CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 8

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-'d*bok a Ioad 01o nas i jaguar, lin lamuored, broie tu. me tue remit ofa al. V. Hou and dangbter drove 10*M iiorihfleld laut Sunday to Stampel. Frnating, lKrueger o*altblr mad a business trip Ymkogauoan Tuesday. 'ý. Neyer hasagaîn ensbaried in the inwi-61I business. If yon wast top- s'îW" i u for your caives, just bale jàm "aUarounci. 4ffQuia number from bore attendod »» auUEiis on 8. Knedor on mouday ï veentug. h vas orth waing five rhilmto hoar some of the brigbtiIde"a. £."isir vas transiorrod irons the ceunity bspîtal ta bis homne lant f*qei. l Itsongb very weak, ho la *tadimiy roaovorxug and vo hope, tt*l0Ug, teaso hJm np Rad arolind The telephono lineoboas inally beasu complateci aud Long Grave je lias pet la tolophonle ommouunication %IM almot overy pari of Lake Counny. ..jd8e agres& Improvement sud al nbei la4due ta the projectors oftihe 40M i eokthie mombeor athe Y. P. 4111m0ce ai ibeir annual buoineas nioot. Mg MSeted follavlng afflera: Prom,, IL & Grecs; Vice.Pros., 0. fBans; BR«. sée, Mes Laure Stabi; cor. Soc., Wolbaco Etzntbalor; Trea.,UMiss ,3"Ita Botr; Lib., Milss Bruie ,Ntnmabaer; Org. and Ast. Org., Behs Boansd Ermo Bizonihaler T1Plýmdy vening a rowd of tounn a mueot enjoyauale ea1sl,gem repelrmi au =er'egiolaoe feeling loileyrevm A*i ciavlne acoepted the lnvlia mof lmiLina. eîsxaz.aî SOHOOL. Tbe . W. Clubbhua nufactureid a nov Yeli. Tho seboal UinAs seriouaiy et huving an entertmluâment. Pupil lu Camposition von: Wo have 6m0 amis. We bave onue dog sudi the dog t. calieci a tec. Popain proparations ofien fai te reliove Indigestion beomuse tboy eau digest only albnminonm fooda. Thore la ono proparation Usai digens.&Il cusasof utfood, and Usai ta Modal Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the vorsi cases a! infigomlon and givea Instant relief, for IL digeste vhat Iou est. P. B. Lovuz.x, Llbrtyville; J. Bi. BEÂOHEB, Grue. A Promîneut Chicago Wonsau Speata. Prof. Roia Tyler, of Chicago, Vice- Prosideut Illunot. Wam-n'a Alliance, lu apeaing af Chamberlais aCaugh llemedy, laya:"--l suffrd vlth a severe oold tbis viAter vbieb threatonod te mn tin puelmanla. 1 tiedidiffrent romodies bi I smend ta grov warae sud Use meino upst My saloach. A friand aiviead me ta try Chamberlains Caugb Ekesdy and 1 ond t. vau ploammite atseandAIL rellovoci me ai onze. 1 ain nov on. tirely reeoverod, mved a dactor'm bill, Lisse and suflering, sud 1 vili neyer bo vithanitisia pendid medicine @gain." for ae br Y. B. Lavanu. Libortyville; G13ATIMARE PREÂMICY: J. EIEL, Ivanbo. It Girdie. The Globe. Thse tame of ButIonà Arica Salve, as thbo bat lunibthenrd, extmudsround tbeSartb. It's tbe one perfect bealer of Cnt., Corna, Burne,, Bores, Scalde, Baill, Ulcera, Pelons, Ache., Pain» acan&Hiaun Epilons. Onty inalllble Pile cure. 26c a box ai F. B. LOVV94 --LIbertyvllle; Gray slake, PEAMAU. The Lake County Teleplione Company .... CONNECTS WITH.... Thne Chicago Telephone Company. Have you a 'Phone in your residence or place of business? if you want ta b. up wlth the tintes you should have. The expense la nominal, oniy a few cents a day. 14r Information, rates, etc., wrte-.-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Lake County Telephone Company, Llbertyvîlle. Illinole. If you burn coal just cai around and ..order your supply of us. We handie the famous WRIGHT BROS., Llb-7 rtyvi lie, - - - - Illinois. )me Mort and our CL3A RING SALE ÀMMM.-WII De Oer. Don't wait until it Is too late. You eau PositielY gave '20 per vent oni ()vercoats, Sper cent on flore Blanketsan -aîî per c-ent on lots of kher things that are riglit il) seamouî. if y o'i buv hefore A*ruary 1lst. After Januiary 'ist ail goods will be i!4 at regular l)ri('es which, lîowever, wilI stili he lower tisa elseWhere. Noticet- Fer 8aremor» dayeaoyau nboy 11.00 Ovrcesasfor.... 800 (Ail others la mane proportion mon aeu s oo adyear and Boston Bub>er lDont@ ... .......3 W> mn. 1?Ol Bootsa.............................. ......... 30 Boy.' l l -". .. . . .. ..' . - .. 3 mon& 16.00 suite,. w, 110...0.............4 (0 " $ 7.50 " .. . .. . . ý'. . . . .. .... .6 00 Llborty Patent leur, par aack ........................... 1(os Womews $1.50 Shoes nov ....... .......................... . 9 10 b. GranuIaied Sugar î.. ..1 .........10 8 Fancy Engravofi Tumblers and 1 pige Coite ................15 Tomai poam, par pige................ ...... ............03 V.Sauer & Bro., OROVE. se - ILLINOISO. tiiapee. Li seaiaâ,VUMPiegeteni visoAtaiud B esourawe"t Uc oau t anyce del.Ien*0lenis bom.« Every indouy, houeve? aait,'blp What Ecikefeiler comte la a goal pubie building. are You ta favor et Queif o.!Tha t vaulci dd = Ya%0Ute lbai@ of theplage ihero la *0 doubt, sancil; caulci b.mad' ta par lu more vajsa hanen.'CiMusons. UÙIh ii lver and If yen are la tavar, agitateolita question, 1161p)lthe mavOeeat tarais. tunde toamdci gond boats ta thse chool library by att.nuthe autentumeni, lob. fnd and hear lilsLovedolo rouis Iug car, by W. 4). 1ilavels; "-Hie liether's Sermon. aud pooma by James Witcamb Biley. 11ev. ioevena, ai rayalake, la oonuidered a very gaod singer ad jan vii he wOfeuiertined basides "pmroulatng homo Iuduetry.» Thse aitendano. ai Sonday Behoal ueoma ta be stesadlly iucreaaleg. Tbe lesaona are made lnteremilns by the superiniendent, assated by htg @big corps otteachere. AnyUthihat tends ta lit and build np the maral tosao a Village ebouici b. oncouragod. If Yaubaveni attended tboe o ervices da se. ion viii hear a gond tslk, liaten te sgond slngng asnd may perhmpm reelve saine gond. Il tbo ilasurnyone thing ibsi boeleie al the people ot the State it iagaodroad.. If thene isasyoueihing tisthaiufie ai lishe people of avillage ht la good idewaits. hI thse @tâte has auv money te @pendi lot ihb. apont on roadeansd bridg,.uand aIl ectina viii receive anoe bonefit. il lb. people oi Cii village avu aux praperty bore let ibein provido sidewaîks ihat visitera and business mon train eiaewnere Maîy be able ta paos ibraugh tlav i v aty and get cquaixted. Cannai Uer. te nome vsy lu vbieh the aide- valkU MaY te made o beollualte tbe tavn lnstead ni obstructiug our vsy 1k. mantraps. SCHOOL NOTE.I Tise complote sel ai iwenty books, tise course ai resdlng ibis year for tise mombera ni tise lliuois Puptils' htA&- log Circie, have been andered and viii coal $985. iSt.etthe Intention ni tihe Rockefeller Drammilu Club ta gAve an eniertain- ment lanthe ncar futunre.i t.lanat decided vben, ar visai playy wul te praducod, but due notice viii ho given. The nexi nusiner an tise lecture couse for tise beùeli ai the achoal library tend vitl b. given by Mies Isaelle Lavedale, elacutionaml, ai Chf- cage, sud tav. Sievens, aaloiui, oi Gray.late. Cernilv 51dm numbor t. euougb ef a vanety ln tbe lino of an entertaiumninotu 0guarani.o a funl bans,. NMon0e0 sanîul!fail ta bear NIa. Lovedalo roit. nor Ni. Sievena alng 8turday evening, Feb. 2nd. Ad. mission, 20c; Ichool chilfren, 10c. This ioason ther las a large deaiq raie aluong cbildren train croup eau long troubles. Prompt action yl »Tve tise uttle on1e trmm iea. terri- 'bl i l!aaa. We kmwoufainethsug go certiAn ta gAve nstanst roet efas One Minute Congis Cure. XIt au isa ho relted upan lu grippe sud *il usinai and long trouble. af adulte. Pleasant ta taie. P. B. LovKLL Lîtertyville, J. a. BiÂCHRE, <ornee. IVANHOE. li. Meukle nadte Ivanisna a viali lut week. Ni. Frank Doutz va. a Cbicaga visitor lait sannay. Mr. (C. M. Faakei vas a Chicago vibltor one day lutateet. Mr. Jeaunene wvas js Waukegauu vitltor laes t aturdsy and Suwdsy. John Vaupîcu base been visitsg relativeast Gagea Lakercentiy. Mrn.ud lira. Gea. Brainerd bave boon suffering wlth la grippe lise puti vreei. Edith Wagnîee bas heen very icAk tise fauti 10w aya, bu l9 improviî,g ai proient. lma Emmsa Fser bas retimrused fron ber Texasa trlp. Stie unjiyed the trip ver? usucis. Mina Auna DÔbrlI-r bas been 9pendiug a few dmyK with ber sIster Clanr,.visa reaisios ei Vola. Mr. W. J. Detz bas poncisecitheo "ýLouis ita' fuax mol! ilI usave auto mine nexi aipring. Mir@. B. Farnevontis, o!f Mayfair, is a.sistlng lu takiug cane ni ber fatiser, Who t. very poiiy ai proeut. 1«tai voot Thuraday Oea. Brainord Jr., came ihome ta romalu a 1ev daya an accaunit of aicineus lu tise amily. Patrick 0'Neil bai ueverel! biscous- naction %vitis Mr. Grabbe, tise fariner baig gone go Ccga utene ho bas aocored a posiion. At the luet meeting ai the M. W. W. it va. vod ta puohae four nov --Combuatlou Crokinole Boards" ta add to tise socil element oi the meet- Tiselateut rnoat. foneMNr. John Noîkie are tauiboe etecitisaig ho la cerWanly ou tise raad la nocnvery. To are ait very lad toar heiis <06 neya. Urp. Frank Dultz la not impnovlng a raphdly as va. anticîpatel!, bul vils good cane and akîllel! medicalatten- "ta ve hopta 0report ber» géaing rapidly, lb tise nea funre.L AI the suuai maiog of tise N. W. A. managers, a alight chauje va mada in regard ta -Janttor-, for the. euuhg yeir. Nr. Wns. buebter va. appohu soltutasucoeel! Mr. John Onyder. Ti. many iiende ofaiNre. Ellez Blîn ulil te g<neye! tubher ai ber untimely dealIsviih oaccrd Jans. 1mb, aM hem lat, haine lu Kankaunna, Win. PaneraI «Marviomrer. heu A ihvanboa 1mai veet ilandar. When ibretoel!d by pnoumanli or sur other long trouble, prompt relief la necomamry, nesàilaidaugorona ta . ep. Te voull engmé tisai Ou Mni" Cougis Cure b. tato'u asacc a. lu aibvlng tatcoun bM4 are not2c2d. fi oie.quiciiy asi iualy us» Pie 11» o«anmptlai. P. a. Lovano,, 1,1 vIHo; J. E.Bucaus b C"sai. ltvuzoa7y wbo aètended te*dance. reporéo 0 éand Ulme. R. lUimu bac tmre gond Ioeafor sale. Eneéafar.thom cisep. MrW. mau&' NKM Ba.aback visitai ai Nom. %Wbtaoyla ibis vomi. lira. John Diction han returneci bomne, atter a long riai its ber mother laIowlea. LEITHTON. Dld raubave a a1.1gb ride? ftant Uper bu. the grip. W. D. GV]Mfth la laid up witb a lamne back. George Maman ld a offi lut veok for SU0. Mmr. M. Mille viaitod Chicago'on Monday. Arih Ur Krnou=anvlised'bis parents ove: Snnday. lira. Il. heemator vont ta Min. nosota Nenday ta se. ber brother, uho le very lau uitboaumption. lUM. O. (0. Poniton, Our statien agoni vas clied ta Indien& on accaut af tIiums ofle ais l ater, loconly. i'oroonmuiosufor tram indigestion cmli net «epeoa live long, becaue they cannoteai the f ood requlred tu nurieh ith. body andi the praducta af the. audlemied touda ihioy do met poison teblond. 16 la important ta cure Indigestion Me moon Meposaible, ansd the béai asethad of doing thte t. t a"nm s. proparation kuovn u a.odol Dypepela Cure. 18 digesmia ba jai mt and romiorea aIl the digestive Organe ta perfect healil. y. B. LovaLL, Libort"vllo; J. R. Batàcïmit (iurnee. DEERFI ELE) Misa Mabol Miller hua returned tram Nov York. Mmre A. C. Strayer ta viaiting ber1 parons bore. Jna. Vouter sud Henry Ostermn" woro bomne Snzaday. lik osmirmâan abat a gOuse vitisa rifle meit va. flying ovor the bonme lai Sunday. The Doerfleld Orcheostre t. again or-. ganized wvltle@ laad standby, Prof. C.à A. 8e411, MW drum major. Voual muge la beard tram m»oBIe quarter of ibe teva every night. A quartette ofYong Iadien in beingà formed (naines ulthold.)t Wm. Devetean la nov ou tise var pai9.-BI 097ya iva.uisu torn ta te Ring. Nover mmnd, Williamu, onu palitical lob la 9gealumogb-aùder. man tram IbmeCuis yard. REAL EUTATE TRANSFER,. Parnahi by Lake Caonty TIlle & Trust Co. Abstracto.oeT iii.. TItles Onarantea!. Maonie Temple Bldg. Wantegmn, InI. LOjaB J. OUEN. Secy. itobt &bc & vi tu Anthon Y 8ciiier U51 11 5W 1% 0 2 U-1t-s 4aemvas wd ............... .............. I 1 0 Frank P Hawkins&h vi ta£lilont3 Cu8isuan lots 2 2125kU b 3nHigh- land Park ed ......... ............. 5 0 thoen 8 Cusisman & hua la Nortis I XdFarisue iota m 2N 2ô bit2â Higisland Park vd .............. mu ai Wilmina8ohaioder& bus ta tram.k A UlîrIis a4n e lM Mec u.-so ai Fraser Weil. & wut teIlepisen B Kennedy und i-13 pprt vw'ï ne lX sec 15-54-i5l d................... 2w ou NancY Murray ta Bella C Tounshi lot à bit 14 sat adta north isdeloor Wauk.gau ....................... m 00 M"WteriluCiancery 10 Wlbur vais lots 1,so 112î& 0 edseil ln s78 IL lot 135Lako Fores be..... ...... 3u6sW Henry Hilelrson et ai ta James Gardon lot s56 Lake Fores sud. iesM PeteriBecker & tri ta WenIeil Bocker s se. in a pari se ssa- w l ................ 0e Peter Boiser & vito Wendel Beeker 55.15 acs in s Iartsec34 &h856-U.-] Wendel Becker ta Maria Beuter 3519 a'. lIn a part s500584 & 36.-11s Ann Kelly ta Edvd Kelly 5.1o ses I. &Wvcor Dv OvX Me 5-44-â qcI.. sus B E Jonesî f ite Anra.E KJOn.s part se!4sne X me sa.u.ssud ...... e AnleKE Joues & bus t. Chat M BroWn uPatn ce 8se las"oc1448-i wu .......... ...................2900 Heins of Ctsrobel Eduards ta Alan Aulers4on se. la î lasec 20-s6-lob40acres & BOY. mes Emon s lu ne or nv35j ou -i-edu... ego Fremont C Kigisi te Orrîn i Luise lot lu village of Liberty- Yi lie t2- 100aswd ................ 150 Ch"a.Phislilps & visa molirY PBruce wv8slto8ablk 12nu a ta Tan- kegan wd.........................14W ai H E Blova & vi ta ILra France Coby,.lseau t a)6me aieO Chat Kelly & ut to Audreu Berman Jr w 40ftlo 2LA Paldocts suis lu 24-s-1 itîs riai f ai va 5fi cyldeon au st wd...................aInai James Anderaon u taJmoamyFKia Io le&ssair se t klt 1James Anderson- aaisa! of t m & part of O ltiauke ?0", e a James p King&tte Cli, of Lie parenttmI" ak myl m*Y i s lot 17 tnlmaaub cf lot mi& part Ici *4 Liaks orest OImi...........ale aS Wm E3 Lamma, wi te Peton A imaker tt 6 bua &U7 orTa.- couda A trip sird vd a& srd@ long Iinaauon tids"lktavi .........lmo Mar Ann lileboW à tataDavid! D Prn 19eslliaouî&hmaisito 000 & Audrew PMater a Imia" oa 9es ina Bone to Georgea AnAdisu Sih qed ...........................00 (3h« miGueam a vi te Zaa x & Auna FY YOMelot 1 OoehM'msu 010"o& 6 & a t t e blk s Lina tub 0f lolisAura misb1-a-Ilvd. ma 5051k hiis wf o D mkum 40SIe t e bgm l M imide losli tb. Siagum iira ndhomo tram Hl1bvoe&lm*Muq tm . HPente*la oàovyr recoyering att.! lber mtci cf la grippe. MM a Hery Eegelberry t. alnvly ocevaleolusg ator ber elgo ai aloi- Mmiraete Fot, af Biglu. vaa bore attedlniG <raudma Fote durJng ber Mr. Weterfleld shipped a ominait of potaiaom f rom bt.tarm to bis gvooery la theplstt ook. Laid lMoethor la mgain attouding sebool, aftir bis long confinement vith a braten 11m b. Vory feu Woodmeu luibti 4vieinir aitmuded ibm bnquet i ib. Town Hall luti Tntmduy oeaoing. la Chictago. and vu. accampanled haine by Utth Normal Bill. lt..Helen Glamian basnot been abIe te attend achool the ami fow vee"a on accoui aiillnoam. J. Richardsa atendcd the tuneral ùt lit. cousin, lMr. Edwin Richards, lit Antiocis p Aci ol 0lui Sunday. Mi. and lira. Otto Jahnsan, ai Gréjalake, visited tsole parent., lin. and lira. Cb@&. Johsosn, lait llnday. Mis. gara Navera, visa has boon Atending ber faiher-in-iaw, Mr. Jacol Novera, hbm returned te ber bame ai liedi Wing,Xian. P. Novera and H. Neyer vo,. for. toa"lalu aviog iboir lescouhaa" flhed 1mai veek. Thse Ico la at goal! qnality, ton. 'N.and lira. Edwiu Tripp loti me- gotl fcr hU hume luaIlerington, ian%,amter a threc vceia vii ih 'laitvasuad friands bora. E l.HuGemcU vasoammancd te bar mmtisrao home ai Nioline, Ill., lest v9eei Manday, au aconnut 0f ibat ladym sorions lanse vitiipnseumoni. Laler reportestsale thal ber mother ielut 1miThoraday. lir@. Geecibas thesa Ympathy of ber many moinde in ber beroavement. J. C. Sbciraedor aind obers have laqen araund iislervieving the people at luie, gouluE Usheir aplnolo, about re- palrlng the chureh, snd by tise ap- paronaucofeteir aubscriptioo piper il »Umem sIf overyane vu a u avar af iaving Il repaired. Witttblie excep- tion 01f ane or twa vbom Usey vlmlid evarybody hma conirIbuied tovard tMe Improvemenitond. May- Use good vert ga0 On and May God'a ricisesi bleaaiug attend il. About e.voniy-live Toodmen and! Reoyal Nelgbboruatatendei the joint lu- afflialion mal! banquet lanthe Town Hall, TueMya eveuiug, Jeu. iSiS. Chas. Aibrechi va.the lnsalliug ai- flue for Use Woodmen, vltb H. Ralie SA. Chiai oreater. Tise Depuiy Bu- premne Oracle for thi. larict, Mis. BeccaPnictntt, ai Monda, va. Grand Oracle for the Melghbrm, uiih MUn. N9. A. Knalla. Grand Naraha. The drill teimt irons Exonlaar Camp, ai Lîbertyville, gave a flue exhibition drillin hile taun-bonuetsanmod!black gavua, viicisa. greitly apprecistea sud ta vionsa vote oi thntm vu &Mt. Tise vlitiug memberg canspilmmntel! tise tarin cf installation of Neighbora, vhicb vu appreciaiesi canalderlng that user basi nat boeenorganisai tismee maniis. Ta amy tise banquet va. fine ha putting lu mid. Whou the uables veme prepaed thoy cetaluly preseistel a dune appoarano. Beaide. aja1t, ri. roed cisicien, calte.sud fu, mnay ather goal! thinga voie provideel. At tbe rogolar meeting ai Wllard Camp fallouhng tise Installa- tion tua applications tas adoption vore receivel! sud more promniés.ta iollnu laten. PRAIRIE VIEW. liorinMoyen e la sîvirrecnverng fiont Ï& evere atiaci ai tisa grippe. The doctons are buay taig car. ai ils. grippe canes and! amutating fn. Tbe band baya plarol ai theo indian Medicine Conpanyssahow ai Long Grave gaturday nigisi. Ponna Bok carieci off tise houari for ibe mcci papulai girl aitute show ai Long Gravo Satnrday ulgbt. Thora are prospecté af another vol!- ding ln the noar future. ComimE evenia cul ibheir ahadav bei or,. Thora la taktoai--Warin pollue.", nehit opring-snmetilg thai hme came tn te quit. ordinary lu Vernon ai laIe. Mra. Lottie Pont., ai Elgin, hum beau iakIg caeor ai Oras route, vWha la qihtesilck, but la galuing aleviy. B&Wlng voodansd uiAng tee la the aider af tise day, although vo nec! K" rueger t. hnay hauhug log& ta lie Mv min, 10 b. canveted Itt Iomber for tise oection ai a bag pan Set sprint. Mir. sud lir. Bd. Trilsi. a!rlierning. touns.,.vbo have beou vlmlttig blonda AU !relatives hareahoute, r.- t trned t thicr beome lut alorday. tuallng bsinessa iia inter lu the lina ai te"c sud luve tock. Tisey hava lrge sd grving businesaud y Maim treaim1ent and! honeai dealiage hae van tbe respect mond confidtence tdunci r eata umema. Tise JointI inlelalon of Woedmen aLd Baoyai N.lsbon eaulHait Day Town Hal&vmw an au uxq«Qavant, Md p"wo a agrad coos bout elgisu ,b@IU Préent.The Libeei*"h drMt team ni Bayal Nigihors utertaiuel! ibm croul! for an bonr or more. 'ru. prairie Vt.v band rendred sonl cisoice o ectiine. Sncb a upper as Boce Prîcketi, Dopuly Supresue Oracle ft s district, in@laled the Rtoyal Nelgbbora, and Hlerman Hoie the Woodnseu. It va. a grand oc- coa, ail departing for borne in tise eariy boura of moa. (Faon AsTigna coammsgpounDavr.) Mir@. J. H. Wemtrfleld ls outertais- 1log friande train the ciy. W. P. Dicinson hm. jui& etnrfed gramn a bumlnematrip ta Grand Jounc. lion, Colorado. Nr. sud lira. J. Hali suad lira. P, Horsolsormrattondmi ilh. luerai of a relatve ai Evanstan 1lui Wedneaday. Mina Joule Mitcell bas tees obligsd te ciose ber achool again on amacnt oi a second aitaci ai tba ..tip." lire. J. B. Gridley la elavly recover. log train a aovero atimot ai the .'grip,. vhicb aesus taOtectise prevaillig @Pl- demie. iousday ulgisi nccnrrcd a picasaut surprise partr ai tbe home et Nr. and lir. P. E. Kuedior, and ail proeut bmd an cujayable sune. T. E. Mach ha. returucd groins atrip ibrougb ticsanui, ubere bo incident- aliy inapecteil a lot af fine bora.. vblcbheola vintering lu Nimalppi. B. F. Oidiey, ai Chicago, lsa@pend- ing a few daya vitb f iendu and rota- UlVea, aller viieho ilii start an an 'extendcd bominem trip tisrongb tbe sei e st.. Tbe many friands of lMr. Marwh, Srn., regret vony me ti earn ai hlm break. log ith.mane 11mb vhlch vwu broken about live mnthebaugo. As ho vas planning te roîunuta bis home iu the buti hvua groat diqAppoint,n9 ust hlm. Th.lre viiili e a iinited numuber of packages of '-Congresonal gardon noMa" te dipposed of ai Usa pont oilice lu thse near future, andi auy one desiriug a package 1a requesiel! ta lesve bla naineaitihe office, and seeda yull te given aj u nthise order es the namnea are led, tan if luron. la dimappolntod, I il viihobe oase hia namne WvuDot given Ilu lUieo, a.It vf i tet aicorne. lirai served, accord- iug te theo ilt on ile. QUIENTINS CORNERS. And st111 the Ice mon are nithappy. The veddlng belle vill ring lu lbe neoar future. More luter. Matian Pinpp blinbeen laid na for saine time uitb branchial nonralgia. lias Bertha Sturm bu roturueci boume for au ozieuded visit ttilla vin. ter. Mis. H. L. liockelnsi as lled ou relativeesud fionda ai itarringion Mandar. serman Schneider va. laid op a feu daym lenitvooli u account ar the <rip, but h lainnov ont again. Nus. Gereti Law la speudlug a teu daya vialtiog ber daugisier, lmas. Cbàa. Watt, and nihers et Barrlugtn. sud W. A. Putnam madeoane ai their rgular business celle boreMonday. Barman lirueger, ai Chicago, callel! et the Cornera tint Sonday. HoemaYa à* la dig a gond bunessmailutise reataurant lIno lu Use clty. Hefnry Sbeiroider venitutaChicago raentluy ta visit relatives, He saya hie taiber leail ise .mmmii, alihougis nearly nnetw Yeats ai &go. Soeoaitue biunter a rund bore say tiset have caugbi about aoventy.Bve aiumeand noin, neitna. Mou, chîcises mon, you sbold pua around tise bot. for tho proteuetaraai tise poultry yard SHERMERVILLE. lIra. H. Glu, va. a Chicago visitor lait Tburmday. lu"a Emuhlo Hsauaan, a! Chicago, apeut Saturdayreo utis inonda. TWaltet Clak tormeniy tise aludeol is ialegripby hère vus a local visItai ison* -y. lIa Elle eliga, et hîeo.apouit atev dira tise P:aRt "nihure VUs relatives. NiameaLouis* Fukand LOIS licball!er atoîsl-d t4 daiset a DiegsoHlai eMiles la,,t iataigay,. JnlIu$ Hattendant, Our Biglât hta laAlait nntboe iclii, sd"P-" . Noises, aif litoru, Win., le uovihk hie place. George Valts ha. iaalgned position ultb lsrmbhu l Ad lun Cbieago and la nov laking a m 1. olectrical engineering t .Ji 1LavA. Lent. Jackson, industriel COM.$.- sinsrof Use C. N. a as. FP ami laWd anLe Grant WUlllma. Divaim gb agent ai Use amseCompnr vi~ et. jsaph Homoetlat Prîdr.fI laSe Ms Inoun wubatheibmajact af timitv»ei Wu.. A movemunt te an foostetahm da meeting for te pnrpcacof ai aig en00gb Monay ta buy a lira enlise fur baom. prataoclin. Wht »Sot ba 1l> corpceale so am tegel aidavaika, 0*0,. mo lu cas of tee a permon volillb. able ta g«i ta esIl vuniager cof gettingseimintuhietaud. lizHales noonemuau, Wbo lu 1mAI05 vomicalsleeontaithe oCi«Oa Musical ColeleoJeaprcommn om. fnly mand ber 'lasrisclr, Pof Darnali & ocmlag Printi Donna, ber vol.. being périméMd a ber extraordlsuy muhoal talnt matre. ber aucetteaa ertiniy. gîte b. appeared tefare a nomuier aof lJe Who pronouisced hor atlugs suffb. le La a paedbilty Nias Knoociemm viii go ta Engope ta finuiberhamltu of muote, sisould ber Inktrucor no deciie. La,.sSatiladay atrnoon. Jan. 1»Ch, ao.- c,îrr.d tihe ,eatis o! Mr-- Bolliers. wvl ai Petl-r 1ililent. tise iarn..a mater hem.s About tyw> v-ek. ao lira. Boiait con. tract,.d a icrere coid. mudehi va. ai Arai ttsougtist s vas nirai, au sttaci aithé grippe. wiuhlm ause srevaient threoabout tise counybut IL grmdudaitr qMu vorme untliIL devolopel toto vnounl, istis causod ber deatis. Everytlîint Poasible vas doue ta check tise d"sese but ta Do avait. lira. Ballent va. bore ln tise toun of Nortliâleld fortyresta ago. bo-ig a daught.v of Mr. sanlire.Tieruer. ho wvon Suc et tise aldeal solttierll bore.ttuiisaviug p&.od a, s levensli ymn mgo. lin. Bel lert vs asMaunb oisrlieve tntise Catisolitfaith sud va adevout vurmiis. Altiseufcis bcbgtatou ma, bi tise Nuis tIsat TU"te.Iis oliveem. lu tihe pdmen'OI lits, thais vuPnpared ta meat ber Und. 'ies. d4ngistera survive ber. Mary. Ratée sud Thé u,,yinwat hel,,g ,.igistsmofn nuge. lu fishea d e t of ramBeSnt v. lame eu visa am a = mmaIs lvarakiod and loy. la and a Persan viso heips ta nute upla nigisteotîa emlnunlty. Mise us. ildlisigis 05500. by al ad hjuew ber. Tise f uerai 1001 placeTueday mcnnlpte. undon thse direction ot Uu.lertakrI. P. Meulier. Il was reahir an limpresive âmne testl one beollo etentéing tise perle. viseme tise romaina lay iueaesh tus abeanMIn caskt lofiblai. anhId banrKsof lseaetitnl Clowr, vison loviluz blnde andi relative. gaaed cloe. more upon tise face afimue visa yuil linger long lu tisir gemr. te be tait ta aigisl but ntta mind. An laisoory lu ber reigmion, tis er neoservIe e t tise boue. utlise romains voie tukan Cothe15 elsapel of lit. Jonepis.Home. vislgo iigl Monau rsheolbrteel. Tise fuanri .001m thon aiavy iî moeolon ta tise lAkWede Cenetery,, isiils iltuatei aria pWstreaqu'e bill &bouti ive Milee m oriSlermerrllle. visere tise bol!y vas laId to rosi7 belug given baea te mether eartb. trouôla hpeode 1 tisi mariai cunseth. Miartise grief striston failir isar up braveir unden tiseir nd tlaion. Thoy bave tise earileit arurestis of aUIl n tiei greai bermavemnt. LaGrippe Ilanlu r mîdat. Wel!diug l'eiia viii 5mon ring 1lil Gilmer. Will Stili vasseulsou on tresli H P.Scbimernimusu made a ylng trip tel Chicago Frilsy. il .8. iloeor'a ciedren *re ne. paria i îlot witb uS lsgorlpee. ' NMess. D. Hssnilngten ud il t. ima. aru wre Watiegaavisitera Pnidaey. lira. Vns. Jn'ebiu<vio a.ilatting ber daugiRter, Mes. J. RissAg ieentîtI I.Oenic cutanuplats es 5.16<oui ta the Woalty Wet ludt. Bcr aît?"-~ mmraVite i hom "sead'tira, -fLei J. KelSqs l w" edh tclou4m , A&CASE OP EXTRAVAGÀNCEF. ,. ~ouaq flCvU ciit outbtg<-quat od 4,0< S% cake aofmoap and f t ay Yt o pay twiaethe pliceof ivoy Sep fo e T ci " ent.d » to im -km jm hn : large. Yoiw Wutl cake ci touit boap oeSm you Ioé

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