CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1901, p. 5

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'~day o%lare 'Profits us at ýýW"4erumethoda mean morem temargins. The truîtli of amerdion applies not oîîly to thée retailer but Wo the Joblteî and manu,.- lacturer ms well. We take a*Wýaf- that manh'a Our pricai not M i ghti er tage of conditions itid make our purchaime so tlîat xx t' an meet al competitors. Compare ouî r itts with those made hy the otiier storffl-it will hé- tu your advan- tage to do *0# Tri»~g & Taylor, GROCERS, Libertyville - - Illinois. Now_____ Is the time and here is the ;lave to hîîy -BICV'CLES--. at a bargain. >I have a 1900< Crewet Biecylit wiîh tN ill sell as a starter for By the way, whei i1 corne to think. tiiers iii anothier oie bere for Cali and inspect my stock before purchasing.1 C.R.SliIRMANy Libertyville - - - Illinois.1 r(GROCE3RIESi .ARE ALWAYSI CIIEAPER HERE.] Qualky' We alm to force W prices down and Guaranteed keepvalues Up. Tlire 2 11) caîis Mixice Meat ..........1< kv Java andîu Mocha mixture, per 1b... I5( 12 bars Alpha Sa .............. -5 Thi's i c o,'s.c t and ti i, o t.gooti Wivtliiig!,toiî Naval (raîiges........Iv Grape Fritit, pter loz .............85 Tanîge riines per <oz., extra large size.. 120e W\e jto.itively sell uaimi googls cieaper tlîaîî aîy otlier stotre in î Liberty ville, saIine -grade. Fig Marinala<lei-ni glass jais, 2 for.. Red Crokss (ht'wing TIohat'co, four W-ist pliig, at pfer lig .. Smith & Davis, DEALERS INt Oeutrai Mercbandlst.. Libertyville -Illinois. .1 -PICKED UOHERE ANDOTIPERE. .Ocal Items of Interest to Libert",tilelReaders. C. M.& ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln lEffect Sund&Y, DeC. 23, qoo. ut 1201 a. M. TO CHICAGO. .WEEK ItÂYt. Oevart From New Depot. 40e a. n. A. 2. [,. tu. At Mi I. lu. 14,....... ...... N.. le.. TO CHICAGO. WIER.KDAYS. Depsrt Fram Oid Depat. 140o1.î... .............. ....... 4:25a. M. 134...... . ...... 7:-i . M. -139-.......... .. 12:20tJ, M. HUNDItT. No. Id2 i................. ........... 7:M a. M No. lu ........................ ... 5:00p. M. WA!Y REIGMT. Deoart Fram Oid Depat. No. l92. Et B ]oun ...........Il: 15 a. lM. FROM CHICAGO. vasa DOY, ArrIve at New Dpoaî.ua.. No lI......,............. 13t7........... SillOÂA. N 7.............. .. PROM CHICAGO. vaa 130 Arriv4 &t Old Depot. *4 a0 . m. 4:80 p. n. No. M1......................14 .m 13...... .................ep n 141...................... I:15 p. Ms. BVIJO)ATA. No. lm .......... . . ...10:46 & n No.t14I......... ....... ... -....... 4:36p.rm. vAxFRBEIiIAT Depart Prom Old Depot. No. loi. West Bound. ý... .... 1:00 P. M. Nos. moi and x92 wili carry pasafngers betwesm Roudout and Slon Ri.. Arthur and Ce,. Frice, aifGChicaga, are lhame for a lev days visit vitii tireir parents. Miss Ada Ilac tiilen, ai Rogers Park, visited ber brother sud Libertyville friends several (laye reoeitty. Noit Tuesday, the tlhl. ie Lincoa t bîrthday. Washington'@ blrtbday nc-J cure on Fridsy, thse ltnd ofIibis notsà. Thse W. C . T'U, îlirmeet F. P. Dyrnond Tueqday alternoan,f Fel,. 12tis. Memnierti urged ta b. preneut. The veather tits week vas favor- able for the ice men aud the varions ice hounes., ves Oed ta averfioving with a gond quaiity of Ion. Mies Jenuie Owens, af Chicago, ai- tended the club dance Friday nigbt and viited at tiseborne of Mise Clara F. iinlee over liaturday and Snnday. I. B. Gieason bulit severai bine and erected nev shelving lu Wrn. Wal- rt>nd'e store Ibis veek. The interlor bas a]go been paintod sud presonts s tient and attractive appearauce. lire. John mecCrmick leoi ouined ta ber bore ne ucausequence of Injuries0 recelved by ialling upon tbe etepm leading from lber hitchen door. Rer1 conditionu ortnnai-ely ilaflot serionsÉ sud bier recovery as matie, ai but a short urne. A fiteen borne.paver gazoline engin. and tva drill presses arrlved ei the W. T. Bâaton llsnufacturing Companys plant ihie veek. The englue viii bo need anly as supplemen. tary pover asu t.emaclntnery liq ta h. driven wvts paver ta b. iuruisbed by thse 75 borne pover englue nov ln place. J. Bl. Aiiaueou, In s letier ta the editar tihe OixâtIofiis veek, inclamedt same pemcb bionsarno. While Mr. AI- lauttou vas plckîng pesobes vo vers experteucing a blizzard snob as gei- dom visite tib section. sa it gaes. Il offly s happy medium betveen thef tw<, extremes ver. ta eignt 'twould bc usucis more 'livabie" Frank Wison, visa bas been @pend- lng tfir.e veek ituslis parents ai Chadbouru, N. (C., returned ta Liberty.k ville Moniday niglis. Frank saym the coideht weather experionced in tuat section this vinter vas 22 above zeroa and tisat va, only fur a couple ai days. AlreadY the larmers are daing nome Pioving sud epriug in veli advanced. Thse musical and iterary enterWsi-t ment given at the Metisadi&t churcb Friday unilit i seil aitendeit by an appreriative audience, the soveral renditions belng Ilberally applanded.f Those iseving lu charge the program1t are tiesirous ai tbaukiug ail vb. so kftîdiy aided lu rnaking tue entertalu-1 ment a muècess sud especialiy tioset takiug part iu thse program. Ni. Gaunon, wwvaheid ta tho *raud Jury lant veek ou a charge af atteiopled train wrecklng, under bail of $2,000t, in8agalint utliberty, Annel1 Lttdusk].aa, lmrnlsbing bell. Mr. Gamînon la now wihbhie daughter, âtre. Lttdnski, autGOrnes. Tbe pro- vailiig opinion about Libertyvillo la tisai W11hiiebemsY be Indiied by the Grand Jury, ho viii nover bc con- victed visen be le tried, as tise evi- douce la cousidered imsfienlou t It lit Dot Imprnbsbly tireseh cbno l trustece viii sdviseevaccination oai ptîpilisan a precaution againsitboh possible invasion af suialiipmzx, prevalent ilurnany commuitios. Opluiomiidiffer as ta the advisabillty af eîcfis action, but pisysiciane in- variatîly &grec h laeths proper courses ta pursn.. Tuesday morninge Obhi- cago 7Tribunanudsr boad of 'Vaooinaied Bay Dies nf Lackjav," publishied the iailowing: Giralamo Mirta, the six- year-oid son of au Italiencoabbler ai 193. Greén Point avenus, Brooklyn, died in f8t. atherine'a Hospital today under circurnîtances vsicb conent Rouge Surgeon Bodlti ta naity ths Coroners oMne. Ten datye ago Dr.1 Pray, vaccinatoîl the boy. Girolamo1 oontplainedoud ab urday morning af pains aud a stifnose lu the artt irât bail been vacoinatel. Plie boy vas takeu to St. Caherne Hospital, viser. hansme Surgeon Bodkin dis- covered that ieb, as emffering iront iockJaw. Effort, voe.made ta save bi Ilile, hbit ho dieti eariy ibis marn. ug.' Snob caaseastiseseistriksterrar ta thea parets Sùean aund bonce the avortsion ttt bsvIng tiseir chi.idren voaueiaod. AiiI lLeds nauhduteis Ps Mr. Chu.. Whitney, of Diamtond Lake, sud UmssGraceIlierringlon, ai Libertyville, ver. married ai Wau. kegan Wednesday. At the Cicsgo Borge Saie Cantpany'& sale an Monday F. Diîsenberry sold two borne@ ai bis owu sud one for James tLamai. Foi Nellseood liesw.- cetvoil 18.00 md lor F.dgebraok 630.00. For Jim Lameai, Mr. Lomai' bars. be gai $205.00. 8. h. Pape moid Lizzie C. the minte day bfr 75.00 and Georgia lory$38.00. Il vas lie opening day ai the veoks5Mie and iddiug vas spiriid, priesrnling just fair. The boraes.moud by local men ver. non- sidered Worth ail they brought and penbapi lu ane or ivo instance@ under mars favorableo aditiouî wouid bave braugbi a botter figure. Plowing and ]Planting Nov. 0. H. Avertili vritet. us agalu fromn Lmi Angeles. and the description ai his tripfronm Ban Diego 14 particularly lntore.aing. Boy siramîge ig la lhi viie voare oxperiencing rera, vealier Mmd ploalty ai enov, be vritea ai --Planting«m»d plavuug,' sud bis -"green viii gram." Rît trip in jusl sncb s one as vo ail vould lIII, but Doi tsa ejoylng litpermonslly la ta read the description nie so klndly sonde eacb v.ek. Lon AouLzoi. Cm- J,,n. 29.190t1. Eon aslsupmiwn. We have retor ei iroint San Dieou to- lied. Mmv the inssi courntry and mSenery in somtieru Caliornia. IV. ame for a con- alderails distance tbrough a Perfeetiy lavel vafley front Ove t forti Y ml1-ilvde. Psssis preu Uti le toloves, n noemne large vhere grain snd stock are reised. tien âmaler anas wsee nit and vainute seent ta lietise principel Proloet. At the lover sud of Hanta Ana Val..Y w s aeanone bun- dred tausand acre vicat ranch. For six miles ve pasaed test atir 'an on ibis ranch ploving sud viantîlug. Ail tenis consieted oi elgît horese.hi.""'d n asif ihere ver. ondredset fhorsý .'. t<or orked on tisat ranch. Tise seasjon w,,. iromititous. a ree'eut rain making thse groiidn ia just tise proper condition te vont'. Afier leavns the'. ai. v w. came suddenly open tise ocean. contitn:,iia along tise beais for tvety miles. Sorn'.places aihîgis titi. lhe 'jar ' visare. aiio-,,.î ubmenged. Upon a rocky projetlion w" .ow osea lions disport- ing ln tise sua. acear'Ltilt playles lt. They ame ejgaclous elw, anti ammsing tn ho- hoid. Yeterday we tisre ahsrks sud the. day bel..," the., raînmnusav a visai.. itutdenir our train turrted i slad sud pro. Oeeded for thlrty nlea alons a narrov val- bey betveen h1,1gb bis. grfumi viiirass. upon vhleh w.'.'. iro,.îin housande open thousadnihiorshee,. Abrupilr ascendins a cisain aiof lo - le'.onded «nain into Sam Diego yalley, and i r oeened slmotsi ito anaiber vorld. We,rossoed tise Ban Diego river open a bridge A Mtlarty le tisai the bridge spanc tn apîtarently dry river bottont. Do vau tmblz n glait, sud net v. voe. luormned tistote jity of Ban Diego sets t er ran tIi, river. A tbite say. tona 19i ommun amoîa,.'tise m.opfe lte hlOf et tise 'rf er i. upol:le dov.' Tise vatet la ton tet btlow the surface. reconsi tistougis saud sud ar&v ci t rind isexe ail (taï Sunday sud part of Monday. co v. dld not «g't outside uin un. tJIiiday. W. we-nrt t Longr Beac.tventy miles tslvw,.li uamsd. For sO.n miles one cati vaik or drive atenuatise beaeh. lu vallitu lt s necoei.',ry to vatis tise setn clceeiy ta avofd coltinaz vet fest. At tise nons end ia wber,. eî'snero leave for tise $%sland." Ivwenty-Élvtmlles maward. Rer. la antiser decepîî:n of thse eye. If ap- peared as Il we , oIdai, aiosi ihrowvaselon. semass. W. ,ild nu. ,,over as Mmn. Avertit vas afraiti oh,'migli:î RotseastIc. Tomor- rav wu are gaI it te tiheliediaude. wisere lire. Avertîitbsf o ':uisohovnKa large orange grave, having . ben located tien, eigisteen years. Tha,-, owe hope toeissoons Informai] as tlotiseor ,wtis of fruits, tis eli- mate at foot oI higiseot nouiains lusonutis- ac.u Californie, twenty-flve miles fronthtie oen. IVe vîfIproiabli go te San Franucïoco ths lest of this w,,'t andthtin thlfnk of te- turnina lu Illinol,.. Tiat von nay aî:,"iate tise veauiser w. are ensoyIug. vîlli .y tisat vitie valkins 510115 the beiwh toitl-a wo:dIscarded all onr vras finud tison wi: , i.încantîotably Warta. We collected senevetryPrttly sellm duriez Our stroîf. Witb klnd wltiso tail. 1 remain iCordiallo t.ure, 0. R. AvailîL. SCHOIOL NOTES. Fniday, Fab. 8, le1 electian day. A Piymle s minstion vas lield on Tuosday. lias Jeunie Vuilfe vliisd tiec Higb Sfmbaol au Wsdnesdmy.' Tva nov echolarseeted the grades Ibis veek, one lu tiese .nd sud ans lu the fbrthroan. The spocirnensofnipenmansbtip ex- hibitedin hite laver ball are as lallove: from the s.cond grade, by Ruth Wells; ihird grade, Hazel Butlenfilld; founii grade, Ethel Cacknsne; tiiih grade, Helen larke; digit grade, huma Barbour; s.ventht grade, Sassi Buotler; eigith grade, Ruth Tiggs. Cowa For Sales Nie w milkors and apringors alwsys oun bond.- Lviuou Bues., Ivo mfile uoeh-vesgoai UIsýelyulIe. 18-ep I e o o - 19 9 4 18 FS ,.&.d Sube0slptions to Fund for Bonie Acceulate Slowly. The. oontnittee a muss ulestlns 01icizons lemai ueok iDo ure imbariptions for a bonus ta b. petit the projectors aifithe eniorprise ta locale a $50,000 heaith resort a$ Libsutyvill la I fot meeting .ithte Immodiate uccees ihey had ai. paied. Rovever tIi i le ot vbolly oving ta the Indisposition ni on, people ta ubcrlbe lundi. In tact, but a ammml portion ta b. olcted have been sbon and fov bave relused. remizing vis a sbenelit Wini resoît il tbe proposait plans materialiaze. IlsiY praperty ovnerm living out of towu bave not been beard from, aud certain provisions ln tbe agreentent necesmtated a mars intelligent con- struction belors lome aubers vould SUbsDOribe. Honce nmre delay bai remultedl caused by tbe insercbange ai Inquiries and anavsmbetveen the commI&te. and the projeetors. Anotiior dravback lea tas mon db«etly intermsted and certain ta recel,. the greatoot benefite bave Dot, in tb. estimation of otbere maiicted, piodged ln proportion as tbey mbold and benesnmre are 'balIding b#Ak." It ila nlY fair ta the gentlemen mMstInteremled ta assume tboy Wii, Whoun the time contem ralmo ibeir mnbmriptians, as viiib. nsceaay ta soeurs the. $9,5S0 .eaired. Soverai unavoidabis "-bitchs" av- Ing beeu mtimlatorily adjusted, Mome. miner snd Smih, the coin- MIlle, bope 80 bave campieted their tmst by Satnrdmy uight. The antaunt pledgod up la tinte ai going to prese, snd by viiomte isbereltb prsonted. Y. P. Dyniond ................ $0000 W. T. Baton.............. '100.00 Amorican Macaroni(Co .........1.00. 8. IL Pape ..... ............. .. 100.00 A. W. Waldo............... .100.0o P. Grabbe .......... 10000 RobtL Practor. ., ------ C. N. Durad. .......26.00 F. H. Jnst ..... _ .25.00 B.ILi Miller.. ý................ 2500 IL .Sith ................... 25.00 M. Kabner. ... ý..... ........25.00 Dr. Taylor ......... . 2ô.0 P. B. Loveo.......... 2500 W. M. Heah............2500 MUn. L B.Cook . .... 2500 Wright Brons................. .25.00 John MeCarmick............... 25.00 rib. cmmitte. nat baving een a very large number vbo aro te becaaked for ammltmec, vore Dot prsparod ta tender moi, repart Wednoady uigbt, aslbed bena rsgod. Whou their wvan ie complitda meeting af citizen vtiii b.e caudSn ta bar tudr report. Sinos vriting tbo aboa ovo loaruai moro -trouble.» B. B. Miner en- oomâtorod se, maay citisena illing ta ubsrib lnde upon condition that certain priviiegos lb. graulod lh. Viiisge md people, lta" b. vout ta C~iogoWodimedy, baplng ta bave a clauseoveingilUms couo » ono paut aofitheprajectors inerlahe ii preamble preoeding liU oaisubeorîbers. It uadomlred ubat rigbl b. raeved ta eu$tIe an tbe lairo vititont charge snd that et any future tins the village may soeurs vater lrom the lao, in event a vster sysbom te inatalld. lisserai. <arr and Feliove relnsed ta, oniertainu h proposition and tioe- for tbe matie, le, tau une s vulgar ex- pression, .np inthes air." A meeting vl bc beld Saturday nigbt ln Ben Milser'a ofie, as ltiob Une thse committee vili repart their progresand aukta ob. reUsysOd. r. Miler Informe us ibat la bis Interview Wedneaday hocvas adviaed that uniess aur People Coold rais.etsebonus sked by Baturday or givo certain assurance theY would do no vihbln a lew dsys, Libertyvile wonid no longer bc con- sldered among tbe possible places ta locale tise resori. Tiiere yau are, and Il any sngonrag- lng Maturscan bc dImoovered, vs fait ta disaorn thsm. iappears ta unslis ,-aIl off." COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LiBnaYvILU, Poli. 4, 1901. Village board met lu reguir session. Preident Wmida being absent E. L. DuBois vas made altairman. Minutes nf meeting ai Jannary th vers road and approved. Treasurer'a repart vas road audtr.. lerred to finance committeo and upon their favorable repart Ilvas aoceptedm and placed an file. Repart abowed amaunt an band ai lent repart $2.093.20. hteceived since 6356.00. Pald oui Ince $492.98. Balance on band $1,966.- 22. The fallowing bisevere rsportedl upon favorably by ths finance coin- mittee and ver. aceptod and warrants ordered dravn for amaunts: à£. lanlon....................$ 1.50 T'ointfoley ............... ...... 3.75 Ed. Wells................ ..... 4.75 John Dietz .......... .......... 1.50 Norman Walterm-...........150 Pure [.ovdll8 Drugs. . . Drug 3tm Perfumes. Toilet Aricles. Patent MedIciMd PAINTS AND OILS. A large amd ComeplteStof iSchool Doo&a. T4"la School Roim Ne.lJu F. B. LOVELL, Llbertyville - - - - that blU ai Paul Maco uffin for sOtor- Bmw oNélm3W noya les., l0.00, be siiave sand warrant drau Im U te smfry fa, > 38W0 160 mai mot.Ayee.-DuBols, HSmby, Ju@1, MdVUSït L ProctoandBM hrman. l4AYs-COela.PitA Mévd y ma u'u %d Jinst walk ir and pick out what yoîî want. Nowhere wîll yon find a îicer or botter as- sorted stoc.k of staple aind fancy grocerie@ t4) select from. Washbnrns@ Superlative or Galdt liedal Fleur.............. $I 10 ' Herbimer Co. Funi Creant Chesse the fine made .............. 16 Mdanston Buckvhesl, 25 lbir ..k 80 Very fins Table Syxup............ 30 Naval Oranges................ a Japane.Tangerine@,...... 15 Remember oîir Overcoat Sale. A few left W celoge . out at greatly reduced prices. Especially Fur Coatë. We are agents for the New Home Sewing Machine.'t The new machines have bali-bearingt and are the llghteitt rnnning and bout Sewing Machine made. Blacqek Cat Hose&.«Mè 2à5c kind for 1j5c. About 8 dozen of Ladies§' Fleeced Lined Blaok Ho.. which vo vent to close ont before the end of tbe sesson. Tlîey are the famous "Black Cet»e, whlicis are unsurpassed for fit and wear. The regular price is 25c, but' while tlîis lot lasts, you can buy them ,.i. Bayia'Black Cat" Hose, fleece liued, triple 'knu, heel and toe; vill outwoar any twa pair of any otlihk. kind of boys'm hase. The fleeced lining makes thenia warm as a heavy wool hose. Sizo 6-ý4 ........................... t wIll o, bOll It 8' ~Jj VEARa M Wear ail tu ,rn n tw~u8 rt$AV ~DBY ce. ~.. MareS Fers, aFn~~sju~ s~ The Fair, Li be rtyv il le - Illinois'.-

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