CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jan 1901, p. 1

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oiorder witlî 1u smigap)larel. m te (lre,4 cu fýr éadyihl t and <i4e«t lys riglt. itse* 1 à strkrtly Wjtba ini é lothes for Weil. il noveltieg inî inî- 1 fIme 0 *e la sd Ilaberdasherst FOR THIE new. clothes, ~ or the olW one» "fixed i have ameze liUne of @mple. froni whlch ta meot 'Md lai Prims *7i lertuez> you eau, bu7 lt e M o-800Mfor elu.where. la oas smuêg 1111.? ooowldoe. ,ýtvviie. ILake Qouil t.'Wg*lday.,Januàryl18.1901. $6 erh4 steaauship Saonis.A a nid t 718peu- Mil a l b. inauguralof Dom. Govternley torficarâtea i h e es f S rn ê nov. i. Devi m ofbCrcagoter ie 01us$ e< sgablmtheon"euh ~ ' n liu Dtr. DuteIlam.thebusia"nove r . b mU00 0 $M' O dfl litlHarbe1h.fiteaa bree o vu vmil;io.SIpygvetuhe it ag..... raut !baL.mAch idefraPebisi.POin >P.lIa 5 tineurl fnov (np t. epideinloAi and nwetofSrigstl ami predt at tro tse voetu Md W'Th e ül OI , « 8 t dtheOeut , l iiez. ça a g a ma of ku e aeWa hilae lin the G ovua r SO eli $N. ma arls , Dr. - olU ilsvth raet cfosei 5!.?,'téSwU l bilflbeexauf t rougbntlo n placs fy. heint SO teand oKr u. aDoan a n t er itga. im 0 111118el.- M11110a4f nr la the Draveraof'ou1physicien "lig u ait o Oe noibaPar- V& M " »M WM i» 10114 Thde n Wouucave n al s aturo alicate o ca er le toir 1.00 Dr . lea l el a nniO0ve t Io$@MT iq.,ont thaMtth «Md gou e lrareon wady, one moleno heplerng ..... iraute oanbislrelasmend a d ab - itd la W» là ê uit, l =4 M Mi of 10. no wld.l ori a kotdeica. ndSrn tl u<ihin r56 eZcpuiG iadedicarlduitbro~ns ethe "ed h teeiouma, mdlufa t ho alMa. a rdy aov lait e so bwAilteamu Sl Ga n a m O t il g aeuh,' 111h la nnal 'igorlb. octefiMMoa ,u u0> 1n. i* la ntruounc entlaity. asrr u bu g a p«aigdmigro abe et«l O an aI lB45ig1 sIi tK ouaiuioie b.coaisolt:d eugaona$iL wiia s talas in tat th. o iffl o i-pI Ibo -W# leinieIe o Whesnuiemaiinou aI 1:10oeDaes 1ct f plIe. a crIoIv nea* 414 S O ie«'Pi lmesvii "04 la.enral m ontath" brne P riait Q. a rteryso ostCoes acg 1 eeesaid -o u W t thea olL.101ii uvp~*mbrimprove- Doaedvs b oherMn . .HO SmaTrLrHD50.2. d tien in ruiig *0 md, 0f R14 Pase maOlas. &Maoutiu, af obert ai ! . A.wurlgeo h8WUEGNLLNI saker. leenroua, IladysIn NorthMODakota.UMr.SUSrs lnvstyleslual. b.d b.ui ai6k stuc. Ohpuraa da p$sCane sd vi;i marrie Md "We b. -W èl h l a $ cnâny, c n d.. Wh . uonavyare Dgolw lie h o on gelM ai he neAr O T dtlf 611117 U&" apli ai lb. lm ie e.foraotoe a Bcsp e o«l. W»à vjala ian elu y tshon B i b n ore erfrmnesTh planafor b~ n OM IfiIif mM erufusi b lain e anovrlri.e und- perhbaisa i sS thaos« vssb a ou n 0 le teW alybinobngd a01 îthe Yungbanbeau h o o in rc Ml lii.the reprts ci i s G OP M 0opW*vi i 'eglr uae anonod I l eprtit t4b &0 bsreatka abulan sUmm# ve. areir n oter*1111111y01orer ynr tlne t d . . ~aO!às a, ~' b. snt lb exssaltduîhnriev.ntlng !0liVu-k D twr- mvneosn pris youowlll tyorlu OMsq~ ulllà e -wM aOcertaint am Mbe illandof0 A upo n 01 tê h i ght sUK En ANte aL perNOItt.i i. 0 et M 0.à,tq teevnho it iadvin w e anolathe Omiefhf lwr lilmetti rceo n re l.t Maâteea la enroete b. ft My lu ampari o!gVonin 1veeedtin ellou are rxonl&g&o ilSk ae ptt&i jifflhoMai lb. arMiaeMnomama«bonis, uben b. vas1a6 Come of yonndid laitoeprh&g. If tIi tpe ce linué mgo'*oc e loft aide borialn upon ho alei. ca -doedrus o wlgt tii. e.bit.wl Mayties, o nil, e wm WM h *.0 site t trpoliimilin asn Mianh have liva aa the loft ge mt rk tiat thaboTeetspvinible prmce. Ifrt'wlueâcetl Rtyan te roJCtwMhoprolo Mpetbi . romcltn oeiy t bit iii verouey l te a n w a ikelyodo as forght e r for el*del'rigaiwliaiom . 1. . urtl« bd aucld le. muhgmeno of . K. raomeando': ' verà8m' là1ve0lvey th$a ye er boia? kkl - - *¼.~* -. - samisu. 1dw ioOIe -Ilion. - O~oSov Ut. office G I tels. ~ LIbE Dr.H Ph~ a~auoa 0w».. ~' Di Office c Nouas, lic 1~ 'f - PA if latar. Tus eore.r v la m*iug an luvestiga. i arIGs Galiowaly. -Sc sToc., 'CT Lovirs0rugtero .Abet sttuifel, of Dyei. ldbelb reer ovell*DrugStoreau 8.year.oli.sonamed o, -hld .t, ma mi, 6 -teb r. M.lest haturay aidvaà boried BuaY.à - Iliol Q-~ ~The boy bai b8een tabou alck lait Ved- i- a n esday aud the neiglabor 02116d bismu aliment dîpltheila. The parente, b.- g iug Louleitea, di uano&mMi a phyuicttaLn.on J. L. Tà~ALOR. A Dowte eider caied ua&Y ai; Stm-fo vver TriggB & lTaylor'S. meb omne and .xplaluoi Ihal lMb boy -[orus--- bad di,,d bacasis atlbbd dm11fo a.r- t 4 aid a. t10a P. Mluntobacco. Foithlgtnummel 10e i on Brodway oppoalle Park biLtc ! oac n aot irtyill, Ilinos. !4~ISIR.MIlNTEWOIfl il out on the prairie ani set tg on tira. ortyvlle,11111--_ ereaf er, lie Ihinks. bia Prayers villi l - ~tO' 7' ~ be ef c ticive. w *0. B. YOUNG. mEr-Couuty Sirveyer lionored. r Stoves and Steel. Ranges 'Illursday of lait veel John H. Icln ad SrgOli. THE BEST STOVES Le. vai appohin d obc lie maillai' BSorm.UA OTEL 51LDG. FRStages attorncy lu Cook Couuiy ýndiiez Illnos.siaies Atoney Deeesu. The henois la -llîol. THE LEAST MONEY. a biguions andfittal10one ai là"s -Ail Stoves Wa,ranted. outys youngi;mnuMr.. Lai Vth coaiuty .iirvsyer of!tteliaIscony before e Ir. . H.Smit-hM. Abalersou, tbs:prasent lucumbeni, 14 DENTIST. G. H. SCHANCK, and ku..u lbronghout tha oountY. c)verLLake CouItLE1-a- ILLINOIS. Mr. Leu ateudai [ake Forest ver akO~-,0fl4Yilan ~University grmdnllug lu theclaim af il.n. uaudi1toiôr. n. DAILY W M F 95 taking ilie fanr-ysar course lu ibertyville. 111. tires yeara. Provevtot ib h. li F*RS W A E beeu counniy uurvoyer, holding the.d ____ uwsumw position uhule aitendlug college. On.0 UL acUFI, Highest Market Price year saiudyatl Harvard foltawed, and LUL MacUFFIN.the two folowiug yeara b. mîdii lau T go and Connoeelor t Lau. PAID FOR ALL KINO F lu the Norbweaiern Law achool, 84 8'ol^Ft PULICrecelvlng the pristor htghesactaolar.- IOTRYPUBICRAW FURS ship aud lie appontaint ast lecurer (Ovgin LAZI rOINT? IANX , in eqnity l in 1atittutioni, vork yvue Iliol. Y whlch h. bas kepi Op 10 lhe prasent Chas. Stemiple, pretie of lau in Chicago for tor " I .MILLER, Long Grove, 11 tweuy.nîno years &go.t 0 )N[ATLAW. nze 7 t0 MA alMr. Lemgsbshm ihbst TORNEY -mither lunSvukegau. 7TXVILLE ILLINOIS. j THE ECONOMY k Ii.cL .. .i~a. * elp Furulshed Free. NaIPO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e,% boan" i acm CN latr e you need a tuai baud or labor !utNo».s eres-Met m0 f ny jklnd, romeinher va cmiigel -- ---- the best on the market tbena for yon, aud Il vîiot yon -n.otbing A-DAMS & TrLLoT@oN, SLEBEAUI O AEU Tel. Main 12438. Il7 go Canal lit, F0111 IvIAL£ cY TO.APL 1 D. Chicago. FiflelCgars. . . -.E.NGtPAcN. ~ocbetUeT - - Nîmis. ilI grinidaorn ad cob TnemdaY, 0-19014Weiuesday and Saltrdmy of each usek $"Or* an eewi aell.imnreaiiy laforfei $100 ifl the ntîl f rtli0? notice.12d mui Raai.."Ronolur" viilnthet a tank of FZAN? DoLPH, Ivanlace.1 tyY~LE lII vaer uloer mi vllalui uelIbmCows For Saie. guy Oiber tantbouetron lb. market mius mîIcaa- o r .fi e o o 1 re e otua m l «a uorth.vem t of Libeilyville. '~1YM Nl .ce, Frank Dolhaid Johu Wit, of il-if lîlînîs. vauboe; WlilMrier ami J. Heck-Pin oSae 3tte - tuvler e!ilobef.ler J.A-yaie, hito ssiaàline Davh unpr9gl piano. of plsmotLaba V, III Nae«. of Il Il nî11111et uei. aabsu. p tM~ lu. es Leut - ld"y lu Chiflg, svarna raô ekaiastu bave been thé vift of r. Wilimarlla for Ibre. Yser% ýppe tulthe Probale oerl sud mife Judge Catlog aiked for ber &ar lu the estage of $10,000. lier suit la ftied lu the nase.0etBursh Nilirarli. and abe dImS 1 hava arried Mr. Wlimeurth lIais. Tear& go inMilwvaukee.bile amye abe dii àot pubUiab ber marriege ont ot regard r lbe vishea of ber Ijuibai. The voman bai been a honiekeeper or Mr. Willlmari and bis son ince the deaih of Mr». WilInaarlh No. 1, kselve yeansamgo. 1h. mamya the 'havwer ansday asked ber 10 marry in snd the veut wib bhim 10 Mil- uankie ubsie iby er. nmited by a justice of the peace. Whan ihey rtuinsi illImaril. Il t la mat oo the marriage ceritlcate, as ho did ual want t0 have a quarrel vlih bis sou, Who, lie knev, ,ouId nos approve, of the marriage. Frank 0. Willmarth, who now boldo h. ailate, maya ho does ual helleva lias claims of th. voman, and lutends t10 fight thc mailer ont. ighland Park Vote, "dNo."1 The Improvernt agfitatora voe ieteated laut veek by a vote ofthe rail- dents or tb. Second and Thlrd vard, of lb. city ot Higlilafld Park on tbe boulevard qustion. The laIe ahore realdenta declded by a vote of 116 t 84 ual 10 create a aruk district 1< makis Sheridan drive a boulevard gillalu the ciiy limite. If the acharne had met villa approvaJ WithIn a year Ilere venUMbe a con- imon boulevard front Milvauksee l Chicago, 8s mile& lu length. The prainotera 0frlbhe eteipiie ci" 1h&% tiaey vers detseied beedua.manY Of the votera vers nuable %0 rasch 1he pulla, b.iug lu ciaicago viasu the polI vers open. A-notier effortiull bc mnade la pas thee niaiter ibrouga. Bad Meut Came. The caiu agaluattlhe lAi. CouRtY former fer melllng diseied butftla&0 b. proa.cuted lu Ohicago, 1% avini beau d"dled Ihai lhe lurisilcion la the Cook Conntyboniarlea. ÎMIuDilgs h vas bliaplimouê Wb~ea lb. recto? baily dona" bisouter ciolhing. Il vwu erly a ha l b vnn,L and mlter iret uoti!yiug the polite by iSeîphon. tfroab&hsBaUei l mie ho relurmai 101th.eiâme eou6bdi Mt the piauler bai soiaodin haf01015 one af the tront vhadevs 0fthIsbnis Mr. Toîl, nov lhoroughly arouisi ani determlned limé the member o! li honieboli and lie residente af th. viutty aboi dne longer b. sublected bSlatheunit oethle isfleus prononace and lagnage, aterlai fer tae liniuer uhorne coiae couad out froin lhii inger tipe sud ho en, fol- loved by lie rootor uho alter iraI biddin le halailsd se.lug liait ho vas behmg iaancei lu Ibe chms fired is revolver lu the air. The report of the pistol aclei upon ithe fugitive as a satp o! a vhip 10 a irotting horte aid holiterally iew doun th. airait. Mi. ToIt re- tuneds tu the houas and quiet vas realorei lu lb. neghbotboei. The youug mnuwvasart'ted sud Oued$55 and conta, excualng hie conunaI 1 tbe J uatice by asylng ho vwu irunu. la a oniotb lice HOUse. b Feu uho have ual seen the gpeat 10e h oua. lu course of conatruction et s Round Lake bave any conception ai ails maminoli proportions. Tbluk of a abuilding havlug a roof vbich cavera inearly four acres af ap»eacadud1 0pack the vatta 0f uhioli vers niai I over t400 car ]ued@ of maviasl and jon viii bave smme dm of uhat lie big j Arfour tehoua. ai Round Lake m i ko ig Reconslderod. A- Tope"a mun tot a amal OPel sel oui of!bia ring and venijl te ie jsler to, bave 1% reptaced. Eturning home. ho founi lie l et Md, patug Il lu hlemomula toi ate k"*plu& nriled1 bock $0 the joelei's le avem iaI s tîsm lia ethebo ucuopai. Bue&- lug1 Int he store he Mmii:"&y, I've tound lie oldaUi, no dou't nse liat nov eue. Bne aiuiai te remeve lie miou*om einbumoi gava a gnlp, lookei ahePiib, and i:- "*4gnuu" yonil ha» t lenu te aDnaO ne." That man noeed a bol tls-DrlI. CalivIs SyupPepaIn. loidby i. B. tLOVU" Libetrltil; Oi>» O ROUSA!.W MM ln" V ian lmoe ely opesi utc on lu la almoiy sorped mvy intatu lie apaclaairadyuare 0f coures Alou sacl- Ca. arotenli. hOfi cou! Aor mu Co.aii nlatt e p abitas1 uat lmi aniovemitieulic, al tens o! lb. conlraoemetirna t. Ia a01ucthe compt. vil eimâ at$100strc0u. Hou aummy th osianbous o!00,l. yul Maldu ion 10v, tu flasIat- meulia lia epacult y la li te poalet lun lie&% 11i goe niilapted, ave inate lyu orli o nngh. d s v Wea lb. l hl bcugtcomh cal ountue e000umontii b.enpoyi culllug sud pachang the.10. C. B. Maisa Meetnîg. Thero vIU b..a mais meeting o! lia Chrisan uiEnuveao! Iof be oucty eu elite BOpIlit oknrb ai Van- kagan, ealuriay aernoon saeaOingi leb. Id. This viii be lie IOtamuni- versaiy af th. fannding et Christian Endesvor. Prograin vIU appear lu mbescoîuma ter. Dr. Oaldvsae yrnp Pepeîn cou- rinces y0ILet It a i1 tbe lBras dose yen te.Sd by Y. B. Lovuri, LiertylliifB. G. O. Bouzza, Waneido4ïitr EIGOa, Itookafali; Libertyville H. ITTAKES Co nlauifacu ITIME ANDI We have both, and now 18le ' ILEAT ilER time and ours the proper p leat'e your order. He ar W Ehave jus% r.ceived a large supply of leather a T Enov i8 the.luil baere ;lho >krtm. wZu ag %V eeks we'l ho crovded with orden. if yS owwut yonr order nov for March or Aprli delivery you vM ine s your harnes hen spring work opens up and it WW Ibe, made to suit your owu notions. JIGAIN we can make any kind o! harnes yon wÏob. WVe can make them chemp and good, alo betbu P»&' exceleit, thon best and supeuior. We ca bu û ioii cheaper tIbm yon vill boy a poorer hérness "laevor.~ Ou chea» harnesses are good. We guaranho aour -b*.- noas as to stock and workrnanship and to b. just na rprosented. We are uaing nothing but No. 1 où ak lm r on ail firat clam harneasea. Wo neveu furnish ehéop vok- manship. That is ci the superior kind on &Ul padu of, hauness. Corne in and talk it over and ion vil eaiaI' hecorne satisfied that wvecau savo you money. Remember NOW 16 THJE TIME. Chas. K'aiser, LIBERTYVILLIE. - - - ILf The New ,ZOth Century Cash'$I Hau some Overeoaté left and we don't want to carry them over. Will make the. prie so low that yon can afford to buy ther for next wlnter's use. Also Winter Under- wear, botter seil theun for coet and put the money in something eise. 1 arn taklng order for the Antlocb NurM, the followlng pricci.' Apple Trocs Cherry Plii Pear to 6 3 0c; to 6 "60c; to 5 bo' te 61 "50c; tel' " 40c; to 6 40c; 3.00 6.bO 6.00 5.00 4.00 .5.00 4.00 4o.~ 'a (4 '4 's '4 .41- E. W.

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