CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1901, p. 2

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-lte M» wUponea ie e..iE.iss* lmzil0la LOUiSmas, a-be aas arrested ID dàsiged a-lîh robiiery. acquaint- ~e leWith a 1ne« itueutive t, UtD~ a-sla to sean a trade. sud h aiole @telslu ID opea ofbeing ibm eltan. lRe made tht, to the polie.and roquested Ift.iaterfere iu his behaif, un Le te go te Joilet. "I stols IL. ese1 a-st te go te the peul. 1 I -aet te co there te legra t4L rabde beae 1 Icannt lire 4..%t trade Qu $1 a a-.e." - Tisu M 'bé~s e expined It.L eud»mi ~i4.pbYe asa >e-eier. f~is la25 rt i sr gt. A go b. dia sud sedia sa 8% diMMd Io bIs employer. Whcu ýw** srrested usix pawu ticke>m £«nd i»ssaesio. ne midi "je r, the bedail 9fra hRiitl1ef 'sêo Asa jeaeler aise, snd lé feloua la 11 'à eto Tb*lje;,- csp ofa- tiielû os .et mtb . *ye wa -las the besiluarters er O-ian0mo blaue R Ielief sm IL.toinas or tha Maso»- ?bitarnahing et the latter MMWL$306 The. Maseule recéridi. u~pareàk"gUaiiB are au 10.1. & Cea a-helaansd retail uibiqstsud oe or ta-o en *e ground Beor vere ~#h,4 1 J"Poo t KW ut. rportion et bin- se+fmaerai ef the brutes iisldulug the. lat tea deys. Laebae udrivescu lb rernthe fhstriets ir Lunger udeeveral ~tt~ t ntha. adâtian- A va-ot ttcked the et- st bL. dtp esevor-4h. other 1994 Tire. aoh.. treed a kkaysu ept hlm BAthgmn appeaneil. A a-oIt lm 4Md laulanean future. tout-eml ron frent double M su 59Woodueret. Çu*w4, Mcoid. The la a, beyur pat smet lied la the Fal *w als Go lent priride ~epupo.e ofthé con- esvet lu cse growiug tudj.salefetAudrea- d u ing lteret in the (l. inage compsu" have been i. aacèsfuiconclusion. J. Morgu sudl ies asclales being lisser or**" et TourlDo"r. %<Mq aonre etalned on cssbed at bo,by t4hesulcarrier Ie tht cou- =fInnovaton a-heb Poulmaster a9m -lit I" WnlouCe ln St. Louis et K1tlb*4 by as treet Car. Wbfle dAlvg ever lhe treet raiiway ,s- ut tWayne il Centrai avenue, Obiù. B1e. arry Van Natta -as *amsm a-sakIled and thc buggy arecked. Blg CIaho. Coucru Pall. 1*m Mundéll. trading as John Mundleil Ai tb, sudoperatinit une et the largeat ib Lctrles ln Philadelphin, made au ,pouemt te Chales 8. %forges of the >9moe ru, efEngiannil& Bryesu. Mit vire Lýet ImEvaiviI.. liet Evansville. .lW., desroyed the ldy Sooe usonre Laher, Bacon & Co., tsuling s lesfet *150000. l.gete aelghborug fruit wiiile $10.000, wth partial lsuraner.. Touts., GlIves Lits e Tra. nhUr, E. Youtscy, tht third of tht smaccerduofthe annoter ef former am. Wiliam Gohel et Kentueky, bai besu meteeceil te lite iaprsoumeeî. ow a-Ut Net Rue Agnis. 130Y.Ok,b-sagwen eut an unequlv- eet.tem.t tht he Meuid uot be n *»Mate for tor accept a third tenu at vire ta N..hytile, Tenu. Ifambville, Ten.. Ore iestroy-ri the yards ut NV B. Eiirthmnn & Ce. b» ~ IISla about $1,000.taMO. i 1t X Bi onts te Rue te chie.ago. tielis of the Nîînîhetn Steanhip ~a gbel.! a meeintîg lu St. Paul, aut ira deBejîdi î1,eided 10 run the steamuers e1 the line, the .rb .Ubingî a.1 .f bt Buffalo B heu Joli..livliter. Il wettIî;, t-.teér sud mato -u, d,t hi..If,. t. t 5gcarbolie teid o ft- a ot niVI.- ChmirPV~a*isd tdarahs ticz:- Chiege-Cattie, cemmen te prîtes. tort $2,Mootrous johiu A.. Do.ta- $»*300 te$500; hoga hippingEnrades. Chale Ceder,lee -ho had a desire 83(» ta*e.35; ,heep, fair te cellice, e300 te h5 tin Pt Cri et thie Attior, Bar- te $485; a-heut, Ne. 2 red, 74e le 7"ç, S5n4Ss~s1~c~gtan Qhtge, g un-crm. No. 2, 3&e to 37e; oti, No. 3. 28c &r~ ~ ~ ~ dâatt lra tple.$i4ms a8 te 24e; ryt, No. 2. 47e te 48c; btter. 5ceUe~ e attumitinitebtin 2,0 choice creamery, !Me te 21c; cgue, fresia. for the raturu er the misin tuler et 17e te 18c; potateca, 41c te 47o pur Dubwle' Ziuu basuk. Tht pisoner lua bushei. 15-year-oid victimu ur yeliew-back fiction lndana puis-Cattle, hpplug, $3.00 te ad never u, Barnard. Htea-as serrent- p.60; belgs, chelce llght. $4.00 te *5,27; ed at the endevous b. ha.! elcttd te? sbeep, eemmoa te prime. 03.00 te $3.75; the Palituint et tht rausin.. C. L. Bat- wbent, Ne. 2, 74e te 75c; ern. Ne. 2 nard, fatien of Arthur Barnard, received white, 38e te 39c; et,. Ne. 2 w-hite, a lettet Aillar ka tenon tg that tst bY 27c te 28a. tL.. bdéàVers eofSidwad Cudabe. It Mt. Jus-Cattle, $3.25 te $5S5; heps, wasm aritten on biunk papen aud ga-gas su 300 ,te $5.25; sheep, $3.00 te $4.25; tolOlea- "Bam-ar.! Wrnl-We a-tnt a-eat, No. 2, "Me te 73e; cern. N, 2. 8%«00 fer the lbrty of Barnard. if 36e te 37c; 051, No. Z25 2e te 20e ryt, Dot be wlilabput todeath. IftYOadg No. Z 50 tao5c. tii ail a-lJi be a-tii. cogné tegltecoe Cnclnat-Cattle, $3.00 te $4.75; buta, *âd Racine avenues on the Chicago, MU,- *3.00 te $5.35; sheep, $3.00 te $4.25; *auite an.! S. Paul Ralaila on the whtmt, Ne. 2, 78e te 79c; cern. Nu. 2 »à ofe tht menti et 7 sharp. We waut mile!, Stete 30c; -est,, No. 2 mizeil, 26c $1, n3.$10 snd $29 bil sud $5 geid te 27c; ryt. No. 2. 55ce te 156c. paces. We do net wast ail geld lke Detreit-Cattle. $2.50 te 4,.60; bogte, a-ian Ve toQk thc "(Y' boy. Do et liet $3.00 te $5.35; sheep. $2.510 te $400; angme. but yosmr fson Ibis note or Ït, Ne. 2, 7& te -ine; cern, Nu. 2 wiili e death te yeur, sou Barnar4.-Cap- jellea-, 39e te 40c; Ota, Ne. 2 a-hitt..27e tain et the Gabs.'" Âten a eofeiece le 28c; rytal5Me te A-te. witi lie bnnéoifaa Mr. Barnard de-,Teiede--Wheat, No 2 mixed. 78e te ckdmdte sanhii th Itter te the chiet 70e; cern. Ne. 2 mixi. 37e ta 38c'. Oes,. "te .olilý sud ac, ston-uOulu N. 2 mlxed. 3e te 2e:ryt. Ne. 2 5ic t fi 1Us t ,fIea ,u Cimtate52e; clever seed, prime. *6.00 te $6.75.. or 1me tc tve batU «n4.led MiIaaulee-Wheat, No. 2 notberp. fin te of blà gutýf4)tqitlve@ 73e te 74c; cern, No. 13& 6 te 37c; auti, flfmeBernsansd mrrlsiei-and Ne. 2 a-hite, 26e te 27e; ryt, Ne. 1. 50e tu =eita te nd sud er ret-a tht kideapers We 52c; baniey, No. 2 59e te 60,; perk, at'ail haards. ___ mess, $13.50 te $1372. 5T1MLA¶K ET BAUWEAgB. Buffaie--Cattle. eholce shîppîng teers. FIMUAEbB- SD *3JIIL$.00 te $550; hega. fair te prime, *3.00 Uneréesed'. .1 Btootsl ,Ra-te $5.55; sheep, fuir te ebelce. *3.00 te ber Goode sud Clothtmot Ame howI. $5.00; Iambe, cemmen te extra, $450 te Bradatreta aya; "BusIets ss whoe$&() Lble e tIléron vlue osf , Nea- York--Cattle, *3.25 te $5.510;bhlep, lbdsu trnyacer lm ha. nuqetion-3.00 te $5.85; shcep, $300 te $4.50; si>iy astlniated retail biness lu buits, a-hct, No. 2 re. . 80 te Sic; cern. Ne. 2, à'h otbber geedi and cig. WeeI- 45e te 46e; enta, Ne. 2 a-ite. 31e te 32c; eus amelow of sle sud ihe squeezt lu h3itter, reamtry, 2lc te 21-c;tggs, a-est- rua- eteSn, though lemperary. Las net ern, 20e te 21c. bueiped eovertrsal -b ave te pay mort STRANGE AIN!)FATAL DISEASE. for their anurti but get ne more fer- thelr Bnlshed productls. Hcavy cotinl Newe Matsdy iu Southergg - Clitornia rubiior goedi pint te coming sharp coe- Moist. la DealIa et Hight Persons. pelitllantiu ndustry. Whte at itid- At Daggctt, a statien un tht Sauta Ft WUu r, BerMaipuiena tr'tic a-tek aggrc- in tht urtberu part uf San Bernardino le 8,776100 bushels, agalnst 4~88.78 Couaty. Cal., a strange sud fatal dis- boghes lai*a-tek and Z734937bboghis otas.bas madc its appeartucet.cousn lu lbhe ocespendng <tek et 1900. Cern thc deatb ef elght pesona lu oeea-ek. ca;perts aggregatc, 2,487,707 busheis, A tenturc that adds mystery is abat each agslust 3,972,152 bogheiu laut a-tek sud crtpse withlu twenty-feur heure afler 11.58.962 buaheis l inti, a-tek ajeuago. death turus binck, lcavlng uo semblante Valures lu thceUittd States fr thtea-btever et former ftntures. The singt ast a-tek et January number 238, ns phyticien t Dnggttt diagnoses lb. mai- mqlnt 281,.Iast a-tek ail 171 a year ady as pneumonie,,unipatients are il- et& Canadien fallut-es number 27. uis tueke.! -aitb ehis, tic preursers et gnlp. compnred it 31 a yean sgo." Tht patienta euly live a day un twatfer being ticken. snd lu seme instance tht GIRL VICIM OF ATTACIC. change otfcuer waa noled belon. deti glas »WOOteo et leleud'.vogu. ýVz ECHILIEN IUFFOCATC .:!VuidMil.M erliflL- gaugTA*"&Oet Di BMp csim m te lAe Umm D Ie t;i t'i gl et th, pi au b i ta, ir an th tr tr K en ta Pl tn le tw.éd tti mldios st der e Lr tmîma-ageea iuocusa sadMI&- taleni4 e h.*vial trocé ta-lee n tt lIa.tit, a-ho vas vtithelosva, iWtMd. beqai Atitia bluct Instumepft bh on atir eslonru.!as tGo recut oetas"lspta-I ow hWl«. t idroppeil nndevamclus Pleosuio. Theeparente ofthIe cilldrusib Roi assllant tien dredgd ailr..throub a-en. aiment tromu home a-heu tia acci--lx Go ev e tc mr e be frand. iâs.dent ocurred. The chldrep7s agea range Pedatdtla nterluttunilbu? ibigtrou, 2 te 13 i-cri, illa neut kuova aboutllea adassilconditin, taU a-g Lit Consedl theIauip toextploe. Thee andl cureté.! viti ioa4ue sr eSveri clldr.u a-cru 1laed aI tise limé thieBet La dodbttful. ler assaslaut eceape. . tarted au.! ra-imothene.! betore as- hl ______ Lu acae. sitllSaocame, Mns..Belwaser wa alikez, CaaetsL a s.. Intea hoéptal.i With onu- a six menthe croise on t luDMO LNHIO matrimonial sensa,Herbert tW ag BlDMAEuFR sueý-o. P bis pett Yeung vIte Maie have tire.!Psas tNgeDus. u tbtc et titir maitlailite aud GtheeYoug hum- PAIatsOfN ro u Ceunis. bF« baud appeared a thle desertln Courtuilu"Tise Parenta et Fred Alexander, lie Pblladelphia. charge.! aiti desertlOn analnegro a-Le was but-u t.!uttihest hy nen-uuppert. Whtu Jutige Finletto luaru- saLeavenwrti. Kan., mueb on Jan. 15c e.! that Mns. Stanlan umukeil cigarettes vent la Kansas City thte tbmn dny teck-W lie refuse.! te make an trder agalum9t Aar, adrîce about suut tiec di-sund 0 Stanlsae and diamiusa*tti via-fti15 *- tànly t Learena-otlk fur damages au.! plaint. .- support. Thee ather ut the ilad man la 9 lIdiana Àniumeat mvall& ea Buptist mnster. lit mid be la cen- a The Indiana S3upreme Ceurt revenuotid ilent tint an appel te tLe colore.! peo- tht ceutittieusl amendment cseanid ple et tht United! States e-cul.! brlug bel.!li aI lie amendmiet$ voted ou au feniL a popular subsenlption large enugh tic electin en e nnt adopta-I. The opta. ta carry the case tu the higet urtst-t Out takes thc position tipI Goe-ceut n-intlu Gountry. 1.a Loue.! te kuov 1>51 thereo,$ ans5mmn '. tlon la balin.,Kmu. Il titeters iluh1Satia r tfiteGOv- salf a detu people vert Injure.! hi-l erner at tht November eleClieo, an.!aus the explosion et a gasolîne lutal thatl' leu than haIfthtamni- res.! ontihea-rfcked the luteuier et Olingens barber amuedments tbey a-r. net adepte.. hop ln.Stlna., Km»., Ray. (George Calti- mtapasluuCons. Hlg1fr. a-al. s Unt..! Brellirenminster, waa A oExplosion ces i irbner! a tht ua av rougb a plate gisas vînde-, tom-r factor-ofethtie W. Wicke Coapanî 19 ar es"tîh i bd ta letoput. ai n. Eamt Set street Neii York. bY wa-b P e ot ever ta-cti peraena a-enjureil sud vlgndaCiock-Worke la Cea-. vbhvawmn ollewed by one oethl. eect B IFrank i&, a-ile heteberinga ncea- conflagratiouns New- Yonk hua vîtime.! a;Btton, Maas, tougîl, oun wening tht lu mauy icars. ceatîug au estlmated leua anImalIs teuicis. that fi coutalue.! ail et $1,500,000. The burne.!*as, la geii- thé rualur gear et au ondlari sire.! et-ai etlent. took on about oeeCity block. menatl cock, ta-e staes, esch tht ase t, et a hu% egg, an.! a nuniber et pinces. Ci-aet of uisagion lak il5v, ofetglas. Tht cea- aas appureutlh The lierman teamer Bitemioi. a-un h esithi-, ___ st-rrive.! in New- York trenla Hsubng ria Hnlifax. N. S., brought taneport th. cap- Killst a sBecker match. a laie andI tourtelu e Amen o e theliaien Frits Barron, a elené ln tise Dominien hark Cuba.,a-hidiwa bandescat am« Bout, a-as ikla.!la a asé" ague heckey lu latitude 40. leemîtude 13:10.. lu s mnatch aitheL Auditorium rtuk. Wlnnlpcg. dismette.! au.! a-atnlogged condtio& ,* .Mg., by a m"or pexus bloa- tromi is W Id tmstsRam téaita. pack abt lit close range. Deati a-salalu- Wil reat&Bala eomb* stantaneelus. ____ Tht Cyclot-ama building nt Royal and Muaryland! avenueas, BaltimoeW*$ a -ei. Bflttidea el 6.000., etroyed byhliBe..Tht oely aWan ulateal Richrd DeLaBeld. the mrailent etfIc lu thte'-ze era-e.alien sud a gomeb National Park Banéketof --NewYok, r.- bilil tue-.thers Vent bhuai ta deth. eelvmml bi-a vote ot thteIirectr. tie lit-g- Frsnk C. itosta-Icé estimales hletm se onest @&la"even paldt teaSbaiL presideut' animal&tt about $40.000. lu thetUnited t Bates. Hilestipeuiloret Rt slc Iiel Baubal It. $M,00 a-asntaise.! tu $40.006 Fiel.! taruhaiCeount Joseph Gennée et flig Tiheter la Bats.. Eunit tilt.!on iaslteu t -Béhisoger At -,UDa5U îCiti Bn.deutrarysl lie lie wa-tue et tht oldest cemnanadcs of Cesas opens-bouse. Walkem- Wlmteslalt tht hiuain artmi, a ntegit awutLdru Md, bia Cempany a-re pAaig" tinotioti dutinatht 'l'ut-ko-Rasigln iran i, iMB Sorw, là ti. bouge. Tii. tirter tîvent; -four yta-s agu. bluet oa-seatotal a-teck. but ne oe ue - ilsjaneil. Tht Lues la tlli *$780.. T- ienecKlitdit buLeomotive. î;î-îîrgo lut-Lesan.! inielllRogers, Expiatsnîc ile -o men. y iiuu white ufen. a-tntüllugbt on a By nu cxplosion et ultre-glycernuaI tht li-ipiahi- ntIOLlo tahirosil trulle lun0aitPowdaer Coutipaya a-et-ès.lBye 1 lhilui j'rtî or icfiehmond, Vs., l a nmles mon. Victoria, B. C., John Fentotn Otiftit- i egîic. t-udca-n and! cut te and Oearge itUllpo vere killeil. Thet lite e~,. ut lIse..AilV-ra-tt anding outalde tie building Ftl R ý1Cigarettte%. aIffl *a explo.snaccor-m. TýAa- de lu i Chttanooga bave WtId çsblé Car Cannes lPente. d t-iý noivà f hefiul piiagethe lu I*xlit saenue.New- , Yenb, a an ijti imotbillan o tWatumb IMa a lé Car cXu£bt up altL ta-o th!;iirnit.It iii tate.! Ihat the sale atho es » Pus psie.! Iemu aieo"lu a of cî-é:rtttwlit iractictallî stoppad a-Adrant-uibecs.Peut Pet-- titi-rhe it Stl. ~p ashr eiieiail a scorg, J r-in. Wncke i by aUArmtSOUWI..IP6 n A train ui ceu. Whte Pas. lai Valet l rrâces lu Boston, 3t waauwrecketl by unuavalancie mata Son. la IL ro lablthe Italieauquarter AtIbtoi . mit. Alaska, sud psttllhu îrle&. At - t01 Sbout"n an"iMm a-as1Us a toué tour heurstIn gWet ta-o mm. i 6..t.euê aspaCY.Oa s ptluoned lu lie a-e&é. abe a-metesà4 rutiViI~.i 351 seuccaua.-- - -'Ahuie. - Rapiàat pu4tof lb.elt-lamens 'WUui Permien». The Ait un.! Nari- cl<Iilif store King èVttt4t s, eppesit St. Jsmei iathednal; lsonui, Ont., wosu bffli wrecked bh Ire, Tht-e upper Bmts ertn ecuplodiby .elotbing coutractons anti ianutas*lLla4taiiers eanploiig 2*0 tua-ému. ioji- girls. TelBn. startel in tic bisismeut antd spresd se raPldhî liat thi esss5eoettht emploies oùtGo ppn se**,s*u et off ailmait betont tci- we-g aa, aat tie building 'mn un Bire. . loclnl a-la-esprevenWtheti se of lsdAIýr%, and lie Bt-emga ne.ts, a bou iet ta-cutymen sud girIs juapeil. A detteet ofbese reîr- d broécSI limbe andi orbers a-ere bathy nruise..Ont girl.,Mat-y Dsrldeo a-ms p-ubably-4utplî i.ajoreai. but the otien. re exportai! te recover. Tht loua on building land conutntsin cutîmate. ut $W0000. tiAilyimuet.. DIAKERti F BAI) MONEIT. Fmur et as1Ben4 0f Couoterilters Cen* vicIa.! lu New- Torts. Fbo Parla, Achilles Chiebenle. MIical Miervoue tlett-u FileBatour et a band t euterfteri runte earth hi Obiet [na" sd is mue,. eun.qonricta.! le New Tëof et aklug au.! passlng coule- terfeit ment". Thteévidence mAniae.! timt the baud ensie.! on thé a-otk lirc a le. gitlate oMsneat, keeping beoks et sales e.! eanployloUgta-avaliua saleumen tu dis- pose o etlb.onte-felt moet. Thcy n.! brandi olices lunutani large citae. Tisty-malntalued ta-e maniutcturaues- tbtiahn"otafille! up irititour-toni *ritltg presscs, ut 11litManginastreet an.! 95 Wattus treet. They continue! theur opérations ta-c i-tansbeLon. Leint apture...lit lme ftimattd Ibat $1.000,. 000 verti et aporious meney a-as dia- nributed iii ticu,. WitzCU ON UNION ]PAQ SIC. ansuera Inj.t.d la ant Accident Nain ADouver, A numbér ot persens a-cnt Injure! le a a-t-ek er tie Uniou Pacifie pasmengtn train No. 3, tGoChicage. St Louis and Kausas City faut mail and caPresa. t-hl'ccar. i Be miles etat oet liardin Cuo.,ad a. ix nmiles eat oetDenvreta 5:30 'ciocé the otier mon lui. A broken rail a-ai tie camuseufthlea-t-ek. Tisa -nglund ail licar passe.! ensafeii-. tut lie L.ggfgé cmr a-cul lute tie dltcb. eollee-ed tay ta-e pesseugen coache.Te Patllmisua-a pantly oventurut.!. Te train vas ruaing tabout tort- mlles 'u leur. Tien. veet la-uti- pasmeugerS. moentetfe-hemeseaptil aith cuta an.! bruines. MAZBO BZKTOND ENDURANCE. rwo etsi5t su onAway tam Mliterr >.C&44mu te heae. Twrtv - Ratier Aisma ubatlt tg-i*gg-ilsu W. Norton d Sury a-si aowsi t iaWeutvorti MýIaq 5 Isnd Jip. ge la#*4gob' t'tta- wM bu lst butl Lulatqu NsOton sud Po*6@ «s mml.! lieLd been taséi by ticir uppcr cîsamîen bcion.! the limit et enduaace. The boi-m ane both 14 rs of et g. Bua aMX LaiseVannais. J. C. GiIcLnIst et Cleveland has pur- ebasetl ut tisa WilmaaeTransit Company the foilowîni ressels: Tee steamers IVal- nuia, Ol-ympia, Bités C., Toeandu! Tkl- ma sud tht elchaner Yukon. The dent ureives $375,00M.lMn. Gilchria aie panchase.! lhe steamer Chatles A. Bdd- frneux Calîtain BoutelitetofBai City, iiicL.. fer $70.000. Pire Mt Part -Abercromsbie. Tht business portion ot Fort Aber- cromubie, N. D., a-se dsstnoied hi- a On. wbich la repete te havt stat-teti hi-sa tirurturntd Lamup la. a miehineni-hense. Tht loma lu place.! ut train*80.000 te 00,000, a-ith test Iban $1.000 lasur- mute. Eleven businets houses a-cru berne.. N.ehu yNea- iu * Cubau Prison. CharlemsiP. W. NeelY. charge.! aIls embeîaiug $80000 et pestal itu.bas arrive! aI HafransfrnmNew- York. Tht paisouer a-as delivereil te lie ktep- et ofthtie Carcel. Neeli-. mhu in lu gond spiriAts, reçeLvuil nani- visitons au.! talked confidetly ut' bis acquittai. Manitoba BU" a Ra.llaay. Tht Manuitoba govr-ntnent lias pur- chute.! the lînea et tht NortienPacifie la Wiuiieg province, tiria repenta.! the prtce palîl s about $6,000,000, sud abat the linos n ill Le tes" e Mle ann & Mac- keie ton a ternietfi-tans len etura for lua-en wa-btt rates and othea- concessions. Made Stuplit au, Cigarettes. Attet- e cat-ttuhlurInetigtien fSupernu- tendent etfit-heolu L. H. Joues Say% that Clereladtutîîbliechiniboollpim are Lelut made stup~id hi smoking cigarettes. Young bote are doit sud utuîail an.! eau- net lettre theîntesons. Beys et 10 or 12 uiemute lie mont serientali- affected. KengoetDyniatte Expia.!... A amail liez of dynamite oet.!fer biaI- ing put-poses exploicalin tGo Fernwod mine nt Pitttomi. Pa.. evueti by the Bale Ballaai-Company-. Joseph Sautino lied au at-mu hiciu off a a a yt taesroît.!; the skuil or Authelh ifl t atin a-a fractured- IRolt ete prtobly a-l ie,é Va om e ICby Fit-t Ta-o -oinen wa-ekIi leqI. tout-mnwaen. lulureil andl severni athiia- petmena nar- rea-li-esciape e.!aainluanlin. a-Llchdur stroyeti -thi, Eloeli .effe-ue. a saet- enr bt-ick tîuiltiug n et 11-00Euat rif- teitélaunet lNewIlYorki. Walter t.,-hmtk 'cotumitte.! suicide it Hot Sîtring., &At. lie aat ttmerly a-cg- istrur o et ietis otWashuington Ceimî-r. dinu.. uC. and uaie braistutSllîatair. Fet ton yearn îîe .iaiha.! chargeoetIaane lluls ne r ro-Il I leu io-lgs Thtefrimeriet Enaliinil'sdes.! queuti, Victoria.,î%vut btld ;vitb gi-nt pounoit) an cet-em"ai-nt Windsor. sud ber remalus anea- repose ie the roi-tiimaus0eum et Specldo Omit, sicamhIAncouglum aié dmne7. Umaat* -lipsFlinat -nom&"ute the ilosii.arlg-Vetrl'e utraua le Usrta ii twiiWheahà*e ami ter*hlam bS.mi"a os ps Ing Pigait la Weffld'M Rttan '~QUNhIiSutor~ rle r.i.tauna- TIiheum of moleuait pernp -he ae lnanvanteil atCeowes Fa-da- end a-bicl ver. bsought tea acloeo attitday a-tub thé at Windsor mn. pt-oh- ably unpanatieled lu tihe ist6rof e lut- al pagutr.. Ail £attand appareutly rested bbi!bed . ihrlultOlu the moun- fui conscieusuesa tut It vuls le @&y a *fian tewil telite queeu, sud litet-olui at large teulai net but hli mprcise.! hi thm rearakable èenteulml lua-hieh na- tional grief dtmllspied Itaetf. it voulu! sasu,ftroi the tact et heu exprese.! a-lsb for a mnilitanyiien otraI that Qutema Victoria desin..! tiat la the rites uolbamg ahondli e oeil Jte empilaml ia the a- ulty er quéeubooti. Victoria Gohe eann tIL "othen et ber pebpc." wv»as sured, et liéealutee n murulug et «Il lasse. The ecet ceremnnes ern thos dus lié uienach andi et oftha croe-u. Tht file etfe-arahipa Letwean a-hlcbibe vetuelti eais th îe Quecu's efile passeal-lIititfa risible cvlden-ce et the tuleglb 01 tht ntion-tht a-al ot bauds andl the thuadtr et gens sud the great milîtari- certegt a-hcie-miwte.! tht- body- it Lon.!ou-aijtht tenture fthîe ceemaonlal vent suggestive in mbanesi- et lie regal traditions oetas nanrcby e-blch traces lis enigIn back tole cdsys et Ibm cnîsading kngs. Journem trostaCoe-s. Thetiruit port-ias efthle journey ot Vic tariea te c arti a-bene be rameAMat oves meo lange à portion et wvilci&aiet-uIt.! a-u compitte.! iirdu-. Tht-ough e-ji- IMng lis.e aluiet nomrnau v erdure. toghBOeslng wamls et stel-bulvarks or the mouruingntion-Ler body-a-u borne: ou land hi- a grnu carniage, on vater Ly m -roi-ml i-ucbt Au lic cannon veudeal ita slow a--a train Osborne lieuse lise aflernoun sou chone brightiî un thte-él la Gote rowu an.! sceptcr place.! on the oakep coiln cunailingthle bedy outhle deuil sovr-- siu. Orer tie noyai standard covrtIng the casket waa drsped thtet-rmIne cet- nation goa-n donne.! y hile yeuthtul nultu se many i-tari betoe. Bebin.! tht ceoge cime RIngs, Bm- pmnes.iud prilnces, e-alking Lumbly ieL- tuta- eGobîîck cldlimes et sorroweing lelrandora Ail th. colon. ota doue roy- al courts, ee n sd -lu the unitarme of Gm, is"ruetallsitdosesn aiieusAsu lser trains. TeeunlIgt gleeameltLaoi blee M i m- el em a MW sud uni Ala ee gare roinstGo 8u tg JuIinse itgceffl s aunt Il raita.on a rduni ecpinp voonnIa.! la simple lc.Thisuleisbaud et bounners, loué- lug fer ail the e-on. lCiée nous, centalu- ail a Queeu s futurs Queta, and a at-ore et princsses. Mani- an ee lude.! sud rnaui throlat cheke.! as the soaroe-lng e-omnaubod etgrltring royalty- alktd baltlogîy sient. Net àsomu!gave that et hait audible iobbiiug came groin lie upetaters. Prom !hteits.! et tht preestuien came tht anun uc thse Quee love.!omea-i--thtet-ry et tht bagplpna. Hem ownu lilaluem wee. miriiug tGo "Black WuiIeh"'dia-ge. A clown ma" -adedamytulChopIna "Pianerai IMar .~'but ahovc thtehaImue. et baoan ad tlmpat t-oie tise abrité of the pipes. e-cing tor neon Who woulti nevtr renoma. Whai tht Jouruci- Ibroogi thet edur- healge.! pati a-u tufle.!tient teiloiret a stght notable asud lmpreesirc. lu a-as thea Itanit ofthe fanerai yachitcs tisae xaters beta-et a-ails of aatrien steel. Cens Thunder Grief. BsttleeMbp alter- bsttehlp tbunilencu ta grief, baud atter baud a-aille. l.s ditrte, au.! erewa tt-rer ra- boa-tiIle thekr btns! as tht pigmy yacht sa-ti peut. It bot-e ne pasengens surit au a.! mirai ou the bridge end font- red-contea geints nl tht cornera of- thtsimnple, leming a-ite hier nestinac amiIi.bips. Il e-as a peture Ibat netthet- a eit ma-s bnush non su orator's louetuce ceald deplet. There meept Iu edvaeeelgbt reecoos, biacé terpeulo bouts.a, naelini; Ae slovrli tiat thte-at.? a-as seutcel; rpp., Then came thte golilari- roi-al Z&M baraug appa-cutly neIliving thlug. Adlmirai Fullea-ten, In a a-cked bat waa a anitieulea milhoeuette-, tht feoa- figures et the corners et tht coflin seemau te ho etfsîle. The bot ea-hi- glide.! ou ladhe melloat lîgi t o esfternoeu son, Isit aiment golifai luinbue, arply coun «usting aIls h thetlacé varihipu, Wa-bu tihe est ton. mineraLeta-ecu tLe We- chipe vesm itoritdeeplyi talge.! viti montruln$ iii-tGopt-astuce ef minladae e The muulc et the ding. plnîlngbin.! vu -s e longer andibe. Vht aunseofthlb test aviepaying thei homage. Onq ai- ter saett ibeaîated otanth ein eL provoklug thunden a-ielch ruilbuté peui ngafa pua)gonten bbl-lieildshores. t'ho ann begou teset just betere the plwbt resu-h.W Iir autling place. The lbbaistug baiiad been relace.!tir-thL Miel et lie miauegoma. e-Luh roule sionea-ard. The.sumeoite i>-tetîled, andl tiroug I lu came the gluna-lig, lmeat llad-rod rai-seoft-hti l-ng i-iter sue. The Albieta emiea-ege rein thte wméis ca-twned steel lane. tti. [mutatoinwaa Biedn, ltea aué ishhn.a cloué,a aiui tmen hungi; elu li e vîter ski-, the auchea- droppeti lu PetI unthaliarbet, sud lIhe &M 1part ut Victorias@ mut jeur- t er came te se enu. e mo te b.poump meuhpariade van e lucopigruend n.! or. tbattluas al s tigrent andl mjeetie tribalte te a reigla tpnu amgnei . um1in d B s e u t hnu t s man tas i*lai uistpl Ma it thine ele* 0euu bTneonm»u Liulsp eérele, ha YwIA $b i mind lin eur bummo.s il naWleai 1 ;»âc amAbb oitahilO Theati po1 tht te pasao is tien *Ind abbaiales, untenuupeavt lta*nom i"M. Yei-sutfeluvantons daimsOet pntutOfrde t sdbyi. tho-be Vaslu cbsrgiof lthbO tahe Sprentis eFlay ci4. ilelalla. Tht sarcophaguslea Ibm to.i Su tplà@tua yDo- ~ s pIr.C amui u rin tt ebon. T coulîlnlg lb remina mini~ Si su ageacsbt -ce il we44l)P.etsl et t. pinc reote. BylIsSId tir Pointis o f reriuîea r u." i 'At La ho.! etlb. rania S Who - wudlaiaydneder l, athe sblp deon, -ud@ucr îLe pontaIla a imite à crulBie m tt doaleu n.sîe hatrîe inir ilBl. 10w"uspsss.iihm abjeca, b ,ýut n lbta l t e fofl Aind utacl ilh ttt e peeveiï aetaucaarTh se et aidSofote Pince. r frauritle tcaietbltoi lc oi sudthes einL Terua sua le *à"Sud Unit.! tiles. a-ms pe . P- 1 orthm pine ep se . alis1411 .11 an aitb te e pttfg eaie lt t u qq6 WI) o lCedu OX ILeAStheD. hait eaIhtbiegppsitin tethIla~ o Atth bn e teStbiié tfl&"vipted ttcuA»dy te 1e IWOabouelaiguto a I. 8ud Bg- e mi sbait bîhir soiethenPoa-ai ctgadfrlueOf iesegmhtmîpitlîa. Mn tum cenresuln rinthee o pnlrlee -4mtabill Ilituo ge an.! cxiectan d h ahra"aestem tL alTb-t n.lty Hs limce f n e tuo chaneiIs. t W. theI- b i femercpu-a--hla i. Nafo Puy cou, lb. Hare llamu ofeDaid. luCogresa.tht, Laiii u otîttnl gfriest i th D-t uo.anie and îahtnitle s, la ail t o an n te tait ht W as ir0ed . _ Suld pLa e a gna lth a P lpIe 1.1. tiirIOr o, T e ek ate m tn 'ltké* t te ssys.e a ina h e u er eu ayn itate eeton n f u ntl iiseva agaua tt Aenes.. *'a-a- (! tedthtr detahet al oriuE ~ Hawaiinal'. ete 1. onsueyel t enpar s pîtsfyilM. b mmnduati- a-ult.!L vontauit le cais tte th lMrc. but n actio a-uthe ken. Alu ,ad-I a i e tsUn itw.! tattte l cIo. et thepubio si n essa-ir. p ods tîuge io icn ti"u-e o ti. Aguldo pemît tht eltahrope XCpytius ianleedy g VieleausAerite r Of ruthstlle enter.avs e * ..elq cmhais,l *%0 arneainRotergte Wl-b. tsbarmeecdbh.-M. lai sui A chetpphe Isiwais d gae i airsst-thebilmn ro Iiitt Snate oeuuModa t suc et .anuide uaithc I»vaspermJ@- iat îouiîilouthet ase pprIiitI audm hypocite! ankees.t hobas pet b lg-bui Tht splgbihedîl em se.! p nitIensu Otat "teisAuindo912t5,0u.! TaSheilhslga Zu ungd bi nugtin ataken aoin eutappolalo thélè. end.cThet tht liuoecmpetacte: I ot octipy stea itlon. Te geotffl sudI am treymale uniteil -Buttahlai pmnte ue sietoisec ieuy. e, u inuwthi aouI.lave gri-ou Mn. flaco t eronlme tic t cili Louale eer an.! mi- a-o d Leappeilat-t wreei tedni @mreu nU.l i ud bcîLerFliplusie hncl. mgo te lu. d Goebutlrodact ata.,ais tJae asemd ArtheUie. A t uegt 0oui paslota bic istintem Wassma 1 1a lalliesen ysercs fryerth ee Suaiet <h Deis or Xine_6 . tPacipine sads and givemyas- Istullt d tea aia)n osib t 7fsuede guinaldo resagalal h Inalla-miermi eolié aSF atIoui5of5the5apdI*t« lnd 180ypd erteynceste déart b *jIé. Lis. Thuadyt! eng billnaditsu..gaic penaplti -ci muta-I le liepyansaytc da cl nerefuaiile n.eabuiase tu bcht fh ga-as BirutaI.ansuprtth isu pria- anioph Se the appropr iai' olt.',i r ema. cmiansthet ien. haa neyerU111111111 ais;uDot er. yl tteutionpThemO'Mti Bn . ad d«roingtheUntedetaes ou-pat bih lndera a cetta a @U*0 mud t egai e est ol hveam cdite ur the ilanis tmaolte.victait etlse aner sud TH o iIwuMdbeaN i40C. agant ~abt-h dl«tic guneabetin a e byth he WD» ad he eetuitetvatep asueM&Se*!iytt» Chalc»a" *0 Psnlt os Ma-h o îtt»etPari,. fIter lavm ameudaleL. teubm ait lae. u name rfthtemna eti er Tht Gullz"er atit lillac la« màdamdoaieialetmua omisio, ay p18 lîandspttuoslda-s, pubalic scocyuesd tluhepblIcplaos, tht adronotefsaif tt crse e-enadm<ea aechaite a mershals sudChares hooae Scm by umajua l ter rea lbit a-aspa lu aeheiltmdeatuint tie nanfora-i avalhout tii-butee aixtei ti 4lits 1 ailê-d Hai ellgl.ica tie n palinof naIohSna linui. er suther eeied OC gtc&%tultht haliblet tasereeli n.!ue acti-matre afe 102,a-the t %.-s tiltli peim eniaIs et-rt.! hro h et t ethae scit eofxpir e itt e 5ifths AGit-atrtTHEpaiUanludrti. ht menaagceaeut .$ait hieabe re ldîseor ut-- t-imntu-l u tt esîisdepntctheMonte sd Sttes preat er thyjeredetn 'Thtals*oreeent et sncb unho allaintet P ai taluanz eina ur a-rne- !%ebapoe trttitnfletep-fe stcu n u to Aboutaheua-ies teitou lb iTe f ( dbie alulai.eAtîcg r t tatîb" joint to ead Otoeatio bi l t dseà tai.!hlWe * Com in i cago ote n o n, ~~trneffortt euasnimadeu t e vot e la ie- bus p rben s prove ! cn ait sv lyde a t ti m. itersy ia nii as n, aitbu ct ion Sem le t L b u. liclute titoben-uo l n a-the odinthcgb wT out eat tai Tîtnday iss.! isti ihed it- fieu, ine! tun.. ft lmise uo tol nals fomrî, ao he1qul = 1îi.ha tht ers ue puloeanele an. cntilere llliaiisin*22 hthprt0a sibly peumaton ieintht amre a-ai. Witherfo@nîîîîte ut nexpirs, PInBillt ay B te utt-t rtigiedli th e lo h tatubtha Imonuar. tbte poi. e fap usithe- LIII b irThenan remal et ofmic t n i tht a i o t lrai- u cin . nt auall- la de. men-lpe rlaentmsy LelitnsIsothe pd Tht h. Aout a uaaftleu dcMlsebt aeth«o pl ' Cîîr h-iaotin. th n lty r or hahac postofiîile iîîlt-ilrliatai 141 i ml . qsthe Il bidhIn. l th t umtreet cîr Reods. li- ea u (If theiipiiki d gmajt trnltcse te MUs *iaprhan thc troeet mc)ut ho g atakthe a bod puy.futuacwtionvit e -cla e liteillau% Iftîneer thusnuds retdctuhThe gltaaironitidiu nu-te,. DiutrictWd 'a te iaa. Wm red a sétumsa-tpi ie oft <lînli<-appropiaeetion bt - djrly u-put-iamufm-th t risdof pneumlnie arme COMAidl abf ill ittans lt§et mauatet cars. t hs ab It-lei n th s art a d atan- foint acort ,f i-t l'on iaie M ry am- fici a rc tlitt te mmoray bt ithedtacilt o stiithea ui M n ( its (enu.). u15lu - brvtd herei tmilas nt.!fh e etfote Yî,r te Nei fr Oltièis. M "tnli efttre ppe I t th ttentact at a td ureiuit (lM its> a. n qvj herhe iess a etamte The fenlotht-uat apmeptisltleu of -atuas kt h ful < sutm nd heJfl wl ocs t-y î, ted iition ot inietaffi tasit y behid himthe nreet cr conueteueau in.o Terr- git-t-ba r, tiioss i¶bà- c iednutn o huad fdcn lsoaklaitiinta lu ei itAin.4 - Mr ùitzes. omn'asaira seepupthe(3anTh ittea- soît a 2.300 igociget car. l'iedresenth)sirtandaAtu- jintpsaetulus 80.006.000 Msi m 'la ibl diens ma bcbatodund ut. a ns hilu ahui'r(nt 0000,0<»lsuitaj. . fa il inti w-ay. I the or akneelb.a ià4 oreta t l i a olaas st» ouret thegreat llbiclerieden troualee Yokiatnu Nie lace frù ie ors-itnath eeInfnutheurus et tde.1 natci irs ant ePrdat -- r- daiveis ian.! traî bernes in lie culture e irorîtisCur. for exeiuion ofth l, Intd scl-t-!apirns ol. u h i -e nrtiotih« miet hiu e "i s- li mreu Asuuiln bs b t a-eultEionlaf e uiii . . .It t Ie I_ moe!0 h smehlt-ultmiluien Tu-tier-a $itb th q bt-sim a aitai ul-in e u-rnen A ie c oth at inlg ot ani m ét~ n mtc ti-itienJetaleta. iluiiauus scondabolut OOoM b ttliftcla7 le t î aIdu n-o lt.Nrnx Sid t-a tilav a ge c t t -pe.lIet iinge uY o -.1ý»tete h r etltas sut inSontor ainaiot tns b$Vbd Mmucnger EdiXBuhaul te lvuiureh- atyAd l Atri- vril 1. . 1 . a1, *i Mhi an citiof the het bcyeunît-y. - fis sal Hted Ciark tnete! s t h lni- thypeu $10.000. f r 000,il kanlselnt bto bau o TaCiao,1)a-, efthBeebmont, e im eguh- Baselctu itnutneeilaoh~ badilvaer edtrainera of toed-inthte pulue-s -n1a-hue abat t utt ! IS unomauvet-ViCae. a-e o h o he btK elentios ¶re hnat bis hma 17 lu tha-estc bAssociation a hte thesat r and oua .11s s, ~dte th ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'k racd.sae lt.bttbyaetimgsatmt Ubttttt 4 i A VI' t If 1, pi te s r 1; ua si IL a-

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