CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jan 1901, p. 2

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the urtir c tbikdl-tated icr - - salles te the smuthwemt o t t*l*tItfading o -Wmhase checit by Tita-e whs> VU engaged ilu dca- - <~~S an the aber. The cieks *,Chloar."'Thse steamer ~ppJidcre lilaLMk.Miel4ga* Jan. UtU ei crew eftuentien. n'as Ahsoi reehage came ashore 8 etp prng cVailos ioltbera 3~tU.anA illomaxs>'mariner* beilan' nsAl.saer never necced chat shore, *Au I~ agrus4 in usatinecircles chat the omsr on tise fataligit silO reici thse , 1MM aber a t.Joseph,. but tsrlng *bW a ith. ntofhet ach b er, vhib *M jamcd, itit le., vas couspellesi te VU aobt m utae for sont. Vest bore shO &out te return touai- dis,4 usertht tait shore. &ceretar>' Mslek> Meniu nfetch. Grahami & Mur *,. Oo,*m.y Isclevse Uts checkt s i net Owbe troza he Smera. but Vas propors> 140,00 res ther steamers o£ the cent- Msade a demperte attemapt te ý tba Obleage expresa on the Pelà- ,~~~.MkVIIIAand W~estern Fal' fa 1Uvgtone Cunt>,',N. y., a -tbm ittmeetroanBa.rha. Au the -i,« asrounding a ourse te engineer ~puieoftisenhe . uck a t46go ~ ~mh.dinnin~a~ ~ufglt .Tise vs. ruang sover titan usul,ad -,eoa hait. vhaeapV te bandita- »ditt b isÎraa abet RalIroas ut icci iseua. iarcs for thse JUste laid beca a tell of fqeêprba t owesi chat tbree p"6e a hate disiarture. The - ~ bdbeft. are .11>piannes and **niad bé, mre licol> te hurl ltsehf #*,."'im aid vose pussengera wetb 'palyvatWestern men. pIu an iROcOIes NoUes tIsai la in 04OOO LiIn irl sud orpbnaiin hein' » ffl .O0thrureegi e setb et a .1 acle AsshIClarkt.vise hEt~U~e a. ha ient front ths goiS "S Itdy b>'ver broche Ihnath aia. ber Lovhe a cf Ii omlalr et tlseir goosi ter- Nis. vontte Ne*' Yorit andl saiis- i1esthieprêmestatives oethle ad- a f t ait tiserai vas «, t ia.elationslti,. is.bai -wue'be, vith berad' her 11 1 pue tise tetn 'etof2M-. pan nalty tean iubeele ns-4 1; busiHa>'..The. VSll it the hein. musc pa>' t Leve.varua. Kma., FredAlexan- V, vIse attomutsd te atauit a= iMSmiWhoSeW*aeaceuscalo! »,.Utsd*ansi mantereal Mi@ W'eÇd en h ailgisuor Nov. 6, <*i Vire ta &LêgedObi. *t the IL W. Ross Comipany'@ 0lý hio, causeda aones ot al*0,0,thons ise >ip aspmae. Jhn ualvig, an l*t ý a Snilualng. ens itla 9 e liý ernesi to deatb. SaM MoiL WiCbitu. Eau. a agil-ala>' nlaWichita, Kan., fol-c mug ths throwlaigoeta niotoctuan off1 Al &yheeduima, terminateal iu a eix-9 MaW sheetint affra>' lu whicbsecreral Ob. vs,. lajuresi. 1Sventeen arnests p muade.1 Connu jlu nsire stnangen namesi Puts. strenteS la hi, Obio, for an naauit on Thiomas 01 sM S'>'ear-old Ibo, narros-lysecsap-a *%sth isy §trsuinah, but tise fintes1 Sdlevreal ansi sebuieS b>' tise au-m Train la Wreeted tir Gang. rga vae-torsare belîr-neal to have 'ca 4aitise aeralînt e! s West Coiat ,,&4»t s>steni train s tev mileaSsoucis of 'DcllI. Fin.cutslug tise deat utf En- *eemr Tom Itscis sud injoring sererali BatiegEulmna-etiDiawson. Yevu vwas brougit b>'tise Amur et a ' *W lntUDason visiis dý%relmn'o hree usnsudSid <tmage tuthcscamoust -- Saullng. ied nt ihanehester, 0O,10 wme takl' tu thre West union Omar Wit>t'vlDe eato. Ase, aànimémorable Strttggl hviicis issu eÈÉMd ton several yesa,('ol. il, 6 tegnfla elapubliesuu nînluce for Blate sr-aatî,r. wsal'ectcd t'y 'lbuanaîniSa l.eçllature u Io lithe ~my croateS boa'tise expirationisoan!is on Mrcis 4, 18".9. "Mairie K ana" i. De.d. '18JIn tis-vi, s-ta. abat>' puodest little aboplu wV'erli. W.V. iOOltbated Uie"Whsw-'iing stîrgie" anti yglb& vas tnouas th, "igeLing, lAslter., a-S >13 ya-a am Indtts for blurdereas Aceenit. '~sgrand jury et ieCenn'ilsv'ile.O., Wats lWster faers ofrn seult' b..lmllie bottis cri rcl a ruor. 3Nisa je 1r ecovn an d, nus- hat thrare 'na 4ubt *aut a eper'Sy triai, tise trill ls-ehig la ne longer iteaS. Wite- ~l bes la jiii thore itiiout bail. 7isn. yeane nid, isas be re . n SpOrtytrickea parents bu aEd, lgiot sas nysterioui>' 54a.0» o..lir'moral.5 ýeçM" lFJ9IiIiG UP. Ain*ll"eat 'Ail rUns. Bra4streîet'a Webkly 'rovlcv et InmOs #&ya: "Blu*eble, tt a between'teS' mna charaeter lanmOst linos, but a Uv..- 4i as tm futere t la sereal trades bhm êeAnt bfe i.hlttlvel bOt reports conte tromnthtiiren andl steel, lumbet. lestiser andl dru trades, but tbere bas been sin. tWargement 'eorvisoiesale ditributive tade nsi oaprlug account in the Seottt snd central West. Borniesain lans-ool salse is toted At Eastern masrktst, but weathet =titons have net been favorable Bt' lie at te business us s whole. Sunimesi o,' briefi>', thersiuation là eueetrwbde' ped confidence lu tise generai business >utlook. Cereala have given s turtiser enbîbition o!f we, psrcby ounlgbt Norths- went receiptesud adires that Argentine 1biffietits wiii net excees 35.0000 besheis, unrshot bai! hose of a year ste but aise largel> ou tise unquestlon- tbly beavier volume et Wall street moes> seeking an outiet bu tise grain markiet. Wiscat, inciuding fleur, mipmeats fer tise week atrfgte 5,961,0M5 bushels, &9a1n1t ,914301 lest s-set, sud 4,248,- M2 lanIth.e orresçondiîag vecet 190IW. Derm aprts 5r e4,8SM,540'bush' ttfeseaeuthe b.Gohs I elMI . AAI- r.'ndJUnder Way. 1%e Alasta Muvement la sîrcasi> under va>. Its volnme le sutpiing evea tise transportation managers. It la bellevesi la Seattle tiat the. recor-d for thîs mentis viii be grester thon fer Januar>' a jear previeous. Iisrcsvesseis. tise Excelsior. CiOtige CtY aisi Ruth, fasiled front thai Port for the nortis vitis an ggregate ef 175 P"easei ansi 1,500 ton$ et fréiist. liho niaieit>'o e icpaseeunaare honnit for districts'et Nome, Chete' aheatu Kloaiile, Porcupine and tise dit- teroatQuarts ampa et otheastern 'Ui@15. '1'he Ricelsior bai 100 passen' gai, bxt> 0 hint ers boueS for Valsi. The Nome cntigent nbers tea, winie!fwom s-hI go va K ainmi, the others b>' IlianaBay. Mon>'o ei Cottage City'u Peengers are bondeS tor ch. :Kiogdit end ocher Britims ansi &melca Yuton district&.Tise Ritis tout 00e piaengeri. but husi a full cargo ef freigiat, leciuding as ente'et skunts la' tendesi us lienclesaoetàasituaittari te ho &aabhisiseon Skate.][élandl, la ponlbeatern Alaîsa. JILTED )LOVES JtSHOOT@ TVO. Iotuug Wocssm ans Hr 5Mater Both Prebabhy Vaiiihî Voales. Amellaad Millbe Berumnan, agesi 20 Raid 17 resPectinel>', ver,> tise ictums et a moudroen assauli nmade upen thse= at tieS, honte I. Calena, Ill, b>' George Daretstein, an aasueestuî imitor for the hai etofMin, Amella. Duroratela accent ptudithe gInS frointtheir. place e hbtm b ua .ni 'c t,..,uhome tIse gils A" essitiecondt shot entereal tic leIlk .f tii. otien victlm. The imotinu **as Inesei by 'the irls' mouer. The %atta, ashlatesi b> olgisiors, cirrisal hec doublaIeume tisebouse. tmntediately aftet h sieeting Dureratein escapei lotpe ii ule>'. Be vas purifued l b'a nieS, vhich ho belsi hock b>' inlng, Dur- ermtdsa reeldes mt Sesles Meu"a. Re la 22 yeurs o! age. Barge Cllopes. et Pltteburg. Tisree teremen ansi tweait-tbrac 'ont- me vere precipîtatesi lace ie Monenga' basl river et Pltaburg I'hlle leasing a burge vicia steel rAlls for t.eCarnegi Sel Company' t Brasisocit. Two mca are tises-ate have beau drovaiesiansi a third vms ijureS se badk* tuit h. Sile a short timeliter. Thtaidaent vas caussi b>'the barge cohiapetng hecanse et Ita heur>' cargo.____ Iromu guna mieKînselif Tise body' e Chantes A. Siscalatise 18- >eat'ald son et William J. SiteSal etChii- cago, gemeral manager er the Knlicer- bocker IhecCenip anwas zd Wv~ts lu a corner oethUcetbf eu ai gmah- lea Part. A bullet bléê i. ' b is lng s haif-emptbeal revolver. Né cause ton tise suicide in knowva. àlan>rie inu ttist. Gen. Kitcencer "otde nos-e et sserious smnultaneous attacit b>'tise Boeras on tise Britîis positions bets-con pointa plxty milesspart. uiong the iUnes of the Pre- terla sud Lournzo Marques rails-s>. Tise lasses on botis aides s-on. iean>'. Ac- cerdlng te reports tiseBoecta wero houten off alter prolouged figiting. Tai Grase an ch. Aleutite. Montana cattlenten are interesteal lu stoeeiig tise graing lande eftch Aieu- tian Islands ansi Alata. Thse porpose la c to ttnahisa suppb>' ef beef Barst a home for Uic Aiiak* traie and aise te cane fur tise gros-mg radofettise ftc East. Faal hioiaer Panle. Pite pronsas-etc tille<bandl scoresila jureS in a panir iuhioving a et>'oet--pire"* ln tise W'est Tsa'htih Street Turner ela, lu Chicago- A Yiddishrpi>Y ' sas lu pro- "-asaenS sn u nce! of1,000 peroa.s Mesciy nomen anal ebidren, s'as preýStL fCocon.> Trial nt jeaule MSer-ion, Tise second tilmoftJessie Morrison for timnder ef Bra. Olin ('astie miii ho helsi nt csthe nreisterra ut court le El- dorale, Kan. Tise district jursge lins fermal>' assigneS chas rase tua opliace on Uic dectet. lu Prheai on -aise Charme. Peter Santes, s Grêeet eand>' ar-rebot nt l-untlngceu, KY'., sîtiriosed tce bave beon murdened b> bs lplrrcer, Georfe Poittz, bas turneS ap aillae ai CýolImeuim 8. C. Foit hila errrog a ten'>onr sen- tence for thse mander e! Sanios. Joint Note SigneS ln Potin. An offiiai report cernent bu dillrnaîe cirches le Pethu gays tisat tise Ciinese pleinpotentiarir-t Irave igueri tirejoint noce. thus conluSbag the pree'>' stage of thre neguciatiouc. AN'venic dm-it.saht ouilt, Cornu-ibus L. Aimerd, Jr., tise sefaut]cng noe teler o!flise First National Bank of Nes- Yort, pleaded atut>' la thse Unbtedi Btates CircuIt Court ce isavîng scoîco $M2,000 et the hantemene>'. Cateen la No Mare. 31ytue deelIlve vote et Bd te 15 ths 17»tsiBltes au ale abelihabel egrn cIancan. Al.. R emug.-Oaîti.commeu, te prite. ]Cd-wM 3, Ofeig et lit, &*W it-* *8.00te *870; bhua. s bippw tigpaes% , **0d . lwulse& e Xi.un*.~ a $UA to1i94»? cheep. fair te phole., P.M Lolé Sdws.rd J..Orbekene te $40., vnt. No. 2 red, 'Ale le 77c; LORIS l* bceme contrted., Theu r4Ig. corn. No. 2.1W to 87e.- auto. Se: .- 1 e 1-- 9M Uscred a point 09 loe,sad 4Ibm to.24c. rye, No. 2Z 46e te 47c; botter. Yong â4t belnt eonvlnced thet h. wd achoece&mery, 20e to 21e; emg, fre*. CUIe4W the. prioathood, ap$pldfor .4' r Il e t cl; potatoea, 43c -te 47c pper midWa tate i.seluary et the. E.dhtii e loplnl. torint '0,4er et Windsor Uprlegs, Me. 1 Indiana poll-Cattle, %ip *Ir 3.00 ta He wah dmitteil, end ati4>1105 tOk aopbis 1 3.W0: hop, eboicelgbt, *4.00 te *$5; etiidl péeparatory te taliiash*or-e, $sheep, cpuomete prime, $3.00 ta3.5;dr.' Att.,temaininsInlathie onem r> rwhett, Ne. 2.,'.Se ta 77c: cort% 0. Yeu liereturned hotue On a viot 4"n ,wite, Ille tea38e; t, No, 2 white, saw bis 6*Idaireetheart, Mise tibilipDes. 123e te 260.*en. TbÏ», ensued a struggle ln thé. yeang St. Legla-Cattie,.2 t 5.t 85, hep,maun'& heurt hetweea love and religions 383.00 te $525. shftp, $8.00 te $.25 seal. Love eventuali., triumýuhed. né whbest. Ne. 2, 71,e »o 72e ota, No. 2, retturned te the aemillary, wbe05 >Miss 'Mec te 3;6e;ot&. No. a- 24e te 25c; rye. Doyen vigItilam ln a tew guele. Then No. 2. 49e te 50e.'ý the sti'eggle ehded. The Young mna.te- OiaeinDatl-Oattle, $3.00 te $4.75; bots. 11ou11ad the. priestbeod, Dot haW4ag tait.. $3.00 te $540; mli.., $ 3.00 ta $4-95; B e og. He.returned tu> StLouis and wlieat, No. 2, 79c te 90c; cern, NO. 2 seured empioyment su bookkeeper and aiixied, 3&e ta 39e, este, No. 2 mtxed, 26e cashier of a wholesale groeey bouée. The. to 27c; rye, No. 2, 54e te 55r- other irang ho waa naîrried te the gil Detrot-tJîttle, $2.50 te 84.W:0oc% bo si t converted him to the. Roman $3.00 te $5.35; aoi.op, $2.510 te $3.7. Cathol, faitli, thon woa hum froamtht*i tnheat, No. 2, SOc tale;Sic;orn. No. 2 Priestheed. yell&w, 39e ta 40e, oste, No. 2 white, 27e- ALYEI PACICER t,à 1AIOLEI>. te 29c; rye, 52e te U3c. Tolede.-Wbeat, No. 2 mimed. 78e te Sel..,, et Fainous Ceceende primeur. 79c; cern, No. 2 mlred, 80e te 37c; es, lAcAt ef Gov. Iuson. No. 2 muzxed, 2&e te 24c; rye. Ne. 2, 52e The iiot officiei aet et Chanci S. te M3e; elover ared, prime. $6.00 te 86.50. Thoms, Whe retired as Gov*rner et W-1 Mitwaakee-Wheat, Ne. 2 nertiieru, onsde, wax ta grant a&.parole te Alfred 74c ta 75c; cern, No. 3, 3Me te 36c; oUa, P'tkff Tihe release et the fuantuspris- No. 2 white, 20e te 27e: rie, No. 1, M8e oner wax the reîuit t ofefeorts -'nrged la te 54t; barley. No. 2. 00e te 61c; pok, hi e hat for two icara. Paciter bus me, ,$14.00 ta $14.25. beau t la rson ove, seventeen yoaru. He Bultalo-Oattle, choice.nhlpplng steers. W&@ OtC-nfl tat a 40 Jear terjn in 1883 $3.00 te $5.75; hats, tair te prime. 83.00 A 8oeAW riter, who cenducted the s.s.r te $5.45; aheep, fair ta choie., *3.00 teat>'8aigi fayor of the prisunas" rmiee $4.25; Iambe, commun te extra, $4.50 te tank tiie Ctcutive order grantiag Patter 85.75. bis iibortY tate peuiiencîéry. Th*. ai-1 New York-Carte. $3.25 ta $3.40: hepm temiPted assassinstitonof!FH. H. Tanimea *3.00 te $5.75; daeep, $3.00 te *4.45, asd Y. <G. Babila o tise Donver Pot it b - wheat. No. Zred. T7e tea*K-: corn. No. 2, W. W. Andersoa, a iawyer, aboout a jeuz 45e te 46c: euto,.No. 2 white, 32c te 33c;:.9r'ieited trami the agitation et Pack-i bete,,cremsr, 2e t 24; es, ert- enaue Paeker's aliegesi cMme wms, buttr, ceamey, 2e ta24c;eggs we c, te morde, ot a party otf Ove prospectera ern, 23e te 24c. la Colorade. He admittesi POSTOPPICE SAPE BLOWN. that be kiled uap et the mea. who, lho 13a1d. f*AsInsane and hud asaultes i hm Bararam t Franklin, lad., F-ait te alter [bnrderiez the otisor tear mih 4 Obtais Any Piander. hatehlet. Packer was 100 miles troam About 1 o'ciock on a recout morniag civilisatioenat the tinaesud wu, compeli- robbers enierosi the posioffice le Frank' esi. ho isaudtaesct teOebhoetthe mur lin, Tas., sud biew the mate. Ali thc deresi msn te keep hîisieiftfram. stary- sections were ontered sure cree. lu oae log. ef these were thse ite>.te tise entire baie &long with $75 beongleg te Depiat> John POLICE SAVE NEOSOPB LIs-E. 1 Hunter snd ila a.other *35 beloatuina A Leuvemwart Mai waevsmntmatron te Mail Carrier Frankt Hunt. In th contier et tbe ee s aburgiar lureot Lynebiug Womau's Assailt. vaut, n wichPosmaserPridehard. Fred Alexandier, a coiereal man, ebarg- vaut, a ~icbPoatuaterwth attaeklng a yooug whitîe wolasnt kept the office contents. Tiei> tauoncstetn'ssvitoibig macb for tbe roishers. ne tby sud eot ltnhed b>' , an ifuraei tmoi a evng toucis it. There aconis te have been atnt h Km., b>' Uan i r optaioLn e ii leassithree of thse part>', as une is saisi te police' lanr.,oviathmfropt a ta fte have been on guard and voucs woreo Wlce ilemaiss mfo u aln bird inside. The este was aearly hlMi Eva Roth, empleyed lu a rasus1,. tore, wn onber Va> home te saipper she _____wass»land by Alexa*nder on South Brousi FATALLY I f 5y Sit]OBBERS. way, ie. faiulabia resideaces, treet. MisBet iaased te semanifor bhOlp Farer MoisiUp by Tbsue uslikesi e snd ber .s.7. Va Iard by Frog, Uvgu pneff eft 1 ortqeeth Oie. orftiie bia*,Aceel pn .be ,s ~ila va 'hdsudtailiy eapt*red ky tihe poie..A.mob 4hiekl Veinds by tine mkes robbers. lie gatiered and mareheal the station ansi uarensvouansi usaiet te his donc, ' -Jail, but faibesite Sisi the.prisoacr. The volver la haad. uhen b. Vas set afpex, b! police, anticipatiag an attempt nt vie- the rouberasud a deuperute fight ensue&esi.bac, basi remees Alexander in a hacit He was chut lai tbe face andl bis detth l8 a thie State peultentiar>' t Lansing. expected « avaeit. He la poitive chat he killel the trie, but ne traces CAVEIN EKNTUMMa Siý;YMN eftche body h ave been tounsi. tTli _____Ail Save Tbcast.v" ii Cru-inina 1 Fsnte.Valaable Witt an Cellir. DarSn. Beach. saMile.. f Impresees b>' allegesi spirituel manifes- A landglide or cave-in oceurresi etBSn' i tations, Dr. C. Townsead ef Madison, tiago mine, saome six miles fra ont erly,1 lad., teck a Iantp sud exploredsi he l' Mo, entombiag suit>'mca. Thse maini lar, uncoverng sas-ilmde tweuty years entrance te the mine, whicb la on te sge b>' bie decesses itîe givlng hilm the tunnel plan. va, empietel>' stopped. Tbe% belli; ef valuable propont>' vbicb Vent ce mine was ravelopeml in total durknacs., bis cbiiidre n ibtheabsence ce£ s vIl h juSthe entombesi iluer. bad te crawl Il lis s court sensation, sud teel their vay te a stuali entrance,t Bis Pubior air tunnel, neari>' s mile tron thte1 518Publuers Incorporaite. main entraue, ulsero tise cave-in oecur' Articles et incorporation of mise Aunent'resi. Noue cvii erliel> brt. eau Publisers' Association,* with princi- ____ pal oM.i l New York City, s-ors filic Gipsy Pa.bmeess a.n Hie,.' with tihe Secreter>' of State in Albany'. Posey>' Unr iron. tise 17'yeur-old ,langagb h la proposeS tea advne tbe loteresta ter ot Nailo, Harrison, the gypa>' king,t et tise bookt publhng business. Serib- sud ieire'> t,, the queeaasiip et the nunit- ner, Appleton. McClurg and ochers are lu Pdt'<i cie"rinicire Unied States,.hi. muar.ngt tise association, front ber fac ber'. home near Madison,I Coavlt Murders 5Mie Guard, N. J., sud lirr tcher hlieves ascevieut Arcbe W Bepdie, sguar oLAn'wltb sud wra.s married ta ber cousin, Mor' bora, N. Y., prison, s-as murderesi by a r' Ilarri.un.d enviet, Clarenice Eguor. Benediet basi Binri s Fesat'end> Sois a @af.. tiareateued tsi.repent Eguer if isc did no t r~ive msvlci burglars roishesitis eai a conuct hismalf propcrly. Esaon-was on'-liotige of helur>'Siroker. ner Versailles, der sentence or fOve years for Jaîl break- obie.o! $of 1 Mr. andi Mm. Stroker ing. He basi prcvieusil servesi a terni lu ansi thi-r sonr, Grant, s-erc noundan>sd the Emmuira retprmatory. gagged tiii tie>' tolsi where tise aste was Enlur'Fatat Sask. lu wbic thse moue>' sas kept. Besider, Esgluper a' wresrou ar natise money tie robbers stue jewerr andi colliion et tise jonction erthtie Lehrgb herses and th, sercaepesi. Valley andl Long Brancis raifroada at Ailt t :'sAin ptag. ec Perth Ambo>', N. J.. betweeuL an englue Alaskta arliee state chat tise Sitita lu- ia et tise Lehigis Valley, ronuing lig'it, andl dians, iucludrrsg thc Bugle. Crow ansi a Long Brancis train. Tise enginrers et Fret csns, cilieaihave lico u arreiizag botis loconiotives attemptoal to make tise over thse use () totems ands other emblem S, erouiug at tbc sme tinte, o! tisir restr-etîve clans, bave decided,b flienaitifiection Law Vod alter i long conférence, te pit aisie Judgc A. B. Des-e>'of tbe sixtis 10db thier differeur 'sm anad make tise Americanb ciel district et Iowa rulesi te set sasbde tise fiag their tribal emblem. s Titus ameaidment relsting te iennigl Rob, sa liltnli otofflee. g gtate eviions. on thse groud tbat I Tise postoie nt Ringaton, Ill., vas ws net lcgaily soismittesi te the Lýegisia- brokinto hubiy burgiaansi ail tbe0 ture, snd Vas net legal>' adeptesi, and je la .cs ansd envelujros t"an, 3 r 4 nos- ne part et the constitution otIow-ai. beluat securesi hy Uietisieves. Entraue t Edîtor Wrght Kilt. Rîlieît. sas gained tbî'engh a back sindes-. A W. Horace Wrighit, Journaligt at. r nauber oft litera Vers riflesi. sud tised ansi leader amont tise forces et tise Boy-.countente stoen. c nit part! lu Havaii, cemmittesi suicide Child KIlt. kils Mother. a b>' taiing carbolil acid. Ho va. toond "I amt goiog te shoot yoîa. manima," ded on e moraieg la bis editorlul chsir plai-fitily saisi tise 0-eatl' oH sou ef Mr%.. le tise office ufthtie Indepeudent, etfvisicis John W. Peurîlegion, residinu laear Gra'. bo wsuassolate editer. bain, Gs. Tise report ef e pistlas ia Wbfe Stayer Oeta Now Bride. iseard and thee etetber tell te tise flurg Fulton Gordon et Louisvile, wasmer.motall>' ndel. iied te Misa Blanchse Msnn, aIse eof People frocsn l«Iaia Landesi. a Louisville. Gordon hJetise muensho lu Aferla nigbt et terrible suspense *il 1895 shot aud kîllesi bis wlfe, 3,trm. el. ofthetispassengerra and crew et tise French lie Bush Gordon. sud Arele Dixoa steamer tRussie. front/ Otan. Algerîs,b Brow-n.sou or ex-Gov. Bruown, ut a lioel criicis transirdnar Paramns, Bouches o Luuvile.du Risone. dtus nga 'fiolent Storm,. bavea Boan for sientisera F*rm.. ijeen saufol>' lumdeal. CaIncain Job" C. Braiuarf Mobile, Aie., ig the itronioter fer n New York project palselFftjr Font Coaton. t(e buS 5 afi-tilîleer workg lu Chiatte- Jamie Cratz, 0tscreTaoid,consates ovr nuage. Thse %os i lcost $,M,0 U.the bras- of tise uwcet huil t Tentis e 'delivreaiI Ré 0"00e .Itl* Jaaopposition. Mr, Hvlt couselv tive Flrank 0. s 1a 49i 'aU4 at 4 e'chelckithe HOMitsJo*rMii i Canatdesrble progrese tees mad i. b* Bae t ilatise an>'reorgenluclea bill,, bat thse final vote upomi ch.eaicsurestees.- -e4 te b in*ltu fer oir.,An appeal vmi, peetsibyr. tToiler et Celiormat.frein mtisa.2,00 perstans lu Manbia orr- lut the.Utehcd States geveraneut a osaMIt bt operatheas agiînt tise ilha The a pteaileissémastîsuil la lia stats-, mena taiss seuuai al nfoeshat tir.ý Hlaviey et Counteclemat mods n nigorous Obje'ction te Ito publication a. a dota- nient Thse Buriîigsreapporclonnient 1billyul Preimab>' tieone a lawvibbn ton si>'s. TheS eate commlttee en ceamui report- ed the.niimeite favenabl>' Vitsout Callas- sentlng vote and tise Sonate lots FriSa> atternoon passeS che bbiil a& It cameistrous tht Honte. A Houa.e of[tepres.utauivee et OU0 msuabers, tavuat>"alueûe onttiai there are in cthe BHans etpremeat, 14tise' maieoliig oethe tuppostiuennt tomutro Net #lace theo i'Ety-tinst Coa m ben hie Bouse passesi as man>'privaI. p«suteý bill* et a cingle sittlag ma Il aid i,'tlaj. la sîl 170 iliocel lpension bill& Vee is' esi et che *emien. Tise mont Important: won unete mnercis the pension et Oeâ. Amerîcus V. Iti"e tram $wte *100. Cels. Rie.evaon soended several cimes aloring the Civil Wur anal lest a leg ut Vicsa borg. Re vas fermerly 4 meniber et Ceaigrets front Ohio and vas tise author ot the. errearagres e!pension mct. Tise Senate liuS passesi a bll tu Increasé bit pensionea e *41anS tise Rouie ralses tise umouint te $1001. tepsetatve Leusi et Californie. ftrouatise poetoflcee rou- mlttee, reporte tte eHonte s bull ,,- viming andi codifylug tise postal biw.'S' raical changes la existiag laws are pro- poiesInlatise bill. '1he Sonate bill rebat. ln au te eaceonuts ef Unitedi States mamaai ansi çlerks of thc district courts et Uitais sas pasacal. Tise Souste dsioltA Saturdi> te eaie- gis of thse laye, eatus' Davis of Mine- seta, lu tise Hente bise rivet anal barber bill1 &gaain ecrupiei vear>' ail tie aession. On Meemia>'tii. eSoate again devetod the dey te consideretion e1thtie am tn> e- organisation ill, bot nise ne progrehs. Meture. Teiler ansi Pettlgrew nesorteal te &Hlbumaerlag tacticer.The. Bounepont- poacal District ut Columtbia husila..u- tii Mena>-,Jau. 21, and procepeie ivlt Uic river ansi barbet bll. Coud progra vas metteo. fifty-aine etite ahety-men pages o et tbbilbeimig esapletesi. Min>' amendmente vers offereasibut sil talled. Bornesprogre ax ia de is> the Sonate ma Tuesday lin tise reieteioftch. arm> reorgaulsatlonbill. On.a&madatent thit bée crantesiwa inobmtewvsdis Ps"dai t ansi tait agreeq« tbiseis posta b>' ch.*>11auii.iien Idale a te veo sgaint It but expresseSbis opinIontIsa the. bll ougisi te ho dhsposei o! apeedul>'. Mir. Sos-ci (New- Jersey) aise urgeS speeci> action 'u tise meazure on uccoont o! tise serions euilati'asment the foera- ment cvii laborinuandon in larelmarng for tise ratera of tise volunteem'i front the Philippines. 'Tiseprinipaîml speeches aineçt tise bll s-ens masSe iy Mn. Bora>' (Artuna>. Mr. flien (Geongiu) anS Mn. Teller (Colorado). -%Ir. %Warren (Wyeom- ing) 4elicîrei uanextendesi argument lu support of tise bll. Bill1 grautna pois- in ur $50 a irauntis tuIloratlo N. Davis. fther of ch,- baie ltsuitor Devin ut Min- nesircu,,s-a tiissedl. Bt. harvis a ls tain itan ioisuary abepartaneait. lu tise Bouethse laly aas drît-soeS te cutaiîera- tien o!rivet' suri ib<r Ibill. Odls aend End-s Nerciseru catli auseil tu a consider- ahie r-tent iin des'eluoig tontheru indus- tries, Omet lice sixib- ut tieseilt mnaivfi- lîîred bu Turkey is exporteS te Western Europe. 'Ts he oouintise luilian erctitor>' bure ea teep s casiter Whbocasa s-ah tise lu- uin hungriage. The- lruviuî-e etrNIanitoba. alioosi tise same size ns GrenatnBitaiu anal irciaui. tas uni>' 210,01>0 irrbabitauts. .ieaaer'is franis cli-comery thet persous Who c-out5rat'e opet c'hile engages inl nibkiug caser Il iilipoz.,<lates freni 1796. Tise Phiiinen aretrios-n te posacas over 4W(1 stneeiea of trocs. ansi a mre curerai smrc'ey oilbniug tise number sean>' tou10M. Saîgar City,. Cule., b. tenon montis aid, ansi bas a pîratioai or 2.(M0. A nes- sugar refluer> restinu *$8W1.000 bas luit A higis sicîd nt Cumberlaund, Md.. îles- a hock of wiic t tikeys into tise sta-ets, sud qtite a nuniber te tseag- gliS. wcre cantureS. A qunlotsc cninn al bs- exista un Greses. A man s-bein there seeteices te lcsch s-site maso years before tise execu- tion efthtie sentence. A mian calm bas limt <lied lu Est Lon- hou retirosi sotie i cars ago n a nidest eompetence arfiircal b> aelling bot sc'tec at i cent a qart. John D. Rotefeller, Jr., son efthtie Standiard 011 magnote. hbn sbseriie $250.000 for tise foondiaig of a Nos- Tort astîtutien for lesriniefor paon boys asid Roert WVhcox. da'hegrtttethe IBouge a! itopreacuitatires front Bras-ahi, ha. ne' ceineS *1.000 miienue. tire lqrgest inleage chaumienca paiS te s iier or ut tat A cromen ha Fort lHamilton. X.T. han fiiesi a tietithon priyieg Ithe court te ,njoiu ber laon troua coing a - rotin; etiiin s-bulinos in a nosr-b>' os-n. Soventyebgist acîtoedcindren ocre poil- s! at tise (Jiiagu ftcstock shown novent- y. Oul i>'egbt hbnisi tei'as reshetere, 'ont hasenaci oit. aix budSteen asbiel,. lu Hartford. Ceatî.. cthe litecfrever>' cat !ainlupenil. 'h'io ard ceHetti of chat vit>' liai conte te tise concluione that cals are tise. menus ofet Ctt>ing dips- tberia. A report front General MlacArthsur. re- celve b>' tise Wer Depurtet 55>'.that laine ate 80.000 lepers In tise Philippine bdontds. B sît bé. seesiofet leprea>' go Wéatnr t i,' 1g4 t, ta t lPpIie.lte be egr<0'p Ff lNo other Inedicine in thie vanShba rccived stIch end umquaàed endorsememat. No other nmedicine has auch n record of cures oci£ or auch hasts of gratefucl friends. Do not b. ,pcruaded that mny other niodicirue is Any dealer wboaka you to buy soinethlng else wtwn hie store ptirposely to buy Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegta* ha no imtercat in your case. He 's mercly tryinlg W 5y thsng on which ho can nake a large profit, He is whether you get weil or flot, mc long as he can make a its money aut of your sickness. If ho wishcd you vel hê without besitation hanol you the lnedicine you ask for, ad vi knovala is e best voman's medicine in thse wved. Follow the record of this itiedicine, and remember tW'l thousands of cures of vomen visose letters arac mamai e i thi. piper were not brought about by «,moeething esé," b Lydi a&aV V.h Thase wame ho refuse to accept anYtho lng ciscue a humdred thousanut times, for they gel visat tlioy vint-* Moral - Stick to the medicine tlu±youumv le Zest- Whm.m sasaak mash a. ,ee..fs i srà w* iquAdfa 1 * ' inchias nous". Inquirer (tc ummer resont)--Why den't Yeua asseciite vîti liat iadyl lir. Gotham-ihe Unes ln iHarlemi. "Wel,. shic la thse malter Vîts chat otiset lady?" **Horron!S Bislires la Brooklyn." **But yen don't assoclate wbtb tise lady bebtnsi hen. ltsen, audssitle lces on ttisavenue." "she s-ouc assoelate 'vits me."-.Nen' York Weebîy. etorij 0e-.t lecaiesSbeia &esiW0 Ma-easy, SA Mecry i'>' S-timft>elv- av"tise enesor tiaclI MS eoinpel r angamas mais s dss , wiien enterlag It tl4h agats ua-eS»,. usoycea Suai articls siaulaineyer hotc ae "& onp c ercrltlmtle( rosam rutmb hl tae -au ithe Lanigetts>' wmu do tenboi e racai yen e15= 1 jrSeIne M eaClièt. liah'. siiatrct CI tul-e,.rltz.J. Casnt A Ce.. Tels doa, V.. tentina noe mur, mad la t"oncaInter- asll. atagdr-en iutesathe asmeami&sd nu- rtea, a orfse f 50mSten. la uiylbg liJl Caunnia r@ibon" maie 11e a. is taI&M altscatil'. anal la hio, b> F'. J. Ciseney &C. Temtlmonbals rise S'tIiWd b> i>ewWist, lie. tpentu" Wlee Lires Was Chies,. rerisaps tise gre-el s- auteof human lIte evur resaurtisat as camuseS b>'tise mnttig of a canahltu Cihia. Tic wort waa isegu n lu 825.ansi choug tise ca- nal vas§ 23 mils long. 80 feet 'vide anad 12 foot daep. andi pa&*ed tlimougs for- "tas and tmarmies. il s-sa llaittledlba ait s-seka frocu bts beglutu. No fen'- er taus20,000 men vorkes i t 1 Sun>'ads stgist. anad 7,000Sisl et offatigue. Whet De tUse Cildren D)rink? Don*t give theni tei or coffee. Have y'en triesi tise aew feooddrinkeshliesi CEA hN-0? It la aeltoupansi aourias- lait and tukes tise place et cois. Tise more Grain-O yen gîte tise chilsirea che more hiselts yon dlatrilîtte titrong choit mysteans. tlrain-O alande et pute gralae. said uhen properi>' preliareitait., lite tise cheice, grades et coffe-. but <cont% about 14 as mmci. Ail grocenisoel i1. 15e anad 25c. Patient-Do you beleve ln gisorte, Docton-No. mu'sm. Hos- coulsi 1 go en praetbciug lit 1 gld?-Brecitlyn Lite TO CtIRIt A COtai <891 iipar- Tahe lietlie Mrno Quinine Tublçt& Ait 'iglsts retouS the.areylt bMails tocure rtw . Osoy siaututre la WeMa iti se. Tiseralias recoud>y been stunteal at Steubenvhie. Cibletise firet Amerboan manutnvtory et gise marbies, Whlcb bans hlirerto eeouinuporte trucu Cen- Lunes@ Faails-Medbine libyen the bovels each liait. la craie, lee ho ieaits>' hia lanicesteary. Acte Sr-uil' ntise Iner anal ladueye. Cures slcithaice PrIer- 251ansi SO. Womeu-a-u lenstet-eouacene s han mou. It le bots gracIons and vomani> at cimes le lte theInitiaive s-hile lu lihe eompany of 3Mn. Tango. TueS. 1 tes not ieive -PIs.' unre ton Con. sinapclon b"ab asqiuat fer colighasnss tosol-john ri NbW. t Wt paty S1pninga tou lz~ aOt '2 etan pe Whto rouerti l y .east M.y Ansi s-ith i>' littie plm ans aiseIsl Whso bayasMaremebause. ti MWu Who tuhossaa>'ni>'easy clair Bwt.âuue -lt bas so businesstheta," Ansi uni>'ayas he Se,t «MIc W'ho syshe asissn't get aB gete, Aw) sanifs le put the. horseu dam',>, Ansi tiints aae's bettor lire la tevnl Whe oniamiiaudea'as mni>'ll hst, itoturns bina aitl, sbaS @ore, b«14. Andsi ese tise luchle beant i. alacis Who Utntsst I n1 uit ride àa usa. Ansi mates nie do ca-bt t1aon't lite, Asicostroc neit r sion't she'll atribel Ad mii -len I'm fa-lng a4 iiIplàlsi 'aVio symlathises viia mdyi. o AnS serti>' breathe, htoid>eumr - 140ONul -London l'taneh. LIEUT. MABIEL C. HUNt. A Bright îBlvalhon ArMy I.pSA W5 Ku.m'slie-'ta Keep Ver cgarmi. O)GDEN, Utah,. Jan. 14. I0.~U ciahi)-Tise Pacifie Cossl Dîlilea et*ci lialvation Arm>-, s-bouc noble wtt ilo' ahiIntereats o f ten bnmnitybau se rnchs for lis a eseneraStir ld lie headquarters I. Iuis.i74~~ tise brIgistest santi flet aIsSl vortens la Lieut. Um Mabsi01* Maint. Eneoe kitewsirn'the ' noted people parade. t b. itrut b1e nlgbc cxpoelpg themelivea te Ai e! s-entber, chat ne oppennumû~ lie bagt otrescuin; soupo«uoe ste front lnandl auferhisg l eo, tiseir reckleemoeali t ti»- In.- tisemnaielh g'sp lee o upon mu almostaluoesn. hl te sncb criticiseulni-arIl la ilfl unfiiniugfi ts In tise »Iviacuis04"j ta "doaie ghc anad te,, nul"W. . il expiutnm one ot the ioues thse qunh te koep. lier "Soidiors" l tu tpi4es as foliotes: 'I bave totansiDodd'a Mil Jmii great vaine In cams et K1 MnyuÎ Llc'er Trouble anS Dlmsaei frein sonore coîd& Bone l-,ottopr -and laies 1sairp'bout ff 4p poseS me colS aoatîmen n 'a ottéa i ithi mstkW O n #I mgareow. As a eco"useeae thzsg~ poenre. i'ulmoeary Tiatsue, ~u matisaisi Ktîti Iàbonilau teli sue. lu Sueis s'oms, havi aiei Dodd'm RuluaeyiUls, for 4I hapvé i .uitatg bs'uelit front tise li1ow aJ' Kisine> Pis bu sliihsg alsztom ait otisur medîrinea 4I tsei1ýf "'n. blueS. They ecieaumjthe&,bl*Ih,'eu laie lte ytnnt miV se' À AieD n-dvnsihicis eau4W-W> HuntIgaa ab ePosltivo1ed&*flstnsy bIh ve cufcr vtit hl o Troublea. Rsnimlha orders. " . -r Y' il mleeted ., ý t-1. 1 f» ylýh way -oiel 1

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