1on uk t aytW7U4 more I iii f .n ~.*Paem for timeh? ou ýsOur r ou be ad ptos q or Us W bé you will. w ilda y price ', au ndiecuntlp ehcaloe bouses anti lepittm e pricea, flot ehleap. ù'», in our plan of doing buuline.. %VW b~ r4orsfor Prompt de- livery ad tod ubpIvery article eold. 11 0 YDt1 Ou$lur goods2 Triggs Teylor, rville - - - Illingis. .re you shrewd 'buyers? tIlere is a cIbance for you. re on@ piano, cen sightly daunaged, which I will -1at a bargai. Ais., three seroîdliaîîd ôrgpns for sale ceap. ,5OSt reeetved a large iuupply oif (old Filleil watelt aauwhich 1 will l s lat ow as the owest. eugh 1 bad a good trade for the Holidays I tili have m.rplux of goods on hand whlch I1'will sell for one more week at a discount of 10 p u Me and înspect my stock before purchasini C aRaSJERMAN9 -- - 111mb i t£Iarhm sale.. OF Week OnIy W»E AR E NERVOUS and y>uî wvoîîd be if you were over- lowded witlî Uîderwear, (ladies' gen-ts' and e liildreii's) and colt1 weather so slow int gettiîag lire. But it's couîîiig--of that w.e are cer1tainI. .,OWEVEIR, wte propowto îîîovr' olîr stotek atid to (Ioi so off'r, the followiîîg rtelît-tion inives:ct.a Ail Ladies' $100 Goads ...... 90g 85C l ......, 75 75e . ...... 65 soc ........ 40 45C "........ 35 30C .. .. 25 ..M.....O " ... . 130 SL$i35 IU $1.S00........90 soc Il5 ........ 46 Ail Childreuls Goodu15 p« t aIoff. Smiith & Davis, DEALERS IN ertyyllle . l ng. C.M3YS. T TrO CtiILAGO. Dcpart Prom New Dcpot. Ai U............................ 8:00 &. M No.ISi.. 140.....................64:20 P. m. « In .. 140. 13 ...................... ..... . ooa.m. No. lo ..... TO CHICAGO, vax, DAX. Depaui Prom Old D0 .. Not3 ..........................@:m a..m. Not. ... ........................ «..... 1:0IL M. ]MIW.. » l. ............t12:wPU. -141 s UNI)ATS. loa ..... ......................1:0Da. No ... 1. 144 ............................ 6:00p. m. No. la .. WAY plaION?. D)ep&rt From Old Defot.De No. t tÀEastBouud..............U:Ua.U. No.îaLWo The. Little Country Papet. t., jus a llttlekpaane.-lt fot up 10 date. Itlacaut ay OupVlement or c0lortt4 t laowi plate. It oore. out every Priday. tanka the forma are pied: The outide lasiouae.prlnted. vIlla boller. plate Inslde. it bisa t an y oble direct; froan old Bonabar. But It maya that Colonel Branomlin la u 0r ,aidt tadaî.» it doeant aeenata vorrî about affaire of tate. but toIls tbat>Pjeseph Havinstasa palated bis front gate. It never mentions Kruger or Joseph (jbnm- But sers lue 'TboctaonR gromry boas a nw wtadow l'a.' And that -thaeission Worker. wlll Uive a festival. Ad tiiereil ho~ a tempersnoe leture In William Hooper'a ihall." lt tells about the m»esse that JIMMYa liantIa lida. Anda arsthat larmi Jonn aamboecnea happy dad. it gasittt oder-maklns la aiortly tg olla. Andal cite i"fact that Ira TodI la buklig tt mentions Dwey'&a omlnula one brief And maya' that "Chafie Trimble basms"d a yearling OeiL And everything t tappena vigikthnt glte toun Tih. man Who mua the pater ha. pwll jotted doua. Borne people maie ta of IL. but. bonestli. 1 To leamu iliat 'work la boamalgua uonthe Jlmtown ptke7" fts jut a littie paer-it baun't moult ta But as Io"a asit ta printeal I boue il corn My vai. -BlftmoreAute. yrnk wWligou lotfor Ohadbour, N. C.. Tueeday. lot a mouthe vOlt .llb hi.i paent§4 vhq lUv. mut Ua AlbertLlchfleld, WIXvbo aabeen Iocted s Aàbrda, &. D.. lbthe ff yeu jelaahiUagbande villa bis Liberiy. 1 ,Ville eeqnaatsacaa. leiug borne On a visit. lHe expocWteu1go back wvuS agai lu a feu weeks. Thedill tban 0f1lia. B.-N. 0f A-, Of tiba place vent $0 Beou Day W0428-1 day niglit 10 insiat fastme r Pu Vlew Camp a& tbe jointiatiaasf W»odauen sud IRoyal Neiglabor <lmpa There in à ix0Ndluity liat Iba Toua R ail vIli b. ligtei by aciert, an supervlsot 'iner a 15onguidstus<t"e advtaabiity aOflasving elootio lae taatalled. lie ides te.10 baveoDeMsac 118121 ia ccFter Of theb al Propetmsu Borne lnoaodeoonuta i baseieu. Lest Thursday moruing odosred thc deali of (0. NordattmSd. 01 Bondant. qged 63 years, Intubhpliel aIU S bn kegan. ais demisevas the t*«Mina- lion Of su oportion for rupture. Decsaamd vauan aid retidieniOf the coonly iiaviug lived al; Maniant aboul go yensg. A vite sud anc son survive Thbe large Wl 110ora. poVet bller for' tae ehcrie lîghl plant la lu plaCe. àA amaller bolier sud aea. uxPMP qas bg sel up. The angnes sud1 dynamos arc lo arrive neit veait.1 Wre fur the treel lighla la aboutlOUli up amditIlooka ase Ilonglir. Pitecua1 uli lieoable ta tartI up Pebtuary le$t as bee iopos tO do. WiII Warren, of 1the firm o! flg Warren sold i@is ute l u the cOO- bination Tuesday 10 Ciao. Trlgga ubo vilii eresler eooduot the bual& Mir. Warens retiremeni la a iupri.ctu &Il. Ast yet liebas no$ dsisrmiged ubal lino of buineas he viii engage li. Mir. T'ilggs vl e smuled iaY is ishher for the priantu. people wbo gV. away trou homne go do zlieîr trading ahpuld not fuil hurt wbon otiiers go svay faS ligs l in thit lino. As a comuaty ve are ail dependeul on eshOitblîria sud escl hanA ldptrouizc the otbur uben lie eau. Ou nlmnetecarc mubual and money apelt #home yUl flnd ils vay back tu yoii lu lime. DO Do go ou% a1 lava lot vhal you c0n gel ut homle. A meeting of the. iteciors of the Laie Conly Agrieuîtural Society la oiilled for Oaturiay a!lbernoan 51Liberlyvilia Trou Hall. Datas for the fatitof 1901 vill b. as- lac"edai Ibl limO. il vouli Seu adelsable liaI aur local fait ha huld ab a time sona nol %0 couiliat vllb dates, or the Wisconsiu isCIeMa9. Maur good bores oottld hbcseourgi *0 ear$ aIbLI bertyvlle, vere Sbl ot for Ihe fact lbhey aroeubted aetbte Wowagkion fair. Howaer tl ia. itoaiare 00e> 400496 .doblaabcoca9thec bout Pomeull ,rnvip 1tNew Depot. .............. .... .. ...........d85 P. M. F104CILAGO. Arrive et OId Deoa. .l10:46 a. M. BOUDAIS. Rosai Prrm oid Dotf. rom àeuàk ............ 10 . M. The Iat ebild of tMr, sud lits. Clam.8StoimuM died Saturday nigbt. troa suwiiek of croup. Tih. beby vas ali orne dY. It vassix monthe Theestsleft gWionaînlaa.aid *0 go liieraly vium wlithquailiseasréunit et thceiel Ummvwhlcb laaed usatl fve 'yeere Sturtlarmer vbo bas a patiel of co« O Bbc birds reporte tha" tbey tic smoat aslarmé asu ac barayad foui, sMd ItlmI a ou.auO flag.Jo hmatseovyin soms oses yard vitbin Bbe lhlckiy popniated distictIs ofthe ty ot ilwaukee.. AU cxOba.ge eSp: '«A voananvill yank up thceg«W lape of ber corcs intUi e. lmoeisquesee@ber immortel1 mah ouI of plae, sud put a dos bard1 on ber hat sd go slrnlting srouad1 tova selling I ý for au entestéint-1 nt *0 ruise money go belp1 sceai mlionarige 10 some foreiga1 olselorthei purpoue of civiuling tRie 'Poor hautbisu vi have never knovu Wh"lat *0ynascorset and vho bave bauen rhggng ou n he 1b ignorant beilef MMaibirde vere created goosingiaaatsd of bo be voru on a Mri. sd. ili re.mnk ptiîle gave s propeuive ciaeh Party gla btlir tisais hiiayaigRitaiDiesa "cioh"'no boter Um eVUase njoyed by sny. body'e bisés.lirs. Rob-t @cou ceirieé off ts a dys oprîre, sud Dr. Gslluay emWsPrise. they obavingq wom Bbc f Imuen.umler of ganssu outI of5 a l ai t9i.$Mira.Proîlue *00k1 tic Prise lcm fstishing sucb a epremé closeMtdouaitlaut once ina slite' tins. Thon a eOSe dance o»me.d su etealg brimming over " m»jy- maut sud t*0oulan sd houltes vra acorisi epreusslof ai inte <rati- tudc Ri &Il af tbe deprting <neate, about touar oolock Sturdsay mag. "ae gasaquerade bal giveaby Loe CampaI bc Tavu Hall Vrlday aigbl vu a humer. 1?wo hundrai uve picemi.81Iticket, s flng old. The. ocetomea ver. aplended lome charm- lngly prelby otliers rcdtculouuly cSoaol. lh. Chas,. Bradaki, aof(ur- ae, vus arded the pris for bat geUtlena sCostume sud Jamnes Clark, ef Lbertyville, the prise for mot omiSgenIt aome. To Mise Mois liora, of Mondant, vas given pris for mot coanical ladys nctume sud litus aie Hanloo, of Lbertyvlle, for butS ladys costume. Calter Perkina lurnlabsd an excellent supper sud hi tu$ severytblng 'vent off *0 perfe- itou." But Ihen Il slvays doesa bea "ame Camp la dalng il. For sons lime a conmay oai Ci- caga gentlemen bave beaendenvorlng te eeoure aa ullablo Site for the locionol a ealîla ramt la Lberty- ville. Tbey preterrei te locale on Bier lý4&apsd vanîsi live acres ai haad. I& vas tbelri aihon to spend 81900,00taIimprovexnts, 360.000 of vhlcb vaulal be tuaed lu lbe erecllOB 01 a largehotel. Cutlagm s vesalec 1e lac built and a golf round fataliicd. Furtiier tiiey proposed t'O mainiin an aÀannument bal wberein vould lie billard sud pool tsales,,'bowlinug alieys, @buffle toard8. ahoating galions, ete. BSeeal ai aur businass men vere cousuled sud Il va s epulabeil tiat the Company vu te reosîve $3,0W inlulieu ofLhIefr basting hure, or a site. Itsem ucogotialoas bave cea"because af aclaofi ation on part of onr cillaes. Tbr.e eemcd 10 be uo on. te lake bold of thc malter aud ce» vhat couli ha dose. Bore again la evidanci 1th. USed of some klad of a blsnése uen'a asad"ietio treal vIlla men rep- resanilg enlerprl.es of vaiilo1ua inde seehlng a location. Tii. osei qusaton usajuilsnob n enentorprlme ns 1dbilityvllle couhd offer aupetiat iadumciab. We ha*,* stea, thte IMbu la w otld, nattarelsoceansd mlt iaId les! looaUtY for a healîla tMit T location or a ruarti qç me uob as wua propoeud vjomé bring baie s grab maay people y as m neysd preieii te &pend mirnsp sd youid mus& a pueai das 1< te property InIsUSSO aetm&U our câtou. Hevever 1h. opperiuity I bote"" ansd tie.bel vi Ma do ia %o sec tgo ilsi atoffl provision la ma" e mtulathe future-bsisMay go a promt aiaiaed coquutis repas. M,!5Lg>beainessmne crpisstou k0 oo wate vlC ounseor suies' r gès wielalig talocOt bue. This ioerliuy abould b. d.,e. i1be mci out Dlanq. >haalug aMd ""ueeoApplication *YW 4viscila »eW11i*Ws Wi iHassi 'e. nD re- v At 51elésd oeafs P0614 morc. sud aiadicaoue. levau 0 imilaIern. 1'.E. Is 0 ei7W31 1%6 04m etoâa L Iluc. hm" at tp.ctig $0 ire a oncertrdu, y"b. let.. Waeh tor tal progra.m xl Sla Aà Dsvia ave oflring ope"is indsacumb.e la ululer underveur ter *-%me yak oely." Their ad tell about IL. Thae pidemie oai ppdoma fot accu to absie. A peried ofl dear, 0014 usather vould doubticu aval mucb lu relléieiug tbcsuffers. WAU roule" à"hué it11band se. veroly lborneiWedndylay b iith lime iroma a <mulinetorcb omnecteli vitb au engin*. lne viii lalaid up lor several deyu lu oauaeqnenoe. Dled, e ai Mauana, Wisa, Jan. 10, 1901, lia.. Hlen A. Blas, sged 71 yeurs sund 6 nontbs. OlaItuary Ilu frnlued by u ouEckefelle: aorreapoudenl and appu l tmu trou thal place. In the real cabate transfers ilaa recil of thie purchse lay B. B. Eger of the 14e C. Slrong o*tage un Cburob Wagel. Oonideration 81100. lir. Eger takas pOamefon la liazoi. Thie sloghing lseled but a dey or tuobut may caltera vonre *hobe sen abon$tlova vbllc the opportunity ou eola bai 04 f ealoylng a alelgh ride. Wmet#m forcasters deciare there la lajIKO Bntterlicld huapurobaed lte BouciA bouse os OlautoRitreet eceuped by attorney Bouier. Mra. butIoeeid vinoclpy Bbc reeldonce juit ase son esuli. Bouler viii vacte, sMd titeelun tehlboh, sa the dougbiy attoguay, no ve ste hitried, Ilîl nos obaat 10 remove. The dealh af Mr. aud lir@. Obas ablomana baby fron croup, lu tbe Lut we have learned of ibis yen froma $hat disemue. la Waukegap a presa mamy eeu bave reaulted ftelly, but gerally there voe ooaaplcatlona. Blovever lis casem the lim1e one vus vy flesky andi seeac$o10recive no r« relaitm remmoies pteecoamiled. MMlii ualaberevemed and siopped tiie lo@ barveet belote Il hâd hadly bogua. Those uho nu large quanti- lise aofitu ste beoomng auxioue snd hope 1Iou»e»ra soeppx belore vol: ry. Et Ilbue cf leu hppmed gond iee basbeaa oui much laier tbsa bisasd v. are almosl sure *0 bave pleuty of 0014 vesiber yet 10 Inaure s pientiffu lreet. The lxNuruxDawrtuas tgo se *0 early go Inou oua reaisas vbo vii he Unied Slteu Semat. 1ls the 1.14 againaiCollcmm sd 1* lochaosu thougit COuiomavoid via. A"Wby, Tauner von'$sud ibai la vbat vs are schei ltegedlte. Tet If the «L- Qovrnor dmnt hbekcbopsoms ceme Io dfesmt Ouuon ave n ogit he plans fallau*0 orm other ibanTanne, muu vili go surprisci. Tanne, la a poiti.. ci"n Who alvaya bas.souetbing npý hie aleave," and il la possible he bua this limas. W. C. T. U. Note..4 A motion vwu caritud tRai ecc member seou ave ceaie go the temper- acs hoepitl laiiChicago. The netmeting of te Union vii ho held villalire. Dymond Jeu. Lh lieuber, pIssa. remmember time a" liace. Tncuday evenlng, Jan. 91k, members of the Unin mat vitit several Sehoci teacso t aihc homeaoflits. Rata Gleecon &o disons. sicatilie lemper. suce lnsetntion. àA llilob vwu The local W. O. T. U. met vlth lir». o. B. lioore the. Ibid of Jsnwy. Nine members vespresént. mmc Dymond pvseiled. A resolution c gyupatby for Mis. NBis lanebai .k. eces, wva doptod. Oua ladies ss an -ing s an âuief- fort to give a lter medal ontac nmre tiane lu Pcbruary. Aiaon5 1te. Ivoon l*0 a" 01cf ielve sà" sixteen visghi*0 eonter cauleet cm au sl Iet* hame aiflteImprnsndent for remis- tioua sud Information regatdiug co. lest,. Uai. CaracmLn, Prous upi. SCHOOL NOTES. The. Zoology clasi bave nsarly coma- pleted Ilicir tent booka. lira. Knapp sud liasClara Boles vislbod lb. Bigla 80b1o01liondsy asuer- anov bsllizag basbeau of lesa geuerai meabo of amusement for the boys. A number of n»v pîcturea vers buug lu lb. office this veela Mi VarIGUna otber improvcmeuba effetei. Dlusoiutioa of Psrtaaerahlp. Tbe uniersigtiei bave ay miuns sousent diauolvei puaeiwtp. Tbc buslasa oduolsi under dam name of Trlgge A Warren vili baiasfter ha oonduc 1b7 Gao. B. Fil W. J. Warsun, rtilrlng. Ail outsteudlg se- conu are payable to0 . B. TrIlg. G»o. H. Tieu. 15-id. VU. J. VAMMu. Card of Thanba. Ws desire 1 tba nOrt blnd m neigabots vito »0 kindRY 88018104lan iurlng 1he siciasu amidéatBb ontu infant san. Eapeclally %0 the youag laseWhuo gang8go fsugiy aitRMe funeral douv fe ouI pteu .u.lins-m. OrnaSsroLEXuA. Wut Grain For Slale. 1 viilbava r ci Me4r naiude ««kasa LbeItyrIle vatr Vsdnsdsy araft. A 1--msuy i I ilà be oespofflai 0 s srg tio Petitafor 1fecd. oviax $0 aM me bro era ubioiesup= m e Vitb faci. Kerwhack! Siipped upr ll bumped his head-and l1 b"eheob didn't have on &Mu rnbbers. ff h is wise, a@ soon M N ean get up ho v lem~ iitraight to us and bny i a r Thon he îieed not feti'm snch acident ln the fûtume., art 9«u fixel? Are yoni properly akod f«, ' this cold and Bllppery w@Ktbsq ý If you are not you IwI 'bsfteý corne in and see nu $giitM a.way. We will fit you ont accolrdlng to your needs, with Rubbme,>. Overshocu, Arcticu, Felt B"', or German Socks. Maybe you need a warrnDiiok Coat or an Overcoat or Mitbum or someMhng of that kiêd We'll sut you and gave 7011 money on those thlnge too. Outlng Flannels Not TMs besvy, but a sud t iq tforCern- tort lanpsMd Cbon's viu oua& Vs bave 10 ptsec, 111*sud du* cobln chashum l moealbroiesPlaid, vb i7 ca bouy a .stte MMprise of 4c. and Sc. a yd. Tvelve placesdoubla viitbVlnclsiote%, tbu" &y" ivida, usratei %0 «vaivIit GolfW( M15d am unh iflanul. Y ptc*by sor rapperu sd valaba. uguar piioe Iao, but noouW LbetyvMe - l.-.du Pure Drug& On« 31 Perfurnes. To let A4raices. Patent MfediéÀi PAiNTrs AND oiLS. A erue aMd Co"" sSo SS"el a o"Dok, ai»W la Sehoof ?oom NOcessWes- 1 Libertyville F. B. LOVELL#, smw MIII Notice. 1 have rnté Ib" saul eY UMi11 OW sud vo au" MF es »M m ai*eajean&-, perichle. AU WM e w" ai dose y w bta e fRalad I ý'ý &g&'abani à".«.sU Nos. 191 sud 192 willI cmry pasam ub -tvg0ce I.iou and Sota lm B. pylle ~01~ mOno. q sues. -~ 014.55e .414 1, 3C