CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 6

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Awa. .IN MOIJRNING ai Walea Now Ascends the Ilim as Edward VL W* e<tishe Royal Fsuliy Wes le 1100de Wbhe tinaal ium- Casas ýCAreer of the Noble Me Wlse oveSniathe lise im bâ» tbma.ThresaHumdred MUR- àmWeota- Har Beige W.& thea MU SU<the Rier eof tise Ba- -Victoria ile&di. Nie passed r»""s, snrrotuilil hp lier physi' lait tht. memiesraof ber family. Tise i etWalese ia uw ic ngmof Great i aWdlIrelanti anti Empenor oi lu- Dtmb Qnetn'a deatis paces hlm ou mu s aher iegalh uceeason. Ht. ciii isUicwar VIL. isBa sud besefieeol reign of Quccu la là tan end., After occuppig wille Of E»glanti for more thau ýb jases tise venerabie cossas ý»Il aucocloatly ideutifleti cmli jd 4eat«e ra le no more, sud ý"have acaketkedtchu Pro -bore* to the consetoilenesthat lu'mec, Not onyla Greahfftt- i l dtseudt.nclea, but tismugiseut eworld, tis e ua b as beas Swtl a tees seule 9o htse great hIM iliscmêlit bas pisyed ber part 'WVens an sd as queeus Il boc IWÉoçIi meit of the Qocen noto s itt of ohrulersip 55o0te er- - ta ~ OBNTIW ybhue émisent qualiea &" Mjta amei is erlru 0=»dm uuct o maeethuenas' ORMUZ"acs!genlt.eadysuemut tilct liaichie tisa aineaisé cas crocu- Wlof aovereiglatty cai Uns naturei trensd of évcts , teidliy gsluing lu as' oftlsitios u tisa ears passed. lolli beasemore incerty ce- ba are geneli>. rscog- 'pueried cusiracetillnté sA ua ha ta te penlod of grelstestIimpéral devel- cN $tameu cho tcam bler W*hS umis came btise throce, a »M o Dns oc te have hlosigod ta diffrenst epoch, su greal is thmin utis#politteal ecrîti etreis sued enieuches of ta ite, lu al tiitsproceus ito rla hal n bieCercistia choie- agaire. lufleuce. Bise bac met a" s hs~ lonore wlth digity; - kapt before tise Britiis publie et prncipleansd conduel; anti , llIcstroctitand matertal pros- 'Nouaisutiare sot tirectip trace- S bW, 1.,ber esseniel gooudasu ad rwuols»d oarvicher have et lei M" tacu mautaetht. sentimenhs of a: ilsudpat ltnnwhicb teund Io maet.fer a uatio's beppinees. bachngs omiras eeesntshti 1)> l *Biofethlie Quet.u comes at s ime do. empire tineset cithhdanger@ -mte.Afler an ers chblu ê*111 <o1,t hoieas distnctive in Bitishj . as lia era of Elizabeh tis w att 19qa sa tle lu. ee the Britiah empire = 1 1 bycar anti hprnttp lbs jsprlncy amoar lise uation. of the 0 '1 Wichter 1h bisa oOh actiluuult ps -8h.» cimax of île greatueun sud bu ow,. lie point of a retrogradi, moveý la. a Question pet 10 o edetermhned. ~ , aruder chiis Abert acananme e lavereigu pincer ait kg liwsrd VII. are therefure 1loiarly pàr bott hugtfot observera euh hli cwta conlutie that an ting lbe ait di te satief>. tht. needa antidalecîs- ahe the. Britias people. lIiitt'ove b«bd may bave Inokcd opon ilIa belr Nieont tceulp peso. agi, in thelue nu" ou duonna hicislhe his ieon aië $Muteperfornu motntithepuhtic mui M<WOI"lfonctionseoftuIhe mouarus, auic M Ms Vicioras i'precntscuve, he bha ovu digity anti disretion. Hhs risi -a% probabiliîy n-li t lue u'uuprshvet vile. bt there le gotandiasei to teliêe h. wiliieho uideuby tic ansd olse svatisnisuantiasllInu., .iiarmn olat." but ber vint ueu' lin u e given beu h,$o o a better bli ~l-uetit MI-Bafluvet." Andluin'Arisig thii eO sie bas rommuireut theu' flgibi drt ta tise Enghlisi la ioger gruispthe trutta i'lit'migh vvvstr'. Mpis brn aî l'tinutibhili il ast ISLost isac Eugfuîah i -omn- lu t îs a'tpulic, Ilcime heatistIt.I = rehs batl'-'atid lii r.ueruî thiait 5 ed t o reaxa. sudittliher l"cuî pqted nahel-hem ttutihbeu o is n aorro, * hies se if ap'oinu.(crtoet W ii mpendiug osu'r #-t'amtuily 'Vien tht. poong nuuiiiflacu'tp WI »Q§ Victormaa ras roigtnimug. V'.' ie vrilcas boi, litra aaeignit, Singrandrfuuthet a'a nAbnp Vitoi ~Iss.Tht. reigu of Vicitoria bu fromt georalion 10 gem-ratlvi khM -e neeeipart oi tie odPeo aTite British Empire o misout th clm saeem tisenastmu'.'l'lit . B UealiAines wilI iardlp feel th lu fitihing ien Klux Etcar ~Prs glting for tht. Qunet lb. Qae0. isan rougislmain *y* out itres geoeratiosa Xli i l ebard ah Sutct 0 * e isenIg." Baers. Ma>.24,8aBat Ci*«» à. Juge 28. PRCLAmAIrloN 0F 5UCCtSSION. VICTORIA'S L.AST DAYS. Tht. proclamation nifte deili of Queeu 'liseQoeeus' ltlh ud Bieu Va Victoria andthle succesionofo Kig Bd- for Moutisa. card cas iaiued immediasteIp open the Aceerding te a London cinnespoi Qoeena dëath is>.tht. premier, Lord Sel'-tjneeu Vietorla constituhionlmai ishur>.. andth le Arehbiihop o nt uer- cd te final symptoma uaof serions hory di tht.e sanctionu ottht. privp co ti uring thet. auy of tht. court nt Wi ci. Il cais thoen matie publicthrougis' to November anti Dec'ember. 1890. ut ls te at-iogtheislord Mapor%, tht. c11 itUffl f rein tise Soth A tise lord lieutenants of connîlies, etc. Tht. carcaine lu rapiti soecessioai. proclamatiosesats: Boiter, hfore earug, hai seinni Wisereac Tt bac ple.satd Aimgty Queen tisaI tise esipalun arolil b Gouita t klo ismercy aur ale senv ficut but nt daugerons." Se tise Merelu ady Qoea îorla. niy nitreverses iesm enluier cii chsem a.tise lug«ascroca uevcrihp. SBe nucrs'orgare <on. oi iba e s e igmig or f <est er, aud aries hi@ nme cee subi BItais and Irelisi t aa sil.t aui for à coimaudte hovisbl Wlitsor rlgltulj couns t tho ibgi sui mgiti Pyrie Aliert Edcsrd. We tiereore, tise Lords sprtuaelsmndNE KIGA temuporl-of Iis meatin, betug iere.N W KN Uit thoue ai lier le Majestys b Mlry Conacl, i. chumbaera ofotti- eri llpiislgetltemen.aoaiqaalr, cilt the Lord Mayor Atiteruemi and ciiesof Loudos, doa 11w hereiy cils one volce sud consenolotngtuea andI beart pumbisi aitndprocalu that thse bigla ad ulgist Prince Abert Rivar lc soc y lise delis ai sar au oe 4 pymerp be- saiest. i ~isdrghtlfut K f ltgosof tireat - ce db aetoowIeilge hIabe sftethorb, go»» do ta bleus OUTroals Ktagadwlýam th osuansuithappy years trialier o. DE8CE~ÂNT01M VlICTORIA. noven<p- tkcuaChia«.Gaeamil. diras 0a me uot-Gradciiidre.. WliesQum..Victoria came te tie land bitddwindlad to Meager projior- <ilua, the direc HUe et succession bc- lut ceulert.d lune girl of 18, Vicora. To'dgY ber cilares. grâatcisiltiren and_______________ great"graudebiltt living number neveu- hi'. reltarma ientise car shbcaIma ttr4bru. *t «PQoealireti to see lhe tirotg i avili er peu. tbrd gwWk et ho', direct helrc tn Ah thisa ime lise Qtietn tirt bal lbs'Brltlsiscrocs. Âméug ber gandeous eying, chichiln- sa'sggvated toi and graud.uci-lsw are a reigning Oser, cedoti ber proacot criltil lles. au Enttseor. »ud a Grand Dulte, lien xieetoe le rs ii kliestdauahter la EmprenseDowageronite eivehlier utbper tei iit ilt".ru.>.sud lier ficcentinta wllin ho revcive hert il'iThe ptbie,5bc dîme vear tho crownis of Greece anti Rou- n re oin sin. Tis ae publicob Mania. cr otcne psraiu0 PrOan lia C"ho@f Vitoria of Engisuti leged ireplies t0 addrosot.5 sud oti '!th Albertl otBxe-Cobuinîglu1840 bive u tece eo!mnetal aefîitt, cisen lu cprung flue chikliren. fort>. grandchiidreo i îîe ieta nsaraa rsud tbhIut.v ra t-gaadciildreo. Deitb tance, ace as report edte10bar( bas emeredellevezor hese-tw »M an sniinahed etutp te an atdresu V sud oue a dieltm ose grandtiaughtt.r sutDue bih.eesoasue aavld ca seras grantese.Marilage rought lier cDiubirn, "wherate alit'!" ma>ety imadauInisasant sea-i-la..lier spirita re'ivediniI luier hi TENOMN NVEUR VACANT, home under tht. influenue or Es] eta' aebieeements, but the te à ffl cae fValm scemea Kleg mof £a. Prince Christian l'lcîor. the horie t nt" si mudialelj. porto!eounering Vlmmcjni's<reteni fTise the of hi ngliait constitution the prospect of au ii8efiite proio, 1 iesht h 1h5 Iia lasonaof Great Britain l ifofthe arn, eoutitnled s trtal n INDSOR CASTLE, OFFICIAI, RESIDENCE OF- TUE QUME id neyer vacant. lu otier w rdse, fit.caC aihinluNivemii'r uier hesiti i -t- éreigu neyer diseu the s of siii tami enfer. Sti ber qpîit rî'msln g$ heir hiug imutanataueocs. lrnot'. tue-e uenteti, and a'hun il cas reporte lu brotexPhnlu St. lie ceenY Of îorona- dent Krugr sithle car cou. pl lien jesuerol>. a slemu rî'.ognltio nantiber as nue or ie a'ltims the Qi e conmation of royal tî'nrnut anti the caun-i-lared: "I rny tie, lut Mr. Krumg r sequetulrigislgr qi seue.uo i tu e thrin'. kiltIri" - asud in unua'ct.aaryfrp to lui-,vuity of lie leuember'a fu'rbtpesrapidlv titîetetotht. row. Il 1', cuitonuts on et. lier shorpit-na nigilts act hotisedeatb ni tise sorereicu fur the.'Anal. ers andtlears cOutsOui iiofoutit tr ishop or Canterbutry andt ti,'prime ito n tub- li er entourage. Sue lent bcr se inter te uotify tise heir oppaeiuovf lis ad-ac.itnute 0 alunt t sasy. presel ,et acret-sion. thongis en halo i tiu iuu-atty tie irat i te ai the ebamucer uie supe.lfiuOu. iellilte'di'cap. Il1h uiia3nbas s The. deitis utft.esoa'rriue'b biri tu auî o aiuderrtholber ptllcjei hIexisting gorerumenî te am-ut.Th.m-,r1s:', be1ara oiietitc antil, 'e. mîer remoisasud 1ariawuit 1.irnîmneliiabe hait i'e'alieuaunîpopleeioet.i 'a- aelj tiusalveit. A geuenst ehictuenu ic -aitout tsi. Uinn i altiig owaaot h- dereti sud thea soaert.tgtreqiëtsîstii' mnir a oIt' a rbas aiicu iner the lie Ief it, isters ho relais their pornt fuuol ioit mtin tg, ii unl ait reii-nti.enia tutu le lthereaiult ftisa lecionu. 'Theîo-,rou putatyýi. c tion la 05ueb>. deferret fer niune n us lh«. iSuliirtaiuig aaitber î'uuditho, t Queeu Victoria cas eocîueui a t'a, tlunut nmusin îei-enlic'r that t,' roya sainmeday.sitar ier arcessien. sams re,-udl'tcroie goiug oaut te nt.¶lbeoh tehoOsborne, is EyFORTS To lILL VeICTORsIA. acec- trlcuel ntuiae as g. -n"esanti tht. iltuesa niEmpreoî ria venItteptaNa-eBee Mad onick becamie cn Ohseeioo cils thi 'làB ve te IAïsfth&le . ecs. Wd o ho suffered i slIsincreasg if as ta11,e h~lsss fraia depreesiou and cryiug.1 u. No fecertha sesven attenuinlabave enstutlYnîp cferrîngta10tlie deat or heen matie opeon ber majestpto lite, but Doite ot Saxe-Cobmrg and cîr the wth tht. exception of aalgt count on cis5i toe ite uuees, Wcis oh' lier chee ele escept.d cathieca irom & ahh 0alught la Osborne, but th- bue te tak. -teries' citihhe tiuîhesu let<i la I ail liee tvyig expi'nietueee tht. prosîraica itAi grief. Tise ant en. Quecu miintaicd ber sef-possession, oh' heïd asa cit Ibhe tuebesaa l'w ervin tisnt ber ou. Ihougst on u uebOr- ion. osnhloir utrnu ihe cr ut casiosi cal ta regret et lesetug certain Queeu Wasl a ~, luachicei loto IuRe w'icb sellc as tises engageil un-site.was, takte lIlf rein wcii .fslillad. sot iitt'etd 5grs." W 'If . 14 6- t,*U't, gk't- k 1~~~~bl,o whiIfr Ust of hsLi. ra ~r ~t 183T., Nov,. -QUeen opentd ber otretPr-'.1 I h4 av esssse tisat the héaverskl> QuIu ~ 1,oct. 1-QCo.s op«#d nrf at lhii lt an> ~ Ui sd pëeu telsdo Dot M P'rince Consort. sîon-eburcbgosrs. Thore are cougrega- A Aut oreutl ta ~~ 18 0 ea i i gtM ritd ta Prince A lbert of tiosus where they e.RIAil C hriatiaus. 1ad y n d o u la a 01 5*M No,. 2'-Blrh tif .Ietaia Adesidetâtyer$enttie b coîpletel, inisbed, sud botelleelu lvepfahf8 t.i price"0oyl.they remind eue of thei akeletem louvesaoesa lovea lealviuufl 184c1, RoN .whil IhIt.y "imelPreprton have huitThon let me teilyou tliit G 1d O O 4,* ~ wals, ors. rmtIl11the.gcu da udelerdure, talin Off urthon 011 theotolethtie. 1T riti p 1842, et --Qee' Err lilI cthorna nuiare ltc oid nuithite nnd dot- mhetofCit e t >4p 1846. Jar d-. l. Plcu ete, sîthttîg vantiuag hbat aglairss u.Il. uud ofC-dt*ho o utu yaril515fl*' o -' 184, Ne,. 24-Lord Meforoe, QueeCO flrst luit <>v* thn. 'rhe nteinlter et CU..e.t mut andholg, "OteYr , Ali 5s Ùl'» i'rimne *oiter. ddim. Loisonî î ntydiezth su'h Cîjattus ar îlo ofaveis fýb4 184 i. 28 Iaratton of rraaio îtbîtb Ut 'eksdwt sr'iregnt of res tat lb 11tMay i Thansntlgro îprson (Copyright. Lanu mK1.psýb, 1,'1) a,1 aenilntu0 hv ark gthuit a ý of 1 dla ieu rt. N the. occasion of th. îweatieîh 9aiet si tix e. , 'aiig teur"'t " '-.-'-.' 1861l)oiht. a vî,Qcnasohe, versary of the. Bowery uiffloiîi. r)stii;uIîlm eture. Btntthecbrh sit the aheep sîuoug thoms e h bae obeaui 18411, iii',. 14-t,e t'osnart dtit. (0 Dr. Tlig rl( dtu il vnot ai- or i'tiii'dîje ?isurnor, alierot I l of eril habit. They wce t*11 ceot.4d" 18G3, Mh el 0-ilrtsci'eif Waie'î ate4 dieuce et thte New York Aietteneiîy of Mu- Boilio f î tdron, iand ireloosi.Thtpiedce10g1 h k 'ris . At9aveu tering re.' I .on lt hwb ia,1k 16,ian fAe At tînbokputlt'.Iinl. nie. Minlatera of ait dessoninatianoi wcroecruits fr thti. .ord 0 lessu stlIl>.noigoot~ s l~&k ~ 1 F2,ro,. 2s- sheiaoi tutiby Arthiur pre t h oI rs lhnx.II o y ailitîitant: "Do yen levant t;, La. ect." Oh. no. sesdeau.- OtaulDOr. *"Other sheep I 'have whlch are 'lot of *silod's ait,', the parefillde and the .pa, est hP., comeansd tairo s inO<5155 i 17,May 1trcasetEnpves. of lndta. this,'ild." pIls aile., If sol'otue in the tjrmory 1nuithneo ismo tàg y» t M1. urtisfn-lrvntBrdwIl qen There le no iouopoty in religion. The gelit p Iîlier. jea sbath lu chi,*h nier gitreig ltb ls inîînu et' <q 187 Jolie 2"-'elchratos ufthie Qaeens 5grâe o.f God tidîlot a itteproi»'rty thut ta blce ivîa',l. lîcre are sandals etountDoînot ho bard em thm egone gotdes Istilke. hv i ior o ornkT,, ooeCrsin l8& 1 J02. ..2-t)st.e of aor nd Avon. Os wo msy feno of udhaeltt10,,r-upl oîreet. Ileo tgtaisbeloit es; ak lieadr scClrels datee diers, scIves. Il la uat s kingit peark, at whlvt h olir bi',n. flirstg a troesate aflor l"eUP5aprodigal as loit. es 180,1t, lyt!6--Duke of Yark tuarrieli ta th1e ve took througlî s harroit t'tewaY, wleh- pocr heurt. jure lm siasvardi lor pour thone Wvlo slir se tlough this gfa6*z O . I 184. l'i 21-s Mîara. dut rte lping stsl:tvue ight go jet and mae tie -ts- riglit n ntî, anmi îtder la the battteettd.d we~ oire a5 eliiof forty Or UU uke t'saa. ary ail the tirer autî the royalricrî'Qtl oiol aIt 1. ~ O bi,î. et< oe a ss'i 1806. Sept.,Il-teign eveeiled tle tegth aof tory. No, itlida aliatber'.t oreharil, nd Tirerulay bc moule liere vhlo gay. "I îtî'yil C taîîntud agotaf tse taî1 557 ailer lEîîgli.h meiereita'K. everywhere there are hars <loit ne iuaY 1 > Ilniradtoofth g 1817 Jan 2 Cleruîl, e damosllet dallerasad gates that ce itony soing îo1e ou 1 h.btntî wuyn heittv hY would look longer aeég jubilee. yenia agi." les il nol trau.e flthat oii the. brak.. t,t sc for the tat gon» 188P.OiC. 12 -War uecacl ta bSouthiopen, r mîî 1 rtIttislra i'jto bySiadbbfrta a oS are0aonI fic fint ilerr1taeddeos ta- thrnihlhtrthol AfIra. lu my boyhood.nvoi t iin tecotutry d'tac? ilook ftorîa ias..Ynî av 'epl tttou~ L t i sn s ang.e 1 dey. 0Prtri cpboite.atolbousethore wcaiir riierd of ap- tnt Ieen aîeiiatoii:ed ta goiug luto th" fîuittret'iiv 0, e luseot lies- lm, ay,.ate.1, pies owned hy is very laine sln,.Waho, ai teuntai' oduit ht Ihave a eorl'rimilonu -îaî*Iiiîed.Ihnt it a Wonan hon aacrlflced though there were applea la th#' plaicet nktayuYUaegllie1*i. h. lerutoe Ts BORN TO BE KING. perpetually deeaylng uit byscomâ niiiîîeîî'iictm a n ti'e îo Yo aree goBtee ihan'rit ah' "nlat ho restordthe, rcoes nofisushela, neyer cotil sow aup i -Oghti li-omo y"i nue impheaoss ee p. Bibisdas dîti m ei.. tuiarsetour6h Queen VctorIala 1'ldet SuEucti0' Us' totoucli the frui.a ei,« e de otri.'(lk o' wfasr,"il at in antie. YoO Lord anduslg ty taiy o paWbdo1u for Titeuse of Betogland. ladin of the sebChau th te anfluiesnif Ao nu in1knouw a ar il abfou ntinh huesdrdsdt01 tie. Wy Albsert Idward. the ascendant to the. nature lnherlted froanour tirat parents,. ita kn. knYal ho t.Ia>four huadreil anîliluety Ummse? h- fBritish tisroue, wae lînon Nov. b4.woaeerie h epaio ave weudereid Dnssud doar the. world, cuite@ tht. Bihle sue seas>.lise at Buckingham Palace.. Am the eldeat uvadtd tissai orehard, but they selon r atii drttn orcse uea ee"ow iuetuot. Yeu do son f te nverigu o bcam,'i th treted fu th ma cam Aler issur t m iare tîrtllng enuiîîntîeemnt tu îot thiuk a monou05 tfll four tisas ____ sn f tt. nvreiu h besm. a to teaod or ht onu cin sfer heu li.e In regard ta pon. You are net oniy ciglî t lisses, teullimes. tei.nt y issi a se moment of bis irtis, tht.Doire of Coin-' a apeed reekiesaofmii ngotis tamielleux ging ta liceeone. oi the. Lords eeep. htnilre iaunies, four hunanq tj int« And Waall, sud hofore ho cao 4 ceekn oid hae worse sud crled out, "Bloys, droit those lil -i~t~t ie0W e osvd 'unir hundtit..tand fdusly wonu auscreated Prince of W~ale. u d Ban AppeorIiisttsedgknyi" it e ilbrMounm.ytb nrd of Chester by> royal patent. Aa Duke 0i Weil, Dry frieuds. there rire Chri-ltinu'Id e o o o ael eet ie!"eeaemuhr, ielrs ndent, C rnw'aih mme enetitled ta revenues m enu h have tire eitrch ndes-aî'vrom Cliri4titianity. It may have hoen through of (od cho hae swoilowt.d in ,"erlu deesy ieritauerstht. poting prince ira o hcamet helb.wbole cnnid, but they have a rotîgis store or shop or facony. tt m ap havoe andl waabed lu bts htood Iter stand tbou' insrDuke netltothe«ansd titille of Saxe'i-o aatd uuampsthtlîe e c.oniacecostungont' ou thrîtugh thet rlekery ofisante pro', reillaut DOIT. Thero are thok.. *ho whien burg (luths. Prince ni Sazoap. Kart ni didera. as thougis tlîep alini io uîu»ieaafenacîl Chritatitan man cho dlsgusted Yeuu inugeti Loto thse ver>. iowput detin ktalcan Carnet. Pil of Duiblini snd BarO on-eu lissa.,e tug e tie .c<îumt i ta co~-ulet.isîh reiients. It mnsy h thent tirty pentu re hielums. Andl whbave tur a.e.L (jeu. frec, naud ho sie, bas the. titie ot Lord ailt i.ciiet sd tie ripet eigo Yeu[tstoall faiîb tir clnt happerued îtf tdevezbeen liffealDI). aud fiîallir. -ed the the li aes.fruit on lte premnises. Ha et.enuns îe ua i oonpshrisa um, legaeo b.te tn abs-s * "dif- Darlsg tht. iret ie jean Of the tho aclloase pou ,,ere baptized uh t lhptrulienval exciternent. Tht.c'in- gturi.oly rexroed b> tise grâespsoi' e espriuc'a lit. the publiledid ual hav'e 00 souehlleofsgt. sud hecanat. >ou have it Pssyowued no land, or if' the dtd thererti the(>ier of sinisera. iBol' ope eetils.btget intereut oli therefnre have a right to ont. choie ircsiidei'u it t rnmçinuy 'aua P'rely.'fatbe hotu ni a very. bai 'uge.Vhen t iitted iu tht. prince, lu 1848 the priuc7 We&& aide of the Lrds talie, spreadiug your- tis neliier undl the.trengtiorer au Epla' chureh caste pou off, sud aises the raiter 1intrustedta tobia firnt Itetrte 1Rev. Heu' soif oui aud takiîîg ni)tht. entîre roîu'? a pat vetryan. udonue direetîtr cas rootI canOtsoieuoff, sud Whoises gots _____________________________________ Itell Yeunnno. 'Yea cl have ta haut inb Nllt4si»tclams ad'antrsd lise otiser coars syenoff,.and orhen oijf5ci 4D Q4JHEN 0F ENOL.AND. jour elhowa, for ave wcliiplace ouonither Onifir»aproiîinu nt meinliera o!fIapint atie'.(-net puoff, sud ciscuniother caste, aide of ypusthose chonî yon nevt'r ci-sBil Cuugrî'gnriuîal chîîrîhea. Cîreularat ton off,ud chen eçoryhuti>.calta jeuî pectld wouid it there, for.ase Christ were gat ont tetting avsaItfabulons pros off, pour tirat cry for help trull onessulb sasld 1 'bisepeelong ai,, sllise sapx tacts openî'i beture thîs company. Tht. eterual <bodieuchr douob litthe di" ta jeutsand ta ne., "Otîii-n îîept1lbnes circuler bail ail thet. hues of earth suit orSour siffering nadlabhisse. The Geod which are net of thhis fold." men aseky. 'Thie eton lanit'd with ail 'T'oilnpaiacionut env'-po. stthougb tha>. Sh-p f anyFoli. tise lieauty oni goid nuit jamper sud suie-are s granid igintitutiau. "iThe ous et Meoad h e f mauv blto n-ia. hua t. Innocent mie'n .andlwotaeu cîîo 'Peniperautiu(enîot suce poî, aiahhugli mdronadorlisep ortie bs o n ilrabail as tltie mont.Ittu veat unt thet it- hiey are întishty for goad. SIgssug lhe ae bok o n ed fthe-hth orneofll eintrtheir ail subi., 'i (lou ,tt now anp - ilr ieîl'odlze auiilt re joueal' thare rocalng ow n ti ethe seekof tain.- ablott lhiecoriîîiny, lbtrtnos îneuythongh 1Ihelteve !ni lb Notblng but tise noe sare alg lin imter tttes. gond men art- nt tise bendof it ta t i grâce a! the. eteritai <odti a omae joue amue ae sraltu ovr tt.motutans.mot hoex'ellett utt akinir stock in It asiin ta illiIf 3nu n iltibow pouruell nme of iltetare lu hie yard. 'lhey art.le scattered atl arotnd lu msny places. îiutho snai as Iosias joiniîg tic nutilb. Cameron, bis ieighbor. coues over and rlîurî'h" la they bouîgbt tiroir stock sud Tîiretadorîtp onbe ctamseofipsons saya: "I sote pou have tiirtp'ai osucpt. pi'rhasps recelvesi u i ieîlni tu Lieloistailen t cmi iîihvrt'rird. and they> havemetcootedthen.""No" tntaMc'thein till. But efftt-r ahilote iefounulae Ibo gospel iai-ienetl. rhe'y hart. beau 'v Donald, "Il bave a greut mauy more tilat th is 'nnalpliid niaîuir, ud titiUuIlin stteuîlafl't. t hurches fot - , -sbeep than poît round inru is yard. Borne it da diff,'renb sa milffîreurtstueiîîp; îhirty moti furty pî'nra, pet mcreue are bere, nadstiaine are elsechere. troisatto sre ailiIfi'ebiut direetois. Othier b lave aarrt.udere-d therunet'ven ta (ijoti. Au l ,have 4.000 or 5.000 lun ny flocke. 'Otiier eoeîînetî anun ivî'rr'tminginomouetY Iriait caps. "ubi'îilîssud hurloe" go oheep I bave cisleh iretnt of ftolafoi.' ,. hai cbnseil tbre oir enoera of thflic- ti' uibotttht. kingiiona of bertvea hfori' theuI. So hrit apa10 e.Hur laa ot t ~auily ih nmany regaretste.tereellru, lnud 'T'Iit'have reati ail tht. lmpirtunity Chrationa sud liere s buot of Chira-su the i.'otlî-it-rn u lit aoi. i ttti'met udhv gs iroh tians, but they moite ut. a miaui part ni tîait ta show for their iuvettrmiir a 5 îiot p lon îrftî earlhquskes of reliions the ock. m e, re is the. Epicopal fotd, the. tueatiitaly îîmanieflteîl er'iilî'se. Sottie- fesillîig, and lisoy sre farther a'sY tront Metotiat oid lie auth raifod. thet. Dr".iesnlit mau. ookintr neer hatl# l'Opu (.adtitaun,'ver. Aiter achîte ahe>. cili ~~5 ., ~~ Cougregatioiit felul. lhe Pnesyteran perd, cognes scros a" t etll je iStle douron'n e uiairi out 'bY Ilwiii bd uked it ry Mludresi ircis, lu tht. dominner of the rid, tise Baptist sud tht. Penlo-optist tt nsifiis'tsItevnsh'crI ut uttîpaeieu ohîe saine e prie hevleted [relanîl for theiterBraoi, tise ouîy diffî'reuce h,îilenileul ~neof thc religioubiii'ienidIL t tt1Ituru taro utsiders silti su ezp.c. àfila e milme, shere he waxsareccired cith great lent Isotueig the cay in sahich lupsddrcea ftitut(nnteppo t'atet îhtlloibio iebot&M sD nis pro' cuthusain. Ht. matie bis final offitcielcash tht.shecp, anti sa the), are seat- fem.ItBouto. "te ui'luthae hcsa.Dl, uppeeralc, inl Lodon on Oct. 30, 1849. sieertiail ove'.rAnti weouie sitis ur Or ypou map bsaveebinme ekeliical of Ibis fttl." !Yod ame Dot gospel h*Mlm' cmei lu ISW )tht. prince undertoal. bis titetatisticu nsuas,-ttere are dSa nu froai,tht. tact Iblini îoîgrew lit, in a oit . Yu bave sot honi rl uap rmoma i endeti extensive aoyage. It wax deiedts<alt iossanîl ni tht. Lrd%sooh etChrist borne averc' religion aras oserîlone. Stin ,ttrinir htieIset fo ersm. TOutotaltdur ic li e abouîtitvi-it Cauada, snd retaru hp respouda: "No, nu; pou bave netsei'in day cuis thtn, at asfictitin utheîe itk. ituit) l;liit this umomnin uour heurt. bier al. wap of thse U'nited States. lHe arled more thon onueoui or' a tlioiiaaut(IrutMy 'nhdretta ine b u aih hi oui situ, uityks h,' tte tist r ber est' at St. Johtn, N. F.., ou July 24. 18W0, suit doue. Tlîepare'utail or tie a tript ahumi'l iier o mre saurf,'itel ituh o.. iieilOiptihe oee ha %eiî visareeriied as-tb royal isauora.1 Tht. eartb. '(Olier abeelu 1 haveiealu-liare ,prayer ule-titio. Yaîîiî ceie stfeitd a bitere in 21attviia 5 gh un ftht. ciud betille Fortu-panreenorteai'th ie nitesi Staten ou unt of this tut'" ebkeil vastis îatnn'ieaouar. YaksveIer-ilo tva rin filla. There ar' tho iret. rbreh re made .the nîiht uufSept, 2-0, 18W0. Though lbe We nttd ase Chloreesta get lotoa, M t oli itul tisIyi 5."tt ert oyIiut3f5'a3ilii htpîoi e Prenom- traveli,1 nîlor the nome of Baron Ion- Pâtby vrihlhe groati,îaaide courtul as oit- pourentritea us , er Rtua&siie on liii tiar'. Tht,'.couy: -Oh, My wssastei ,ent, ho fresa-, unisîuîîiîîg cs hi'ratded bp bise let thei n kon-tfit ne aren) linoten ital tel ride iloc bilt botte'r thon fit lit.! Oh, tiebitfter paut! Oh, the. grovou s dan' press,. and tvtrycier'tflbueprince cae the iearted or bardiltt ilset ttllu'pvili Dot rendut Buubî uiOui"l'utgîi-ii 'Cuiire'na. ,ii,tuh 1 bal,' sti.mhuiu! Whlther sutjeet of the mont intense popuitîr i-la' h t-onei. "No." si.a emorne' fasbldtouns Whineir-r uuîr tnthiu'r andîTrufiîîer tait uihll tI ? !AIse, fuor R th uîmtre! Erery.' lIgislantiteet. 1 16.Christin, -"tdo net lîi'tre t e crue, dtidla 'oet nîtigli Ittî rw ov l's uîavîthe' ounîu' n giti in, sq itîn. ni' very dort! (.d < loi k Rois' On ct .16,tise Prince of WIVseina chr. DO not lnt anc oneil# i ne el' 1o f tht.Or muîutis amindîîIi'-(Ip tiuoiri.,. :..,tîî ;mJiî'uy, use*" Thani-thl Lrd for 'abo 'sferuu.utlp bi'rothed ta Princees AI. My brutiior, mabt wsaltyîîîmlit inluheavem il 'ortili iutîii, liti iby ucine t.rrYu aebemt 'ens o ruis'i nr tWoninahuibti ceeu chou iagerolmîttuduîe tit no ,uiuîu ecuin sonnier tri plil-r iai l e i - uîiît ,vea i Iba on gusta petition, et' anud for tir trot tiuiu, on tht. occasion ot hie nuimîr ia-nibtu".? 'lhep n iii îutî flrtt> Wli aie, lmOittyl I uuît taln nu-ltiroir Lta land tt.round ingation vieit:iilfi c 161 T e edîhiug ceenîmonp lu pour pec. W'iat sre,, os- But I1u().îîut stuutprinti W iuuavluuî ior,.tuil hoturbumbui iletsu tohn iuijer hlooktIoleîii- in St.I George's. Chapet, Wind-smontbtoc! iii Christian c iicnes cor,,parediSti ioutii un1. itiut tit i'iii, bt i u(it ti'iun îîdeisîl[uats soro n.e .-rtt, 18Z., a rem, eeka a- i avlisthe iii iglti,'r miltlions oîuuniule? NoiineYoit truu iiy teil ti Ct ul iiip. ,,-uui.utflui n puîrut' ilOf mercy. I [art! 1 tere hh abtlintise ostil s a aîîer of charclisaroce Ile a liuei, t.tfiet stueti l okilut-ut lnî'lii, tu 'hru. vi u lu' utIeuîî(l ibcfi lans-asth ot'! tic rrulm. 'he prince aud ie cite es- stiverliste tiat ils pniuutu'ts, violetihave lt.ig, stthiigtii 3 uudit tfietI-mi- ,ui ri Ii. ti'theubrsnr e. lh tue, armasith.aep tabituihoit tiuuelt'cs nt tIuîuinghiauuothîag saorne file'amitouîtimluihe oirnru-a erY guiailn'nob. Xuii 'a i, e el-ti-rer. fi""-tTISire uuetsnado'otis e bre. avis aon i ou-uaub-uut ut£100.(0») a p'ar. mollds, but nu, brmen tie, bun.oiirtutht' ie Brillte aamu î ini t ýi if IbuulitI anutt1w lluittel IPt leuftitie ' uîltu 'lheir fro,'luuhlul Princeeoerge or WIales.,mauilesOr fruîu turE'ut h iiui',. îitigtuIoj' fr 30k, - îu i ut. tlui-ie uurl.u' uuii -ry ftlîîu-thi uuiur l, îumî m. cuuluuuuf tbi hi tce< n'esb en, i) truattnent moîlrratc sntbieti'.,,rt î-irîteîl lnIl. lu tu th-u-ltt mlii'Se.i uiuutuId- ui ti lriniliu . -eoiitit. ii is thefr ie c ne -Lriler their nuuringe the, 5luOers anti simuiens î,'îîîîa gloin.nIh i, 'crition o ut ma- oî 'n îuî iîii - -:Itll't a Itit'ith h.dgs. liautioiîuding lu. prince îan ttdfI'lle- rtins iClut viail teu a If asminu hudi a tîrmuiof :i,t tiYt rr'n '1iu t ie ilti uihig tnt1 thîuîIuiîri i îuît' 1 hl 4ut. ..I u u()ileti. iC' 1iibave chicis Irelanut tinail, atten tise hirtti o? time and lut ail hi', ack uir )i e uu'--e. lie 3Ye duIo,, aiouîiî. iu Nut voil raci u t iro mt .f tIli& ut~ faîirth hi t 11' rinceteaVictoria. tihe iigisî aisi' oui i i se nu g" i'-a. r-,uorînu 1, uîuutidutuug îuîî i ulaiulyitut Prince-a'luîîl,-tur lineatof W'aes visiieti noter son big ti-autofui t li'it, h1h..l-nusno uî oui111o ii f Nuui-Iif 1I01,1111 Ct tice vut,,iuînt tigether, sud Inter madie couti nuromi pîu ,u li'iluu ,.rlh uit sml,otuuîît'I, i, ,î t inu m o , f. un l,,'i u > a au extetiive tour nt tise asti l'uding has iesinîve'lit icihier cire un îue c'.me,,ne bc iao ti]uuîu ofst tpiuîà 1ibnli'as, j E SERMOftsT TES threugluittuissiau lu 1875 the Prnce of lu Ibat ëamilinrleliîre. ifîîIlle fi istshuuud r,,ue,' bu viiuî s iili jietuuo.,îî't- d 00 tVici i.,t'il.groet lntorthrniglui ndita, tht. avurîi. 'Thot tmi atltir euiio Ans, A eil sit u v,'"t lbn kmît cfnuîubasiti' uti anîl osiru niten' hoe as receiceul aiti rien, SNortisuani Soutih Atniniea andîail onred tilftp ietlW ahio oui' iun s boul-l'lotsandlellntît In. liatlall dbruieti$ boora. %ftp.r aliting ailthtie grosst citiez the Ilanadtiof tiiisn. - p aif as tii are: tokt , t." ou iibrTea- m as otiiealledrocasothe of lia tire prntce anddbin parîp rotrtîîm Iftje as thti t i agreat tbatfte tiee pliln, "I tdunut uvulitl i tuule il; 1 thuve nue ns tht' Sas tuaantibd ohe efi otd tîp iti'oettht.Bilezcanal.uatrilîpping cenetortf10,1) wiisseîmî'uomnt] dying on 110 'altitttiei- i ll," 1î5îî Id cuit, riTu iiimt., undti îintilualilty' coittaL-ona fiee do, n n E. it. FI'nu1876 to 1987 tise fildit uid tiree r lgermnogave att their if tao lige i'li-"!' îui#kiki] tii scuilsuiv hbit tenldrîlb jIo r uu the. bou. ;. thie uvtied qitlltamir(traaeted but ftnie t tu atf dtur.liatirnts tira barks"Weilt, if t mai ii 5'Ouiutiii 1tu inl oi mono, and tli IoisteChrist front bu- _____ Ittte».,'mseaîjor generai contesntiiianti tntl,'i." Sesv, 3 iiihuiveftunelthttiut huit oîity. gsln mt ase ftil sae bave rio began ta Tht. sitlor avî'îdiuî of tise prince andi soaeta0tise uluitiur, 'Counie oiere snuit aorîdtieIsinouliiibit nt ir, yuan' eikt<îu hlglut'n c'uiîi'ptitn of fltre(Cbristtban, cdi un- pniiDen un "a iureh 10, 1881. acasote'taoknk t lime 10.(» Oif d3 f fur st Iînr Isn. I cont.e pii seti i. giu.îl iet ir îmuu'umaifsttonoftie a ,i Presi. brate'uinla nquie't cay oatinta 10tht. utea tilleulat attenue--'"Nt,,' ay tie threecive. It lias crn'ulhilut'i u ndl tiroumir-0ftie itru'u-i miftltte..P .'oo piit- 18 d cinsof RutipornaWiiam 1. ont('ermaup. in tioctona ..îtnidiiig bluilo tatming pa- eseantssd muilions. Wihh souttate iu falet'. oolyn.. Y-. E ao p aenD de- lhe follon ing pea PincesLouluel, tbe tieuts. "ci'bave aIit duozen Imrtant "Nu ,"-puUgayv, 'f iare îu nouilu -c ili asI1Iot u,,. er conIoaident uatgter of the Prince of W'ales, caties here, ond ne arc attenuiug thofilîm, ifi." Take il, tlila i)luigeuttigrre, itell 19ubt g (lt the tîigoa'er'nment n'as inruledto utht. Earl of Fllte. Ou andl sa'emn e aie nut paaitivly uky aplh roitu of aPhyscieun oueiscau'ut umore liaif u'uitenlcin-tg guînbliuîg, wih, incremn ls i ,pI, tirhe marriage of tthe Plutetheirnoits itltaiton vtt nun trime t0keep binti epesansd louait pnîmore lrontenli.iog Il li itui ls fornu apiluigo more lu prap' or Yortktuti Princesa Map of 'Teckt ns tlits 5 off." lu thirs actuitlhallt@of sn el btit, antd ieateil toureitbaiitty s-ouita truine andI inrten gmumore tu-ght younx anxiety cetehrftl ntirhe Royal Cisapel, it, Brud crraav. avere uiiitonnu' featiers on Ithan ail the doctonm itnce tise luneak n lto not irvcli--llung uppetite jame'. The. Emperon 0f lînosia nutmittions. do nmi elius hendtitail unr ime IAesî'tula puas. 1Be euiging sud jimnt Mate nîct tîmn nnoth ricee. etlho uuoom leingr for ie Kutmg aud Qaeen of J.enuîrt saerna utating -arc of a foc îpeoplhe, sud ien the exiierimnt. I pou are nt ai,-ant hvuit'tru ecpe.(Ilt> latta nOfiprenent nt tiec i-enmoO.' nlu18h4 thet.hie cormuiisand cotîte, "<le halo tht.quainteti viliabtiei-nnuinarp lndues or fieclittrilirt tocus ni compel mou been al merriagi'ovf Prince"sblond Of WI'o 4ta cortd," uaypr~rsittpll:- "o Icuntpreer, sla in linetane:'c"O Lordnules.1tu tir mclnarllY, ea'tu ut terride! 00.1 leua that Prhucee Charles ut Denuanrkt tiuuipliace. go. 1 have iher fe 5 trt ieer l oasessdhi na ttrauge tliug for ment 1 do. t of eîtergp oraul ,onle. .atiter physique Bornetaa r oueariing hie roalsthigis- 1 cm husky ee1ing off tit. titra." W'e knouss tutliig about tise formolas af l'e'-ttuder Sliunho ternl "Thou sbolt- f"be, butl nesa are liaisîmeiedt flmootd, anscîîîurhes. te stop lombardtug tigiiun, These ('hristian petoplt. have bee t un,"and tiîrî' cxiii ('alvnry'a Cirtat. t. -cft 1'sas seLis.. odbl.tise nid iroeatl sunuers lia: bave been tatlitmg tmu tuîng ahboitt hat thonaleratdoiDuos uiilx)Ivmesgo )lu utes orne-

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