu 100 h igbly. IU basbeau a graS benefit tu me. 1 ei ý/by . h SvoAY LimByit eimo. OIto meWaueomia; Wff.L Kxr"eý hn'itelier; ÇQrayslaka -For ail Tiij Tils being w Mteamml l e a u el te fifshs of 51t heec"somli lu LibertyVIDe, sut reason, or rallier several reasous. Iu the firet place Sbire'. the psieb-«~baW uat te prIos 1h51 viD bail filtJaurpoe6steoe*, Tliat'a one of onr atrongâo"pae know ibaill lea'lpomdbb t $*Ï mituca thal viiiWear aMW battu ' ther la-m uthe st ron.,g cft - vbicb vs payvey alose et Yon vîlI fiai VA slg h date aMl the lime. am fer a umuoup Our shoes combine lovuemos cf priai. vearlng qnaliiy and style, Wbal more ecnd jon sal FFICIAL SURVEY IS FINISID. [liaukee &venue too Higli- Ochauck'e Store lu the Street. Bugier Shas, lias cmpletei sud elivarai lte Uap, profiles, plans for au vorsitand sever system. apeifi- éîatou, etc., orderei prepsred by lte Dolge board. Thte floilg coU- .I&MIoiiim oompaniei lte vont: "tOwing &0 lte ladlta*%the scIool rmufan bai maie a subdivisiou lu Weion 16 sud il being uecemry 10 iow sIl original sUbivialcus, 1 have amie thé map for lte Village ou a caIe o! 100 felt$0 au incht, on ocut of lte corporoli 1Huit@ aoveing a are tralct fvacant proporty.XIt »kes à veny large map. 1 initud hat daylS186euGaliovaja subdivision vau ooaded, being o part of lots 13 sud 14 ibhooi Trumsees Subdivision. This ibdlvison shows a atreel ru-ning Mat £rom Milwaukee Avenue, forly- due Smitnomte Of &Prague mat;el60 mmel Une of liotel lot sud vould conme chrssore i s situaled betveen ehanets store sud Butler& store. tae o lth on ut IUne of holel lot bc Rgh t reet. Tuia subdivision la bdicatai la red on plot; Il in properly aordai and flteailano record cf às menion ever belng filis. The plat on record for Scbauaks subdivision shows ltaI foriy fietvers dedicasdIl fr te eutshit f tMilwaukee Avenue tram Spragne'atreet nortit torty-nlne- anda hailtfoel. Mn. Sahauck's store sands a l lthe tresS 3.76 feeL In mlabllehinglthe grdes ou Milwaukee Avenue troU liprague sireet tu Higli Street 1 bave made lie grade level from BSpragne etreel 50 vitiu &bout 100 tee& etf111gb treel. Thia viii corne elghtsu luches ne oacunrete mîdevalklu frout af Bunlien. store. Tis .ill cauae soUs' expeuse to a tew property ovuers,, but conslderlng the tact Ibat Ibis lan an i ie portion of lbh' vlge, 1 àm of lb. opinion ltai for' #ùe future Iuteret filHconcerned titis id lte proper course lu puisue. Sovever, iflb.h Board thluta beat la il% prenant improvemeula lu lb.o grade et tae conter lin. ni Milwvaukee Aveuue opposite uortlinoueoftButler's store, la ahouid. be esatIîhed ai 124 fsel." The village rnap a prepapsi shows a sireet runng fram, Milwaukee ave- nue essl 49 test 50 eatlUne of aId liolel lot, and cousequeully the L. B. ilsuby sud J. W. Butler buildings stand lu à sireel. ThIs viii prove uulhlug more serions, hove,'sn, thou a sHtîg clond ounlthe liii. held by Montre. Butler and Hsuby. Then again, iG. il. bobino's uev brick store building l.abuvwn u bc be- tveen ltre. sud four feetinuth1e mirent. liers a qustion *rimes. Origluaily n Mir. iichanuk dedlcated furly let for a n street. Adjulnlng properly ashows 2 tha& but 33 lest ver, set aside for streel purposes. Laler Mir. Scitanct n askei lteillage board lu deei back s lu blmu neveu fieltor the sulount iluce- s cen ofwvitlotera habailuvloed for i streel purposes. Thtis vas doue0 but nu record o!flte tranaction apptara t in lte County Recorder'& ortes, beucs I thie msp shows Mr. Schanck'e building à tu exteud loto lthemixent.1 Mir. BShaw recommaenda ltae# Milwau-s kee avenue bc lovere i elitesu luches belo.lie premeul grade aI crowu of etreel or vitere concrets valh; crosses ln front ut Butler'& store building, sud of oonrs. ofTespoudingly lover iu elîber direcion tromlte crcising. Wbellier the bosrd viii accips bis sug- gestion or tellthe grade romain os Bt preseul bas nul jet bien determined. Mssèquermde To-Niglit. AetusCamp No. 176. M. W. A., give. s msquerade bal aI lb. Town Hall, Libilyville (IbIsà) Pnlday niglai. Music by Prof, Smlit's Chicago Orchestre. Oyster supper eved ta à lebéisment. Tickets, 50c. Doa't fan te i4émian a sooltlnlelenalvays bi.aupqaee Special Sale OF Cotton Bàtting. OuIy about M00rollsi put up la ea"i (803) rols. litsJouter vis aVOeeteiê ami cleesd il oui nt aImitha g pela. rF>lae, cou Baiting, m£ mode font B . latt - Cotton, viiavsbly campera .1M Ual tlug umaly ritaiied MaI 13C. yoi"a buy il now for laismorney titas Ym WmBj pay for t". poaest on thte martel; m FIER ROLL j5C. PIER ROLL THE PAIR, Pure Drugs. .o Perfumes. roulet Artcles. Patent Mt PAINTS AND OILS.ý A Uarge A dCumnpktaS"ocof $Chool beau.i SchoelRocom Neeemaii .,ibertyville Fa B. LOVELLI COUNCIL PROCESDINGS. 10k ove plab, pha LIaUETXI-E, Jan. 9, 1901, ee.' r od I Board met lu regula msulon, mli AUdétermine 9 m membouapriset excp$DitBois. Min. m mter bO AsSo0à laes of meeting. of Decmber Id sMd M Ae eftr 20t h vonr»M ud ai pproved. tee ma"o W. A. Shaw prueited two CooU. rgnl otuw inulcations relative 10 plmand su d vi17by a r, speciilcatlons tniAh.d by hlm for %15ba>ord coeafii seer ayste.m sud voler vorita, viic engluer and deimnâ wre rm an sd ordered placed ounfile. by Mr. ESbOW. làFmII Tàeuur's report vas read sud r. arro to finanecommltlee and upon ~ PU thelr favorable report us a ccepled Motion 1-9i. and plu"eiou fie. by unsanmous Mov*4 by 1uot vote. Report abowai amonni on band COcsiet t bsé ,el tisi ipri 591505 laidoui ince, A. Shav be 0 S42 45. Balance on band 12051.20. Haaby, Promtesi1 The following bus v ere, read adsud t MX041« kmO apon favorable report of finance lovel0ed * ocmmitie e esllowed and warranta ltai W. A. Uai lrai eddrawa conlthe lreasury for the -skig lm$i amonnia, ailvotlngsmye. paa PIKW4 00eI Y. %. Clark ................... ..$2.5 Mvd l IMM Ml. Gannon .........: .... ééOrdaoufsu M. presbmsu ................. 5.«laids tq ý M 4. Ulemau.......................10 1aaby, Panetes F. tierringion................1 7 W M. unvigon...:.:........... 176 omi A.P ipe................... 1.74 ~ M. l'*er....................a 18 y. Datllon.... .. ..... 0. ut ...e................4.1 ail and nsi ibrtyvilIe Ci coud 1 qý- 1 -1 a

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