CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1901, p. 4

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w a .doub of té teM i"liaaua Canal IvaumL lai hm. Speech lu ks Ut#am@U Bbl te M id: omo» aasuiof aIthe Canl, hh vii ha cm- lme u l eu rein, the j L UMIlilagy PFinimda arIe vill beome atil lm bÏevers von thir fight lu1 the e i*.Vbmone Commilleea d'tetil OMM, ene fBation $nU. te M 6theutasonale by Unnmoum li 0j«e*bmlCommitee, uont toe 4bu $o 1.60 a barrot, vhlch vWu ##M dooMnded by the brovera of lm lisse OcaitO, and reInaed by D 0 Com.lie% and defemled wvbou0 "pi ua m mndinulon th 1100 ai be oUse. The dlaim la made for i ý ofl itaitthey have poitive MNOlhi.t thé Bnale vIl stand ai bluesmd-~OMpOl the Bouse 10OU WAS Vhe rate Ilxed for lb. tai on bi g.di »M .0.01 laIt bua bangiven a * W»D]M&tes omanag tiotae1 W miasbiml. suab it monsageE Oïtwg t. repart 01 the Piilip- f e. ' c, caCngrea., tlb.i pusé lreoiniiods apeady laglala-c W~ fts te Philippines. Tite owg.sditon dons Dot apecify tle s pgmpblaltough lb. repori afitlb. oqqo cmmisnhi.ludose, but thot '*e aly Importent Pplllppluno1 mise pendng, amd Ilhoa. boenb megle"" ulith. sentiment ai a bete vawu adverse ta 1, ad I pý SpooSmorbuihimmaU i»d on SOegr 01 thee Sanae thai he thanght eaâ4 ho bu* tla meid e Cogrsai- OU, omaie tate Philippnes ib lagaâlti<defniteiy for i civi8 l. Igovoineent for th. .A ter. laUtile proabhtta 16 «W fcaner bill noa ha pea.od, i*blmb ta prfeda nov %cnsure, at le ispiev"tutha"te Preai-r *oosrem& ia neommendalonsas1 dm et bu intention tao i an extrak %gls tCongre., mou ater lb, pIfhen oaié bsesion. TheitIdesE obffltftmvgltoned by remarke o! 8 e0dêabut lite uea O~qemotionbj Congrea. apon et thek b.Conalitulional Con. o4m1tCub)4aoon a.the$ vark1 *Mpbftd vhiaib vIl ha lu lie *e tatrbut probibly nol lu lime b h ooii paby tis aCongre«a. AVOrtON SALE. suttelne, belng about to anmore stockon 1bm 1 =*WOlfl 1ai publie 00 Ihée Muchael Boreuborger 1 ,sles West o! Derfield an Rob. 6.,1901, oommeucing al »0 t;tk e.16 ., te foliovlug <Coda of' Cau siiOS tial ith Caf, Wègk bosImean ud 8 yers aid; colt 01& -lu truck vagon, 2 =l"b-ZO15 Icida corn milks, W* 1>IS, ocenlu crib, «-» bu. se Mens, 8 o & onl oad. 96feue. posta, * -"Yumy double haine.., nit light gdtg hormnei, miik carl, 10 tous. lu, 80Mibo"oac i fild, 150 bu. Ii us, ai..bieeodlg aov lu plg. àn 8montha aid, 3 Box , 4 eutobis, iboy fort, apndpulloys complote. AMaitu PMissa, Prop. CL . WPuati, Analtoeer. Nobody knows aIl about it,Î and vothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctoru, îry Scott's Emul- iion of Cod Liver O11, Nwhen thev think it is caused bv- im- perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. Il inay or may flot be caused ,4by the failure of starnach and sbowels bo do their work. If it is, you will eure il; if flot, rou will do noa harni. ..ý'The way, ta cure a discase ~i-o stop its cause, and hclp tebody get back ta its habit ci healtb. When Scott's Emulsion of C' od Liver Oil does that, il ctire; hen il dont, it don't cure. It neyer does harm. The genuine ha 11128 pkture on il, take nonother. If you hiave flot tried il, aeud for free simple, ils agreeable taste wil surprise yoib. SCOTT & BOWNE, cisimists, 409 Pm St., N-.y- o«e. *Ont ~a n4a elore the liaM Ofihia vaJohn Alaz. Bovle Ianut par ta noadenia af Detl l ownship saina aggrgaing lu toe nel<iboi'hoad ofIO,00. W ile i leI.diflulitte acurteir toracial lhe .OUM apparliosn of a tb. money hla tenndenstaad Ihai Mns. Joceph Durhin vii racelve about $10,000; Biam Ferryr 10,000; John <vWaubrougit 11,000; and teabout lventy altera vister lme have been aptioned, ta l af 010,000 maklng the aum total 140,000. Option monay do.. ut allaitde te &Ht who farmeaDr. Dovle ibas con. icted for ia the contracta vore go rau tbst aome recelvo payaintnlet eL lime aud otiief a aianather. lu lat couneallon Il la laieresing 1te Dt tha lite.are airong probaLbill es ltai Dr. Dovîn vîlI @con ehb tille ta oshar farina aggregatlng a trge number of acre. TEE BiaT NOME TeO 000. It la generally beUleved thal the flovera aecured by John Alexander >vwie are naualty people vba are ly moderilely altuated st heiientoa d Ibal a <Toiler part of thora bave orj iit.d meana. 1i aism, hovever, ibal lu hie vlait bra iehant only aecured converti mong ihe poorer mand middle classe@, ta there came la blm Bugllah real. unt.o ai oltb, persona oai igbmocal tmndng. La" veoi a party of four pereona tao had Juet reaenily arlved Iran igland veutt la Wnkegow te look or boma. lu vhlcli ta resldo untîl bey conld b. acconnodaled lu Zion ty. Tliey vero typîcal EugIllabnen and owed lu tltohr every ibove Ibat tbey ire Baaldtr havîng th. banl golng. Thoy viattd meveril reai> ouate geut. looklng for siîabl onoua.. il no tur a conld ha learnod faund Lone vhioh iuled thona. Titey vanted age boume. vth the hast acaonm o' [toua, large groundsanmud lu fiel tait plaaes ia thero are only a 10w cf DOUOIRO D05UD ADISION. Dr. ltadoigfe, o! W&iukegmn, luvaded ton Cilt evek and vhlle lie va it mobbed, oving no doubt te lhe "i taI ihere dîdu't happon la lie îongh Dovleltes, lho met the tiret rbuf li&tahIle nev sact have oitored Lake Counny physicins aluce comng bore ta liv. Thte yauug man enplored by John vwanabrough la mil: vilt a liard cold ad threaiened vîlli pneumonie. Il 'lU haerememharad 111h the Svan- brugh faimwva aold ta Dovie sud a Devio fammly named Pontes tive ou tho place. Mr. Bvanabrough hovever retalue tho Damuand lu ilbhibau âdbult tau oflce. In this oftlae hi. an 187 mlk. lis condition continued ta doclue and ùnMi1 bie employer mnnouuced bat ho voulu sumamon a doctor. Tite Ponta. famity gaI up lu arma. they beggod, peraiated, lualated and eYen threatoud, iliey lmplored Mr. Bvanabrougu for bis. ak, for iheir iake, for te roung minas aike, for Davle's ake, flot ta emîl a physicien lu10 tu1eciao. Whiou Dr. Rtadcliffe arrîved 11e vas aIldt10 keop avay, kmep avay' We live hoe. We don't vaut auj uoctorg &round bore. (Ga back te Wankegan, you'r. net vaubod or needed." The docior vai thon cellod 1te1the barn by Mir. Svansbnauglu and et- tanded lisa patient. BUON 1<TEIR oOui BOOK. Tuoaday if lernoon 1the George Uit- liard faim coniting or fortyacor..svW. mald oîîlîight tu Meurs. Moyens and Wm. Bchattwclueider, tva 1)awloit.'s wbo have beau living ou tbe Stan wood teri.The priepald in 1>00 an acre ioda large depoait va. ruade 0on Il Tauday atternoou. Th itoBlard fan la dlrectly adjoin- lug the othor fama aecured by Dowie mand lte neo vers eau practlcally oeil thienaîvea a part of Zian City. Dowle li huasbvarted ah l ia ulits purposo te ooutrol aIl lbe land lu Z Ion and wiou ho beausof the demi, It la dîHeuit ta deternine vbet yl 11e doue. The purchasera inay boe ex-com- munlamiod. Meyer anad BShabP mohuelder cane lion Michigan a short Umno &go. Il la learnod ktht Ibere are evers] other larminlth1e uelgbborbood Ibm> Dovleltea vîtb mnuojare tryung tc bey ontrigbb. TiRLuaili,,iLfl IN IIENTIN. Debilite effort. ta heep 1the luettei secret 1the etor hbas leabed ont the> en ogese killeil by a reeldont o: Bean,%hoae teai adjoins Zion cl1j on the souti, bid patillca of golft IL tit rava. The birdn svnerne an,',up and lhed porled prlî,cîpally aiî'îî Bull'. areek, tbe little etre,î:îî 'iilt theorad croseah all nue eîîuth of th. Bqlou ebuncli. The greue bcl1oug-.îl Miue Ferry, Jr., whjo 0nun, he fa!>] orn lte vat aide of tii ,t d et tL point and the ereek rnu ie i'-ra on.iil,,r able distance upan Ili. 1w. 'ri, lory la vonclid for lîy àpoeioi Irenident of Bouton sud >11,' laruiqe have been enit&oCluicagi, t- lc aeuy?, A F,;mxnu' Close CutI. "i aStock tgolMy englue, Aithioîglî ovrj julut aelied aud ove-ny nerve ivue racbod wltb palu,»' vrlts-aC. iW. Deilin?. a locomotive iremeîî. o! Bullugst)àî, iow,., --l vue wcek and paie, wtboub iuy îîppetltti,i atl îmîi davn A.1I viaabolitt 10 gv,,. I gatila baIlle et Electyle Iittere suld. aller taklug . I felas vl misIe"ver dld lu my lie." Wtlak, îlclr, ru>] dovu pep ealvaje Male nov ifý,, datihiîand vnor ran theu lise. Tlry Ihem. Satisfaction g earanieod by Ir. S. LovuZ,, LIbe.yvilla, 0 RÀTLÂKI AND ENCYI.A.UYLIA., cf ,2atLg1ca <(AImeof Fada md FtguesConh*by Ow*, oe600 e OVER ,o 0TOPICS. OVEnR. xo,ooo PACI'S. SPERAL PEATURE&- 1900. National anmud State CI«-gg American po g- *»ad platforms). Arorican ruelu the Philippines New gavera- mentI af Porta Tm"a md Ha- waLi Polar explaration iu 1900. Conclusion af the South Af riciui vît. Pan-Anicrican Exposition of 1901. China-Its preseut con- dition and status amontg nation&. Roster of generai officers of the Regular U. S. Army, 9789-19M0 A, Political Registera Facts that every patriot and voter ought to know. Standard Ainerloan Annual. rîie Popald ta any address 125 CS.i 1E WORLD, ,_ýPrulsIer B&dg., Ne.,.,Yoelm SPECIAL We have irrauged wlERI vth the. New Yor-k O ER!World for àa llmlted number of the 1901 World AI- manaca. W. vill tend the Iode- pendent one yeam, and tbe AI- mat«c. postage pald, on recelpt a9 $1.50. Rogniar prîce for the tva, $1.75- Ths efe? r e odonly te uhiaihbera &ay lut a yw riadvnm. or te 1M2. anl te 111w yaary suharhbe. X EDITORIAL MUSINGS X An Eugliahman iged 77 bi. died of vhooplug cougli. He muai bave beau lu hia second childhood. Wlll Edvird VII continue to set the styles or yl lieonov abandon til ardinous, duir ta onoeneeaie? Acordlng ta te acleutiata, man la toiug hie l111e toc. Itlela oi iiated vltether h. le alao lonlug the 11111. corn ou I. Another French author bas beeu, vouuded lu a duel flot eerlonalY enouglu, bovever, te0 make hlm quit vrltlng. rliey niever are. Colorado le about 10 repeai Ithe bouuty ahe hbât put on the scalpe a1 moutainlilon&. Bbc wanted Iboin tr. duced but flot exterxinated, as Teddy i".ed od thiuk &eie did. tir. Cleveland, lu the role of fortune Leilng, advuisug the administration to bewire of the Fhipîno, bae. merely repeated the admonition gîvetuhlim il) Queeu Li'a lime te -Beware of i dark woman. Itlala a ttile bard f t cj ti ha ce,, le dl,au 1 M ru Nation. In Katils. suoons aie aum Mchu agalusi tit,, aer inurglery iiiiand eppareutli thelu ,, cu iti I.,.treâtoil ammuch lb Mine am barglaim counl'y prIvai rottîzelii. 1% Ina. Skevman la aubboniaai bye - loBvo, W. G. Tl METAULEt. TO CHIICAGO. 150 OCAGO. ses6 a. nM. 10:16 a. M. 11!33a. m 8:0 P. M. 4:3 p.Hm. $:oa. . . 8:04 a. M. aep. nM. [y e6 ît le voniii îmemiiering 111.1 bthe army bill dom nolt aboliah 1the cauteeu et ail -il merely pîobiitste nsale a! liluor Iberein. An a club roon and bar for the saile o! uon-intoxcaente, 1the canteen stîll bas a flouriebiag 1f. beiore 1. Justice Ruban'. son has boon cou- iimed lun1the fat aille, ta vhlch 11e vaa appoluted bj 111e Presideni. No one hie îeally quastloued the bonetr of elîber Justice Harlîn or lits sou, thaugit nanj people have quesblaued the viadon aof1the Prealdoul lu mainlg uch u ippoînînent juil nov. The deutb of 1the Queen la tory Hllely ta paaipoue Brlliabi action ou the Nîcaragnu canal traalyunutîl Itlile toa lite for lb. Senale ta demi vllh the mater untîl noxt fali. This la mosl untorunuale and looba as lbangh Providence a balthe transcontinantal îallwey combine lu ia koeplug. DIAMOND LAKE. Thon. vîilb. a meting of 1h D la mnoud Labo Cenotery Asocaion ai tire. W. Rouaeas Thuredmj aiternoon, Fol). 7, 190, at 2 o'clock. Everybody corîdially Invited ta attend. PEOPLES' COLUMN. ,11W. phon. 26. s- F R RZNT-i acres of laid. frî1t. i hWru n . Aàor!'onrddé»seJ. T. Dcv,,. lveîiboe. 111. te-tf-d STIIAYEU ORt STOLZB-b nmare t noire tabout UeO 1lb. e- ~ eai ebad 111.Star an fore- huai. tic, f rihbitea p lit, Wire eut au une Ilita leAbov boock. lueeuinupaiture .89t nf ri ver. LIterai revird for, rent "I Information ieading ta recov 111 . T. ASita. Hait Day. 18-d. FroOR ENT-Furnilaiid or uufeulaihed NiaS O. asos. Ibe l-t yard !orreuru. Onss ov.àEtuli. The 291h Century Club metsa naZi Monday evouiug vtt lra. Godfrey. The Grayalake Cemeiery Society met 1h18 vaek vlih Mmr. LugaLbaugh. Mrs. W. B. Hlgley tended the. yod- ding of a triend lu Barrlngbon, W la., liat Thuraday. lira. Car i ghtman, of Sumner, Iowa, la vilng her parentsata Haines- ville, arivlng last Baturday. We are lad 10 report B. J. Loflua improvlng lintiealth, alihougi he va vory aorlaualy 111 te puat vek. hred Diii, va not aa badly hurt aa as ire Briuppoied ad eaoaped vîit a 1ew bruia, . ela now lu Chicago. il la undeimtaod glitaI John Munri. bai purcaaedth liteHnda. faim, lte granuler havlng beau made Tueadar. Tva ciricida ofa ieep, ou. o! hogi anuoe aof caIlle veemipped froin the Wiaconain Central sation Tuomdesy niglit. MIsa EtidFarr ha. <on. ta make a tva veeka vWtitvth relatIves lu Wisconin. Ber cousin, Roy Lewin, la &lan vlilluig Ibere. Mu label iturgmtroyd buiacon- meceod ber libors ill;te LaiteeldO Hospital. Mr@. Whgs accompanled1 ber to Chicago lestlMoudar.1 The sation on th. Bt. Pinl raid, formeily kuovu mc Nlpperalnk, has bea haugod te Fox Lmke, and tb. former Fox Like station la nov Ingle- aide. Mir. a. L. Poppen, a1 Chico, bieh boeur.employedi bj i. Druce, as pharmaci& lu lb. drug atoro. lKr. Poppen came. vor higbly reoin-1 mended. Haward liigley rturued trom a lev daya viit ln Ciicago lit ai surday, accompauled bj hia friand, Waruer Coby, o!fiRuaaell, vbo atayed antl Mouday Kira. Cooley, of Chcago, vlmlted bai sister, m. Bojea. tait voot. Bite veut fri bhore ta vimt bar &iter, Mra. SitalSon, iltIRollins bef are r.- tarulug home. Dr. E. F. Bcifor han purchmad the tva lot. ou lb. uorlh-oaat corner Sejmour and Park avenue.. ovned by A.BS. Leonard, and il balld therean iu lb. apriug. Mri nud lra. Sinclair moved f rom HauevlU o th11e rooisibove his blacben.llb hop ou Hmvbey 8t. lait Prîdaj. lMr. sud ira. A. Thtomon noveil luta Ibelr nov reidence.on Wealerfloid place th1e aine dej. tioudaj afteruoon vork vas bagua IUg 1te Armour te bouse ou Roand Lake. tee i aiao ha shippod ta tChicago ta dt the tce bouses of liai caxupany at Ibit place. 'Thoe lai being housed il1the rate of 9410<> lons 'f Ed. Dollîlle, vboiatilthe Lakealde Hospital lu Chicago le no botter il th ypresent vîiting. and aufois Inlonly. ' The operallon on hie oye. iba not yet abeau performed, and perbaps vill nol e,. 1uelpooa 4I,' auoaa Omdo" rafor- -. Cal -a- ho-- - r -i-s ti ti La*dlaea oourned the mar- iage f Eu8l 'Wllon, of Rolings, to Mr. boa loelou, of BelnaVlUe. Bey. iemeaBclilUn«. The leDu- pmD5iT joitiYth lthe manur tieuda of the aouirioilng paries luaviahlng Item a long, happy sud prosperone lit. Mr, and Mra.Page, of Gagea Cor. inr, ver. agreeabl3' aurpriaed liai Prida i eoning byeanuber of Irlenda, l baing lte 801h anulvorsay oftier mariage. Among aihera vho ver. proment ver. aeeral tram Arlngon Relgite. A vory plesmant evoning via enjoyed. Buckleu'î Arnica Salve a. vorld-vlde lazue for marvellana turea, Il surpiaes any otiter amIve, lotion, ojalmont or balsa for Cnt., Corna, BuruBo ,Bor.. Felona. Bora.. Obpped Ban a, 8m ruptiona; 7ualbtPil. Cure guarinieed. Ouly 150 ai Y. B. LovarLes, Liberty- villa, GEÂTSLÂXU PHUAÂT. Notice. For Prealdonial Inauguraion Cere- moules to ha heldaM Wahington Mach 4Oh, Exanraon Ticket. vili b. sold Yob. 288h, Miraixt iaud 20d, gond ta reiunuuntil Marai t <i, $21.34 for Round Tnlp. For furihar Informe- lIon Inquir ofai cket Agent. F . A., 0. P. & T. A. Worklng Overtîme. Zlght boei lava* ara lgnorad by %hem tiraisma, UtIle vorkerai-Dr. KiiWa Nov Lile Pilla. Millionsaire alwiasaKtvork, ulghtand day, auring Iadigeeiiou, Bionanea., constipaion, Blok geadaobeand aU Stomicit, Lîver Md sovel troubla.£»Y, pteani, mie, sore. Outy Me ata F. B. LovaLb, Lîber$yvflle; Grayaiko. PxHÂEMÀCT. Look il Your Label. Itin. very iuporthut that avory sub- gori ber examine the label on bis piper ttimveok. The liai a.been ceied tu inclilde aUl pimenta up ta Jan. 11h and there vora en miuy changeasltait va w may have mod. aome mlaiea. ,Look ai jour label, and If It la ual rcornei, notity ua ai once. AMICAN BEAUTIES. WC have thecm lnau lstyloanmd shapes ta fit every figure, anid evay corset la old under this ibemal warrant ---Money 'ffunded mterfaut weews'triIf corset la noe mtis! c- Lmoakfor this Tradeo r Mgark on inaide af coent amd an box. KALAMAZOO CRE e FOR SALE nv SMITHI & DAVIS, UbfflyvMle .- .- .- lîliloi. Ibid The Fort! ýi2.!i0Taîî Shoes t$1.25 i3.50 Ladies Shoeri 1.75 Red Schoolhouse Shoes No.s 1 anîd 2 .< No. 3 Ladies Shoes, some of thein Frenchi Kid, per pair. ~Soda1 Crackers, per 11l.0 Best Niutieg, per(>z .05 Best Pepper, per lb . 20 ('offee Cuptt, each .01 Saicerui .î12 Giving away earthen pie plates with each Pound of Coffee. Patromitee teym Wa Mir*ê lo adiuh, £bas.Cckr, ornt of ie bei? bms boers luCoke oq Geo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE, .- - ILLINOIS. F. BAiRSTOW. 1M AN U ACTU SESCF Good Accommodations. Everythlng neat and clean. ... Rates ame ReasOnable... Specialinulueta offes dateaiv R. A. PONTOW, Prop. £heo M ooi»Dbinoq, iteàug MdU iilateptlc ippliailiOleter devlad ta' DeWlIi'a Wiioit a"aiSave. 1l ne- 11evu . tmi aa.Mid aimes pile.,iota aOMan d akIndiomaaa. eaoS J. IL Daaozon, Gunuee. Marbie and Granite Meaumet.. CoIIETERY WORIC 0F EVHRY WAUESGAffl. 3 Ibo Drled Peabea............................... Select goda Cracher.............. XXX Ojaer Crachera............................... xxxx Cofte ................... ............... 1 lb Baklng Pnvder . ............ 1 lb seeded aîa 1ilb Cleaurd Ourante............................... Arm aud Hammam Bdda .. . ......... Oa)od 60eflue COI Tobio... Ail l00 Flauitelettea .. ...... . 04 35 0% GoodSbheellng .......... ... .... .0 Mdena White Shhirla, four ply baud. ......... M-is Wonl SwAaloe. $1 110> ard $1.25, ln 32 tu 38 at - - I - F.H. KUEBKER, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMEN-r STORE, GRAYSLAKE ILILI NOIS. I ean Btell yoi naîy <>1< kind, but have some itpecial indulîeuwînti; in WIIEELER & WILSON Can AND "NEW HOME" make MAKES. S Iae ower prices than othe willl quote you. Have just one bicycle left and wiII sell it cheap. E B. S1IERMANt Graysiake - - - - / - Illinois. Clearing Sale_____ -,f..WINTER IJNDERWEAR. NOW iK a g(XXI tînîIV tÀ) îîîeet in htiavy winter wear as 1 anu slliîîg at a biig rt'dîîtioîi tÀ) ei<ht it ail t4) niake roohli for 'Hpriîîg gimo<ls. Ideus Ovocoat- Ibave arverai gond one loft jet,nme citaip one$. Mena and Bay$' Mnlla ad Wooi t'entaf Mena Boita, a goondtroug one .... ........s.00 Up. Bay@*la' oit. ., ......... ... .58 Up. Ladlas' PoI Sho.., .Metu..................I..15 Ladies Overahoes, Arettica, 5,e 4 tu........... 73 Sturm Alaikai, a ev alzea ....... .... .........65 mens a Cpa ..... ....... OROCERIES. DrledPeachea, good rife.éýý ...... 18 iii itugar . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . Excellent Flue Cnt Tobieco, per ili, 30c; lun2 Ml>tina Try our 'rota and 40offoos; thiey are ail right. 13 up. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE An Unbr - - ILLINOIS ALL P.N.CORSMTS HAVe RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEED _BY M. B. Colby & Co. G. N. DMMAND. Att'>'. Chancory Notice. $814 ftamoarelmdi. Cia..Ilimil. A Or 1,LLUfOt. ADJUIMVO 1,11 Jll "'I .ý« CtouT jNrt fLIeOut.X un, Executmors tiitheitest lI iiad isftanlent <a Peter P. Pavn.val. theUnknawn lra Mai Caleb Wrght. detmaad. iOl attend OeDvae ILMue M.nli e add autCourt Cnt ntaia ttrpeiftuicno net urech. a' ec as thtiae ab., hoiden ai th-.Cdi-r~at tu t.ta ,r prauleruî Wau e fteh ,l ad ~utal Sua o- ,AHvl d-. 1> day of br, inexi.001t. h*cnad liire.. lp II tilFrc.1111 a lb. and 'ami Prone bvina cilima au eal tate OLes uel Fro he leea ad illiof are n)t¶d nlît >reten h e ue 1 aud lai nae.Md tiil,&Oea Mme te r 1 Ion. t« twen 1< 19t offie ofth. Clark of Execturg. aad <ourrL Scl-" l- hu-r.,bvw0neni 'Wauke .an ?yltee1. te-e 1= Biled lIl.1111-,f l'îplaiaî lsu 4~~~ He)[p Furulmbed Pree. th. Clîanaery cli., thî.rof. aiithi.t mn$a tbreurnil ItuseeSout ,t nld (:";ï wben rau need a lirm band or labor iaîal. alirîrnamici d(ef.'ndatl. r#, trîrnable on he Iid:etdeu of the . 0 ob.h er afI by îkInd, remnember vO CRUngel Circuit C,îrt or Lakee sinty. leo1 thon for jon, and î i il coat OUC tneth l W eavkuJ 0 nouhlug. AiIÂNs & TiLLôvSOZ, A. 1) hi>. a h 1w e rquIîled, aud t Toi. Nain us.8 117 ti anl t u ett erll1V Es,4, go-Am 1-D. 15111011 11 have to. We wish him a speedy and 1

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