of 'luta ispastýý' inéfet om iie~more m S migne.- The. t?4th oft I rtion applies nôtont oý talrbut to the jêbber ail mga.r tfaturer as well. We take a4¶ioi- tage of conditionsi andietiake on r purehasem s14 that w e .-ti meet al competitors. Compare oîîr nriî'uý4 withi those made by the otlîeî ,-tore--it wilI be tINoiir ad'van t ;îge W o1 Tri»g & Taylor, -GROCERSI 1Libertyville Illinois. M 1,4 the time and< lien' iiithe jIflare to biHA B1CICLES- at a bargaîîî. 1 hîave a i19i0 4) ('ireiît i' vl'e %wlîh-Il 'I-kyiII sil as a star-ter for By thé- vad . litîîI ille' titilik. tlii-re is atitler miîe lere for $1 .WOO Cail and inspect my stock before purchasing.1 CR. SIIERMAN, - - - Illinois.1 M M M "'clearimlo Sale ' 0F For One Week More jas2 Io01b 2 i --I I W FARE xoiII loaded Nvttli NERVOiIS andul oit te- if vonl were over- tTîle'w.tr. (ladlies', genîts' and d(iil<Iretiit4>and ldu' weather o> sloNv iiigettiîîgliîer.. But it'.,t >iiiig---if tiat w e are vertain. <>lEV Eh, we pro~pose t> nive o tilr sÀtxk and t (Ii o so rer the followiiig redltction i n ic AUl Ladies' $100 Goods ...... 90g 85C 75 75c 65 soc........ 40 45C . ...... 35 30C ..... 25 25C . .. .... . 20 Mens $150 .........I1 30 .$1..35... I1 15 ... ..0... 90 soc '.. . 45 AI Children'a Goods 15 per cent off. Smithi & Davis, DEALERS IN Libertyville - Illinois. "océ.I tems of Intert to Llbktyvlle Rae C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Suaday, D«c. 23,1î900, St 10:04a.M-. TO CHICAGO. wEEK eue. Depart From New Depot. No. ix.......................0P:0 a. M. .. .. .. .. . ... 529 p. M . BU N OS t. Noit,. ........... ............ . ua. m. TO CHICAGO, WKEK 05. Depart From Oid Depot. No le lis. ttc PROM CMICACO. vons nirs. Arrive et New liepot. &22 a. U. 43 pem. nM. . 4:3 p. nM. No. l1t . . . No. 197 ..... ......... FROM CHICAGO. vax nuis. Arrive et Olti Depot. S0.1001 No:e..................... I10:46 . N.1...................... 05 . Mn N o. it. . - .. .. . . . . . . . . . - :0I M NO. 14 s...................... 5:00 . i. WA y FRRIOET. Dopart from OId Dopot. No 132 EsutIl Boli . 1:1.5. No. lui.. ........ ............. ..0:60n& nm Depa,.t From Old Depot. No. t9i. West Bou.,d.... ....... .oE.. Nos. soiu and 192 wili carry pasoners b.tweeU Roadout ad Solon tils. tirs. C. J. Ju8l, et Wuiegan, @pent loverai doys Iis week vi F. H. Juil and fanily.t TIhe Prembyterian Ladies Aid Slociety viii meltwithti rs. Frank l)Ymond Ttursîtay afternoon, Jan. 3118. Meveral voodliathes have mrivd for the Eaton Manufaturlug Company. %Vori of finlaiting etf Inteeler of thetJ fsct ory buildinglas n progreei. l'lite eoitor in ndbtel te .J. B. AI- lanettîtfur some luedons oranges plcked by tir. Alan8eon lu Floida. Be beilievee Inii li Ag bigi friendo onbey Iblugm vîit hlm. Corsa aupeit, vito maies htfhomo wth tMr, snd ira. John MoCormiiici, vas cailedt t Chicago nicently bj the llueo of ber motiter and las t proient stteuîlIng te aged lady. SatOr(lay afttrnoon o theatro Patj t'o)Mlieed aoftiesors and Meamines L',vell, ticCormici, Peoini, Morea sud Jutit wiii iBie n Richard Maui- fil in lieîîry V n Chiceago. Thie officil ipriAo for talli en fixeti by the Chitcago MliA Shippera' Union foe the respectAve montha follov: Jan- ury, $.10; February, $1.10; Match, lié !tt4; Aprii, 90 e. This la for elghi gallon van, AustAn Bros. delîver nelik vitît a fine ncw covereti wagon. Brt Inoily lîosecl wthin by glass donrs and wAn. dose suad ids dellance to tie li- mentes. It vas buitt y M. Pester sud 1e a credit te ig ablly. Wîukegan tai noS se slow. Tva burgarlartes sud a hold-up Saturday nîghtI. Whon u go ote ovu" bers. altetr t vilIl he a necessary precantien t, Iebo rmeel te teeth. They are i gît- ting 100 eviftinî there for us unoopii- lîcateti conntry folk. T'ho orter n vbiclhe icArs An Ibis loeuiAty vill occur Iis iyear ciii prove a splendid arraem~rent for our counny loir. FrsI cimen Mdilenry, thoen Laie, the W"c'nin Siate Fair ut I hllwauiee sud thoen Elkhun, thui net condîicting vOt each ather. Te circuit vill prîive as opitîsi one vllh hiiesemen andi Secretary Churchill vli be able 10 leok better hî,rmes thau ever, lunon- t-qiteuce. Abert Litebflelti. vio reeenlly re- tncred tri îuSonth Dekotu, bas bae onigagîti hy 0. H. Schanck and viilbe enîployed lu Mr. bsnck's lin aitp. Albert ha. hait vialoohe experiînce An i. lune of bu8ineaa wvillsin ths veRt sud ld a cumpeteut vorinen, vertedil) b team fitting, plnmblng and t n work. His many friende viii ha pietoed ta learu of ie Intention of ce- mmîng amonfi ns liepre4uîtatlvea !rom Lake counlj. Indiana, wyul prisent a bill10 lte Indianta Aleilure te protect cildren of pareuts of tite Dovle laitit. The bil providas that every parent salal erpioy s îeglstered pitysicisu An ail nases vîere chlden under the agi o 16 yoars aie oci. It prevides sortons penalties for negligince or violation ot thie law. A situlai bil vilij probatdy ho introdoced before the Ilii,1 auîetnd Wi8conelon legiaiaturai. C. IL Nimer la baiilIug o Ivelve font addition to the roe of his store buldinig, occopieti by Wint. Tarond. A toise "ceoler' yl occupy theo Incr-serti pac. lTe partition n reuarof tIr. Talcon's presont atone roont le te bc emotuved, enlaegiug bAs store twelve lelt. A hardvood floor vîli be laid, nov ceeuntera, sitlvlng. and docorated. tir.'Walrond ivAl bave very nive quartura vhen ail la coin- pinte anti proposes teo ary i. cou- sldierabiy large stock o! gzocenles, canned geede, etc, %Voîltpreprtory te statlug ep o! te electrîn itghl plant progresses rapidily. Thte steont plant ls eont- pleted. It nov remsAns to set up te eugines sud <ynamees. No trouble viAl be expeiieuned n havlng the vîeing cemplted bj Psbrnay lit. Athongit Mr. Freentan biUeva te vili ho able te tarI ep titi lIraI of nîxt mentit, te te ulultiabed At seemsaa physieial i mposmlblIlty. But six laya romaIn lun tAtcît to plicestite englues andt dynamoe and thoy havi noS jet arriveti, Iut are to e h lre te 26th, <le-day> according te contrant. But tlion, vu vilgAve Mr. Freeman benefit of the donît -Be may accomplAsit liAs puni-cse. 'lite înerited reputation tor cuîlng plet, soies sud skl i lsessacsquireti lv DeTAts Wtoit uiol Salve, lias lot to the making o! vorthli ecuilter-1 -lelti. 1Boauto le o S o4ly1>eiWAIt salve. P. B. Loews1, Ltb.etlvtli Um aerdina Siermau bas retureo lo tit. liteopoUtan Buainces (JeUige, to complote her course Au ebort-hand. t] Th e 4duisAld cf tite M E. cituroi are expectlukg te gAve a concert fnly, Fob,. lit. Tateit for full pîogram nt vasi. 1.4 Thte ladies of ltee laiaslde Cemeterj Association viii miel vithtirs. Faru-1 hem Feiday. lobn. le&, 10 diocosa plans0 for vork, etc. Everybody welcome. The PresbyterBu Ctiriotian En- desvoe vili <iv. ai "cecoioe social"6 st the churcli Tturday eveîîlng, Pib. 8ih. ltefriiitmenta Iliii»-.served.r Admission 26 conte. Thte rogulie business meeting of toe Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby- terien ehuech vii bell Titucsday. Jan.i 10, and titi lollowing officeri ver. alected for te onsulng jear: PreeA. dont, lira. Frank Wright; Vice Prial. dent, lira. Allen Divis; Secretarj andti Tresener, lire. Emmna Clarke. CitarUie Toclridge vint ta Ls£oland, Mine., liondaj 10 dispoeof noni peopîrty acquirel by lim mornetibis age. Lakolanl te C. W. Taylor% former homo ifMd le lceted about 18 mile*e&oeil 5.Lau). n. Taylor aoldc lits uwroo amg aevoral lote thone to Mir. Wooliflgoand ltelatter <entIe- min nov busa opportnnily to d.ispose of ltent ai a <001 Proutl. A nev teligespit Operaor irriveti ln lovu gatueiay night. Mr. and lira. Fred Al1oq« a re tefond parentesud o! coue oeu hnave e cigai for the iaking, ss Irad irlemibelievalthe joungster lt eortined 0 toeoute prei. dent o ef Ii t. Peul sijaten aud vhy sitoulin'tthora ho rejîoiug. KM. Allixpan la the Mtion agent Whto oucoeeded E. L. DuBois. De. Taylor bell au Inqoîst aI Fox Lake Oiilnedav ovin te ru. nIpans cf Chantîles AnlîmtueS ilarîz- nagge. Denoa.ed was a Chitiîan ScientAet aud died otithout modical attindanco. It vas ýItomred Sc removi lthe bodj, vhich could nt bi doue without aphygician'd cerlificste. Thie enly alternative vos te calA Coroner Taylor oul hold an injoies. Titis va. due. lte coroner îso:îing lte deairil certificite, but insioiing upon pay- ment o! nuitemary feea by relatives of deoaied, tlits oaving lthe eonnîy lte 5 xpense entailed by au nquest. Mir. Bvsrtmnager vas a luin 0ff nomemea. tond lbaves a vil e sistiopted daugit- ter aurviving. 1 SCHOOL NOTES. Thte General Hi8tory clans ln otndy- ing tMohtammed. Tite Alfiebra ciscs le working lit Sionlanoous Simple Equationo. The Oeemetry clase lia juil coin- Bminced lthe irlginaie aS the end of 1Bock 111. Snppliminlary resding ha. bien In- troluceilan the gradse, ai provided bj ther course of tuî:y. Tiet iird grade 10 nounh interested0 ab prenoonsin ,".geidaifte Red Chiidren" for lanugogoork. a Quito a nomaber of the pupîle In titi tourth grade are .-vînclng a decldod laste for drowing. Se viral havi ididti a set of Prang's watttcr colora tetheir aRlita' supplies, sand are dolng soet out8ide von Ann colis. Weii Known Inveutor Desd. Prof. Ellaita Gray, the vorld-fanoua eiectrieian.inventor, vite fer 30 yiare vas a ressdent of Higland Pari, lied suddenly Sundoy ngit of!heoin dlase utaiNewton, nour Boston,liais. Prof. (Gray vas vel inovu n aeiteru Laie Ceunly and va8 vlîhonl question tite grasteil inventer anti aeteuüt tat svor oided n te coantj. Re ted beau living lanBoston tae lait tvo yesx where ho taI givîn mucet of bis iiSite l oauMting Arthur J. liund'y, a Boston Mou, n perectAng1 the lattera Invention cf s sulimerino sigualnug dîvice. The body vau bronghl 10 Chicago fer bueimi. iteconiAdered. A Topeka man lent a amail opal net onS of bAs ring anti yenS 10 the jevelir1 t0 have il neplaed. Reinrning homes ho lounul thefol et sland. pntting i n bis mout for salfe ieping, iturried, back ite jsveleraseSbave ltai soe nail insad eof111eneT opal. Bush- ing lulo tite store hi isil: "Ee", lys found theolad aet, no loul ne. ltai nov one." He altempul o 0remove toe itopi Iirontbise mout,gave s <olp. lockdha lpisb, snd Mat: 1-1 gueu 1jonl Ji ve t'O u eltuev ai sono. Thitmmn ueffl oa btUeocf De. ilivolli SeuPopeo.S..alby Y. ».LoUr5u LatteolyltIte; 0.0. UrI prie4 gbti~r The s. Sny Soutits ftoin J. B. Alluson. vWho rooomUi vs t' Clesrvater, Fhorda, te ape.ad he vinAt, ve oaeivel thei folloving tnésaling ltoI~ 1 a "y@ i.e: lurrosluuufeuev -Thlukina Tou aud eo gool peopleo f Ubertyvllls vouid like ae aà ev word. fint ani.sd thit i short icription cf our trip mighe prove Anterest- U& i taesthis opporlunlty ta write Tou. We IeftObleo aeti 7ooloek Tuetdar niglit etred An our beavy viater elothes. and 1 hatlve the oe l b vs wetravoled vas the cost luzuious An vhIeh 1 'ver traveled. Ief oe morulas the boat became Oppreassve md Irtwva neamuir ta rais. the car vidcv te set a broath of freab air. We veo thon ID Kentucky but acon cooaad the te Autc Tonnasses. We roaobod Nathvillo 7t A n the mornins. ch&aed casandan yed a boarty breefttat The countr, theougli ubAcli vepasiod An recnsasse, va.anythîna but pleasInu. lainp&ancuh. rocky ground and ierub àmber grooted tAhe oy@ on over aide. The AtI apr.ieed te tbcaà,mixture§ of raveil, day id red ad. Bore sud litote ams t hoSen =Iil one itory buta. boauded no and down iti à chirnay ce thooutaide. many ofthemn )It belote ltee a. Tharyaoie hr yIn- siAted by ooiored people. vho &Il gether ai ec stations 1t'Oseestthetrain. vbere thor sud sud crin entl ol iAaht et. Weo buaord oars igai M ontgomery. labuaind An i short lAise "rossed thie . aie 00crZI11. s more level country irreetAngr in. &W or oe avampa thick vith unoer- )ush, vheelirs bad fot devaiteld thent. ia@& iaw e stihor bornes. once sud o bhila eottoun ld, but moot:ofthi ltnd sons âe riilrod ivas tlinber. Trio sol appeared bite. mixed willi red sand. Tiiuradîy vo woed tithe finsrtaoideansd ilte1 deoek serAvol at oui destinaion. (Jiear- iter. bavlutnatevelil contiuuouiiy lite. ne houri.Our blondi. e sd ms.very ntuOSand tank wita titir beautih orne. 'o reifred l 81. leving two Windows Ado open. Sued At vi flot thon toc cool. our tIr uovSringbeing aahiet.lu the nornlns Kma Allanion tgeeted ne vAtb su exclama- :on te luittcomeesud oam the Golf et Keideo." Buis enougb lte home vas vithile fooet of the vrater. sud a grand oight It va. Donnlng our aummer ilothint tho moreury bo es ahove) vo doicended teIdAining ron., onîoyed i bosrtr breakfast. and thon oent Into tbe yard where vo found fruit Gpon the0 trois An pleut7. Anotiter fiAme i IIIwrite more eft ie fruit. i1samcoins to nd :a box to Libertivlli ttiTou mai Idus for yourserf. Clorarela a .AItovn or &bout these or foui bundued Inbabltsuta. Ther aise a franger nosud charge sa its y think hievAl tend vbsn, ho pa-obais sytitins. Theti plotai sesdals teittthe buyer. 1 enterod s barber a@hop. sud tho, Ammedkatly aéketi me vhoro 1 oins tic,. i toid them, andi aid twc prias for a $ave. go much fer LAbetyvil. Nov Il t bad bienu Paul le,- Gufflot.witb il bi finir, ta dazie their eye4 It vculbava 000MbAn 78 oint. or At Dr. Galiom ubouli duive 81,10 lowu vth tas ao taam &ai ubbeUiredrna'tvould Oist hlm s dollar fur ashorae. go lAt mes. Itruut &U an wvi in tUbarlyvlle. 1t vll te usait la aiShot tine.tulits meontîne good-br.. Toue FrisaI. JORN B. ALLANRON. Prom C. B. Avernu. Mie. and lira, C. Hl. Averi are, en- duying B trip titrougit CalAlcenia andi a ,omntunioetion fmom àle. Avenul uliestes ihey are laune vsj dia- appolnted An thttoountry. Moesfitle: Los Angeles. Jan. hltb. tU)rrco IaeiiinTAu ND FerMmna- Wel bore vi eus ta outhien OaiifcrnAa, and a lcng trip 11. vaste nit boem. Aller oesvlnir ant» one iieenotbing but bune nountain.. The train ellnha thon for teuro. thon down nirlyta do At ail over again. Upon reaehing SB" Barnidino e emid te ho literally hemmod An hi nountaino. Thoy are on ail aides. soine wbite with onov. Old BflIde leeme Up and eý epeclalli oonspAelous. mooonly nover out ot range 0f vision. Bonder vo vont down o te aKoncia. valkng adong the beach. lira. Avortli espiid Old Baidz sud wid At va.ouiy littie vais. It puzzbed ber o note the Sowov ered mountainn seriear. sse eaupeooed. sud yet vo vire eiorinu bslmy sommer veathor. inquiry reeeaied ho ftci ît 11the meunltain va. mitmiles distant. Te are Indeed havAt s aalorlous tino and simnakinath1e mot o!At. Bave visAted every plae of Anterest for mlles. Te have picked lusclent oranges froin the trois Lamons mnd etravberis aie aiso la eson. Othor fruits viii te ripe a I110 IO âer. Mani, tees se An blome. etheri lia liai aud oppsrestlY 'roetina. Theeonir troc* that renlnd me Oftos 110est homo ame the white celsaon Luoki BaIdvin'i esui. Be maIeaespioialt y of then and prises thon von hAighly. We are soins te San Diego next veoli wtiere vo vAîllteits la thetbbe, se Afthore iâ a flood tn Chiaso ion viii cv vwhat csuod IL. The nopera hors fiait te prnt thie veathor reportase voNedo uct knev boy oeld it la vitAi Tou. AilsAi eli NtU ousuad vo trust our Moinda An Litertyvlile are lte .,ano Aiours teuly. C. fH. AviuiL. S. 1. Pope Givea Option. Peomoters cf the projes go establit a healtit rescet il Libertjvhle aoured, au option on &Il cf B. 1. Pcpe's land adjolnlng lintier'a Laie and alec tite grovo Sout-vWet lte laie, Tueeday. Titis does net neossrily aure theti location heys, ai titej vili pro- ciod t0 Imeprove ltse land only upon condition Ihai coneaiona lhsy viii later etipulats are ocmplied vAut by the village. Wlist titi "conooo" are titiy have not &à jet itited. but aniverlu< i query u a etiteir nature avorlte Selephone, lUr. Carr oeil: "TWe viiibhimore tian roaaouble Au eue roquesil sud yul Bceopt mueh leu Shan lii boen oi euod un olseWhere. To ae deairoua of locating An Liberty- ville becanai 0! euerviSseAterogs lter. mnd oonaesquontl aBe peepared to guaranlee th. expeuditure c! 8100.- This is your chance to save a lot' of money. Better take, advantage of e, The prices on IJnderwear and ail other winter goods have also been reduced. They must go. 3;;; Omo,$. ' «dM Air Sc ad lx. Not demigednor even ioiled; but ailtir goodi. Of co , Ibey ool etoniiderble but ve viii discontinue 10 ieep tliii p wantu to cioothe small los ofthe difforent à i have cUl on b1ad. aeavy veighti goode n naturel gray and ou i coloremas arm and viii var ai viii au i i leece liad <001. Bises 16 sua 18 in Voit. snd Pints, 51 I former price 12 sud l5o viii oeil st sAee20 to 32 an Veste, hues PanAi and bos Dravozi, lormerly 200 a nd 25cyoneanboy et.. ........ 10 AT THIEFAIR, Libertyvillle .- .- . -. lâl . tv, ht e ;de tar art clam rade maS aiguo vo te iteat ic Ioa. Pure Drugs ... »Store. Perfumes. To let A rices. Patent Medicine$' PAINTS AND OILS. A large Md Complote Stok" So ofck.,%b&TablaSMto Schaol Roomt Necumitici Libertyville F. B. LOVELL, Sev Mill Notice. A. K ea L aI Your boni; otiw', 7«W 1 bave rented theiBal Day oav mAil __or itimm MW a sud vUIii tart up mai accu MWaitbO iagely on 4" ~simpéàk permit.. Ail Ibose vStiugm vIug Uns nai-e I doue uay briaqg 111.eloge sud I vill IS 11kg e ImW guarantee ailaolo. F. a.GLBÀoS, ]B a av-- - For the next ten days we will seil Overcoats way below COSt. rN.ow - k Libertyville Ie lob 2. ýk