ils Wtt IplmI bud colds, i iknda, Pcoral ha& mmum .u55.o"14 r, utbeet ie.tini glnd inulagsaaie md if tiages m c-duto et you aea9w mmlai epatt el aet>. ~Most tnsml t4aOla NSEs.N AD IOWA by4 ».Ou* AAaare -* pilla,' Cr=si Mn sliat ll flSAULD TOAIN 3< nuSfr.etber pam or IMQ CAM.NCAS 8*"8CA».- Dvtoon. ' At the a Iag the au flrecels- th( eSrpie niuca Otrou wa the sou 4> ynationse vrre r At~i asrlgby . isUa baud andte lev eun atetnetad lu dis- the former present i ~ ht lIme ataIsIs,"Timeil qeposeti hi Lient. Santal-lil, u adnsd inluting parts et th, eiq t lira. Meiey. ' tates ' thte my and oser ina> sgold l4eand poiibed 7,11M lesding the arumi t it. a, bîn eide him. and do I)e*eiy the nar>. on Mif 4bn ,10persans bat! tien ,ecelvedI sr etaI1M Oo'clock. the reception vas ' te close llowever. slithecro*d seuhtf S*weiced ftour be>ond ti aoter un gotês the Présdent diret.d tht the re- 1 eeption proceed, tuat Ail might tome lu. t U,. Mclnloy endured lthe >4ordeal, vitit mucb composuere-qoiiula lng «I Aide the President a oqIocb vhen thc endi et the lIra appe-rtr e&d. suthe Presidou#. vt*Aug a duel sal- t station toe 6.gneiSs, etêd Unr. me ai KAuxey te ber apartunecte. P Atter the Presideur andi other memirs et the recelving parti hied takou places lu tu the bine parler the long lins of gueits bc-w gan ta mure. iral lu the bune came the mmbssadors eud uinsters ftrom foreigu eots. accompanied by their full staffs. At their beal -sa the renerable Lord Psnefote, ]British ambaseador, andm dean ofthte diplomatie corps, la ulluil- fori. Wth hies OrO Lady Punucefota sud telitouoable Misa Paurefole. Fol- loviug came baron Foya. te Italien am- bassador; De. voe HoilehenI. he Geruan el ambassador; . Gambas, the French am- bassador; CeIt Casaini, the 1Ensila21 ambassador, aud Reoir Don AsIroz, tti Moxican ambassador, "ecbaccompaniel t tv bis staff sau ladies, Tie Chfinese min- iter. la bis ticb oriental il s. accom- panled by %face. Wu, in olshrtl cm-a brodereti go*vu. rttrectcd mucli, sîten- Arter the suadorsansd minises came the cit Justice and asoclaste Jus- ticasofuthticUnitedi tates Supreme Court, the Jadges of, lie Court Ot AP- psslsSeuaturs and Nepreseutatives iluc Coupres, former cabinet oicerrs and mein- Aters of the Uaited Statez. From tAté state diulag rom the guegs pasaed lto tii red parlar. FREE HAOMEfS OUT WEST. Tb* LenSt ua i it.uead Race ta eef Iran Next ÏSauner. l Tie lent MO. periasa.the greteit race1 gee homnes *verrua under govermnine l auspices la ou lie card fur the combat 1 Bomumer. The Fort Blli country laste bc. tbroswu opeà for settlement t lie& ba-t tvea Veau d Oklahoma, in sixti sales mIce aud la tie Indien tounue lasI rflet *'BeauMWtulLa.ud.' It As thei st8 et the Indien reInervalems of notable7 am is bcb .stisu alus a part Of thet publie demain aud. by a isv pasd lastr jane, t laste lie ct op Ato bomesteAds.6 as the Cberobee trip sud othor Indien landa bave,.liens vithin recet gears. VTe exct dte fu th opéins bas Dot à gel been ixed by tie Prealdeut. who As empowered te.,m"y the n ord .chieh s-Ai tart tbausgndm vho are rager for f re bomne ou a d>sb lotichendien coutry. The cltift ar s uot, bovever. te hc prceleti ot annéesthe prospective set- tiers. About ose-tiird goes t e luI-t "IDe. Certalu s»ctionsts-Ailhoset apart for publie achoui. goverument buildings aud otiter Purpuara ofthei future State of Oklahoma. of wbich this section s-il ferz a port. The omuat ailie hosnb- tractti 150M0seaefr tic Fort Bill 4gilt&ry reiivatlon, Icving about 1,614,- 076 ars fSt seulement. Probably une- fourbi et titis la minenrai or waste lands, se tiat oniy about 8M0 quarter sections of désiablehsland viii lue loftIfur the set- tleIere la bound lu bc diasppointment, bdrause lie numbeho f possible wuners vien the Fort Bli counutry' la opened will bc. striklugiz dspi.petionste to the iu- itercet tritsud t0 the number ut entries. 1: As proigile thst tie governinest vil ta semo-xt ititigatug tii sRnation hi apeing At the saine lime the WVichta restorvllonNort of lhe eastcrn part or fia Kiovaansd Comunche country la tts Wcita reservatlon. conîaining About T5O00 acres. t la much susalLir than te 0thr tract, but the Indiens te bc iren lis are net en menY. Aliol- ment ha* en going ou thore graduaily for suine gr. The proportion of gond land latlarger Ihan Aunte Fort Bil coun- try. The yeservaliou consista of brosd sud fertile valiegasud rolling upluud, ultahie ta tiversifiid tarmiug. t la s ti- maîrd tbt 2,00 white setliers mai bc able teflnui tr%%s tiorf atler al lu the allotmmt nt5sd reservablous for achoei sud titer inipuses are madIe. Bol, lu addtion te the farins t0 h' *distributodati he lrie vtest, te I-eu et tes. remevatloas viii promet man>' ther OpporliSnities. for tas-ns willA bo laid out and polated lu a day. Wbulo per- taps tee-r tide l,000 Miii n tarins o 1<0acse-, aérerai tihite tiat nuinhor vill mid homes adbuainess aud labor lu h. nes- counties te bo iucos'poraled as polit- Acal parts cg' Ollaliot. su mlai ul"EOE. siayer of t4o Gea litrPub- Su Hai, lthéChinesem ldlr convicted et tAt, asmiMlutiou . ttiiCeruusn min- Iter ta china, Baro*TOli Ketteler, lant Joue. wax be.beaded T#Osday hofore lhuo- drosis cf pq4e lu atiMeo f thb. Rt- aen rpst;Il ekin. luit witece the baron tell. . Au ibuneuse crOWd tf Ger-men troops, incipig the oilcsrs, of Fildi t' Mabal vol Wuldeie, 0,1-e preseut, th.ecommsuder-iu-chief Jamneif- bolusgea- .iet. Muwaq! ther torclifier oe aise W atour te lmetators. Englisisud Amer' Siciun omeet Pnciudr-d. a iThe murd4erer kAelt lu the middle of the se .'treet And spperod perfocil>' Indifférent t. to'41s tatt . il Isieti 55 goa. lerniru 1, eoSier rendth te dîsatli sentence. The ChI- 'M Dose ee.tdmyodptttd the assassin ik umiedor' dthé.,I - a hfn~ b~ wibl a 1113110o0 "Tii cblueh lIugs aret tere by mili- "Million! lIli teli you wbat 111l do. 1flgie gon a dôn asaballa gail or every gallon of the bute y«071 I tg **Doue!" *Md the farmer. A day or tiro afier ho drove b&ck te te village vAi a &ten galion ea u gbt- y éovered. Ttisbhonnioadid froinbis wagon aud roué# carefully Auto the te- wai store.« "Wbat bave jeu Sot thereT' aaked Me merchetbutsaclousfl. .Sometiilng for Yo" "*Wbat la lt?" "Cblncb bup," sald the fariner. lie tted theid and i dscloed a MasS Of tle bIdeona Insocla, wrgiu Mao suirminh. "There'. ten gallons or thetu,1 be con- tiuei. 11 lako At jou ove tue Mteon ollar@. That vii mat about Squar my littIe 15111, and l'Il thank jeu tu tire me a recelpt." "Co.ver Il np, for Sobiness' salis, ie- fore an>' Of 'em gret avayr' roared the unhapp>' dealer. But ho vrote the receipt go JuatlY torfelted. The story came ont ln t6e Papena. aud for mouth% tberetnr the storekeeper oceved jettersa asblg fer tie lategt ,quetioms onthe prie e ofcblueb bU55 and iuqulrlug boy insur le vs' Pré» pared ta taire. Rovever, ho bid notthig te regret, oer, as lie aid, the experionce wus Worth a tbouad dollars te hlm An ad- vertlalng. The lietort Irritable. Boggs amokeil**on the. mi>," as soMe men do. on euerslag front the amo1k- Ing-car of a suburban train one moru- ng lie was snrprised at meetingNette, a busIness ssochIlislubis dovu-tqvn office, and an Anveterate amok«o. Noggs vwas stili more surprise&i "Eureka!" lie exclaled, jokingiY. -You reok or At vore than 1 do!" re- tortod Bogga. rrtated at being fouind out, sud fnot qulte, nndorstanding the allusion. A VÏT(RAN SPEAKS lm. Hoeeo lesea Crame.orf Ta- coma . a.,Tolna Hov 014 Seidiars Miay 55.10 Thomaeli TACOMA, Waab.. Jan. 7, i901.-(Bp- tiaL)-"*l used to bave Heurtigse. but thaukata teDodd'a KIdue>' Pilla 1 Dow have Hearti £ase. "Vive gears sgo, 1Iwva acontinuai suffrer of Heurt DIsseso. Exposure tluring the war. and a tendencY te grow O1er-BIe@hy had grest>' tggravated ibis dread d§weas. i f ten badti t« P boxi the nigit i bad At ns.bai visen I veuld lie dovu. Lire looked preU>' bine ta me, as 1 tbouglât there vas no relief, natAl one day 1 rend oa dvertimeut el Doeds Kiduey PI>ila.1 booglt a boi tGmt saine day. and At vas the beat dars vork 1 aver sM& Before 1 bsd ~sdailtlb. Ont box I eouid eat and uepbetter than 1 bad douA. for many. yeuArs, astd ftr three montis' faithful, treatinent, My beati vas comPletelY rostortd. 1 aman ntid nunov, but ne stop tg as efuitAcandi My braiu ai cita?. as Whon i wui tlirty ,Y«etaitmg&" Theeare thi e ule 0Ofthe Rom. Mlos.. B. Crane,. 8cvetary er Odin Lutige. No. UI. I. O. O. y- Of thus cttY. The Flon. Mr', Crane la aima Sagio Vice- Commander of G. A. R. Pemt BNe 5. Ta- coma. Thune vho kBOW Mr. Orgue bate lte fuilest cendtffliéeiAn bie bo»eatg andi truthfuinees, and ikiiov tht "ieoulti net give titis uolicitetiltestimuun- lems he had act»ul f exprlenemfiltic re- let whIeh. he IdieSi iffbuI boltter. Dodd'a Kldney VPlla » arebvlngA vOC- derfu i!sale among tMr. Crnsblonient- aud their naine la legon-ili thua prt or the country. There dos.mot«aseintq, be a iltiocse of Heaft Dioses, WKd- Y y Yor Blatdor Weakness, or IUhebni- a. m1 aDotda I<Kldue>' Pilla tqq-net permanently cure. A ieuburban Ctoclk. , i CiIer--naudakea! Nov lat, Wé'i,1 Mrs. ituburh-Oh, you mnsnt g1o bý that clock. It's two bouma font. Caiier-Why don't jeu set tt riglit t;. Subnrb-Horrors, no! Don't touch lt. That's tbe cdock ni, bnsband catches trains by.-New York Weekly. BrÉT rAIEOnz0510, iv la&uI. L uec 005. "1on min «M ettt ràag a1)110 caret bytis su etL8.18 saur. ta baira e md idsmu s sme, thil Bih day ocdLucambafADW systs. uleud for e'uo lesta. i 0. .J. çiaNc&u.ThiO go5sid by Dnjului. 758 The IXPifféeone. She-What'slte difference betwesn vaudeville anld varlety? He-Oh, jou cmil il vaudeville Whou jou tfst gel the habit of gotag and ara still a ulttle bit ashamed of At-indian- apols Press; <Joughlng Lests to Couuiptiost; gemp'à Balsa. viii siop the cougth at once. Go te jour druggit to-day ad o à amuple hottie free. SId la ansd cent bottieG. (Jo at once; delars arcetia-. Jerous. _______ or au Easy Chair lnItarbemeS Roues. WIILie (glaneint up from is i bOOkm.1 Ps, whut ia a man-trap? Pa-Wei. My sou, the Piomt effective man-trnp I knowv of la an oôti-ashoneo arocking chair An a dark room.-Pbilaý -v .1 'St cOusît? if ttc clvii4ssd. voilE Parus. lad feel grealli boueltol tieretti t ts h 1e r a.bord aaIronS m i arrh cf alie heansd feai Ceu- huesn. ot o tey uuiaoe e 10 va àctle.- lu- turimt . A~ ul aeds 61 he las isecuttu- Chara iS onuttte týlt Car, but tbey Mna lm. 5111 tuAi! aise mIAntee cliaIbodlt[y -eds. aradicale s iseau.e Witi o ao nu>etlidrn o teecars Ofluetthîb1r tsa er' ai epoettran, rit . at,-and iseau.stadn. avi tt ,»«reo= fuprudent tt.ters bave foon meesilon. Peruna sasever-failluag antegliard,- Coimi"nu. o, JCileMI. 0. Dr. Rartinsa. eue T'h.eua eCo, ty: of theb 001loern (lntess"Anmbet -f yer. aego unr pbiiriss sdnmue attenns-111ltaittelu ' iiartmauus Pe- geul teV tied ruasudlainge, tien vo i te ued AtlslI tateas the *rI Wonderft iremuetefer crIp,:,-ýh@, Caide sud Mau u t oralate ctirri ldfeasea cofte t,-1 sud ataeac. le-ru-ns. It ms- -Ftor grip ad luter etarriî especialig It tirougi bis giseules SeX hba o et 1 eleet o t he lauat ut aud preese sass Ibis luttutli.'"-Blsltu t tie oce tht =lVs.,.atro-»R âhepherd. Odue" te the mrdi- The follawinz ictar lm fr-n Coogrueamn osi profession oft tit country. Send te l~eu oh", tie Pe-ru-aDru& ]deàstscturiuc Comspany, Tic Prous Ce.t y. Colmuri. 0h10b, atàesmbook vrilla. by GetleeeI aulnaderaibottiez of Dr. H*rU»Lun Goea4*plted itie HA Rajn.t. Rie-Oh, prgy, Miss ltarlmple. don't à. Oruîauslier <Strnggilg t. camve cali mie Mr. Brookos. GmeOSM turkey hie viwf e bas eboncook- She--Ob, but Our aqilatntance baset)--Bsy, Mary. tise boues n tibbrd been o ne-tis igo50auna- ara riker than a bad's-Jnst ear tbe (ss-eetly)-wby sitouldu t 1 ciii gon tIr. bue frt. Brooks.? lMns G. Ormandlse, (shint cryAng lie--Ob-oulg itecause rny naines vltb acxty)--You muet ho sgalnalt h Someret!-Puuet- abis, John. No re. "Tel John-dont you remeulhor Gthâ "Tiere,limie, Ciara. bouc voult youn .saketime to ttiff tnrkegvih 1k. tu hots..peoptle o ho eaSulgel ogater?-Brooklia IMe. homo frnt mParle a tue-eIelr funda _________ gave out" DESFoie T" 111DOWELS.II "*Wail, este me, Clarence, titey are No natte, what ailla ro. . badacbe te a botter off tdman v.are. s-home funda esucer, yen viii ne?.? s-Ci tias gave ouI betoro we got erte."-tn- bavw4a re put rght. (8ARiTS lII dtlaapolla Jo>urihL satura, ecure yeu vitheai a pripe w pàin, ______ producSe «_" naturel mevem.ntl, cea fvIgmesalotte emly Mdo Cites.m ~ edasibIhe:dr, *eiMldon5 Gmtiei the m dgimiepot av la mets V.u.sMidf5t li mmiqaMdeem ee v atit bàa a C*O. taiaps pu%~iuht moe asu m.tuub1tbsm mIL itatAoses. ci.a .~.o. ~"Alvsya koep a iproise," uid Sem- lm ell 1-%U aniet>'sOolrSugi».. "Sandb>' . floua in ni mi se oetrrh n la&*tuebatdthe vevg laat and laiton for titi sncc m.B ml psesay. «W 150s-M e ot gour part>' vîitout tbaught o<fu- nuaiet tt oits.AIl ~ts aille Ire revssti.' sot.s. nsUyflrathore, 64H Utsl S, .T. ".Are titose things that yon alvagu iThlm" orei l.wtina ien.doe not 1? o*t, mn Issiatetsud ssarrueerailea- "No." vas the anever; "tbey arm >mmsAtt~ tc plndi tneumlia. vtl1 vant te olier fellov ta do."- us llmyU mamotWaaiiktou Star. TO Cunu A COL» INi 014B DAT Boss-ow Aog Vevioer. Tak axative Brme Qunine Tablais. Ail Alieutenant of tlIe United States dru liretulimi e eyaeI fts a mmOt1 navy tolls, n th uatMstnHerai, aIL . GIe sgaptAsuon"box. 2uM stor>' about te tiquetti of naval sa- lb As the amenda Of a short and trou- lutes. bled life thal dolng gaod and sufferlng A slip 1I sn dretipetianchor lna 1Ailentitllsman 10 a longer and hbter. lttle Haglian P, ,rt.knowu ta have a -Penn. batter>' lnlie ts v. We gave the na- tIonal sainte, but vutitilan vain for Mllions Un Csrtaen l at, an anmer. %Nassept aboteto de whlbitasure.proof er its excelleut qalitir. an ass-e. i'sus5041 asorelu d- ~made Chernltaliy accurate. Tieçefore manti au explattution. sud Was told. te bet. vt inuap)oigle, taInu pos-der Some people vouid never rejolcelao vals ou baud, btut thlut peuple ball beon au ascension da>' robe unionste>' got sent 10 a neigitiuring las-n for I,sud it et a bargain-ay prl*. the saiute usouli Ae returned àas 50 _ ______ __ as it arviveti. This dld nflt ItIase cr ciplain, s-ho Ivu MiS. flNMIAM sent back word tht IftheG sainte vere not fired b>' sui,-1 ho voulti consider Es Able to lHelp Sick Wouxe Il an' nulI tu the Unitedi Sttes, lu Wiea Dectorm Fail. âsser to titis a dusky ia>'tlsn officer, covered s-Abt gilt sud trsing a Ibut e Nvgal'vut o i'~sO avord. came on bIoardi and sald thal flwgdy odmeDytwo we wouid kIndA~loutndimitsotme pos- Man'a. aid did te> but nnderstand a tdnrlite sainte %,-oti ho retnrned ut woman's feelings, trials, senalbiîitie, once. Our capttuitirelin-ed, gave hlm and pecuilar organic dislurbancea, te powder, anîd the booming of twen- Thosm Ihings a kuowu ouI>' la ty-one guns s-as soon beard. voman. snd thte aid a man wouit gîva ______________ la not at bis command. 1 Among te atdotes titat arceiteing To treal a case praporly it la noces- toiti o! Max-Muller ince'hi, death le mr>' te knos- aIl about Il, sud ful the foDoiosng. w hicb relates to Lsz's informastion.many Mlnea, cannat le laitisîit 1 Loun;lý At aiaupper giron given t'y a vouman tu ber fail>'plir- to hilm At>'Sir Heur>' ring tbe gresî 3pienlot vas pia( ut Ibets-oca Max-Muller 1 at Elien Terry.Iszt vas flot n s à good hutaot. Ht rettisedto bspeak EU- Egiih, ant i tls erry woulti not von- *tAre ou Germaitr French, g0tite pro- fOsor hadte10Intrpret. Filnilg Mise Tîrni turned tut hlm aund satti: "Tell Llzt It t ati pe i-Gertuan." Anti twben ho lurned to lsten sitesasît, lu "ber girlsh, bell lite volée: *'Licher " Liait, Icitliebe tdit " (Dear Liszt, I love 'ion). _________ Wtlli»tng t%7syfor l. Papa-Tommyý. If gon don't bolive PLItaie te toît t.iyou. Tolt' i ItA on sould. Ua ,g P&pa--Yoll do tIl? Witg do goti? iea b antbighrft Tonmi 'Cati-t tster il's nil oser mna la.St ant rlgbrett wilii leie sottit andy.-Plltdelpa tonlii oerythlng, and the physicien La a constant disadvantage. Thtis la * - s-b>',fo to heb.pasalt senty-live years, at Al goodm on,- suéin 10PUTNAM thosmanda ofvonen bave been cou- s f1t»]É>EIS i tXtS, asiete>'color ail fiing thor troubles te Mr&. Pihain, fibs aiatone bollng. Soid b>' drnggists. undt sboue dvinsbsbogihpA Opee qVIibletlon, nosmand'bealth to ceunlin s-amen in a it«A~eoMtAýl,,ltbAl-And iiow lmnchtthe Unitd State. ?tk t a 4 the gunen pige. leasensMmChappeil, of GrantPakIl. t - icgAerpg, pi's? - s-oaportrait vo publiait, sdvises aU aNateftli5t-Two and six ppiette, miss. suffortia s-aen la seek Mrà. Pink- oLAtte Miss Et el-Di, butt vo s-alt a hsns'a *ve sud use LydlaE. Pik- *1IO~ eie-Punh, , hal' VoetableO onpouad, as they euired ber ut namuation of the avxtln an"iwaobbe Ztâeaofore, -apeaka tram boew14N ssLIbft B"pBIaulinneuiti ~4tSldloicAou IiestqurePink- fI~) Aûde of the greamt ~e fofoed tm of and dianse the bod ais st pimply ak",~and a"ap hm= eawth ý pig If falllng bh, fS "Imm* "", bobahg s.ugbo d a * aS bW éo ,fh thcform'ofbathsfoesnoln-- t*foe74m5~ fi« or ommnive muuba#.sin swm0fivmww weafr.eug, aMd oeay 5g sh~k~qn of ithst*;i*uous. 4... *W tifkmto te u acy o aia.. IUWA $UAPow9u culçe V"t pd tii - 0fclaang Ingredimadt d iMW fng ai lwuodoeS&No othor medecated boap LYa mm à te baompuo.d WU tthAfor Pcesrvinb pwlfy4ng, AMI MIg iLi skia., 'stlPt hakt Md banda& No aierfoeolga s toUa mos4 bovwSvoexpSens, la to be coàpadId*ti titi poupomu ci ibe bitalebath, and anuisey. Tutt i ONE SOAP at 014E PRICE, v" , WnTV-iVU il. MT *bs Md comploxio scap, the 8MT tom iii buby 0"p ID iL. worILd @qiwt £xaval. and nternai Toenammot hvO ___ *~~ t'nt fltsu m @"p 5aP i.he THE ST I2 . ll#*ý